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diff --git a/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/ b/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f2d197..0000000
--- a/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-# net-ping - [homepage][homepage]
-This module implements ICMP Echo (ping) support for [Node.js][nodejs].
-This module is installed using [node package manager (npm)][npm]:
-    npm install net-ping
-It is loaded using the `require()` function:
-    var ping = require ("net-ping");
-A ping session can then be created to ping or trace route to many hosts:
-    var session = ping.createSession ();
-    session.pingHost (target, function (error, target) {
-        if (error)
-            console.log (target + ": " + error.toString ());
-        else
-            console.log (target + ": Alive");
-    });
-[homepage]: "Homepage"
-[nodejs]: "Node.js"
-[npm]: "npm"
-# Network Protocol Support
-This module supports IPv4 using the ICMP, and IPv6 using the ICMPv6.
-# Error Handling
-Each request exposed by this module requires one or more mandatory callback
-functions.  Callback functions are typically provided an `error` argument.
-All errors are sub-classes of the `Error` class.  For timed out errors the
-error passed to the callback function will be an instance of the
-`ping.RequestTimedOutError` class, with the exposed `message` attribute set
-to `Request timed out`.
-This makes it easy to determine if a host responded, a time out occurred, or
-whether an error response was received:
-    session.pingHost ("", function (error, target) {
-        if (error)
-            if (error instanceof ping.RequestTimedOutError)
-                console.log (target + ": Not alive");
-            else
-                console.log (target + ": " + error.toString ());
-        else
-            console.log (target + ": Alive");
-    });
-In addition to the the `ping.RequestTimedOutError` class, the following errors
-are also exported by this module to wrap ICMP error responses:
- * `DestinationUnreachableError`
- * `PacketTooBigError`
- * `ParameterProblemError`
- * `RedirectReceivedError`
- * `SourceQuenchError`
- * `TimeExceededError`
-These errors are typically reported by hosts other than the intended target.
-In all cases each class exposes a `source` attribute which will specify the
-host who reported the error (which could be the intended target).  This will
-also be included in the errors `message` attribute, i.e.:
-    $ sudo node example/ping-ttl.js 1
- Alive
- TimeExceededError: Time exceeded (source=
- Not alive
-The `Session` class will emit an `error` event for any other error not
-directly associated with a request.  This is typically an instance of the
-`Error` class with the errors `message` attribute specifying the reason.
-# Packet Size
-By default ICMP echo request packets sent by this module are 16 bytes in size.
-Some implementations cannot cope with such small ICMP echo requests.  For
-example, some implementations will return an ICMP echo reply, but will include
-an incorrect ICMP checksum.
-This module exposes a `packetSize` option to the `createSession()` method which
-specifies how big ICMP echo request packets should be:
-    var session = ping.createSession ({packetSize: 64});
-# Round Trip Times
-Some callbacks used by methods exposed by this module provide two instances of
-the JavaScript `Date` class specifying when the first ping was sent for a
-request, and when a request completed.
-These parameters are typically named `sent` and `rcvd`, and are provided to
-help round trip time calculation.
-A request can complete in one of two ways.  In the first, a ping response is
-received and `rcvd - sent` will yield the round trip time for the request in
-In the second, no ping response is received resulting in a request time out.
-In this case `rcvd - sent` will yield the total time spent waiting for each
-retry to timeout if any.  For example, if the `retries` option to the
-`createSession()` method was specified as `2` and `timeout` as `2000` then
-`rcvd - sent` will yield more than `6000` milliseconds.
-Although this module provides instances of the `Date` class to help round trip
-time calculation the dates and times represented in each instance should not be
-considered 100% accurate.
-Environmental conditions can affect when a date and time is actually
-calculated, e.g. garbage collection introducing a delay or the receipt of many
-packets at once.  There are also a number of functions through which received
-packets must pass, which can also introduce a slight variable delay.
-Throughout development experience has shown that, in general the smaller the
-round trip time the less accurate it will be - but the information is still
-useful nonetheless.
-# Constants
-The following sections describe constants exported and used by this module.
-## ping.NetworkProtocol
-This object contains constants which can be used for the `networkProtocol`
-option to the `createSession()` function exposed by this module.  This option
-specifies the IP protocol version to use when creating the raw socket.
-The following constants are defined in this object:
- * `IPv4` - IPv4 protocol
- * `IPv6` - IPv6 protocol
-# Using This Module
-The `Session` class is used to issue ping and trace route requests to many
-hosts.  This module exports the `createSession()` function which is used to
-create instances of the `Session` class.
-## ping.createSession ([options])
-The `createSession()` function instantiates and returns an instance of the
-`Session` class:
-    // Default options
-    var options = {
-        networkProtocol: ping.NetworkProtocol.IPv4,
-        packetSize: 16,
-        retries: 1,
-        sessionId: ( % 65535),
-        timeout: 2000,
-        ttl: 128
-    };
-    var session = ping.createSession (options);
-The optional `options` parameter is an object, and can contain the following
- * `networkProtocol` - Either the constant `ping.NetworkProtocol.IPv4` or the
-   constant `ping.NetworkProtocol.IPv6`, defaults to the constant
-   `ping.NetworkProtocol.IPv4`
- * `packetSize` - How many bytes each ICMP echo request packet should be,
-   defaults to `16`, if the value specified is less that `12` then the value
-   `12` will be used (8 bytes are required for the ICMP packet itself, then 4
-   bytes are required to encode a unique session ID in the request and response
-   packets)
- * `retries` - Number of times to re-send a ping requests, defaults to `1`
- * `sessionId` - A unique ID used to identify request and response packets sent
-   by this instance of the `Session` class, valid numbers are in the range of
-   `1` to `65535`, defaults to the value of ` % 65535`
- * `timeout` - Number of milliseconds to wait for a response before re-trying
-   or failing, defaults to `2000`
- * `ttl` - Value to use for the IP header time to live field, defaults to `128`
-After creating the ping `Session` object an underlying raw socket will be
-created.  If the underlying raw socket cannot be opened an exception with be
-thrown.  The error will be an instance of the `Error` class.
-Seperate instances of the `Session` class must be created for IPv4 and IPv6.
-## session.on ("close", callback)
-The `close` event is emitted by the session when the underlying raw socket
-is closed.
-No arguments are passed to the callback.
-The following example prints a message to the console when the underlying raw
-socket is closed:
-    session.on ("close", function () {
-        console.log ("socket closed");
-    });
-## session.on ("error", callback)
-The `error` event is emitted by the session when the underlying raw socket
-emits an error.
-The following arguments will be passed to the `callback` function:
- * `error` - An instance of the `Error` class, the exposed `message` attribute
-   will contain a detailed error message.
-The following example prints a message to the console when an error occurs
-with the underlying raw socket, the session is then closed:
-    session.on ("error", function (error) {
-        console.log (error.toString ());
-        session.close ();
-    });
-## session.close ()
-The `close()` method closes the underlying raw socket, and cancels all
-outstanding requsts.
-The calback function for each outstanding ping requests will be called.  The
-error parameter will be an instance of the `Error` class, and the `message`
-attribute set to `Socket forcibly closed`.
