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[1/3] hive git commit: HIVE-20563: Vectorization: CASE WHEN expression fails when THEN/ELSE type and result type are different (Matt McCline, reviewed by Teddy Choi)

Repository: hive
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 857259ed0 -> 97f0513c4
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_case_when_1.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_case_when_1.q.out
index 270f5eb..9949de7 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_case_when_1.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_case_when_1.q.out
@@ -202,23 +202,44 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: lineitem_test
             Statistics: Num rows: 101 Data size: 78500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            TableScan Vectorization:
+                native: true
+                vectorizationSchemaColumns: [0:l_orderkey:int, 1:l_partkey:int, 2:l_suppkey:int, 3:l_linenumber:int, 4:l_quantity:int, 5:l_extendedprice:double, 6:l_discount:double, 7:l_tax:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, 8:l_returnflag:char(1), 9:l_linestatus:char(1), 10:l_shipdate:date, 11:l_commitdate:date, 12:l_receiptdate:date, 13:l_shipinstruct:varchar(20), 14:l_shipmode:char(10), 15:l_comment:string, 16:ROW__ID:struct<writeid:bigint,bucketid:int,rowid:bigint>]
             Select Operator
               expressions: l_quantity (type: int), CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN ('Many') ELSE ('Huge number') END (type: string), CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN ('Many') ELSE (null) END (type: string), CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN (null) ELSE (null) END (type: string), if((l_shipmode = 'SHIP      '), date_add(l_shipdate, 10), date_add(l_shipdate, 5)) (type: date), CASE WHEN ((l_returnflag = 'N')) THEN ((l_extendedprice * (1.0D - l_discount))) ELSE (0) END (type: double), CASE WHEN ((l_returnflag = 'N')) THEN ((l_extendedprice * (1.0D - l_discount))) ELSE (0.0D) END (type: double), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DEL
 IVER IN PERSON'), null, l_tax) (type: decimal(10,2)), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, null) (type: decimal(10,2)), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax) (type: decimal(12,2)), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0) (type: decimal(12,2)), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax) (type: decimal(10,2)), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0) (type: decimal(10,2)), if((l_partkey > 30), CAST( l_receiptdate AS TIMESTAMP), CAST( l_commitdate AS TIMESTAMP)) (type: timestamp), if((l_suppkey > 10000), datediff(l_receiptdate, l_commitdate), null) (type: int), if((l_suppkey > 10000), null, datediff(l_receiptdate, l_commitdate)) (type: int), if(((l_suppkey % 500) > 100), DATE'2009-01-01', DATE'2009-12-31') (type: date)
               outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12, _col13, _col14, _col15, _col16
+              Select Vectorization:
+                  className: VectorSelectOperator
+                  native: true
+                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [4, 21, 22, 23, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 19]
+                  selectExpressions: VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN ('Many') ELSE ('Huge number') END)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean) -> 21:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN ('Many') ELSE (null) END)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean) -> 22:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') W
 HEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN (null) ELSE (null) END)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean) -> 23:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 17:boolean, col 18:date, col 19:date)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 14:char(10), val SHIP) -> 17:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 10) -> 18:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 5) -> 19:date) -> 20:date, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((l_returnflag = 'N')) THEN ((l_extendedprice * (1.0D - l_discount))) ELSE (0) END)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 24:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 24:double) -> 25:doubl
 e) -> 24:double, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((l_returnflag = 'N')) THEN ((l_extendedprice * (1.0D - l_discount))) ELSE (0.0D) END)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 25:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 25:double) -> 26:double) -> 25:double, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), null, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean) -> 27:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, null))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean) -> 28:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val D
 ELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean) -> 29:decimal(12,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean) -> 30:decimal(12,2), IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 17:boolean, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean) -> 31:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 18:boolean, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 18:boolean) -> 32:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprTimestampColumnColumn(col 19:boolean, col 33:timestampcol 34:timestamp)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 30) -> 19:
 boolean, CastDateToTimestamp(col 12:date) -> 33:timestamp, CastDateToTimestamp(col 11:date) -> 34:timestamp) -> 35:timestamp, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((l_suppkey > 10000), datediff(l_receiptdate, l_commitdate), null))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 19:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 36:int) -> 37:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((l_suppkey > 10000), null, datediff(l_receiptdate, l_commitdate)))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 19:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 36:int) -> 38:int, IfExprLongScalarLongScalar(col 36:boolean, val 14245, val 14609)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 19:int, val 100)(children: LongColModuloLongScalar(col 2:int, val 500) -> 19:int) -> 36:boolean) -> 19:date
               Statistics: Num rows: 101 Data size: 78500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               File Output Operator
                 compressed: false
+                File Sink Vectorization:
+                    className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                    native: false
                 Statistics: Num rows: 101 Data size: 78500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                     input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                     output format:
                     serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
+      Execution mode: vectorized
       Map Vectorization:
           enabled: true
           enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+          inputFormatFeatureSupport: [DECIMAL_64]
+          featureSupportInUse: [DECIMAL_64]
-          notVectorizedReason: SELECT operator: Unexpected hive type name void
-          vectorized: false
+          allNative: false
+          usesVectorUDFAdaptor: true
+          vectorized: true
+          rowBatchContext:
+              dataColumnCount: 16
+              includeColumns: [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
+              dataColumns: l_orderkey:int, l_partkey:int, l_suppkey:int, l_linenumber:int, l_quantity:int, l_extendedprice:double, l_discount:double, l_tax:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, l_returnflag:char(1), l_linestatus:char(1), l_shipdate:date, l_commitdate:date, l_receiptdate:date, l_shipinstruct:varchar(20), l_shipmode:char(10), l_comment:string
+              partitionColumnCount: 0
+              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, string, string, double, double, double, decimal(10,2), decimal(10,2), decimal(12,2), decimal(12,2), decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, bigint, bigint, bigint]
   Stage: Stage-0
     Fetch Operator
@@ -523,8 +544,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               Select Vectorization:
                   className: VectorSelectOperator
                   native: true
-                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [4, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 40, 42, 45, 46]
-                  selectExpressions: IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 21:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 22:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean, val Somecol 21:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 20:boolean, val Many, val Huge number)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean) -> 21:string) -> 22:string) -> 21:string) -> 22:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 23:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 24:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean, val 
 Somecol 23:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprColumnNull(col 20:boolean, col 21:string, null)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Many) -> 21:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 23:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 25:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean, val Somecol 23:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 23:string) -> 25:string) -> 23:string) -> 25:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 17:boolean, col 18:date, col 19:date)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 14:char(10), val SHIP) -> 17:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(co
 l 10:date, val 10) -> 18:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 5) -> 19:date) -> 26:date, IfExprDoubleColumnLongScalar(col 17:boolean, col 28:double, val 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 27:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 27:double) -> 28:double) -> 27:double, IfExprDoubleColumnDoubleScalar(col 17:boolean, col 29:double, val 0.0)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 28:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 28:double) -> 29:double) -> 28:double, IfExprNullColumn(col 17:boolean, null, col 48)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 48:decimal(10,2)) -> 30:decimal(10,2)
 , IfExprColumnNull(col 18:boolean, col 49:decimal(10,2), null)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 18:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 49:decimal(10,2)) -> 31:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 32:decimal(12,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 33:decimal(12,2), IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 19:boolean, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0, col 7:decimal(1,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 34
 :decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 35:boolean, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 35:boolean) -> 36:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprTimestampColumnColumn(col 37:boolean, col 38:timestampcol 39:timestamp)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 30) -> 37:boolean, CastDateToTimestamp(col 12:date) -> 38:timestamp, CastDateToTimestamp(col 11:date) -> 39:timestamp) -> 40:timestamp, IfExprColumnNull(col 37:boolean, col 41:int, null)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 37:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 41:int) -> 42:int, IfExprNullColumn(col 43:boolean, null, col 44)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 43:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 44:int) -> 45:int, IfExprLongScalarLongScalar(col 47:boolean, val 14
 245, val 14609)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 46:int, val 100)(children: LongColModuloLongScalar(col 2:int, val 500) -> 46:int) -> 47:boolean) -> 46:date
+                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [4, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 40, 42, 45, 46]
+                  selectExpressions: IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 21:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 22:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean, val Somecol 21:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 20:boolean, val Many, val Huge number)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean) -> 21:string) -> 22:string) -> 21:string) -> 22:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 23:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 24:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean, val 
 Somecol 23:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprColumnNull(col 20:boolean, col 21:string, null)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Many) -> 21:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 23:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 25:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean, val Somecol 23:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 23:string) -> 25:string) -> 23:string) -> 25:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 17:boolean, col 18:date, col 19:date)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 14:char(10), val SHIP) -> 17:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(co
 l 10:date, val 10) -> 18:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 5) -> 19:date) -> 26:date, IfExprDoubleColumnDoubleColumn(col 17:boolean, col 28:doublecol 27:double)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 27:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 27:double) -> 28:double, ConstantVectorExpression(val 0.0) -> 27:double) -> 29:double, IfExprDoubleColumnDoubleScalar(col 17:boolean, col 28:double, val 0.0)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 27:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 27:double) -> 28:double) -> 27:double, IfExprNullColumn(col 17:boolean, null, col 48)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10
 ,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 48:decimal(10,2)) -> 30:decimal(10,2), IfExprColumnNull(col 18:boolean, col 49:decimal(10,2), null)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 18:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 49:decimal(10,2)) -> 31:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 32:decimal(12,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 33:decimal(12,2), IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 19:boolean, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN P
 ERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 34:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 35:boolean, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 35:boolean) -> 36:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprTimestampColumnColumn(col 37:boolean, col 38:timestampcol 39:timestamp)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 30) -> 37:boolean, CastDateToTimestamp(col 12:date) -> 38:timestamp, CastDateToTimestamp(col 11:date) -> 39:timestamp) -> 40:timestamp, IfExprColumnNull(col 37:boolean, col 41:int, null)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 37:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 41:int) -> 42:int, IfExprNullColumn(col 43:boolean, null, col 44)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 43:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 44:int) -> 
 45:int, IfExprLongScalarLongScalar(col 47:boolean, val 14245, val 14609)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 46:int, val 100)(children: LongColModuloLongScalar(col 2:int, val 500) -> 46:int) -> 47:boolean) -> 46:date
               Statistics: Num rows: 101 Data size: 78500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               File Output Operator
                 compressed: false
@@ -856,8 +877,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               Select Vectorization:
                   className: VectorSelectOperator
                   native: true
