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[GitHub] piiswrong closed pull request #6586: Implementation for concat relu operator

piiswrong closed pull request #6586: Implementation for concat relu operator

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
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As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
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diff --git a/src/operator/contrib/crelu-inl.h b/src/operator/contrib/crelu-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d764658dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/contrib/crelu-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors
+ * \file crelu-inl.h
+ * \brief concat relu
+ * \author Yijie Zhuang
+#include <dmlc/logging.h>
+#include <dmlc/parameter.h>
+#include <mxnet/operator.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include "../operator_common.h"
+#include "../channel_op_common.h"
+#include "../mshadow_op.h"
+namespace mxnet {
+namespace op {
+namespace concat_relu {
+enum CReluOpInputs {kData};
+enum CReluOpResource {kTempSpace};
+enum CReluOpOutputs {kOut};
+struct CReluParam : public dmlc::Parameter<CReluParam> {
+template<typename xpu, typename DType>
+class CReluOp : public Operator {
+ public:
+  explicit CReluOp(CReluParam p) { this->param_ = p; }
+  virtual void Forward(const OpContext &ctx,
+                       const std::vector<TBlob> &in_data,
+                       const std::vector<OpReqType> &req,
+                       const std::vector<TBlob> &out_data,
+                       const std::vector<TBlob> &aux_args) {
+    using namespace mshadow;
+    using namespace mshadow::expr;
+    CHECK_EQ(in_data.size(), 1U);
+    CHECK_EQ(out_data.size(), 1U);
+    Stream<xpu> *s = ctx.get_stream<xpu>();
+    Tensor<xpu, 2, DType> data = in_data[concat_relu::kData].FlatTo2D<xpu, DType>(s);
+    Tensor<xpu, 2, DType> out = out_data[concat_relu::kOut].FlatTo2D<xpu, DType>(s);
+    std::vector<Tensor<xpu, 2, DType> > concat_data(2);
+    concat_data[0] = Tensor<xpu, 2, DType>(out.dptr_, data.shape_, s);
+    concat_data[1] = ctx.requested[concat_relu::kTempSpace]
+                    .get_space_typed<xpu, 2, DType>(data.shape_, s);
+    concat_data[0] = F<mshadow_op::relu>(data);
+    concat_data[1] = F<mshadow_op::relu>(F<mshadow_op::negation>(data));
+    Concatenate(concat_data, &out, 1, req[concat_relu::kOut]);
+  }
+  virtual void Backward(const OpContext &ctx,
+                        const std::vector<TBlob> &out_grad,
+                        const std::vector<TBlob> &in_data,
+                        const std::vector<TBlob> &out_data,
+                        const std::vector<OpReqType> &req,
+                        const std::vector<TBlob> &in_grad,
+                        const std::vector<TBlob> &aux_args) {
+    using namespace mshadow;
+    using namespace mshadow::expr;
+    CHECK_EQ(out_grad.size(), 1U);
+    CHECK(in_data.size() == 1 && in_grad.size() == 1);
+    CHECK_EQ(req.size(), 1U);
+    Stream<xpu> *s = ctx.get_stream<xpu>();
+    using namespace std;
+    Tensor<xpu, 2, DType> m_in_grad = in_grad[concat_relu::kData].FlatTo2D<xpu, DType>(s);
+    Tensor<xpu, 2, DType> m_in_data = in_data[concat_relu::kData].FlatTo2D<xpu, DType>(s);
+    Tensor<xpu, 2, DType> m_out_grad = out_grad[concat_relu::kOut].FlatTo2D<xpu, DType>(s);
+    Tensor<xpu, 2, DType> m_out_data = out_data[concat_relu::kOut].FlatTo2D<xpu, DType>(s);
+    m_out_grad = F<mshadow_op::relu_grad>(m_out_data) * m_out_grad;
+    Assign(m_in_grad, req[concat_relu::kData], slice<1>(m_out_grad, 0, m_out_grad.size(1)/2)
+                        * F<mshadow_op::sign>(m_in_data)
+                        + slice<1>(m_out_grad, m_out_grad.size(1)/2, m_out_grad.size(1))
+                        * F<mshadow_op::sign>(m_in_data));
