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[06/30] ignite git commit: IGNITE-6390 Web Console: Added component for cluster selection.
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/sql.controller.js b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/sql.controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a2ad912..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/sql.controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1887 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import paragraphRateTemplateUrl from 'views/sql/paragraph-rate.tpl.pug';
-import cacheMetadataTemplateUrl from 'views/sql/cache-metadata.tpl.pug';
-import chartSettingsTemplateUrl from 'views/sql/chart-settings.tpl.pug';
-import messageTemplateUrl from 'views/templates/message.tpl.pug';
-// Time line X axis descriptor.
-const TIME_LINE = {value: -1, type: 'java.sql.Date', label: 'TIME_LINE'};
-// Row index X axis descriptor.
-const ROW_IDX = {value: -2, type: 'java.lang.Integer', label: 'ROW_IDX'};
-const ENFORCE_JOIN_SINCE = [['1.7.9', '1.8.0'], ['1.8.4', '1.9.0'], '1.9.1'];
-const LAZY_QUERY_SINCE = [['2.1.4-p1', '2.2.0'], '2.2.1'];
-const DDL_SINCE = [['2.1.6', '2.2.0'], '2.3.0'];
-const _fullColName = (col) => {
-    const res = [];
-    if (col.schemaName)
-        res.push(col.schemaName);
-    if (col.typeName)
-        res.push(col.typeName);
-    res.push(col.fieldName);
-    return res.join('.');
-let paragraphId = 0;
-class Paragraph {
-    constructor($animate, $timeout, JavaTypes, paragraph) {
-        const self = this;
- = 'paragraph-' + paragraphId++;
-        self.qryType = paragraph.qryType || 'query';
-        self.maxPages = 0;
-        self.filter = '';
-        self.useAsDefaultSchema = false;
-        self.localQueryMode = false;
-        self.csvIsPreparing = false;
-        self.scanningInProgress = false;
-        _.assign(this, paragraph);
-        Object.defineProperty(this, 'gridOptions', {value: {
-            enableGridMenu: false,
-            enableColumnMenus: false,
-            flatEntityAccess: true,
-            fastWatch: true,
-            categories: [],
-            rebuildColumns() {
-                if (_.isNil(this.api))
-                    return;
-                this.categories.length = 0;
-                this.columnDefs = _.reduce(self.meta, (cols, col, idx) => {
-                    cols.push({
-                        displayName: col.fieldName,
-                        headerTooltip: _fullColName(col),
-                        field: idx.toString(),
-                        minWidth: 50,
-                        cellClass: 'cell-left',
-                        visible: self.columnFilter(col)
-                    });
-                    this.categories.push({
-                        name: col.fieldName,
-                        visible: self.columnFilter(col),
-                        enableHiding: true
-                    });
-                    return cols;
-                }, []);
-                $timeout(() => this.api.core.notifyDataChange('column'));
-            },
-            adjustHeight() {
-                if (_.isNil(this.api))
-                    return;
-       = self.rows;
-                const height = Math.min(self.rows.length, 15) * 30 + 47;
-                // Remove header height.
-                this.api.grid.element.css('height', height + 'px');
-                $timeout(() => this.api.core.handleWindowResize());
-            },
-            onRegisterApi(api) {
-                $animate.enabled(api.grid.element, false);
-                this.api = api;
-                this.rebuildColumns();
-                this.adjustHeight();
-            }
-        }});
-        Object.defineProperty(this, 'chartHistory', {value: []});
-        Object.defineProperty(this, 'error', {value: {
-            root: {},
-            message: ''
-        }});
-        this.setError = (err) => {
-            this.error.root = err;
-            this.error.message = err.message;
-            let cause = err;
-            while (_.nonNil(cause)) {
-                if (_.nonEmpty(cause.className) &&
-                    _.includes(['SQLException', 'JdbcSQLException', 'QueryCancelledException'], JavaTypes.shortClassName(cause.className))) {
-                    this.error.message = cause.message || cause.className;
-                    break;
-                }
-                cause = cause.cause;
-            }
-            if (_.isEmpty(this.error.message) && _.nonEmpty(err.className)) {
-                this.error.message = 'Internal cluster error';
-                if (_.nonEmpty(err.className))
-                    this.error.message += ': ' + err.className;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    resultType() {
-        if (_.isNil(this.queryArgs))
-            return null;
-        if (_.nonEmpty(this.error.message))
-            return 'error';
-        if (_.isEmpty(this.rows))
-            return 'empty';
-        return this.result === 'table' ? 'table' : 'chart';
-    }
-    nonRefresh() {
-        return _.isNil(this.rate) || _.isNil(this.rate.stopTime);
-    }
-    table() {
-        return this.result === 'table';
-    }
-    chart() {
-        return this.result !== 'table' && this.result !== 'none';
-    }
-    nonEmpty() {
-        return this.rows && this.rows.length > 0;
-    }
-    queryExecuted() {
-        return _.nonEmpty(this.meta) || _.nonEmpty(this.error.message);
-    }
-    scanExplain() {
-        return this.queryExecuted() && this.queryArgs.type !== 'QUERY';
-    }
-    timeLineSupported() {
-        return this.result !== 'pie';
-    }
-    chartColumnsConfigured() {
-        return _.nonEmpty(this.chartKeyCols) && _.nonEmpty(this.chartValCols);
-    }
-    chartTimeLineEnabled() {
-        return _.nonEmpty(this.chartKeyCols) && _.eq(this.chartKeyCols[0], TIME_LINE);
-    }
-    executionInProgress(showLocal = false) {
-        return this.loading && (this.localQueryMode === showLocal);
-    }
-    checkScanInProgress(showLocal = false) {
-        return this.scanningInProgress && (this.localQueryMode === showLocal);
-    }
-// Controller for SQL notebook screen.
-export default ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$http', '$q', '$timeout', '$interval', '$animate', '$location', '$anchorScroll', '$state', '$filter', '$modal', '$popover', 'IgniteLoading', 'IgniteLegacyUtils', 'IgniteMessages', 'IgniteConfirm', 'AgentManager', 'IgniteChartColors', 'IgniteNotebook', 'IgniteNodes', 'uiGridExporterConstants', 'IgniteVersion', 'IgniteActivitiesData', 'JavaTypes', 'IgniteCopyToClipboard',
-    function($root, $scope, $http, $q, $timeout, $interval, $animate, $location, $anchorScroll, $state, $filter, $modal, $popover, Loading, LegacyUtils, Messages, Confirm, agentMgr, IgniteChartColors, Notebook, Nodes, uiGridExporterConstants, Version, ActivitiesData, JavaTypes, IgniteCopyToClipboard) {
-        const $ctrl = this;
-        // Define template urls.