-                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [4, 27, 38, 48, 52, 54, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 74, 77, 80, 81]
-                  selectExpressions: IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 17:boolean, col 18:stringcol 26:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 18:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 19:boolean, col 20:stringcol 25:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 19:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 20:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 21:boolean, col 22:stringcol 24:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 21:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 22:string, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 23:boolean, val Many, val Huge number)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 23:boolean) -> 24:string) -> 25:string) -> 26:string) -> 27:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 23:boolean, col 28:stringcol 37:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 23:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 28:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 29:boolean, col
  30:stringcol 36:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 29:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 30:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 31:boolean, col 32:stringcol 35:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 31:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 32:string, IfExprColumnNull(col 33:boolean, col 34:string, null)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 33:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Many) -> 34:string) -> 35:string) -> 36:string) -> 37:string) -> 38:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 39:boolean, col 40:stringcol 47:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 39:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 40:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 41:boolean, col 42:stringcol 46:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 41:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 42:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 43:boolean, col 44:stringcol 45:string)(children: LongColLessLongS
 calar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 43:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 44:string, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 45:string) -> 46:string) -> 47:string) -> 48:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 49:boolean, col 50:datecol 51:date)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 14:char(10), val SHIP) -> 49:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 10) -> 50:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 5) -> 51:date) -> 52:date, IfExprDoubleColumnLongScalar(col 57:boolean, col 58:double, val 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 57:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 54:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 54:double) -> 58:double) -> 54:double, IfExprCondExprColumn(col 57:boolean, col 59:double, col 58:double)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 57:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 58:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleC
 olumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 58:double) -> 59:double, ConstantVectorExpression(val 0.0) -> 58:double) -> 60:double, IfExprNullColumn(col 61:boolean, null, col 83)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 61:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 83:decimal(10,2)) -> 62:decimal(10,2), IfExprColumnNull(col 63:boolean, col 84:decimal(10,2), null)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 63:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 84:decimal(10,2)) -> 64:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 65:boolean) -> 66:decimal(12,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0))(
 children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 65:boolean) -> 67:decimal(12,2), IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 65:boolean, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0, col 7:decimal(1,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 65:boolean) -> 68:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 69:boolean, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 69:boolean) -> 70:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 71:boolean, col 72:timestampcol 73:timestamp)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 30) -> 71:boolean, CastDateToTimestamp(col 12:date) -> 72:timestamp, CastDateToTimestamp(col 11:date) -> 73:timestamp) -> 74:timestamp, IfExprCondExprNull(col 75:boolean, col 76:int, null
 )(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 75:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 76:int) -> 77:int, IfExprNullCondExpr(col 78:boolean, null, col 79:int)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 78:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 79:int) -> 80:int, IfExprLongScalarLongScalar(col 82:boolean, val 14245, val 14609)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 81:int, val 100)(children: LongColModuloLongScalar(col 2:int, val 500) -> 81:int) -> 82:boolean) -> 81:date
+                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [4, 27, 38, 48, 52, 56, 60, 62, 64, 69, 73, 74, 76, 80, 83, 86, 87]
+                  selectExpressions: IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 17:boolean, col 18:stringcol 26:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 18:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 19:boolean, col 20:stringcol 25:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 19:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 20:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 21:boolean, col 22:stringcol 24:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 21:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 22:string, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 23:boolean, val Many, val Huge number)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 23:boolean) -> 24:string) -> 25:string) -> 26:string) -> 27:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 23:boolean, col 28:stringcol 37:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 23:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 28:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 29:boolean, col
  30:stringcol 36:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 29:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 30:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 31:boolean, col 32:stringcol 35:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 31:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 32:string, IfExprColumnNull(col 33:boolean, col 34:string, null)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 33:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Many) -> 34:string) -> 35:string) -> 36:string) -> 37:string) -> 38:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 39:boolean, col 40:stringcol 47:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 39:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 40:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 41:boolean, col 42:stringcol 46:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 41:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 42:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 43:boolean, col 44:stringcol 45:string)(children: LongColLessLongS
 calar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 43:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 44:string, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 45:string) -> 46:string) -> 47:string) -> 48:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 49:boolean, col 50:datecol 51:date)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 14:char(10), val SHIP) -> 49:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 10) -> 50:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 5) -> 51:date) -> 52:date, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 53:boolean, col 55:doublecol 54:double)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 53:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 54:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 54:double) -> 55:double, ConstantVectorExpression(val 0.0) -> 54:double) -> 56:double, IfExprCondExprColumn(col 57:boolean, col 59:double, col 58:double)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 57:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 
 58:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 58:double) -> 59:double, ConstantVectorExpression(val 0.0) -> 58:double) -> 60:double, IfExprNullColumn(col 61:boolean, null, col 89)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 61:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 89:decimal(10,2)) -> 62:decimal(10,2), IfExprColumnNull(col 63:boolean, col 90:decimal(10,2), null)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 63:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 90:decimal(10,2)) -> 64:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 68:boolean) -> 69:decimal(12,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstru
 ct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 72:boolean) -> 73:decimal(12,2), IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 72:boolean, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 72:boolean) -> 74:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 75:boolean, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 75:boolean) -> 76:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 77:boolean, col 78:timestampcol 79:timestamp)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 30) -> 77:boolean, CastDateToTimestamp(col 12:date) -> 78:timestamp, CastDateToTimestamp(col 11:date) -> 79:timestamp) -> 80:timestamp, If
 ExprCondExprNull(col 81:boolean, col 82:int, null)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 81:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 82:int) -> 83:int, IfExprNullCondExpr(col 84:boolean, null, col 85:int)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 84:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 85:int) -> 86:int, IfExprLongScalarLongScalar(col 88:boolean, val 14245, val 14609)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 87:int, val 100)(children: LongColModuloLongScalar(col 2:int, val 500) -> 87:int) -> 88:boolean) -> 87:date
               Statistics: Num rows: 101 Data size: 78500 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               File Output Operator
                 compressed: false
@@ -884,7 +905,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               includeColumns: [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
               dataColumns: l_orderkey:int, l_partkey:int, l_suppkey:int, l_linenumber:int, l_quantity:int, l_extendedprice:double, l_discount:double, l_tax:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, l_returnflag:char(1), l_linestatus:char(1), l_shipdate:date, l_commitdate:date, l_receiptdate:date, l_shipinstruct:varchar(20), l_shipmode:char(10), l_comment:string
               partitionColumnCount: 0
-              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint, double, double, double, bigint, decimal(10,2), bigint, decimal(10,2), bigint, decimal(12,2), decimal(12,2), decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, decimal(10,2), decimal(10,2)]
+              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, double, bigint, double, double, double, bigint, decimal(10,2), bigint, decimal(10,2), bigint, bigint, decimal(12,2), bigint, decimal(12,2), decimal(12,2), bigint, bigint, decimal(12,2), decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, decimal(10,2), decimal(10,2)]
   Stage: Stage-0
     Fetch Operator
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_case_when_2.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_case_when_2.q.out
index 784abdd..53b47a7 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_case_when_2.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_case_when_2.q.out
@@ -134,21 +134,44 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: timestamps
             Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 12300 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+            TableScan Vectorization:
+                native: true
+                vectorizationSchemaColumns: [0:cdate:date, 1:ctimestamp1:timestamp, 2:stimestamp1:string, 3:ctimestamp2:timestamp, 4:ROW__ID:struct<writeid:bigint,bucketid:int,rowid:bigint>]
             Select Operator
               expressions: ctimestamp1 (type: timestamp), ctimestamp2 (type: timestamp), CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'1800-12-31 00:00:00')) THEN ('1800s or Earlier') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'1900-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('1900s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Early 2010s') ELSE ('Unknown') END (type: string), CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Old') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('Early 2000s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Early 2010s') ELSE (null) END (type: string), CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Old') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIME
 STAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('Early 2000s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN (null) ELSE (null) END (type: string), if((ctimestamp1 < TIMESTAMP'1974-10-04 17:21:03.989'), year(ctimestamp1), year(ctimestamp2)) (type: int), CASE WHEN ((stimestamp1 like '%19%')) THEN (stimestamp1) ELSE (TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59') END (type: string), if((ctimestamp1 = TIMESTAMP'2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165'), null, minute(ctimestamp1)) (type: int), if(((ctimestamp2 >= TIMESTAMP'5344-10-04 18:40:08.165') and (ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248')), minute(ctimestamp1), null) (type: int), if(((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) % 500.0D) > 100.0D), date_add(cdate, 1), date_add(cdate, 365)) (type: date), stimestamp1 (type: string)
               outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10
+              Select Vectorization:
+                  className: VectorSelectOperator
+                  native: true
+                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 8, 12, 7, 6, 17, 2]
+                  selectExpressions: VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'1800-12-31 00:00:00')) THEN ('1800s or Earlier') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'1900-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('1900s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Early 2010s') ELSE ('Unknown') END)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1800-12-31 00:00:00) -> 5:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1900-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean) -> 9:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Old') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'
 2006-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('Early 2000s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Early 2010s') ELSE (null) END)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean) -> 10:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Old') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('Early 2000s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 
 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN (null) ELSE (null) END)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean) -> 11:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 5:boolean, col 6:int, col 7:int)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 1974-10-04 17:21:03.989) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 6:int, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 3:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 7:int) -> 8:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((stimestamp1 like '%19%')) THEN (stimestamp1) ELSE (TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59') END)(children: SelectStringColLikeStringScalar