-The sessoin can be re-used simply by submitting more ping requests, a new raw
-socket will be created to serve the new ping requests.  This is a way in which
-to clear outstanding requests.
-The following example submits a ping request and prints the target which
-successfully responded first, and then closes the session which will clear the
-other outstanding ping requests.
-    var targets = ["", "", ""];
-    for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
-        session.pingHost (targets[i], function (error, target) {
-            if (! error) {
-                console.log (target);
-                session.close (); 
-            }
-        });
-    }
-## session.pingHost (target, callback)
-The `pingHost()` method sends a ping request to a remote host.
-The `target` parameter is the dotted quad formatted IP address of the target
-host for IPv4 sessions, or the compressed formatted IP address of the target
-host for IPv6 sessions.
-The `callback` function is called once the ping requests is complete.  The
-following arguments will be passed to the `callback` function:
- * `error` - Instance of the `Error` class or a sub-class, or `null` if no
-   error occurred
- * `target` - The target parameter as specified in the request
-   still be the target host and NOT the responding gateway
- * `sent` - An instance of the `Date` class specifying when the first ping
-   was sent for this request (refer to the Round Trip Time section for more
-   information)
- * `rcvd` - An instance of the `Date` class specifying when the request
-   completed (refer to the Round Trip Time section for more information)
-The following example sends a ping request to a remote host:
-    var target = "fe80::a00:27ff:fe2a:3427";
-    session.pingHost (target, function (error, target, sent, rcvd) {
-        var ms = rcvd - sent;
-        if (error)
-            console.log (target + ": " + error.toString ());
-        else
-            console.log (target + ": Alive (ms=" + ms + ")");
-    });
-## session.traceRoute (target, ttl, feedCallback, doneCallback)
-The `traceRoute()` method provides similar functionality to the trace route
-utility typically provided with most networked operating systems.
-The `target` parameter is the dotted quad formatted IP address of the target
-host for IPv4 sessions, or the compressed formatted IP address of the target
-host for IPv6 sessions.  The optional `ttl` parameter specifies the maximum
-number of hops used by the trace route and defaults to the `ttl` options
-parameter as defined by the `createSession()` method.
-Some hosts do not respond to ping requests when the time to live is `0`, that
-is they will not send back an time exceeded error response.  Instead of
-stopping the trace route at the first time out this method will move on to the
-next hop, by increasing the time to live by 1.  It will do this 2 times,
-meaning that a trace route will continue until the target host responds or at
-most 3 request time outs are experienced.
-Each requst is subject to the `retries` and `timeout` option parameters to the
-`createSession()` method.  That is, requests will be retried per hop as per
-these parameters.
-This method will not call a single callback once the trace route is complete.
-Instead the `feedCallback` function will be called each time a ping response is
-received or a time out occurs. The following arguments will be passed to the
-`feedCallback` function:
- * `error` - Instance of the `Error` class or a sub-class, or `null` if no
-   error occurred
- * `target` - The target parameter as specified in the request
- * `ttl` - The time to live used in the request which triggered this respinse
- * `sent` - An instance of the `Date` class specifying when the first ping
-   was sent for this request (refer to the Round Trip Time section for more
-   information)
- * `rcvd` - An instance of the `Date` class specifying when the request
-   completed (refer to the Round Trip Time section for more information)
-Once a ping response has been received from the target, or more than three
-request timed out errors are experienced, the `doneCallback` function will be
-called. The following arguments will be passed to the `doneCallback` function:
- * `error` - Instance of the `Error` class or a sub-class, or `null` if no
-   error occurred
- * `target` - The target parameter as specified in the request
-Once the `doneCallback` function has been called the request is complete and
-the `requestCallback` function will no longer be called.
-If the `feedCallback` function returns a true value when called the trace route
-will stop and the `doneCallback` will be called.
-The following example initiates a trace route to a remote host:
-    function doneCb (error, target) {
-        if (error)
-            console.log (target + ": " + error.toString ());
-        else
-            console.log (target + ": Done");
-    }
-    function feedCb (error, target, ttl, sent, rcvd) {
-        var ms = rcvd - sent;
-        if (error) {
-            if (error instanceof ping.TimeExceededError) {
-                console.log (target + ": " + error.source + " (ttl="
-                        + ttl + " ms=" + ms +")");
-            } else {
-                console.log (target + ": " + error.toString ()
-                        + " (ttl=" + ttl + " ms=" + ms +")");
-            }
-        } else {
-            console.log (target + ": " + target + " (ttl=" + ttl
-                    + " ms=" + ms +")");
-        }
-    }
-    session.traceRoute ("", 10, feedCb, doneCb);
-# Example Programs
-Example programs are included under the modules `example` directory.
-# Bugs & Known Issues
-None, yet!
-Bug reports should be sent to <>.
-# Changes
-## Version 1.0.0 - 03/02/2013
- * Initial release
-## Version 1.0.1 - 04/02/2013
- * Minor corrections to the
- * Add note to about error handling
- * Timed out errors are now instances of the `ping.RequestTimedOutError`
-   object
-## Version 1.0.2 - 11/02/2013
- * The RequestTimedOutError class is not being exported
-## Version 1.1.0 - 13/02/2013
- * Support IPv6
-## Version 1.1.1 - 15/02/2013
- * The `ping.Session.close()` method was not undefining the sessions raw
-   socket after closing
- * Return self from the `pingHost()` method to chain method calls 
-## Version 1.1.2 - 04/03/2013
- * Use the `raw.Socket.pauseRecv()` and `raw.Socket.resumeRecv()` methods
-   instead of closing a socket when there are no more outstanding requests
-## Version 1.1.3 - 07/03/2013
- * Sessions were limited to sending 65535 ping requests
-## Version 1.1.4 - 09/04/2013
- * Add the `packetSize` option to the `createSession()` method to specify how
-   many bytes each ICMP echo request packet should be
-## Version 1.1.5 - 17/05/2013
- * Incorrectly parsing ICMP error responses resulting in responses matching
-   the wrong request
- * Use a unique session ID per instance of the `Session` class to identify
-   requests and responses sent by a session
- * Added the (internal) `_debugRequest()` and `_debugResponse()` methods, and
-   the `_debug` option to the `createSession()` method
- * Added example programs `ping-ttl.js` and `ping6-ttl.js`
- * Use MIT license instead of GPL
-## Version 1.1.6 - 17/05/2013
- * Session IDs are now 2 bytes (previously 1 byte), and request IDs are also
-   now 2 bytes (previously 3 bytes)
- * Each ICMP error response now has an associated error class (e.g. the
-   `Time exceeded` response maps onto the `ping.TimeExceededError` class)
- * Call request callbacks with an error when there are no free request IDs
-   because of too many outstanding requests
-## Version 1.1.7 - 19/05/2013
- * Added the `traceRoute()` method
- * Added the `ttl` option parameter to the `createSession()` method, and
-   updated the example programs `ping-ttl.js` and `ping6-ttl.js` to use it
- * Response callback for `pingHost()` now includes two instances of the
-   `Date` class to specify when a request was sent and a response received
-## Version 1.1.8 - 01/07/2013
- * Use `raw.Socket.createChecksum()` instead of automatic checksum generation
-## Version 1.1.9 - 01/07/2013
- * Use `raw.Socket.writeChecksum()` instead of manually rendering checksums
-# Roadmap
-Suggestions and requirements should be sent to <>.
