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cvs commit: xml-xalan/java/src/synthetic/reflection

jkesselm    00/09/20 14:19:39

  Added:       java/src/synthetic/reflection
  synthetic.Class: IBM-developed reverse-reflection experiment, used in the compiled-Template experiment.
  Incomplete but I had 'em on hand and have been meaning to publish anyway.
  Arguably overkill for current compilation code, but may simplify later work.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-xalan/java/src/synthetic/reflection/
  // Synthetic Class descriptors ("reverse reflection")
  // Copyright �2000 International Business Machines Corportation
  // All rights reserved.
  package synthetic.reflection;
  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
  import synthetic.SynthesisException;
    Constructor provides information about, and access to, a
    single constructor for a class. 
    Constructor permits widening conversions to occur when
    matching the actual parameters to newInstance() with
    the underlying constructor's formal parameters, but
    throws an IllegalArgumentException if a narrowing
    conversion would occur. 
    @see Member  
    @see Class  
    @see getConstructors  
    @see getConstructor  
    @see getDeclaredConstructors 
  public class Constructor 
  extends EntryPoint
  implements Member 
      Actual Java class object. When present, all interactions
      are redirected to it. Allows our Class to function as a
      wrapper for the Java version (in lieu of subclassing or
      a shared Interface), and allows BSC or similar 
      compilation to replace a generated description with an
      directly runnable class.
    private synthetic.Class declaringclass = null;
      Actual Java class object. When present, all interactions
      are redirected to it. Allows our Class to function as a
      wrapper for the Java version (in lieu of subclassing or
      a shared Interface), and allows BSC or similar 
      compilation to replace a generated description with an
      directly runnable class.
    private java.lang.reflect.Constructor realconstructor = null;
    private synthetic.Class[] parametertypes;
    private String[] parameternames;
    private synthetic.Class[] exceptiontypes;
    private int modifiers;
     * Insert the method's description here.
     * <p>
     * Creation date: (12-27-99 2:31:39 PM)
     * @param realConstructor java.lang.reflect.Constructor
    public Constructor(synthetic.Class declaringclass)
     * Insert the method's description here.
     * <p>
     * Creation date: (12-27-99 2:31:39 PM)
     * @param realConstructor java.lang.reflect.Constructor
    public Constructor(java.lang.reflect.Constructor ctor,synthetic.Class declaringclass)
     * Insert the method's description here.
     * <p>
     * Creation date: (12-27-99 2:31:39 PM)
     * @param realConstructor java.lang.reflect.Constructor
    public Constructor(java.lang.reflect.Constructor realconstructor)
      Returns a hashcode for this Constructor. The
      hashcode is the same as the hashcode for the
      underlying constructor's declaring class name. 
    public int hashCode()
      return getDeclaringClass().getName().hashCode();
      Uses the constructor represented by this
      Constructor object to create and initialize a new
      instance of the constructor's declaring class, with
      the specified initialization parameters. Individual
      parameters are automatically unwrapped to match
      primitive formal parameters, and both primitive
      and reference parameters are subject to widening
      conversions as necessary. Returns the newly
      created and initialized object. 
      Creation proceeds with the following steps, in
      If the class that declares the underlying constructor
      represents an abstract class, the creation throws an
      If this Constructor object enforces Java language
      access control and the underlying constructor is
      inaccessible, the creation throws an
      If the number of actual parameters supplied via
      initargs is different from the number of formal
      parameters required by the underlying constructor,
      the creation throws an IllegalArgumentException. 
      A new instance of the constructor's declaring class
      is created, and its fields are initialized to their
      default initial values. 
      For each actual parameter in the supplied initargs
      If the corresponding formal parameter has a
      primitive type, an unwrapping conversion is
      attempted to convert the object value to a value of
      the primitive type. If this attempt fails, the
      creation throws an IllegalArgumentException. 
      If, after possible unwrapping, the parameter value
      cannot be converted to the corresponding formal
      parameter type by an identity or widening
      conversion, the creation throws an
      Control transfers to the underlying constructor to
      initialize the new instance. If the constructor
      completes abruptly by throwing an exception, the
      exception is placed in an
      InvocationTargetException and thrown in turn to
      the caller of newInstance. 