-        $ctrl.paragraphRateTemplateUrl = paragraphRateTemplateUrl;
-        $ctrl.cacheMetadataTemplateUrl = cacheMetadataTemplateUrl;
-        $ctrl.chartSettingsTemplateUrl = chartSettingsTemplateUrl;
-        $ctrl.demoStarted = false;
-        let stopTopology = null;
-        const _tryStopRefresh = function(paragraph) {
-            if (paragraph.rate && paragraph.rate.stopTime) {
-                $interval.cancel(paragraph.rate.stopTime);
-                delete paragraph.rate.stopTime;
-            }
-        };
-        const _stopTopologyRefresh = () => {
-            $interval.cancel(stopTopology);
-            if ($scope.notebook && $scope.notebook.paragraphs)
-                $scope.notebook.paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) => _tryStopRefresh(paragraph));
-        };
-        $scope.$on('$stateChangeStart', _stopTopologyRefresh);
-        $scope.caches = [];
-        $scope.pageSizes = [50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1000];
-        $scope.maxPages = [
-            {label: 'Unlimited', value: 0},
-            {label: '1', value: 1},
-            {label: '5', value: 5},
-            {label: '10', value: 10},
-            {label: '20', value: 20},
-            {label: '50', value: 50},
-            {label: '100', value: 100}
-        ];
-        $scope.timeLineSpans = ['1', '5', '10', '15', '30'];
-        $scope.aggregateFxs = ['FIRST', 'LAST', 'MIN', 'MAX', 'SUM', 'AVG', 'COUNT'];
-        $scope.modes = LegacyUtils.mkOptions(['PARTITIONED', 'REPLICATED', 'LOCAL']);
-        $scope.loadingText = $root.IgniteDemoMode ? 'Demo grid is starting. Please wait...' : 'Loading query notebook screen...';
-        $scope.timeUnit = [
-            {value: 1000, label: 'seconds', short: 's'},
-            {value: 60000, label: 'minutes', short: 'm'},
-            {value: 3600000, label: 'hours', short: 'h'}
-        ];
-        $scope.metadata = [];
-        $scope.metaFilter = '';
-        $scope.metaOptions = {
-            nodeChildren: 'children',
-            dirSelectable: true,
-            injectClasses: {
-                iExpanded: 'fa fa-minus-square-o',
-                iCollapsed: 'fa fa-plus-square-o'
-            }
-        };
-        const maskCacheName = $filter('defaultName');
-        // We need max 1800 items to hold history for 30 mins in case of refresh every second.
-        const HISTORY_LENGTH = 1800;
-        const MAX_VAL_COLS = IgniteChartColors.length;
-        $anchorScroll.yOffset = 55;
-        $scope.chartColor = function(index) {
-            return {color: 'white', 'background-color': IgniteChartColors[index]};
-        };
-        function _chartNumber(arr, idx, dflt) {
-            if (idx >= 0 && arr && arr.length > idx && _.isNumber(arr[idx]))
-                return arr[idx];
-            return dflt;
-        }
-        function _min(rows, idx, dflt) {
-            let min = _chartNumber(rows[0], idx, dflt);
-            _.forEach(rows, (row) => {
-                const v = _chartNumber(row, idx, dflt);
-                if (v < min)
-                    min = v;
-            });
-            return min;
-        }
-        function _max(rows, idx, dflt) {
-            let max = _chartNumber(rows[0], idx, dflt);
-            _.forEach(rows, (row) => {
-                const v = _chartNumber(row, idx, dflt);
-                if (v > max)
-                    max = v;
-            });
-            return max;
-        }
-        function _sum(rows, idx) {
-            let sum = 0;
-            _.forEach(rows, (row) => sum += _chartNumber(row, idx, 0));
-            return sum;
-        }
-        function _aggregate(rows, aggFx, idx, dflt) {
-            const len = rows.length;
-            switch (aggFx) {
-                case 'FIRST':
-                    return _chartNumber(rows[0], idx, dflt);
-                case 'LAST':
-                    return _chartNumber(rows[len - 1], idx, dflt);
-                case 'MIN':
-                    return _min(rows, idx, dflt);
-                case 'MAX':
-                    return _max(rows, idx, dflt);
-                case 'SUM':
-                    return _sum(rows, idx);
-                case 'AVG':
-                    return len > 0 ? _sum(rows, idx) / len : 0;
-                case 'COUNT':
-                    return len;
-                default:
-            }
-            return 0;
-        }
-        function _chartLabel(arr, idx, dflt) {
-            if (arr && arr.length > idx && _.isString(arr[idx]))
-                return arr[idx];
-            return dflt;
-        }
-        function _chartDatum(paragraph) {
-            let datum = [];
-            if (paragraph.chartColumnsConfigured()) {
-                paragraph.chartValCols.forEach(function(valCol) {
-                    let index = 0;
-                    let values = [];
-                    const colIdx = valCol.value;
-                    if (paragraph.chartTimeLineEnabled()) {
-                        const aggFx = valCol.aggFx;
-                        const colLbl = valCol.label + ' [' + aggFx + ']';
-                        if (paragraph.charts && paragraph.charts.length === 1)
-                            datum = paragraph.charts[0].data;
-                        const chartData = _.find(datum, {series: valCol.label});
-                        const leftBound = new Date();
-                        leftBound.setMinutes(leftBound.getMinutes() - parseInt(paragraph.timeLineSpan, 10));
-                        if (chartData) {
-                            const lastItem = _.last(paragraph.chartHistory);
-                            values = chartData.values;
-                            values.push({
-                                x:,
-                                y: _aggregate(lastItem.rows, aggFx, colIdx, index++)
-                            });
-                            while (values.length > 0 && values[0].x < leftBound)
-                                values.shift();
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            _.forEach(paragraph.chartHistory, (history) => {
-                                if ( >= leftBound) {
-                                    values.push({
-                                        x:,
-                                        y: _aggregate(history.rows, aggFx, colIdx, index++)
-                                    });
-                                }
-                            });
-                            datum.push({series: valCol.label, key: colLbl, values});
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        index =;
-                        values =, function(row) {
-                            const xCol = paragraph.chartKeyCols[0].value;
-                            const v = {
-                                x: _chartNumber(row, xCol, index),
-                                xLbl: _chartLabel(row, xCol, null),
-                                y: _chartNumber(row, colIdx, index)
-                            };
-                            index++;
-                            return v;
-                        });
-                        datum.push({series: valCol.label, key: valCol.label, values});
-                    }
-                });
-            }
-            return datum;
-        }
-        function _xX(d) {
-            return d.x;
-        }
-        function _yY(d) {
-            return d.y;
-        }
-        function _xAxisTimeFormat(d) {
-            return d3.time.format('%X')(new Date(d));
-        }
-        const _intClasses = ['java.lang.Byte', 'java.lang.Integer', 'java.lang.Long', 'java.lang.Short'];
-        function _intType(cls) {
-            return _.includes(_intClasses, cls);
-        }
-        const _xAxisWithLabelFormat = function(paragraph) {
-            return function(d) {
-                const values = paragraph.charts[0].data[0].values;
-                const fmt = _intType(paragraph.chartKeyCols[0].type) ? 'd' : ',.2f';
-                const dx = values[d];
-                if (!dx)
-                    return d3.format(fmt)(d);
-                const lbl = dx.xLbl;
-                return lbl ? lbl : d3.format(fmt)(d);
-            };
-        };
-        function _xAxisLabel(paragraph) {
-            return _.isEmpty(paragraph.chartKeyCols) ? 'X' : paragraph.chartKeyCols[0].label;
-        }
-        const _yAxisFormat = function(d) {
-            const fmt = d < 1000 ? ',.2f' : '.3s';
-            return d3.format(fmt)(d);
-        };
-        function _updateCharts(paragraph) {
-            $timeout(() => _.forEach(paragraph.charts, (chart) => chart.api.update()), 100);
-        }
-        function _updateChartsWithData(paragraph, newDatum) {
-            $timeout(() => {
-                if (!paragraph.chartTimeLineEnabled()) {
-                    const chartDatum = paragraph.charts[0].data;
-                    chartDatum.length = 0;
-                    _.forEach(newDatum, (series) => chartDatum.push(series));
-                }
-                paragraph.charts[0].api.update();
-            });
-        }
-        function _yAxisLabel(paragraph) {
-            const cols = paragraph.chartValCols;
-            const tml = paragraph.chartTimeLineEnabled();
-            return _.isEmpty(cols) ? 'Y' :, function(col) {
-                let lbl = col.label;
-                if (tml)
-                    lbl += ' [' + col.aggFx + ']';
-                return lbl;
-            }).join(', ');
-        }
-        function _barChart(paragraph) {
-            const datum = _chartDatum(paragraph);
-            if (_.isEmpty(paragraph.charts)) {
-                const stacked = paragraph.chartsOptions && paragraph.chartsOptions.barChart
-                    ? paragraph.chartsOptions.barChart.stacked
-                    : true;
-                const options = {
-                    chart: {
-                        type: 'multiBarChart',
-                        height: 400,
-                        margin: {left: 70},
-                        duration: 0,
-                        x: _xX,
-                        y: _yY,
-                        xAxis: {
-                            axisLabel: _xAxisLabel(paragraph),
-                            tickFormat: paragraph.chartTimeLineEnabled() ? _xAxisTimeFormat : _xAxisWithLabelFormat(paragraph),
-                            showMaxMin: false
-                        },
-                        yAxis: {
-                            axisLabel: _yAxisLabel(paragraph),
-                            tickFormat: _yAxisFormat
-                        },
-                        color: IgniteChartColors,
-                        stacked,
-                        showControls: true,
-                        legend: {
-                            vers: 'furious',
-                            margin: {right: -25}
-                        }
-                    }
-                };
-                paragraph.charts = [{options, data: datum}];
-                _updateCharts(paragraph);
-            }
-            else
-                _updateChartsWithData(paragraph, datum);
-        }
-        function _pieChartDatum(paragraph) {
-            const datum = [];
-            if (paragraph.chartColumnsConfigured() && !paragraph.chartTimeLineEnabled()) {
-                paragraph.chartValCols.forEach(function(valCol) {
-                    let index =;
-                    const values =, (row) => {
-                        const xCol = paragraph.chartKeyCols[0].value;
-                        const v = {
-                            x: xCol < 0 ? index : row[xCol],
-                            y: _chartNumber(row, valCol.value, index)
-                        };
-                        // Workaround for known problem with zero values on Pie chart.
