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svn commit: r794410 [11/12] - in /websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content: ./ core/ css/ images/ openrelevance/ pylucene/ pylucene/jcc/ scripts/ solr/

Propchange: websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/scripts/prototype.js
    svn:executable = *

Added: websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/scripts/search.js
--- websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/scripts/search.js (added)
+++ websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/scripts/search.js Mon Aug 15 21:11:46 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+function initSearch(){
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+document.observe('dom:loaded', function(){
+    $('searchDocs').defaultValueActsAsHint();
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/scripts/search.js
    svn:executable = *

Added: websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/scripts/slides.js
--- websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/scripts/slides.js (added)
+++ websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/scripts/slides.js Mon Aug 15 21:11:46 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+var Slides = Class.create({
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+	moveToNext: function (event) {
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+	updateSlide: function(next_slide) {
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\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/scripts/slides.js
    svn:executable = *

Added: websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/solr/discussion.html
--- websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/solr/discussion.html (added)
+++ websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/solr/discussion.html Mon Aug 15 21:11:46 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
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+<div id="slides">
+      <div class="slideshow" id="mantleSlides">
+        <div id="slide1" >
+          <div class="callout">
+            Ultra-fast Lucene-based Search Server<br/>
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr offers Lucene's capabilities in an easy to use, fast search server
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Solr" src="../images/mantle-solr.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide2" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Proven search capabilities<br/>
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            The Solr search server powers a wide range of applications such as Netflix, AOL, CNET, Zappos and many more
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Solr Power" src="../images/mantle-power.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide3" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Scalable
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr has been deployed successfully in both high query volume situations and
+            large collection sizes
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Mahout community" src="../images/mantle-scale.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide4" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Apache 2.0 licensed
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr is distributed under a commercially friendly Apache Software license
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Software Foundation" src="../images/mantle-asf.png"/>
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+      <h1 class="title"></h1>
+      <div><h1 id="core_user_list">Core User List</h1>
+<p>This list is for users of Java Lucene to ask questions, share knowledge,
+and discuss issues. <b>Do</b> send mail to this list with usage and configuration questions and problems.  Also, please
+send questions to this list to verify your problem before filing issues in JIRA.</p>
+<li><a href="">Subscribe</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Unsubscribe</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Official Archive</a></li>
+<h1 id="developer_list">Developer List</h1>
+<p>This is the list where participating developers of the Java Lucene project meet
+and discuss issues concerning Lucene internals, code changes/additions, etc. Do not send mail to this list
+with usage questions or configuration questions and problems.</p>
+<h1 id="discussion_list">Discussion list:</h1>
+<li><a href="">Subscribe</a> <em>Do not send mail to this list with usage questions or configuration questions and problems.</em></li>
+<li><a href="">Unsubscribe</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Official Archive</a></li>
+<h1 id="commit_notifications">Commit notifications:</h1>
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+<li><a href="">Archive</a></li>
+<h1 id="irc">IRC</h1>
+<p>There are two primary IRC channels dedicated to Lucene at <em></em>.
+- <em>#lucene</em> -- Channel for user questions
+- <em>#lucene-dev</em> -- Logged channel for Lucene development questions</p>
+<p>The IRC channel can be used for online discussion about Lucene related stuff,
+but developers should be careful to transfer all the official decisions or useful discussions to the issue tracking system.</p>
+<h1 id="mail_archives">Mail Archives</h1>
+<p>The Solr Wiki maintains a list of searchable mailing list archives at <a href=""></a>.
+No endorsement is implied by the listing of an archive on the Wiki.</p>
+<h1 id="other_mailing_lists">Other Mailing Lists</h1>
+<p>Each Lucene project maintains its own mailing lists.  Please refer to the project you are interested in for details
+    on subscribing to its mailing list.  For the Lucene TLP General mailing list, go <a href="">here</a>.</p></div>
+  <div><h1 id="solr_news">Solr News</h1>
+<h2 id="28_july_2011_-_warning_index_corruption_and_crashes_in_apache_lucene_core__apache_solr_with_java_7">28 July 2011 - WARNING: Index corruption and crashes in Apache Lucene Core / Apache Solr with Java 7</h2>
+<p>Oracle released <a href="">Java 7</a> today.
