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svn commit: r1225711 - /lucene/dev/branches/branch_3x/dev-tools/scripts/

Author: sarowe
Date: Fri Dec 30 00:48:43 2011
New Revision: 1225711

LUCENE-3655: Add Maven artifact checks to dev-tools/scripts/; and enable the script to run under Cygwin.


Modified: lucene/dev/branches/branch_3x/dev-tools/scripts/
--- lucene/dev/branches/branch_3x/dev-tools/scripts/ (original)
+++ lucene/dev/branches/branch_3x/dev-tools/scripts/ Fri Dec 30 00:48:43 2011
@@ -22,10 +22,14 @@ import urllib2
 import urlparse
 import sys
 import HTMLParser
+from collections import defaultdict
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import filecmp
+import platform
 # This tool expects to find /lucene and /solr off the base URL.  You
-# must have a working gpg, tar, unzip in your path.  This has only
-# been tested on Linux so far!
+# must have a working gpg, tar, unzip in your path.  This has been
+# tested on Linux and on Cygwin under Windows 7.
@@ -71,10 +75,10 @@ def getHREFs(urlString):
     links.append((text, fullURL))
   return links
-def download(name, urlString, tmpDir):
+def download(name, urlString, tmpDir, quiet=False):
   fileName = '%s/%s' % (tmpDir, name)
   if DEBUG and os.path.exists(fileName):
-    if fileName.find('.asc') == -1:
+    if not quiet and fileName.find('.asc') == -1:
       print '    already done: %.1f MB' % (os.path.getsize(fileName)/1024./1024.)
   fIn = urllib2.urlopen(urlString)
@@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ def download(name, urlString, tmpDir):
     if not success:
-  if fileName.find('.asc') == -1:
+  if not quiet and fileName.find('.asc') == -1:
     print '    %.1f MB' % (os.path.getsize(fileName)/1024./1024.)
 def load(urlString):
@@ -263,7 +267,8 @@ def checkChangesContent(s, version, name
 def run(command, logFile):
   if os.system('%s > %s 2>&1' % (command, logFile)):
-    raise RuntimeError('command "%s" failed; see log file %s/%s' % (command, os.getcwd(), logFile))
+    logPath = os.path.abspath(logFile)
+    raise RuntimeError('command "%s" failed; see log file %s' % (command, logPath))
 def verifyDigests(artifact, urlString, tmpDir):
   print '    verify md5/sha1 digests'
@@ -291,11 +296,11 @@ def verifyDigests(artifact, urlString, t
     raise RuntimeError('MD5 digest mismatch for %s: expected %s but got %s' % (artifact, md5Expected, md5Actual))
   if sha1Actual != sha1Expected:
     raise RuntimeError('SHA1 digest mismatch for %s: expected %s but got %s' % (artifact, sha1Expected, sha1Actual))
 def getDirEntries(urlString):
   links = getHREFs(urlString)
   for i, (text, subURL) in enumerate(links):
-    if text == 'Parent Directory':
+    if text == 'Parent Directory' or text == '..':
       return links[(i+1):]
 def unpack(project, tmpDir, artifact, version):
@@ -418,19 +423,20 @@ def verifyUnpacked(project, artifact, un
 def testDemo(isSrc, version):
   print '    test demo...'