 (col 2:string) -> 5:boolean) -> 12:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((ctimestamp1 = TIMESTAMP'2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165'), null, minute(ctimestamp1)))(children: TimestampColEqualTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 6:int) -> 7:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(if(((ctimestamp2 >= TIMESTAMP'5344-10-04 18:40:08.165') and (ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248')), minute(ctimestamp1), null))(children: ColAndCol(col 5:boolean, col 6:boolean)(children: TimestampColGreaterEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 5344-10-04 18:40:08.165) -> 5:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248) -> 6:boolean) -> 13:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 5:int) -> 6:int, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 5:boolean, col 13:date, col 16:date)(children: DoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 15:double, val 100.0)(children: DoubleC
 olModuloDoubleScalar(col 14:double, val 500.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 1:timestamp) -> 14:double) -> 15:double) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 1) -> 13:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 365) -> 16:date) -> 17:date
               Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 12300 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Reduce Output Operator
                 key expressions: _col0 (type: timestamp), _col10 (type: string), _col1 (type: timestamp)
                 sort order: +++
+                Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                    className: VectorReduceSinkOperator
+                    native: false
+                    nativeConditionsMet: IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                    nativeConditionsNotMet: hive.execution.engine mr IN [tez, spark] IS false
                 Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 12300 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                 value expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: string), _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: string), _col7 (type: int), _col8 (type: int), _col9 (type: date)
+      Execution mode: vectorized
       Map Vectorization:
           enabled: true
           enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+          inputFormatFeatureSupport: [DECIMAL_64]
+          featureSupportInUse: [DECIMAL_64]
-          notVectorizedReason: SELECT operator: Unexpected hive type name void
-          vectorized: false
+          allNative: false
+          usesVectorUDFAdaptor: true
+          vectorized: true
+          rowBatchContext:
+              dataColumnCount: 4
+              includeColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3]
+              dataColumns: cdate:date, ctimestamp1:timestamp, stimestamp1:string, ctimestamp2:timestamp
+              partitionColumnCount: 0
+              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, string, string, string, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint]
       Reduce Vectorization:
           enabled: false
           enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true
@@ -383,8 +406,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               Select Vectorization:
                   className: VectorSelectOperator
                   native: true
-                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [1, 3, 10, 12, 13, 14, 11, 7, 16, 23, 2]
-                  selectExpressions: IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val 1800s or Earliercol 9:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1800-12-31 00:00:00) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val 1900scol 10:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1900-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 9:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 8:boolean, val Early 2010s, val Unknown)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean) -> 9:string) -> 10:string) -> 9:string) -> 10:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val Oldcol 11:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12
 -31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val Early 2000scol 12:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 11:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprColumnNull(col 8:boolean, col 9:string, null)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2010s) -> 9:string) -> 11:string) -> 12:string) -> 11:string) -> 12:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val Oldcol 11:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val Early 2000scol 13:string)(children: TimestampColLessTi
 mestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 11:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 11:string) -> 13:string) -> 11:string) -> 13:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 5:boolean, col 6:int, col 7:int)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 1974-10-04 17:21:03.989) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 6:int, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 3:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 7:int) -> 14:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((stimestamp1 like '%19%')) THEN (stimestamp1) ELSE (TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59') END)(children: SelectStringColLikeStringScalar(col 2:string) -> 5:boolean) -> 11:string, IfExprNullColumn(col 5:boolean, null, col 6)(children: TimestampColEqualTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 2021-09-24 03:18:32.4136
 55165) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 6:int) -> 7:int, IfExprColumnNull(col 17:boolean, col 15:int, null)(children: ColAndCol(col 15:boolean, col 16:boolean)(children: TimestampColGreaterEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 5344-10-04 18:40:08.165) -> 15:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248) -> 16:boolean) -> 17:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 15:int) -> 16:int, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 20:boolean, col 21:date, col 22:date)(children: DoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 19:double, val 100.0)(children: DoubleColModuloDoubleScalar(col 18:double, val 500.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 1:timestamp) -> 18:double) -> 19:double) -> 20:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 1) -> 21:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 365) -> 22:date) -> 23:date
+                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [1, 3, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 17, 24, 2]
+                  selectExpressions: IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val 1800s or Earliercol 9:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1800-12-31 00:00:00) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val 1900scol 10:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1900-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 9:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 8:boolean, val Early 2010s, val Unknown)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean) -> 9:string) -> 10:string) -> 9:string) -> 10:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val Oldcol 11:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12
 -31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val Early 2000scol 12:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 11:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprColumnNull(col 8:boolean, col 9:string, null)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2010s) -> 9:string) -> 11:string) -> 12:string) -> 11:string) -> 12:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val Oldcol 11:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val Early 2000scol 13:string)(children: TimestampColLessTi
 mestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 11:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 11:string) -> 13:string) -> 11:string) -> 13:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 5:boolean, col 6:int, col 7:int)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 1974-10-04 17:21:03.989) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 6:int, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 3:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 7:int) -> 14:int, IfExprStringGroupColumnStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, col 2:string, col 2:string)(children: SelectStringColLikeStringScalar(col 2:string) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFAdaptor(CAST( TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59' AS STRING)) -> 11:string) -> 15:string, IfExprNullColumn(col 5:boolean, null, col 6)(children: TimestampColEqualTimestampScala
 r(col 1:timestamp, val 2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 6:int) -> 7:int, IfExprColumnNull(col 18:boolean, col 16:int, null)(children: ColAndCol(col 16:boolean, col 17:boolean)(children: TimestampColGreaterEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 5344-10-04 18:40:08.165) -> 16:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248) -> 17:boolean) -> 18:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 16:int) -> 17:int, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 21:boolean, col 22:date, col 23:date)(children: DoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 20:double, val 100.0)(children: DoubleColModuloDoubleScalar(col 19:double, val 500.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 1:timestamp) -> 19:double) -> 20:double) -> 21:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 1) -> 22:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 365) -> 23:date) -> 24:date
               Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 12300 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Reduce Output Operator
                 key expressions: _col0 (type: timestamp), _col10 (type: string), _col1 (type: timestamp)
@@ -411,7 +434,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               includeColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3]
               dataColumns: cdate:date, ctimestamp1:timestamp, stimestamp1:string, ctimestamp2:timestamp
               partitionColumnCount: 0
-              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint]
+              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint]
       Reduce Vectorization:
           enabled: false
           enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true
@@ -646,8 +669,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               Select Vectorization:
                   className: VectorSelectOperator
                   native: true
-                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [1, 3, 15, 26, 36, 40, 42, 44, 46, 53, 2]
-                  selectExpressions: IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 5:boolean, col 6:stringcol 14:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1800-12-31 00:00:00) -> 5:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1800s or Earlier) -> 6:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 7:boolean, col 8:stringcol 13:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1900-01-01 00:00:00) -> 7:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1900s) -> 8:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 9:boolean, col 10:stringcol 12:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 9:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 10:string, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 11:boolean, val Early 2010s, val Unknown)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 11:boolean) -> 12:string) -> 13:string) -> 14:string) -> 15:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 11:b
 oolean, col 16:stringcol 25:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 11:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Old) -> 16:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 17:boolean, col 18:stringcol 24:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 17:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2000s) -> 18:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 19:boolean, col 20:stringcol 23:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 19:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 20:string, IfExprColumnNull(col 21:boolean, col 22:string, null)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 21:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2010s) -> 22:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string) -> 25:string) -> 26:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 27:boolean, col 28:strin
 gcol 35:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 27:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Old) -> 28:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 29:boolean, col 30:stringcol 34:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 29:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2000s) -> 30:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 31:boolean, col 32:stringcol 33:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 31:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 32:string, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 33:string) -> 34:string) -> 35:string) -> 36:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 37:boolean, col 38:intcol 39:int)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 1974-10-04 17:21:03.989) -> 37:boolean, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 38:int, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 3:timestamp,
  field YEAR) -> 39:int) -> 40:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((stimestamp1 like '%19%')) THEN (stimestamp1) ELSE (TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59') END)(children: SelectStringColLikeStringScalar(col 2:string) -> 41:boolean) -> 42:string, IfExprNullCondExpr(col 41:boolean, null, col 43:int)(children: TimestampColEqualTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165) -> 41:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 43:int) -> 44:int, IfExprCondExprNull(col 47:boolean, col 45:int, null)(children: ColAndCol(col 45:boolean, col 46:boolean)(children: TimestampColGreaterEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 5344-10-04 18:40:08.165) -> 45:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248) -> 46:boolean) -> 47:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 45:int) -> 46:int, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 50:boolean, col 51:datecol 52:date)(children: DoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 49:do
 uble, val 100.0)(children: DoubleColModuloDoubleScalar(col 48:double, val 500.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 1:timestamp) -> 48:double) -> 49:double) -> 50:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 1) -> 51:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 365) -> 52:date) -> 53:date
+                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [1, 3, 15, 26, 36, 40, 43, 46, 48, 55, 2]
+                  selectExpressions: IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 5:boolean, col 6:stringcol 14:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1800-12-31 00:00:00) -> 5:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1800s or Earlier) -> 6:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 7:boolean, col 8:stringcol 13:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1900-01-01 00:00:00) -> 7:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1900s) -> 8:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 9:boolean, col 10:stringcol 12:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 9:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 10:string, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 11:boolean, val Early 2010s, val Unknown)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 11:boolean) -> 12:string) -> 13:string) -> 14:string) -> 15:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 11:b