+Unfortunately it contains hotspot compiler optimizations, which miscompile some loops.
+This can affect code of several Apache projects. Sometimes JVMs only crash, but in several cases,
+results calculated can be incorrect, leading to bugs in applications
+(see Hotspot bugs <a href="">7070134</a>,
+<a href="">7044738</a>,
+<a href="">7068051</a>).
+<strong>Apache Lucene Core</strong> and <strong>Apache Solr</strong> are two Apache projects,
+which are affected by these bugs, namely all versions released until today.
+Solr users with the default configuration will have
+Java crashing with <code>SIGSEGV</code> as soon as they start to index documents, as one
+affected part is the well-known Porter stemmer
+(see <a href="">LUCENE-3335</a>).
+Other loops in Lucene may be miscompiled, too, leading to index corruption
+(especially on Lucene trunk with pulsing codec; other loops may be
+affected, too - <a href="">LUCENE-3346</a>).
+These problems were detected only 5 days before the official Java 7 release,
+so Oracle had no time to fix those bugs, affecting also many more applications.
+In response to our questions, they proposed to include the fixes into service
+release u2 (eventually into service release u1, see
+<a href="">this mail</a>).
+<strong>This means you cannot use Apache Lucene/Solr with Java 7 releases before Update 2!</strong>
+If you do, please don't open bug reports, it is not the committers' fault!
+At least disable loop optimizations using the <code>-XX:-UseLoopPredicate</code> JVM option
+to not risk index corruptions.
+<em>Please note:</em> Also Java 6 users are affected, if they use one of those
+JVM options, which are <strong>not</strong> enabled by default: <code>-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat</code>
+or <code>-XX:+AggressiveOpts</code>.
+It is strongly recommended not to use any hotspot optimization switches in any Java
+version without extensive testing!
+In case you upgrade to Java 7, remember that you may have to reindex, as the unicode
+version shipped with Java 7 changed and tokenization behaves differently
+(e.g. lowercasing). For more information, read <code>JRE_VERSION_MIGRATION.txt</code>
+in your distribution package!</p></div>
+      <div><h2 id="the_apache_software_foundation">The Apache Software Foundation</h2>
+<p>The <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a> provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are defined by collaborative consensus based processes, an open, pragmatic software license and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. Apache Lucene, Apache Solr, Apache PyLucene, Apache Open Relevance Project and their respective logos are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.</p></div>
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+<h1 id="related_projects">Related Projects</h1>
+<li><a href="">Apache Hadoop</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache ManifoldCF</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Lucene.Net</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Lucy</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Mahout</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Nutch</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache OpenNLP</a></li>
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Added: websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/solr/downloads.html
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+++ websites/staging/lucene/trunk/content/solr/downloads.html Mon Aug 15 21:11:46 2011
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+  <li><a href="quickstart.html">Tutorial</a></li>
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+  <li><a href="discussion.html">Discussion</a></li>
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+<div id="slides">
+      <div class="slideshow" id="mantleSlides">
+        <div id="slide1" >
+          <div class="callout">
+            Ultra-fast Lucene-based Search Server<br/>
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr offers Lucene's capabilities in an easy to use, fast search server
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Solr" src="../images/mantle-solr.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide2" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Proven search capabilities<br/>
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            The Solr search server powers a wide range of applications such as Netflix, AOL, CNET, Zappos and many more
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Solr Power" src="../images/mantle-power.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide3" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Scalable
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr has been deployed successfully in both high query volume situations and
+            large collection sizes
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Mahout community" src="../images/mantle-scale.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide4" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Apache 2.0 licensed
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr is distributed under a commercially friendly Apache Software license
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Software Foundation" src="../images/mantle-asf.png"/>
+          </div>
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+      <h1 class="title"></h1>
+      <div><h2 id="downloads">Downloads</h2>
+<p>Official releases are usually created when the <a href="whoweare.html">developers</a> feel there are
+            sufficient changes, improvements and bug fixes to warrant a release.