      If the constructor completes normally, returns the
      newly created and initialized instance. 
      @throws  IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws  IllegalArgumentException 
      if the number of actual and formal
      parameters differ, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
      @throws  InstantiationException 
      if the class that declares the underlying
      constructor represents an abstract class. 
      @throws  InvocationTargetException 
      if the underlying constructor throws an
    public Object newInstance(Object initargs[]) 
         throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
        return ((java.lang.reflect.Constructor)realep).newInstance(initargs);
        throw new InstantiationException("Un-reified synthetic.Class doesn't yet support invocation");
  1.1                  xml-xalan/java/src/synthetic/reflection/
  // Synthetic Class descriptors ("reverse reflection")
  // Copyright �2000 International Business Machines Corportation
  // All rights reserved.
  package synthetic.reflection;
  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
  import synthetic.SynthesisException;
  /***** OPEN ISSUES:
      Reflection doesn't tell us about deprecation; if we want
      that info, MFC advises mousing our way into the class (ugh).
      Should we at least model that for synthetics?
    API/behaviors shared between Constructors and Methods.
    They're mostly similar, except for what they proxy and
    a few specific calls (name, invoke/getInstance).
  abstract public class EntryPoint
  implements Member 
    protected Object realep;
    private synthetic.Class declaringclass = null;
    protected synthetic.Class returntype = null;
    private String[] parameternames=new String[0];
    private synthetic.Class[] parametertypes=new synthetic.Class[0];
    private synthetic.Class[] exceptiontypes=new synthetic.Class[0];;
    private int modifiers;
    protected String name=null; // for Methods
    // For synthesis:
    private StringBuffer body=null;
    private String language=null;
    // For reifying:
    Class[] realE,realP;
     * Insert the method's description here.
     * <p>
     * Creation date: (12-27-99 2:31:39 PM)
     * @param realConstructor java.lang.reflect.Constructor
    public EntryPoint(synthetic.Class declaringclass)
    /** Nonpublic constructor. Wrap this to appropriate "real" type */
    protected EntryPoint(Object ep,synthetic.Class declaringclass) 
         throws IllegalArgumentException
      if(ep instanceof java.lang.reflect.Method)
          java.lang.reflect.Method m=(java.lang.reflect.Method)ep;
      else if(ep instanceof java.lang.reflect.Constructor)
          java.lang.reflect.Constructor c=(java.lang.reflect.Constructor)ep;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    /** Nonpublic constructor. Wrap this to appropriate "real" type */
    protected EntryPoint(Object ep) 
         throws IllegalArgumentException
      Compares this against the specified
      object. Returns true if the objects are the same.
      Two EntryPoints are the same if they were
      declared by the same class, have the same name
      (or are both ctors) and have the same
      formal parameter types. 
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
      EntryPoint otherep=null;
      if (obj instanceof EntryPoint)
      else if (obj instanceof java.lang.reflect.Constructor ||
  	     obj instanceof java.lang.reflect.Method)
        otherep = (EntryPoint)obj;
      return (otherep!=null 
  	    && ((this instanceof Constructor && otherep instanceof Constructor)
  		(this instanceof Method && otherep instanceof Method &&
  		 this.getName().equals(otherep.getName()) ))
  	    && otherep.getDeclaringClass().equals(declaringclass) 
  	    && otherep.getParameterTypes().equals(parametertypes));
      Returns the Class object representing the class that
      declares the constructor represented by this
      Constructor object. 
    public synthetic.Class getDeclaringClass()
      return declaringclass;
      Returns the Class object representing the class that
      will be returned by this EntryPoint. Needed by the Method
      API, but made meaningful for Constructors as well.
    public synthetic.Class getReturnType()
      return returntype;
      Returns an array of Class objects that represent the
      types of the checked exceptions thrown by the
      underlying constructor represented by this
      Constructor object. Returns an array of length 0 if
      the constructor throws no checked exceptions. 
