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svn commit: r1885008 - /subversion/trunk/subversion/bindings/swig/python/tests/

Author: futatuki
Date: Fri Jan  1 14:25:13 2021
New Revision: 1885008

Follow up to r1880967: swig-py: Add test for svn.fs.commit_txn

* subversion/bindings/swig/python/svn/tests/
  (): import os.path and
    New class. A representation of svn_test__tree_entry_t in
  (svn_test__stream_to_string, svn_test__set_file_contents,
  svn_test__get_file_contents, _get_dir_entries, _validate_tree_entry,
  svn_test__validate_tree, svn_test__check_greek_tree,
  svn_test__create_greek_tree_at, svn_test__create_greek_tree):
    New functions. Python imprementation of test helper functions in
    New helper function. A Python imprementation of test_commit_txn()
    in subversion/tests/libsvn_fs/fs-test.c.
    New test cases. Python imprementation of basic_commit() and
    test_merging_commit() in subversion/tests/libsvn_fs/fs-test.c.


Modified: subversion/trunk/subversion/bindings/swig/python/tests/
--- subversion/trunk/subversion/bindings/swig/python/tests/ (original)
+++ subversion/trunk/subversion/bindings/swig/python/tests/ Fri Jan  1 14:25:13 2021
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import os, unittest, sys, errno
+import os.path
 from tempfile import mkstemp
 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
@@ -29,9 +30,212 @@ except ImportError:
   # Python <3.0
   from urlparse import urljoin
-from svn import core, repos, fs, client
+from svn import core, repos, fs, client, delta
 import utils
+# Helper functions.
+# brought from subversion/test/svn_test_fs.c
+class SubversionTestTreeEntry:
+  def __init__(self, path, contents):
+    self.path = path
+    self.contents = contents
+def svn_test__stream_to_string(stream):
+  ret_str = ''
+  while True:
+    rbuf = core.svn_stream_read_full(stream, 10)
+    if not rbuf:
+      return ret_str
+    if not isinstance(rbuf, str):
+      rbuf = rbuf.decode('utf-8')
+    ret_str += rbuf
+def svn_test__set_file_contents(root, path, contents):
+  if not isinstance(contents, bytes):
+    contents = contents.encode('utf-8')
+  consumer_func, consumer_baton = fs.apply_textdelta(root, path, None, None)
+  delta.svn_txdelta_send_string(contents, consumer_func, consumer_baton)
+  return
+def svn_test__get_file_contents(root, path):
+  return svn_test__stream_to_string(fs.file_contents(root, path))
+def _get_dir_entries(root, path, tree_entries=None):
+  if tree_entries is None:
+    tree_entries = {}
+  bpath = path if isinstance(path, bytes) else path.encode('utf-8')
+  entries = fs.dir_entries(root, bpath)
+  # Copy this list to the master list with the path prepended to the names
+  for key in entries:
+    dirent = entries[key]
+    # Calculate the full path of this entry (by appending the name
+    # to the path thus far)
+    name =
+    if not isinstance(name, str):
+      name = name.decode('utf-8')
+    full_path = os.path.join(path, name)
+    if not isinstance(full_path, str):
+      full_path = full_path.decode('utf-8')
+    # Now, copy this dirent to the master hash, but this time, use
+    # the full path for the key
+    tree_entries[full_path] = dirent
+    # If this entry is a directory, recurse int the tree.
+    if dirent.kind == core.svn_node_dir:
+      tree_entries = _get_dir_entries(root, full_path,
+                                      tree_entries=tree_entries)
+  return tree_entries
+def _validate_tree_entry(root, path, contents):
+  # Verify that nod types are reported consistently.
