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Posted to by on 2005/07/06 18:40:34 UTC

svn commit: r209476 - /gump/branches/Gump3/pygump/python/gump/plugins/

Author: leosimons
Date: Wed Jul  6 09:40:29 2005
New Revision: 209476

Make gump run even when --irc is specified and the irclib is not available.


Modified: gump/branches/Gump3/pygump/python/gump/plugins/
--- gump/branches/Gump3/pygump/python/gump/plugins/ (original)
+++ gump/branches/Gump3/pygump/python/gump/plugins/ Wed Jul  6 09:40:29 2005
@@ -1,308 +1,320 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation"
-__license__   = ""
-import os
-import sys
-import string
-import threading, Queue
-from irclib import nm_to_n, nm_to_h, \
-     irc_lower, ip_numstr_to_quad, ip_quad_to_numstr,SimpleIRCClient
-from ircbot import SingleServerIRCBot
-from gump.model.util import check_failure, check_skip
-from gump.plugins import AbstractPlugin
-def parseAddressInfo(data):
-    """
-    Parse {user}@{server[:port]}/{channel}
-    returning 
-    (channel,nickname,server,port)
-    """
-    # Extract nickname@ from front...
-    s = string.split(data,'@',1)
-    if not 2 == len(s): 
-        raise Error, 'Unable to extract nickname for %s from %s' % (CONFIG_FORMAT, data)
-    nickname=s[0]
-    s = string.split(s[1], '/', 1)    
-    if not 2 == len(s): 
-        raise Error, 'Unable to extract channel for %s from %s' % (CONFIG_FORMAT, data)
-    channel=s[1]    
-    s = string.split(s[0], ":", 1)
-    server = s[0]
-    if len(s) == 2:
-        try:
-            port = int(s[1])
-        except ValueError:
-            raise Error, 'Unable to extract port for %s from %s using %s' % (CONFIG_FORMAT, data, s[1])
-    else:
-        port = DEFAULT_IRC_PORT
-    return (channel,nickname,server,port)
-class GumpBotRunner(threading.Thread):
-    """
-    Run the IRCbot in a background thread
-    set self.running=False to shut down (once started)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, log, bot):
-        # A deamon thread
-        threading.Thread.__init__(self,name=GUMPBOT_NAME+'Runner')
-        self.setDaemon(True)
-        self.commands = Queue.Queue()
-        # able to log
-        self.log = log
-        # That manages a bot, sending messages from
-        # time to time.
-        self.messages = Queue.Queue()
- = bot
-    def run(self):
-        """ 
-             Run the bot... 
-             Allowing it cycles, but injecting messages from a queue
-             when available. Stopping when there is a command message
-             to do so.
-        """
-"Run the IRCbot...")
-        # Allow it to perform welcome, get nickname, etc.
-        self.grant_bot_some_cycles()
-        while True:            
-            # Pass along messages
-            try:
-                while True: 
-            except Queue.Empty:
-                pass
-            except Exception, details:
-                self.log.warn('Failed to send IRC put_message: %s' % details)
-                pass # Ignore queue empty/write failures
-            # Process commands/events
-            # Exit the loopng, if nothing to send.
-            if self.messages.empty() and not self.commands.empty():
-                break
-        # Shutdown...
-"End the IRCbot...")
-        self.grant_bot_some_cycles(10,0.2)
-    def grant_bot_some_cycles(self,spins=10,timeout=1):
-    def put_message(self,m):
-        """ Pass messages to the bot (for delivery) via the bot. """
-        self.messages.put_nowait(m)        
-class GumpBot(SingleServerIRCBot):
-    """ 
-    An IRC bot that lives throughout the life of a gump run.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, log, channel, nickname, server, port=6667):
-        SingleServerIRCBot.__init__(self, [(server, port)], nickname, nickname)
-        self.channel_name = channel
- = channel
-        self.log = log
-    def put_message(self,m):
-        c=self.connection 
-        ch=self.channel_name
-'Send IRC message [%s : %s]' % (ch,m))
-        c.privmsg(ch,m)
-    def on_nicknameinuse(self, c, e):
-        """ If Nickname in use, try again """
-        c.nick(c.get_nickname() + "_")
-    def on_welcome(self, c, e):
-        """ Once welcomed, join the channel """
-        c.join(
-    def on_privmsg(self, c, e):
-        """ Proces messagesa as commands """
-        self.do_command(e, e.arguments()[0])
-    def on_pubmsg(self, c, e):
-        """ Process public messages, looking for this directed to this bot """
-        a = string.split(e.arguments()[0], ":", 1)
-        if len(a) > 1 and irc_lower(a[0]) == irc_lower(self.connection.get_nickname()):
-            self.do_command(e, string.strip(a[1]))
-        return
-    def on_dccmsg(self, c, e):
-        c.privmsg("You said: " + e.arguments()[0])
-    def on_dccchat(self, c, e):
-        if len(e.arguments()) != 2:
-            return
-        args = string.split(e.arguments()[1])
-        if len(args) == 4:
-            try:
-                address = ip_numstr_to_quad(args[2])
-                port = int(args[3])
-            except ValueError:
-                return
-            self.dcc_connect(address, port)
-    def do_command(self, e, cmd):
-        """ 
-        Perform a command received over the wire (from the folks in the IRC channel).
