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Posted to by Daniel Kulp <> on 2007/03/28 22:27:52 UTC

Re: maven-jdee-plugin for emacs users


This is definitely something that would be better put in the maven 
repository as an eventual official Maven plugin.   My suggestion would 
be to create a new directory in the maven plugins sandbox: (all apache 
committers have access)
and work on it there.   Obviously use the proper maven plugin parent poms 
and style guides and stuff instead of the CXF ones.  (and make it JDK 
1.4 compliant)

To answer your generated sources question:
The buildSourceRoots would have them if your plugin executes after 
whatever phase adds those.    Thus, if you run:
mvn process-test-sources jdee:jdee
it should pick up all the generated source directories.   That said, you 
could look into the eclipse plugin a bit.   It actually invokes the 
lifecycle up to the process-sources phase so it would get the generated 
sources.   It wouldn't get generated tests though which is why use the 
setup.eclipse profile that forces it to run in the process-test-sources 
phase instead.

Anyway, nice job.


On Wednesday 28 March 2007 02:07, James Mao wrote:
> Hi,
> I have checked in a maven-jdee-plugin for emacs jdee users.
> How to config:
> 1. > cd /cxf/tools/jdee
> 2. > mvn install
> 3. modify the ~/.m2/settings.xml  add the following block
>     <pluginGroups>
>     <pluginGroup>org.apache.cxf.maven</pluginGroup>
>     </pluginGroups>
> 4. > cd /cxf
> 5. > mvn jdee:jdee  # to generate the jdee prj.el
> If you want to clean
>  > mvn jdee:clean
> I don't know how to include the generated source code,
> The MavenProject.getCompileSourceRoots() should get all the source
> code include the generated ones, but unfortunately it doesn't.
> I guess the plugin must attach one of the general build phase to
> include the generated ones.
> Anyway the code completion and source navigation should works in
> general in our cxf code base.
> Enjoy!
> James.

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194

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