-                        if (v.y === 0)
-                            v.y = 0.0001;
-                        index++;
-                        return v;
-                    });
-                    datum.push({series: paragraph.chartKeyCols[0].label, key: valCol.label, values});
-                });
-            }
-            return datum;
-        }
-        function _pieChart(paragraph) {
-            let datum = _pieChartDatum(paragraph);
-            if (datum.length === 0)
-                datum = [{values: []}];
-            paragraph.charts =, function(data) {
-                return {
-                    options: {
-                        chart: {
-                            type: 'pieChart',
-                            height: 400,
-                            duration: 0,
-                            x: _xX,
-                            y: _yY,
-                            showLabels: true,
-                            labelThreshold: 0.05,
-                            labelType: 'percent',
-                            donut: true,
-                            donutRatio: 0.35,
-                            legend: {
-                                vers: 'furious',
-                                margin: {
-                                    right: -25
-                                }
-                            }
-                        },
-                        title: {
-                            enable: true,
-                            text: data.key
-                        }
-                    },
-                    data: data.values
-                };
-            });
-            _updateCharts(paragraph);
-        }
-        function _lineChart(paragraph) {
-            const datum = _chartDatum(paragraph);
-            if (_.isEmpty(paragraph.charts)) {
-                const options = {
-                    chart: {
-                        type: 'lineChart',
-                        height: 400,
-                        margin: { left: 70 },
-                        duration: 0,
-                        x: _xX,
-                        y: _yY,
-                        xAxis: {
-                            axisLabel: _xAxisLabel(paragraph),
-                            tickFormat: paragraph.chartTimeLineEnabled() ? _xAxisTimeFormat : _xAxisWithLabelFormat(paragraph),
-                            showMaxMin: false
-                        },
-                        yAxis: {
-                            axisLabel: _yAxisLabel(paragraph),
-                            tickFormat: _yAxisFormat
-                        },
-                        color: IgniteChartColors,
-                        useInteractiveGuideline: true,
-                        legend: {
-                            vers: 'furious',
-                            margin: {
-                                right: -25
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                };
-                paragraph.charts = [{options, data: datum}];
-                _updateCharts(paragraph);
-            }
-            else
-                _updateChartsWithData(paragraph, datum);
-        }
-        function _areaChart(paragraph) {
-            const datum = _chartDatum(paragraph);
-            if (_.isEmpty(paragraph.charts)) {
-                const style = paragraph.chartsOptions && paragraph.chartsOptions.areaChart
-                    ?
-                    : 'stack';
-                const options = {
-                    chart: {
-                        type: 'stackedAreaChart',
-                        height: 400,
-                        margin: {left: 70},
-                        duration: 0,
-                        x: _xX,
-                        y: _yY,
-                        xAxis: {
-                            axisLabel: _xAxisLabel(paragraph),
-                            tickFormat: paragraph.chartTimeLineEnabled() ? _xAxisTimeFormat : _xAxisWithLabelFormat(paragraph),
-                            showMaxMin: false
-                        },
-                        yAxis: {
-                            axisLabel: _yAxisLabel(paragraph),
-                            tickFormat: _yAxisFormat
-                        },
-                        color: IgniteChartColors,
-                        style,
-                        legend: {
-                            vers: 'furious',
-                            margin: {right: -25}
-                        }
-                    }
-                };
-                paragraph.charts = [{options, data: datum}];
-                _updateCharts(paragraph);
-            }
-            else
-                _updateChartsWithData(paragraph, datum);
-        }
-        function _chartApplySettings(paragraph, resetCharts) {
-            if (resetCharts)
-                paragraph.charts = [];
-            if (paragraph.chart() && paragraph.nonEmpty()) {
-                switch (paragraph.result) {
-                    case 'bar':
-                        _barChart(paragraph);
-                        break;
-                    case 'pie':
-                        _pieChart(paragraph);
-                        break;
-                    case 'line':
-                        _lineChart(paragraph);
-                        break;
-                    case 'area':
-                        _areaChart(paragraph);
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        $scope.chartRemoveKeyColumn = function(paragraph, index) {
-            paragraph.chartKeyCols.splice(index, 1);
-            _chartApplySettings(paragraph, true);
-        };
-        $scope.chartRemoveValColumn = function(paragraph, index) {
-            paragraph.chartValCols.splice(index, 1);
-            _chartApplySettings(paragraph, true);
-        };
-        $scope.chartAcceptKeyColumn = function(paragraph, item) {
-            const accepted = _.findIndex(paragraph.chartKeyCols, item) < 0;
-            if (accepted) {
-                paragraph.chartKeyCols = [item];
-                _chartApplySettings(paragraph, true);
-            }
-            return false;
-        };
-        const _numberClasses = ['java.math.BigDecimal', 'java.lang.Byte', 'java.lang.Double',
-            'java.lang.Float', 'java.lang.Integer', 'java.lang.Long', 'java.lang.Short'];
-        const _numberType = function(cls) {
-            return _.includes(_numberClasses, cls);
-        };
-        $scope.chartAcceptValColumn = function(paragraph, item) {
-            const valCols = paragraph.chartValCols;
-            const accepted = _.findIndex(valCols, item) < 0 && item.value >= 0 && _numberType(item.type);
-            if (accepted) {
-                if (valCols.length === MAX_VAL_COLS - 1)
-                    valCols.shift();
-                valCols.push(item);
-                _chartApplySettings(paragraph, true);
-            }
-            return false;
-        };
-        $scope.scrollParagraphs = [];
-        $scope.rebuildScrollParagraphs = function() {
-            $scope.scrollParagraphs = $ {
-                return {
-                    text:,
-                    click: 'scrollToParagraph("' + + '")'
-                };
-            });
-        };
-        $scope.scrollToParagraph = (id) => {
-            const idx = _.findIndex($scope.notebook.paragraphs, {id});
-            if (idx >= 0) {
-                if (!_.includes($scope.notebook.expandedParagraphs, idx))
-                    $scope.notebook.expandedParagraphs = $scope.notebook.expandedParagraphs.concat([idx]);
-                if ($scope.notebook.paragraphs[idx].ace)
-                    setTimeout(() => $scope.notebook.paragraphs[idx].ace.focus());
-            }
-            $location.hash(id);
-            $anchorScroll();
-        };
-        const _hideColumn = (col) => col.fieldName !== '_KEY' && col.fieldName !== '_VAL';
-        const _allColumn = () => true;
-        $scope.aceInit = function(paragraph) {
-            return function(editor) {
-                editor.setAutoScrollEditorIntoView(true);
-                editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity;
-                const renderer = editor.renderer;
-                renderer.setHighlightGutterLine(false);
-                renderer.setShowPrintMargin(false);
-                renderer.setOption('fontFamily', 'monospace');
-                renderer.setOption('fontSize', '14px');
-                renderer.setOption('minLines', '5');
-                renderer.setOption('maxLines', '15');
-                editor.setTheme('ace/theme/chrome');
-                Object.defineProperty(paragraph, 'ace', { value: editor });
-            };
-        };
-        /**
-         * Update caches list.
