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Posted to by Giacomo Pati <> on 2000/07/07 13:11:53 UTC

Sitemap generation

For all of you who are intrested to know what I recently checked into CVS.

The main part is a stylesheet which transforms the sitemap definitions into a java class.
Everybody who wants to see how elaborated it is can use a script like the following from the to of
the tree to generate the java source and compare it to the actual sitemap working draft (windows
users have to change file and path separators as necessairy):


   java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process \
      -in xdocs/drafts/sitemap-working-draft.xmap \
      -xsl src/org/apache/cocoon/components/language/markup/sitemap/java/sitemap.xsl | \
   java jstyle.JSFormatter | \
   java jstyle.JSBeautifier >

It does not compile yet because there are still many missing pieces but you can see the layout of
the generated class. I will appreciate any comments, suggestions to improvment it.


PWR GmbH, Organisation & Entwicklung      Tel:   +41 (0)1 856 2202
Giacomo Pati, CTO/CEO                     Fax:   +41 (0)1 856 2201
Hintereichenstrasse 7           
CH-8166 Niederweningen                    Web:

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