 oolean, col 16:stringcol 25:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 11:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Old) -> 16:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 17:boolean, col 18:stringcol 24:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 17:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2000s) -> 18:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 19:boolean, col 20:stringcol 23:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 19:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 20:string, IfExprColumnNull(col 21:boolean, col 22:string, null)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 21:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2010s) -> 22:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string) -> 25:string) -> 26:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 27:boolean, col 28:strin
 gcol 35:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 27:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Old) -> 28:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 29:boolean, col 30:stringcol 34:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 29:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2000s) -> 30:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 31:boolean, col 32:stringcol 33:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 31:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 32:string, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 33:string) -> 34:string) -> 35:string) -> 36:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 37:boolean, col 38:intcol 39:int)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 1974-10-04 17:21:03.989) -> 37:boolean, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 38:int, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 3:timestamp,
  field YEAR) -> 39:int) -> 40:int, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 41:boolean, col 2:stringcol 42:string)(children: SelectStringColLikeStringScalar(col 2:string) -> 41:boolean, col 2:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(CAST( TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59' AS STRING)) -> 42:string) -> 43:string, IfExprNullCondExpr(col 44:boolean, null, col 45:int)(children: TimestampColEqualTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165) -> 44:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 45:int) -> 46:int, IfExprCondExprNull(col 49:boolean, col 47:int, null)(children: ColAndCol(col 47:boolean, col 48:boolean)(children: TimestampColGreaterEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 5344-10-04 18:40:08.165) -> 47:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248) -> 48:boolean) -> 49:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 47:int) -> 48:int, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 52:boolean, col 53:datecol 54:date)(childre
 n: DoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 51:double, val 100.0)(children: DoubleColModuloDoubleScalar(col 50:double, val 500.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 1:timestamp) -> 50:double) -> 51:double) -> 52:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 1) -> 53:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 365) -> 54:date) -> 55:date
               Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 12300 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Reduce Output Operator
                 key expressions: _col0 (type: timestamp), _col10 (type: string), _col1 (type: timestamp)
@@ -674,7 +697,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               includeColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3]
               dataColumns: cdate:date, ctimestamp1:timestamp, stimestamp1:string, ctimestamp2:timestamp
               partitionColumnCount: 0
-              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint]
+              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint]
       Reduce Vectorization:
           enabled: false
           enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_decimal_expressions.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_decimal_expressions.q.out
index a969c92..66cc433 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_decimal_expressions.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vector_decimal_expressions.q.out
@@ -312,4 +312,4 @@ ORDER BY c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14) q
 POSTHOOK: Input: default@decimal_test_small_n0
 #### A masked pattern was here ####
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out
index db20aca..0cc36bd 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out
@@ -627,8 +627,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               Select Vectorization:
                   className: VectorSelectOperator
                   native: true
-                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [8]
-                  selectExpressions: IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 6:boolean, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1, col 7:decimal(1,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 2, decimalVal 2) -> 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64
+                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [9]
+                  selectExpressions: IfExprDecimalColumnColumn(col 6:boolean, col 7:decimal(11,0)col 10:decimal(11,0))(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1) -> 7:decimal(11,0), ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 2, decimalVal 2) -> 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 10:decimal(11,0)) -> 9:decimal(11,0)
               Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 672 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               File Output Operator
                 compressed: false
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               includeColumns: [0, 1]
               dataColumns: member:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, attr:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64
               partitionColumnCount: 0
-              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(1,0), decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64]
+              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)]
   Stage: Stage-0
     Fetch Operator
@@ -708,8 +708,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               Select Vectorization:
                   className: VectorSelectOperator
                   native: true
-                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [8]
-                  selectExpressions: IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 6:boolean, col 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 2, decimalVal 2)(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64
+                  projectedOutputColumnNums: [9]
+                  selectExpressions: IfExprDecimalColumnColumn(col 6:boolean, col 10:decimal(11,0)col 8:decimal(11,0))(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 10:decimal(11,0), ConstantVectorExpression(val 2) -> 8:decimal(11,0)) -> 9:decimal(11,0)
               Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 672 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               File Output Operator
                 compressed: false
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
               includeColumns: [0, 1]
               dataColumns: member:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, attr:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64
               partitionColumnCount: 0
-              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(1,0), bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64]
+              scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0), bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)]
   Stage: Stage-0
     Fetch Operator

[2/3] hive git commit: HIVE-20563: Vectorization: CASE WHEN expression fails when THEN/ELSE type and result type are different (Matt McCline, reviewed by Teddy Choi)

Posted by
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_2.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_2.q.out
index c64adbf..b11ad87 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_2.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_2.q.out
@@ -140,23 +140,46 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   alias: timestamps
                   Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 12597 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      vectorizationSchemaColumns: [0:cdate:date, 1:ctimestamp1:timestamp, 2:stimestamp1:string, 3:ctimestamp2:timestamp, 4:ROW__ID:struct<writeid:bigint,bucketid:int,rowid:bigint>]
                   Select Operator
                     expressions: ctimestamp1 (type: timestamp), ctimestamp2 (type: timestamp), CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'1800-12-31 00:00:00')) THEN ('1800s or Earlier') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'1900-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('1900s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Early 2010s') ELSE ('Unknown') END (type: string), CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Old') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('Early 2000s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Early 2010s') ELSE (null) END (type: string), CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Old') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 
 < TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('Early 2000s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN (null) ELSE (null) END (type: string), if((ctimestamp1 < TIMESTAMP'1974-10-04 17:21:03.989'), year(ctimestamp1), year(ctimestamp2)) (type: int), CASE WHEN ((stimestamp1 like '%19%')) THEN (stimestamp1) ELSE (TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59') END (type: string), if((ctimestamp1 = TIMESTAMP'2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165'), null, minute(ctimestamp1)) (type: int), if(((ctimestamp2 >= TIMESTAMP'5344-10-04 18:40:08.165') and (ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248')), minute(ctimestamp1), null) (type: int), if(((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) % 500.0D) > 100.0D), date_add(cdate, 1), date_add(cdate, 365)) (type: date), stimestamp1 (type: string)
                     outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10
+                    Select Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorSelectOperator
+                        native: true
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 8, 12, 7, 6, 17, 2]
+                        selectExpressions: VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'1800-12-31 00:00:00')) THEN ('1800s or Earlier') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'1900-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('1900s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Early 2010s') ELSE ('Unknown') END)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1800-12-31 00:00:00) -> 5:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1900-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean) -> 9:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Old') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIME
 STAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('Early 2000s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN ('Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Early 2010s') ELSE (null) END)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean) -> 10:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN ('Old') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00')) THEN ('Early 2000s') WHEN (ctimestamp2 BETWEEN TIMESTAMP'2006-01-01 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP'2010-12-31 23:59:59.999999999') THEN (
 'Late 2000s') WHEN ((ctimestamp2 <= TIMESTAMP'2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')) THEN (null) ELSE (null) END)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean) -> 11:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 5:boolean, col 6:int, col 7:int)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 1974-10-04 17:21:03.989) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 6:int, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 3:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 7:int) -> 8:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((stimestamp1 like '%19%')) THEN (stimestamp1) ELSE (TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59') END)(children: SelectStringColLikeString
 Scalar(col 2:string) -> 5:boolean) -> 12:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((ctimestamp1 = TIMESTAMP'2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165'), null, minute(ctimestamp1)))(children: TimestampColEqualTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 6:int) -> 7:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(if(((ctimestamp2 >= TIMESTAMP'5344-10-04 18:40:08.165') and (ctimestamp2 < TIMESTAMP'6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248')), minute(ctimestamp1), null))(children: ColAndCol(col 5:boolean, col 6:boolean)(children: TimestampColGreaterEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 5344-10-04 18:40:08.165) -> 5:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248) -> 6:boolean) -> 13:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 5:int) -> 6:int, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 5:boolean, col 13:date, col 16:date)(children: DoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 15:double, val 100.0)(children: D
 oubleColModuloDoubleScalar(col 14:double, val 500.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 1:timestamp) -> 14:double) -> 15:double) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 1) -> 13:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 365) -> 16:date) -> 17:date
                     Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 50745 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
                     Reduce Output Operator
                       key expressions: _col0 (type: timestamp), _col10 (type: string), _col1 (type: timestamp)
                       sort order: +++
+                      Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                          keyColumns: 1:timestamp, 2:string, 3:timestamp
+                          native: true
+                          nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+                          valueColumns: 9:string, 10:string, 11:string, 8:int, 12:string, 7:int, 6:int, 17:date
                       Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 50745 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
                       value expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: string), _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: string), _col7 (type: int), _col8 (type: int), _col9 (type: date)
-            Execution mode: llap
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
             LLAP IO: all inputs
             Map Vectorization:
                 enabled: true
                 enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+                inputFormatFeatureSupport: [DECIMAL_64]
+                featureSupportInUse: [DECIMAL_64]
-                notVectorizedReason: SELECT operator: Unexpected hive type name void
-                vectorized: false
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: true
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 4
+                    includeColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3]
+                    dataColumns: cdate:date, ctimestamp1:timestamp, stimestamp1:string, ctimestamp2:timestamp
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, string, string, string, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint]
         Reducer 2 
             Execution mode: vectorized, llap
             Reduce Vectorization:
@@ -415,8 +438,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     Select Vectorization:
                         className: VectorSelectOperator
                         native: true
-                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [1, 3, 10, 12, 13, 14, 11, 7, 16, 23, 2]