+  kind = fs.check_path(root, path)
+  is_dir = fs.is_dir(root, path)
+  is_file = fs.is_file(root,path)
+  assert not is_dir or kind == core.svn_node_dir
+  assert not is_file or kind == core.svn_node_file
+  assert is_dir or is_file
+  # Verify that this is the expected type of node
+  if (not is_dir and contents is None) or (is_dir and contents is not None):
+    err_msg = "node '%s' in tree was of unexpected node type" % path
+    raise core.SubversionExcepton(err_msg, core.SVN_ERR_FS_GENERLL)
+  # Verify that the contents are as expected (files only)
+  if not is_dir:
+    # File lengths.
+    assert len(contents) == fs.file_length(root, path)
+    # Text contents.
+    rstream = fs.file_contents(root, path)
+    rstring = svn_test__stream_to_string(rstream)
+    if rstring != contents:
+      err_msg = "node '%s' in tree had unexpected contents" % path
+      raise core.SubversionExcepton(err_msg, core.SVN_ERR_FS_GENERLL)
+  return
+VALIDATE_TREE_NA_NAME = "es-vee-en"
+def svn_test__validate_tree(root, entries):
+  def format_entries(entries):
+    return "   " + "\n   ".join(entries) + "\n" if entries else ""
+  # There should be no entry with this name.
+  # Recursively get the whole tree
+  tree_entries = _get_dir_entries(root, "")
+  # Copy our list of expected_entries into dict
+  expected_entries = dict([(ent.path, ent) for ent in entries])
+  # For each entry in our EXPECTED_ENTRIES dict, try to find that
+  # entry in the TREE_ENTRIES dict given us by the FS.  If we find
+  # that object, remove it from the TREE_ENTRIES.  If we don't find
+  # it, there's a problem to report!
+  corrupt_entries = []
+  missing_entries = []
+  for key in expected_entries:
+    entry = expected_entries[key]
+    if key in tree_entries:
+      try:
+        epath = entry.path
+        if not isinstance(epath, str):
+          epath = epath.decode('utf-8')
+        econtents = entry.contents
+        if econtents is not None and not isinstance(econtents, str):
+          econtents = econtents.decode('utf-8')
+        _validate_tree_entry(root, epath, entry.contents)
+      except (SubversionException,AssertionError) as e:
+        # Append this entry name to the list of corrupt entries.
+        corrupt_entries.append(key)
+      del tree_entries[key]
+    else:
+      # Append this entry name to the list of missing entries.
+      missing_entries.append(key)
+  # Any entries still left in TREE_ENTRIES are extra ones that are
+  # not expected to be present.  Assemble a string with their names.
+  extra_entries = list(tree_entries.keys())
+  # Test that non-existent paths will not be found.
+  # Skip this test if somebody sneakily added NA_NAME.
+  if expected_entries.get(VALIDATE_TREE_NA_NAME) is not None:
+    assert fs.check_path(root, VALIDATE_TREE_NA_NAME) == core.svn_node_none
+    assert not fs.is_file(root, VALIDATE_TREE_NA_NAME)
+    assert not fs.is_dir(root, VALIDATE_TREE_NA_NAME)
+  if missing_entries or extra_entries or corrupt_entries:
+    err_msg = ("Repository tree does not look as expected.\n"
+               "Corrupt entries:\n%s"
+               "Missing entries:\n%s"
+               "Extra entries:\n%s"
+               % tuple(map(format_entries,(corrupt_entries,
+                                           missing_entries,
+                                           extra_entries))))
+    raise core.SubversionException(err_msg, core.SVN_ERR_FS_GENERAL)
+  return
+greek_tree_nodes = [
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("iota",         "This is the file 'iota'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A",            None ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",         "This is the file 'mu'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B",          None ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",   "This is the file 'lambda'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E",        None ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",  "This is the file 'alpha'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",   "This is the file 'beta'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F",        None ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C",          None ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D",          None ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",    "This is the file 'gamma'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G",        None ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",     "This is the file 'pi'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",    "This is the file 'rho'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",    "This is the file 'tau'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H",        None ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H/chi",    "This is the file 'chi'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H/psi",    "This is the file 'psi'.\n" ),
+  SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H/omega",  "This is the file 'omega'.\n" )]
+def svn_test__check_greek_tree(root):
+  # Loop through the list of files, checking for matching content.