+  sep = ';' if platform.system().lower().startswith('cygwin') else ':'
   if isSrc:
     # allow lucene dev version to be either 3.3 or 3.3.0:
     if version.endswith('.0'):
-      cp = 'build/lucene-core-%s-SNAPSHOT.jar:build/contrib/demo/lucene-demo-%s-SNAPSHOT.jar' % (version, version)
-      cp += ':build/lucene-core-%s-SNAPSHOT.jar:build/contrib/demo/lucene-demo-%s-SNAPSHOT.jar' % (version[:-2], version[:-2])
+      cp = 'build/lucene-core-{0}-SNAPSHOT.jar{1}build/contrib/demo/lucene-demo-{0}-SNAPSHOT.jar'.format(version, sep)
+      cp += '{1}build/lucene-core-{0}-SNAPSHOT.jar{1}build/contrib/demo/lucene-demo-{0}-SNAPSHOT.jar'.format(version[:-2], sep)
-      cp = 'build/lucene-core-%s-SNAPSHOT.jar:build/contrib/demo/lucene-demo-%s-SNAPSHOT.jar' % (version, version)
+      cp = 'build/lucene-core-{0}-SNAPSHOT.jar{1}build/contrib/demo/lucene-demo-{0}-SNAPSHOT.jar'.format(version, sep)
     docsDir = 'src'
-    cp = 'lucene-core-%s.jar:contrib/demo/lucene-demo-%s.jar' % (version, version)
+    cp = 'lucene-core-{0}.jar{1}contrib/demo/lucene-demo-{0}.jar'.format(version, sep)
     docsDir = 'docs'
-  run('export JAVA_HOME=%s; %s/bin/java -cp %s org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles -index index -docs %s' % (JAVA5_HOME, JAVA5_HOME, cp, docsDir), 'index.log')
-  run('export JAVA_HOME=%s; %s/bin/java -cp %s org.apache.lucene.demo.SearchFiles -index index -query lucene' % (JAVA5_HOME, JAVA5_HOME, cp), 'search.log')
+  run('export JAVA_HOME=%s; %s/bin/java -cp "%s" org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles -index index -docs %s' % (JAVA5_HOME, JAVA5_HOME, cp, docsDir), 'index.log')
+  run('export JAVA_HOME=%s; %s/bin/java -cp "%s" org.apache.lucene.demo.SearchFiles -index index -query lucene' % (JAVA5_HOME, JAVA5_HOME, cp), 'search.log')
   reMatchingDocs = re.compile('(\d+) total matching documents')
   m ='search.log', 'rb').read())
   if m is None:
@@ -440,7 +446,365 @@ def testDemo(isSrc, version):
     if numHits < 100:
       raise RuntimeError('lucene demo\'s SearchFiles found too few results: %s' % numHits)
     print '      got %d hits for query "lucene"' % numHits
+def checkMaven(baseURL, tmpDir, version):
+  # Locate the release branch in subversion
+  m = re.match('(\d+)\.(\d+)', version) # Get Major.minor version components
+  releaseBranchText = 'lucene_solr_%s_%s/' % (,
+  branchesURL = ''
+  releaseBranchSvnURL = None
+  branches = getDirEntries(branchesURL)
+  for text, subURL in branches:
+    if text == releaseBranchText:
+      releaseBranchSvnURL = subURL
+  if releaseBranchSvnURL is None:
+    raise RuntimeError('Release branch %s%s not found' % (branchesURL, releaseBranchText))
+  print '    download POM templates',
+  POMtemplates = defaultdict()
+  getPOMtemplates(POMtemplates, tmpDir, releaseBranchSvnURL)
+  print
+  print '    download artifacts',
+  artifacts = {'lucene': [], 'solr': []}
+  for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
+    artifactsURL = '%s/%s/maven/org/apache/%s' % (baseURL, project, project)
+    targetDir = '%s/maven/org/apache/%s' % (tmpDir, project)
+    if not os.path.exists(targetDir):
+      os.makedirs(targetDir)
+    crawl(artifacts[project], artifactsURL, targetDir)
+  print
+  print '    verify that each binary artifact has a deployed POM...'
+  verifyPOMperBinaryArtifact(artifacts, version)
+  print '    verify that there is an artifact for each POM template...'
+  verifyArtifactPerPOMtemplate(POMtemplates, artifacts, tmpDir, version)
+  print "    verify Maven artifacts' md5/sha1 digests..."
+  verifyMavenDigests(artifacts)
+  print '    verify that all non-Mavenized deps are deployed...'
+  nonMavenizedDeps = dict()
+  checkNonMavenizedDeps(nonMavenizedDeps, POMtemplates, artifacts, tmpDir,
+                        version, releaseBranchSvnURL)
+  print '    check for javadoc and sources artifacts...'
+  checkJavadocAndSourceArtifacts(nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version)
+  print "    verify deployed POMs' coordinates..."
+  verifyDeployedPOMsCoordinates(artifacts, version)
+  print '    verify maven artifact sigs',
+  verifyMavenSigs(baseURL, tmpDir, artifacts)
+  distributionFiles = getDistributionsForMavenChecks(tmpDir, version, baseURL)
+  print '    verify that non-Mavenized deps are same as in the binary distribution...'