-                        selectExpressions: IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val 1800s or Earliercol 9:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1800-12-31 00:00:00) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val 1900scol 10:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1900-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 9:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 8:boolean, val Early 2010s, val Unknown)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean) -> 9:string) -> 10:string) -> 9:string) -> 10:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val Oldcol 11:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2
 000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val Early 2000scol 12:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 11:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprColumnNull(col 8:boolean, col 9:string, null)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2010s) -> 9:string) -> 11:string) -> 12:string) -> 11:string) -> 12:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val Oldcol 11:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val Early 2000scol 13:string)(children: TimestampCol
 LessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 11:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 11:string) -> 13:string) -> 11:string) -> 13:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 5:boolean, col 6:int, col 7:int)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 1974-10-04 17:21:03.989) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 6:int, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 3:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 7:int) -> 14:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((stimestamp1 like '%19%')) THEN (stimestamp1) ELSE (TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59') END)(children: SelectStringColLikeStringScalar(col 2:string) -> 5:boolean) -> 11:string, IfExprNullColumn(col 5:boolean, null, col 6)(children: TimestampColEqualTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 2021-09-24 03:18:3
 2.413655165) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 6:int) -> 7:int, IfExprColumnNull(col 17:boolean, col 15:int, null)(children: ColAndCol(col 15:boolean, col 16:boolean)(children: TimestampColGreaterEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 5344-10-04 18:40:08.165) -> 15:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248) -> 16:boolean) -> 17:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 15:int) -> 16:int, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 20:boolean, col 21:date, col 22:date)(children: DoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 19:double, val 100.0)(children: DoubleColModuloDoubleScalar(col 18:double, val 500.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 1:timestamp) -> 18:double) -> 19:double) -> 20:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 1) -> 21:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 365) -> 22:date) -> 23:date
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [1, 3, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 17, 24, 2]
+                        selectExpressions: IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val 1800s or Earliercol 9:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1800-12-31 00:00:00) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val 1900scol 10:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1900-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 9:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 8:boolean, val Early 2010s, val Unknown)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean) -> 9:string) -> 10:string) -> 9:string) -> 10:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val Oldcol 11:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2
 000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val Early 2000scol 12:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 11:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprColumnNull(col 8:boolean, col 9:string, null)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 8:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2010s) -> 9:string) -> 11:string) -> 12:string) -> 11:string) -> 12:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, val Oldcol 11:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 5:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 6:boolean, val Early 2000scol 13:string)(children: TimestampCol
 LessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 6:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 7:boolean, val Late 2000scol 11:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 7:boolean, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 11:string) -> 13:string) -> 11:string) -> 13:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 5:boolean, col 6:int, col 7:int)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 1974-10-04 17:21:03.989) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 6:int, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 3:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 7:int) -> 14:int, IfExprStringGroupColumnStringGroupColumn(col 5:boolean, col 2:string, col 2:string)(children: SelectStringColLikeStringScalar(col 2:string) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFAdaptor(CAST( TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59' AS STRING)) -> 11:string) -> 15:string, IfExprNullColumn(col 5:boolean, null, col 6)(children: TimestampColEqualTimestam
 pScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165) -> 5:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 6:int) -> 7:int, IfExprColumnNull(col 18:boolean, col 16:int, null)(children: ColAndCol(col 16:boolean, col 17:boolean)(children: TimestampColGreaterEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 5344-10-04 18:40:08.165) -> 16:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248) -> 17:boolean) -> 18:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 16:int) -> 17:int, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 21:boolean, col 22:date, col 23:date)(children: DoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 20:double, val 100.0)(children: DoubleColModuloDoubleScalar(col 19:double, val 500.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 1:timestamp) -> 19:double) -> 20:double) -> 21:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 1) -> 22:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 365) -> 23:date) -> 24:date
                     Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 50745 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
                     Reduce Output Operator
                       key expressions: _col0 (type: timestamp), _col10 (type: string), _col1 (type: timestamp)
@@ -426,7 +449,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                           keyColumns: 1:timestamp, 2:string, 3:timestamp
                           native: true
                           nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
-                          valueColumns: 10:string, 12:string, 13:string, 14:int, 11:string, 7:int, 16:int, 23:date
+                          valueColumns: 10:string, 12:string, 13:string, 14:int, 15:string, 7:int, 17:int, 24:date
                       Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 50745 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
                       value expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: string), _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: string), _col7 (type: int), _col8 (type: int), _col9 (type: date)
             Execution mode: vectorized, llap
@@ -445,7 +468,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     includeColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3]
                     dataColumns: cdate:date, ctimestamp1:timestamp, stimestamp1:string, ctimestamp2:timestamp
                     partitionColumnCount: 0
-                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint]
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint]
         Reducer 2 
             Execution mode: vectorized, llap
             Reduce Vectorization:
@@ -704,8 +727,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     Select Vectorization:
                         className: VectorSelectOperator
                         native: true
-                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [1, 3, 15, 26, 36, 40, 42, 44, 46, 53, 2]
-                        selectExpressions: IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 5:boolean, col 6:stringcol 14:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1800-12-31 00:00:00) -> 5:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1800s or Earlier) -> 6:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 7:boolean, col 8:stringcol 13:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1900-01-01 00:00:00) -> 7:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1900s) -> 8:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 9:boolean, col 10:stringcol 12:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 9:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 10:string, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 11:boolean, val Early 2010s, val Unknown)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 11:boolean) -> 12:string) -> 13:string) -> 14:string) -> 15:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(co
 l 11:boolean, col 16:stringcol 25:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 11:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Old) -> 16:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 17:boolean, col 18:stringcol 24:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 17:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2000s) -> 18:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 19:boolean, col 20:stringcol 23:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 19:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 20:string, IfExprColumnNull(col 21:boolean, col 22:string, null)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 21:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2010s) -> 22:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string) -> 25:string) -> 26:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 27:boolean, col 28
 :stringcol 35:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 27:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Old) -> 28:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 29:boolean, col 30:stringcol 34:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 29:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2000s) -> 30:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 31:boolean, col 32:stringcol 33:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 31:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 32:string, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 33:string) -> 34:string) -> 35:string) -> 36:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 37:boolean, col 38:intcol 39:int)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 1974-10-04 17:21:03.989) -> 37:boolean, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 38:int, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 3:time
 stamp, field YEAR) -> 39:int) -> 40:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((stimestamp1 like '%19%')) THEN (stimestamp1) ELSE (TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59') END)(children: SelectStringColLikeStringScalar(col 2:string) -> 41:boolean) -> 42:string, IfExprNullCondExpr(col 41:boolean, null, col 43:int)(children: TimestampColEqualTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165) -> 41:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 43:int) -> 44:int, IfExprCondExprNull(col 47:boolean, col 45:int, null)(children: ColAndCol(col 45:boolean, col 46:boolean)(children: TimestampColGreaterEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 5344-10-04 18:40:08.165) -> 45:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248) -> 46:boolean) -> 47:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 45:int) -> 46:int, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 50:boolean, col 51:datecol 52:date)(children: DoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col
  49:double, val 100.0)(children: DoubleColModuloDoubleScalar(col 48:double, val 500.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 1:timestamp) -> 48:double) -> 49:double) -> 50:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 1) -> 51:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 365) -> 52:date) -> 53:date
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [1, 3, 15, 26, 36, 40, 43, 46, 48, 55, 2]
+                        selectExpressions: IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 5:boolean, col 6:stringcol 14:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1800-12-31 00:00:00) -> 5:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1800s or Earlier) -> 6:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 7:boolean, col 8:stringcol 13:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 1900-01-01 00:00:00) -> 7:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1900s) -> 8:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 9:boolean, col 10:stringcol 12:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 9:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 10:string, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 11:boolean, val Early 2010s, val Unknown)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 11:boolean) -> 12:string) -> 13:string) -> 14:string) -> 15:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(co
 l 11:boolean, col 16:stringcol 25:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 11:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Old) -> 16:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 17:boolean, col 18:stringcol 24:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 17:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2000s) -> 18:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 19:boolean, col 20:stringcol 23:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 19:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 20:string, IfExprColumnNull(col 21:boolean, col 22:string, null)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2015-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 21:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2010s) -> 22:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string) -> 25:string) -> 26:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 27:boolean, col 28
 :stringcol 35:string)(children: TimestampColLessEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999) -> 27:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Old) -> 28:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 29:boolean, col 30:stringcol 34:string)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 2006-01-01 00:00:00) -> 29:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Early 2000s) -> 30:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 31:boolean, col 32:stringcol 33:string)(children: TimestampColumnBetween(col 3:timestamp, left 2005-12-31 16:00:00.0, right 2010-12-31 15:59:59.999999999) -> 31:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Late 2000s) -> 32:string, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 33:string) -> 34:string) -> 35:string) -> 36:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 37:boolean, col 38:intcol 39:int)(children: TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 1974-10-04 17:21:03.989) -> 37:boolean, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field YEAR) -> 38:int, VectorUDFYearTimestamp(col 3:time
 stamp, field YEAR) -> 39:int) -> 40:int, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 41:boolean, col 2:stringcol 42:string)(children: SelectStringColLikeStringScalar(col 2:string) -> 41:boolean, col 2:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(CAST( TIMESTAMP'2018-03-08 23:04:59' AS STRING)) -> 42:string) -> 43:string, IfExprNullCondExpr(col 44:boolean, null, col 45:int)(children: TimestampColEqualTimestampScalar(col 1:timestamp, val 2021-09-24 03:18:32.413655165) -> 44:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 45:int) -> 46:int, IfExprCondExprNull(col 49:boolean, col 47:int, null)(children: ColAndCol(col 47:boolean, col 48:boolean)(children: TimestampColGreaterEqualTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 5344-10-04 18:40:08.165) -> 47:boolean, TimestampColLessTimestampScalar(col 3:timestamp, val 6631-11-13 16:31:29.702202248) -> 48:boolean) -> 49:boolean, VectorUDFMinuteTimestamp(col 1:timestamp, field MINUTE) -> 47:int) -> 48:int, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 52:boolean, col 53:datecol 54:date)(c