+            Due to the voluntary nature of Lucene, no releases are scheduled in advance. System Requirements are detailed
+            <a href="systemrequirements.html">here</a>.</p>
+<p>Both binary and source releases for the latest version of Lucene are available from
+        <a href="">the Apache Mirrors</a>.</p>
+<p>Archives for all past versions of Lucene are available at <a href="">the Apache archives</a>.</p>
+<p>The <tt></tt> or <tt>.tar.gz</tt> (where VERSION is the version number of the release, e.g. 3.0.1) file contains the
+            lucene-core jar file, html documentation, a demo application (see the "Getting Started" section)
+            and various jar files containing contributed code.  The
+            <tt></tt> or <tt>.tar.gz</tt> contains the full source
+            code for that version.</p></div>
+  <div><h1 id="solr_news">Solr News</h1>
+<h2 id="28_july_2011_-_warning_index_corruption_and_crashes_in_apache_lucene_core__apache_solr_with_java_7">28 July 2011 - WARNING: Index corruption and crashes in Apache Lucene Core / Apache Solr with Java 7</h2>
+<p>Oracle released <a href="">Java 7</a> today.
+Unfortunately it contains hotspot compiler optimizations, which miscompile some loops.
+This can affect code of several Apache projects. Sometimes JVMs only crash, but in several cases,
+results calculated can be incorrect, leading to bugs in applications
+(see Hotspot bugs <a href="">7070134</a>,
+<a href="">7044738</a>,
+<a href="">7068051</a>).
+<strong>Apache Lucene Core</strong> and <strong>Apache Solr</strong> are two Apache projects,
+which are affected by these bugs, namely all versions released until today.
+Solr users with the default configuration will have
+Java crashing with <code>SIGSEGV</code> as soon as they start to index documents, as one
+affected part is the well-known Porter stemmer
+(see <a href="">LUCENE-3335</a>).
+Other loops in Lucene may be miscompiled, too, leading to index corruption
+(especially on Lucene trunk with pulsing codec; other loops may be
+affected, too - <a href="">LUCENE-3346</a>).
+These problems were detected only 5 days before the official Java 7 release,
+so Oracle had no time to fix those bugs, affecting also many more applications.
+In response to our questions, they proposed to include the fixes into service
+release u2 (eventually into service release u1, see
+<a href="">this mail</a>).
+<strong>This means you cannot use Apache Lucene/Solr with Java 7 releases before Update 2!</strong>
+If you do, please don't open bug reports, it is not the committers' fault!
+At least disable loop optimizations using the <code>-XX:-UseLoopPredicate</code> JVM option
+to not risk index corruptions.
+<em>Please note:</em> Also Java 6 users are affected, if they use one of those
+JVM options, which are <strong>not</strong> enabled by default: <code>-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat</code>
+or <code>-XX:+AggressiveOpts</code>.
+It is strongly recommended not to use any hotspot optimization switches in any Java
+version without extensive testing!
+In case you upgrade to Java 7, remember that you may have to reindex, as the unicode
+version shipped with Java 7 changed and tokenization behaves differently
+(e.g. lowercasing). For more information, read <code>JRE_VERSION_MIGRATION.txt</code>
+in your distribution package!</p></div>
+      <div><h2 id="the_apache_software_foundation">The Apache Software Foundation</h2>
+<p>The <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a> provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are defined by collaborative consensus based processes, an open, pragmatic software license and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. Apache Lucene, Apache Solr, Apache PyLucene, Apache Open Relevance Project and their respective logos are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.</p></div>
+    </div>
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+<li><a href="">Become a Sponsor</a></li>
+<h1 id="related_projects">Related Projects</h1>
+<li><a href="">Apache Hadoop</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache ManifoldCF</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Lucene.Net</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Lucy</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Mahout</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Nutch</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache OpenNLP</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Tika</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Zookeeper</a></li>
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+      the <a href="">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>.  <a href="../privacy.html">Privacy Policy</a>
+      <br/>
+      Apache and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.  Apache Lucene, Apache Solr and their
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+<div id="slides">
+      <div class="slideshow" id="mantleSlides">