+  }
+ private:
+    CReluParam param_;
+};  // class crelu
+// Decalre Factory function, used for dispatch specialization
+template<typename xpu>
+Operator* CreateOp(CReluParam param, int dtype);
+class CReluProp : public OperatorProperty {
+ public:
+  void Init(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >& kwargs) override {
+    param_.Init(kwargs);
+  }
+  std::map<std::string, std::string> GetParams() const override {
+    return param_.__DICT__();
+  }
+  bool InferShape(std::vector<TShape> *in_shape,
+                  std::vector<TShape> *out_shape,
+                  std::vector<TShape> *aux_shape) const override {
+    using namespace mshadow;
+    CHECK_EQ(in_shape->size(), 1U) << "Input:[data]";
+    TShape dshape = in_shape->at(concat_relu::kData);
+    if (dshape.ndim() == 0) return false;
+    dshape[dshape.ndim()-1] = dshape[dshape.ndim()-1] * 2;
+    out_shape->clear();
+    out_shape->push_back(dshape);
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool InferType(std::vector<int> *in_type,
+                 std::vector<int> *out_type,
+                 std::vector<int> *aux_type) const override {
+    CHECK_GE(in_type->size(), 1U);
+    int dtype = (*in_type)[0];
+    CHECK_NE(dtype, -1) << "First input must have specified type";
+    for (index_t i = 0; i < in_type->size(); ++i) {
+      if ((*in_type)[i] == -1) {
+          (*in_type)[i] = dtype;
+      } else {
+        CHECK_EQ((*in_type)[i], dtype) << "This layer requires uniform type. "
+                                       << "Expected " << dtype << " v.s. given "
+                                       << (*in_type)[i] << " at " << ListArguments()[i];
+      }
+    }
+    out_type->clear();
+    out_type->push_back(dtype);
+    return true;
+  }
+  OperatorProperty* Copy() const override {
+    auto ptr = new CReluProp();
+    ptr->param_ = param_;
+    return ptr;
+  }
+  std::string TypeString() const override {
+    return "_contrib_CRelu";
+  }
+  // decalre dependency and inplace optimization options
+  std::vector<int> DeclareBackwardDependency(
+    const std::vector<int> &out_grad,
+    const std::vector<int> &in_data,
+    const std::vector<int> &out_data) const override {
+    return {out_grad[concat_relu::kOut], out_data[concat_relu::kOut], in_data[concat_relu::kData]};
+  }
+  std::vector<ResourceRequest> ForwardResource(
+      const std::vector<TShape> &in_shape) const override {
+    return {ResourceRequest::kTempSpace};
+  }
+  Operator* CreateOperator(Context ctx) const override {
+    LOG(FATAL) << "Not Implemented.";
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  Operator* CreateOperatorEx(Context ctx, std::vector<TShape> *in_shape,
+                             std::vector<int> *in_type) const override;
+ private:
+  CReluParam param_;
+#endif  // DMLC_USE_CXX11
+}  // namespace op
+}  // namespace mxnet
diff --git a/src/operator/contrib/ b/src/operator/contrib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8063aeedac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors
+ * \file
+ * \brief crelu op
+ * \author Yijie Zhuang
+#include "./crelu-inl.h"
+namespace mxnet {
+namespace op {
+Operator *CreateOp<cpu>(CReluParam param, int dtype) {
+  Operator *op = NULL;
+    op = new CReluOp<cpu, DType>(param);
+  })
+  return op;
+// DO_BIND_DISPATCH comes from operator_common.h
+Operator *CReluProp::CreateOperatorEx(Context ctx, std::vector<TShape> *in_shape,
+                                     std::vector<int> *in_type) const {
+  std::vector<TShape> out_shape, aux_shape;
+  std::vector<int> out_type, aux_type;
+  CHECK(InferType(in_type, &out_type, &aux_type));
+  CHECK(InferShape(in_shape, &out_shape, &aux_shape));
+  DO_BIND_DISPATCH(CreateOp, param_, (*in_type)[0]);
+.describe(R"code(Applies concatenate relu function to the input.