+  checkIdenticalNonMavenizedDeps(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps)
+  print '    verify that Maven artifacts are same as in the binary distribution...'
+  checkIdenticalMavenArtifacts(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts)
+def getDistributionsForMavenChecks(tmpDir, version, baseURL):
+  distributionFiles = defaultdict()
+  for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
+    distribution = '%s-%s.tgz' % (project, version)
+    if project == 'solr': distribution = 'apache-' + distribution
+    if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (tmpDir, distribution)):
+      distURL = '%s/%s/%s' % (baseURL, project, distribution)
+      print '    download %s...' % distribution,
+      download(distribution, distURL, tmpDir)
+    destDir = '%s/unpack-%s-maven' % (tmpDir, project)
+    if os.path.exists(destDir):
+      shutil.rmtree(destDir)
+    os.makedirs(destDir)
+    os.chdir(destDir)
+    print '    unpack %s...' % distribution
+    unpackLogFile = '%s/unpack-%s-maven-checks.log' % (tmpDir, distribution)
+    run('tar xzf %s/%s' % (tmpDir, distribution), unpackLogFile)
+    if project == 'solr': # unpack the Solr war
+      unpackLogFile = '%s/unpack-solr-war-maven-checks.log' % tmpDir
+      print '        unpack Solr war...'
+      run('jar xvf */dist/*.war', unpackLogFile)
+    distributionFiles[project] = []
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(destDir):
+      distributionFiles[project].extend([os.path.join(root, file) for file in files])
+  return distributionFiles
+def checkJavadocAndSourceArtifacts(nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts, version):
+  for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
+    for artifact in artifacts[project]:
+      if artifact.endswith(version + '.jar') and artifact not in nonMavenizedDeps.keys():
+        javadocJar = artifact[:-4] + '-javadoc.jar'
+        if javadocJar not in artifacts[project]:
+          raise RuntimeError('missing: %s' % javadocJar)
+        sourcesJar = artifact[:-4] + '-sources.jar'
+        if sourcesJar not in artifacts[project]:
+          raise RuntimeError('missing: %s' % sourcesJar)
+def checkIdenticalNonMavenizedDeps(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps):
+  for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
+    distFilenames = dict()
+    for file in distributionFiles[project]:
+      distFilenames[os.path.basename(file)] = file
+    for dep in nonMavenizedDeps.keys():
+      if ('/%s/' % project) in dep:
+        depOrigFilename = os.path.basename(nonMavenizedDeps[dep])
+        if not depOrigFilename in distFilenames:
+          raise RuntimeError('missing: non-mavenized dependency %s' % nonMavenizedDeps[dep])
+        identical = filecmp.cmp(dep, distFilenames[depOrigFilename], shallow=False)
+        if not identical:
+          raise RuntimeError('Deployed non-mavenized dep %s differs from distribution dep %s'
+                            % (dep, distFilenames[depOrigFilename]))
+def checkIdenticalMavenArtifacts(distributionFiles, nonMavenizedDeps, artifacts):
+  reJarWar = re.compile(r'\.[wj]ar$')
+  for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
+    distFilenames = dict()
+    for file in distributionFiles[project]:
+      distFilenames[os.path.basename(file)] = file
+    for artifact in artifacts[project]:
+      if
+        if artifact not in nonMavenizedDeps.keys():
+          artifactFilename = os.path.basename(artifact)
+          if artifactFilename not in distFilenames.keys():
+            raise RuntimeError('Maven artifact %s is not present in %s binary distribution'
+                              % (artifact, project))
+          identical = filecmp.cmp(artifact, distFilenames[artifactFilename], shallow=False)
+          if not identical:
+            raise RuntimeError('Maven artifact %s is not identical to %s in %s binary distribution'
+                              % (artifact, distFilenames[artifactFilename], project))
+def verifyMavenDigests(artifacts):
+  reJarWarPom = re.compile(r'\.(?:[wj]ar|pom)$')
+  for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
