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[54/57] [abbrv] cordova-plugins git commit: Merge commit '394cfb12f80de35255a506c0dcbf4a21910e849a' (Mac).xcscheme
diff --cc local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebServer.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/GCDWebServers (Mac).xcscheme
index 0000000,0000000..b905059
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebServer.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/GCDWebServers (Mac).xcscheme
@@@ -1,0 -1,0 +1,90 @@@
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++   version = "1.3">
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++               BlueprintName = "GCDWebServers (Mac)"
++               ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
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++   </BuildAction>
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++               BuildableName = "Tests.xctest"
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++               ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
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++      selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB"
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++            BuildableName = "GCDWebServers.framework"
++            BlueprintName = "GCDWebServers (Mac)"
++            ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
++         </BuildableReference>
++      </MacroExpansion>
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++            ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
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++      buildConfiguration = "Debug">
++   </AnalyzeAction>
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++      buildConfiguration = "Release"
++      revealArchiveInOrganizer = "YES">
++   </ArchiveAction>
++</Scheme> (iOS).xcscheme
diff --cc local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebServer.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/GCDWebServers (iOS).xcscheme
index 0000000,0000000..73e3e0a
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebServer.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/GCDWebServers (iOS).xcscheme
@@@ -1,0 -1,0 +1,89 @@@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
++   LastUpgradeVersion = "0720"
++   version = "1.3">
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++      buildImplicitDependencies = "YES">
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++            buildForTesting = "NO"
++            buildForRunning = "YES"
++            buildForProfiling = "YES"
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++            buildForAnalyzing = "YES">
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++               BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
++               BlueprintIdentifier = "CEE28CEE1AE0051F00F4023C"
++               BuildableName = "GCDWebServers.framework"
++               BlueprintName = "GCDWebServers (iOS)"
++               ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
++            </BuildableReference>
++         </BuildActionEntry>
++      </BuildActionEntries>
++   </BuildAction>
++   <TestAction
++      buildConfiguration = "Debug"
++      selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB"
++      selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB"
++      shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES">
++      <Testables>
++      </Testables>
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++            BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
++            BlueprintIdentifier = "CEE28CEE1AE0051F00F4023C"
++            BuildableName = "GCDWebServers.framework"
++            BlueprintName = "GCDWebServers (iOS)"
++            ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
++         </BuildableReference>
++      </MacroExpansion>
++      <AdditionalOptions>
++      </AdditionalOptions>
++   </TestAction>
++   <LaunchAction
++      buildConfiguration = "Debug"
++      selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB"
++      selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB"
++      launchStyle = "0"
++      useCustomWorkingDirectory = "NO"
++      ignoresPersistentStateOnLaunch = "NO"
++      debugDocumentVersioning = "YES"
++      debugServiceExtension = "internal"
++      allowLocationSimulation = "YES">
++      <MacroExpansion>
++         <BuildableReference
++            BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
++            BlueprintIdentifier = "CEE28CEE1AE0051F00F4023C"
++            BuildableName = "GCDWebServers.framework"
++            BlueprintName = "GCDWebServers (iOS)"
++            ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
++         </BuildableReference>
++      </MacroExpansion>
++      <AdditionalOptions>
++      </AdditionalOptions>
++   </LaunchAction>
++   <ProfileAction
++      buildConfiguration = "Release"
++      shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES"
++      savedToolIdentifier = ""
++      useCustomWorkingDirectory = "NO"
++      debugDocumentVersioning = "YES">
++      <MacroExpansion>
++         <BuildableReference
++            BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
++            BlueprintIdentifier = "CEE28CEE1AE0051F00F4023C"
++            BuildableName = "GCDWebServers.framework"
++            BlueprintName = "GCDWebServers (iOS)"