    public synthetic.Class[] getExceptionTypes()
      if(realep!=null && exceptiontypes==null)
  	exceptiontypes=new synthetic.Class[realE.length];
  	for(int i=0;i<realE.length;++i)
      return exceptiontypes;
    public void addExceptionType(synthetic.Class exception)
    throws SynthesisException
          throw new SynthesisException(SynthesisException.REIFIED);
      synthetic.Class[] e=new synthetic.Class[exceptiontypes.length+1];
      Returns the Java language modifiers for the
      constructor represented by this Constructor object,
      as an integer. The Modifier class should be used to
      decode the modifiers. 
    public int getModifiers()
      return modifiers;
     * Member method. C'tor's name is always that of the defining class.
     * Methods have a "real" name.
     * Creation date: (12-25-99 1:32:06 PM)
     * @return java.lang.String
    public java.lang.String getName() {
      if(this instanceof Constructor)
          return declaringclass.getShortName();
      return name;
     * Member method. C'tor's name is always that of the defining class.
     * Methods have a "real" name.
     * Creation date: (12-25-99 1:32:06 PM)
     * @return java.lang.String
    public void setName(String name) 
         throws SynthesisException
        throw new SynthesisException(SynthesisException.REIFIED);
      Returns an array of Class objects that represent the
      formal parameter types, in declaration order, of the
      constructor represented by this Constructor object.
      Returns an array of length 0 if the underlying
      constructor takes no parameters. 
    public synthetic.Class[] getParameterTypes()
      if(realep!=null && parametertypes==null)
  	    parametertypes=new synthetic.Class[realP.length];
  	    for(int i=0;i<realP.length;++i)
      return parametertypes;
    public String[] getParameterNames()
      return parameternames;
    public void addParameter(synthetic.Class type,String name)
    throws SynthesisException
          throw new SynthesisException(SynthesisException.REIFIED);
      synthetic.Class[] types=new synthetic.Class[parametertypes.length+1];
      String[] names=new String[parameternames.length+1];
      Returns a hashcode for this Constructor. The
      hashcode is the same as the hashcode for the
      underlying constructor's declaring class name,
      xor'ed (for Methods) with the method name.
      (Implemented in the subclasses rather than here.)
    abstract public int hashCode();
      Assert the Class object representing the class that
      declares the constructor represented by this
      Constructor object.
    public void setDeclaringClass(synthetic.Class declaringClass)
         throws SynthesisException
        throw new SynthesisException(SynthesisException.REIFIED);
    ***** Should only be accepted before a "real" entrypoint is bound.
    * Creation date: (12-25-99 1:28:28 PM)
    * @return int
    * @param modifiers int
    public void setModifiers(int modifiers) 
         throws SynthesisException
        throw new SynthesisException(SynthesisException.REIFIED);
      Return a string describing this Constructor. The
      string is formatted as the constructor access
      modifiers, if any, followed by the fully-qualified
      name of the declaring class, followed by a
      parenthesized, comma-separated list of the
      constructor's formal parameter types. For example:
      public java.util.Hashtable(int,float)
      The only possible modifiers for constructors are
      the access modifiers public, protected or
      private. Only one of these may appear, or none
      if the constructor has default (package) access. 
      Methods will also display their checked exceptions.
    public String toString()
      StringBuffer sb=
        new StringBuffer(java.lang.reflect.Modifier.toString(getModifiers()));
      if(this instanceof synthetic.reflection.Method)	    
        sb.append(' ').append(getReturnType())
      synthetic.Class[] p=getParameterTypes();
      if(p!=null && p.length>0)
  	for(int i=1;i<p.length;++i)
      if(this instanceof synthetic.reflection.Method)	    
  	if(p!=null && p.length>0)
  	    sb.append(" throws ").append(p[0].getName());
  	    for(int i=1;i<p.length;++i)
      return sb.toString();
    /** Extension: For synthesis, we need a place to hang a
      method body.