+  for node in greek_tree_nodes:
+    if node.contents is not None:
+      rstream = fs.file_contents(root, node.path)
+      rstring = svn_test__stream_to_string(rstream)
+      if not isinstance(rstring, str):
+        rstring = rstring.decode('utf-8')
+      if rstring != node.contents:
+        raise core.SubversionException(
+                    "data read != data written in file '%s'." % node.path,
+                    core.SVN_ERR_FS_GENERAL)
+  return
+def svn_test__create_greek_tree_at(txn_root, root_dir):
+  for node in greek_tree_nodes:
+    path = core.svn_relpath_join(root_dir, node.path)
+    if node.contents is not None:
+      fs.make_file(txn_root, path)
+      svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, path, node.contents)
+    else:
+      fs.make_dir(txn_root, path)
+  return
+def svn_test__create_greek_tree(txn_root):
+  return svn_test__create_greek_tree_at(txn_root, "")
 class SubversionFSTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
   """Test cases for the Subversion FS layer"""
@@ -121,6 +325,982 @@ class SubversionFSTestCase(unittest.Test
     self.assertTrue(diffoutput.find(u'< ' + self.unistr) > 0)
+  # Helper:  commit TXN, expecting either success or failure:
+  #
+  # If EXPECTED_CONFLICT is null, then the commit is expected to
+  # succeed.  If it does succeed, set *NEW_REV to the new revision;
+  # raise error.
+  #
+  # If EXPECTED_CONFLICT is not None, it is either the empty string or
+  # the expected path of the conflict.  If it is the empty string, any
+  # conflict is acceptable.  If it is a non-empty string, the commit
+  # must fail due to conflict, and the conflict path must match
+  # EXPECTED_CONFLICT.  If they don't match, raise Assertion error.
+  #
+  # If a conflict is expected but the commit succeeds anyway, raise
+  # Assertion error.  If the commit fails but does not provide an error,
+  # raise Assertion error.
+  #
+  # This function was taken from test_commit_txn() in
+  # subversion/tests/libsvn_fs/fs-test.c but renamed to avoid confusion.
+  #
+  def check_commit_txn(self, txn, expected_conflict, pool=None):
+    if (isinstance(expected_conflict, bytes)
+        and not isinstance(expected_conflict, str)):
+      expected_conflict = expected_conflict.decode('utf-8')
+    err = None
+    new_rev = None
+    conflict = None
+    try:
+      conflict, new_rev = fs.commit_txn(txn, pool)
+    except core.SubversionException as e:
+      err = e
+      self.assertTrue(hasattr(e, 'conflict_p'))
+      conflict = e.conflict_p
+      if isinstance(conflict, bytes) and not isinstance(conflict, str):
+        conflict = conflict.decode('utf-8')
+      self.assertTrue(hasattr(e, 'new_rev'))
+      new_rev = e.new_rev
+    if err and err.apr_err == core.SVN_ERR_FS_CONFLICT:
+      self.assertIsNotNone(expected_conflict,
+          "commit conflicted at '%s', but no conflict expected"
+          % conflict if conflict else '(missing conflict info!)')
+      self.assertIsNotNone(conflict,
+          "commit conflicted as expected, "
+          "but no conflict path was returned ('%s' expected)"
+          % expected_conflict)
+      if expected_conflict:
+        self.assertEqual(conflict, expected_conflict,
+            "commit conflicted at '%s', but expected conflict at '%s'"
+            % (conflict, expected_conflict))
+      # The svn_fs_commit_txn() API promises to set *NEW_REV to an
+      # invalid revision number in the case of a conflict.