++            ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
++         </BuildableReference>
++      </MacroExpansion>
++   </ProfileAction>
++   <AnalyzeAction
++      buildConfiguration = "Debug">
++   </AnalyzeAction>
++   <ArchiveAction
++      buildConfiguration = "Release"
++      revealArchiveInOrganizer = "YES">
++   </ArchiveAction>
++</Scheme> (tvOS).xcscheme
diff --cc local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebServer.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/GCDWebServers (tvOS).xcscheme
index 0000000,0000000..920fa99
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebServer.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/GCDWebServers (tvOS).xcscheme
@@@ -1,0 -1,0 +1,89 @@@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
++   LastUpgradeVersion = "0720"
++   version = "1.3">
++   <BuildAction
++      parallelizeBuildables = "YES"
++      buildImplicitDependencies = "YES">
++      <BuildActionEntries>
++         <BuildActionEntry
++            buildForTesting = "NO"
++            buildForRunning = "YES"
++            buildForProfiling = "YES"
++            buildForArchiving = "YES"
++            buildForAnalyzing = "YES">
++            <BuildableReference
++               BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
++               BlueprintIdentifier = "E2DDD18A1BE69404002CE867"
++               BuildableName = "GCDWebServers.framework"
++               BlueprintName = "GCDWebServers (tvOS)"
++               ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
++            </BuildableReference>
++         </BuildActionEntry>
++      </BuildActionEntries>
++   </BuildAction>
++   <TestAction
++      buildConfiguration = "Debug"
++      selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB"
++      selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB"
++      shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES">
++      <Testables>
++      </Testables>
++      <MacroExpansion>
++         <BuildableReference
++            BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
++            BlueprintIdentifier = "E2DDD18A1BE69404002CE867"
++            BuildableName = "GCDWebServers.framework"
++            BlueprintName = "GCDWebServers (tvOS)"
++            ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
++         </BuildableReference>
++      </MacroExpansion>
++      <AdditionalOptions>
++      </AdditionalOptions>
++   </TestAction>
++   <LaunchAction
++      buildConfiguration = "Debug"
++      selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB"
++      selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB"
++      launchStyle = "0"
++      useCustomWorkingDirectory = "NO"
++      ignoresPersistentStateOnLaunch = "NO"
++      debugDocumentVersioning = "YES"
++      debugServiceExtension = "internal"
++      allowLocationSimulation = "YES">
++      <MacroExpansion>
++         <BuildableReference
++            BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
++            BlueprintIdentifier = "E2DDD18A1BE69404002CE867"
++            BuildableName = "GCDWebServers.framework"
++            BlueprintName = "GCDWebServers (tvOS)"
++            ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
++         </BuildableReference>
++      </MacroExpansion>
++      <AdditionalOptions>
++      </AdditionalOptions>
++   </LaunchAction>
++   <ProfileAction
++      buildConfiguration = "Release"
++      shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES"
++      savedToolIdentifier = ""
++      useCustomWorkingDirectory = "NO"
++      debugDocumentVersioning = "YES">
++      <MacroExpansion>
++         <BuildableReference
++            BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
++            BlueprintIdentifier = "E2DDD18A1BE69404002CE867"
++            BuildableName = "GCDWebServers.framework"
++            BlueprintName = "GCDWebServers (tvOS)"
++            ReferencedContainer = "container:GCDWebServer.xcodeproj">
++         </BuildableReference>
++      </MacroExpansion>
++   </ProfileAction>
++   <AnalyzeAction
++      buildConfiguration = "Debug">
++   </AnalyzeAction>
++   <ArchiveAction
++      buildConfiguration = "Release"
++      revealArchiveInOrganizer = "YES">
++   </ArchiveAction>
diff --cc local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebServer/Core/GCDWebServer.h
index ff414c9,0000000..b4afb4c
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebServer/Core/GCDWebServer.h
+++ b/local-webserver/src/ios/GCDWebServer/GCDWebServer/Core/GCDWebServer.h
@@@ -1,567 -1,0 +1,618 @@@
-  Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Pierre-Olivier Latour
++ Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Pierre-Olivier Latour
 + All rights reserved.
 + Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 + modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 + * The name of Pierre-Olivier Latour may not be used to endorse
 + or promote products derived from this software without specific
 + prior written permission.
 + */
 +#import <TargetConditionals.h>
 +#import "GCDWebServerRequest.h"
 +#import "GCDWebServerResponse.h"
 + *  The GCDWebServerMatchBlock is called for every handler added to the
 + *  GCDWebServer whenever a new HTTP request has started (i.e. HTTP headers have
 + *  been received). The block is passed the basic info for the request (HTTP method,
 + *  URL, headers...) and must decide if it wants to handle it or not.
