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Posted to by renzhuyan <> on 2022/08/06 02:05:10 UTC

The Shenyu community's meeting is on 04/08/2022

Here are the meeting minutes of our community meeting.
Time: Every other Thursday at 9 pm
Mode: Online Tencent Video Conference
Purpose: Building Open And Governance Community
Moderator: Yan Renzhu (renzhuyan)

*Name, GitHub ID, Role*
Xiao Yu, yu199195, VP
Duan Haibo, haibo-duan, committer
Likeguo, likeguo,committer
impact, impactCn, committer

lahmXu, lahmXu, contributor


#### Feature Development

1. GSoC 2022 (Google Summmer Camp),topic discuss.
 -Add log-kafka's plugin in agent.The code is developed, the documentation
is not finished. (Zhang Yonglun) 40%
 -integrated test (Kunshuai,dangkai) 80%

2.Summer 2022(OSPP), send 2 topics
  -Official Website Revision(XiaoYu, gouzixin)dev 70%, news page and
blog page are submited PR.change news head portrait.
  -New plugins(Zhang Yonglun)0%,not started.

3. Computer Association activities(dangkai,zhukunshuai)
  -Front-end optimization 20% (xiaoyu & qinziwei)
  -integration test,need docker package plugin.(zhukunshuai) 80%
  -helm, discuss with students. (Dangkai) 40%

4.WeOpenStar,Send 8 topics <>
 -ParamMapping plugin documentation optimization (moremind)
 -ModifyResponse plugin document optimization (moremind)
 -Redirect plugin documentation optimization (moremind)
 -Rewrite plugin document optimization (moremind)
 -Further simplify annotations in Shenyu (Zhangzicheng)
 -Rewrite the Client module using the Agent technology (Zhangzicheng)
 -Optimize the ShenYu gateway configuration document (Xiao Yu)
 -Added quick start documentation for Websocket by ShenYu gateway (Xiao Yu)

5.Development Tasks Planning:

   -Multi-language SDK develop. (2.4.4)
    .net client (gaohan) :  The code Consul has merged, Nacos has proposed
PR, and is working on Etcd. overall progress 60%,
Integration test and documentation are required.
    Golang client (Li Shuo,alun)  :  overall progress 80%, Integration
test and documentation are required.
    python client (zhanglin,Junwei)  : pending
    Support zk registration. Add unit tests and integration tests.
    Liming deng is familiar with code cov andcan help on it.
    Add license files for all dependencies.
    Ask if there's a common Apache account for Nuget(Zhang Yonglun).

   -API documentation support. (lianjunwei) (2.4.4) progress (90%)
     The custom header : back-end has been completed,Interface with
front-end debugging.  100%
     Global switch function ready to submit PR.  100%
     API document write database persistence is in progress,Need to add

  -Customized document templates (moremind,doing)
     Progress:  Done with log, donewith Divide. Need to improve
     Done for SpringCloud and dubbo plugin. About 2 weeks per plugin.
overall progress 33%.

  -opentelemetry plugin (Yul, Haochao zhuang,doing)
    test cases in progress.
    UT is hard, need help. Haochao zhuang will help. No progress.

   -Alert (impactCn) The next version is released.  80%
     Alert template.   In progress.  The prototype diagram has been

   -ShenYu gateway supports cluster mode.(Chen Bin)(2.5.0)
     Submitted PR, Reconnecion needs to be optimize. need to
integration test . 80%

   -admin upload plugin (zouchangfu): The back-end has been completed,
     still needs the front-end to complete the function.  Meet some
problem that class loader loadingthe same class.
     not finished,There are still some problems to be solved.

   -mock plugin (tianyou) : 100%
     need doc and test.  code needs to be optimized.  100%

   -Add LB SDK of cloud vendor (impactCn) ,next version.

   -send log to aliyun log service (moremind): 100%
      need doc and test. 100%

   -rules and selectors match optimization, tree
algorithm(ZhangZiCheng,  Fibonacci). pending

   -cache the rule match result. (zouchangfu)

   -Add orchestration-plugin. (Xiao Yu,pending) (3.0.0)

   -Admin dashboard redesign and rewrite. (Xiao Yu,pending) (3.0.0)

   -Add LB SDK of cloud vendor(impactCn, pending)

   -Service Grid (ImpactCn ,pending)

   -K8s service discover (Zhang Lei ) :  70%

   -The check database is mandatory, and the front end should be mandatory

   -brpc-plugin (micaeleDeSteven, in progress)

   - integration test for admin. (haochaoZhuang) e2e test, will do it
after finishing the nginx task. not started.

   -Security vulnerability fixes.(Zhang Yonglun)

   -Matching algorithm, tree matching algorithm (Zhang Zicheng)

  -Architecture diagram, stereo topology diagram
     Architecture diagram (damonxue)
     Stereo topology diagram (lamuxu)