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[17/51] [partial] clerezza git commit: CLEREZZA-1012: reduced clerezza to core components, the rest stays in legacy-branch
diff --git a/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/backbone-min.js b/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/backbone-min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3541019..0000000
--- a/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/backbone-min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/backbone.stickit.js b/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/backbone.stickit.js
deleted file mode 100644
index aa5112b..0000000
--- a/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/backbone.stickit.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-// backbone.stickit - v0.6.3
-// The MIT License
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The New York Times, CMS Group, Matthew DeLambo <> 
-(function($) {
-  // Backbone.Stickit Namespace
-  // --------------------------
-  Backbone.Stickit = {
-    _handlers: [],
-    addHandler: function(handlers) {
-      // Fill-in default values.
-      handlers =[handlers]), function(handler) {
-        return _.extend({
-          updateModel: true,
-          updateView: true,
-          updateMethod: 'text'
-        }, handler);
-      });
-      this._handlers = this._handlers.concat(handlers);
-    }
-  };
-  // Backbone.View Mixins
-  // --------------------
-  _.extend(Backbone.View.prototype, {
-    // Collection of model event bindings.
-    //   [{model,event,fn}, ...]
-    _modelBindings: null,
-    // Unbind the model and event bindings from `this._modelBindings` and
-    // `this.$el`. If the optional `model` parameter is defined, then only
-    // delete bindings for the given `model` and its corresponding view events.
-    unstickit: function(model) {
-      _.each(this._modelBindings, _.bind(function(binding, i) {
-        if (model && binding.model !== model) return false;
-, binding.fn);
-        delete this._modelBindings[i];
-      }, this));
-      this._modelBindings = _.compact(this._modelBindings);
-      this.$'.stickit' + (model ? '.' + model.cid : ''));
-    },
-    // Using `this.bindings` configuration or the `optionalBindingsConfig`, binds `this.model`
-    // or the `optionalModel` to elements in the view.
-    stickit: function(optionalModel, optionalBindingsConfig) {
-      var self = this,
-        model = optionalModel || this.model,
-        namespace = '.stickit.' + model.cid,
-        bindings = optionalBindingsConfig || this.bindings || {};
-      this._modelBindings || (this._modelBindings = []);
-      this.unstickit(model);
-      // Iterate through the selectors in the bindings configuration and configure
-      // the various options for each field.
-      _.each(_.keys(bindings), function(selector) {
-        var $el, options, modelAttr, config,
-          binding = bindings[selector] || {},
-          bindKey = _.uniqueId();
-        // Support ':el' selector - special case selector for the view managed delegate.
-        if (selector != ':el') $el = self.$(selector);
-        else {
-          $el = self.$el;
-          selector = '';
-        }
-        // Fail fast if the selector didn't match an element.
-        if (!$el.length) return;
-        // Allow shorthand setting of model attributes - `'selector':'observe'`.
-        if (_.isString(binding)) binding = {observe:binding};
-        config = getConfiguration($el, binding);
-        modelAttr = config.observe;
-        // Create the model set options with a unique `bindKey` so that we
-        // can avoid double-binding in the `change:attribute` event handler.
-        options = _.extend({bindKey:bindKey}, config.setOptions || {});
-        initializeAttributes(self, $el, config, model, modelAttr);
-        initializeVisible(self, $el, config, model, modelAttr);
-        if (modelAttr) {
-          // Setup one-way, form element to model, bindings.
-          _.each( || [], function(type) {
-            var event = type + namespace;
-            var method = function(event) {
-              var val =, $el, event, config);
-              // Don't update the model if false is returned from the `updateModel` configuration.
-              if (evaluateBoolean(self, config.updateModel, val, config))
-                setAttr(model, modelAttr, val, options, self, config);
-            };
-            if (selector === '') self.$el.on(event, method);
-            else self.$el.on(event, selector, method);
-          });
-          // Setup a `change:modelAttr` observer to keep the view element in sync.
-          // `modelAttr` may be an array of attributes or a single string value.
-          _.each(_.flatten([modelAttr]), function(attr) {
-            observeModelEvent(model, self, 'change:'+attr, function(model, val, options) {
-              if (options == null || options.bindKey != bindKey)
-                updateViewBindEl(self, $el, config, getAttr(model, modelAttr, config, self), model);
-            });
-          });
-          updateViewBindEl(self, $el, config, getAttr(model, modelAttr, config, self), model, true);
-        }
-        // After each binding is setup, call the `initialize` callback.
-        applyViewFn(self, config.initialize, $el, model, config);
-      });
-      // Wrap `view.remove` to unbind stickit model and dom events.
-      this.remove = _.wrap(this.remove, function(oldRemove) {
-        self.unstickit();
-        if (oldRemove);
-      });
-    }
-  });
-  // Helpers
-  // -------
-  // Evaluates the given `path` (in object/dot-notation) relative to the given
-  // `obj`. If the path is null/undefined, then the given `obj` is returned.
-  var evaluatePath = function(obj, path) {
-    var parts = (path || '').split('.');
-    var result = _.reduce(parts, function(memo, i) { return memo[i]; }, obj);
-    return result == null ? obj : result;
-  };
-  // If the given `fn` is a string, then view[fn] is called, otherwise it is
-  // a function that should be executed.