 + *
 + *  If the handler can handle the request, the block must return a new
 + *  GCDWebServerRequest instance created with the same basic info.
 + *  Otherwise, it simply returns nil.
 + */
 +typedef GCDWebServerRequest* (^GCDWebServerMatchBlock)(NSString* requestMethod, NSURL* requestURL, NSDictionary* requestHeaders, NSString* urlPath, NSDictionary* urlQuery);
 + *  The GCDWebServerProcessBlock is called after the HTTP request has been fully
 + *  received (i.e. the entire HTTP body has been read). The block is passed the
 + *  GCDWebServerRequest created at the previous step by the GCDWebServerMatchBlock.
 + *
 + *  The block must return a GCDWebServerResponse or nil on error, which will
 + *  result in a 500 HTTP status code returned to the client. It's however
 + *  recommended to return a GCDWebServerErrorResponse on error so more useful
 + *  information can be returned to the client.
 + */
- typedef GCDWebServerResponse* (^GCDWebServerProcessBlock)(GCDWebServerRequest* request);
++typedef GCDWebServerResponse* (^GCDWebServerProcessBlock)(__kindof GCDWebServerRequest* request);
 + *  The GCDWebServerAsynchronousProcessBlock works like the GCDWebServerProcessBlock
 + *  except the GCDWebServerResponse can be returned to the server at a later time
 + *  allowing for asynchronous generation of the response.
 + *
 + *  The block must eventually call "completionBlock" passing a GCDWebServerResponse
 + *  or nil on error, which will result in a 500 HTTP status code returned to the client.
 + *  It's however recommended to return a GCDWebServerErrorResponse on error so more
 + *  useful information can be returned to the client.
 + */
 +typedef void (^GCDWebServerCompletionBlock)(GCDWebServerResponse* response);
- typedef void (^GCDWebServerAsyncProcessBlock)(GCDWebServerRequest* request, GCDWebServerCompletionBlock completionBlock);
++typedef void (^GCDWebServerAsyncProcessBlock)(__kindof GCDWebServerRequest* request, GCDWebServerCompletionBlock completionBlock);
 + *  The port used by the GCDWebServer (NSNumber / NSUInteger).
 + *
 + *  The default value is 0 i.e. let the OS pick a random port.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_Port;
 + *  The Bonjour name used by the GCDWebServer (NSString). If set to an empty string,
 + *  the name will automatically take the value of the GCDWebServerOption_ServerName
 + *  option. If this option is set to nil, Bonjour will be disabled.
 + *
-  *  The default value is an empty string.
++ *  The default value is nil.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_BonjourName;
 + *  The Bonjour service type used by the GCDWebServer (NSString).
 + *
 + *  The default value is "_http._tcp", the service type for HTTP web servers.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_BonjourType;
++ *  Request a port mapping in the NAT gateway (NSNumber / BOOL).
++ *
++ *  This uses the DNSService API under the hood which supports IPv4 mappings only.
++ *
++ *  The default value is NO.
++ *
++ *  @warning The external port set up by the NAT gateway may be different than
++ *  the one used by the GCDWebServer.
++ */
++extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_RequestNATPortMapping;
++ *  Only accept HTTP requests coming from localhost i.e. not from the outside
++ *  network (NSNumber / BOOL).
++ *
++ *  The default value is NO.
++ *
++ *  @warning Bonjour and NAT port mapping should be disabled if using this option
++ *  since the server will not be reachable from the outside network anyway.
++ */
++extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_BindToLocalhost;
 + *  The maximum number of incoming HTTP requests that can be queued waiting to
 + *  be handled before new ones are dropped (NSNumber / NSUInteger).
 + *
 + *  The default value is 16.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_MaxPendingConnections;
 + *  The value for "Server" HTTP header used by the GCDWebServer (NSString).
 + *
 + *  The default value is the GCDWebServer class name.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_ServerName;
 + *  The authentication method used by the GCDWebServer
 + *  (one of "GCDWebServerAuthenticationMethod_...").
