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Posted to by Nikita Zhuk <> on 2004/08/24 21:37:04 UTC

Subversion with javahl bindings on FreeBSD

Hi all,

I need to install subversion (with mod_dav_svn and javahl) on FreeBSD  
system. Using FreeBSD ports, I compiled and installed successfully svn  
with mod_dav_svn, but there's no option for compiling javahl bindings.  
So I decided to compile svn with javahl into different directory  
(outside port system), just to get javahl compiled and to copy  
libraries and .jars into appropriate locations later.

So I downloaded latest source tarball (1.1.0 rc2), unpacked, configured  
it ( ./configure --with-neon=/usr/local --with-jdk=/usr/local/jdk1.4.2  
--enable-javahl ) and run "make" (it compiled successfully). After that  
I tried to run "make javahl", but I got this error: "error while  
writing org.tigris.subversion.javahl.DirEntry:  
DirEntry.class (No such file or directory) public class DirEntry"

Where is the problem and how can I compile javahl bindings?

Best regards,
Nikita Zhuk

Nikita Zhuk
Mac OS X & Web developer
Marko Karppinen & Co. LLC

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