-  var applyViewFn = function(view, fn) {
-    if (fn) return (_.isString(fn) ? view[fn] : fn).apply(view, _.toArray(arguments).slice(2));
-  };
-  var getSelectedOption = function($select) { return $select.find('option').not(function(){ return !this.selected; }); };
-  // Given a function, string (view function reference), or a boolean
-  // value, returns the truthy result. Any other types evaluate as false.
-  var evaluateBoolean = function(view, reference) {
-    if (_.isBoolean(reference)) return reference;
-    else if (_.isFunction(reference) || _.isString(reference))
-      return applyViewFn.apply(this, _.toArray(arguments));
-    return false;
-  };
-  // Setup a model event binding with the given function, and track the event
-  // in the view's _modelBindings.
-  var observeModelEvent = function(model, view, event, fn) {
-    model.on(event, fn, view);
-    view._modelBindings.push({model:model, event:event, fn:fn});
-  };
-  // Prepares the given `val`ue and sets it into the `model`.
-  var setAttr = function(model, attr, val, options, context, config) {
-    if (config.onSet) val = applyViewFn(context, config.onSet, val, config);
-    model.set(attr, val, options);
-  };
-  // Returns the given `attr`'s value from the `model`, escaping and
-  // formatting if necessary. If `attr` is an array, then an array of
-  // respective values will be returned.
-  var getAttr = function(model, attr, config, context) {
-    var val, retrieveVal = function(field) {
-      var retrieved = config.escape ? model.escape(field) : model.get(field);
-      return _.isUndefined(retrieved) ? '' : retrieved;
-    };
-    val = _.isArray(attr) ?, retrieveVal) : retrieveVal(attr);
-    return config.onGet ? applyViewFn(context, config.onGet, val, config) : val;
-  };
-  // Find handlers in `Backbone.Stickit._handlers` with selectors that match
-  // `$el` and generate a configuration by mixing them in the order that they
-  // were found with the with the givne `binding`.
-  var getConfiguration = function($el, binding) {
-    var handlers = [{
-      updateModel: false,
-      updateView: true,
-      updateMethod: 'text',
-      update: function($el, val, m, opts) { $el[opts.updateMethod](val); },
-      getVal: function($el, e, opts) { return $el[opts.updateMethod](); }
-    }];
-    _.each(Backbone.Stickit._handlers, function(handler) {
-      if ($ handlers.push(handler);
-    });
-    handlers.push(binding);
-    var config = _.extend.apply(_, handlers);
-    delete config.selector;
-    return config;
-  };
-  // Setup the attributes configuration - a list that maps an attribute or
-  // property `name`, to an `observe`d model attribute, using an optional
-  // `onGet` formatter.
-  //
-  //     attributes: [{
-  //       name: 'attributeOrPropertyName',
-  //       observe: 'modelAttrName'
-  //       onGet: function(modelAttrVal, modelAttrName) { ... }
-  //     }, ...]
-  //
-  var initializeAttributes = function(view, $el, config, model, modelAttr) {
-    var props = ['autofocus', 'autoplay', 'async', 'checked', 'controls', 'defer', 'disabled', 'hidden', 'loop', 'multiple', 'open', 'readonly', 'required', 'scoped', 'selected'];
-    _.each(config.attributes || [], function(attrConfig) {
-      var lastClass = '',
-        observed = attrConfig.observe || (attrConfig.observe = modelAttr),
-        updateAttr = function() {
-          var updateType = _.indexOf(props,, true) > -1 ? 'prop' : 'attr',
-            val = getAttr(model, observed, attrConfig, view);
-          // If it is a class then we need to remove the last value and add the new.
-          if ( == 'class') {
-            $el.removeClass(lastClass).addClass(val);
-            lastClass = val;
-          }
-          else $el[updateType](, val);
-        };
-      _.each(_.flatten([observed]), function(attr) {
-        observeModelEvent(model, view, 'change:' + attr, updateAttr);
-      });
-      updateAttr();
-    });
-  };
-  // If `visible` is configured, then the view element will be shown/hidden
-  // based on the truthiness of the modelattr's value or the result of the
-  // given callback. If a `visibleFn` is also supplied, then that callback
-  // will be executed to manually handle showing/hiding the view element.
-  //
-  //     observe: 'isRight',
-  //     visible: true, // or function(val, options) {}
-  //     visibleFn: function($el, isVisible, options) {} // optional handler
-  //
-  var initializeVisible = function(view, $el, config, model, modelAttr) {
-    if (config.visible == null) return;
-    var visibleCb = function() {
-      var visible = config.visible,
-          visibleFn = config.visibleFn,
-          val = getAttr(model, modelAttr, config, view),
-          isVisible = !!val;
-      // If `visible` is a function then it should return a boolean result to show/hide.
-      if (_.isFunction(visible) || _.isString(visible)) isVisible = applyViewFn(view, visible, val, config);
-      // Either use the custom `visibleFn`, if provided, or execute the standard show/hide.
-      if (visibleFn) applyViewFn(view, visibleFn, $el, isVisible, config);
-      else {
-        if (isVisible) $;
-        else $el.hide();
-      }
-    };
-    _.each(_.flatten([modelAttr]), function(attr) {
-      observeModelEvent(model, view, 'change:' + attr, visibleCb);
-    });
-    visibleCb();
-  };
-  // Update the value of `$el` using the given configuration and trigger the
-  // `afterUpdate` callback. This action may be blocked by `config.updateView`.