    public void setBody(String language,StringBuffer body)
         throws SynthesisException
        throw new SynthesisException(SynthesisException.REIFIED);
    /** Extension: For synthesis, we need a place to hang a
      method body. Note that this returns a mutable object,
      for editing etc. Slightly sloppy first cut.
    public StringBuffer getBody()
          body=new StringBuffer();
      return body;
    /** Extension: For synthesis, we need a place to hang a
      method body.
    public String getLanguage()
      return language;
    /** Generate Java code
    public String toSource(String basetab)
      StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
      if(this instanceof synthetic.reflection.Method)
          if (returntype!=null)
            sb.append(" ").append(getReturnType().getJavaName());
            sb.append(" void");
      sb.append(" ").append(getName())
      synthetic.Class[] types=getParameterTypes();
      if(types!=null & types.length>0)
  	  sb.append(' ').append(parameternames[0]);
          for(int i=1;i<types.length;++i)
  	      sb.append(' ').append(parameternames[i]);
      if(types!=null & types.length>0)
          sb.append(" throws ").append(types[0].getJavaName());
          for(int i=1;i<types.length;++i)
        sb.append("; // No method body available\n");
          if(language==null || "java".equals(language))
              sb.append(basetab+"// ***** Should prettyprint this code...\n");
              sb.append(basetab+"// ***** Generate BSF invocation!?\n");
      return sb.toString();
  1.1                  xml-xalan/java/src/synthetic/reflection/
  // Synthetic Class descriptors ("reverse reflection")
  // Copyright �2000 International Business Machines Corportation
  // All rights reserved.
  package synthetic.reflection;
  import synthetic.Class;
  import synthetic.SynthesisException;
    A Field provides information about, and dynamic access
    to, a single field of a class or an interface. The reflected
    field may be a class (static) field or an instance field. 
    A Field permits widening conversions to occur during a
    get or set access operation, but throws an
    IllegalArgumentException if a narrowing conversion
    would occur. 
    @see Member  
    @see  Class  
    @see  getFields  
    @see  getField  
    @see  getDeclaredFields  
    @see  getDeclaredField 
  public class Field 
  extends Object 
  implements Member 
    public String name, initializer=null;
    int modifiers;
    java.lang.reflect.Field realfield=null;
    Class declaringClass,type;
    /** Proxy constructor */
    public Field(java.lang.reflect.Field realfield, synthetic.Class declaringClass)
    /** Synthesis constructor */
    public Field(String name,synthetic.Class declaringClass)
      Compares this Field against the specified object.
      Returns true if the objects are the same. Two
      Fields are the same if they were declared by the
      same class and have the same name and type. 
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        return realfield.equals(obj);
      else if(obj instanceof Field)
          Field objf=(Field)obj;
          return(declaringClass.equals(objf.declaringClass) &&
  	       name.equals( && type.equals(objf.type) );
      else return false;
      Returns the value of the field represented by this
      Field, on the specified object. The value is
      automatically wrapped in an object if it has a
      primitive type. 
      The underlying field's value is obtained as follows:
      If the underlying field is a static field, the object
      argument is ignored; it may be null. 
      Otherwise, the underlying field is an instance
      field. If the specified object argument is null, the
      method throws a NullPointerException. If the
      specified object is not an instance of the class or
      interface declaring the underlying field, the
      method throws an IllegalArgumentException. 
      If this Field object enforces Java language access
      control, and the underlying field is inaccessible,
      the method throws an IllegalAccessException. 
      Otherwise, the value is retrieved from the
      underlying instance or static field. If the field has a
      primitive type, the value is wrapped in an object
      before being returned, otherwise it is returned as
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the specified object is not an instance of
      the class or interface declaring the
      underlying field. 
