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[42/63] [abbrv] [partial] git commit: [flex-falcon] [refs/heads/develop] - move stuff to where I think Maven wants it
diff --git a/debugger/src/flash/tools/debugger/events/ b/debugger/src/flash/tools/debugger/events/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f04af8..0000000
--- a/debugger/src/flash/tools/debugger/events/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * Trace is a special operation by the player that
- * allows text strings to be displayed during the
- * execution of some ActionScript.  
- * <p>
- * The event provides notification that a trace 
- * statement was encountered. The info string 
- * contains the contenxt of the trace message.
- */
-public class TraceEvent extends DebugEvent
-	public TraceEvent(String s) { super(s); }
diff --git a/debugger/src/flash/tools/debugger/expression/AS3DebuggerBURM.jbg b/debugger/src/flash/tools/debugger/expression/AS3DebuggerBURM.jbg
deleted file mode 100644
index d2918be..0000000
--- a/debugger/src/flash/tools/debugger/expression/AS3DebuggerBURM.jbg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-	/*
-      Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-      contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-      this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-      The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-      (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-      the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-      limitations under the License.
- is a Bottom-Up Rewrite Machine for ActionScript 3.0.
-		A BURM recognizes patterns of nodes within an tree (in this case, an
-		abstract syntax tree for AS 3.0 expressions) and performs rule-based reduction
-		on them (in this case producing DebuggerValues).
- is generated from AS3DebuggerBURM.jbg using JBurg, an open-source
-		Java implementation of a Bottom-Up Rewrite Generator.
-		The most important entry point of this class is burm(),
-		which is called by the code generator.
-	*/
-    import static*;
-    import static org.apache.flex.compiler.tree.ASTNodeID.*;
-    import org.apache.flex.compiler.constants.IASLanguageConstants;
-    import org.apache.flex.compiler.exceptions.BURMAbortException;
-    import org.apache.flex.compiler.problems.*;
-    import org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.semantics.SemanticUtils;
-    import org.apache.flex.compiler.tree.ASTNodeID;
-    import;
-    import;
-INodeType IASNode;
-OpcodeType ASTNodeID;
- *  The I-node type is IASNode, and it has its own adapter.
- */
-//  Generate Java output.
-Language java;
-// Return type of all the reductions
-ReturnType Object;
- *  This is a name to use in an expression context.
- *
- *  TODO: What type should this be?
- */
-ReturnType name = Object;
-ReturnType decl_name = Object;
- *  Qualified name - this acts the same as a name above, but is built a little differently.
- */
-ReturnType qualifiedName = Object;
-ReturnType qualifiedNamePart = Object;
- *  This is a name used in a type annotation context, such as 'Foo' in:
- *      var x : Foo;
- *  It is a Binding, as type annotations must always be resolved.
- *  A type_name also allows '*', which can't happen in a general expression context.
- */
-ReturnType type_name = Object;
- *  This is a name used in a new context, such as 'Foo' in:
- *      new Foo();
- *  We can do additional analysis when the new expression resolves to a Type, which
- *  is why we have a special name for the new expression.
- */
-ReturnType new_type_name = Object;
-ReturnType dottedNamePart = String;
-ReturnType non_resolving_identifier = String;
-ReturnType runtime_name_expression = Object;
-ReturnType multinameL = Object;
-ReturnType e4x_literal = String;
-ReturnType integer_constant = Integer;
-ReturnType uint_constant = Long;
-ReturnType double_constant = Double;
-ReturnType string_constant = String;
-ReturnType boolean_constant = Boolean;
-ReturnType float_constant = Float;
-ReturnType numeric_constant = Number;
-ReturnType constant_value = Object;
- * Value to use to indicate a cost that is not feasible
- */
-JBurg.Constant ERROR_TRAP = 268435456;
-    final static boolean NEED_VALUE = true;
-    final static boolean DISCARD_VALUE = false;
-    /**
-     *  The reducer has all the implementation
-     *  logic for the rewrite; the BURM constructed
-     *  by this specification drives that logic.
-     */
-    AS3DebuggerReducer reducer;
-    /*
-     *  **  Cost functions  **
-     * Cost functions are Java code that returns an int value.
-     * The value is used to compute the cost of a particular
-     * candidate reduction. The BURM searches for the lowest
-     * total cost sequence of reductions to transform the input
-     * AST into a value, so low values mean "good cost," higher
-     * values mean "less desirable."   The total cost of a reduction
-     * is always strictly less than Integer.MAX_VALUE; a cost of
-     * Integer.MAX_VALUE tells the pattern matcher that the
-     * reduction is not feasible.
-     */
-    /**
-     *  @return "feasible" if the reducer can reduce this to a dotted name.
-     */
-    int isDottedName(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-       return reducer.isDottedName(iNode);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  @return "feasible" if the reducer can reduce this to a package name.
-     */
-    int isPackageName(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-       return reducer.isPackageName(iNode);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  @return "feasible" if this node's qualifier is a compile-time constant.
-     */
-    int qualifierIsCompileTimeConstant(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-       return reducer.qualifierIsCompileTimeConstant(iNode);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  @return "feasible" if this node can be resolved to a compile-time constant.
-     */
-    int isCompileTimeConstant(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-       return reducer.isCompileTimeConstant(iNode);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  @return "feasible" if this function call node can be resolved to a compile-time constant function.
-     */
-    int isCompileTimeConstantFunction(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-       return reducer.isCompileTimeConstantFunction(iNode);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  @return "feasible" if this binary node has at least one expression that is
-     *          of type "float".
-     */
-    int isFloatBinOp(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-       return reducer.isFloatBinOp(iNode);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  @return "feasible" if this node is for 'new Array()'.