-  //
-  //     update: function($el, val, model, options) {},  // handler for updating
-  //     updateView: true, // defaults to true
-  //     afterUpdate: function($el, val, options) {} // optional callback
-  //
-  var updateViewBindEl = function(view, $el, config, val, model, isInitializing) {
-    if (!evaluateBoolean(view, config.updateView, val, config)) return;
-, $el, val, model, config);
-    if (!isInitializing) applyViewFn(view, config.afterUpdate, $el, val, config);
-  };
-  // Default Handlers
-  // ----------------
-  Backbone.Stickit.addHandler([{
-    selector: '[contenteditable="true"]',
-    updateMethod: 'html',
-    events: ['keyup', 'change', 'paste', 'cut']
-  }, {
-    selector: 'input',
-    events: ['keyup', 'change', 'paste', 'cut'],
-    update: function($el, val) { $el.val(val); },
-    getVal: function($el) {
-      var val = $el.val();
-      if ($'[type="number"]')) return val == null ? val : Number(val);
-      else return val;
-    }
-  }, {
-    selector: 'textarea',
-    events: ['keyup', 'change', 'paste', 'cut'],
-    update: function($el, val) { $el.val(val); },
-    getVal: function($el) { return $el.val(); }
-  }, {
-    selector: 'input[type="radio"]',
-    events: ['change'],
-    update: function($el, val) {
-      $el.filter('[value="'+val+'"]').prop('checked', true);
-    },
-    getVal: function($el) {
-      return $el.filter(':checked').val();
-    }
-  }, {
-    selector: 'input[type="checkbox"]',
-    events: ['change'],
-    update: function($el, val, model, options) {
-      if ($el.length > 1) {
-        // There are multiple checkboxes so we need to go through them and check
-        // any that have value attributes that match what's in the array of `val`s.
-        val || (val = []);
-        _.each($el, function(el) {
-          if (_.indexOf(val, $(el).val()) > -1) $(el).prop('checked', true);
-          else $(el).prop('checked', false);
-        });
-      } else {
-        if (_.isBoolean(val)) $el.prop('checked', val);
-        else $el.prop('checked', val == $el.val());
-      }
-    },
-    getVal: function($el) {
-      var val;
-      if ($el.length > 1) {
-        val = _.reduce($el, function(memo, el) {
-          if ($(el).prop('checked')) memo.push($(el).val());
-          return memo;
-        }, []);
-      } else {
-        val = $el.prop('checked');
-        // If the checkbox has a value attribute defined, then
-        // use that value. Most browsers use "on" as a default.
-        var boxval = $el.val();
-        if (boxval != 'on' && boxval != null) {
-          if (val) val = $el.val();
-          else val = null;
-        }
-      }
-      return val;
-    }
-  }, {
-    selector: 'select',
-    events: ['change'],
-    update: function($el, val, model, options) {
-      var optList,
-        selectConfig = options.selectOptions,
-        list = selectConfig && selectConfig.collection || undefined,
-        isMultiple = $el.prop('multiple');
-      // If there are no `selectOptions` then we assume that the `<select>`
-      // is pre-rendered and that we need to generate the collection.
-      if (!selectConfig) {
-        selectConfig = {};
-        var getList = function($el) {
-          return $el.find('option').map(function() {
-            return {value:this.value, label:this.text};
-          }).get();
-        };
-        if ($el.find('optgroup').length) {
-          list = {opt_labels:[]};
-          _.each($el.find('optgroup'), function(el) {
-            var label = $(el).attr('label');
-            list.opt_labels.push(label);
-            list[label] = getList($(el));
-          });
-        } else {
-          list = getList($el);
-        }
-      }
-      // Fill in default label and path values.
-      selectConfig.valuePath = selectConfig.valuePath || 'value';
-      selectConfig.labelPath = selectConfig.labelPath || 'label';
-      var addSelectOptions = function(optList, $el, fieldVal) {
-        // Add a flag for default option at the beginning of the list.
-        if (selectConfig.defaultOption) {
-          optList = _.clone(optList);
-          optList.unshift('__default__');
-        }
-        _.each(optList, function(obj) {
-          var option = $('<option/>'), optionVal = obj;
-          var fillOption = function(text, val) {
-            option.text(text);
-            optionVal = val;
-            // Save the option value as data so that we can reference it later.
-  'stickit_bind_val', optionVal);
-            if (!_.isArray(optionVal) && !_.isObject(optionVal)) option.val(optionVal);
-          };
-          if (obj === '__default__')
-            fillOption(selectConfig.defaultOption.label, selectConfig.defaultOption.value);
-          else
-            fillOption(evaluatePath(obj, selectConfig.labelPath), evaluatePath(obj, selectConfig.valuePath));
-          // Determine if this option is selected.
-          if (!isMultiple && optionVal != null && fieldVal != null && optionVal == fieldVal || (_.isObject(fieldVal) && _.isEqual(optionVal, fieldVal)))
-            option.prop('selected', true);
-          else if (isMultiple && _.isArray(fieldVal)) {
-            _.each(fieldVal, function(val) {
-              if (_.isObject(val)) val = evaluatePath(val, selectConfig.valuePath);
-              if (val == optionVal || (_.isObject(val) && _.isEqual(optionVal, val)))
-                option.prop('selected', true);
-            });
-          }
-          $el.append(option);
-        });
-      };
-      $el.html('');
-      // The `list` configuration is a function that returns the options list or a string
-      // which represents the path to the list relative to `window` or the view/`this`.