 hildren: DoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 51:double, val 100.0)(children: DoubleColModuloDoubleScalar(col 50:double, val 500.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 1:timestamp) -> 50:double) -> 51:double) -> 52:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 1) -> 53:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 0:date, val 365) -> 54:date) -> 55:date
                     Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 50745 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
                     Reduce Output Operator
                       key expressions: _col0 (type: timestamp), _col10 (type: string), _col1 (type: timestamp)
@@ -715,7 +738,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                           keyColumns: 1:timestamp, 2:string, 3:timestamp
                           native: true
                           nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
-                          valueColumns: 15:string, 26:string, 36:string, 40:int, 42:string, 44:int, 46:int, 53:date
+                          valueColumns: 15:string, 26:string, 36:string, 40:int, 43:string, 46:int, 48:int, 55:date
                       Statistics: Num rows: 51 Data size: 50745 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
                       value expressions: _col2 (type: string), _col3 (type: string), _col4 (type: string), _col5 (type: int), _col6 (type: string), _col7 (type: int), _col8 (type: int), _col9 (type: date)
             Execution mode: vectorized, llap
@@ -734,7 +757,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     includeColumns: [0, 1, 2, 3]
                     dataColumns: cdate:date, ctimestamp1:timestamp, stimestamp1:string, ctimestamp2:timestamp
                     partitionColumnCount: 0
-                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint]
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint]
         Reducer 2 
             Execution mode: vectorized, llap
             Reduce Vectorization:
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_conversion.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_conversion.q.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e07710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_conversion.q.out
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+PREHOOK: query: EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                    Filter Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorFilterOperator
+                        native: true
+                        predicateExpression: SelectColumnIsNull(col 5:double)
+                      Select Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorSelectOperator
+                          native: true
+                          projectedOutputColumnNums: [6, 2, 4, 1, 24]
+                          selectExpressions: IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 13:boolean, col 6:stringcol 23:string)(children: IsNotNull(col 6:string) -> 13:boolean, col 6:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 14:boolean, col 15:stringcol 22:string)(children: IsNotNull(col 2:int) -> 14:boolean, CastLongToString(col 2:int) -> 15:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 16:boolean, col 17:stringcol 21:string)(children: IsNotNull(col 4:float) -> 16:boolean, CastFloatToString(col 4:float) -> 17:string, IfExprCondExprColumn(col 18:boolean, col 19:string, col 20:string)(children: IsNotNull(col 1:smallint) -> 18:boolean, CastLongToString(col 1:smallint) -> 19:string, ConstantVectorExpression(val none) -> 20:string) -> 21:string) -> 22:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string
+                        Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                            className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                            native: true
+                            nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: all inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+                inputFormatFeatureSupport: [DECIMAL_64]
+                featureSupportInUse: [DECIMAL_64]
+                inputFileFormats:
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                allNative: false
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+                Select Vectorization:
+                    className: VectorSelectOperator
+                    native: true
+                    projectedOutputColumnNums: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+                  Limit Vectorization:
+                      className: VectorLimitOperator
+                      native: true
+                    Select Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorSelectOperator
+                        native: true
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+                        selectExpressions: ConstantVectorExpression(val null) -> 5:double
+                      File Sink Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                          native: false
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+PREHOOK: query: SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+NULL	00MmJs1fiJp37y60mj4Ej8	-698191930	-51.0	NULL	00MmJs1fiJp37y60mj4Ej8
+NULL	00PafC7v	349566607	-51.0	NULL	00PafC7v
+NULL	00iT08	284688862	-51.0	NULL	00iT08
+NULL	00k3yt70n476d6UQA	-391432229	8.0	NULL	00k3yt70n476d6UQA
+NULL	014ILGhXxNY7g02hl0Xw	633097881	11.0	NULL	014ILGhXxNY7g02hl0Xw
+NULL	02VRbSC5I	551634127	8.0	NULL	02VRbSC5I
+NULL	02k5poW73QsWM	891702124	11.0	NULL	02k5poW73QsWM
+NULL	02v8WnLuYDos3Cq	-648704945	8.0	NULL	02v8WnLuYDos3Cq
+NULL	02vDyIVT752	388584379	11.0	NULL	02vDyIVT752
+NULL	0333uXvwB3ADRa4aP1h	336245146	8.0	NULL	0333uXvwB3ADRa4aP1h
+NULL	033ffm5082ng0V	-941753533	11.0	NULL	033ffm5082ng0V
+NULL	035i4wu42Rs3Uu1ft5K0AOe	-947302120	8.0	NULL	035i4wu42Rs3Uu1ft5K0AOe
+NULL	03SnoFNyeHxQ2X	-693113839	8.0	NULL	03SnoFNyeHxQ2X
+NULL	03n0QGH	1018006843	11.0	NULL	03n0QGH
+NULL	04Y1mA17	-114647521	-51.0	NULL	04Y1mA17
+NULL	04Yu8RntCU7amJtj	-640911032	-51.0	NULL	04Yu8RntCU7amJtj
+NULL	04fq7M416mV7CwI1q	168027481	-51.0	NULL	04fq7M416mV7CwI1q
+NULL	04q7g1Qm8cvCmny4S7r	118167064	-51.0	NULL	04q7g1Qm8cvCmny4S7r
+NULL	04vwGN4a82bd6y	295643033	NULL	NULL	04vwGN4a82bd6y
+NULL	04w7DF25lHW4	-981967139	8.0	NULL	04w7DF25lHW4
+PREHOOK: query: EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                    Filter Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorFilterOperator
+                        native: true
+                        predicateExpression: SelectColumnIsTrue(col 13:boolean)(children: VectorUDFAdaptor(cdouble is null) -> 13:boolean)
+                      Select Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorSelectOperator
+                          native: true
+                          projectedOutputColumnNums: [6, 2, 4, 1, 18]
+                          selectExpressions: VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN (cstring1 is not null) THEN (cstring1) WHEN (cint is not null) THEN (cint) WHEN (cfloat is not null) THEN (cfloat) WHEN (csmallint is not null) THEN (csmallint) ELSE ('none') END)(children: VectorUDFAdaptor(cstring1 is not null) -> 14:boolean, VectorUDFAdaptor(cint is not null) -> 15:boolean, VectorUDFAdaptor(cfloat is not null) -> 16:boolean, VectorUDFAdaptor(csmallint is not null) -> 17:boolean) -> 18:string
+                        Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                            className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                            native: true
+                            nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: all inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+                inputFormatFeatureSupport: [DECIMAL_64]
+                featureSupportInUse: [DECIMAL_64]
+                inputFileFormats:
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: true
+                vectorized: true
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                allNative: false
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+                Select Vectorization:
+                    className: VectorSelectOperator
+                    native: true
+                    projectedOutputColumnNums: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+                  Limit Vectorization:
+                      className: VectorLimitOperator
+                      native: true
+                    Select Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorSelectOperator
+                        native: true
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+                        selectExpressions: ConstantVectorExpression(val null) -> 5:double
+                      File Sink Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                          native: false
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+PREHOOK: query: SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+NULL	00MmJs1fiJp37y60mj4Ej8	-698191930	-51.0	NULL	00MmJs1fiJp37y60mj4Ej8
+NULL	00PafC7v	349566607	-51.0	NULL	00PafC7v
+NULL	00iT08	284688862	-51.0	NULL	00iT08
+NULL	00k3yt70n476d6UQA	-391432229	8.0	NULL	00k3yt70n476d6UQA
+NULL	014ILGhXxNY7g02hl0Xw	633097881	11.0	NULL	014ILGhXxNY7g02hl0Xw
+NULL	02VRbSC5I	551634127	8.0	NULL	02VRbSC5I
+NULL	02k5poW73QsWM	891702124	11.0	NULL	02k5poW73QsWM
+NULL	02v8WnLuYDos3Cq	-648704945	8.0	NULL	02v8WnLuYDos3Cq
+NULL	02vDyIVT752	388584379	11.0	NULL	02vDyIVT752
+NULL	0333uXvwB3ADRa4aP1h	336245146	8.0	NULL	0333uXvwB3ADRa4aP1h
+NULL	033ffm5082ng0V	-941753533	11.0	NULL	033ffm5082ng0V
+NULL	035i4wu42Rs3Uu1ft5K0AOe	-947302120	8.0	NULL	035i4wu42Rs3Uu1ft5K0AOe
+NULL	03SnoFNyeHxQ2X	-693113839	8.0	NULL	03SnoFNyeHxQ2X
+NULL	03n0QGH	1018006843	11.0	NULL	03n0QGH
+NULL	04Y1mA17	-114647521	-51.0	NULL	04Y1mA17
+NULL	04Yu8RntCU7amJtj	-640911032	-51.0	NULL	04Yu8RntCU7amJtj
+NULL	04fq7M416mV7CwI1q	168027481	-51.0	NULL	04fq7M416mV7CwI1q
+NULL	04q7g1Qm8cvCmny4S7r	118167064	-51.0	NULL	04q7g1Qm8cvCmny4S7r
+NULL	04vwGN4a82bd6y	295643033	NULL	NULL	04vwGN4a82bd6y
+NULL	04w7DF25lHW4	-981967139	8.0	NULL	04w7DF25lHW4
+PREHOOK: query: EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                    Filter Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorFilterOperator
+                        native: true
+                        predicateExpression: SelectColumnIsNull(col 5:double)
+                      Select Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorSelectOperator
+                          native: true
+                          projectedOutputColumnNums: [6, 2, 4, 1, 23]
+                          selectExpressions: IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 13:boolean, col 6:stringcol 22:string)(children: IsNotNull(col 6:string) -> 13:boolean, col 6:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 14:boolean, col 15:stringcol 21:string)(children: IsNotNull(col 2:int) -> 14:boolean, CastLongToString(col 2:int) -> 15:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 16:boolean, col 17:stringcol 20:string)(children: IsNotNull(col 4:float) -> 16:boolean, CastFloatToString(col 4:float) -> 17:string, IfExprCondExprNull(col 18:boolean, col 19:string, null)(children: IsNotNull(col 1:smallint) -> 18:boolean, CastLongToString(col 1:smallint) -> 19:string) -> 20:string) -> 21:string) -> 22:string) -> 23:string
+                        Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                            className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                            native: true
+                            nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: all inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+                inputFormatFeatureSupport: [DECIMAL_64]
+                featureSupportInUse: [DECIMAL_64]
+                inputFileFormats:
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                allNative: false
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+                Select Vectorization:
+                    className: VectorSelectOperator
+                    native: true
+                    projectedOutputColumnNums: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+                  Limit Vectorization:
+                      className: VectorLimitOperator
+                      native: true
+                    Select Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorSelectOperator
+                        native: true
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+                        selectExpressions: ConstantVectorExpression(val null) -> 5:double
+                      File Sink Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                          native: false
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+PREHOOK: query: SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+NULL	00MmJs1fiJp37y60mj4Ej8	-698191930	-51.0	NULL	00MmJs1fiJp37y60mj4Ej8
+NULL	00PafC7v	349566607	-51.0	NULL	00PafC7v
+NULL	00iT08	284688862	-51.0	NULL	00iT08
+NULL	00k3yt70n476d6UQA	-391432229	8.0	NULL	00k3yt70n476d6UQA
+NULL	014ILGhXxNY7g02hl0Xw	633097881	11.0	NULL	014ILGhXxNY7g02hl0Xw
+NULL	02VRbSC5I	551634127	8.0	NULL	02VRbSC5I
+NULL	02k5poW73QsWM	891702124	11.0	NULL	02k5poW73QsWM
+NULL	02v8WnLuYDos3Cq	-648704945	8.0	NULL	02v8WnLuYDos3Cq
+NULL	02vDyIVT752	388584379	11.0	NULL	02vDyIVT752
+NULL	0333uXvwB3ADRa4aP1h	336245146	8.0	NULL	0333uXvwB3ADRa4aP1h
+NULL	033ffm5082ng0V	-941753533	11.0	NULL	033ffm5082ng0V
+NULL	035i4wu42Rs3Uu1ft5K0AOe	-947302120	8.0	NULL	035i4wu42Rs3Uu1ft5K0AOe
+NULL	03SnoFNyeHxQ2X	-693113839	8.0	NULL	03SnoFNyeHxQ2X
+NULL	03n0QGH	1018006843	11.0	NULL	03n0QGH
+NULL	04Y1mA17	-114647521	-51.0	NULL	04Y1mA17
+NULL	04Yu8RntCU7amJtj	-640911032	-51.0	NULL	04Yu8RntCU7amJtj
+NULL	04fq7M416mV7CwI1q	168027481	-51.0	NULL	04fq7M416mV7CwI1q
+NULL	04q7g1Qm8cvCmny4S7r	118167064	-51.0	NULL	04q7g1Qm8cvCmny4S7r
+NULL	04vwGN4a82bd6y	295643033	NULL	NULL	04vwGN4a82bd6y
+NULL	04w7DF25lHW4	-981967139	8.0	NULL	04w7DF25lHW4
+PREHOOK: query: EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+  enabled: true
+  enabledConditionsMet: [hive.vectorized.execution.enabled IS true]
+  Stage-1 is a root stage
+  Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
+  Stage: Stage-1
+    Tez
+      Edges:
+        Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (SIMPLE_EDGE)
+      Vertices:
+        Map 1 
+            Map Operator Tree:
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                    Filter Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorFilterOperator
+                        native: true
+                        predicateExpression: SelectColumnIsTrue(col 13:boolean)(children: VectorUDFAdaptor(cdouble is null) -> 13:boolean)
+                      Select Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorSelectOperator
+                          native: true
+                          projectedOutputColumnNums: [6, 2, 4, 1, 18]
+                          selectExpressions: VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN (cstring1 is not null) THEN (cstring1) WHEN (cint is not null) THEN (cint) WHEN (cfloat is not null) THEN (cfloat) WHEN (csmallint is not null) THEN (csmallint) ELSE (null) END)(children: VectorUDFAdaptor(cstring1 is not null) -> 14:boolean, VectorUDFAdaptor(cint is not null) -> 15:boolean, VectorUDFAdaptor(cfloat is not null) -> 16:boolean, VectorUDFAdaptor(csmallint is not null) -> 17:boolean) -> 18:string
+                        Reduce Sink Vectorization:
+                            className: VectorReduceSinkObjectHashOperator
+                            native: true
+                            nativeConditionsMet: IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true, No PTF TopN IS true, No DISTINCT columns IS true, BinarySortableSerDe for keys IS true, LazyBinarySerDe for values IS true
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            LLAP IO: all inputs
+            Map Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+                inputFormatFeatureSupport: [DECIMAL_64]
+                featureSupportInUse: [DECIMAL_64]