-        """
-        peer_nick = nm_to_n(e.source())
-        c = self.connection
-        # What is the request?
-        if cmd == 'version':
-            c.notice(peer_nick,'%s:%s' % (GUMPBOT_NAME, GUMPBOT_VERSION))
-        elif cmd =='help':
-            c.notice(peer_nick,'help,disconnect,die,stats,dcc,version')
-        elif cmd == "disconnect":
-            self.disconnect()
-        elif cmd == "die":
-            self.die()
-        elif cmd == "stats":
-            for chname, chobj in self.channels.items():
-                c.notice(peer_nick, "--- Channel statistics ---")
-                c.notice(peer_nick, "Channel: " + chname)
-                users = chobj.users()
-                users.sort()
-                c.notice(peer_nick, "Users: " + string.join(users, ", "))
-                opers = chobj.opers()
-                opers.sort()
-                c.notice(peer_nick, "Opers: " + string.join(opers, ", "))
-                voiced = chobj.voiced()
-                voiced.sort()
-                c.notice(peer_nick, "Voiced: " + string.join(voiced, ", "))
-        elif cmd == "dcc":
-            dcc = self.dcc_listen()
-            c.ctcp("DCC", peer_nick, "CHAT chat %s %d" % (
-                ip_quad_to_numstr(dcc.localaddress),
-                dcc.localport))
-        else:
-            c.notice(peer_nick, "Not understood: " + cmd)
-    def start(self):
-        """
-        Start the bot, performing initial
-        """
-        self._connect()
-    def process_some(self,spins=10,timeout=1):
-        for i in range(1,spins):        
-            self.process_once(timeout)            
-    def process_once(self,timeout):
-        self.ircobj.process_once(timeout)
-    def stop(self):
-        """Shutdown the bot."""
-        self.disconnect('Bye from Gump.')
-class IrcBotPlugin(AbstractPlugin):
-    """Execute all commands for all projects."""
-    def __init__(self, log, verbose=False, channel='#asfgump', nickname='gump3', server='', port=DEFAULT_IRC_PORT):
-        self.log = log      
-        self.verbose = verbose
-'IRC: Using %s on %s into %s:%s' % (channel,nickname,server,port))
-        # Create a background IRC bot (in it's own thread)
-        self.bot_runner =  GumpBotRunner(log, \
-            GumpBot(log,channel,nickname,server,port))
-    def initialize(self):
-        self.bot_runner.start()
-        self.bot_runner.put_message('Gump signing in.')
-    def visit_module(self,module):   
-        if self.verbose:
-            self.bot_runner.put_message('Processing Module %s.' %
-        if check_skip(module):
-            self.bot_runner.put_message('Module %s SKIPPED' %
-        elif check_failure(module):
-            self.bot_runner.put_message('Module %s FAILED' %
-    def visit_project(self,project):    
-        if self.verbose:
-            self.bot_runner.put_message('Processing Project %s.' %
-        if check_skip(project):
-            self.bot_runner.put_message('Project %s SKIPPED' %
-        elif check_failure(project):
-            self.bot_runner.put_message('Project %s FAILED' %
-    def visit_workspace(self,workspace):        
-        self.bot_runner.put_message('Processing Workspace %s' %
-    def finalize(self):
-        """ :TODO: Disconnect from the IRC service, allowing a graceful shutdown """  
-        self.bot_runner.put_message('Gump signing out.')
-        self.bot_runner.commands.put('shutdown')
-        if self.bot_runner.isAlive:
-            self.bot_runner.join(60)
-            if sys.platform == 'win32':
-                import time
-                time.sleep(60)
-            if self.bot_runner.isAlive:
-                self.log.warn('Failed to shutdown %s on %s.' % (self.bot_runner.getName(), sys.platform))
-def main():
-    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
-        print "Usage: ircbot <server[:port]> <channel> <nickname>"
-        sys.exit(1)
-    s = string.split(sys.argv[1], ":", 1)
-    server = s[0]
-    if len(s) == 2:
-        try:
-            port = int(s[1])
-        except ValueError:
-            print "Error: Erroneous port."