 + *
 + *  The default value is nil i.e. authentication is disabled.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_AuthenticationMethod;
 + *  The authentication realm used by the GCDWebServer (NSString).
 + *
 + *  The default value is the same as the GCDWebServerOption_ServerName option.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_AuthenticationRealm;
 + *  The authentication accounts used by the GCDWebServer
 + *  (NSDictionary of username / password pairs).
 + *
 + *  The default value is nil i.e. no accounts.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_AuthenticationAccounts;
 + *  The class used by the GCDWebServer when instantiating GCDWebServerConnection
 + *  (subclass of GCDWebServerConnection).
 + *
 + *  The default value is the GCDWebServerConnection class.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_ConnectionClass;
 + *  Allow the GCDWebServer to pretend "HEAD" requests are actually "GET" ones
 + *  and automatically discard the HTTP body of the response (NSNumber / BOOL).
 + *
 + *  The default value is YES.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_AutomaticallyMapHEADToGET;
 + *  The interval expressed in seconds used by the GCDWebServer to decide how to
 + *  coalesce calls to -webServerDidConnect: and -webServerDidDisconnect:
 + *  (NSNumber / double). Coalescing will be disabled if the interval is <= 0.0.
 + *
 + *  The default value is 1.0 second.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_ConnectedStateCoalescingInterval;
 + *  Enables the GCDWebServer to automatically suspend itself (as if -stop was
 + *  called) when the iOS app goes into the background and the last
 + *  GCDWebServerConnection is closed, then resume itself (as if -start was called)
 + *  when the iOS app comes back to the foreground (NSNumber / BOOL).
 + *
 + *  See the file for more information about this option.
 + *
 + *  The default value is YES.
 + *
 + *  @warning The running property will be NO while the GCDWebServer is suspended.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerOption_AutomaticallySuspendInBackground;
 + *  HTTP Basic Authentication scheme (see
 + *
 + *  @warning Use of this authentication scheme is not recommended as the
 + *  passwords are sent in clear.
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerAuthenticationMethod_Basic;
 + *  HTTP Digest Access Authentication scheme (see
 + */
 +extern NSString* const GCDWebServerAuthenticationMethod_DigestAccess;
 +@class GCDWebServer;
 + *  Delegate methods for GCDWebServer.
 + *
 + *  @warning These methods are always called on the main thread in a serialized way.
 + */
 +@protocol GCDWebServerDelegate <NSObject>
 + *  This method is called after the server has successfully started.
 + */
 +- (void)webServerDidStart:(GCDWebServer*)server;
 + *  This method is called after the Bonjour registration for the server has
 + *  successfully completed.
++ *
++ *  Use the "bonjourServerURL" property to retrieve the Bonjour address of the
++ *  server.
 + */
 +- (void)webServerDidCompleteBonjourRegistration:(GCDWebServer*)server;
++ *  This method is called after the NAT port mapping for the server has been
++ *  updated.
++ *
++ *  Use the "publicServerURL" property to retrieve the public address of the
++ *  server.
++ */
++- (void)webServerDidUpdateNATPortMapping:(GCDWebServer*)server;
 + *  This method is called when the first GCDWebServerConnection is opened by the
 + *  server to serve a series of HTTP requests.
 + *
 + *  A series of HTTP requests is considered ongoing as long as new HTTP requests
 + *  keep coming (and new GCDWebServerConnection instances keep being opened),
 + *  until before the last HTTP request has been responded to (and the
 + *  corresponding last GCDWebServerConnection closed).
 + */
 +- (void)webServerDidConnect:(GCDWebServer*)server;
 + *  This method is called when the last GCDWebServerConnection is closed after
 + *  the server has served a series of HTTP requests.
 + *
 + *  The GCDWebServerOption_ConnectedStateCoalescingInterval option can be used
 + *  to have the server wait some extra delay before considering that the series
 + *  of HTTP requests has ended (in case there some latency between consecutive
 + *  requests). This effectively coalesces the calls to -webServerDidConnect:
 + *  and -webServerDidDisconnect:.
 + */
 +- (void)webServerDidDisconnect:(GCDWebServer*)server;
 + *  This method is called after the server has stopped.