-         */
-        const _refreshFn = () =>
-            agentMgr.topology(true)
-                .then((nodes) => {
-                    $scope.caches = _.sortBy(_.reduce(nodes, (cachesAcc, node) => {
-                        _.forEach(node.caches, (cache) => {
-                            let item = _.find(cachesAcc, {name:});
-                            if (_.isNil(item)) {
-                                cache.label = maskCacheName(, true);
-                                cache.value =;
-                                cache.nodes = [];
-                                cachesAcc.push(item = cache);
-                            }
-                            item.nodes.push({
-                                nid: node.nodeId.toUpperCase(),
-                                ip: _.head(node.attributes['org.apache.ignite.ips'].split(', ')),
-                                version: node.attributes[''],
-                                gridName: node.attributes[''],
-                                os: `${node.attributes['']} ${node.attributes['os.arch']} ${node.attributes['os.version']}`,
-                                client: node.attributes['org.apache.ignite.cache.client']
-                            });
-                        });
-                        return cachesAcc;
-                    }, []), (cache) => cache.label.toLowerCase());
-                    // Reset to first cache in case of stopped selected.
-                    const cacheNames =$scope.caches, (cache) => cache.value);
-                    _.forEach($scope.notebook.paragraphs, (paragraph) => {
-                        if (!_.includes(cacheNames, paragraph.cacheName))
-                            paragraph.cacheName = _.head(cacheNames);
-                    });
-                    // Await for demo caches.
-                    if (!$ctrl.demoStarted && $root.IgniteDemoMode && _.nonEmpty(cacheNames)) {
-                        $ctrl.demoStarted = true;
-                        Loading.finish('sqlLoading');
-                        _.forEach($scope.notebook.paragraphs, (paragraph) => $scope.execute(paragraph));
-                    }
-                })
-                .catch((err) => Messages.showError(err));
-        const _startWatch = () =>
-            agentMgr.startClusterWatch('Back to Configuration', 'base.configuration.tabs.advanced.clusters')
-                .then(() => Loading.start('sqlLoading'))
-                .then(_refreshFn)
-                .then(() => {
-                    if (!$root.IgniteDemoMode)
-                        Loading.finish('sqlLoading');
-                })
-                .then(() => {
-                    stopTopology = $interval(_refreshFn, 5000, 0, false);
-                });
-        Notebook.find($state.params.noteId)
-            .then((notebook) => {
-                $scope.notebook = _.cloneDeep(notebook);
-                $scope.notebook_name = $;
-                if (!$scope.notebook.expandedParagraphs)
-                    $scope.notebook.expandedParagraphs = [];
-                if (!$scope.notebook.paragraphs)
-                    $scope.notebook.paragraphs = [];
-                $scope.notebook.paragraphs =$scope.notebook.paragraphs,
-                    (paragraph) => new Paragraph($animate, $timeout, JavaTypes, paragraph));
-                if (_.isEmpty($scope.notebook.paragraphs))
-                    $scope.addQuery();
-                else
-                    $scope.rebuildScrollParagraphs();
-            })
-            .then(_startWatch)
-            .catch(() => {
-                $scope.notebookLoadFailed = true;
-                Loading.finish('sqlLoading');
-            });
-        $scope.renameNotebook = (name) => {
-            if (!name)
-                return;
-            if ($ !== name) {
-                const prevName = $;
-                $ = name;
-      $scope.notebook)
-                    .then(() => $scope.notebook.edit = false)
-                    .catch((err) => {
-                        $ = prevName;
-                        Messages.showError(err);
-                    });
-            }
-            else
-                $scope.notebook.edit = false;
-        };
-        $scope.removeNotebook = (notebook) => Notebook.remove(notebook);
-        $scope.renameParagraph = function(paragraph, newName) {
-            if (!newName)
-                return;
-            if ( !== newName) {
-       = newName;
-                $scope.rebuildScrollParagraphs();
-      $scope.notebook)
-                    .then(() => paragraph.edit = false)
-                    .catch(Messages.showError);
-            }
-            else
-                paragraph.edit = false;
-        };
-        $scope.addParagraph = (paragraph, sz) => {
-            if ($scope.caches && $scope.caches.length > 0)
-                paragraph.cacheName = _.head($scope.caches).value;
-            $scope.notebook.paragraphs.push(paragraph);
-            $scope.notebook.expandedParagraphs.push(sz);
-            $scope.rebuildScrollParagraphs();
-            $location.hash(;
-        };
-        $scope.addQuery = function() {
-            const sz = $scope.notebook.paragraphs.length;
-  { action: '/queries/add/query' });
-            const paragraph = new Paragraph($animate, $timeout, JavaTypes, {
-                name: 'Query' + (sz === 0 ? '' : sz),
-                query: '',
-                pageSize: $scope.pageSizes[1],
-                timeLineSpan: $scope.timeLineSpans[0],
-                result: 'none',
-                rate: {
-                    value: 1,
-                    unit: 60000,
-                    installed: false
-                },
-                qryType: 'query'
-            });
-            $scope.addParagraph(paragraph, sz);
-            $timeout(() => {
-                $anchorScroll();
-                paragraph.ace.focus();
-            });
-        };
-        $scope.addScan = function() {
-            const sz = $scope.notebook.paragraphs.length;
-  { action: '/queries/add/scan' });
-            const paragraph = new Paragraph($animate, $timeout, JavaTypes, {
-                name: 'Scan' + (sz === 0 ? '' : sz),
-                query: '',
-                pageSize: $scope.pageSizes[1],
-                timeLineSpan: $scope.timeLineSpans[0],
-                result: 'none',
-                rate: {
-                    value: 1,
-                    unit: 60000,
-                    installed: false
-                },
-                qryType: 'scan'
-            });
-            $scope.addParagraph(paragraph, sz);
-        };
-        function _saveChartSettings(paragraph) {
-            if (!_.isEmpty(paragraph.charts)) {
-                const chart = paragraph.charts[0].api.getScope().chart;
-                if (!LegacyUtils.isDefined(paragraph.chartsOptions))
-                    paragraph.chartsOptions = {barChart: {stacked: true}, areaChart: {style: 'stack'}};
-                switch (paragraph.result) {
-                    case 'bar':
-                        paragraph.chartsOptions.barChart.stacked = chart.stacked();
-                        break;
-                    case 'area':
-               =;
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        $scope.setResult = function(paragraph, new_result) {
-            if (paragraph.result === new_result)
-                return;
-            _saveChartSettings(paragraph);
-            paragraph.result = new_result;
-            if (paragraph.chart())
-                _chartApplySettings(paragraph, true);
-        };
-        $scope.resultEq = function(paragraph, result) {
-            return (paragraph.result === result);
-        };
-        $scope.removeParagraph = function(paragraph) {
-            Confirm.confirm('Are you sure you want to remove query: "' + + '"?')
