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Posted to by LahmXu <> on 2022/09/16 06:01:13 UTC

[MEETING MINUTES] Apache ShenYu Open And Governance Meeting

Hi Community,

Here are the meeting minutes of our committers' meeting.

Time: Every other Thursday at 9 pm
Mode: Online Tencent Video Conference
Purpose: Building Open And Governance Community
Moderator: lahmxu


*Name, GitHub ID, Role*
Xiao Yu, yu199195, committer
dengliming, dengliming, committer
Duan Haibo, haibi-duan, committer
zhangzicheng, dragon-zhang, committer
Zheng Siying, impactCn, committer
likeguo, li-keguo, committer
zhukunshuai, jooks-me, committer
impactcn, impactcn, committer
gaohan, hgaol, committer
psixh, prFor, committer
lishuo, lishuo5263, committer
moremind, moremind, committer
lahmxu, lahmxu, committer

gouzixing, contributor
zhuanghaochao, contributor
lianjunwei, contributor
erdengk, contributor
qinziwei, contributor
DamonXue, contributor
qinhaiqi, contributor
mahaotao, contributor
aFlyBird0, contributor
yangwenjie, contributor
ShawnJim, contributor
huagccwang, contributor
yunlong, contributor
jenkins, contributor
Misaya295, contributor
selectbook, contributor
zhengpeng, contributor
Albertsirius, contributor
Wincher, contributor

xLg, community


1. GSoC 2022 (Google Summmer Camp),topic discuss.
 - Zhang Yonglun's final audit will be confirmed in the next two days.

2.Summer 2022(OSPP), send 2 topics
  - Official Website Revision (XiaoYu, gouzixin) 95%. 
  The next step to achieve Multi-project document switching and cell phone end of the adaptive. 

  - Logging-pulsar plugin(Zhang Yonglun)70%
  Attention: Note the end date.

3.Computer Association activities(dangkai,zhukunshuai)
  - Front-end optimization (xiaoyu &amp; qinziwei) 75%

  - integration test,need docker package plugin.(zhukunshuai) 85%

  - helm, discuss with students. (Dangkai) 95%
    Feature complete, in testing, and oracle, pg support.
  Attention: Ends September 30

4.WeOpen-Star 2022
 - Optimize ShenYu ParamMapping,ModifyResponse,Redirect,Rewrite   Plugin Document (moremind 0%)

 - Add simpler client annotations with @AliasFor (runqi-zhao,HeZean) 80%
   In motan and tars itself does not support @AliasFor, 2 partners are already communicating with them.

 - Using agent technology to rewrite client (zicheng) pengding

5. Speech
 - Itpub speech(2022.9.28 online). If you are interested, you can contact Xiao Yu.

 - OpenSourceChina speech. pending

6.Development Tasks Planning:
   - ShenYu gateway supports cluster mode.(Chen Bin)(2.5.1) 95%
    Remaining document migration.

   - Multi-language SDK develop. (2.5.1)
    - .net client (gaohan). overall progress 90%
    - golang client (Li Shuo,alun). overall progress 90%
    - python client (zhanglin,Junwei)  : pending

    - Support zk registration. Add unit tests and integration tests.
    - Liming deng is familiar with code cov and can help on it.
    - Add license files for all dependencies.
    - Ask if there's a common Apache account for Nuget(Zhang Yonglun).

   - Customized document templates (moremind,60%)

   - The check database is mandatory, and the front end should be mandatory (orange) 25%

   - API documentation support. (zicheng, lianjunwei, qinziwei, 10%) (2.5.1) 
    The database design has been completed and is awaiting discussion and confirmation.

   - open telemetry plugin (Yul, Haochao zhuang, hutaishi, doing)
    test cases in progress. pending
    UT is hard, need help. Haochao zhuang will help. No progress.

   - Shenyu-sdk develop.(yunlong, 10%)
    The task has been created and awaits subsequent completion.

   - SPI Optimization. (Chen Bin, 10%)

consul todo

   - Add LB SDK of cloud vendor (impactCn) (2.5.1)

   - Service Grid (ImpactCn) (2.5.1)

   - Alert (impactCn) The next version is released.  80%
    Alert template. In progress.  The prototype diagram has been completed. 2.5.1

   - K8s service discover (Zhang Lei) : 90%

   - caller client sdk (Xiao Yu) 2.5.1

   - admin upload plugin (zouchangfu) 2.5.1 70%
    The back-end has been completed, still needs the front-end to complete the function.
    Meet some problem that class loader loadingthe same class. not finished,There are still some problems to be solved.

   - cache the rule match result. (zouchangfu) 2.5.1

   - Configurable authentication information is required for middlewares (moremind) 2.5.1

   - Log removal of sensitive information (moremind) 2.5.1

   - TencentCloud cls log plugin (moremind) 2.5.1

   - integration test for admin. (haochaoZhuang, 80%) e2e test, will do it after
    Wait for the documentation to be perfected and the subtasks to be created.

   - Add orchestration-plugin. (Xiao Yu,pending) (3.0.0)

   - Admin dashboard redesign and rewrite. (Xiao Yu,pending) (3.0.0)

   - brpc-plugin (micaeleDeSteven, 10%) 2.5.1
    brpc depends on brpc-java, and they expect to open source the latest code out this month

   - rules and selectors match optimization, tree algorithm(ZhangZiCheng, Fibonacci). pending

Thank you all for your contribution and participation!