+      self.assertEqual(new_rev, core.SVN_INVALID_REVNUM,
+                       "conflicting commit returned valid new revision")
+    elif err:
+      # commit may have succeeded, but always report an error
+      if new_rev != core.SVN_INVALID_REVNUM:
+        raise core.SubversionException(
+                    "commit succeeded but something else failed",
+                    err.apr_err, err)
+      else:
+        raise core.SubversionException(
+                    "commit failed due to something other than conflict",
+                    err.apr_err, err)
+    else:
+      # err == None, commit should have succeeded
+      self.assertNotEqual(new_rev, core.SVN_INVALID_REVNUM,
+                          "commit failed but no error was returned")
+      self.assertIsNone(expected_conflict,
+                        "commit succeeded that was expected to fail at '%s'"
+                        % expected_conflict)
+    return new_rev
+  def test_basic_commit(self):
+    """Test committing against an empty repository."""
+    # Prepare a filesystem
+    handle, repo_path, rep_uri = self.temper.alloc_empty_repo(
+                                              "-test-repo-basic-commit")
+    test_fs = repos.fs(handle)
+    # Save the current youngest revision.
+    before_rev = fs.youngest_rev(test_fs)
+    # Prepare a txn to recive the greek tree.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs,0, 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    # Paranoidly check that the current youngest rev is unchanged.
+    after_rev = fs.youngest_rev(test_fs)
+    self.assertEqual(before_rev, after_rev,
+                     'youngest revision changed unexpectedly')
+    # Create the greek tree
+    svn_test__create_greek_tree(txn_root)
+    self.assertTrue(fs.is_txn_root(txn_root))
+    self.assertFalse(fs.is_revision_root(txn_root))
+    # Commit it.
+    _, after_rev = fs.commit_txn(txn)
+    self.assertNotEqual(after_rev, core.SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
+    # Make sure it's a different revision than before.
+    self.assertNotEqual(after_rev, before_rev,
+                        "youngest revision failed to change")
+    # Get root of the revision
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    self.assertFalse(fs.is_txn_root(revision_root))
+    self.assertTrue(fs.is_revision_root(revision_root))
+    # Check the tree.
+    svn_test__check_greek_tree(revision_root)
+  def test_merging_commit(self):
+    """Commit with merging (committing against non-youngest)."""
+    # Python implementation of fs-test.c: merging_commit()
+    # Prepare a filesystem
+    handle, repo_path, rep_uri = self.temper.alloc_empty_repo(
+                                              "-test-repo-merging-commit")
+    test_fs = repos.fs(handle)
+    # initialize our revision number stuffs.
+    revisions = [core.SVN_INVALID_REVNUM] * 24
+    revision_count = 0
+    revisions[revision_count] = 0
+    revision_count += 1
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 0
+    ########################################################################
+    # In one txn, create and commit the greek tree.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, 0, 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    svn_test__create_greek_tree(txn_root)
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 1
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("iota",        "This is the file 'iota'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A"   ,        None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",        "This is the file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B",         None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",  "This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E",       None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha", "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",  "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F",       None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C",         None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D",         None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",   "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G",       None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",    "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",   "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",   "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H",       None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H/chi",   "This is the file 'chi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H/psi",   "This is the file 'psi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H/omega", "This is the file 'omega'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    # Let's add a directory and some files to the tree, and delete 'iota'
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[revision_count-1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.make_dir(txn_root, "A/D/I")
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "A/D/I/delta")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n")
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "A/D/I/epsilon")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "A/C/kappa")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n")
+    fs.delete(txn_root, "iota")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 2
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",          "This is the file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H/chi",
+                                "This is the file 'chi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H/psi",
+                                "This is the file 'psi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/H/omega",
+                                "This is the file 'omega'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    # We don't think the A/D/H directory is pulling its weight...let's
+    # knock it off.  Oh, and let's re-add iota, too.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[revision_count-1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.delete(txn_root, "A/D/H")
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "iota")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "iota",
+                                "This is the new file 'iota'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 3
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("iota",
+                                "This is the new file 'iota'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",
+                                "This is the file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    # Delete iota (yet again).