-                .then(function() {
-                    $scope.stopRefresh(paragraph);
-                    const paragraph_idx = _.findIndex($scope.notebook.paragraphs, function(item) {
-                        return paragraph === item;
-                    });
-                    const panel_idx = _.findIndex($scope.expandedParagraphs, function(item) {
-                        return paragraph_idx === item;
-                    });
-                    if (panel_idx >= 0)
-                        $scope.expandedParagraphs.splice(panel_idx, 1);
-                    $scope.notebook.paragraphs.splice(paragraph_idx, 1);
-                    $scope.rebuildScrollParagraphs();
-          $scope.notebook)
-                        .catch(Messages.showError);
-                });
-        };
-        $scope.paragraphExpanded = function(paragraph) {
-            const paragraph_idx = _.findIndex($scope.notebook.paragraphs, function(item) {
-                return paragraph === item;
-            });
-            const panel_idx = _.findIndex($scope.notebook.expandedParagraphs, function(item) {
-                return paragraph_idx === item;
-            });
-            return panel_idx >= 0;
-        };
-        const _columnFilter = function(paragraph) {
-            return paragraph.disabledSystemColumns || paragraph.systemColumns ? _allColumn : _hideColumn;
-        };
-        const _notObjectType = function(cls) {
-            return LegacyUtils.isJavaBuiltInClass(cls);
-        };
-        function _retainColumns(allCols, curCols, acceptableType, xAxis, unwantedCols) {
-            const retainedCols = [];
-            const availableCols = xAxis ? allCols : _.filter(allCols, function(col) {
-                return col.value >= 0;
-            });
-            if (availableCols.length > 0) {
-                curCols.forEach(function(curCol) {
-                    const col = _.find(availableCols, {label: curCol.label});
-                    if (col && acceptableType(col.type)) {
-                        col.aggFx = curCol.aggFx;
-                        retainedCols.push(col);
-                    }
-                });
-                // If nothing was restored, add first acceptable column.
-                if (_.isEmpty(retainedCols)) {
-                    let col;
-                    if (unwantedCols)
-                        col = _.find(availableCols, (avCol) => !_.find(unwantedCols, {label: avCol.label}) && acceptableType(avCol.type));
-                    if (!col)
-                        col = _.find(availableCols, (avCol) => acceptableType(avCol.type));
-                    if (col)
-                        retainedCols.push(col);
-                }
-            }
-            return retainedCols;
-        }
-        const _rebuildColumns = function(paragraph) {
-            _.forEach(_.groupBy(paragraph.meta, 'fieldName'), function(colsByName, fieldName) {
-                const colsByTypes = _.groupBy(colsByName, 'typeName');
-                const needType = _.keys(colsByTypes).length > 1;
-                _.forEach(colsByTypes, function(colsByType, typeName) {
-                    _.forEach(colsByType, function(col, ix) {
-                        col.fieldName = (needType && !LegacyUtils.isEmptyString(typeName) ? typeName + '.' : '') + fieldName + (ix > 0 ? ix : '');
-                    });
-                });
-            });
-            paragraph.gridOptions.rebuildColumns();
-            paragraph.chartColumns = _.reduce(paragraph.meta, (acc, col, idx) => {
-                if (_notObjectType(col.fieldTypeName)) {
-                    acc.push({
-                        label: col.fieldName,
-                        type: col.fieldTypeName,
-                        aggFx: $scope.aggregateFxs[0],
-                        value: idx.toString()
-                    });
-                }
-                return acc;
-            }, []);
-            if (paragraph.chartColumns.length > 0) {
-                paragraph.chartColumns.push(TIME_LINE);
-                paragraph.chartColumns.push(ROW_IDX);
-            }
-            // We could accept onl not object columns for X axis.
-            paragraph.chartKeyCols = _retainColumns(paragraph.chartColumns, paragraph.chartKeyCols, _notObjectType, true);
-            // We could accept only numeric columns for Y axis.
-            paragraph.chartValCols = _retainColumns(paragraph.chartColumns, paragraph.chartValCols, _numberType, false, paragraph.chartKeyCols);
-        };
-        $scope.toggleSystemColumns = function(paragraph) {
-            if (paragraph.disabledSystemColumns)
-                return;
-            paragraph.columnFilter = _columnFilter(paragraph);
-            paragraph.chartColumns = [];
-            _rebuildColumns(paragraph);
-        };
-        const _showLoading = (paragraph, enable) => paragraph.loading = enable;
-        /**
-         * @param {Object} paragraph Query
-         * @param {Boolean} clearChart Flag is need clear chart model.
-         * @param {{columns: Array, rows: Array, responseNodeId: String, queryId: int, hasMore: Boolean}} res Query results.
-         * @private
-         */
-        const _processQueryResult = (paragraph, clearChart, res) => {
-            const prevKeyCols = paragraph.chartKeyCols;
-            const prevValCols = paragraph.chartValCols;
-            if (!_.eq(paragraph.meta, res.columns)) {
-                paragraph.meta = [];
-                paragraph.chartColumns = [];
-                if (!LegacyUtils.isDefined(paragraph.chartKeyCols))
-                    paragraph.chartKeyCols = [];
-                if (!LegacyUtils.isDefined(paragraph.chartValCols))
-                    paragraph.chartValCols = [];
-                if (res.columns.length) {
-                    const _key = _.find(res.columns, {fieldName: '_KEY'});
-                    const _val = _.find(res.columns, {fieldName: '_VAL'});
-                    paragraph.disabledSystemColumns = !(_key && _val) ||
-                        (res.columns.length === 2 && _key && _val) ||
-                        (res.columns.length === 1 && (_key || _val));
-                }
-                paragraph.columnFilter = _columnFilter(paragraph);
-                paragraph.meta = res.columns;
-                _rebuildColumns(paragraph);
-            }
-   = 1;
-   = 0;
-            paragraph.duration = res.duration;
-            paragraph.queryId = res.hasMore ? res.queryId : null;
-            paragraph.resNodeId = res.responseNodeId;
-            paragraph.setError({message: ''});
-            // Prepare explain results for display in table.
-            if (paragraph.queryArgs.query && paragraph.queryArgs.query.startsWith('EXPLAIN') && res.rows) {
-                paragraph.rows = [];
-                res.rows.forEach((row, i) => {
-                    const line = res.rows.length - 1 === i ? row[0] : row[0] + '\n';
-                    line.replace(/\"/g, '').split('\n').forEach((ln) => paragraph.rows.push([ln]));
-                });
-            }
-            else
-                paragraph.rows = res.rows;
-            paragraph.gridOptions.adjustHeight(paragraph.rows.length);
-            const chartHistory = paragraph.chartHistory;
-            // Clear history on query change.
-            if (clearChart) {
-                chartHistory.length = 0;
-                _.forEach(paragraph.charts, (chart) => = 0);
-            }
-            // Add results to history.
-            chartHistory.push({tm: new Date(), rows: paragraph.rows});
-            // Keep history size no more than max length.
-            while (chartHistory.length > HISTORY_LENGTH)
-                chartHistory.shift();
-            _showLoading(paragraph, false);
-            if (_.isNil(paragraph.result) || paragraph.result === 'none' || paragraph.scanExplain())
-                paragraph.result = 'table';
-            else if (paragraph.chart()) {
-                let resetCharts = clearChart;
-                if (!resetCharts) {
-                    const curKeyCols = paragraph.chartKeyCols;
-                    const curValCols = paragraph.chartValCols;
-                    resetCharts = !prevKeyCols || !prevValCols ||
-                        prevKeyCols.length !== curKeyCols.length ||
-                        prevValCols.length !== curValCols.length;
-                }
-                _chartApplySettings(paragraph, resetCharts);
-            }
-        };
-        const _closeOldQuery = (paragraph) => {
-            const nid = paragraph.resNodeId;
-            if (paragraph.queryId && _.find($scope.caches, ({nodes}) => _.find(nodes, {nid: nid.toUpperCase()})))
-                return agentMgr.queryClose(nid, paragraph.queryId);
-            return $q.when();
-        };
-        /**
-         * @param {String} name Cache name.
-         * @return {Array.<String>} Nids
-         */
-        const cacheNodes = (name) => {
-            return _.find($scope.caches, {name}).nodes;
-        };
-        /**
-         * @param {String} name Cache name.