-      var evaluate = function(view, list) {
-        var context = window;
-        if (list.indexOf('this.') === 0) context = view;
-        list = list.replace(/^[a-z]*\.(.+)$/, '$1');
-        return evaluatePath(context, list);
-      };
-      if (_.isString(list)) optList = evaluate(this, list);
-      else if (_.isFunction(list)) optList = applyViewFn(this, list, $el, options);
-      else optList = list;
-      // Support Backbone.Collection and deserialize.
-      if (optList instanceof Backbone.Collection) optList = optList.toJSON();
-      if (_.isArray(optList)) {
-        addSelectOptions(optList, $el, val);
-      } else {
-        // If the optList is an object, then it should be used to define an optgroup. An
-        // optgroup object configuration looks like the following:
-        //
-        //     {
-        //       'opt_labels': ['Looney Tunes', 'Three Stooges'],
-        //       'Looney Tunes': [{id: 1, name: 'Bugs Bunny'}, {id: 2, name: 'Donald Duck'}],
-        //       'Three Stooges': [{id: 3, name : 'moe'}, {id: 4, name : 'larry'}, {id: 5, name : 'curly'}]
-        //     }
-        //
-        _.each(optList.opt_labels, function(label) {
-          var $group = $('<optgroup/>').attr('label', label);
-          addSelectOptions(optList[label], $group, val);
-          $el.append($group);
-        });
-      }
-    },
-    getVal: function($el) {
-      var val;
-      if ($el.prop('multiple')) {
-        val = $(getSelectedOption($el).map(function() {
-          return $(this).data('stickit_bind_val');
-        })).get();
-      } else {
-        val = getSelectedOption($el).data('stickit_bind_val');
-      }
-      return val;
-    }
-  }]);
-})(window.jQuery || window.Zepto);
diff --git a/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/editor.js b/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/editor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 61ca92f..0000000
--- a/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/editor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-function getGraphFromTurtle(callback) {
-    function getTurtleSections() {
-        var result = [];
-        var i = -1;
-        var scripts = document.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "script");
-        for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
-            if (scripts[i] && (scripts[i].getAttribute("type") === "text/turtle")) {
-                result.push(scripts[i].text.toString());
-            }
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    function parseMultiple(turtleStrings, callback) {
-        var graph = rdf.createGraph();
-        var i = -1;
-        function processScript() {
-            i++;
-            if (i === turtleStrings.length) {
-                callback(graph);
-            }
-            var currentTurtle = turtleStrings[i];
-            //console.log('parsing ' + currentTurtle);
-            rdf.parseTurtle(currentTurtle, function (g) {
-                //console.log('parsed ' + g.toString());
-                graph.addAll(g);
-                processScript();
-            });
-        }
-        processScript();
-    }
-    var turtleSections = getTurtleSections();
-    parseMultiple(turtleSections, callback);
-var discoBitsCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
-$(function () {
-    getGraphFromTurtle(function (origGraph) {
-        var InfoBit = Backbone.Model.extend({
-            defaults: {
-                "@type": 'disco:XHTMLInfoDiscoBit',
-                "disco:infoBit": 'Some content'
-            },
-            initialize: function () {
-                console.log('This model has been initialized.');
-                var m = this;
-                this.on('change', function (msg) {
-                    console.log('A value for this model has changed: ');
-                    console.log(m.changed);
-                    console.log(m.get("@id"));
-                    console.log('A value for this model has changed: ' + m.hasChanged(null));
-           = "bar"
-                });
-            }
-        });
-        function saveAllModified() {
-            GreenRdfStore.getGraph(document, function (newGraph) {
-                //alert("orig: "+origGraph.toNT());
-                //alert("new: "+ newGraph.toNT());
-                rdf.serializeTurtle(origGraph, function (origTurtle) {
-                    rdf.serializeTurtle(newGraph, function (newTurtle) {
-                        $.post("/tools/editor/post", {assert: newTurtle, revoke: origTurtle, rdfFormat: 'text/turtle'}, function (data) {
-                            alert("saved");
-                            origGraph = newGraph;
-                        }).fail(function (data) {
-                            errdata = data
-                            alert("error: " + data.statusText);
-                        });
-                    });
-                });
-            });
-        }
-        var InfoBitView = Backbone.View.extend({
-            initialize: function () {
-                _.bindAll(this, 'save')
-                this.model.bind('save',;
-                var infoBit = $(this.el).find('[property="disco:infoBit"]').html()
-                console.log(this.model.hasChanged(null))
-                //this.model.set("disco:infoBit", infoBit)
-                console.log(this.model.hasChanged(null))
-                this.stickit();
-            },
-            events: {
-                'mousedown .editable': 'editableClick'
-            },
-            bindings: {
-                '[property="disco:infoBit"]': 'disco:infoBit'
-            },
-            editableClick: etch.editableInit,
-            save: function () {
-                // normally you would call here but this is a demo
-                // $(this.el).find('.editable').effect('highlight', {color: 'yellow'});
-                // $('.save-event').fadeIn('fast', function() {
-                //     setTimeout($(this).fadeOut('slow'), 10000);
-                // });
-                console.log("this modified: ");
-                console.log(this.model.get("@id"));
-                console.log(this.model.changed);
-                console.log("this is modified: " + this.model.hasChanged(null));
-                saveAllModified();
-            }
-        });
-        //$article = $('[property="disco:infoBit"]');