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[revision_count-1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.delete(txn_root, "iota")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 4
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",
+                                "This is the file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    ########################################################################
+    # GIVEN:  A and B, with common ancestor ANCESTOR, where A and B
+    # directories, and E, an entry in either A, B, or ANCESTOR.
+    #
+    # For every E, the following cases exist:
+    #  - E exists in neither ANCESTOR nor A.
+    #  - E doesn't exist in ANCESTOR, and has been added to A.
+    #  - E exists in ANCESTOR, but has been deleted from A.
+    #  - E exists in both ANCESTOR and A ...
+    #    - but refers to different node revisions.
+    #    - and refers to the same node revision.
+    #
+    # The same set of possible relationships with ANCESTOR holds for B,
+    # so there are thirty-six combinations.  The matrix is symmetrical
+    # with A and B reversed, so we only have to describe one triangular
+    # half, including the diagonal --- 21 combinations.
+    #
+    # Our goal here is to test all the possible scenarios that can
+    # occur given the above boolean logic table, and to make sure that
+    # the results we get are as expected.
+    #
+    # The test cases below have the following features:
+    #
+    # - They run straight through the scenarios as described in the
+    #   `structure' document at this time.
+    #
+    # - In each case, a txn is begun based on some revision (ANCESTOR),
+    #   is modified into a new tree (B), and then is attempted to be
+    #   committed (which happens against the head of the tree, A).
+    #
+    # - If the commit is successful (and is *expected* to be such),
+    #   that new revision (which exists now as a result of the
+    #   successful commit) is thoroughly tested for accuracy of tree
+    #   entries, and in the case of files, for their contents.  It is
+    #   important to realize that these successful commits are
+    #   advancing the head of the tree, and each one effective becomes
+    #   the new `A' described in further test cases.
+    #
+    ########################################################################
+    # (6) E exists in neither ANCESTOR nor A.
+    #   (1) E exists in neither ANCESTOR nor B.  Can't occur, by
+    #     assumption that E exists in either A, B, or ancestor.
+    #   (1) E has been added to B.  Add E in the merged result.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[0], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "theta")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "theta",
+                                "This is the file 'theta'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 5
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("theta",
+                                "This is the file 'theta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",
+                                "This is the file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    #   (1) E has been deleted from B.  Can't occur, by assumption that
+    #     E doesn't exist in ANCESTOR.
+    #   (3) E exists in both ANCESTOR and B.  Can't occur, by
+    #     assumption that E doesn't exist in ancestor.
+    # (5) E doesn't exist in ANCESTOR, and has been added to A.
+    #   (1) E doesn't exist in ANCESTOR, and has been added to B.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[4], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "theta")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "theta",
+                                "This is another file 'theta'.\n")
+    # TXN must actually be based upon revisions[4] (instead of HEAD).
+    self.assertEqual(fs.txn_base_revision(txn), revisions[4])
+    failed_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, "/theta")
+    fs.abort_txn(txn)
+    #   (1) E exists in ANCESTOR, but has been deleted from B.  Can't
+    #     occur, by assumption that E doesn't exist in ANCESTOR.
+    #   (3) E exists in both ANCESTOR and B.  Can't occur, by assumption
+    #     that E doesn't exist in ANCESTOR.
+    self.assertEqual(failed_rev, core.SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
+    # (4) E exists in ANCESTOR, but has been deleted from A
+    #   (1) E exists in ANCESTOR, but has been deleted from B.  If
+    #     neither delete was a result of a rename, then omit E from the
+    #     merged tree.  Otherwise, conflict.
+    #     ### cmpilato todo: the rename case isn't actually handled by
+    #     merge yet, so we know we won't get a conflict here.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.delete(txn_root, "A/D/H")
+    # TXN must actually be based upon revisions[1] (instead of HEAD).
+    self.assertEqual(fs.txn_base_revision(txn), revisions[1])
+    # We used to create the revision like this before fixing issue
+    # #2751 -- Directory prop mods reverted in overlapping commits scenario.