-         * @param {Boolean} local Local query.
-         * @return {String} Nid
-         */
-        const _chooseNode = (name, local) => {
-            if (_.isEmpty(name))
-                return Promise.resolve(null);
-            const nodes = _.filter(cacheNodes(name), (node) => !node.client);
-            if (local) {
-                return Nodes.selectNode(nodes, name)
-                    .then((selectedNids) => _.head(selectedNids));
-            }
-            return Promise.resolve(nodes[_.random(0, nodes.length - 1)].nid);
-        };
-        const _executeRefresh = (paragraph) => {
-            const args = paragraph.queryArgs;
-            agentMgr.awaitCluster()
-                .then(() => _closeOldQuery(paragraph))
-                .then(() => args.localNid || _chooseNode(args.cacheName, false))
-                .then((nid) => agentMgr.querySql(nid, args.cacheName, args.query, args.nonCollocatedJoins,
-                    args.enforceJoinOrder, false, !!args.localNid, args.pageSize, args.lazy))
-                .then((res) => _processQueryResult(paragraph, false, res))
-                .catch((err) => paragraph.setError(err));
-        };
-        const _tryStartRefresh = function(paragraph) {
-            _tryStopRefresh(paragraph);
-            if (_.get(paragraph, 'rate.installed') && paragraph.queryExecuted()) {
-                $scope.chartAcceptKeyColumn(paragraph, TIME_LINE);
-                _executeRefresh(paragraph);
-                const delay = paragraph.rate.value * paragraph.rate.unit;
-                paragraph.rate.stopTime = $interval(_executeRefresh, delay, 0, false, paragraph);
-            }
-        };
-        const addLimit = (query, limitSize) =>
-            `SELECT * FROM (
-            ${query} 
-            ) LIMIT ${limitSize}`;
-        $scope.nonCollocatedJoinsAvailable = (paragraph) => {
-            const cache = _.find($scope.caches, {name: paragraph.cacheName});
-            if (cache)
-                return !!_.find(cache.nodes, (node) => Version.since(node.version, NON_COLLOCATED_JOINS_SINCE));
-            return false;
-        };
-        $scope.enforceJoinOrderAvailable = (paragraph) => {
-            const cache = _.find($scope.caches, {name: paragraph.cacheName});
-            if (cache)
-                return !!_.find(cache.nodes, (node) => Version.since(node.version, ...ENFORCE_JOIN_SINCE));
-            return false;
-        };
-        $scope.lazyQueryAvailable = (paragraph) => {
-            const cache = _.find($scope.caches, {name: paragraph.cacheName});
-            if (cache)
-                return !!_.find(cache.nodes, (node) => Version.since(node.version, ...LAZY_QUERY_SINCE));
-            return false;
-        };
-        $scope.ddlAvailable = (paragraph) => {
-            const cache = _.find($scope.caches, {name: paragraph.cacheName});
-            if (cache)
-                return !!_.find(cache.nodes, (node) => Version.since(node.version, ...DDL_SINCE));
-            return false;
-        };
-        $scope.execute = (paragraph, local = false) => {
-            const nonCollocatedJoins = !!paragraph.nonCollocatedJoins;
-            const enforceJoinOrder = !!paragraph.enforceJoinOrder;
-            const lazy = !!paragraph.lazy;
-            $scope.queryAvailable(paragraph) && _chooseNode(paragraph.cacheName, local)
-                .then((nid) => {
-          $scope.notebook)
-                        .catch(Messages.showError);
-                    paragraph.localQueryMode = local;
-                    paragraph.prevQuery = paragraph.queryArgs ? paragraph.queryArgs.query : paragraph.query;
-                    _showLoading(paragraph, true);
-                    return _closeOldQuery(paragraph)
-                        .then(() => {
-                            const args = paragraph.queryArgs = {
-                                type: 'QUERY',
-                                cacheName: ($scope.ddlAvailable(paragraph) && !paragraph.useAsDefaultSchema) ? null : paragraph.cacheName,
-                                query: paragraph.query,
-                                pageSize: paragraph.pageSize,
-                                maxPages: paragraph.maxPages,
-                                nonCollocatedJoins,
-                                enforceJoinOrder,
-                                localNid: local ? nid : null,
-                                lazy
-                            };
-                            const qry = args.maxPages ? addLimit(args.query, args.pageSize * args.maxPages) : paragraph.query;
-                  { action: '/queries/execute' });
-                            return agentMgr.querySql(nid, args.cacheName, qry, nonCollocatedJoins, enforceJoinOrder, false, local, args.pageSize, lazy);
-                        })
-                        .then((res) => {
-                            _processQueryResult(paragraph, true, res);
-                            _tryStartRefresh(paragraph);
-                        })
-                        .catch((err) => {
-                            paragraph.setError(err);
-                            _showLoading(paragraph, false);
-                            $scope.stopRefresh(paragraph);
-                        })
-                        .then(() => paragraph.ace.focus());
-                });
-        };
-        const _cancelRefresh = (paragraph) => {
-            if (paragraph.rate && paragraph.rate.stopTime) {
-                delete paragraph.queryArgs;
-                paragraph.rate.installed = false;
-                $interval.cancel(paragraph.rate.stopTime);
-                delete paragraph.rate.stopTime;
-            }
-        };
-        $scope.explain = (paragraph) => {
-            if (!$scope.queryAvailable(paragraph))
-                return;
-  $scope.notebook)
-                .catch(Messages.showError);
-            _cancelRefresh(paragraph);
-            _showLoading(paragraph, true);
-            _closeOldQuery(paragraph)
-                .then(() => _chooseNode(paragraph.cacheName, false))
-                .then((nid) => {
-                    const args = paragraph.queryArgs = {
-                        type: 'EXPLAIN',
-                        cacheName: paragraph.cacheName,
-                        query: 'EXPLAIN ' + paragraph.query,
-                        pageSize: paragraph.pageSize
-                    };
-          { action: '/queries/explain' });
-                    return agentMgr.querySql(nid, args.cacheName, args.query, false, !!paragraph.enforceJoinOrder, false, false, args.pageSize, false);
-                })
-                .then((res) => _processQueryResult(paragraph, true, res))
-                .catch((err) => {
-                    paragraph.setError(err);
-                    _showLoading(paragraph, false);
-                })
-                .then(() => paragraph.ace.focus());
-        };
-        $scope.scan = (paragraph, local = false) => {
-            const cacheName = paragraph.cacheName;
-            const caseSensitive = !!paragraph.caseSensitive;
-            const filter = paragraph.filter;
-            const pageSize = paragraph.pageSize;
-            paragraph.localQueryMode = local;
-            $scope.scanAvailable(paragraph) && _chooseNode(cacheName, local)
-                .then((nid) => {
-                    paragraph.scanningInProgress = true;
-          $scope.notebook)
-                        .catch(Messages.showError);
-                    _cancelRefresh(paragraph);
-                    _showLoading(paragraph, true);
-                    _closeOldQuery(paragraph)
-                        .then(() => {
-                            paragraph.queryArgs = {
-                                type: 'SCAN',
-                                cacheName,
-                                filter,
-                                regEx: false,
-                                caseSensitive,
-                                near: false,
-                                pageSize,
-                                localNid: local ? nid : null
-                            };
-                  { action: '/queries/scan' });
-                            return agentMgr.queryScan(nid, cacheName, filter, false, caseSensitive, false, local, pageSize);
-                        })
-                        .then((res) => _processQueryResult(paragraph, true, res))
-                        .catch((err) => {
-                            paragraph.setError(err);
-                            _showLoading(paragraph, false);
-                        })
-                        .then(() => paragraph.scanningInProgress = false);
-                });
-        };
-        function _updatePieChartsWithData(paragraph, newDatum) {
-            $timeout(() => {
-                _.forEach(paragraph.charts, function(chart) {
-                    const chartDatum =;
-                    chartDatum.length = 0;