+        <div id="slide1" >
+          <div class="callout">
+            Ultra-fast Lucene-based Search Server<br/>
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr offers Lucene's capabilities in an easy to use, fast search server
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Solr" src="../images/mantle-solr.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide2" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Proven search capabilities<br/>
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            The Solr search server powers a wide range of applications such as Netflix, AOL, CNET, Zappos and many more
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Solr Power" src="../images/mantle-power.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide3" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Scalable
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr has been deployed successfully in both high query volume situations and
+            large collection sizes
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Mahout community" src="../images/mantle-scale.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide4" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Apache 2.0 licensed
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr is distributed under a commercially friendly Apache Software license
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Software Foundation" src="../images/mantle-asf.png"/>
+          </div>
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+  <div id="content-wrap" class="clearfix">
+    <div id="main">
+      <h1 class="title">Solr Features</h1>
+      <div><p>Solr is a standalone enterprise search server with a REST-like API. You put documents in it (called "indexing") via XML, JSON or binary over HTTP. You query it via HTTP GET and receive XML, JSON, or binary results.</p>
+<li>Advanced Full-Text Search Capabilities</li>
+<li>Optimized for High Volume Web Traffic</li>
+<li>Standards Based Open Interfaces - XML,JSON and HTTP</li>
+<li>Comprehensive HTML Administration Interfaces</li>
+<li>Server statistics exposed over JMX for monitoring</li>
+<li>Scalability - Efficient Replication to other Solr Search Servers</li>
+<li>Flexible and Adaptable with XML configuration</li>
+<li>Extensible Plugin Architecture</li>
+<h2 id="solr_uses_the_lucene_search_library_and_extends_it">Solr Uses the Lucene Search Library and Extends it!</h2>
+<li>A Real Data Schema, with Numeric Types, Dynamic Fields, Unique Keys</li>
+<li>Powerful Extensions to the Lucene Query Language</li>
+<li>Faceted Search and Filtering</li>
+<li>Geospatial Search</li>
+<li>Advanced, Configurable Text Analysis</li>
+<li>Highly Configurable and User Extensible Caching</li>
+<li>Performance Optimizations</li>
+<li>External Configuration via XML</li>
+<li>An Administration Interface</li>
+<li>Monitorable Logging</li>
+<li>Fast Incremental Updates and Index Replication</li>
+<li>Highly Scalable Distributed search with sharded index across multiple hosts</li>
+<li>JSON, XML, CSV/delimited-text, and binary update formats</li>
+<li>Easy ways to pull in data from databases and XML files from local disk and HTTP sources</li>
+<li>Rich Document Parsing and Indexing (PDF, Word, HTML, etc) using Apache Tika</li>
+<li>Apache UIMA integration for configurable metadata extraction</li>
+<li>Multiple search indices</li>
+<h2 id="detailed_features">Detailed Features</h2>
+<h3 id="schema">Schema</h3>
+<li>Defines the field types and fields of documents</li>
+<li>Can drive more intelligent processing</li>
+<li>Declarative Lucene Analyzer specification</li>
+<li>Dynamic Fields enables on-the-fly addition of new fields</li>
+<li>CopyField functionality allows indexing a single field multiple ways, or combining multiple fields into a single searchable field</li>
+<li>Explicit types eliminates the need for guessing types of fields</li>
+<li>External file-based configuration of stopword lists, synonym lists, and protected word lists</li>
+<li>Many additional text analysis components including word splitting, regex and sounds-like filters</li>
+<h3 id="query">Query</h3>
+<li>HTTP interface with configurable response formats (XML/XSLT, JSON, Python, Ruby, PHP, Velocity, binary)</li>
+<li>Sort by any number of fields, and by complex functions of numeric fields</li>
+<li>Advanced DisMax query parser for high relevancy results from user-entered queries</li>
+<li>Highlighted context snippets</li>
+<li>Faceted Searching based on unique field values, explicit queries, date ranges, and numeric ranges</li>
+<li>Multi-Select Faceting by tagging and selectively excluding filters</li>
+<li>Spelling suggestions for user queries</li>
+<li>More Like This suggestions for given document</li>
+<li>Function Query - influence the score by user specified complex functions of
+numeric fields or query relevancy scores.</li>
+<li>Range filter over Function Query results</li>
