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Posted to by Andrew Ford <> on 2000/09/03 15:07:43 UTC

Module list in draft "mod_perl Pocket Reference" needs checking

I am just finishing off the "mod_perl Pocket Reference" for O'Reilly.
It should go to production later the month and hopefully be in the
shops in the Autumn.

One section of the book contains a list of the mod_perl-specific
modules on CPAN (including those in the mod_perl distribution, which
of course is itself on CPAN).  This section could do with checking --
it covers about 150 modules, runs to 13 pages and gives a bit more of
a description of each of the modules than the Apache/Perl module list.
I have written summaries of each of the modules based on the
documentation in the modules, my own use of the modules and from
reading the code, however I cannot claim that I have done justice to
every single module I found.  If you wrote one of the Apache/Perl
modules on CPAN, or have a favourite module, you might like to look
through the chapter and see if the description I have given could be
improved on.

The draft chapter is available as a PDF file from:

I will be very grateful for any comments, corrections and suggestions.
The cut-off date for making changes is Friday, 15 September.

Andrew Ford,  Director       Ford & Mason Ltd             Tel: +44 1531 829900      South Wing, Compton House    Fax: +44 1531 829901  Compton Green, Redmarley  Mobile: +44 7785 258278      Gloucester, GL19 3JB, UK   


Posted by


I thought Reload would be quite helpfull because of not having to restart
the server, but now I am quite stuck. Only the first form shows all the
changes immediately. The second form after pushing a button does not.

Is this explainable?


perl.conf starting:
PerlRequire             conf/
PerlFreshRestart        On
PerlPostReadRequestHandler 'sub { Apache->request(shift) } '

PerlTransHandler        Apache::StripSession
PerlInitHandler         Apache::Reload
PerlSetVar              ReloadAll off

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::File ();
use CGI qw(:standard :html3 :netscape);
use Image::Magick ();

use DBI ();

use Apache::Reload;

handler {
	CASE: {
		/^/i and do some_other_form()

sub first_form() {
	This form does show changes for all children.

	Push a submit button to go some_other_form

sub some_other_form() {
	This form does not show changes at all..