-            sys.exit(1)
-    else:
-        port = DEFAULT_IRC_PORT
-    channel = sys.argv[2]
-    nickname = sys.argv[3]
-    bot=GumpBot(channel, nickname, server, port)
-    bot.start()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation"
+__license__   = ""
+import os
+import sys
+import string
+import threading, Queue
+def parseAddressInfo(data):
+    """
+    Parse {user}@{server[:port]}/{channel}
+    returning 
+    (channel,nickname,server,port)
+    """
+    # Extract nickname@ from front...
+    s = string.split(data,'@',1)
+    if not 2 == len(s): 
+        raise Error, 'Unable to extract nickname for %s from %s' % (CONFIG_FORMAT, data)
+    nickname=s[0]
+    s = string.split(s[1], '/', 1)    
+    if not 2 == len(s): 
+        raise Error, 'Unable to extract channel for %s from %s' % (CONFIG_FORMAT, data)
+    channel=s[1]    
+    s = string.split(s[0], ":", 1)
+    server = s[0]
+    if len(s) == 2:
+        try:
+            port = int(s[1])
+        except ValueError:
+            raise Error, 'Unable to extract port for %s from %s using %s' % (CONFIG_FORMAT, data, s[1])
+    else:
+        port = DEFAULT_IRC_PORT
+    return (channel,nickname,server,port)
+  from irclib import nm_to_n, nm_to_h, \
+       irc_lower, ip_numstr_to_quad, ip_quad_to_numstr,SimpleIRCClient
+  from ircbot import SingleServerIRCBot
+  from gump.model.util import check_failure, check_skip
+  from gump.plugins import AbstractPlugin
+  class GumpBotRunner(threading.Thread):
+      """
+      Run the IRCbot in a background thread
+      set self.running=False to shut down (once started)
+      """
+      def __init__(self, log, bot):
+          # A deamon thread
+          threading.Thread.__init__(self,name=GUMPBOT_NAME+'Runner')
+          self.setDaemon(True)
+          self.commands = Queue.Queue()
+          # able to log
+          self.log = log
+          # That manages a bot, sending messages from
+          # time to time.
+          self.messages = Queue.Queue()
+ = bot
+      def run(self):
+          """ 
+               Run the bot... 
+               Allowing it cycles, but injecting messages from a queue
+               when available. Stopping when there is a command message
+               to do so.
+          """
+"Run the IRCbot...")
+          # Allow it to perform welcome, get nickname, etc.
+          self.grant_bot_some_cycles()
+          while True:            
+              # Pass along messages
+              try:
+                  while True: 
+              except Queue.Empty:
+                  pass
+              except Exception, details:
+                  self.log.warn('Failed to send IRC put_message: %s' % details)
+                  pass # Ignore queue empty/write failures
+              # Process commands/events
+              # Exit the loopng, if nothing to send.
+              if self.messages.empty() and not self.commands.empty():
+                  break
+          # Shutdown...
+"End the IRCbot...")
+          self.grant_bot_some_cycles(10,0.2)
+      def grant_bot_some_cycles(self,spins=10,timeout=1):
+      def put_message(self,m):
+          """ Pass messages to the bot (for delivery) via the bot. """
+          self.messages.put_nowait(m)        
+  class GumpBot(SingleServerIRCBot):
+      """ 
+      An IRC bot that lives throughout the life of a gump run.
+      """
+      def __init__(self, log, channel, nickname, server, port=6667):
+          SingleServerIRCBot.__init__(self, [(server, port)], nickname, nickname)
+          self.channel_name = channel
+ = channel
+          self.log = log
+      def put_message(self,m):
+          c=self.connection 
+          ch=self.channel_name
+'Send IRC message [%s : %s]' % (ch,m))
+          c.privmsg(ch,m)
+      def on_nicknameinuse(self, c, e):
+          """ If Nickname in use, try again """
+          c.nick(c.get_nickname() + "_")
+      def on_welcome(self, c, e):
+          """ Once welcomed, join the channel """
+          c.join(
+      def on_privmsg(self, c, e):
+          """ Proces messagesa as commands """
+          self.do_command(e, e.arguments()[0])
+      def on_pubmsg(self, c, e):
+          """ Process public messages, looking for this directed to this bot """
+          a = string.split(e.arguments()[0], ":", 1)
+          if len(a) > 1 and irc_lower(a[0]) == irc_lower(self.connection.get_nickname()):
+              self.do_command(e, string.strip(a[1]))
+          return
+      def on_dccmsg(self, c, e):
+          c.privmsg("You said: " + e.arguments()[0])
+      def on_dccchat(self, c, e):
+          if len(e.arguments()) != 2:
+              return
+          args = string.split(e.arguments()[1])
+          if len(args) == 4:
+              try:
+                  address = ip_numstr_to_quad(args[2])
+                  port = int(args[3])
+              except ValueError:
+                  return
+              self.dcc_connect(address, port)
+      def do_command(self, e, cmd):
+          """ 
+          Perform a command received over the wire (from the folks in the IRC channel).
