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[inlong-website] branch master updated: [INLONG-568][Doc] Create the configuration document for manager (#569)

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     new f397b3f998 [INLONG-568][Doc] Create the configuration document for manager (#569)
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commit f397b3f9988d6016a92a73483e4c632b8fbed931
Author: fuweng11 <>
AuthorDate: Mon Oct 17 18:36:50 2022 +0800

    [INLONG-568][Doc] Create the configuration document for manager (#569)
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+title: Configuration
+sidebar_position: 3
+## Basic Configuration
+| Parameter                                                     | Value                                                                                | Default                                  | Notes                                                                                                                    |
+|                                            | server address                                                                       |                            |                                                                                                                          |
+| server.port                                            | server port                                                                          | 8083                                 |                                                                                                                          |
+| default.admin.user                                     | usename                                                                              | admin                                |                                                                                                                          |
+| default.admin.password                                 | password                                                                             | inlong                               |                                                                                                                          |
+| server.servlet.context-path                            | context path                                                                         |                                      | Form part of the url                                                                                                     |
+|                                | server name                                                                          |                                      |                                                                                                                          |
+|                                 | dev/prod/test                                                                        | dev                                  | Used to differentiate between different environments                                                                     |
+| spring.mvc.pathmatch.matching-strategy                 | ANT_PATH_MATCHER/PATH_PATTERN_PARSER                                                 | ANT_PATH_MATCHER                     | Path Matching Strategy of MVC                                                                                            |
+| spring.jackson.serialization.write-dates-as-timestamps | true/false                                                                           | true                                 | Whether to convert date to timestamp                                                                                     |
+|                             | Date Format                                                                          | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss                  |                                                                                                                          |
+| spring.jackson.time-zone                               | Default Time Zone                                                                    | GMT+8                                |                                                                                                                          |
+| mybatis.mapper-locations                               | Path of mapper file                                                                  | classpath:mappers/*.xml              |                                                                                                                          |
+| mybatis.type-aliases-package                           | Path of entity class                                                                 | org.apache.inlong.manager.dao.entity |                                                                                                                          |
+|     | true/false                                                                           | true                                 | Whether to map the underlined table field to the entity class attribute of hump type                                     |
+| pagehelper.helperDialect                               | Database Type                                                                        | mysql                                | Database type used to specify paging                                                                                     |
+| pagehelper.reasonable                                  | true/false                                                                           | false                                | Whether paging is reasonable                                                                                             |
+| pagehelper.params                                      | Supported parameter configuration                                                    |                                      | Used to support parameter configuration, such as pagehelper. params=count=countSql                                       |
+| common.http-client.maxTotal                            | Total connections                                                                    | 20                                   | Maximum number of connections in use at the same time                                                                    |
+| common.http-client.defaultMaxPerRoute                  | The maximum number of connections being used by the same host: port at the same time | 2                                    | The default number of connections per route, and the number of requests that a service can receive in parallel each time |
+| common.http-client.validateAfterInactivity             | Check time after inactive connection                                                 |                                      | When obtaining a connection from the connection pool, how long after the connection is inactive should it be verified    |
+| common.http-client.connectionTimeout                   | Connection establishment timeout                                                     |                                      | In Milliseconds                                                                                                          |
+| common.http-client.readTimeout                         | Data transmission timeout                                                            |                                      | In Milliseconds                                                                                                          |
+| common.http-client.connectionRequestTimeout            | Get connection timeout                                                               |                                      | In Milliseconds                                                                                                          |
+| inlong.auth.type                                       | Custom Authentication Configuration                                                  | default                              |                                                                                                                          |
+| inlong.encrypt.version                                 | Encrypted version                                                                    | 1                                    |                                                                                                                          |
+| inlong.encrypt.key.value1                              |                                                                                      |                                      |                                                                                                                          |
+| openapi.auth.enabled                                   | true/false                                                                           | false                                | Whether to enable openApi authentication                                                                                                           |
+## Log Configuration
+| Parameter                            | Value           | Default |  Notes   |
+| logging.level.{effective_area}                | info/warn/error | info    | effective_ Area is the effective area at the log level. Root represents the entire project. It can also be set to a package name    |
+## Datasource Configuration