+<li>Date Math - specify dates relative to "NOW" in queries and updates</li>
+<li>Dynamic search results clustering using Carrot2</li>
+<li>Numeric field statistics such as min, max, average, standard deviation</li>
+<li>Combine queries derived from different syntaxes</li>
+<li>Auto-suggest functionality for completing user queries</li>
+<li>Allow configuration of top results for a query, overriding normal scoring and sorting</li>
+<li>Performance Optimizations</li>
+<h3 id="core">Core</h3>
+<li>Dynamically create and delete document collections without restarting</li>
+<li>Pluggable query handlers and extensible XML data format</li>
+<li>Pluggable user functions for Function Query</li>
+<li>Customizable component based request handler with distributed search support</li>
+<li>Document uniqueness enforcement based on unique key field</li>
+<li>Duplicate document detection, including fuzzy near duplicates</li>
+<li>Custom index processing chains, allowing document manipulation before indexing</li>
+<li>User configurable commands triggered on index changes</li>
+<li>Ability to control where docs with the sort field missing will be placed</li>
+<li>"Luke" request handler for corpus information</li>
+<h3 id="caching">Caching</h3>
+<li>Configurable Query Result, Filter, and Document cache instances</li>
+<li>Pluggable Cache implementations, including a lock free, high concurrency implementation</li>
+<li>Cache warming in background</li>
+<li>When a new searcher is opened, configurable searches are run against
+  it in order to warm it up to avoid
+  slow first hits.  During warming, the current searcher handles live requests.</li>
+<li>Autowarming in background</li>
+<li>The most recently accessed items in the caches of the current
+  searcher are re-populated in the new searcher, enabling high cache hit
+  rates across index/searcher changes.</li>
+<li>Fast/small filter implementation</li>
+<li>User level caching with autowarming support</li>
+<h3 id="replication">Replication</h3>
+<li>Efficient distribution of index parts that have changed</li>
+<li>Pull strategy allows for easy addition of searchers</li>
+<li>Configurable distribution interval allows tradeoff between timeliness and cache utilization</li>
+<li>Replication and automatic reloading of configuration files</li>
+<h3 id="admin_interface">Admin Interface</h3>
+<li>Comprehensive statistics on cache utilization, updates, and queries</li>
+<li>Interactive schema browser that includes index statistics</li>
+<li>Replication monitoring</li>
+<li>Full logging control</li>
+<li>Text analysis debugger, showing result of every stage in an analyzer</li>
+<li>Web Query Interface w/ debugging output</li>
+<li>Parsed query output</li>
+<li>Lucene explain() document score detailing</li>
+<li>explain score for documents outside of the requested range to debug why a given document wasn't ranked higher.</li>
+  <div><h1 id="solr_news">Solr News</h1>
+<h2 id="28_july_2011_-_warning_index_corruption_and_crashes_in_apache_lucene_core__apache_solr_with_java_7">28 July 2011 - WARNING: Index corruption and crashes in Apache Lucene Core / Apache Solr with Java 7</h2>
+<p>Oracle released <a href="">Java 7</a> today.
+Unfortunately it contains hotspot compiler optimizations, which miscompile some loops.
+This can affect code of several Apache projects. Sometimes JVMs only crash, but in several cases,
+results calculated can be incorrect, leading to bugs in applications
+(see Hotspot bugs <a href="">7070134</a>,
+<a href="">7044738</a>,
+<a href="">7068051</a>).
+<strong>Apache Lucene Core</strong> and <strong>Apache Solr</strong> are two Apache projects,
+which are affected by these bugs, namely all versions released until today.
+Solr users with the default configuration will have
+Java crashing with <code>SIGSEGV</code> as soon as they start to index documents, as one
+affected part is the well-known Porter stemmer
+(see <a href="">LUCENE-3335</a>).
+Other loops in Lucene may be miscompiled, too, leading to index corruption
+(especially on Lucene trunk with pulsing codec; other loops may be
+affected, too - <a href="">LUCENE-3346</a>).
+These problems were detected only 5 days before the official Java 7 release,
+so Oracle had no time to fix those bugs, affecting also many more applications.
+In response to our questions, they proposed to include the fixes into service
+release u2 (eventually into service release u1, see
+<a href="">this mail</a>).
+<strong>This means you cannot use Apache Lucene/Solr with Java 7 releases before Update 2!</strong>
+If you do, please don't open bug reports, it is not the committers' fault!
+At least disable loop optimizations using the <code>-XX:-UseLoopPredicate</code> JVM option
+to not risk index corruptions.
+<em>Please note:</em> Also Java 6 users are affected, if they use one of those
+JVM options, which are <strong>not</strong> enabled by default: <code>-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat</code>
+or <code>-XX:+AggressiveOpts</code>.