+- `crelu`: Concatenate Rectified Linear Unit, :math:`y = (max(x, 0), max(-x,0))`
+.add_argument("data", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Input array to activation function.")
+}  // namespace op
+}  // namespace mxnet
diff --git a/src/operator/contrib/ b/src/operator/contrib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5eb3b870f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors
+ * \file
+ * \brief crelu op
+ * \author Yijie Zhuang
+#include "./crelu-inl.h"
+namespace mxnet {
+namespace op {
+Operator *CreateOp<gpu>(CReluParam param, int dtype) {
+  Operator *op = NULL;
+    op = new CReluOp<gpu, DType>(param);
+  })
+  return op;
+}  // namespace op
+}  // namespace mxnet
diff --git a/tests/python/unittest/ b/tests/python/unittest/
index 8129a41ee7..d609dfb8ae 100644
--- a/tests/python/unittest/
+++ b/tests/python/unittest/
@@ -3178,6 +3178,27 @@ def test_quantization_op():
   assert same(a_.asnumpy(),  a_real.asnumpy())
+def test_crelu():
+    def fcrelu(x):
+        return np.maximum(np.concatenate((x, -x), axis = x.ndim-1), 0.0)
+    def fcrelu_grad(x, y):
+        tmp = (1.0 * (y > 0.0))
+        y1,y2 = np.split(tmp, 2, y.ndim-1)
+        y1 = y1 * np.sign(x)
+        y2 = y2 * np.sign(x)
+        return y1+y2
+    shape = (2, 3)
+    x = mx.symbol.Variable("x")
+    y = mx.contrib.sym.crelu(x)
+    xa = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0,high=1.0,size=shape)
+    ya = fcrelu(xa)
+    ga = fcrelu_grad(xa, ya)
+    check_numeric_gradient(y, [xa], numeric_eps=1E-3)
+    check_symbolic_forward(y, [xa], [ya])
+    check_symbolic_backward(y, [xa], [np.ones((2,6))], [ga])
 def test_custom_op():
     class Sqr(mx.operator.CustomOp):
         def forward(self, is_train, req, in_data, out_data, aux):
@@ -3565,3 +3586,72 @@ def test_laop():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import nose
+    test_custom_op()
+    test_log_softmax()
+    test_new_softmax()
+    test_pick()
+    test_l2_normalization()
+    test_sequence_mask()
+    test_roipooling()
+    test_batchnorm_training()
+    test_order()
+    test_grid_generator()
+    test_dot()
+    test_cast()
+    test_clip()
+    test_index2d()
+    test_scalarop()
+    test_reduce()
+    test_init()
+    test_expand_dims()
+    test_slice_axis()
+    test_softmax()
+    test_broadcast_binary_op()
+    test_flip()
+    test_crop()
+    test_transpose()
+    test_convolution_grouping()
+    test_nearest_upsampling()
+    test_binary_op_duplicate_input()
+    test_elementwise_sum()
+    test_concat()
+    test_slice_channel()
+    test_regression()
+    test_python_op()
+    test_swapaxes()
+    test_scalar_pow()
+    test_symbol_pow()
+    test_pow_fn()
+    test_embedding()
+    test_rsqrt_cos_sin()
+    test_maximum_minimum()
+    test_maximum_minimum_scalar()
+    test_abs()
+    test_round_ceil_floor()
+    test_deconvolution()
+    check_softmax_with_ignore_label(default_context())
+    test_convolution_dilated_impulse_response()
+    test_reshape()
+    test_broadcast()
+    test_stn()
+    test_batch_dot()
+    test_correlation()
+    test_support_vector_machine_l1_svm()
+    test_support_vector_machine_l2_svm()
+    test_pad()
+    test_instance_normalization()
+    test_mathematical()
+    test_special_functions_using_scipy()
+    test_blockgrad()
+    test_take()
+    test_bilinear_sampler()
+    test_binary_logic()
+    test_repeat()
+    test_tile()
+    test_one_hot()
+    test_where()
+    test_ctc_loss()
+    test_quantization_op()
+    test_relu()
+    test_sigmoid()
+    test_crelu()


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