-                    _.forEach(newDatum, function(series) {
-                        if (chart.options.title.text === series.key)
-                            _.forEach(series.values, (v) => chartDatum.push(v));
-                    });
-                });
-                _.forEach(paragraph.charts, (chart) => chart.api.update());
-            });
-        }
-        $scope.nextPage = (paragraph) => {
-            _showLoading(paragraph, true);
-            paragraph.queryArgs.pageSize = paragraph.pageSize;
-            agentMgr.queryNextPage(paragraph.resNodeId, paragraph.queryId, paragraph.pageSize)
-                .then((res) => {
-          ;
-           += paragraph.rows.length;
-                    paragraph.duration = res.duration;
-                    paragraph.rows = res.rows;
-                    if (paragraph.chart()) {
-                        if (paragraph.result === 'pie')
-                            _updatePieChartsWithData(paragraph, _pieChartDatum(paragraph));
-                        else
-                            _updateChartsWithData(paragraph, _chartDatum(paragraph));
-                    }
-                    paragraph.gridOptions.adjustHeight(paragraph.rows.length);
-                    _showLoading(paragraph, false);
-                    if (!res.hasMore)
-                        delete paragraph.queryId;
-                })
-                .catch((err) => {
-                    paragraph.setError(err);
-                    _showLoading(paragraph, false);
-                })
-                .then(() => paragraph.ace && paragraph.ace.focus());
-        };
-        const _export = (fileName, columnDefs, meta, rows, toClipBoard = false) => {
-            let csvContent = '';
-            const cols = [];
-            const excludedCols = [];
-            _.forEach(meta, (col, idx) => {
-                if (columnDefs[idx].visible)
-                    cols.push(_fullColName(col));
-                else
-                    excludedCols.push(idx);
-            });
-            csvContent += cols.join(';') + '\n';
-            _.forEach(rows, (row) => {
-                cols.length = 0;
-                if (Array.isArray(row)) {
-                    _.forEach(row, (elem, idx) => {
-                        if (_.includes(excludedCols, idx))
-                            return;
-                        cols.push(_.isUndefined(elem) ? '' : JSON.stringify(elem));
-                    });
-                }
-                else {
-                    _.forEach(columnDefs, (col) => {
-                        if (col.visible) {
-                            const elem = row[col.fieldName];
-                            cols.push(_.isUndefined(elem) ? '' : JSON.stringify(elem));
-                        }
-                    });
-                }
-                csvContent += cols.join(';') + '\n';
-            });
-            if (toClipBoard)
-                IgniteCopyToClipboard.copy(csvContent);
-            else
-      'text/csv', fileName, csvContent);
-        };
-        /**
-         * Generate file name with query results.
-         *
-         * @param paragraph {Object} Query paragraph .
-         * @param all {Boolean} All result export flag.
-         * @returns {string}
-         */
-        const exportFileName = (paragraph, all) => {
-            const args = paragraph.queryArgs;
-            if (args.type === 'SCAN')
-                return `export-scan-${args.cacheName}-${}${all ? '-all' : ''}.csv`;
-            return `export-query-${}${all ? '-all' : ''}.csv`;
-        };
-        $scope.exportCsvToClipBoard = (paragraph) => {
-            _export(exportFileName(paragraph, false), paragraph.gridOptions.columnDefs, paragraph.meta, paragraph.rows, true);
-        };
-        $scope.exportCsv = function(paragraph) {
-            _export(exportFileName(paragraph, false), paragraph.gridOptions.columnDefs, paragraph.meta, paragraph.rows);
-            // paragraph.gridOptions.api.exporter.csvExport(uiGridExporterConstants.ALL, uiGridExporterConstants.VISIBLE);
-        };
-        $scope.exportPdf = function(paragraph) {
-            paragraph.gridOptions.api.exporter.pdfExport(uiGridExporterConstants.ALL, uiGridExporterConstants.VISIBLE);
-        };
-        $scope.exportCsvAll = (paragraph) => {
-            paragraph.csvIsPreparing = true;
-            const args = paragraph.queryArgs;
-            return Promise.resolve(args.localNid || _chooseNode(args.cacheName, false))
-                .then((nid) => args.type === 'SCAN'
-                    ? agentMgr.queryScanGetAll(nid, args.cacheName, args.query, !!args.regEx, !!args.caseSensitive, !!args.near, !!args.localNid)
-                    : agentMgr.querySqlGetAll(nid, args.cacheName, args.query, !!args.nonCollocatedJoins, !!args.enforceJoinOrder, false, !!args.localNid, !!args.lazy))
-                .then((res) => _export(exportFileName(paragraph, true), paragraph.gridOptions.columnDefs, res.columns, res.rows))
-                .catch(Messages.showError)
-                .then(() => {
-                    paragraph.csvIsPreparing = false;
-                    return paragraph.ace && paragraph.ace.focus();
-                });
-        };
-        // $scope.exportPdfAll = function(paragraph) {
-        //    $'/api/v1/agent/query/getAll', {query: paragraph.query, cacheName: paragraph.cacheName})
-        //    .then(({data}) {
-        //        _export( + '-all.csv', data.meta, data.rows);
-        //    })
-        //    .catch(Messages.showError);
-        // };
-        $scope.rateAsString = function(paragraph) {
-            if (paragraph.rate && paragraph.rate.installed) {
-                const idx = _.findIndex($scope.timeUnit, function(unit) {
-                    return unit.value === paragraph.rate.unit;
-                });
-                if (idx >= 0)
-                    return ' ' + paragraph.rate.value + $scope.timeUnit[idx].short;
-                paragraph.rate.installed = false;
-            }
-            return '';
-        };
-        $scope.startRefresh = function(paragraph, value, unit) {
-            paragraph.rate.value = value;
-            paragraph.rate.unit = unit;
-            paragraph.rate.installed = true;
-            if (paragraph.queryExecuted() && !paragraph.scanExplain())
-                _tryStartRefresh(paragraph);
-        };
-        $scope.stopRefresh = function(paragraph) {
-            paragraph.rate.installed = false;
-            _tryStopRefresh(paragraph);
-        };
-        $scope.paragraphTimeSpanVisible = function(paragraph) {
-            return paragraph.timeLineSupported() && paragraph.chartTimeLineEnabled();
-        };
-        $scope.paragraphTimeLineSpan = function(paragraph) {
-            if (paragraph && paragraph.timeLineSpan)
-                return paragraph.timeLineSpan.toString();
-            return '1';
-        };
-        $scope.applyChartSettings = function(paragraph) {
-            _chartApplySettings(paragraph, true);
-        };
-        $scope.queryAvailable = function(paragraph) {
-            return paragraph.query && !paragraph.loading;
-        };
-        $scope.queryTooltip = function(paragraph, action) {
-            if ($scope.queryAvailable(paragraph))
-                return;
-            if (paragraph.loading)
-                return 'Waiting for server response';
-            return 'Input text to ' + action;
-        };
-        $scope.scanAvailable = function(paragraph) {
-            return $scope.caches.length && !(paragraph.loading || paragraph.csvIsPreparing);
-        };
-        $scope.scanTooltip = function(paragraph) {
-            if ($scope.scanAvailable(paragraph))
-                return;
-            if (paragraph.loading)
-                return 'Waiting for server response';
-            return 'Select cache to export scan results';
-        };
-        $scope.clickableMetadata = function(node) {
-            return node.type.slice(0, 5) !== 'index';
-        };
-        $scope.dblclickMetadata = function(paragraph, node) {
-            paragraph.ace.insert(;
-            setTimeout(() => paragraph.ace.focus(), 1);
-        };
-        $scope.importMetadata = function() {
-            Loading.start('loadingCacheMetadata');
-            $scope.metadata = [];
-            agentMgr.metadata()
-                .then((metadata) => {
-                    $scope.metadata = _.sortBy(_.filter(metadata, (meta) => {
-                        const cache = _.find($scope.caches, { name: meta.cacheName });
-                        if (cache) {
-                   = (cache.sqlSchema || '"' + meta.cacheName + '"') + '.' + meta.typeName;
-                            meta.displayName = (cache.sqlSchema || meta.maskedName) + '.' + meta.typeName;
-                            if (cache.sqlSchema)
-                                meta.children.unshift({type: 'plain', name: 'cacheName: ' + meta.maskedName, maskedName: meta.maskedName});
