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Posted to by abhikran-quic via TVM Discuss <> on 2020/04/28 14:00:55 UTC

[TVM Discuss] [Questions] Remove an attribute from IR

Hello TVM community,

I am working on a problem where I would like to split the host and device functionality depending on whether target and target_host are same. If target is same as target_host, I would like to avoid splitting the IR. If target is different from target_host, then the device functionality should be different from host functionality. While doing so, I would like to remove or retain an AttrStmt for binding the pipeline. 
I've created a small test case below to explain the scenario.

    n = tvm.tir.const(128, "int32")
    a = te.placeholder((n, ), name="a")
    b = te.placeholder((n, ), name="b")
    c = te.compute((n, ), lambda i: a[i] + b[i], name='c')

    s = te.create_schedule(c.op)
    px, x = s[c].split(s[c].op.axis[0], nparts=1)
    s[c].bind(px, te.thread_axis("pipeline"))
    ir  = tvm.lower(s, [a, b, c], simple_mode=True)

The ir is printed as :

    produce c {
      // attr [iter_var(pipeline, , pipeline)] pipeline_exec_scope = 1
     for (i.inner, 0, 128) {
        c[i.inner] = (a[i.inner] + b[i.inner])
I would like to remove / attr [iter_var(pipeline, , pipeline)] pipeline_exec_scope = 1  from the IR. I found a way to accomplish the same as mentioned in the below snippet

    attr = []
    def find_pipeline(op):
        if isinstance(op, tvm.tir.AttrStmt):
            if op.attr_key == "pipeline_exec_scope":

    def remove_attr(op):
        if op in attr:
           return op.body

    tvm.tir.ir_pass.PostOrderVisit(ir, find_pipeline)
    stmt = tvm.tir.ir_pass.IRTransform(ir, None, remove_attr, ['AttrStmt'])

The stmt is printed as 
    produce c {
      for (i.inner, 0, 128) {
        c[i.inner] = (a[i.inner] + b[i.inner])

I would like to know if this is the correct way to remove the attribute or is there another better way to do that using some functionality in tvm.tir ?

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] Remove an attribute from IR

Posted by Zhao Wu via TVM Discuss <>.

In the topi, we could get the target information during schedule using ``. But we don't have `target_host` information as far as I know.

But seems that you could do in `def _build_for_device` (we could add pass inside it like other passes). However,  you should double check we maybe go to this function if we use relay build (pure C++ way) and doesn't enter  into `def _build_for_device`: 
runtime::Module build(const Map<Target, IRModule>& inputs,
                      const Target& target_host,
                      const BuildConfig& config)
I haven't verified it.

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] Remove an attribute from IR

Posted by abhikran-quic via TVM Discuss <>.

Hi @FrozenGene, 

In the TOPI library the target and target_host information is not available and hence the bind pipeline pass cannot be implemented. 

Do you think a relay pass should be implemented to take care of it ? If yes, could you please share an example codebase within tvm that i can refer ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] Remove an attribute from IR

Posted by abhikran-quic via TVM Discuss <>.

Thank you @FrozenGene !

We have few schedules implemented in TOPI which have `s[c].bind(px, te.thread_axis("pipeline"))` .

I want invoke the below mentioned TVM pass if target and target_host are same while performing operation

    tvm.tir.ir_pass.PostOrderVisit(ir, find_pipeline)
    stmt = tvm.tir.ir_pass.IRTransform(ir, None, remove_attr, ['AttrStmt'])

If target and target_host are different, then pipeline_exec_scope should be added to the IR.

Could you please suggest a way to incorporate this ?

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] Remove an attribute from IR

Posted by Zhao Wu via TVM Discuss <>.

I think it is the correct way to handle it.  This is the same as the doc:

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] Remove an attribute from IR

Posted by abhikran-quic via TVM Discuss <>.

Hi @FrozenGene, Could you please help in sharing your thoughts on this approach?

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