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Posted to by Apache Pulsar Slack <> on 2019/11/10 09:11:04 UTC

Slack digest for #general - 2019-11-10

2019-11-09 12:28:31 UTC - Chris Bartholomew: @Oleg Kozlov you can't terminate the SSL on an external load balancer for the broker port (6651) because that port speaks the Pulsar protocol. You need to proxy the TCP connection with the load balancer (ex AWS Network ELB) to either a Pulsar proxy or Pulsar broker. You can terminate the admin port (8443) on a load balancer because that is an HTTPS port, which the load balancer can understand, but to keep it simple I would also proxy that as a TCP connection. If you are using a Pulsar proxy, you can terminate the SSL there and then run plain-text to the broker.
2019-11-09 12:41:46 UTC - Igor Zubchenok: @Sijie Guo How to fix this warning?
2019-11-09 20:32:32 UTC - Nicolas Ha: If I create a producer without publishing messages and without consumers, I see it in `/admin/v2/broker-stats/topics`. But I get a 404 when trying to delete it with admin
 "non-persistent": {
        "<non-persistent://app/standalone/healthcheck/healthcheck-2019-11-08T03:00:04.808Z>": {
          "publishers": [
          "replication": {
          "subscriptions": {
          "producerCount": 0,
          "averageMsgSize": 0.0,
          "msgRateIn": 0.0,
          "msgRateOut": 0.0,
          "msgThroughputIn": 0.0,
          "msgThroughputOut": 0.0
Is that expected? Any way for me to clean these?
2019-11-09 20:55:15 UTC - Nicolas Ha: I can’t seem to use the admin client properly, maybe that’s the issue.
```adminClient.topics().getStats(myTopicStr) // =&gt; Execution error (IllegalStateException) at (
Client instance has been closed.```