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Posted to by smantri <> on 2019/05/02 13:37:42 UTC

Re: Failover Transport hangs forever on connection.start() in Master/Slave


Following is the stack trace for successful connection to activeMQ:

2019-04-30 20:51:52 DEBUG TaskRunnerFactory:91 - Initialized
TaskRunnerFactory[ActiveMQ Task] using ExecutorService:
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@6504e3b2[Running, pool size = 0,
active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
2019-04-30 20:51:52 DEBUG FailoverTransport:753 - Reconnect was triggered
but transport is not started yet. Wait for start to connect the transport.
2019-04-30 20:51:52 DEBUG FailoverTransport:330 - Started unconnected
2019-04-30 20:51:52 DEBUG FailoverTransport:746 - Waking up reconnect task
2019-04-30 20:51:52 TRACE TaskRunnerFactory:174 - Created thread[ActiveMQ
Task-1]: Thread[ActiveMQ Task-1,5,main]
2019-04-30 20:51:52 TRACE PooledTaskRunner:128 - Running task iteration 0 -
2019-04-30 20:51:52 TRACE FailoverTransport:589 - Waiting for transport to
reconnect..: ConnectionInfo {commandId = 1, responseRequired = true,
connectionId = ID:*****-23291-1556637712547-1:1, clientId =
ID:******-23291-1556637712547-0:1, clientIp = null, userName = ****,
password = *****, brokerPath = null, brokerMasterConnector = false,
manageable = true, clientMaster = true, faultTolerant = true,
failoverReconnect = false}
2019-04-30 20:51:52 DEBUG FailoverTransport:786 - urlList
connectionList:[ssl://master:61616, ssl://slave:61616], from:
[ssl://master:61616, ssl://slave:61616]
2019-04-30 20:51:54 DEBUG FailoverTransport:990 - Attempting  0th  connect
to: ssl://master:61616
2019-04-30 20:51:54 DEBUG WireFormatNegotiator:82 - Sending: WireFormatInfo
{ version=9, properties={TcpNoDelayEnabled=true, SizePrefixDisabled=false,
CacheSize=1024, StackTraceEnabled=true, CacheEnabled=true,
TightEncodingEnabled=true, MaxFrameSize=9223372036854775807,
MaxInactivityDuration=30000, MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000},
2019-04-30 20:51:54 TRACE TcpTransport:192 - TCP consumer thread for
ssl://master/ starting
2019-04-30 20:51:55 DEBUG FailoverTransport:1000 - Connection established
2019-04-30 20:51:55 DEBUG InactivityMonitor:92 - Using min of local:
WireFormatInfo { version=9, properties={TcpNoDelayEnabled=true,
SizePrefixDisabled=false, CacheSize=1024, StackTraceEnabled=true,
CacheEnabled=true, TightEncodingEnabled=true,
MaxFrameSize=9223372036854775807, MaxInactivityDuration=30000,
MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000}, magic=[A,c,t,i,v,e,M,Q]} and
remote: WireFormatInfo { version=12, properties={TcpNoDelayEnabled=true,
SizePrefixDisabled=false, CacheSize=1024, ProviderName=ActiveMQ,
StackTraceEnabled=true, PlatformDetails=Java, CacheEnabled=true,
TightEncodingEnabled=true, MaxFrameSize=9223372036854775807,
MaxInactivityDuration=30000, MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000,
ProviderVersion=5.15.3}, magic=[A,c,t,i,v,e,M,Q]}
2019-04-30 20:51:55 INFO  FailoverTransport:1030 - Successfully connected to
2019-04-30 20:51:55 DEBUG WireFormatNegotiator:118 - Received WireFormat:
WireFormatInfo { version=12, properties={TcpNoDelayEnabled=true,
SizePrefixDisabled=false, CacheSize=1024, ProviderName=ActiveMQ,
StackTraceEnabled=true, PlatformDetails=Java, CacheEnabled=true,
TightEncodingEnabled=true, MaxFrameSize=9223372036854775807,
MaxInactivityDuration=30000, MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000,
ProviderVersion=5.15.3}, magic=[A,c,t,i,v,e,M,Q]}
2019-04-30 20:51:55 DEBUG WireFormatNegotiator:125 -
ssl://master/ before negotiation:
OpenWireFormat{version=9, cacheEnabled=false, stackTraceEnabled=false,
tightEncodingEnabled=false, sizePrefixDisabled=false,
2019-04-30 20:51:55 TRACE TaskRunnerFactory:174 - Created thread[ActiveMQ
Task-2]: Thread[ActiveMQ Task-2,5,main]
2019-04-30 20:51:55 DEBUG WireFormatNegotiator:140 -
ssl://master/ after negotiation:
OpenWireFormat{version=9, cacheEnabled=true, stackTraceEnabled=true,
tightEncodingEnabled=true, sizePrefixDisabled=false,
2019-04-30 20:51:55 TRACE PooledTaskRunner:49 - Run task done:
2019-04-30 20:51:55 TRACE PooledTaskRunner:128 - Running task iteration 0 -
2019-04-30 20:51:55 TRACE PooledTaskRunner:49 - Run task done:
Connection established......
2019-04-30 20:51:56 DEBUG FailoverTransport:746 - Waking up reconnect task
2019-04-30 20:51:56 TRACE PooledTaskRunner:128 - Running task iteration 0 -
2019-04-30 20:51:56 TRACE PooledTaskRunner:49 - Run task done:
2019-04-30 20:51:56 TRACE PooledTaskRunner:128 - Running task iteration 0 -
2019-04-30 20:51:56 TRACE PooledTaskRunner:49 - Run task done:
Created producer.....
2019-04-30 20:51:56 TRACE ActiveMQSession:1779 -
ID:****-23291-1556637712547-1:1:1 sending message: ActiveMQTextMessage
{commandId = 0, responseRequired = false, messageId =
ID:****-23291-1556637712547-1:1:1:1:1, originalDestination = null,
originalTransactionId = null, producerId =
ID:****-23291-1556637712547-1:1:1:1, destination =
topic://VirtualTopic.ifsgroups, transactionId = null, expiration = 0,
timestamp = 1556637716299, arrival = 0, brokerInTime = 0, brokerOutTime = 0,
correlationId = null, replyTo = null, persistent = true, type = null,
priority = 4, groupID = null, groupSequence = 0, targetConsumerId = null,
compressed = false, userID = null, content = null, marshalledProperties =
null, dataStructure = null, redeliveryCounter = 0, size = 0, properties =
null, readOnlyProperties = true, readOnlyBody = true, droppable = false,
text = Message from Producer IFS:0:Tue Apr 30 20:51:56 IST 2019}
Message Sent Successfully......