 + */
 +- (void)webServerDidStop:(GCDWebServer*)server;
 + *  The GCDWebServer class listens for incoming HTTP requests on a given port,
 + *  then passes each one to a "handler" capable of generating an HTTP response
 + *  for it, which is then sent back to the client.
 + *
 + *  GCDWebServer instances can be created and used from any thread but it's
 + *  recommended to have the main thread's runloop be running so internal callbacks
 + *  can be handled e.g. for Bonjour registration.
 + *
 + *  See the file for more information about the architecture of GCDWebServer.
 + */
 +@interface GCDWebServer : NSObject
 + *  Sets the delegate for the server.
 + */
 +@property(nonatomic, assign) id<GCDWebServerDelegate> delegate;
 + *  Returns YES if the server is currently running.
 + */
 +@property(nonatomic, readonly, getter=isRunning) BOOL running;
 + *  Returns the port used by the server.
 + *
 + *  @warning This property is only valid if the server is running.
 + */
 +@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger port;
 + *  Returns the Bonjour name used by the server.
 + *
 + *  @warning This property is only valid if the server is running and Bonjour
 + *  registration has successfully completed, which can take up to a few seconds.
 + */
 +@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSString* bonjourName;
 + *  Returns the Bonjour service type used by the server.
 + *
 + *  @warning This property is only valid if the server is running and Bonjour
 + *  registration has successfully completed, which can take up to a few seconds.
 + */
 +@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSString* bonjourType;
 + *  This method is the designated initializer for the class.
 + */
 +- (instancetype)init;
 + *  Adds to the server a handler that generates responses synchronously when handling incoming HTTP requests.
 + *
 + *  Handlers are called in a LIFO queue, so if multiple handlers can potentially
 + *  respond to a given request, the latest added one wins.
 + *
 + *  @warning Addling handlers while the server is running is not allowed.
 + */
 +- (void)addHandlerWithMatchBlock:(GCDWebServerMatchBlock)matchBlock processBlock:(GCDWebServerProcessBlock)processBlock;
 + *  Adds to the server a handler that generates responses asynchronously when handling incoming HTTP requests.
 + *
 + *  Handlers are called in a LIFO queue, so if multiple handlers can potentially
 + *  respond to a given request, the latest added one wins.
 + *
 + *  @warning Addling handlers while the server is running is not allowed.
 + */
 +- (void)addHandlerWithMatchBlock:(GCDWebServerMatchBlock)matchBlock asyncProcessBlock:(GCDWebServerAsyncProcessBlock)processBlock;
 + *  Removes all handlers previously added to the server.
 + *
 + *  @warning Removing handlers while the server is running is not allowed.
 + */
 +- (void)removeAllHandlers;
 + *  Starts the server with explicit options. This method is the designated way
 + *  to start the server.
 + *
 + *  Returns NO if the server failed to start and sets "error" argument if not NULL.
 + */
 +- (BOOL)startWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)options error:(NSError**)error;
 + *  Stops the server and prevents it to accepts new HTTP requests.
 + *
 + *  @warning Stopping the server does not abort GCDWebServerConnection instances
 + *  currently handling already received HTTP requests. These connections will
 + *  continue to execute normally until completion.
 + */
 +- (void)stop;
 +@interface GCDWebServer (Extensions)
 + *  Returns the server's URL.
 + *
 + *  @warning This property is only valid if the server is running.
 + */
 +@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSURL* serverURL;
 + *  Returns the server's Bonjour URL.
 + *
 + *  @warning This property is only valid if the server is running and Bonjour
 + *  registration has successfully completed, which can take up to a few seconds.
 + *  Also be aware this property will not automatically update if the Bonjour hostname
 + *  has been dynamically changed after the server started running (this should be rare).
 + */
 +@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSURL* bonjourServerURL;
++ *  Returns the server's public URL.
++ *
++ *  @warning This property is only valid if the server is running and NAT port
++ *  mapping is active.
++ */
++@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSURL* publicServerURL;
 + *  Starts the server on port 8080 (OS X & iOS Simulator) or port 80 (iOS)
 + *  using the default Bonjour name.
 + *
 + *  Returns NO if the server failed to start.
 + */
 +- (BOOL)start;
 + *  Starts the server on a given port and with a specific Bonjour name.