+It is strongly recommended not to use any hotspot optimization switches in any Java
+version without extensive testing!
+In case you upgrade to Java 7, remember that you may have to reindex, as the unicode
+version shipped with Java 7 changed and tokenization behaves differently
+(e.g. lowercasing). For more information, read <code>JRE_VERSION_MIGRATION.txt</code>
+in your distribution package!</p></div>
+      <div><h2 id="the_apache_software_foundation">The Apache Software Foundation</h2>
+<p>The <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a> provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are defined by collaborative consensus based processes, an open, pragmatic software license and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. Apache Lucene, Apache Solr, Apache PyLucene, Apache Open Relevance Project and their respective logos are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.</p></div>
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+            Ultra-fast Lucene-based Search Server<br/>
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr offers Lucene's capabilities in an easy to use, fast search server
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Solr" src="../images/mantle-solr.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide2" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Proven search capabilities<br/>
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            The Solr search server powers a wide range of applications such as Netflix, AOL, CNET, Zappos and many more
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Solr Power" src="../images/mantle-power.png"/>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="slide3" style="display:none">
+          <div class="callout">
+            Scalable
+          </div>
+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr has been deployed successfully in both high query volume situations and
+            large collection sizes
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Apache Mahout community" src="../images/mantle-scale.png"/>
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+            Apache 2.0 licensed
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+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr is distributed under a commercially friendly Apache Software license
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+    <div id="main">
+      <h1 class="title">Apache Solr</h1>
+      <div><p>Solr is the popular, blazing fast open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project. Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, rich document (e.g., Word, PDF) handling, and geospatial search. Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed search and index replication, and it powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.</p>
+<p>Solr is written in Java and runs as a standalone full-text search server within a servlet container such as Tomcat. Solr uses the Lucene Java search library at its core for full-text indexing and search, and has REST-like HTTP/XML and JSON APIs that make it easy to use from virtually any programming language. Solr's powerful external configuration allows it to be tailored to almost any type of application without Java coding, and it has an extensive plugin architecture when more advanced customization is required.</p>
+<p>See the complete feature list for more details.</p>
+<p>For more information about Solr, please see the Solr wiki.</p></div>
+  <div><h1 id="solr_news">Solr News</h1>
+<h2 id="28_july_2011_-_warning_index_corruption_and_crashes_in_apache_lucene_core__apache_solr_with_java_7">28 July 2011 - WARNING: Index corruption and crashes in Apache Lucene Core / Apache Solr with Java 7</h2>
+<p>Oracle released <a href="">Java 7</a> today.
+Unfortunately it contains hotspot compiler optimizations, which miscompile some loops.
+This can affect code of several Apache projects. Sometimes JVMs only crash, but in several cases,
+results calculated can be incorrect, leading to bugs in applications
+(see Hotspot bugs <a href="">7070134</a>,
+<a href="">7044738</a>,
+<a href="">7068051</a>).
+<strong>Apache Lucene Core</strong> and <strong>Apache Solr</strong> are two Apache projects,
+which are affected by these bugs, namely all versions released until today.
+Solr users with the default configuration will have
+Java crashing with <code>SIGSEGV</code> as soon as they start to index documents, as one
+affected part is the well-known Porter stemmer
+(see <a href="">LUCENE-3335</a>).
+Other loops in Lucene may be miscompiled, too, leading to index corruption
+(especially on Lucene trunk with pulsing codec; other loops may be
+affected, too - <a href="">LUCENE-3346</a>).
+These problems were detected only 5 days before the official Java 7 release,
+so Oracle had no time to fix those bugs, affecting also many more applications.
+In response to our questions, they proposed to include the fixes into service
+release u2 (eventually into service release u1, see
+<a href="">this mail</a>).
+<strong>This means you cannot use Apache Lucene/Solr with Java 7 releases before Update 2!</strong>
+If you do, please don't open bug reports, it is not the committers' fault!
+At least disable loop optimizations using the <code>-XX:-UseLoopPredicate</code> JVM option
+to not risk index corruptions.
+<em>Please note:</em> Also Java 6 users are affected, if they use one of those
+JVM options, which are <strong>not</strong> enabled by default: <code>-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat</code>
+or <code>-XX:+AggressiveOpts</code>.