      @throws NullPointerException 
      if the specified object is null. 
    public Object get(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
        return realfield.get(obj);
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Get the value of a field as a boolean on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the field value cannot be converted to the
      return type by a widening conversion. 
    public boolean getBoolean(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
        return realfield.getBoolean(obj);
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Get the value of a field as a byte on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the field value cannot be converted to the
      return type by a widening conversion. 
    public byte getByte(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
        return realfield.getByte(obj);
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Get the value of a field as a char on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the field value cannot be converted to the
      return type by a widening conversion. 
    public char getChar(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
        return realfield.getChar(obj);
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Returns the Class object representing the class or
      interface that declares the field represented by this
      Field object. 
    public synthetic.Class getDeclaringClass()
        return synthetic.Class.forClass(realfield.getDeclaringClass());
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Get the value of a field as a double on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the field value cannot be converted to the
      return type by a widening conversion. 
    public double getDouble(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
        return realfield.getDouble(obj);
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Get the value of a field as a float on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the field value cannot be converted to the
      return type by a widening conversion. 
    public float getFloat(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
        return realfield.getFloat(obj);
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Get the value of a field as a int on specified object. 
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the field value cannot be converted to the
      return type by a widening conversion. 
    public int getInt(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
        return realfield.getInt(obj);
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Get the value of a field as a long on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the field value cannot be converted to the
      return type by a widening conversion. 
    public long getLong(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
        return realfield.getLong(obj);
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Returns the Java language modifiers for the field
      represented by this Field object, as an integer. The
      Modifier class should be used to decode the
    public int getModifiers()
      return modifiers;
    public String getInitializer()
      return initializer;
    public void setInitializer(String i)
    throws SynthesisException
        throw new SynthesisException(SynthesisException.REIFIED);
     * Insert the method's description here.
     * Creation date: (12-25-99 2:02:26 PM)
     * @return java.lang.String
    public java.lang.String getName() {
      return name;
      Get the value of a field as a short on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the field value cannot be converted to the
      return type by a widening conversion. 
    public short getShort(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
        return realfield.getShort(obj);
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Returns a Class object that identifies the declared
      type for the field represented by this Field object. 
    public Class getType()
      return type;
    public void setType(synthetic.Class type)
    throws SynthesisException
        throw new SynthesisException(SynthesisException.REIFIED);
      Returns a hashcode for this Field. This is
      computed as the exclusive-or of the hashcodes for
      the underlying field's declaring class name and its
    public int hashCode()
        return realfield.hashCode();
        return declaringClass.getName().hashCode() ^ 
      Sets the field represented by this Field object on
      the specified object argument to the specified new
      value. The new value is automatically unwrapped
      if the underlying field has a primitive type. 
      The operation proceeds as follows: 
      If the underlying field is static, the object
      argument is ignored; it may be null. 
      Otherwise the underlying field is an instance field.
      If the specified object argument is null, the
      method throws a NullPointerException. If the
      specified object argument is not an instance of the
      class or interface declaring the underlying field,
      the method throws an IllegalArgumentException. 
      If this Field object enforces Java language access
      control, and the underlying field is inaccessible,
      the method throws an IllegalAccessException. 
      If the underlying field is final, the method throws
      an IllegalAccessException. 
      If the underlying field is of a primitive type, an
      unwrapping conversion is attempted to convert the
      new value to a value of a primitive type. If this
      attempt fails, the method throws an
      If, after possible unwrapping, the new value
      cannot be converted to the type of the underlying
      field by an identity or widening conversion, the
      method throws an IllegalArgumentException. 
      The field is set to the possibly unwrapped and
      widened new value. 
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the specified object is not an instance of
      the class or interface declaring the
      underlying field, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
      @throws NullPointerException 
      if the specified object is null. 
    public  void set(Object obj,Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Set the value of a field as a boolean on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the specified object is not an instance of
      the class or interface declaring the
      underlying field, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
    public  void setBoolean(Object obj,boolean z) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Set the value of a field as a byte on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the specified object is not an instance of
      the class or interface declaring the
      underlying field, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
    public  void setByte(Object obj, byte b) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Set the value of a field as a char on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the specified object is not an instance of
      the class or interface declaring the
      underlying field, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
    public  void setChar(Object obj, char c) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Returns the Class object representing the class that
      declares the constructor represented by this
      Constructor object. 
    public void setDeclaringClass(synthetic.Class declaringClass)
      Set the value of a field as a double on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the specified object is not an instance of
      the class or interface declaring the
      underlying field, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
    public  void setDouble(Object obj, double d) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Set the value of a field as a float on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the specified object is not an instance of
      the class or interface declaring the
      underlying field, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
    public  void setFloat(Object obj, float f) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Set the value of a field as an int on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the specified object is not an instance of
      the class or interface declaring the
      underlying field, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
    public  void setInt(Object obj, int i) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Set the value of a field as a long on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the specified object is not an instance of
      the class or interface declaring the
      underlying field, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
    public  void setLong(Object obj, long l) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
     * Insert the method's description here.