 + *  Pass a nil Bonjour name to disable Bonjour entirely or an empty string to
 + *  use the default name.
 + *
 + *  Returns NO if the server failed to start.
 + */
 +- (BOOL)startWithPort:(NSUInteger)port bonjourName:(NSString*)name;
 + *  Runs the server synchronously using -startWithPort:bonjourName: until a
 + *  SIGINT signal is received i.e. Ctrl-C. This method is intended to be used
 + *  by command line tools.
 + *
 + *  Returns NO if the server failed to start.
 + *
 + *  @warning This method must be used from the main thread only.
 + */
 +- (BOOL)runWithPort:(NSUInteger)port bonjourName:(NSString*)name;
 + *  Runs the server synchronously using -startWithOptions: until a SIGTERM or
 + *  SIGINT signal is received i.e. Ctrl-C in Terminal. This method is intended to
 + *  be used by command line tools.
 + *
 + *  Returns NO if the server failed to start and sets "error" argument if not NULL.
 + *
 + *  @warning This method must be used from the main thread only.
 + */
 +- (BOOL)runWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)options error:(NSError**)error;
 +@interface GCDWebServer (Handlers)
 + *  Adds a default handler to the server to handle all incoming HTTP requests
 + *  with a given HTTP method and generate responses synchronously.
 + */
 +- (void)addDefaultHandlerForMethod:(NSString*)method requestClass:(Class)aClass processBlock:(GCDWebServerProcessBlock)block;
 + *  Adds a default handler to the server to handle all incoming HTTP requests
 + *  with a given HTTP method and generate responses asynchronously.
 + */
 +- (void)addDefaultHandlerForMethod:(NSString*)method requestClass:(Class)aClass asyncProcessBlock:(GCDWebServerAsyncProcessBlock)block;
 + *  Adds a handler to the server to handle incoming HTTP requests with a given
 + *  HTTP method and a specific case-insensitive path  and generate responses
 + *  synchronously.
 + */
 +- (void)addHandlerForMethod:(NSString*)method path:(NSString*)path requestClass:(Class)aClass processBlock:(GCDWebServerProcessBlock)block;
 + *  Adds a handler to the server to handle incoming HTTP requests with a given
 + *  HTTP method and a specific case-insensitive path and generate responses
 + *  asynchronously.
 + */
 +- (void)addHandlerForMethod:(NSString*)method path:(NSString*)path requestClass:(Class)aClass asyncProcessBlock:(GCDWebServerAsyncProcessBlock)block;
 + *  Adds a handler to the server to handle incoming HTTP requests with a given
 + *  HTTP method and a path matching a case-insensitive regular expression and
 + *  generate responses synchronously.
 + */
 +- (void)addHandlerForMethod:(NSString*)method pathRegex:(NSString*)regex requestClass:(Class)aClass processBlock:(GCDWebServerProcessBlock)block;
 + *  Adds a handler to the server to handle incoming HTTP requests with a given
 + *  HTTP method and a path matching a case-insensitive regular expression and
 + *  generate responses asynchronously.
 + */
 +- (void)addHandlerForMethod:(NSString*)method pathRegex:(NSString*)regex requestClass:(Class)aClass asyncProcessBlock:(GCDWebServerAsyncProcessBlock)block;
 +@interface GCDWebServer (GETHandlers)
 + *  Adds a handler to the server to respond to incoming "GET" HTTP requests
 + *  with a specific case-insensitive path with in-memory data.
 + */
 +- (void)addGETHandlerForPath:(NSString*)path staticData:(NSData*)staticData contentType:(NSString*)contentType cacheAge:(NSUInteger)cacheAge;
 + *  Adds a handler to the server to respond to incoming "GET" HTTP requests
 + *  with a specific case-insensitive path with a file.
 + */
 +- (void)addGETHandlerForPath:(NSString*)path filePath:(NSString*)filePath isAttachment:(BOOL)isAttachment cacheAge:(NSUInteger)cacheAge allowRangeRequests:(BOOL)allowRangeRequests;
 + *  Adds a handler to the server to respond to incoming "GET" HTTP requests
 + *  with a case-insensitive path inside a base path with the corresponding file
 + *  inside a local directory. If no local file matches the request path, a 401
 + *  HTTP status code is returned to the client.