-        $('[property="disco:infoBit"]').addClass("editable")
-        $('[property="disco:infoBit"]').attr("data-button-class", "all")
-        //this ensure two way binding with stickit
-        $('[property="disco:infoBit"]').attr("contenteditable", "true")
-        $('[property="disco:infoBit"]').each(function () {
-            //Add edit source link
-            var elem = $(this);
-            var editLink = $('<a><img src="/tools/editor/images/pencil-icon.gif" alt="edit source"  width="23" height="23" /></a>');
-            editLink.on("click", function () {
-                var dialog = $('<div id="dialog-1" title="Edit source"><textarea style="width:90%;height:80%">' + elem.html() + '</textarea></div>');
-                dialog.dialog({
-                    maxWidth: '90%',
-                    maxHeight: '90%',
-                    width: 600,
-                    height: 500,
-                    modal: true,
-                    buttons: {
-                        "Apply": function () {
-                            elem.html(dialog.children('textarea').val());
-                            $(this).dialog("close");
-                        },
-                        Cancel: function () {
-                            $(this).dialog("close");
-                        }
-                    },
-                    close: function () {
-                    }
-                });
-            });
-            elem.after(editLink);
-        });
-        $article = $('[typeof="disco:XHTMLInfoDiscoBit"]');
-        _.forEach($article, function (art) {
-            console.log(art);
-            var infoBit = $(art).find('[property="disco:infoBit"]').html()
-            var about = $(art).attr('about')
-            var model = new InfoBit({
-                "@id": about,
-                "disco:infoBit": infoBit
-            });
-            new InfoBitView({model: model, el: art, tagName: art.tagName});
-            discoBitsCollection.add(model)
-        });
-        $('[typeof="disco:OrderedContent"]').each(function() {
-            var elem = $(this);
-            //add "add element"-link
-            var entryCount = elem.children('[typeof="disco:Entry"]').size();
-            var baseURI = elem.attr('about');
-            if (!baseURI.endsWith('/')) {
-                baseURI += '-el/';
-            }
-            function alreadyExists(uri) {
-                var exists = false;
-                elem.children('[typeof="disco:Entry"]').children('[property="disco:holds"]').each(
-                        function() {
-                            if ($(this).attr("resource") === uri) {
-                                exists = true;
-                            }
-                        });
-                //TODO also check that the URI 404s
-                return exists;
-            } 
-            while (alreadyExists(baseURI+entryCount)) {
-                entryCount ++;
-            }
-            var newURI = baseURI+entryCount;
-            elem.children('[typeof="disco:Entry"]').children('[property="disco:holds"]').each(function() {console.log($(this).attr("resource"))});
-            var addLink = $('<div>New: <select><option value="titled">Titled content</option></select>\n\
-                            At IRI:<input type="text" size="80" value="'+newURI+'"></input>\n\
-                            <a><img src="/tools/editor/images/add-icon.png" alt="add new element"  width="23" height="23" /></a>');
-            addLink.children('a').on('click', function() {
-               if (addLink.children('select').val() === 'titled') { 
-                   var uri = addLink.children('input').val()
-                   var newTitledContent = '<div typeof="disco:Entry" property="disco:contains">\n\
-                    <div style="display: none" property="disco:pos">'+elem.children('[typeof="disco:Entry"]').size()+'</div>\n\
-                    <div resource="'+uri+'" property="disco:holds">\n\
-                     <div typeof="disco:TitledContent" about="'+uri+'">\n\
-                       <span property="disco:contains" typeof="disco:Entry">\n\
-                       <span property="disco:pos" style="display: none">0</span>\n\
-                         <h1 resource="'+uri+'-title" property="disco:holds">\n\
-                           <div typeof="disco:XHTMLInfoDiscoBit" about="'+uri+'-title">\n\
-                           <span property="disco:infoBit" datatype="rdf:XMLLiteral">Title</span>\n\
-                           </div>\n\
-                         </h1>\n\
-                       </span>\n\
-                       <div property="disco:contains" typeof="disco:Entry">\n\
-                         <div property="disco:pos" style="display: none">1</div>\n\
-                         <div property="disco:holds" resource="'+uri+'-content">\n\
-                         <div about="'+uri+'-content" typeof="disco:OrderedContent">\n\
-                           <div property="disco:contains" typeof="disco:Entry">\n\
-                              <div property="disco:pos" style="display: none">0</div>\n\
-                              <div property="disco:holds" resource="'+uri+'-content-el/0">\n\
-                              <div typeof="disco:XHTMLInfoDiscoBit" about="'+uri+'-content-el/0">\n\
-                              <span property="disco:infoBit" datatype="rdf:XMLLiteral">content 1</span>\n\
-                           </div>\n\
-                         </div>\n\
-                       </div>\n\
-                     </div>\n\
-                    </div></div>'
-                    addLink.before(newTitledContent)
-               }  
-               alert('please save and reload'); 
-            });
-            elem.append(addLink);
-        });
-    });
-    /*var store = rdfstore.create();
-     CallbackProcessor.prototype = new RDFaProcessor();
-     CallbackProcessor.prototype.constructor=RDFaProcessor;
-     function CallbackProcessor() {
-     }
-     CallbackProcessor.prototype.addTriple = function(origin,subject,predicate,object) {
-     alert("New triple: "+subject+", predicate "+predicate+", object "+object.value+", "+object.language+", "+object.type);
-     //, origin, subject, predicate, object);
-     //graph.add(env.createTriple())
-     }*/
-    //var gp = new GraphRDFaProcessor();
-    /*function WrappedGraphProcessor() {
-     }