+| Parameter                                          | Value                                                                   | Default                                                                                                                                                                 |  Notes   |
+| spring.datasource.druid.url                        | database url                                                            | jdbc:mysql:// |     |
+| spring.datasource.druid.username                   | database username                                                       | root                                                                                                                                                                    |     |
+| spring.datasource.druid.password                   | database password                                                       | inlong                                                                                                                                                                  |     |
+| spring.datasource.druid.driver-class-name          | datasource driver class name                                            | com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver                                                                                                                                                |     |
+| spring.datasource.druid.validationQuery            | sql statement                                                           | SELECT 'x'                                                                                                                                                              | Verify whether the database is available through the sql statement when the system starts    |
+| spring.datasource.druid.initialSize                | Initialization size of database connection pool                         | 20                                                                                                                                                                      |     |
+| spring.datasource.druid.minIdle                    | Minimum size of database connection pool                                | 20                                                                                                                                                                      |     |
+| spring.datasource.druid.maxActive                  | Maximum size of database connection pool                                | 300                                                                                                                                                                     |     |
+| spring.datasource.druid.maxWait                    | Maximum waiting time when getting a connection                          | 600000                                                                                                                                                                  | In milliseconds    |
+| spring.datasource.druid.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis | The maximum time that the connection remains idle without being evicted | 3600000                                                                                                                                                                 | In milliseconds    |
+| spring.datasource.druid.testWhileIdle              | true/false                                                              | true                                                                                                                                                                    | Whether to enable idle connection detection for recycling    |
+| spring.datasource.druid.testOnBorrow               | true/false                                                              | false                                                                                                                                                                   | Whether to detect connection availability when obtaining connections from the connection pool. Enabling the connection will have a certain impact on performance    |
+| spring.datasource.druid.testOnReturn               | true/false                                                              | false                                                                                                                                                                   | Whether the connection availability is detected when the connection is released to the connection pool. Enabling the connection will have a certain impact on the performance    |
+| spring.datasource.druid.filters                    | stat,wall,log4j                                                         | stat,wall                                                                                                                                                               | Configure filters for monitoring statistics interception, stat:monitoring statistics, log4j:log, wall:defense against SQL injection    |
+| spring.datasource.druid.connectionProperties       | datasource connection properties                                        | druid.stat.mergeSql=true;druid.stat.slowSqlMillis=5000                                                                                                                  | Open the mergeSql function through the connectProperties property, Slow SQL records    |
+## Audit Configuration
+| Parameter                               | Value                                         | Default | Notes                                                                                                              |
+| audit.query.source   | MYSQL/ELASTICSEARCH/CLICKHOUSE                | MYSQL   | Audit query source that decide what data source to query, currently only supports MYSQL, ELASTICSEARCH, CLICKHOUSE |
+|  | Elasticsearch hostname                        | | Elasticsearch host split by coma if more than one host, such as 'host1,host2'                                          |
+|      | Elasticsearch port                            | 9200      |                                           |
+| es.auth.enable            | true/false                                    | false     | Elasticsearch support authentication flag |
+| es.auth.user              | Elasticsearch user of authentication info     | admin     |                                           |
+| es.auth.password          | Elasticsearch password of authentication info | inlong    |                                           |
+|        | ClickHouse jdbc url                           | jdbc:clickhouse:// |                                   |
+|       | ClickHouse usename                            | default                                              |                                   |
+|       | ClickHouse password                           |                                                      |                                   |
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 title: Overview
+sidebar_position: 1
 ## 1 Introduction to Apache InLong Manager
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 title: Deployment
+sidebar_position: 2
 ## Environment Requirements
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+title: 配置
+sidebar_position: 3
+## 基本配置
+| 参数                                                     | 值                                    | 默认值                                  | 注释                                           |
+|                                            | 服务器地址                                |                            |                                              |
+| server.port                                            | 服务器端口号                               | 8083                                 |                                              |
+| default.admin.user                                     | 登录所需用户名                              | admin                                |                                              |
+| default.admin.password                                 | 登录所需密码                               | inlong                               |                                              |
+| server.servlet.context-path                            | 项目路径                                 |                                      | 构成 url 的一部分                                  |
+|                                | 服务名称                                 |                                      |                                              |
+|                                 | dev/prod/test                        | dev                                  | 用于区分不同的环境                                    |
+| spring.mvc.pathmatch.matching-strategy                 | ANT_PATH_MATCHER/PATH_PATTERN_PARSER | ANT_PATH_MATCHER                     | MVC 的路径匹配策略                                  |
+| spring.jackson.serialization.write-dates-as-timestamps | true/false                           | true                                 | 是否将 date 转化为时间戳                              |
+|                             | 日期格式                                 | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss                  |                                              |
+| spring.jackson.time-zone                               | 默认时区                                 | GMT+8                                |                                              |
+| mybatis.mapper-locations                               | mapper 文件所在路径                        | classpath:mappers/*.xml              |                                              |