 + *
 + *  The "indexFilename" argument allows to specify an "index" file name to use
 + *  when the request path corresponds to a directory.
 + */
 +- (void)addGETHandlerForBasePath:(NSString*)basePath directoryPath:(NSString*)directoryPath indexFilename:(NSString*)indexFilename cacheAge:(NSUInteger)cacheAge allowRangeRequests:(BOOL)allowRangeRequests;
 + *  GCDWebServer provides its own built-in logging facility which is used by
 + *  default. It simply sends log messages to stderr assuming it is connected
 + *  to a terminal type device.
 + *
 + *  GCDWebServer is also compatible with a limited set of third-party logging
 + *  facilities. If one of them is available at compile time, GCDWebServer will
 + *  automatically use it in place of the built-in one.
 + *
 + *  Currently supported third-party logging facilities are:
 + *  - XLFacility (by the same author as GCDWebServer):
 + *  - CocoaLumberjack:
 + *
 + *  For both the built-in logging facility and CocoaLumberjack, the default
 + *  logging level is INFO (or DEBUG if the preprocessor constant "DEBUG"
 + *  evaluates to non-zero at compile time).
 + *
 + *  It's possible to have GCDWebServer use a custom logging facility by defining
 + *  the "__GCDWEBSERVER_LOGGING_HEADER__" preprocessor constant in Xcode build
 + *  settings to the name of a custom header file (escaped like \"MyLogging.h\").
 + *  This header file must define the following set of macros:
 + *
 + *    GWS_LOG_DEBUG(...)
 + *    GWS_LOG_VERBOSE(...)
 + *    GWS_LOG_INFO(...)
 + *    GWS_LOG_WARNING(...)
 + *    GWS_LOG_ERROR(...)
 + *
 + *  IMPORTANT: Except for GWS_LOG_EXCEPTION() which gets passed an NSException,
 + *  these macros must behave like NSLog(). Furthermore the GWS_LOG_DEBUG() macro
 + *  should not do anything unless the preprocessor constant "DEBUG" evaluates to
 + *  non-zero.
 + *
 + *  The logging methods below send log messages to the same logging facility
 + *  used by GCDWebServer. They can be used for consistency wherever you interact
 + *  with GCDWebServer in your code (e.g. in the implementation of handlers).
 + */
 +@interface GCDWebServer (Logging)
 + *  Sets the log level of the logging facility below which log messages are discarded.
 + *
 + *  @warning The interpretation of the "level" argument depends on the logging
 + *  facility used at compile time.
++ *
++ *  If using the built-in logging facility, the log levels are as follow:
++ *  DEBUG = 0
++ *  VERBOSE = 1
++ *  INFO = 2
++ *  WARNING = 3
++ *  ERROR = 4
++ *  EXCEPTION = 5
 + */
 ++ (void)setLogLevel:(int)level;
 + *  Logs a message to the logging facility at the VERBOSE level.
 + */
 +- (void)logVerbose:(NSString*)format, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
 + *  Logs a message to the logging facility at the INFO level.
 + */
 +- (void)logInfo:(NSString*)format, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
 + *  Logs a message to the logging facility at the WARNING level.
 + */
 +- (void)logWarning:(NSString*)format, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
 + *  Logs a message to the logging facility at the ERROR level.
 + */
 +- (void)logError:(NSString*)format, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
 + *  Logs an exception to the logging facility at the EXCEPTION level.
 + */
 +- (void)logException:(NSException*)exception;
 +@interface GCDWebServer (Testing)
 + *  Activates recording of HTTP requests and responses which create files in the
 + *  current directory containing the raw data for all requests and responses.
 + *
 + *  @warning The current directory must not contain any prior recording files.
 + */
 +@property(nonatomic, getter=isRecordingEnabled) BOOL recordingEnabled;
 + *  Runs tests by playing back pre-recorded HTTP requests in the given directory
 + *  and comparing the generated responses with the pre-recorded ones.
 + *
 + *  Returns the number of failed tests or -1 if server failed to start.
 + */
 +- (NSInteger)runTestsWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)options inDirectory:(NSString*)path;

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