-# License
-Copyright (c) 2013 Stephen Vickers
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# Author
-Stephen Vickers <>
diff --git a/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/index.js b/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 16d6ebc..0000000
--- a/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-var events = require ("events");
-var net = require ("net");
-var raw = require ("raw-socket");
-var util = require ("util");
-function _expandConstantObject (object) {
-	var keys = [];
-	for (key in object)
-		keys.push (key);
-	for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
-		object[object[keys[i]]] = parseInt (keys[i]);
-var NetworkProtocol = {
-	1: "IPv4",
-	2: "IPv6"
-_expandConstantObject (NetworkProtocol);
-function DestinationUnreachableError (source) {
- = "DestinationUnreachableError";
-	this.message = "Destination unreachable (source=" + source + ")";
-	this.source = source;
-util.inherits (DestinationUnreachableError, Error);
-function PacketTooBigError (source) {
- = "PacketTooBigError";
-	this.message = "Packet too big (source=" + source + ")";
-	this.source = source;
-util.inherits (PacketTooBigError, Error);
-function ParameterProblemError (source) {
- = "ParameterProblemError";
-	this.message = "Parameter problem (source=" + source + ")";
-	this.source = source;
-util.inherits (ParameterProblemError, Error);
-function RedirectReceivedError (source) {
- = "RedirectReceivedError";
-	this.message = "Redireect received (source=" + source + ")";
-	this.source = source;
-util.inherits (RedirectReceivedError, Error);
-function RequestTimedOutError () {
- = "RequestTimedOutError";
-	this.message = "Request timed out";
-util.inherits (RequestTimedOutError, Error);
-function SourceQuenchError (source) {
- = "SourceQuenchError";
-	this.message = "Source quench (source=" + source + ")";
-	this.source = source;
-util.inherits (SourceQuenchError, Error);
-function TimeExceededError (source) {
- = "TimeExceededError";
-	this.message = "Time exceeded (source=" + source + ")";
-	this.source = source;
-util.inherits (TimeExceededError, Error);
-function Session (options) {
-	this.retries = (options && options.retries) ? options.retries : 1;
-	this.timeout = (options && options.timeout) ? options.timeout : 2000;
-	this.packetSize = (options && options.packetSize) ? options.packetSize : 16;
-	if (this.packetSize < 12)
-		this.packetSize = 12;
-	this.addressFamily = (options && options.networkProtocol
-				&& options.networkProtocol == NetworkProtocol.IPv6)
-			? raw.AddressFamily.IPv6
-			: raw.AddressFamily.IPv4;
-	this._debug = (options && options._debug) ? true : false;
-	this.defaultTTL = (options && options.ttl) ? options.ttl : 128;
-	this.sessionId = (options && options.sessionId)
-			? options.sessionId
-			:;
-	this.sessionId = this.sessionId % 65535;
-	this.nextId = 1;
-	this.socket = null;
-	this.reqs = {};
-	this.reqsPending = 0;
-	this.getSocket ();
-util.inherits (Session, events.EventEmitter);
-Session.prototype.close = function () {
-	if (this.socket)
-		this.socket.close ();
-	this.flush (new Error ("Socket forcibly closed"));
-	delete this.socket;
-	return this;
-Session.prototype._debugRequest = function (target, req) {
-	console.log ("request: addressFamily=" + this.addressFamily + " target="
-			+ + " id=" + + " buffer="
-			+ req.buffer.toString ("hex"));
-Session.prototype._debugResponse = function (source, buffer) {
-	console.log ("response: addressFamily=" + this.addressFamily + " source="
-			+ source + " buffer=" + buffer.toString ("hex"));
-Session.prototype.flush = function (error) {
-	for (id in this.reqs) {
-		var req = this.reqRemove (id);
-		var sent = req.sent ? req.sent : new Date ();
-		req.callback (error,, sent, new Date ());
-	}
-Session.prototype.getSocket = function () {
-	if (this.socket)
-		return this.socket;
-	var protocol = this.addressFamily == raw.AddressFamily.IPv6
-			? raw.Protocol.ICMPv6
-			: raw.Protocol.ICMP;
-	var me = this;
-	var options = {
-		addressFamily: this.addressFamily,
-		protocol: protocol
-	};
-	this.socket = raw.createSocket (options);
-	this.socket.on ("error", this.onSocketError.bind (me));
-	this.socket.on ("close", this.onSocketClose.bind (me));
-	this.socket.on ("message", this.onSocketMessage.bind (me));
-	this.ttl = null;
-	this.setTTL (this.defaultTTL);
-	return this.socket;
-Session.prototype.fromBuffer = function (buffer) {
-	var offset, type, code;
-	if (this.addressFamily == raw.AddressFamily.IPv6) {
-		// IPv6 raw sockets don't pass the IPv6 header back to us
-		offset = 0;
-		if (buffer.length - offset < 8)
-			return;
-		// We don't believe any IPv6 options will be passed back to us so we
-		// don't attempt to pass them here.
-		type = buffer.readUInt8 (offset);
-		code = buffer.readUInt8 (offset + 1);
-	} else {
-		// Need at least 20 bytes for an IP header, and it should be IPv4
-		if (buffer.length < 20 || (buffer[0] & 0xf0) != 0x40)
-			return;
-		// The length of the IPv4 header is in mulitples of double words
-		var ip_length = (buffer[0] & 0x0f) * 4;
-		// ICMP header is 8 bytes, we don't care about the data for now
-		if (buffer.length - ip_length < 8)
-			return;
-		var ip_icmp_offset = ip_length;
-		// ICMP message too short
-		if (buffer.length - ip_icmp_offset < 8)
-			return;
-		type = buffer.readUInt8 (ip_icmp_offset);
-		code = buffer.readUInt8 (ip_icmp_offset + 1);
-		// For error type responses the sequence and identifier cannot be
-		// extracted in the same way as echo responses, the data part contains
-		// the IP header from our request, followed with at least 8 bytes from
-		// the echo request that generated the error, so we first go to the IP
-		// header, then skip that to get to the ICMP packet which contains the
-		// sequence and identifier.