+| mybatis.type-aliases-package                           | 实体类所在路径                              | org.apache.inlong.manager.dao.entity |                                              |
+|     | true/false                           | true                                 | 是否将带有下划线的表字段映射为驼峰类型的实体类属性                    |
+| pagehelper.helperDialect                               | 数据库类型                                | mysql                                | 用于指定分页的数据库类型                                 |
+| pagehelper.reasonable                                  | true/false                           | false                                | 分页是否合理化                                      |
+| pagehelper.params                                      | 支持的参数配置                              |                                      | 用于支持参数配置,例如 pagehelper.params=count=countSql |
+| common.http-client.maxTotal                            | 总连接数                                 | 20                                   | 同时间正在使用的最大连接数                                |
+| common.http-client.defaultMaxPerRoute                  | 同一 host:port 同时间正在使用的最大连接数           | 2                                    | 每个路由默认连接数,某一个/每服务每次能并行接收的请求数量                |
+| common.http-client.validateAfterInactivity             | 连接不活跃后的校验时间                          |                                      | 从连接池获取连接时,应验证连接处于非活动状态后多长时间                  |
+| common.http-client.connectionTimeout                   | 建立连接超时时间                             |                                      | 以毫秒为单位                                       |
+| common.http-client.readTimeout                         | 传输数据超时时间                             |                                      | 以毫秒为单位                                       |
+| common.http-client.connectionRequestTimeout            | 获取连接超时时间                             |                                      | 以毫秒为单位                                       |
+| inlong.auth.type                                       | 自定义认证配置                              | default                              |                                              |
+| inlong.encrypt.version                                 | 加密版本                                 | 1                                    |                                              |
+| inlong.encrypt.key.value1                              |                                      |                                      |                                              |
+| openapi.auth.enabled                                   | true/false                           | false                                | 是否开启 openApi 认证                              |
+## 日志配置
+| 参数                               | 值               | 默认值  | 注释                                                     |
+| logging.level.{effective_area}   | info/warn/error | info | effective_area 是日志级别的有效面积,root 代表整个项目。它还可以设置为某个包的全限定类名 |
+## 数据库配置
+| 参数                                                 | 值                | 默认值                                                                                                                                                                     | 注释                                                          |
+| spring.datasource.druid.url                        | 数据库的地址           | jdbc:mysql:// |                                                             |
+| spring.datasource.druid.username                   | 数据库的用户名          | root                                                                                                                                                                    |                                                             |
+| spring.datasource.druid.password                   | 数据库的密码           | inlong                                                                                                                                                                  |                                                             |
+| spring.datasource.druid.driver-class-name          | 数据库驱动类名          | com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver                                                                                                                                                |                                                             |
+| spring.datasource.druid.validationQuery            | sql 语句           | SELECT 'x'                                                                                                                                                              | 系统启动时通过该sql语句验证数据库是否可用                                      |
+| spring.datasource.druid.initialSize                | 数据库连接池初始化大小      | 20                                                                                                                                                                      |                                                             |
+| spring.datasource.druid.minIdle                    | 数据库连接池最小大小       | 20                                                                                                                                                                      |                                                             |
+| spring.datasource.druid.maxActive                  | 数据库连接池最大大小       | 300                                                                                                                                                                     |                                                             |
+| spring.datasource.druid.maxWait                    | 获取连接时最大等待时间      | 600000                                                                                                                                                                  | 以毫秒为单位                                                      |
+| spring.datasource.druid.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis | 连接保持空闲而不被驱逐的最长时间 | 3600000                                                                                                                                                                 | 以毫秒为单位                                                      |
+| spring.datasource.druid.testWhileIdle              | true/false       | true                                                                                                                                                                    | 是否启用空闲连接检测,以便回收                                             |
+| spring.datasource.druid.testOnBorrow               | true/false       | false                                                                                                                                                                   | 从连接池获取连接时,是否检测连接可用性,开启会对性能造成一定影响                            |
+| spring.datasource.druid.testOnReturn               | true/false       | false                                                                                                                                                                   | 释放连接到连接池时,是否检测连接可用性,开启会对性能造成一定影响                            |
+| spring.datasource.druid.filters                    | stat,wall,log4j  | stat,wall                                                                                                                                                               | 监控统计用的 filter:stat 日志用的 filter:log4j 防止 sql 注入的 filter:wall |
+| spring.datasource.druid.connectionProperties       | 数据库连接属性          | druid.stat.mergeSql=true;druid.stat.slowSqlMillis=5000                                                                                                                  | 通过 connectProperties 属性来打开 mergeSql 功能;慢 SQL 记录             |
+## 审计配置
+| 参数                      | 值                              | 默认值                                                  | 注释                                                  |
+| audit.query.source      | MYSQL/ELASTICSEARCH/CLICKHOUSE | MYSQL                                                | 决定要查询的数据源的审计信息,当前仅支持 MYSQL,ELASTICSEARCH,CLICKHOUSE |
+| | Elasticsearch 的主机地址            |                                            | 主机地址如果存在多个使用逗号分隔开,比如 'host1,host2'                  |
+|    | Elasticsearch 端口号              | 9200                                                 |                                                     |
+| es.auth.enable          | true/false                     | false                                                | 是否支持认证                                              |
+| es.auth.user            | Elasticsearch 用户名              | admin                                                |                                                     |
+| es.auth.password        | Elasticsearch 密码               | inlong                                               |                                                     |
+|        | ClickHouse 地址                  | jdbc:clickhouse:// |                                                     |
+|       | ClickHouse 用户名                 | default                                              |                                                     |
+|       | ClickHouse 密码                  |                                                      |                                                     |
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 title: 总览
+sidebar_position: 1
 ## 1 InLong Manager 介绍
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 title: 安装部署
+sidebar_position: 2
 ## 环境准备