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Posted to by on 2017/04/09 22:07:50 UTC

[GitHub] tonysun83 commented on a change in pull request #470: Scheduling Replicator

tonysun83 commented on a change in pull request #470: Scheduling Replicator

 File path: src/couch_replicator/src/couch_replicator_connection.erl
 @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    start_link/0
+   init/1,
+   terminate/2,
+   handle_call/3,
+   handle_info/2,
+   handle_cast/2,
+   code_change/3
+   acquire/1,
+   release/1
+    handle_config_change/5,
+    handle_config_terminate/3
+-define(DEFAULT_CLOSE_INTERVAL, 90000).
+-define(RELISTEN_DELAY, 5000).
+-record(state, {
+    close_interval,
+    timer
+-record(connection, {
+    worker,
+    host,
+    port,
+    mref
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+init([]) ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+    ?MODULE = ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table, public,
+        {keypos, #connection.worker}]),
+    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
+    Interval = config:get_integer("replicator", "connection_close_interval",
+    {ok, Timer} = timer:send_after(Interval, close_idle_connections),
+    ibrowse:add_config([{inactivity_timeout, Interval}]),
+    {ok, #state{close_interval=Interval, timer=Timer}}.
+acquire(URL) when is_binary(URL) ->
+    acquire(binary_to_list(URL));
+acquire(URL0) ->
+    URL = couch_util:url_strip_password(URL0),
+    case gen_server:call(?MODULE, {acquire, URL}) of
+        {ok, Worker} ->
+            link(Worker),
+            {ok, Worker};
+        {error, all_allocated} ->
+            {ok, Pid} = ibrowse:spawn_link_worker_process(URL),
+            ok = gen_server:call(?MODULE, {create, URL, Pid}),
+            {ok, Pid};
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            {error, Reason}
+    end.
+release(Worker) ->
+    unlink(Worker),
+    gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {release, Worker}).
+handle_call({acquire, URL}, From, State) ->
+    {Pid, _Ref} = From,
+    case ibrowse_lib:parse_url(URL) of
+        #url{host=Host, port=Port} ->
+            Pat = #connection{host=Host, port=Port, mref=undefined, _='_'},
+            case ets:match_object(?MODULE, Pat, 1) of
+                '$end_of_table' ->
+                    {reply, {error, all_allocated}, State};
+                {[Worker], _Cont} ->
+                    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection,
+                        acquires]),
+                    ets:insert(?MODULE, Worker#connection{mref=monitor(process,
+                        Pid)}),
+                    {reply, {ok, Worker#connection.worker}, State}
+            end;
+        {error, invalid_uri} ->
+            {reply, {error, invalid_uri}, State}
+    end;
+handle_call({create, URL, Worker}, From, State) ->
+    {Pid, _Ref} = From,
+    case ibrowse_lib:parse_url(URL) of
+        #url{host=Host, port=Port} ->
+            link(Worker),
+            couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection,
+                creates]),
+            true = ets:insert_new(
+                ?MODULE,
+                #connection{host=Host, port=Port, worker=Worker,
+                    mref=monitor(process, Pid)}
+            ),
+            {reply, ok, State}
+    end.
+handle_cast({release, WorkerPid}, State) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection, releasees]),
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, WorkerPid) of
+        [Worker] ->
+            case Worker#connection.mref of
+                MRef when is_reference(MRef) -> demonitor(MRef, [flush]);
+                undefined -> ok
+            end,
+            ets:insert(?MODULE, Worker#connection{mref=undefined});
+        [] ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_cast({connection_close_interval, V}, State) ->
+    {ok, cancel} = timer:cancel(State#state.timer),
+    {ok, NewTimer} = timer:send_after(V, close_idle_connections),
+    ibrowse:add_config([{inactivity_timeout, V}]),
+    {noreply, State#state{close_interval=V, timer=NewTimer}}.
+% owner crashed
+handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, _Pid, _Reason}, State) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection,
+        owner_crashes]),
+    ets:match_delete(?MODULE, #connection{mref=Ref, _='_'}),
+    {noreply, State};
+% worker crashed
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State) ->
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection,
+        worker_crashes]),
+    case ets:lookup(?MODULE, Pid) of
+        [] ->
+            ok;
+        [Worker] ->
+            #connection{host=Host, port=Port} = Worker,
+            maybe_log_worker_death(Host, Port, Reason),
+            case Worker#connection.mref of
+                MRef when is_reference(MRef) -> demonitor(MRef, [flush]);
+                undefined -> ok
+            end,
+            ets:delete(?MODULE, Pid)
+    end,
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info(close_idle_connections, State) ->
+    #state{
+        close_interval=Interval,
+        timer=Timer
+    } = State,
+    Conns = ets:match_object(?MODULE, #connection{mref=undefined, _='_'}),
+    lists:foreach(fun(Conn) ->
+        couch_stats:increment_counter([couch_replicator, connection, closes]),
+        delete_worker(Conn)
+    end, Conns),
+    {ok, cancel} = timer:cancel(Timer),
+    {ok, NewTimer} = timer:send_after(Interval, close_idle_connections),
+    {noreply, State#state{timer=NewTimer}};
+handle_info(restart_config_listener, State) ->
+    ok = config:listen_for_changes(?MODULE, nil),
+    {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+maybe_log_worker_death(_Host, _Port, normal) ->
+    ok;
+maybe_log_worker_death(Host, Port, Reason) ->
+    ErrMsg = "Replication connection to: ~p:~p died with reason ~p",
+    couch_log:info(ErrMsg, [Host, Port, Reason]).
+-spec delete_worker(#connection{}) -> ok.
+delete_worker(Worker) ->
+    ets:delete(?MODULE, Worker#connection.worker),
+    unlink(Worker#connection.worker),
+    spawn(fun() -> ibrowse_http_client:stop(Worker#connection.worker) end),
 Review comment:
   IIUC,  every Interval seconds, we go through a sweep through the ETS table and find worker processes which don't have a monitor reference for deletion. Is there ever a situation where lingering worker processes/connections aren't closed? I do see that that stop/1 does have a timeout, so if it's issued a stop, at some point the timeout will trigger and we'll kill it. If this ```couch_replicator_connection``` process crashes/restarts, would those worker processes stick around until some other time out? Just brainstorming here. 
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