+                inputFileFormats:
+                allNative: true
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: true
+                vectorized: true
+        Reducer 2 
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
+            Reduce Vectorization:
+                enabled: true
+                enableConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled IS true, hive.execution.engine tez IN [tez, spark] IS true
+                allNative: false
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: false
+                vectorized: true
+            Reduce Operator Tree:
+                Select Vectorization:
+                    className: VectorSelectOperator
+                    native: true
+                    projectedOutputColumnNums: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+                  Limit Vectorization:
+                      className: VectorLimitOperator
+                      native: true
+                    Select Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorSelectOperator
+                        native: true
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+                        selectExpressions: ConstantVectorExpression(val null) -> 5:double
+                      File Sink Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                          native: false
+  Stage: Stage-0
+    Fetch Operator
+PREHOOK: query: SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+POSTHOOK: query: SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc
+#### A masked pattern was here ####
+NULL	00MmJs1fiJp37y60mj4Ej8	-698191930	-51.0	NULL	00MmJs1fiJp37y60mj4Ej8
+NULL	00PafC7v	349566607	-51.0	NULL	00PafC7v
+NULL	00iT08	284688862	-51.0	NULL	00iT08
+NULL	00k3yt70n476d6UQA	-391432229	8.0	NULL	00k3yt70n476d6UQA
+NULL	014ILGhXxNY7g02hl0Xw	633097881	11.0	NULL	014ILGhXxNY7g02hl0Xw
+NULL	02VRbSC5I	551634127	8.0	NULL	02VRbSC5I
+NULL	02k5poW73QsWM	891702124	11.0	NULL	02k5poW73QsWM
+NULL	02v8WnLuYDos3Cq	-648704945	8.0	NULL	02v8WnLuYDos3Cq
+NULL	02vDyIVT752	388584379	11.0	NULL	02vDyIVT752
+NULL	0333uXvwB3ADRa4aP1h	336245146	8.0	NULL	0333uXvwB3ADRa4aP1h
+NULL	033ffm5082ng0V	-941753533	11.0	NULL	033ffm5082ng0V
+NULL	035i4wu42Rs3Uu1ft5K0AOe	-947302120	8.0	NULL	035i4wu42Rs3Uu1ft5K0AOe
+NULL	03SnoFNyeHxQ2X	-693113839	8.0	NULL	03SnoFNyeHxQ2X
+NULL	03n0QGH	1018006843	11.0	NULL	03n0QGH
+NULL	04Y1mA17	-114647521	-51.0	NULL	04Y1mA17
+NULL	04Yu8RntCU7amJtj	-640911032	-51.0	NULL	04Yu8RntCU7amJtj
+NULL	04fq7M416mV7CwI1q	168027481	-51.0	NULL	04fq7M416mV7CwI1q
+NULL	04q7g1Qm8cvCmny4S7r	118167064	-51.0	NULL	04q7g1Qm8cvCmny4S7r
+NULL	04vwGN4a82bd6y	295643033	NULL	NULL	04vwGN4a82bd6y
+NULL	04w7DF25lHW4	-981967139	8.0	NULL	04w7DF25lHW4
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_decimal_expressions.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_decimal_expressions.q.out
index 499337e..36f8f93 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_decimal_expressions.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_decimal_expressions.q.out
@@ -368,4 +368,4 @@ ORDER BY c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14) q
 POSTHOOK: Input: default@decimal_test_small_n0
 #### A masked pattern was here ####
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_udf_adaptor_1.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_udf_adaptor_1.q.out
index e4c1d71..deab4d2 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_udf_adaptor_1.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_udf_adaptor_1.q.out
@@ -134,26 +134,46 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   alias: student_10_lines
                   Statistics: Num rows: 12 Data size: 2352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      vectorizationSchemaColumns: [0:name:string, 1:age:int, 2:gpa:double, 3:ROW__ID:struct<writeid:bigint,bucketid:int,rowid:bigint>]
                   Select Operator
                     expressions: name (type: string), age (type: int), gpa (type: double), if((age < 40), age, null) (type: int), if((age > 40), TIMESTAMP'2011-01-01 01:01:01', null) (type: timestamp), if((length(name) > 8), name, null) (type: string), if((length(name) < 8), CAST( name AS BINARY), null) (type: binary), if((age > 40), length(name), null) (type: int), if((length(name) > 10), (2.0D * gpa), null) (type: double)
                     outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8
+                    Select Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorSelectOperator
+                        native: true
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12]
+                        selectExpressions: VectorUDFAdaptor(if((age < 40), age, null))(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 1:int, val 40) -> 4:boolean) -> 5:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((age > 40), TIMESTAMP'2011-01-01 01:01:01', null))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 40) -> 4:boolean) -> 6:timestamp, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((length(name) > 8), name, null))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 4:int, val 8)(children: StringLength(col 0:string) -> 4:int) -> 7:boolean) -> 8:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((length(name) < 8), CAST( name AS BINARY), null))(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 8)(children: StringLength(col 0:string) -> 4:int) -> 7:boolean, col 0:string) -> 9:binary, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((age > 40), length(name), null))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 40) -> 4:boolean, StringLength(col 0:string) -> 7:int) -> 10:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((length(name) > 10), (2.0D * gpa), null))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10)(childre
 n: StringLength(col 0:string) -> 4:int) -> 7:boolean, DoubleScalarMultiplyDoubleColumn(val 2.0, col 2:double) -> 11:double) -> 12:double
                     Statistics: Num rows: 12 Data size: 2352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                     File Output Operator
                       compressed: false
+                      File Sink Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                          native: false
                       Statistics: Num rows: 12 Data size: 2352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                           input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
                           output format:
                           serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
                           name: default.insert_a_adaptor
-            Execution mode: llap
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
             LLAP IO: all inputs
             Map Vectorization:
                 enabled: true
                 enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+                inputFormatFeatureSupport: [DECIMAL_64]
+                featureSupportInUse: [DECIMAL_64]
-                notVectorizedReason: SELECT operator: Unexpected hive type name void
-                vectorized: false
+                allNative: false
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: true
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 3
+                    includeColumns: [0, 1, 2]
+                    dataColumns: name:string, age:int, gpa:double
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, bigint, timestamp, bigint, string, string, bigint, double, double]
   Stage: Stage-2
     Dependency Collection
@@ -654,26 +674,46 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   alias: student_10_lines
                   Statistics: Num rows: 12 Data size: 2352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      vectorizationSchemaColumns: [0:name:string, 1:age:int, 2:gpa:double, 3:ROW__ID:struct<writeid:bigint,bucketid:int,rowid:bigint>]
                   Select Operator
                     expressions: name (type: string), age (type: int), gpa (type: double), if((age < 40), null, age) (type: int), if((age > 40), null, TIMESTAMP'2011-01-01 01:01:01') (type: timestamp), if((length(name) > 8), null, name) (type: string), if((length(name) < 8), null, CAST( name AS BINARY)) (type: binary), if((age > 40), null, length(name)) (type: int), if((length(name) > 10), null, (2.0D * gpa)) (type: double)
                     outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8
+                    Select Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorSelectOperator
+                        native: true
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12]
+                        selectExpressions: VectorUDFAdaptor(if((age < 40), null, age))(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 1:int, val 40) -> 4:boolean) -> 5:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((age > 40), null, TIMESTAMP'2011-01-01 01:01:01'))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 40) -> 4:boolean) -> 6:timestamp, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((length(name) > 8), null, name))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 4:int, val 8)(children: StringLength(col 0:string) -> 4:int) -> 7:boolean) -> 8:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((length(name) < 8), null, CAST( name AS BINARY)))(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 8)(children: StringLength(col 0:string) -> 4:int) -> 7:boolean, col 0:string) -> 9:binary, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((age > 40), null, length(name)))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 40) -> 4:boolean, StringLength(col 0:string) -> 7:int) -> 10:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((length(name) > 10), null, (2.0D * gpa)))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10)(childre
 n: StringLength(col 0:string) -> 4:int) -> 7:boolean, DoubleScalarMultiplyDoubleColumn(val 2.0, col 2:double) -> 11:double) -> 12:double
                     Statistics: Num rows: 12 Data size: 2352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                     File Output Operator
                       compressed: false
+                      File Sink Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                          native: false
                       Statistics: Num rows: 12 Data size: 2352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                           input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat
                           output format:
                           serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
                           name: default.insert_b_adaptor
-            Execution mode: llap
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
             LLAP IO: all inputs
             Map Vectorization:
                 enabled: true
                 enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+                inputFormatFeatureSupport: [DECIMAL_64]
+                featureSupportInUse: [DECIMAL_64]
-                notVectorizedReason: SELECT operator: Unexpected hive type name void
-                vectorized: false
+                allNative: false
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: true
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 3
+                    includeColumns: [0, 1, 2]
+                    dataColumns: name:string, age:int, gpa:double
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, bigint, timestamp, bigint, string, string, bigint, double, double]
   Stage: Stage-2
     Dependency Collection
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vectorized_case.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vectorized_case.q.out
index add166b..d7e7561 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vectorized_case.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vectorized_case.q.out
@@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     Select Vectorization:
                         className: VectorSelectOperator
                         native: true
-                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [8]
-                        selectExpressions: IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 6:boolean, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1, col 7:decimal(1,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 2, decimalVal 2) -> 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [9]
+                        selectExpressions: IfExprDecimalColumnColumn(col 6:boolean, col 7:decimal(11,0)col 10:decimal(11,0))(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1) -> 7:decimal(11,0), ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 2, decimalVal 2) -> 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 10:decimal(11,0)) -> 9:decimal(11,0)
                     Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 336 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
                     File Output Operator
                       compressed: false
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     includeColumns: [0, 1]
                     dataColumns: member:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, attr:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64
                     partitionColumnCount: 0
-                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(1,0), decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64]
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)]
   Stage: Stage-0
     Fetch Operator
@@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     Select Vectorization:
                         className: VectorSelectOperator
                         native: true
-                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [8]
-                        selectExpressions: IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 6:boolean, col 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 2, decimalVal 2)(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [9]
+                        selectExpressions: IfExprDecimalColumnColumn(col 6:boolean, col 10:decimal(11,0)col 8:decimal(11,0))(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 10:decimal(11,0), ConstantVectorExpression(val 2) -> 8:decimal(11,0)) -> 9:decimal(11,0)
                     Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 336 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: COMPLETE
                     File Output Operator
                       compressed: false
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     includeColumns: [0, 1]
                     dataColumns: member:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, attr:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64
                     partitionColumnCount: 0
-                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(1,0), bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64]
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0), bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)]
   Stage: Stage-0
     Fetch Operator
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/spark/vectorized_case.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/spark/vectorized_case.q.out
index a96aca5..fa78d79 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/spark/vectorized_case.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/spark/vectorized_case.q.out
@@ -691,8 +691,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     Select Vectorization:
                         className: VectorSelectOperator
                         native: true
-                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [8]
-                        selectExpressions: IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 6:boolean, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1, col 7:decimal(1,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 2, decimalVal 2) -> 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [9]
+                        selectExpressions: IfExprDecimalColumnColumn(col 6:boolean, col 7:decimal(11,0)col 10:decimal(11,0))(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val 1) -> 7:decimal(11,0), ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 2, decimalVal 2) -> 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 10:decimal(11,0)) -> 9:decimal(11,0)
                     Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 672 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                     File Output Operator