-		if (type == 3 || type == 4 || type == 5 || type == 11) {
-			var ip_icmp_ip_offset = ip_icmp_offset + 8;
-			// Need at least 20 bytes for an IP header, and it should be IPv4
-			if (buffer.length - ip_icmp_ip_offset  < 20
-					|| (buffer[ip_icmp_ip_offset] & 0xf0) != 0x40)
-				return;
-			// The length of the IPv4 header is in mulitples of double words
-			var ip_icmp_ip_length = (buffer[ip_icmp_ip_offset] & 0x0f) * 4;
-			// ICMP message too short
-			if (buffer.length - ip_icmp_ip_offset - ip_icmp_ip_length < 8)
-				return;
-			offset = ip_icmp_ip_offset + ip_icmp_ip_length;
-		} else {
-			offset = ip_icmp_offset
-		}
-	}
-	// Response is not for a request we generated
-	if (buffer.readUInt16BE (offset + 4) != this.sessionId)
-		return;
-	buffer[offset + 4] = 0;
-	var id = buffer.readUInt16BE (offset + 6);
-	var req = this.reqs[id];
-	if (req) {
-		req.type = type;
-		req.code = code;
-		return req;
-	} else {
-		return null;
-	}
-Session.prototype.onBeforeSocketSend = function (req) {
-	this.setTTL (req.ttl ? req.ttl : this.defaultTTL);
-Session.prototype.onSocketClose = function () {
-	this.emit ("close");
-	this.flush (new Error ("Socket closed"));
-Session.prototype.onSocketError = function (error) {
-	this.emit ("error", error);
-Session.prototype.onSocketMessage = function (buffer, source) {
-	if (this._debug)
-		this._debugResponse (source, buffer);
-	var req = this.fromBuffer (buffer);
-	if (req) {
-		this.reqRemove (;
-		if (this.addressFamily == raw.AddressFamily.IPv6) {
-			if (req.type == 1) {
-				req.callback (new DestinationUnreachableError (source),,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			} else if (req.type == 2) {
-				req.callback (new PacketTooBigError (source),,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			} else if (req.type == 3) {
-				req.callback (new TimeExceededError (source),,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			} else if (req.type == 4) {
-				req.callback (new ParameterProblemError (source),,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			} else if (req.type == 129) {
-				req.callback (null,,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			} else {
-				req.callback (new Error ("Unknown response type '" + req.type
-						+ "' (source=" + source + ")"),,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			}
-		} else {
-			if (req.type == 0) {
-				req.callback (null,,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			} else if (req.type == 3) {
-				req.callback (new DestinationUnreachableError (source),,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			} else if (req.type == 4) {
-				req.callback (new SourceQuenchError (source),,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			} else if (req.type == 5) {
-				req.callback (new RedirectReceivedError (source),,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			} else if (req.type == 11) {
-				req.callback (new TimeExceededError (source),,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			} else {
-				req.callback (new Error ("Unknown response type '" + req.type
-						+ "' (source=" + source + ")"),,
-						req.sent, new Date ());
-			}
-		}
-	}
-Session.prototype.onSocketSend = function (req, error, bytes) {
-	if (! req.sent)
-		req.sent = new Date ();
-	if (error) {
-		this.reqRemove (;
-		req.callback (error,, req.sent, req.sent);
-	} else {
-		var me = this;
-		req.timer = setTimeout (this.onTimeout.bind (me, req), req.timeout);
-	}
-Session.prototype.onTimeout = function (req) {
-	if (req.retries > 0) {
-		req.retries--;
-		this.send (req);
-	} else {
-		this.reqRemove (;
-		req.callback (new RequestTimedOutError ("Request timed out"),
-, req.sent, new Date ());
-	}
-// Keep searching for an ID which is not in use
-Session.prototype._generateId = function () {
-	var startId = this.nextId++;
-	while (1) {
-		if (this.nextId > 65535)
-			this.nextId = 1;
-		if (this.reqs[this.nextId]) {
-			this.nextId++;
-		} else {
-			return this.nextId;
-		}
-		// No free request IDs
-		if (this.nextId == startId)
-			return;
-	}
-Session.prototype.pingHost = function (target, callback) {
-	var id = this._generateId ();
-	if (! id) {
-		callback (new Error ("Too many requests outstanding"), target);
-		return this;
-	}
-	var req = {
-		id: id,
-		retries: this.retries,
-		timeout: this.timeout,
-		callback: callback,
-		target: target
-	};
-	this.reqQueue (req);
-	return this;
-Session.prototype.reqQueue = function (req) {
-	req.buffer = this.toBuffer (req);
-	if (this._debug)
-		this._debugRequest (, req);
-	this.reqs[] = req;
-	this.reqsPending++;
-	this.send (req);
-	return this;
-Session.prototype.reqRemove = function (id) {
-	var req = this.reqs[id];
-	if (req) {
-		clearTimeout (req.timer);
-		delete req.timer;
-		delete this.reqs[];
-		this.reqsPending--;
-	}
-	// If we have no more outstanding requests pause readable events
-	if (this.reqsPending <= 0)
-		if (! this.getSocket ().recvPaused)
-			this.getSocket ().pauseRecv ();
-	return req;
-Session.prototype.send = function (req) {
-	var buffer = req.buffer;
-	var me = this;
-	// Resume readable events if the raw socket is paused
-	if (this.getSocket ().recvPaused)
-		this.getSocket ().resumeRecv ();
-	this.getSocket ().send (buffer, 0, buffer.length,,
-			this.onBeforeSocketSend.bind (me, req),
-			this.onSocketSend.bind (me, req));
-Session.prototype.setTTL = function (ttl) {
-	if (this.ttl && this.ttl == ttl)
-		return;
-	var level = this.addressFamily == raw.AddressFamily.IPv6
-			? raw.SocketLevel.IPPROTO_IPV6
-			: raw.SocketLevel.IPPROTO_IP;
-	this.getSocket ().setOption (level, raw.SocketOption.IP_TTL, ttl);
-	this.ttl = ttl;
-Session.prototype.toBuffer = function (req) {
-	var buffer = new Buffer (this.packetSize);
-	// Since our buffer represents real memory we should initialise it to
-	// prevent its previous contents from leaking to the network.
-	for (var i = 8; i < this.packetSize; i++)
-		buffer[i] = 0;
-	var type = this.addressFamily == raw.AddressFamily.IPv6 ? 128 : 8;
-	buffer.writeUInt8 (type, 0);
-	buffer.writeUInt8 (0, 1);
-	buffer.writeUInt16BE (0, 2);
-	buffer.writeUInt16BE (this.sessionId, 4);
-	buffer.writeUInt16BE (, 6);
-	raw.writeChecksum (buffer, 2, raw.createChecksum (buffer));
-	return buffer;
-Session.prototype.traceRouteCallback = function (trace, req, error, target,
-		sent, rcvd) {
-	if (trace.feedCallback (error, target, req.ttl, sent, rcvd)) {
-		trace.doneCallback (new Error ("Trace forcibly stopped"), target);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (error) {
-		if (req.ttl >= trace.ttl) {
-			trace.doneCallback (error, target);
-			return;
-		}
-		if ((error instanceof RequestTimedOutError) && ++trace.timeouts >= 3) {
-			trace.doneCallback (new Error ("Too many timeouts"), target);
-			return;
-		}
-		var id = this._generateId ();
-		if (! id) {
-			trace.doneCallback (new Error ("Too many requests outstanding"),
-					target);
-			return;
-		}
-		req.ttl++;
- = id;
-		var me = this;
-		req.retries = this.retries;
-		req.sent = null;
-		this.reqQueue (req);
-	} else {
-		trace.doneCallback (null, target);
-	}
-Session.prototype.traceRoute = function (target, ttl, feedCallback,
-		doneCallback) {
-	if (! doneCallback) {
-		doneCallback = feedCallback;
-		feedCallback = ttl;
-		ttl = this.ttl;
-	}
-	var id = this._generateId ();
-	if (! id) {
-		var sent = new Date ();
-		callback (new Error ("Too many requests outstanding"), target,
-				sent, sent);
-		return this;
-	}
-	var trace = {
-		feedCallback: feedCallback,
-		doneCallback: doneCallback,
-		ttl: ttl,
-		timeouts: 0
-	};
-	var me = this;
-	var req = {
-		id: id,
-		retries: this.retries,
-		timeout: this.timeout,
-		ttl: 1,
-		target: target
-	};
-	req.callback = me.traceRouteCallback.bind (me, trace, req);
-	this.reqQueue (req);
-	return this;
-exports.createSession = function (options) {
-	return new Session (options || {});
-exports.NetworkProtocol = NetworkProtocol;
-exports.Session = Session;
-exports.DestinationUnreachableError = DestinationUnreachableError;
-exports.PacketTooBigError = PacketTooBigError;
-exports.ParameterProblemError = ParameterProblemError;
-exports.RedirectReceivedError = RedirectReceivedError;
-exports.RequestTimedOutError = RequestTimedOutError;
-exports.SourceQuenchError = SourceQuenchError;
-exports.TimeExceededError = TimeExceededError;
diff --git a/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/node_modules/raw-socket/.npmignore b/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/node_modules/raw-socket/.npmignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 4331a44..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
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index c9ec276..0000000
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@@ -1,651 +0,0 @@
-# raw-socket - [homepage][homepage]
-This module implements raw sockets for [Node.js][nodejs].