+    #
+    # But we now expect that to fail as out of date
+    failed_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, "/A/D/H")
+    self.assertEqual(failed_rev, core.SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 6
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("theta",
+                                "This is the file 'theta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",
+                                "This is the file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    # Try deleting a file F inside a subtree S where S does not exist
+    # in the most recent revision, but does exist in the ancestor
+    # tree.  This should conflict.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.delete(txn_root, "A/D/H/omega")
+    failed_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, "/A/D/H")
+    fs.abort_txn(txn)
+    self.assertEqual(failed_rev, core.SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
+    # E exists in both ANCESTOR and B ...
+    #   (1) but refers to different nodes.  Conflict.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, after_rev, 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.make_dir(txn_root, "A/D/H")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 7
+    ########################################################################
+    # Re-remove A/D/H because future tests expect it to be absent.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[revision_count - 1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.delete(txn_root, "A/D/H")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 8 (looks exactly like revision 6, we hope)
+    ########################################################################
+    # (1) but refers to different revisions of the same node.
+    # Conflict.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "A/D/H/zeta")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, "/A/D/H")
+    fs.abort_txn(txn)
+    # (1) and refers to the same node revision.  Omit E from the
+    # merged tree.  This is already tested in Merge-Test 3
+    # (A/D/H/chi, A/D/H/psi, e.g.), but we'll test it here again
+    # anyway.  A little paranoia never hurt anyone.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.delete(txn_root, "A/mu")  # unrelated change
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 9
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("theta",
+                                "This is the file 'theta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    # Preparation for upcoming tests.
+    # We make a new head revision, with A/mu restored, but containing
+    # slightly different contents than its first incarnation.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[revision_count - 1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "A/mu")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/mu",
+                                "A new file 'mu'.\n")
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "A/D/G/xi")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/D/G/xi",
+                                "This is the file 'xi'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 10
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("theta",
+                                "This is the file 'theta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",
+                                "A new file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/xi",
+                                "This is the file 'xi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    # (3) E exists in both ANCESTOR and A, but refers to different
+    #  nodes.
+    #
+    #   (1) E exists in both ANCESTOR and B, but refers to different
+    #   nodes, and not all nodes are directories.  Conflict.
+    #   ### kff todo: A/mu's contents will be exactly the same.
+    #   If the fs ever starts optimizing this case, these tests may
+    #   start to fail.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.delete(txn_root, "A/mu")
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "A/mu")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/mu",
+                                "This is the file 'mu'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, "/A/mu")
+    fs.abort_txn(txn)
+    #  (1) E exists in both ANCESTOR and B, but refers to different
+    #  revisions of the same node.  Conflict.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/mu",
+                                "A change to file 'mu'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, "/A/mu")
+    fs.abort_txn(txn)
+    #  (1) E exists in both ANCESTOR and B, and refers to the same
+    #  node revision.  Replace E with A's node revision.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    old_mu_contents = svn_test__get_file_contents(txn_root, "A/mu")
+    if (not isinstance(old_mu_contents, str)
+        or old_mu_contents != "This is the file 'mu'.\n"):
+      raise core.SubversionException(
+                    "got wrong contents from an old revision tree",
+                    core.SVN_ERR_FS_GENERAL)
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "A/sigma")  # unrelated change
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/sigma",
+                                "This is the file 'sigma'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 11
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("theta",
+                                "This is the file 'theta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",
+                                "A new file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/sigma",
+                                "This is the file 'sigma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/xi",
+                                "This is the file 'xi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    # Preparation for upcoming tests.
+    # We make a new head revision.  There are two changes in the new
+    # revision: A/B/lambda has been modified.  We will also use the
+    # recent addition of A/D/G/xi, treated as a modification to
+    # A/D/G.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[revision_count - 1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/B/lambda",
+                                "Change to file 'lambda'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 12
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("theta",
+                                "This is the file 'theta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",
+                                "A new file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/sigma",
+                                "This is the file 'sigma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "Change to file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/xi",
+                                "This is the file 'xi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    # (2) E exists in both ANCESTOR and A, but refers to different
+    # revisions of the same node.