+          """
+          peer_nick = nm_to_n(e.source())
+          c = self.connection
+          # What is the request?
+          if cmd == 'version':
+              c.notice(peer_nick,'%s:%s' % (GUMPBOT_NAME, GUMPBOT_VERSION))
+          elif cmd =='help':
+              c.notice(peer_nick,'help,disconnect,die,stats,dcc,version')
+          elif cmd == "disconnect":
+              self.disconnect()
+          elif cmd == "die":
+              self.die()
+          elif cmd == "stats":
+              for chname, chobj in self.channels.items():
+                  c.notice(peer_nick, "--- Channel statistics ---")
+                  c.notice(peer_nick, "Channel: " + chname)
+                  users = chobj.users()
+                  users.sort()
+                  c.notice(peer_nick, "Users: " + string.join(users, ", "))
+                  opers = chobj.opers()
+                  opers.sort()
+                  c.notice(peer_nick, "Opers: " + string.join(opers, ", "))
+                  voiced = chobj.voiced()
+                  voiced.sort()
+                  c.notice(peer_nick, "Voiced: " + string.join(voiced, ", "))
+          elif cmd == "dcc":
+              dcc = self.dcc_listen()
+              c.ctcp("DCC", peer_nick, "CHAT chat %s %d" % (
+                  ip_quad_to_numstr(dcc.localaddress),
+                  dcc.localport))
+          else:
+              c.notice(peer_nick, "Not understood: " + cmd)
+      def start(self):
+          """
+          Start the bot, performing initial
+          """
+          self._connect()
+      def process_some(self,spins=10,timeout=1):
+          for i in range(1,spins):        
+              self.process_once(timeout)            
+      def process_once(self,timeout):
+          self.ircobj.process_once(timeout)
+      def stop(self):
+          """Shutdown the bot."""
+          self.disconnect('Bye from Gump.')
+  class IrcBotPlugin(AbstractPlugin):
+      """Execute all commands for all projects."""
+      def __init__(self, log, verbose=False, channel='#asfgump', nickname='gump3', server='', port=DEFAULT_IRC_PORT):
+          self.log = log      
+          self.verbose = verbose
+'IRC: Using %s on %s into %s:%s' % (channel,nickname,server,port))
+          # Create a background IRC bot (in it's own thread)
+          self.bot_runner =  GumpBotRunner(log, \
+              GumpBot(log,channel,nickname,server,port))
+      def initialize(self):
+          self.bot_runner.start()
+          self.bot_runner.put_message('Gump signing in.')
+      def visit_module(self,module):   
+          if self.verbose:
+              self.bot_runner.put_message('Processing Module %s.' %
+          if check_skip(module):
+              self.bot_runner.put_message('Module %s SKIPPED' %
+          elif check_failure(module):
+              self.bot_runner.put_message('Module %s FAILED' %
+      def visit_project(self,project):    
+          if self.verbose:
+              self.bot_runner.put_message('Processing Project %s.' %
+          if check_skip(project):
+              self.bot_runner.put_message('Project %s SKIPPED' %
+          elif check_failure(project):
+              self.bot_runner.put_message('Project %s FAILED' %
+      def visit_workspace(self,workspace):        
+          self.bot_runner.put_message('Processing Workspace %s' %
+      def finalize(self):
+          """ :TODO: Disconnect from the IRC service, allowing a graceful shutdown """  
+          self.bot_runner.put_message('Gump signing out.')
+          self.bot_runner.commands.put('shutdown')
+          if self.bot_runner.isAlive:
+              self.bot_runner.join(60)
+              if sys.platform == 'win32':
+                  import time
+                  time.sleep(60)
+              if self.bot_runner.isAlive:
+                  self.log.warn('Failed to shutdown %s on %s.' % (self.bot_runner.getName(), sys.platform))
+  def main():
+      if len(sys.argv) != 4:
+          print "Usage: ircbot <server[:port]> <channel> <nickname>"
+          sys.exit(1)
+      s = string.split(sys.argv[1], ":", 1)
+      server = s[0]
+      if len(s) == 2:
+          try:
+              port = int(s[1])
+          except ValueError:
+              print "Error: Erroneous port."
+              sys.exit(1)
+      else:
+          port = DEFAULT_IRC_PORT
+      channel = sys.argv[2]
+      nickname = sys.argv[3]
+      bot=GumpBot(channel, nickname, server, port)
+      bot.start()
+  # too bad, the library isn't here. No-op stubs it is, then.
+  from gump.plugins import AbstractPlugin
+  def main():
+    print "The IRC plugin is disabled because python-irclib is not available!"
+  class IrcBotPlugin(AbstractPlugin):
+    def __init__(self, log, verbose=False, channel='#asfgump', nickname='gump3', server='', port=DEFAULT_IRC_PORT):
+      log.warn("The IRC plugin is disabled because python-irclib is not available!")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  main()