-*This module has been created primarily to facilitate implementation of the
-[net-ping][net-ping] module.*
-This module is installed using [node package manager (npm)][npm]:
-    # This module contains C++ source code which will be compiled
-    # during installation using node-gyp.  A suitable build chain
-    # must be configured before installation.
-    npm install raw-socket
-It is loaded using the `require()` function:
-    var raw = require ("raw-socket");
-Raw sockets can then be created, and data sent using [Node.js][nodejs]
-`Buffer` objects:
-    var socket = raw.createSocket ({protocol: raw.Protocol.None});
-    socket.on ("message", function (buffer, source) {
-        console.log ("received " + buffer.length + " bytes from " + source);
-    });
-    socket.send (buffer, 0, buffer.length, "", function (error, bytes) {
-        if (error)
-            console.log (error.toString ());
-    });
-[homepage]: "Homepage"
-[nodejs]: "Node.js"
-[net-ping]: "net-ping"
-[npm]: "npm"
-# Network Protocol Support
-The raw sockets exposed by this module support IPv4 and IPv6.
-Raw sockets are created using the operating systems `socket()` function, and
-the socket type `SOCK_RAW` specified.
-# Raw Socket Behaviour
-Raw sockets behave in different ways depending on operating system and
-version, and may support different socket options.
-Some operating system versions may restrict the use of raw sockets to
-privileged users.  If this is the case an exception will be thrown on socket
-creation using a message similar to `Operation not permitted` (this message
-is likely to be different depending on operating system version).
-The appropriate operating system documentation should be consulted to
-understand how raw sockets will behave before attempting to use this module.
-# Keeping The [Node.js][nodejs] Event Loop Alive
-This module uses the `libuv` library to integrate into the [Node.js][nodejs]
-event loop - this library is also used by [Node.js][nodejs].  An underlying
- `libuv` library `poll_handle_t` event watcher is used to monitor the
-underlying operating system raw socket used by a socket object.
-All the while a socket object exists, and the sockets `close()` method has not
-been called, the raw socket will keep the [Node.js][nodejs] event loop alive
-which will prevent a program from exiting.
-This module exports four methods which a program can use to control this
-The `pauseRecv()` and `pauseSend()` methods stop the underlying `poll_handle_t`
-event watcher used by a socket from monitoring for readable and writeable
-events.  While the `resumeRecv()` and `resumeSend()` methods start the
-underlying `poll_handle_t` event watcher used by a socket allowing it to
-monitor for readable and writeable events.
-Each socket object also exports the `recvPaused` and `sendPaused` boolean
-attributes to determine the state of the underlying `poll_handle_t` event
-watcher used by a socket.
-Socket creation can be expensive on some platforms, and the above methods offer
-an alternative to closing and deleting a socket to prevent it from keeping the
-[Node.js][nodejs] event loop alive.
-The [Node.js][nodejs] [net-ping][net-ping] module offers a concrete example
-of using these methods.  Since [Node.js][nodejs] offers no raw socket support
-this module is used to implement ICMP echo (ping) support.  Once all ping
-requests have been processed by the [net-ping][net-ping] module the
-`pauseRecv()` and `pauseSend()` methods are used to allow a program to exit if
-The following example stops the underlying `poll_handle_t` event watcher used
-by a socket from generating writeable events, however since readable events
-will still be watched for the program will not exit immediately:
-    if (! socket.recvPaused)
-        socket.pauseRecv ();
-The following can the be used to resume readable events:
-    if (socket.recvPaused)
-        socket.resumeRecv ();
-The following example stops the underlying `poll_handle_t` event watcher used
-by a socket from generating both readable and writeable events, if no other
-event watchers have been setup (e.g. `setTimeout()`) the program will exit.
-    if (! socket.recvPaused)
-        socket.pauseRecv ();
-    if (! socket.sendPaused)
-        socket.pauseSend ();
-The following can the be used to resume both readable and writeable events:
-    if (socket.recvPaused)
-        socket.resumeRecv ();
-    if (socket.sendPaused)
-        socket.resumeSend ();
-When data is sent using a sockets `send()` method the `resumeSend()` method
-will be called if the sockets `sendPaused` attribute is `true`, however the
-`resumeRecv()` method will not be called regardless of whether the sockets
-`recvPaused` attribute is `true` or `false`.
-[nodejs]: "Node.js"
-[net-ping]: "net-ping"
-# Constants
-The following sections describe constants exported and used by this module.
-## raw.AddressFamily
-This object contains constants which can be used for the `addressFamily`
-option to the `createSocket()` function exposed by this module.  This option
-specifies the IP protocol version to use when creating the raw socket.
-The following constants are defined in this object:
- * `IPv4` - IPv4 protocol
- * `IPv6` - IPv6 protocol
-## raw.Protocol
-This object contains constants which can be used for the `protocol` option to
-the `createSocket()` function exposed by this module.  This option specifies
-the protocol number to place in the protocol field of IP headers generated by
-the operating system.
-The following constants are defined in this object:
- * `None` - protocol number 0
- * `ICMP` - protocol number 1
- * `TCP` - protocol number 6
- * `UDP` - protocol number 17
- * `ICMPv6` - protocol number 58
-## raw.SocketLevel
-This object contains constants which can be used for the `level` parameter to
-the `getOption()` and `setOption()` methods exposed by this module.
-The following constants are defined in this object:
-## raw.SocketOption
-This object contains constants which can be used for the `option` parameter to
-the `getOption()` and `setOption()` methods exposed by this module.
-The following constants are defined in this object:
- * `IP_TOS`
- * `IP_TTL`
- * `IPV6_TTL`
- * `IPV6_V6ONLY`
-*The `IPV6_TTL` socket option is not known to be defined by any operating
-system, it is provided in convenience to be synonymous with IPv4*
-For Windows platforms the following constant is also defined:
-# Using This Module
-Raw sockets are represented by an instance of the `Socket` class.  This
-module exports the `createSocket()` function which is used to create
-instances of the `Socket` class.