+It is strongly recommended not to use any hotspot optimization switches in any Java
+version without extensive testing!
+In case you upgrade to Java 7, remember that you may have to reindex, as the unicode
+version shipped with Java 7 changed and tokenization behaves differently
+(e.g. lowercasing). For more information, read <code>JRE_VERSION_MIGRATION.txt</code>
+in your distribution package!</p></div>
+      <div><h2 id="the_apache_software_foundation">The Apache Software Foundation</h2>
+<p>The <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a> provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are defined by collaborative consensus based processes, an open, pragmatic software license and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. Apache Lucene, Apache Solr, Apache PyLucene, Apache Open Relevance Project and their respective logos are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.</p></div>
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+<li><a href="">Become a Sponsor</a></li>
+<h1 id="related_projects">Related Projects</h1>
+<li><a href="">Apache Hadoop</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache ManifoldCF</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Lucene.Net</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Lucy</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Mahout</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Nutch</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache OpenNLP</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Tika</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Apache Zookeeper</a></li>
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+            Ultra-fast Lucene-based Search Server<br/>
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+          <div class="descwrapper"><div class="description">
+            Apache Solr offers Lucene's capabilities in an easy to use, fast search server
+          </div></div>
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+            <img alt="Apache Solr" src="../images/mantle-solr.png"/>
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+            Proven search capabilities<br/>
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+            The Solr search server powers a wide range of applications such as Netflix, AOL, CNET, Zappos and many more
+          </div></div>
+          <div class="mantle">
+            <img alt="Solr Power" src="../images/mantle-power.png"/>
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+            Scalable
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+            Apache Solr has been deployed successfully in both high query volume situations and
+            large collection sizes
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+<h2 id="28_july_2011_-_warning_index_corruption_and_crashes_in_apache_lucene_core__apache_solr_with_java_7">28 July 2011 - WARNING: Index corruption and crashes in Apache Lucene Core / Apache Solr with Java 7</h2>
+<p>Oracle released <a href="">Java 7</a> today.
+Unfortunately it contains hotspot compiler optimizations, which miscompile some loops.
+This can affect code of several Apache projects. Sometimes JVMs only crash, but in several cases,
+results calculated can be incorrect, leading to bugs in applications
+(see Hotspot bugs <a href="">7070134</a>,
+<a href="">7044738</a>,
+<a href="">7068051</a>).
+<strong>Apache Lucene Core</strong> and <strong>Apache Solr</strong> are two Apache projects,
+which are affected by these bugs, namely all versions released until today.
+Solr users with the default configuration will have
+Java crashing with <code>SIGSEGV</code> as soon as they start to index documents, as one
+affected part is the well-known Porter stemmer
+(see <a href="">LUCENE-3335</a>).
+Other loops in Lucene may be miscompiled, too, leading to index corruption
+(especially on Lucene trunk with pulsing codec; other loops may be
+affected, too - <a href="">LUCENE-3346</a>).
+These problems were detected only 5 days before the official Java 7 release,
+so Oracle had no time to fix those bugs, affecting also many more applications.
+In response to our questions, they proposed to include the fixes into service
+release u2 (eventually into service release u1, see
+<a href="">this mail</a>).
+<strong>This means you cannot use Apache Lucene/Solr with Java 7 releases before Update 2!</strong>
+If you do, please don't open bug reports, it is not the committers' fault!
+At least disable loop optimizations using the <code>-XX:-UseLoopPredicate</code> JVM option
+to not risk index corruptions.
+<em>Please note:</em> Also Java 6 users are affected, if they use one of those
+JVM options, which are <strong>not</strong> enabled by default: <code>-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat</code>
+or <code>-XX:+AggressiveOpts</code>.
+It is strongly recommended not to use any hotspot optimization switches in any Java
+version without extensive testing!
+In case you upgrade to Java 7, remember that you may have to reindex, as the unicode
+version shipped with Java 7 changed and tokenization behaves differently
+(e.g. lowercasing). For more information, read <code>JRE_VERSION_MIGRATION.txt</code>
+in your distribution package!</p></div>
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+<p>The <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a> provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are defined by collaborative consensus based processes, an open, pragmatic software license and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. Apache Lucene, Apache Solr, Apache PyLucene, Apache Open Relevance Project and their respective logos are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.</p></div>
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