+    for artifactFile in [a for a in artifacts[project] if]:
+      if artifactFile + '.md5' not in artifacts[project]:
+        raise RuntimeError('missing: MD5 digest for %s' % artifactFile)
+      if artifactFile + '.sha1' not in artifacts[project]:
+        raise RuntimeError('missing: SHA1 digest for %s' % artifactFile)
+      with open(artifactFile + '.md5', 'r') as md5File:
+        md5Expected =
+      with open(artifactFile + '.sha1', 'r') as sha1File:
+        sha1Expected =
+      md5 = hashlib.md5()
+      sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+      inputFile = open(artifactFile)
+      while True:
+        bytes =
+        if bytes == '': break
+        md5.update(bytes)
+        sha1.update(bytes)
+      inputFile.close()
+      md5Actual = md5.hexdigest()
+      sha1Actual = sha1.hexdigest()
+      if md5Actual != md5Expected:
+        raise RuntimeError('MD5 digest mismatch for %s: expected %s but got %s'
+                           % (artifactFile, md5Expected, md5Actual))
+      if sha1Actual != sha1Expected:
+        raise RuntimeError('SHA1 digest mismatch for %s: expected %s but got %s'
+                           % (artifactFile, sha1Expected, sha1Actual))
+def checkNonMavenizedDeps(nonMavenizedDependencies, POMtemplates, artifacts,
+                          tmpDir, version, releaseBranchSvnURL):
+  """
+  - check for non-mavenized dependencies listed in the grandfather POM template
+  - nonMavenizedDependencies is populated with a map from non-mavenized dependency
+    artifact path to the original jar path
+  """
+  namespace = '{}'
+  xpathProfile = '{0}profiles/{0}profile'.format(namespace)
+  xpathPlugin = '{0}build/{0}plugins/{0}plugin'.format(namespace)
+  xpathExecution= '{0}executions/{0}execution'.format(namespace)
+  xpathResourceDir = '{0}configuration/{0}resources/{0}resource/{0}directory'.format(namespace)
+  treeRoot = ET.parse(POMtemplates['grandfather'][0]).getroot()
+  for profile in treeRoot.findall(xpathProfile):
+    pomDirs = []
+    profileId = profile.find('%sid' % namespace)
+    if profileId is not None and profileId.text == 'bootstrap':
+      plugins = profile.findall(xpathPlugin)
+      for plugin in plugins:
+        artifactId = plugin.find('%sartifactId' % namespace).text.strip()
+        if artifactId == 'maven-resources-plugin':
+          for config in plugin.findall(xpathExecution):
+            pomDirs.append(config.find(xpathResourceDir).text.strip())
+      for plugin in plugins:
+        artifactId = plugin.find('%sartifactId' % namespace).text.strip()
+        if artifactId == 'maven-install-plugin':
+          for execution in plugin.findall(xpathExecution):
+            groupId, artifactId, file, pomFile = '', '', '', ''
+            for child in execution.find('%sconfiguration' % namespace).getchildren():
+              text = child.text.strip()
+              if child.tag == '%sgroupId' % namespace:
+                groupId = text if text != '${project.groupId}' else 'org.apache.lucene'
+              elif child.tag == '%sartifactId' % namespace: artifactId = text
+              elif child.tag == '%sfile' % namespace: file = text
+              elif child.tag == '%spomFile' % namespace: pomFile = text
+            if groupId in ('org.apache.lucene', 'org.apache.solr'):
+              depJar = '%s/maven/%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.jar'    \
+                     % (tmpDir, groupId.replace('.', '/'),
+                        artifactId, version, artifactId, version)
+              if depJar not in artifacts['lucene']  \
+                  and depJar not in artifacts['solr']:
+                raise RuntimeError('Missing non-mavenized dependency %s' % depJar)
+              nonMavenizedDependencies[depJar] = file
+            elif pomFile: # Find non-Mavenized deps with associated POMs
+              pomFile = pomFile.split('/')[-1] # remove path
+              for pomDir in pomDirs:
+                entries = getDirEntries('%s/%s' % (releaseBranchSvnURL, pomDir))
+                for text, subURL in entries:
+                  if text == pomFile:
+                    doc2 = ET.XML(load(subURL))