-The module also exports a number of stubs which call through to a number of
-functions provided by the operating system, i.e. `htonl()`.
-This module also exports a function to generate protocol checksums.
-## raw.createChecksum (bufferOrObject, [bufferOrObject, ...])
-The `createChecksum()` function creates and returns a 16 bit one's complement
-of the one's complement sum for all the data specified in one or more
-[Node.js][nodejs] `Buffer` objects.  This is useful for creating checksums for
-protocols such as IP, TCP, UDP and ICMP.
-The `bufferOrObject` parameter can be one of two types.  The first is a
-[Node.js][nodejs] `Buffer` object.  In this case a checksum is calculated from
-all the data it contains.  The `bufferOrObject` parameter can also be an
-object which must contain the following attributes:
- * `buffer` - A [Node.js][nodejs] `Buffer` object which contains data which
-   to generate a checksum for
- * `offset` - Skip this number of bytes from the beginning of `buffer`
- * `length` - Only generate a checksum for this number of bytes in `buffer`
-   from `offset`
-The second parameter type provides control over how much of the data in a
-[Node.js][nodejs] `Buffer` object a checksum should be generated for.
-When more than one parameter is passed a single checksum is calculated as if
-the data in in all parameters were in a single buffer.  This is useful for
-when calulating checksums for TCP and UDP for example - where a psuedo header
-must be created and used for checksum calculation.
-In this case two buffers can be passed, the first containing the psuedo header
-and the second containing the real TCP packet, and the offset and length
-parameters used to specify the bounds of the TCP packet payload.
-The following example generates a checksum for a TCP packet and its psuedo
-    var sum = raw.createChecksum (pseudo_header, {buffer: tcp_packet,
-            offset: 20, length: tcp_packet.length - 20});
-Both buffers will be treated as one, i.e. as if the data at offset `20` in
-`tcp_packet` had followed all data in `pseudo_header` - as if they were one
-## raw.writeChecksum (buffer, offset, checksum)
-The `writeChecksum()` function writes a checksum created by the
-`raw.createChecksum()` function to the [Node.js][nodejs] `Buffer` object 
-`buffer` at offsets `offset` and `offset` + 1.
-The following example generates and writes a checksum at offset `2` in a
-[Node.js][nodejs] `Buffer` object:
-    raw.writeChecksum (buffer, 2, raw.createChecksum (buffer));
-## raw.htonl (uint32)
-The `htonl()` function converts a 32 bit unsigned integer from host byte
-order to network byte order and returns the result.  This function is simply
-a stub through to the operating systems `htonl()` function.
-## raw.htons (uint16)
-The `htons()` function converts a 16 bit unsigned integer from host byte
-order to network byte order and returns the result.  This function is simply
-a stub through to the operating systems `htons()` function.
-## raw.ntohl (uint32)
-The `ntohl()` function converts a 32 bit unsigned integer from network byte
-order to host byte order and returns the result.  This function is simply
-a stub through to the operating systems `ntohl()` function.
-## raw.ntohs (uint16)
-The `ntohs()` function converts a 16 bit unsigned integer from network byte
-order to host byte order and returns the result.  This function is simply
-a stub through to the operating systems `ntohs()` function.
-## raw.createSocket ([options])
-The `createSocket()` function instantiates and returns an instance of the
-`Socket` class:
-    // Default options
-    var options = {
-        addressFamily: raw.AddressFamily.IPv4,
-        protocol: raw.Protocol.None,
-        bufferSize: 4096,
-        generateChecksums: false,
-        checksumOffset: 0
-    };
-    var socket = raw.createSocket (options);
-The optional `options` parameter is an object, and can contain the following
- * `addressFamily` - Either the constant `raw.AddressFamily.IPv4` or the
-   constant `raw.AddressFamily.IPv6`, defaults to the constant
-   `raw.AddressFamily.IPv4`
- * `protocol` - Either one of the constants defined in the `raw.Protocol`
-   object or the protocol number to use for the socket, defaults to the
-   consant `raw.Protocol.None`
- * `bufferSize` - Size, in bytes, of the sockets internal receive buffer,
-   defaults to 4096
- * `generateChecksums` - Either `true` or `false` to enable or disable the
-   automatic checksum generation feature, defaults to `false`
- * `checksumOffset` - When `generateChecksums` is `true` specifies how many
-   bytes to index into the send buffer to write automatically generated
-   checksums, defaults to `0`
-An exception will be thrown if the underlying raw socket could not be created.
-The error will be an instance of the `Error` class.
-The `protocol` parameter, or its default value of the constant
-`raw.Protocol.None`, will be specified in the protocol field of each IP
-## socket.on ("close", callback)
-The `close` event is emitted by the socket when the underlying raw socket
-is closed.
-No arguments are passed to the callback.
-The following example prints a message to the console when the socket is
-    socket.on ("close", function () {
-        console.log ("socket closed");
-    });
-## socket.on ("error", callback)
-The `error` event is emitted by the socket when an error occurs sending or
-receiving data.
-The following arguments will be passed to the `callback` function:
- * `error` - An instance of the `Error` class, the exposed `message` attribute
-   will contain a detailed error message.
-The following example prints a message to the console when an error occurs,
-after which the socket is closed:
-    socket.on ("error", function (error) {
-        console.log (error.toString ());
-        socket.close ();
-    });
-## socket.on ("message", callback)
-The `message` event is emitted by the socket when data has been received.
-The following arguments will be passed to the `callback` function:
- * `buffer` - A [Node.js][nodejs] `Buffer` object containing the data
-   received, the buffer will be sized to fit the data received, that is the
-   `length` attribute of buffer will specify how many bytes were received
- * `address` - For IPv4 raw sockets the dotted quad formatted source IP
-   address of the message, e.g ``, for IPv6 raw sockets the
-   compressed formatted source IP address of the message, e.g.
-   `fe80::a00:27ff:fe2a:3427`
-The following example prints received messages in hexadecimal to the console:
-    socket.on ("message", function (buffer, address) {
-        console.log ("received " + buffer.length + " bytes from " + address
-                + ": " + buffer.toString ("hex"));
-    });
-## socket.generateChecksums (generate, offset)
-The `generateChecksums()` method is used to specify whether automatic checksum
-generation should be performed by the socket.
-The `generate` parameter is either `true` or `false` to enable or disable the
-feature.  The optional `offset` parameter specifies how many bytes to index
-into the send buffer when writing the generated checksum to the send buffer.
-The following example enables automatic checksum generation at offset 2
-resulting in checksums being written to byte 3 and 4 of the send buffer
-(offsets start from 0, meaning byte 1):
-    socket.generateChecksums (true, 2);
-## socket.getOption (level, option, buffer, length)
-The `getOption()` method gets a socket option using the operating systems
-`getsockopt()` function.
-The `level` parameter is one of the constants defined in the `raw.SocketLevel`
-object.  The `option` parameter is one of the constants defined in the
-`raw.SocketOption` object.  The `buffer` parameter is a [Node.js][nodejs]
-`Buffer` object where the socket option value will be written.  The `length`
-parameter specifies the size of the `buffer` parameter.