-     WrappedGraphProcessor.prototype = new GraphRDFaProcessor();
-     WrappedGraphProcessor.prototype.addTriple= function(origin,subject,predicate,object) {
-     alert("uff "+origin+","+subject+","+predicate+","+object);
-     if (origin.getAttribute("content")) {
-     object.value = origin.getAttribute("content");
-     }
-, origin, subject, predicate, object);
-     }
-     var gp = new WrappedGraphProcessor();
-     //var gp = new CallbackProcessor();
- = new RDFaGraph();
-     gp.process(document);
-     var origTurtle =;
-     alert(origTurtle);*/
-    //});
-    //var view = new articleView({model: model, el: $article[0], tagName: $article[0].tagName});
-Backbone.on('all', function (s) {
-    console.log('Handling all: ' + s);
- "rdfa.loaded",
- function() {
- _.forEach(document.getElementsByType(""), function(e) {
- $(e).css('background-color', 'blue');
- });
- console.log('all colored');
- //console.log('activating: '+RDFaProcessor);
- CallbackProcessor.prototype = new RDFaProcessor();
- CallbackProcessor.prototype.constructor=RDFaProcessor;
- function CallbackProcessor() {
- }
- CallbackProcessor.prototype.newSubjectOrigin = function(origin,subject) {
- console.log("New origin for "+subject);
- }
- CallbackProcessor.prototype.addTriple = function(origin,subject,predicate,object) {
- console.log("New triple: "+subject+", predicate "+predicate+
- ", object "+object.value+", "+object.language+", "+object.type);
- }
- console.log('activated: '+CallbackProcessor);
- processor = new CallbackProcessor();
- processor.finishedHandlers.push(
- function(node) {
- alert("Done!");
- }
- );
- processor.process(document);
- console.log('done');
- },
- false
- );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/etch.js b/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/etch.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a0402e9..0000000
--- a/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/etch.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-(function() {
-  'use strict';
-  var models = {},
-    views = {},
-    collections = {},
-    etch = {};
-  // versioning as per
-  etch.VERSION = '0.6.2';
-  etch.config = {
-    // selector to specify editable elements   
-    selector: '.editable',
-    // Named sets of buttons to be specified on the editable element
-    // in the markup as "data-button-class"   
-    buttonClasses: {
-      'default': ['save'],
-      'all': ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'unordered-list', 'ordered-list', 'link', 'clear-formatting', 'save'],
-      'title': ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'save']
-    }
-  };
-  models.Editor = Backbone.Model;
-  views.Editor = Backbone.View.extend({
-    initialize: function() {
-      this.$el = $(this.el);
-      // Model attribute event listeners:
-      _.bindAll(this, 'changeButtons', 'changePosition', 'changeEditable', 'insertImage');
-      this.model.bind('change:buttons', this.changeButtons);
-      this.model.bind('change:position', this.changePosition);
-      this.model.bind('change:editable', this.changeEditable);
-      // Init Routines:
-      this.changeEditable();
-    },
-    events: {
-      'click .etch-bold': 'toggleBold',
-      'click .etch-italic': 'toggleItalic',
-      'click .etch-underline': 'toggleUnderline',
-      'click .etch-heading': 'toggleHeading',
-      'click .etch-unordered-list': 'toggleUnorderedList',
-      'click .etch-justify-left': 'justifyLeft',
-      'click .etch-justify-center': 'justifyCenter',
-      'click .etch-justify-right': 'justifyRight',
-      'click .etch-ordered-list': 'toggleOrderedList',
-      'click .etch-link': 'toggleLink',
-      'click .etch-image': 'getImage',
-      'click .etch-save': 'save',
-      'click .etch-clear-formatting': 'clearFormatting'
-    },
-    changeEditable: function() {
-      this.setButtonClass();
-      // Im assuming that Ill add more functionality here
-    },
-    setButtonClass: function() {
-      // check the button class of the element being edited and set the associated buttons on the model
-      var editorModel = this.model;
-      var buttonClass = editorModel.get('editable').attr('data-button-class') || 'default';
-      editorModel.set({ buttons: etch.config.buttonClasses[buttonClass] });
-    },
-    changeButtons: function() {
-      // render the buttons into the editor-panel
-      this.$el.empty();
-      var view = this;
-      var buttons = this.model.get('buttons');
-      // hide editor panel if there are no buttons in it and exit early
-      if (!buttons.length) { $(this.el).hide(); return; }
-      _.each(this.model.get('buttons'), function(button){
-        var $buttonEl = $('<a href="#" class="etch-editor-button etch-'+ button +'" title="'+ button.replace('-', ' ') +'"><span></span></a>');
-        view.$el.append($buttonEl);
-      });
-      $(this.el).show('fast');
-    },
-    changePosition: function() {
-      // animate editor-panel to new position
-      var pos = this.model.get('position');
-      this.$el.animate({'top': pos.y, 'left': pos.x}, { queue: false });
-    },
-    wrapSelection: function(selectionOrRange, elString, cb) {
-      // wrap current selection with elString tag
-      var range = selectionOrRange === Range ? selectionOrRange : selectionOrRange.getRangeAt(0);
-      var el = document.createElement(elString);
-      range.surroundContents(el);
-    },
-    clearFormatting: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      document.execCommand('removeFormat', false, null);
-    },
-    toggleBold: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      document.execCommand('bold', false, null);
-    },
-    toggleItalic: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      document.execCommand('italic', false, null);
-    },
-    toggleUnderline: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      document.execCommand('underline', false, null);
-    },
-    toggleHeading: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
-      var wrapper = range.commonAncestorContainer.parentElement
-      if ($(wrapper).is('h3')) {
-        $(wrapper).replaceWith(wrapper.textContent)
-        return;
-      }
-      var h3 = document.createElement('h3');
-      range.surroundContents(h3);
-    },
-    urlPrompt: function(callback) {
-      // This uses the default browser UI prompt to get a url.