+                    groupId2, artifactId2, packaging2, POMversion = getPOMcoordinate(doc2)
+                    depJar = '%s/maven/%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.jar' \
+                        % (tmpDir, groupId2.replace('.', '/'),
+                           artifactId2, version, artifactId2, version)
+                    if depJar not in artifacts['lucene']   \
+                        and depJar not in artifacts['solr']:
+                      raise RuntimeError('Missing non-mavenized dependency %s' % depJar)
+                    nonMavenizedDependencies[depJar] = file
+                    break
+def getPOMcoordinate(treeRoot):
+  namespace = '{}'
+  groupId = treeRoot.find('%sgroupId' % namespace)
+  if groupId is None:
+    groupId = treeRoot.find('{0}parent/{0}groupId'.format(namespace))
+  groupId = groupId.text.strip()
+  artifactId = treeRoot.find('%sartifactId' % namespace).text.strip()
+  version = treeRoot.find('%sversion' % namespace)
+  if version is None:
+    version = treeRoot.find('{0}parent/{0}version'.format(namespace))
+  version = version.text.strip()
+  packaging = treeRoot.find('%spackaging' % namespace)
+  packaging = 'jar' if packaging is None else packaging.text.strip()
+  return groupId, artifactId, packaging, version
+def verifyMavenSigs(baseURL, tmpDir, artifacts):
+  """Verify Maven artifact signatures"""
+  for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
+    keysFile = '%s/%s.KEYS' % (tmpDir, project)
+    if not os.path.exists(keysFile):
+      keysURL = '%s/%s/KEYS' % (baseURL, project)
+      download('%s.KEYS' % project, keysURL, tmpDir, quiet=True)
+    # Set up clean gpg world; import keys file:
+    gpgHomeDir = '%s/%s.gpg' % (tmpDir, project)
+    if os.path.exists(gpgHomeDir):
+      shutil.rmtree(gpgHomeDir)
+    os.makedirs(gpgHomeDir, 0700)
+    run('gpg --homedir %s --import %s' % (gpgHomeDir, keysFile),
+        '%s/%s.gpg.import.log' % (tmpDir, project))
+    reArtifacts = re.compile(r'\.(?:pom|[jw]ar)$')
+    for artifactFile in [a for a in artifacts[project] if]:
+      artifact = os.path.basename(artifactFile)
+      sigFile = '%s.asc' % artifactFile
+      # Test sig (this is done with a clean brand-new GPG world)
+      logFile = '%s/%s.%s.gpg.verify.log' % (tmpDir, project, artifact)
+      run('gpg --homedir %s --verify %s %s' % (gpgHomeDir, sigFile, artifactFile),
+          logFile)
+      # Forward any GPG warnings, except the expected one (since its a clean world)
+      f = open(logFile, 'rb')
+      for line in f.readlines():
+        if line.lower().find('warning') != -1 \
+           and line.find('WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature') == -1 \
+           and line.find('WARNING: using insecure memory') == -1:
+          print '      GPG: %s' % line.strip()
+      f.close()
+      # Test trust (this is done with the real users config)
+      run('gpg --import %s' % keysFile,
+          '%s/' % (tmpDir, project))
+      logFile = '%s/' % (tmpDir, project, artifact)
+      run('gpg --verify %s %s' % (sigFile, artifactFile), logFile)
+      # Forward any GPG warnings:
+      f = open(logFile, 'rb')
+      for line in f.readlines():
+        if line.lower().find('warning') != -1 \
+           and line.find('WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature') == -1 \
+           and line.find('WARNING: using insecure memory') == -1:
+          print '      GPG: %s' % line.strip()
+      f.close()
+      sys.stdout.write('.')
+  print
+def verifyPOMperBinaryArtifact(artifacts, version):
+  """verify that each binary jar and war has a corresponding POM file"""
+  reBinaryJarWar = re.compile(r'%s\.[jw]ar$' % re.escape(version))
+  for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
+    for artifact in [a for a in artifacts[project] if]:
+      POM = artifact[:-4] + '.pom'
+      if POM not in artifacts[project]:
+        raise RuntimeError('missing: POM for %s' % artifact)
+def verifyDeployedPOMsCoordinates(artifacts, version):
+  """
+  verify that each POM's coordinate (drawn from its content) matches
+  its filepath, and verify that the corresponding artifact exists.
