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Posted to by Dominik Stöttner <> on 2004/02/17 22:45:37 UTC

tiles advanced features


I am still trying to create an webapplication with tiles that has similar functionality as a webapp written with portlets. Trying to define a default-layout for a tile I am facing some unresolved problems.
For more details see the code below (don't be worry about the long mail it's mostly code-fragments):

First I define a Layout for a Button, so that I can asign a controller to it.

<html:form action="/">
<table align=center>
		<html:hidden property="bttnName"  value='<tiles:getAsString name="buttonValue"/>'/>
		<html:submit value='<tiles:getAsString name="button"/>' />

For every Button I use in any of the Tiles I create a definition where I add the information 
what page should be displayed next

//from tiles-defs.xml
<definition name="" path="/layouts/bttnLayout.jspf"> 
	<put name="button" value="help"/>
	<put name="buttonValue" value="testHelp"/>

The Layout for my Tiles and the definition for a TestTile looks as follows:

<table border="0">
	<td width=80%><tiles:getAsString name="tileTitle"/></td>
	<td width=10% align=right><tiles:insert attribute="tileHelpBttn"/></td>
	<td width=10% align=right><tiles:insert attribute="tileEditBttn"/></td>
    <td><tiles:insert attribute="tileBody"/></td>

//from tiles-defs.xml
<definition name="examples.TestTile" path="/layouts/tileLayout.jspf">
	<put name="tileTitle" value="Test-Tile"/>
	<put name="tileHelpBttn" value=""/>
	<put name="tileEditBttn" value="examples.edit.testEdit"/>
	<put name="tileBody" value="/tiles/Test.jsp"/>

In the Controller asigned to the form used in the bttnLayou.jspf I simply ask for the value of the bttnName-parameter
and use the String to call the next Page.

But the problem is that the "<tiles:getAsString name="button"/>" is not rendered as a String in the bttnLayout.jspf. What do I have to change so that the value is rendered the right way?
For testing purpose I altered the tiles:getAsString-Statement into plain text (help, edit). But for some reasonse the form works only for the edit-Button although the code is the same for both buttons.

Finally I have got a question regarding a pageFlow within a Tile: I suppose it should be possible to create a pageFlow within a tile with two controllers: One that is defined at the tile with controllerUrl so that the right page can be put to the context before it is rendered. And a second one within the first jsp-page that defines the next-page that should be displayed. Is my assumption right? I suppose this might work since the rendering of the selected tiles in the tiles-documentation examples works almost the same way.

Thanks in advance!


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