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Posted to by Alan Kent <> on 2003/09/24 11:01:00 UTC

WSDL2Java for Z39.50/XER WSDL stuck in infinite loop?


I have created a WSDL and XSD file (I am *not* an expert here so
feel free to laugh at the files) and tried to use WSDL2Java to convert
it into Java classes. I set --timeout -1 on the command line. Its been
about 10 minutes now and it has not returned (still using 100% CPU
on my laptop).

The files are accessible if anyone wants to try it at:

The WSDL file imports the XSD file using 'z3950.xsd' so you might
need to download the files to your local disk first.

For background information, Z39.50 is a client/server protocol defined
in ASN.1 (LDAP for example is defined in ASN.1 too). Normally packets
are sent in a binary encoding (BER), but an XML encoding has also been
defined (XER). So I wrote a little tool to automatically and generate
an XML Schema from the ASN.1 files and was wondering if I could drop
that into SOAP using the document/literal encoding.

There may be bugs in the WSDL and XSD files I produce. I was using AXIS
in part to validate the files I was generating. AXIS reported lots of
errors until I got things right. But now it does not return (I will let
it run for a while longer just in case).

I thought I would report it in case its a bug someone cares about.
I have only started using AXIS today, so I am a novice user and don't
know what debug flags etc are available.