     * Creation date: (12-25-99 1:28:28 PM)
     * @return int
     * @param modifiers int
    public void setModifiers(int modifiers)
    throws SynthesisException
          throw new SynthesisException(SynthesisException.REIFIED);
      Set the value of a field as a short on specified
      @throws IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying constructor is inaccessible. 
      @throws IllegalArgumentException 
      if the specified object is not an instance of
      the class or interface declaring the
      underlying field, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
    public  void setShort(Object obj, short s) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
      Return a string describing this Field. The format is
      the access modifiers for the field, if any, followed
      by the field type, followed by a space, followed by
      the fully-qualified name of the class declaring the
      field, followed by a period, followed by the name
      of the field. For example: 
      public static final int java.lang.Thread.MIN_PRIORITY
      private int
      The modifiers are placed in canonical order as
      specified by "The Java Language Specification".
      This is public, protected or private first,
      and then other modifiers in the following order:
      static, final, transient, volatile. 
    public String toString()
        return realfield.toString();
      throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();
    /** Output the Field as Java sourcecode
    public String toSource()
      StringBuffer sb=
          new StringBuffer(java.lang.reflect.Modifier.toString(getModifiers()) )
          .append(' ')
          .append(' ')
      String i=getInitializer();
      if(i!=null && i.length()>0)
      return sb.toString();
  1.1                  xml-xalan/java/src/synthetic/reflection/
  // Synthetic Class descriptors ("reverse reflection")
  // Copyright �2000 International Business Machines Corportation
  // All rights reserved.
  package synthetic.reflection;
  import synthetic.SynthesisException;
  Member is an interface that reflects identifying
  information about a single member (a field or a method)
  or a constructor.
  Note that this is <strong>not</strong> currently derived from
  java.lang.reflect.Member, due to questions about how to handle
  @see Field
  @see Method
  @see Constructor
  @see synthetic.Class
  @see java.lang.reflect.Member
  public interface Member
  Returns the Class object representing the class or
  interface that declares the member or constructor
  represented by this Member.
  public abstract synthetic.Class getDeclaringClass();
  Returns the Java language modifiers for the
  member or constructor represented by this
  Member, as an integer. The Modifier class should
  be used to decode the modifiers in the integer. 
  @see Modifier
  public abstract int getModifiers();
  Returns the Class object representing the class or
  interface that declares the member or constructor
  represented by this Member. 
  public abstract void setDeclaringClass(synthetic.Class declaringClass)
  throws SynthesisException;
  Returns the Java language modifiers for the
  member or constructor represented by this
  Member, as an integer. The Modifier class should
  be used to decode the modifiers in the integer. 
  @see Modifier
  public abstract void setModifiers(int modifiers) 
  throws SynthesisException;
  1.1                  xml-xalan/java/src/synthetic/reflection/
  // Synthetic Class descriptors ("reverse reflection")
  // Copyright �2000 International Business Machines Corportation
  // All rights reserved.
  package synthetic.reflection;
  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
  import synthetic.SynthesisException;
    A Method provides information about, and access to, a
    single method on a class or interface. The reflected
    method may be a class method or an instance method
    (including an abstract method). 
    A Method permits widening conversions to occur when
    matching the actual parameters to invokewith the
    underlying method's formal parameters, but it throws an
    IllegalArgumentException if a narrowing conversion
    would occur.
    ***** Need to add method body, a la Matt's codebuffer.
    That may or may not imply retaining the final return value
    separately and passing in a how-to-use-it mechanism...?