-      // Override this function if you want to implement a custom UI.
-      var url = prompt('Enter a url', 'http://');
-      // Ensure a new link URL starts with http:// or https:// 
-      // before it's added to the DOM.
-      //
-      // NOTE: This implementation will disallow relative URLs from being added
-      // but will make it easier for users typing external URLs.
-      if (/^((http|https)...)/.test(url)) {
-        callback(url);
-      } else {
-        callback("http://" + url);
-      }
-    },
-    toggleLink: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
-      // are we in an anchor element?
-      if (range.startContainer.parentNode.tagName === 'A' || range.endContainer.parentNode.tagName === 'A') {
-        // unlink anchor
-        document.execCommand('unlink', false, null);
-      } else {
-        // promt for url and create link
-        this.urlPrompt(function(url) {
-          document.execCommand('createLink', false, url);
-        });
-      }
-    },
-    toggleUnorderedList: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      document.execCommand('insertUnorderedList', false, null);
-    },
-    toggleOrderedList: function(e){
-      e.preventDefault();
-      document.execCommand('insertOrderedList', false, null);
-    },
-    justifyLeft: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      document.execCommand('justifyLeft', false, null);
-    },
-    justifyCenter: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      document.execCommand('justifyCenter', false, null);
-    },
-    justifyRight: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      document.execCommand('justifyRight', false, null);
-    },
-    getImage: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      // call startUploader with callback to handle inserting it once it is uploded/cropped
-      this.startUploader(this.insertImage);
-    },
-    startUploader: function(cb) {
-      // initialize Image Uploader
-      var model = new models.ImageUploader();
-      var view = new views.ImageUploader({model: model});
-      // stash a reference to the callback to be called after image is uploaded
-      model._imageCallback = function(image) {
-        view.startCropper(image, cb);
-      };
-      // stash reference to saved range for inserting the image once its 
-      this._savedRange = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
-      // insert uploader html into DOM
-      $('body').append(view.render().el);
-    },
-    insertImage: function(image) {
-      // insert image - passed as a callback to startUploader
-      var sel = window.getSelection();
-      sel.removeAllRanges();
-      sel.addRange(this._savedRange);
-      var attrs = {
-        'editable': this.model.get('editable'),
-        'editableModel': this.model.get('editableModel')
-      };
-      _.extend(attrs, image);
-      var model = new models.EditableImage(attrs);
-      var view = new views.EditableImage({model: model});
-      this._savedRange.insertNode($(view.render().el).addClass('etch-float-left')[0]);
-    },
-    save: function(e) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      var editableModel = this.model.get('editableModel');
-      editableModel.trigger('save');
-    }
-  });
-  // tack on models, views, etc... as well as init function
-  _.extend(etch, {
-    models: models,
-    views: views,
-    collections: collections,
-    // This function is to be used as callback to whatever event
-    // you use to initialize editing 
-    editableInit: function(e) {
-      e.stopPropagation();
-      var target = || e.srcElement;
-      var $editable = $(target).etchFindEditable();
-      $editable.attr('contenteditable', true);
-      // if the editor isn't already built, build it
-      var $editor = $('.etch-editor-panel');
-      var editorModel = $'model');
-      if (!$editor.size()) {
-        $editor = $('<div class="etch-editor-panel">');
-        var editorAttrs = { editable: $editable, editableModel: this.model };
-        document.body.appendChild($editor[0]);
-        $editor.etchInstantiate({classType: 'Editor', attrs: editorAttrs});
-        editorModel = $'model');
-      // check if we are on a new editable
-      } else if ($editable[0] !== editorModel.get('editable')[0]) {
-        // set new editable
-        editorModel.set({
-          editable: $editable,
-          editableModel: this.model
-        });
-      }
-      // Firefox seems to be only browser that defaults to `StyleWithCSS == true`
-      // so we turn it off here. Plus a try..catch to avoid an error being thrown in IE8.