+  """
+  for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
+    for POM in [a for a in artifacts[project] if a.endswith('.pom')]:
+      treeRoot = ET.parse(POM).getroot()
+      groupId, artifactId, packaging, POMversion = getPOMcoordinate(treeRoot)
+      POMpath = '%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.pom' \
+              % (groupId.replace('.', '/'), artifactId, version, artifactId, version)
+      if not POM.endswith(POMpath):
+        raise RuntimeError("Mismatch between POM coordinate %s:%s:%s and filepath: %s"
+                          % (groupId, artifactId, POMversion, POM))
+      # Verify that the corresponding artifact exists
+      artifact = POM[:-3] + packaging
+      if artifact not in artifacts[project]:
+        raise RuntimeError('Missing corresponding .%s artifact for POM %s' % (packaging, POM))
+def verifyArtifactPerPOMtemplate(POMtemplates, artifacts, tmpDir, version):
+  """verify that each POM template's artifact is present in artifacts"""
+  namespace = '{}'
+  xpathPlugin = '{0}build/{0}plugins/{0}plugin'.format(namespace)
+  xpathSkipConfiguration = '{0}configuration/{0}skip'.format(namespace)
+  for project in ('lucene', 'solr'):
+    for POMtemplate in POMtemplates[project]:
+      treeRoot = ET.parse(POMtemplate).getroot()
+      skipDeploy = False
+      for plugin in treeRoot.findall(xpathPlugin):
+        artifactId = plugin.find('%sartifactId' % namespace).text.strip()
+        if artifactId == 'maven-deploy-plugin':
+          skip = plugin.find(xpathSkipConfiguration)
+          if skip is not None: skipDeploy = (skip.text.strip().lower() == 'true')
+      if not skipDeploy:
+        groupId, artifactId, packaging, POMversion = getPOMcoordinate(treeRoot)
+        # Ignore POMversion, since its value will not have been interpolated
+        artifact = '%s/maven/%s/%s/%s/%s-%s.%s' \
+                 % (tmpDir, groupId.replace('.', '/'), artifactId,
+                    version, artifactId, version, packaging)
+        if artifact not in artifacts['lucene'] and artifact not in artifacts['solr']:
+          raise RuntimeError('Missing artifact %s' % artifact)
+def getPOMtemplates(POMtemplates, tmpDir, releaseBranchSvnURL):
+  releaseBranchSvnURL += 'dev-tools/maven/'
+  targetDir = '%s/dev-tools/maven' % tmpDir
+  if not os.path.exists(targetDir):
+    os.makedirs(targetDir)
+  allPOMtemplates = []
+  crawl(allPOMtemplates, releaseBranchSvnURL, targetDir, set(['Apache Subversion'])) # Ignore "Apache Subversion" links
+  POMtemplates['lucene'] = [p for p in allPOMtemplates if '/lucene/' in p]
+  if POMtemplates['lucene'] is None:
+    raise RuntimeError('No Lucene POMs found at %s' % releaseBranchSvnURL)
+  POMtemplates['solr'] = [p for p in allPOMtemplates if '/solr/' in p]
+  if POMtemplates['solr'] is None:
+    raise RuntimeError('No Solr POMs found at %s' % releaseBranchSvnURL)
+  POMtemplates['grandfather'] = [p for p in allPOMtemplates if '/maven/pom.xml.template' in p]
+  if POMtemplates['grandfather'] is None:
+    raise RuntimeError('No Lucene/Solr grandfather POM found at %s' % releaseBranchSvnURL)
+def crawl(downloadedFiles, urlString, targetDir, exclusions=set()):
+  for text, subURL in getDirEntries(urlString):
+    if text not in exclusions:
+      path = os.path.join(targetDir, text)
+      if text.endswith('/'):
+        if not os.path.exists(path):
+          os.makedirs(path)
+        crawl(downloadedFiles, subURL, path, exclusions)
+      else:
+        if not os.path.exists(path) or not DEBUG:
+          download(text, subURL, targetDir, quiet=True)
+        downloadedFiles.append(path)
+        sys.stdout.write('.')
 def main():
   if len(sys.argv) != 4:
@@ -486,6 +850,9 @@ def main():
     unpack('solr', tmpDir, artifact, version)
   unpack('solr', tmpDir, 'apache-solr-%s-src.tgz' % version, version)
+  print 'Test Maven artifacts for Lucene and Solr...'
+  checkMaven(baseURL, tmpDir, version)
 if __name__ == '__main__':