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Posted to by "J. Matthew Pryor" <> on 2005/02/28 23:24:22 UTC

contrib:Table component XML/CSV export

Apologies if this has been covered before. I have extensively googled and at
present the list archives are not searchable ;-(
Basically I'd like to have a link with my contrib:Table that would export
the data as XML or CSV (like displayTag does)
I know that I could hand-roll such a thing but I was wondering if someone
had done any work here.
I have written a component to generate an SVG document, but it ended up
being more work that I thought it might
I guess the thing I wonder about are :
* Setting the content type
* reusing as much of the contrib:Table infrastructure as possible
Anyway if anybody has helpful hints or pointers that'd be great.
J. Matthew Pryor