-      try {
-        document.execCommand('StyleWithCSS', false, false);
-      }
-      catch (err) {
-        // expecting to just eat IE8 error, but if different error, rethrow
-        if (err.message !== "Invalid argument.") {
-          throw err;
-        }
-      }
-      if (models.EditableImage) {
-        // instantiate any images that may be in the editable
-        var $imgs = $editable.find('img');
-        if ($imgs.size()) {
-          var attrs = { editable: $editable, editableModel: this.model };
-          $imgs.each(function() {
-            var $this = $(this);
-            if (!$'editableImageModel')) {
-              var editableImageModel =  new models.EditableImage(attrs);
-              var editableImageView = new views.EditableImage({model: editableImageModel, el: this, tagName: this.tagName});
-              $'editableImageModel', editableImageModel);
-            }
-          });
-        }
-      }
-      // listen for mousedowns that are not coming from the editor
-      // and close the editor
-      $('body').bind('mousedown.editor', function(e) {
-        // check to see if the click was in an etch tool
-        var target = || e.srcElement;
-        if ($(target).not('.etch-editor-panel, .etch-editor-panel *, .etch-image-tools, .etch-image-tools *').size()) {
-          // remove editor
-          $editor.remove();
-          if (models.EditableImage) {
-            // unblind the image-tools if the editor isn't active
-            $editable.find('img').unbind('mouseenter');
-            // remove any latent image tool model references
-            $(etch.config.selector+' img').data('editableImageModel', false)
-          }
-          // once the editor is removed, remove the body binding for it
-          $(this).unbind('mousedown.editor');
-        }
-      });
-      editorModel.set({position: {x: e.pageX - 15, y: e.pageY - 80}});
-    }
-  });
-  // jquery helper functions
-  $.fn.etchInstantiate = function(options, cb) {
-    return this.each(function() {
-      var $el = $(this);
-      options || (options = {});
-      var settings = {
-        el: this,
-        attrs: {}
-      }
-      _.extend(settings, options);
-      var model = new models[settings.classType](settings.attrs, settings);
-      // initialize a view is there is one
-      if (_.isFunction(views[settings.classType])) {
-        var view = new views[settings.classType]({model: model, el: this, tagName: this.tagName});
-      }
-      // stash the model and view on the elements data object
-      ${model: model});
-      ${view: view});
-      if (_.isFunction(cb)) {
-        cb({model: model, view: view});
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  $.fn.etchFindEditable = function() {
-    // function that looks for the editable selector on itself or its parents
-    // and returns that el when it is found
-    var $el = $(this);
-    return $ ? $el : $el.closest(etch.config.selector);
-  }
-  window.etch = etch;
diff --git a/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/greenrdfstore.js b/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/greenrdfstore.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9fe16..0000000
--- a/platform/editor/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/tools/editor/scripts/greenrdfstore.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * functions to read RDFa to an rdfstore-js graph
- */
-function GreenRdfStore() {
-GreenRdfStore.getGraph = function(element, callback) {
-    var graph = rdf.createGraph();
-        var env = rdf;
-        CallbackProcessor.prototype = new RDFaProcessor();
-        CallbackProcessor.prototype.constructor=RDFaProcessor;
-        function CallbackProcessor() {
- ;
-        }
-        var bNodeTable = {};
-        CallbackProcessor.prototype.addTriple = function(origin,subject,predicate,object) {
-            function convertNonLiteral(node) { 
-                if (node.startsWith("_:")) {
-                    if (!bNodeTable[node]) {
-                        bNodeTable[node] = env.createBlankNode(node);
-                    }
-                    return bNodeTable[node];
-                } else {
-                    return env.createNamedNode(node);s
-                }
-            }
-            function serializeNodeList(nodeList) {
-                //code taken from Greenturtle's GraphRDFaProcessor
-                var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
-                var value = "";
-                for (var x=0; x<nodeList.length; x++) {
-                   if (nodeList[x].nodeType==Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                      var prefixMap = RDFaPredicate.getPrefixMap(nodeList[x]);
-                      var prefixes = [];
-                      for (var prefix in prefixMap) {
-                         prefixes.push(prefix);
-                      }
-                      prefixes.sort();
-                      var e = nodeList[x].cloneNode(true);
-                      for (var p=0; p<prefixes.length; p++) {
-                         e.setAttributeNS("",prefixes[p].length==0 ? "xmlns" : "xmlns:"+prefixes[p],prefixMap[prefixes[p]]);
-                      }
-                      value += serializer.serializeToString(e);
-                   } else if (nodeList[x].nodeType==Node.TEXT_NODE) {
-                      value += nodeList[x].nodeValue;
-                   }
-                }
-                return value;
-            }
-            //alert("New triple: "+subject+", predicate "+predicate+", object "+object.value+", "+object.language+", "+object.type);
-            var subjectRS = convertNonLiteral(subject);
-            var predicateRS = env.createNamedNode(predicate);
-            if (object.type === "") {
-                var objectRS = convertNonLiteral(object.value);
-            } else {
-                if (origin.getAttribute("content")) {
-                    //according to the spec this attribute should be ignored for xmlLiterals, we don't
-                    var value = origin.getAttribute("content");
-                } else {
-                    if (object.value instanceof NodeList) {
-                        var value = serializeNodeList(object.value);
-                    } else {
-                        var value = object.value;
-                    }
-                }
-                var objectRS = env.createLiteral(value.toString(), object.language, env.createNamedNode(object.type));
-            }
-            graph.add(env.createTriple(subjectRS, predicateRS, objectRS));
-        };
-        var gp = new CallbackProcessor();
-                    // = new RDFaGraph();
-        gp.process(element);
-        callback(graph)
\ No newline at end of file