-If an error occurs an exception will be thrown, the exception will be an
-instance of the `Error` class.
-The number of bytes written into the `buffer` parameter is returned, and can
-differ from the amount of space available.
-The following example retrieves the current value of `IP_TTL` socket option:
-    var level = raw.SocketLevel.IPPROTO_IP;
-    var option = raw.SocketOption.IP_TTL;
-    # IP_TTL is a signed integer on some platforms so a 4 byte buffer is used
-    var buffer = new Buffer (4);
-    var written = socket.getOption (level, option, buffer, buffer.length);
-    console.log (buffer.toString ("hex"), 0, written);
-## socket.send (buffer, offset, length, address, beforeCallback, afterCallback)
-The `send()` method sends data to a remote host.
-The `buffer` parameter is a [Node.js][nodejs] `Buffer` object containing the
-data to be sent.  The `length` parameter specifies how many bytes from
-`buffer`, beginning at offset `offset`, to send.  For IPv4 raw sockets the
-`address` parameter contains the dotted quad formatted IP address of the
-remote host to send the data to, e.g ``, for IPv6 raw sockets the
-`address` parameter contains the compressed formatted IP address of the remote
-host to send the data to, e.g. `fe80::a00:27ff:fe2a:3427`.  If provided the
-optional `beforeCallback` function is called right before the data is actually
-sent using the underlying raw socket, giving users the opportunity to perform
-pre-send actions such as setting a socket option, e.g. the IP header TTL.  No
-arguments are passed to the `beforeCallback` function.  The `afterCallback`
-function is called once the data has been sent.  The following arguments will
-be passed to the `afterCallback` function:
- * `error` - Instance of the `Error` class, or `null` if no error occurred
- * `bytes` - Number of bytes sent
-The following example sends a ICMP ping message to a remote host, before the
-request is actually sent the IP header TTL is modified, and modified again
-after the data has been sent:
-    // ICMP echo (ping) request, checksum should be ok
-    var buffer = new Buffer ([
-            0x08, 0x00, 0x43, 0x52, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0a, 0x09,
-            0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68,
-            0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70,
-            0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x61,
-            0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69]);
-    var socketLevel = raw.SocketLevel.IPPROTO_IP
-    var socketOption = raw.SocketOption.IP_TTL;
-    function beforeSend () {
-        socket.setOption (socketLevel, socketOption, 1);
-    }
-    function afterSend (error, bytes) {
-        if (error)
-            console.log (error.toString ());
-        else
-            console.log ("sent " + bytes + " bytes");
-        socket.setOption (socketLevel, socketOption, 1);
-    }
-    socket.send (buffer, 0, buffer.length, target, beforeSend, afterSend);
-## socket.setOption (level, option, buffer, length)
-The `setOption()` method sets a socket option using the operating systems
-`setsockopt()` function.
-The `level` parameter is one of the constants defined in the `raw.SocketLevel`
-object.  The `option` parameter is one of the constants defined in the
-`raw.SocketOption` object.  The `buffer` parameter is a [Node.js][nodejs]
-`Buffer` object where the socket option value is specified.  The `length`
-parameter specifies how much space the option value occupies in the `buffer`
-If an error occurs an exception will be thrown, the exception will be an
-instance of the `Error` class.
-The following example sets the value of `IP_TTL` socket option to `1`:
-    var level = raw.SocketLevel.IPPROTO_IP;
-    var option = raw.SocketOption.IP_TTL;
-    # IP_TTL is a signed integer on some platforms so a 4 byte buffer is used,
-    # x86 computers use little-endian format so specify bytes reverse order
-    var buffer = new Buffer ([0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]);
-    socket.setOption (level, option, buffer, buffer.length);
-To avoid dealing with endianess the `setOption()` method supports a three
-argument form which can be used for socket options requiring a 32bit unsigned
-integer value (for example the `IP_TTL` socket option used in the previous
-example).  Its signature is as follows:
-    socket.setOption (level, option, value)
-The previous example can be re-written to use this form:
-    var level = raw.SocketLevel.IPPROTO_IP;
-    var option = raw.SocketOption.IP_TTL;
-    socket.setOption (level, option, 1);
-# Example Programs
-Example programs are included under the modules `example` directory.
-# Bugs & Known Issues
-None, yet!
-Bug reports should be sent to <>.
-# Changes
-## Version 1.0.0 - 29/01/2013
- * Initial release
-## Version 1.0.1 - 01/02/2013
- * Move `SOCKET_ERRNO` define from `` to `raw.h`
- * Error in exception thrown by `SocketWrap::New` in `` stated that two
-   arguments were required, this should be one
- * Corrections to the
- * Missing includes causes compilation error on some systems (maybe Node
-   version dependant)
-## Version 1.0.2 - 02/02/2013
- * Support automatic checksum generation
-## Version 1.1.0 - 13/02/2013
- * The [net-ping][net-ping] module is now implemented so update the note about
-   it in the first section of the
- * Support IPv6
- * Support the `IP_HDRINCL` socket option via the `noIpHeader` option to the
-   `createSocket()` function and the `noIpHeader()` method exposed by the
-   `Socket` class
-## Version 1.1.1 - 14/02/2013
- * IP addresses not being validated
-## Version 1.1.2 - 15/02/2013
- * Default protocol option to `createSession()` was incorrect in the
- * The `session.on("message")` example used `message` instead of `buffer` in
-   the
-## Version 1.1.3 - 04/03/2013
- * `raw.Socket.onSendReady()` emit's an error when `raw.SocketWrap.send()`
-   throws an exception when it should call the `req.callback` callback
- * Added the `pauseRecv()`, `resumeRecv()`, `pauseSend()` and `resumeSend()`
-   methods
-[net-ping]: "net-ping"
-## Version 1.1.4 - 05/03/2013
- * Cleanup documentation for the `pauseSend()`, `pauseRecv()`, `resumeSend()`
-   and `resumeRecv()` methods in the
-## Version 1.1.5 - 09/05/2013
- * Reformated lines in the file inline with the rest of the file
- * Removed the `noIpHeader()` method (the `setOption()` method should be
-   used to configure the `IP_HDRINCL` socket option - and possibly
-   `IPV6_HDRINCL` on Windows platforms), and removed the `Automatic IP Header
-   Generation` section from the file
- * Added the `setOption()` and `getOption()` methods, and added the
-   `SocketLevel` and `SocketOption` constants
- * Tidied up the example program `ping-no-ip-header.js` (now uses the
-   `setOption()` method to configure the `IP_HDRINCL` socket option)
- * Tidied up the example program `ping6-no-ip-header.js` (now uses the
-   `setOption()` method to configure the `IPV6_HDRINCL` socket option)
- * Added the example program `get-option.js`
- * Added the example program `ping-set-option-ip-ttl.js`
- * Use MIT license instead of GPL
-## Version 1.1.6 - 18/05/2013
- * Added the `beforeCallback` parameter to the `send()` method, and renamed the
-   `callback` parameter to `afterCallback`
- * Fixed a few typos in the file
- * Modified the example program `ping-set-option-ip-ttl.js` to use the
-   `beforeCallback` parameter to the `send()` method
- * The example program `ping6-no-ip-header.js` was not passing the correct
-   arguments to the `setOption()` method
-## Version 1.1.7 - 23/06/2013
- * Added the `htonl()`, `htons()`, `ntohl()`, and `ntohs()` functions, and
-   associated example programs
- * Added the `createChecksum()` function, and associated example program
-## Version 1.1.8 - 01/07/2013
- * Added the `writeChecksum()` function
- * Removed the "Automated Checksum Generation" feature - this has been
-   replaced with the `createChecksum()` and `writeChecksum()` functions
-## Version 1.2.0 - 02/07/2013
- * Up version number to 1.2.0 (we should have done this for 1.1.8 because it
-   introduced some API breaking changes)
-# Roadmap
-In no particular order:
- * Enhance performance by moving the send queue into the C++ raw::SocketWrap
-   class
-Suggestions and requirements should be sent to <>.