-                            meta.children.unshift({type: 'plain', name: 'mode: ' + cache.mode, maskedName: meta.maskedName});
-                        }
-                        return cache;
-                    }), 'name');
-                })
-                .catch(Messages.showError)
-                .then(() => Loading.finish('loadingCacheMetadata'));
-        };
-        $scope.showResultQuery = function(paragraph) {
-            if (!_.isNil(paragraph)) {
-                const scope = $scope.$new();
-                if (paragraph.queryArgs.type === 'SCAN') {
-                    scope.title = 'SCAN query';
-                    const filter = paragraph.queryArgs.filter;
-                    if (_.isEmpty(filter))
-                        scope.content = [`SCAN query for cache: <b>${maskCacheName(paragraph.queryArgs.cacheName, true)}</b>`];
-                    else
-                        scope.content = [`SCAN query for cache: <b>${maskCacheName(paragraph.queryArgs.cacheName, true)}</b> with filter: <b>${filter}</b>`];
-                }
-                else if (paragraph.queryArgs.query .startsWith('EXPLAIN ')) {
-                    scope.title = 'Explain query';
-                    scope.content = paragraph.queryArgs.query.split(/\r?\n/);
-                }
-                else {
-                    scope.title = 'SQL query';
-                    scope.content = paragraph.queryArgs.query.split(/\r?\n/);
-                }
-                // Attach duration and selected node info
-                scope.meta = `Duration: ${$filter('duration')(paragraph.duration)}.`;
-                scope.meta += paragraph.localQueryMode ? ` Node ID8: ${_.id8(paragraph.resNodeId)}` : '';
-                // Show a basic modal from a controller
-                $modal({scope, templateUrl: messageTemplateUrl, show: true});
-            }
-        };
-        $scope.showStackTrace = function(paragraph) {
-            if (!_.isNil(paragraph)) {
-                const scope = $scope.$new();
-                scope.title = 'Error details';
-                scope.content = [];
-                const tab = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
-                const addToTrace = (item) => {
-                    if (_.nonNil(item)) {
-                        const clsName = _.isEmpty(item.className) ? '' : '[' + JavaTypes.shortClassName(item.className) + '] ';
-                        scope.content.push((scope.content.length > 0 ? tab : '') + clsName + (item.message || ''));
-                        addToTrace(item.cause);
-                        _.forEach(item.suppressed, (sup) => addToTrace(sup));
-                    }
-                };
-                addToTrace(paragraph.error.root);
-                // Show a basic modal from a controller
-                $modal({scope, templateUrl: messageTemplateUrl, show: true});
-            }
-        };
-    }
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/sql.module.js b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/sql.module.js
deleted file mode 100644
index da9955c..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/sql.module.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import angular from 'angular';
-import NotebookData from './';
-import Notebook from './Notebook.service';
-import notebook from './notebook.controller';
-import controller from './sql.controller';
-import sqlTplUrl from 'app/../views/sql/sql.tpl.pug';
-angular.module('ignite-console.sql', [
-    'ui.router'
-.config(['$stateProvider', ($stateProvider) => {
-    // set up the states
-    $stateProvider
-        .state('base.sql', {
-            url: '/queries',
-            abstract: true,
-            template: '<ui-view></ui-view>'
-        })
-        .state('base.sql.notebook', {
-            url: '/notebook/{noteId}',
-            templateUrl: sqlTplUrl,
-            permission: 'query',
-            tfMetaTags: {
-                title: 'Query notebook'
-            },
-            controller,
-            controllerAs: '$ctrl'
-        })
-        .state('base.sql.demo', {
-            url: '/demo',
-            templateUrl: sqlTplUrl,
-            permission: 'query',
-            tfMetaTags: {
-                title: 'SQL demo'
-            },
-            controller,
-            controllerAs: '$ctrl'
-        });
-.service('IgniteNotebookData', NotebookData)
-.service('IgniteNotebook', Notebook)
-.controller('notebookController', notebook);
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/primitives/switcher/index.pug b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/primitives/switcher/index.pug
index 5689094..8b7d009 100644
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/primitives/switcher/index.pug
+++ b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/primitives/switcher/index.pug
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
 mixin switcher()
-        div(bs-tooltip=attributes.tip && '' data-title=attributes.tip data-trigger='hover')
+        div(bs-tooltip=attributes.tip && '' data-title=attributes.tip data-trigger='hover' data-placement='bottom')
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/primitives/switcher/index.scss b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/primitives/switcher/index.scss
index 3e9cd49..fb2fd1b 100644
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/primitives/switcher/index.scss
+++ b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/primitives/switcher/index.scss
@@ -15,31 +15,39 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-@import '../../../public/stylesheets/variables';
+@import 'public/stylesheets/variables';
 label.switcher--ignite {
-    width: 34px;
-    max-width: 34px !important;
-    height: 20px;
+    $width: 34px;
+    $height: 20px;
-    line-height: 20px;
+    $color-inactive-primary: #c5c5c5;
+    $color-inactive-secondary: #ffffff;
+    $color-active-primary: $ignite-brand-primary;
+    $color-active-secondary: #ff8485;
+    width: $width;
+    max-width: $width !important;
+    height: $height;
+    line-height: $height;
     vertical-align: middle;
     cursor: pointer;
-    input[type="checkbox"] {
+    input[type='checkbox'] {
         position: absolute;
         opacity: 0.0;
         & + div {
             position: relative;
-            width: 34px;
+            width: $width;
             height: 14px;
             margin: 3px 0;
             border-radius: 8px;
-            background-color: #C5C5C5;
+            background-color: $color-inactive-primary;
             transition: background 0.2s ease;
             &:before {
@@ -49,12 +57,14 @@ label.switcher--ignite {
                 top: -3px;
                 left: 0;
-                width: 20px;
-                height: 20px;
+                width: $height;
+                height: $height;
-                border: solid 1px #C5C5C5;
+                border-width: 1px;
+                border-style: solid;
                 border-radius: 50%;
-                background-color: #FFF;
+                border-color: $color-inactive-primary;
+                background-color: $color-inactive-secondary;
                 transition: all 0.12s ease;
@@ -64,17 +74,46 @@ label.switcher--ignite {
+        &[is-in-progress='true'] + div:before {
+            border-left-width: 2px;
+            border-left-color: $color-active-primary;
+            animation-name: switcher--animation;
+            animation-duration: 1s;
+            animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+            animation-timing-function: linear;
+        }
         &:checked + div {
-            background-color: #FF8485;
+            background-color: $color-active-secondary;
             &:before {
                 content: '';
                 left: 14px;
-                border: 0;
-                background-color: #EE2B27;
+                border-color: $color-active-primary;
+                background-color: $color-active-primary;
+            }
+        }
+        &[is-in-progress='true']:checked + div {
+            background-color: $color-inactive-primary;
+            &:before {
+                border-color: $color-inactive-primary;
+                border-left-color: $color-active-primary;
+                background-color: $color-inactive-secondary;
+@keyframes switcher--animation {
+    from {
+        transform: rotate(0deg);
+    }
+    to {
+        transform: rotate(360deg);
+    }
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/views/includes/header-right.pug b/modules/web-console/frontend/views/includes/header-right.pug
index 8eeb281..56fd102 100644
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/views/includes/header-right.pug
+++ b/modules/web-console/frontend/views/includes/header-right.pug
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
     ) Start Demo
         ng-class='{active: $state.includes("base.settings")}'