+    #   (1a) E exists in both ANCESTOR and B, but refers to different
+    #   revisions of the same file node.  Conflict.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/B/lambda",
+                                "A different change to 'lambda'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, "/A/B/lambda")
+    fs.abort_txn(txn)
+    #   (1b) E exists in both ANCESTOR and B, but refers to different
+    #   revisions of the same directory node.  Merge A/E and B/E,
+    #   recursively.  Succeed, because no conflict beneath E.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "A/D/G/nu")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/D/G/nu",
+                                "This is the file 'nu'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 13
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("theta",
+                                "This is the file 'theta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",
+                                "A new file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/sigma",
+                                "This is the file 'sigma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "Change to file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/xi",
+                                "This is the file 'xi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/nu",
+                                "This is the file 'nu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    #   (1c) E exists in both ANCESTOR and B, but refers to different
+    #   revisions of the same directory node.  Merge A/E and B/E,
+    #   recursively.  Fail, because conflict beneath E.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    fs.make_file(txn_root, "A/D/G/xi")
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/D/G/xi",
+                                "This is a different file 'xi'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, "/A/D/G/xi")
+    fs.abort_txn(txn)
+    #   (1) E exists in both ANCESTOR and B, and refers to the same node
+    #   revision.  Replace E with A's node revision.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    old_lambda_ctnts = svn_test__get_file_contents(txn_root, "A/B/lambda")
+    if (not isinstance(old_lambda_ctnts, str)
+        or old_lambda_ctnts != "This is the file 'lambda'.\n"):
+      raise core.SubversionException(
+                    "got wrong contents from an old revision tree",
+                    core.SVN_ERR_FS_GENERAL)
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is an irrelevant change to 'rho'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, None)
+    ########################################################################
+    # REVISION 14
+    ########################################################################
+    expected_entries = [
+        # path, contents (None = dir)
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("theta",
+                                "This is the file 'theta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/mu",
+                                "A new file 'mu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/sigma",
+                                "This is the file 'sigma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/lambda",
+                                "Change to file 'lambda'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/alpha",
+                                "This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/E/beta",
+                                "This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/B/F", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/C/kappa",
+                                "This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/gamma",
+                                "This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/pi",
+                                "This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/rho",
+                                "This is an irrelevant change to 'rho'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/tau",
+                                "This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/xi",
+                                "This is the file 'xi'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/G/nu",
+                                "This is the file 'nu'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I", None),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/delta",
+                                "This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
+        SubversionTestTreeEntry("A/D/I/epsilon",
+                                "This is the file 'epsilon'.\n")]
+    revision_root = fs.revision_root(test_fs, after_rev)
+    svn_test__validate_tree(revision_root, expected_entries)
+    revisions[revision_count] = after_rev
+    revision_count += 1
+    # (1) E exists in both ANCESTOR and A, and refers to the same node
+    # revision.
+    #   (1) E exists in both ANCESTOR and B, and refers to the same
+    #   node revision.  Nothing has happened to ANCESTOR/E, so no
+    #   change is necessary.
+    #   This has now been tested about fifty-four trillion times.  We
+    #   don't need to test it again here.
+    # E exists in ANCESTOR, but has been deleted from A.  E exists in
+    # both ANCESTOR and B but refers to different revisions of the same
+    # node.  Conflict.
+    txn = fs.begin_txn2(test_fs, revisions[1], 0)
+    txn_root = fs.txn_root(txn)
+    svn_test__set_file_contents(txn_root, "iota",
+                                "New contents for 'iota'.\n")
+    after_rev = self.check_commit_txn(txn, "/iota")
+    fs.abort_txn(txn)
+    return
 def suite():
     return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(