    @see Member  
    @see Class  
    @see getMethods  
    @see getMethod  
    @see getDeclaredMethods  
    @see getDeclaredMethod 
  public  class Method 
  extends EntryPoint 
  implements Member 
     * Insert the method's description here.
     * <p>
     * Creation date: (12-27-99 2:31:39 PM)
     * @param realConstructor java.lang.reflect.Constructor
    public Method(String name,synthetic.Class declaringclass)
     * Insert the method's description here.
     * <p>
     * Creation date: (12-27-99 2:31:39 PM)
     * @param realConstructor java.lang.reflect.Constructor
    public Method(java.lang.reflect.Method ctor,synthetic.Class declaringclass)
     * Insert the method's description here.
     * <p>
     * Creation date: (12-27-99 2:31:39 PM)
     * @param realConstructor java.lang.reflect.Constructor
    public Method(java.lang.reflect.Method realmethod)
      Returns a hashcode for this Method. The hashcode
      is computed as the exclusive-or of the hashcodes
      for the underlying method's declaring class name
      and the method's name. 
      Returns a hashcode for this Constructor. The
      hashcode for a Method is the hashcode for the
      underlying constructor's declaring class name,
      XORed with the name of this method.
    public int hashCode()
      return getDeclaringClass().getName().hashCode()
      Invokes the underlying method represented by this
      Method object, on the specified object with the
      specified parameters. Individual parameters are
      automatically unwrapped to match primitive
      formal parameters, and both primitive and
      reference parameters are subject to widening
      conversions as necessary. The value returned by
      the underlying method is automatically wrapped
      in an object if it has a primitive type. 
      Method invocation proceeds with the following
      steps, in order: 
      If the underlying method is static, then the
      specified object argument is ignored. It may be
      Otherwise, the method is an instance method. If
      the specified object argument is null, the
      invocation throws a NullPointerException.
      Otherwise, if the specified object argument is not
      an instance of the class or interface declaring the
      underlying method, the invocation throws an
      If this Method object enforces Java language access
      control and the underlying method is inaccessible,
      the invocation throws an IllegalAccessException. 
      If the number of actual parameters supplied via
      args is different from the number of formal
      parameters required by the underlying method, the
      invocation throws an IllegalArgumentException. 
      For each actual parameter in the supplied args
      If the corresponding formal parameter has a
      primitive type, an unwrapping conversion is
      attempted to convert the object value to a value of
      a primitive type. If this attempt fails, the
      invocation throws an IllegalArgumentException. 
      If, after possible unwrapping, the parameter value
      cannot be converted to the corresponding formal
      parameter type by an identity or widening
      conversion, the invocation throws an
      If the underlying method is an instance method, it
      is invoked using dynamic method lookup as
      documented in The Java Language Specification,
      section; in particular, overriding based
      on the runtime type of the target object will occur. 
      If the underlying method is static, it is invoked as
      exactly the method on the declaring class. 
      Control transfers to the underlying method. If the
      method completes abruptly by throwing an
      exception, the exception is placed in an
      InvocationTargetException and thrown in turn to
      the caller of invoke. 
      If the method completes normally, the value it
      returns is returned to the caller of invoke; if the
      value has a primitive type, it is first appropriately
      wrapped in an object. If the underlying method
      return type is void, the invocation returns null. 
      Throws: IllegalAccessException 
      if the underlying method is inaccessible. 
      Throws: IllegalArgumentException 
      if the number of actual and formal
      parameters differ, or if an unwrapping
      conversion fails. 
      Throws: InvocationTargetException 
      if the underlying method throws an
      Throws: NullPointerException 
      if the specified object is null. 
    public Object invoke(Object obj, Object args[]) 
         throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, 
        return ((java.lang.reflect.Method)realep).invoke(obj,args);
        throw new IllegalAccessException("Un-reified synthetic.Class doesn't yet support invocation");
    public void setReturnType(synthetic.Class returntype)
    throws SynthesisException
          throw new SynthesisException(SynthesisException.REIFIED);