-     */
-    int isEmptyArrayConstructor(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-        return reducer.isEmptyArrayConstructor(iNode);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  @return "feasible" if this node is for 'new Object()'.
-     */
-    int isEmptyObjectConstructor(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-        return reducer.isEmptyObjectConstructor(iNode);
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return "feasible" if this node resolves to a type definition.
-     */
-    int isKnownType(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-        return reducer.isKnownType(iNode);
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return "feasible" if the type parameter resolves to a type definition.
-     */
-    int parameterTypeIsConstant(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-        return reducer.parameterTypeIsConstant(iNode);
-    }
-    /**
-     *  recordError is a convenience method for error reductions;
-     *  it adds a problem to the current set of problems and
-     */
-    Object recordError(ICompilerProblem problem)
-    {
-        return new Object();
-    }
-    int isIntLiteral(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-        return reducer.isIntLiteral(iNode);
-    }
-    int isUintLiteral(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-        return reducer.isUintLiteral(iNode);
-    }
-    int isDoubleLiteral(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-        return reducer.isDoubleLiteral(iNode);
-    }
-    int isFloatLiteral(IASNode iNode)
-    {
-        return reducer.isDoubleLiteral(iNode);
-    }
- *  Error recovery routine: deduce what we can from the problem
- *  tree, then abort this BURM with an exception that the caller
- *  can catch and ignore.
- */
-    BURMAbortException.abort();
- *  Patterns and rules are stored in their own, shareable file.
- */
-JBurg.include "../compiler/src/org/apache/flex/compiler/internal/as/codegen/CmcPatterns.jbg"
- * This pattern is used by the debugger to call special functions 
- * like $obj() when handling the ‘print #ObjectRefNumber’ feature.
- * I don’t think I would have a rule like this in the compiler as 
- * calling foo() where foo is just an identifier is probably likely
- * and “foo” has to be resolved from an identifier to, in most cases,
- * a MemberAccessExpression, but I don’t think folks print function
- * calls in the debugger.  And even if they do, there is a chance it
- * will work anyway.
- *
- * If the debugger is missing the ability to print something, it may be
- * that a new Pattern and Rule need to be added.  First, set a breakpoint
- * in DebuggerExpressionEvaluator at the call to burm.burm().  Examine 
- * the node to make sure it was parsed correctly into a tree of nodes.
- *
- * If the node tree is correct, step into the burm() call.  You should
- * see the code call label() and return a different tree of instances.
- * For lots of things, there are custom classes like:
- *   JBurgAnnotation_FunctionCallID_2_n
- * which represents a FunctionCallID in the AST.  If the top node is an
- * instance of JBurgAnnotationGeneral, that means that the BURM did not
- * expect a node of that type.  This may be true throughout the tree
- * but I’ve seen that ContainerID, which represents parenthesis around
- * parameters to a function also becomes a JBurgAnnotationGeneral because
- * the BURM theoretically never examines that node in the tree, it examines
- * its children.
- *
- * If a pattern is missing, add the pattern.  A Pattern seems to be a node ID
- * with a parameter list of the children node ID’s or other Patterns.  The
- * names you use in the parameter list will be used in the reduction function
- * later.
- *
- * Then add a Rule for it in AS3DebuggerRules.jbg.  
- *
- * It seems like the BURM
- * operates on “levels” of constructs, the higher order construct being an
- * “expression”.  Expressions are composed of other expressions or lower-level
- * constructs like name or constants (like uint_constant) or literals (like
- * boolean_literal.  It seems like, even if the string you want the debugger
- * to print is just a string or number, it may get “reduced” by the BURM into
- * higher-level things first.
- *
- * So, I think most new Rules for complex patterns will be an expression,
- * but if it doesn’t recognize a constant of some sort you may need to 
- * add that.  Anyway, you add an expression like the one in this change list
- * and then assign a value (or cost) for the rule.  Lower numbers 
- * (but greater than 0) win.  The actual cost is computed by factoring in the
- * cost of reducing the children.
- *
- * On the next line below the rule and its cost, add, for most things, a
- * JBurg.reduction method call that you will write to do the reduction. Pass
- * in the node (__p) and any of the parameters from the Pattern.
- *
- * Next, in, add that reduction method and fill
- * in the method body.  Try to look for similar reductions and copy what
- * they do.  For the debugger, you eventually want to return a DebuggerValue.
- * DebuggerValues seem to be what expressions reduce to and you’ll find they
- * get passed into the reduction method as well.
- *
- */
-// $obj()
-Pattern functionCallSpecial
-FunctionCallID(IdentifierID(void) specialName, ContainerID(expression args*));
-JBurg.include "AS3DebuggerRules.jbg"
diff --git a/debugger/src/flash/tools/debugger/expression/AS3DebuggerCompoundAssignmentRules.jbg b/debugger/src/flash/tools/debugger/expression/AS3DebuggerCompoundAssignmentRules.jbg
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a6b955..0000000
--- a/debugger/src/flash/tools/debugger/expression/AS3DebuggerCompoundAssignmentRules.jbg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-      Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-      contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-      this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-      The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-      (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-      the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-      limitations under the License.
-expression = Pattern compoundAssignToName : 0
-JBurg.Reduction reducer.compoundBinaryAssignmentNameExpr(__p, operand, expr, Op_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
-expression = Pattern compoundAssignToMember : 0
-JBurg.Reduction reducer.compoundBinaryAssignmentMemberExpr(__p, stem, member,  expr, Op_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
-expression = Pattern compoundAssignToBracket : 0
-JBurg.Reduction reducer.compoundBinaryAssignmentBracketExpr(__p, stem, index,  expr, Op_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);