-# License
-Copyright (c) 2013 Stephen Vickers
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# Author
-Stephen Vickers <>
diff --git a/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/node_modules/raw-socket/binding.gyp b/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/node_modules/raw-socket/binding.gyp
deleted file mode 100644
index 53b5e06..0000000
--- a/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/node_modules/raw-socket/binding.gyp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-  'targets': [
-    {
-      'target_name': 'raw',
-      'sources': [
-        'src/'
-      ],
-      'conditions' : [
-        ['OS=="win"', {
-          'libraries' : ['ws2_32.lib']
-        }]
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/node_modules/raw-socket/index.js b/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/node_modules/raw-socket/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 211523e..0000000
--- a/blackberry10/node_modules/net-ping/node_modules/raw-socket/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-var events = require ("events");
-var net = require ("net");
-var raw = require ("./build/Release/raw");
-var util = require ("util");
-function _expandConstantObject (object) {
-	var keys = [];
-	for (key in object)
-		keys.push (key);
-	for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
-		object[object[keys[i]]] = parseInt (keys[i]);
-var AddressFamily = {
-	1: "IPv4",
-	2: "IPv6"
-_expandConstantObject (AddressFamily);
-var Protocol = {
-	0: "None",
-	1: "ICMP",
-	6: "TCP",
-	17: "UDP",
-	58: "ICMPv6"
-_expandConstantObject (Protocol);
-for (var key in events.EventEmitter.prototype) {
-  raw.SocketWrap.prototype[key] = events.EventEmitter.prototype[key];
-function Socket (options) {
- (this);
-	this.requests = [];
-	this.buffer = new Buffer ((options && options.bufferSize)
-			? options.bufferSize
-			: 4096);
-	this.recvPaused = false;
-	this.sendPaused = true;
-	this.wrap = new raw.SocketWrap (
-			((options && options.protocol)
-					? options.protocol
-					: 0),
-			((options && options.addressFamily)
-					? options.addressFamily
-					: AddressFamily.IPv4)
-		);
-	var me = this;
-	this.wrap.on ("sendReady", this.onSendReady.bind (me));
-	this.wrap.on ("recvReady", this.onRecvReady.bind (me));
-	this.wrap.on ("error", this.onError.bind (me));
-	this.wrap.on ("close", this.onClose.bind (me));
-util.inherits (Socket, events.EventEmitter);
-Socket.prototype.close = function () {
-	this.wrap.close ();
-	return this;
-Socket.prototype.getOption = function (level, option, value, length) {
-	return this.wrap.getOption (level, option, value, length);
-Socket.prototype.onClose = function () {
-	this.emit ("close");
-Socket.prototype.onError = function (error) {
-	this.emit ("error", error);
-	this.close ();
-Socket.prototype.onRecvReady = function () {
-	var me = this;
-	try {
-		this.wrap.recv (this.buffer, function (buffer, bytes, source) {
-			var newBuffer = buffer.slice (0, bytes);
-			me.emit ("message", newBuffer, source);
-		});
-	} catch (error) {
-		me.emit ("error", error);
-	}
-Socket.prototype.onSendReady = function () {
-	if (this.requests.length > 0) {
-		var me = this;
-		var req = this.requests.shift ();
-		try {
-			if (req.beforeCallback)
-				req.beforeCallback ();
-			this.wrap.send (req.buffer, req.offset, req.length,
-					req.address, function (bytes) {
- (me, null, bytes);
-			});
-		} catch (error) {
- (me, error, 0);
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (! this.sendPaused)
-			this.pauseSend ();
-	}
-Socket.prototype.pauseRecv = function () {
-	this.recvPaused = true;
-	this.wrap.pause (this.recvPaused, this.sendPaused);
-	return this;
-Socket.prototype.pauseSend = function () {
-	this.sendPaused = true;
-	this.wrap.pause (this.recvPaused, this.sendPaused);
-	return this;
-Socket.prototype.resumeRecv = function () {
-	this.recvPaused = false;
-	this.wrap.pause (this.recvPaused, this.sendPaused);
-	return this;
-Socket.prototype.resumeSend = function () {
-	this.sendPaused = false;
-	this.wrap.pause (this.recvPaused, this.sendPaused);
-	return this;
-Socket.prototype.send = function (buffer, offset, length, address,
-		beforeCallback, afterCallback) {
-	if (! afterCallback) {
-		afterCallback = beforeCallback;
-		beforeCallback = null;
-	}
-	if (length + offset > buffer.length)  {
- (this, new Error ("Buffer length '" + buffer.length
-				+ "' is not large enough for the specified offset '" + offset
-				+ "' plus length '" + length + "'"));
-		return this;
-	}
-	if (! net.isIP (address)) {
- (this, new Error ("Invalid IP address '" + address + "'"));
-		return this;
-	}
-	var req = {
-		buffer: buffer,
-		offset: offset,
-		length: length,
-		address: address,
-		afterCallback: afterCallback,
-		beforeCallback: beforeCallback
-	};
-	this.requests.push (req);
-	if (this.sendPaused)
-		this.resumeSend ();
-	return this;
-Socket.prototype.setOption = function (level, option, value, length) {
-	if (arguments.length > 3)
-		this.wrap.setOption (level, option, value, length);
-	else
-		this.wrap.setOption (level, option, value);
-exports.createChecksum = function () {
-	var sum = 0;
-	for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-		var object = arguments[i];
-		if (object instanceof Buffer) {
-			sum = raw.createChecksum (sum, object, 0, object.length);
-		} else {
-			sum = raw.createChecksum (sum, object.buffer, object.offset,
-					object.length);
-		}
-	}
-	return sum;
-exports.writeChecksum = function (buffer, offset, checksum) {
-	buffer.writeUInt8 ((checksum & 0xff00) >> 8, offset);
-	buffer.writeUInt8 (checksum & 0xff, offset + 1);
-	return buffer;
-exports.createSocket = function (options) {
-	return new Socket (options || {});
-exports.AddressFamily = AddressFamily;
-exports.Protocol = Protocol;
-exports.Socket = Socket;
-exports.SocketLevel = raw.SocketLevel;
-exports.SocketOption = raw.SocketOption;
-exports.htonl = raw.htonl;
-exports.htons = raw.htons;
-exports.ntohl = raw.ntohl;
-exports.ntohs = raw.ntohs;