Following is the stack trace for unsuccessful connection call to ActiveMQ:
2019-04-30 20:54:00 DEBUG TaskRunnerFactory:91 - Initialized
TaskRunnerFactory[ActiveMQ Task] using ExecutorService:
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@6504e3b2[Running, pool size = 0,
active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
2019-04-30 20:54:00 DEBUG FailoverTransport:753 - Reconnect was triggered
but transport is not started yet. Wait for start to connect the transport.
2019-04-30 20:54:00 DEBUG FailoverTransport:330 - Started unconnected
2019-04-30 20:54:00 DEBUG FailoverTransport:746 - Waking up reconnect task
2019-04-30 20:54:00 TRACE TaskRunnerFactory:174 - Created thread[ActiveMQ
Task-1]: Thread[ActiveMQ Task-1,5,main]
2019-04-30 20:54:00 TRACE PooledTaskRunner:128 - Running task iteration 0 -
2019-04-30 20:54:00 DEBUG FailoverTransport:786 - urlList
connectionList:[ssl://slave:61616, ssl://master:61616], from:
[ssl://master:61616, ssl://slave:61616]                                                                                                          
2019-04-30 20:54:02 DEBUG FailoverTransport:990 - Attempting  0th  connect
to: ssl://slave:61616
2019-04-30 20:54:02 DEBUG WireFormatNegotiator:82 - Sending: WireFormatInfo
{ version=9, properties={TcpNoDelayEnabled=true, SizePrefixDisabled=false,
CacheSize=1024, StackTraceEnabled=true, CacheEnabled=true,
TightEncodingEnabled=true, MaxFrameSize=9223372036854775807,
MaxInactivityDuration=30000, MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay=10000},
2019-04-30 20:54:02 TRACE TcpTransport:192 - TCP consumer thread for
ssl://slave/ starting

I got the reason for transport options not being considered. As application
has not failed, it won't be considering the reconnect attempts. 

Could you please help providing a work around for the above scenario?


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