                       compressed: false
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     includeColumns: [0, 1]
                     dataColumns: member:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, attr:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64
                     partitionColumnCount: 0
-                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(1,0), decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64]
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)]
   Stage: Stage-0
     Fetch Operator
@@ -775,8 +775,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     Select Vectorization:
                         className: VectorSelectOperator
                         native: true
-                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [8]
-                        selectExpressions: IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 6:boolean, col 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 2, decimalVal 2)(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 8:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [9]
+                        selectExpressions: IfExprDecimalColumnColumn(col 6:boolean, col 10:decimal(11,0)col 8:decimal(11,0))(children: Decimal64ColEqualDecimal64Scalar(col 0:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 6:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: Decimal64ColAddDecimal64Scalar(col 1:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 1, decimalVal 1) -> 7:decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64) -> 10:decimal(11,0), ConstantVectorExpression(val 2) -> 8:decimal(11,0)) -> 9:decimal(11,0)
                     Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 672 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                     File Output Operator
                       compressed: false
@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     includeColumns: [0, 1]
                     dataColumns: member:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64, attr:decimal(10,0)/DECIMAL_64
                     partitionColumnCount: 0
-                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(1,0), bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64]
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0), bigint, decimal(11,0)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0), decimal(11,0)]
   Stage: Stage-0
     Fetch Operator

[3/3] hive git commit: HIVE-20563: Vectorization: CASE WHEN expression fails when THEN/ELSE type and result type are different (Matt McCline, reviewed by Teddy Choi)

Posted by
HIVE-20563: Vectorization: CASE WHEN expression fails when THEN/ELSE type and result type are different (Matt McCline, reviewed by Teddy Choi)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 97f0513c4c8ff1c251b1bdd1b84bd238557f03b0
Parents: 857259e
Author: Matt McCline <>
Authored: Thu Oct 4 14:37:21 2018 -0500
Committer: Matt McCline <>
Committed: Thu Oct 4 14:37:21 2018 -0500

 .../test/resources/ |   1 +
 .../ql/exec/vector/    |  92 ++-
 .../expressions/      |  10 +-
 .../hive/ql/optimizer/physical/  |  15 +-
 .../exec/vector/   |  31 +-
 .../vector_case_when_conversion.q               | 136 ++++
 .../llap/vector_case_when_1.q.out               |  36 +-
 .../llap/vector_case_when_2.q.out               |  45 +-
 .../llap/vector_case_when_conversion.q.out      | 616 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../llap/vector_decimal_expressions.q.out       |   2 +-
 .../llap/vector_udf_adaptor_1.q.out             |  52 +-
 .../clientpositive/llap/vectorized_case.q.out   |  12 +-
 .../clientpositive/spark/vectorized_case.q.out  |  12 +-
 .../clientpositive/vector_case_when_1.q.out     |  35 +-
 .../clientpositive/vector_case_when_2.q.out     |  39 +-
 .../vector_decimal_expressions.q.out            |   2 +-
 .../clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out        |  12 +-
 17 files changed, 1061 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
diff --git a/itests/src/test/resources/ b/itests/src/test/resources/
index fdd8ecc..d444c99 100644
--- a/itests/src/test/resources/
+++ b/itests/src/test/resources/
@@ -763,6 +763,7 @@ minillaplocal.query.files=\
+  vector_case_when_conversion.q,\
diff --git a/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/ b/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/
index 6ca1248..488f277 100644
--- a/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/
+++ b/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/
@@ -546,6 +546,7 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
     private final int initialOutputCol;
     private int outputColCount = 0;
     private boolean reuseScratchColumns = true;
+    private boolean dontReuseTrackedScratchColumns = false;
     protected OutputColumnManager(int initialOutputCol) {
       this.initialOutputCol = initialOutputCol;
@@ -558,6 +559,7 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
     private String[] scratchVectorTypeNames = new String[100];
     private DataTypePhysicalVariation[] scratchDataTypePhysicalVariations =
         new DataTypePhysicalVariation[100];
+    private boolean[] scratchColumnTrackWasUsed = new boolean[100];
     private final Set<Integer> usedOutputColumns = new HashSet<Integer>();
@@ -589,6 +591,9 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
               scratchDataTypePhysicalVariations[i] == dataTypePhysicalVariation)) {
+        if (dontReuseTrackedScratchColumns && scratchColumnTrackWasUsed[i]) {
+          continue;
+        }
         //Use i
         return i;
@@ -597,16 +602,19 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
       if (outputColCount < scratchVectorTypeNames.length) {
         int newIndex = outputColCount;
         scratchVectorTypeNames[outputColCount] = columnType;
-        scratchDataTypePhysicalVariations[outputColCount++] = dataTypePhysicalVariation;
+        scratchDataTypePhysicalVariations[outputColCount] = dataTypePhysicalVariation;
+        scratchColumnTrackWasUsed[outputColCount++] = true;
         return newIndex;
       } else {
         //Expand the array
         scratchVectorTypeNames = Arrays.copyOf(scratchVectorTypeNames, 2*outputColCount);
         scratchDataTypePhysicalVariations = Arrays.copyOf(scratchDataTypePhysicalVariations, 2*outputColCount);
+        scratchColumnTrackWasUsed = Arrays.copyOf(scratchColumnTrackWasUsed, 2*outputColCount);
         int newIndex = outputColCount;
         scratchVectorTypeNames[outputColCount] = columnType;
-        scratchDataTypePhysicalVariations[outputColCount++] = dataTypePhysicalVariation;
+        scratchDataTypePhysicalVariations[outputColCount] = dataTypePhysicalVariation;
+        scratchColumnTrackWasUsed[outputColCount++] = true;
         return newIndex;
@@ -647,6 +655,14 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
     public void setReuseColumns(boolean reuseColumns) {
       this.reuseScratchColumns = reuseColumns;
+    public void clearScratchColumnWasUsedTracking() {
+      Arrays.fill(scratchColumnTrackWasUsed, false);
+    }
+    public void setDontReuseTrackedScratchColumns(boolean dontReuseTrackedScratchColumns) {
+      this.dontReuseTrackedScratchColumns = dontReuseTrackedScratchColumns;
+    }
   public int allocateScratchColumn(TypeInfo typeInfo) throws HiveException {
@@ -657,6 +673,14 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
     return ocm.currentScratchColumns();
+  public void clearScratchColumnWasUsedTracking() {
+    ocm.clearScratchColumnWasUsedTracking();
+  }
+  public void setDontReuseTrackedScratchColumns(boolean dontReuseTrackedScratchColumns) {
+    ocm.setDontReuseTrackedScratchColumns(dontReuseTrackedScratchColumns);
+  }
   private VectorExpression getFilterOnBooleanColumnExpression(ExprNodeColumnDesc exprDesc,
       int columnNum) throws HiveException {
     VectorExpression expr = null;
@@ -1002,6 +1026,33 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
+    } else if (genericUDF instanceof GenericUDFIf) {
+      int i = 0;
+      for (ExprNodeDesc child : children) {
+        TypeInfo castType = commonType;
+        if (i++ == 0) {
+          // Skip boolean predicate.
+          childrenWithCasts.add(child);
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (child instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc &&
+            ((ExprNodeConstantDesc) child).getValue() == null) {
+          // Don't cast NULL using ConstantValueExpression but replace the NULL expression with the
+          // desired type set. This lets the doGetIfExpression logic use IfExprCondExprNull, etc.
+          childrenWithCasts.add(new ExprNodeConstantDesc(castType, null));
+          atleastOneCastNeeded = true;
+          continue;
+        }
+        ExprNodeDesc castExpression = getImplicitCastExpression(genericUDF, child, castType);
+        if (castExpression != null) {
+          atleastOneCastNeeded = true;
+          childrenWithCasts.add(castExpression);
+        } else {
+          childrenWithCasts.add(child);
+        }
+      }
     } else {
       for (ExprNodeDesc child : children) {
         ExprNodeDesc castExpression = getImplicitCastExpression(genericUDF, child, commonType);
@@ -1099,7 +1150,7 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
       // Casts to exact types including long to double etc. are needed in some special cases.
       if (udf instanceof GenericUDFCoalesce || udf instanceof GenericUDFNvl
-          || udf instanceof GenericUDFElt) {
+          || udf instanceof GenericUDFElt || udf instanceof GenericUDFIf) {
         GenericUDF genericUdf = getGenericUDFForCast(castType);
         List<ExprNodeDesc> children = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
@@ -2695,8 +2746,11 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
     if (null == scalar) {
       return null;
-    PrimitiveTypeInfo ptinfo = (PrimitiveTypeInfo) type;
     String typename = type.getTypeName();
+    if (!(type instanceof PrimitiveTypeInfo)) {
+      throw new HiveException("Unsupported type " + typename + " for cast to String");
+    }
+    PrimitiveTypeInfo ptinfo = (PrimitiveTypeInfo) type;
     switch (ptinfo.getPrimitiveCategory()) {
     case FLOAT:
     case DOUBLE:
@@ -2709,6 +2763,8 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
       HiveDecimal decimalVal = (HiveDecimal) scalar;
       DecimalTypeInfo decType = (DecimalTypeInfo) type;
       return decimalVal.toFormatString(decType.getScale());
+    case TIMESTAMP:
+      return CastTimestampToString.getTimestampString((Timestamp) scalar);
       throw new HiveException("Unsupported type "+typename+" for cast to String");
@@ -2867,10 +2923,17 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
     ExprNodeDesc child = childExpr.get(0);
     String inputType = childExpr.get(0).getTypeString();
     if (child instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc) {
-     // Return a constant vector expression
-      Object constantValue = ((ExprNodeConstantDesc) child).getValue();
-      HiveDecimal decimalValue = castConstantToDecimal(constantValue, child.getTypeInfo());
-      return getConstantVectorExpression(decimalValue, returnType, VectorExpressionDescriptor.Mode.PROJECTION);
+      // Return a constant vector expression
+      try {
+        Object constantValue = ((ExprNodeConstantDesc) child).getValue();
+        HiveDecimal decimalValue = castConstantToDecimal(constantValue, child.getTypeInfo());
+        return getConstantVectorExpression(decimalValue, returnType, VectorExpressionDescriptor.Mode.PROJECTION);
+      } catch (Exception e) {
+        // Fall back to VectorUDFAdaptor.
+        return null;
+      }
     if (isIntFamily(inputType)) {
       return createVectorExpression(CastLongToDecimal.class, childExpr, VectorExpressionDescriptor.Mode.PROJECTION, returnType);
@@ -2907,10 +2970,17 @@ public class VectorizationContext {
     ExprNodeDesc child = childExpr.get(0);
     String inputType = childExpr.get(0).getTypeString();
     if (child instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc) {
         // Return a constant vector expression
-        Object constantValue = ((ExprNodeConstantDesc) child).getValue();
-        String strValue = castConstantToString(constantValue, child.getTypeInfo());
-        return getConstantVectorExpression(strValue, returnType, VectorExpressionDescriptor.Mode.PROJECTION);
+        try {
+          Object constantValue = ((ExprNodeConstantDesc) child).getValue();
+          String strValue = castConstantToString(constantValue, child.getTypeInfo());
+          return getConstantVectorExpression(strValue, returnType, VectorExpressionDescriptor.Mode.PROJECTION);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+          // Fall back to VectorUDFAdaptor.
+          return null;
+        }
     if (inputType.equals("boolean")) {
       // Boolean must come before the integer family. It's a special case.
diff --git a/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/expressions/ b/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/expressions/
index 0e20cf1..adc3a9d 100644
--- a/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/expressions/
+++ b/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/expressions/
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
 public class CastTimestampToString extends TimestampToStringUnaryUDF {
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-  protected transient Timestamp dt = new Timestamp(0);
   private static final DateTimeFormatter PRINT_FORMATTER;
   static {
@@ -58,11 +57,16 @@ public class CastTimestampToString extends TimestampToStringUnaryUDF {
   protected void func(BytesColumnVector outV, TimestampColumnVector inV, int i) {
-    dt.setTime(inV.time[i]);
-    dt.setNanos(inV.nanos[i]);
     byte[] temp = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(inV.time[i]), ZoneOffset.UTC)
     assign(outV, i, temp, temp.length);
+  public static String getTimestampString(Timestamp ts) {
+    return
+        LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(ts.getTime()), ZoneOffset.UTC)
+        .withNano(ts.getNanos())
+        .format(PRINT_FORMATTER);
+  }
diff --git a/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/optimizer/physical/ b/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/optimizer/physical/
index 51b186c..e93d666 100644
--- a/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/optimizer/physical/
+++ b/ql/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/optimizer/physical/
@@ -4659,6 +4659,14 @@ public class Vectorizer implements PhysicalPlanResolver {
     List<ExprNodeDesc> colList = selectDesc.getColList();
     int index = 0;
     final int size = colList.size();
+    // Since the call to fixDecimalDataTypePhysicalVariations will be done post-vector-expression
+    // creation, it cannot freely use deallocated scratch columns.  Scratch column reuse assumes
+    // sequential execution so it can reuse freed scratch columns from earlier
+    // evaluations.
+    //
+    vContext.clearScratchColumnWasUsedTracking();
     VectorExpression[] vectorSelectExprs = new VectorExpression[size];
     int[] projectedOutputColumns = new int[size];
     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
@@ -4679,7 +4687,12 @@ public class Vectorizer implements PhysicalPlanResolver {
     // at least one of its children is DECIMAL_64. Some expressions like x % y for example only accepts DECIMAL
     // for x and y (at this time there is only DecimalColModuloDecimalColumn so both x and y has to be DECIMAL).
     // The following method introduces a cast if x or y is DECIMAL_64 and parent expression (x % y) is DECIMAL.
-    fixDecimalDataTypePhysicalVariations(vContext, vectorSelectExprs);
+    vContext.setDontReuseTrackedScratchColumns(true);
+    try {
+      fixDecimalDataTypePhysicalVariations(vContext, vectorSelectExprs);
+    } finally {
+      vContext.setDontReuseTrackedScratchColumns(false);
+    }
diff --git a/ql/src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/ b/ql/src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/
index 2039ee0..86ac21b 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/
+++ b/ql/src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.FuncLogWithBaseDoubleTo
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.FuncLogWithBaseLongToDouble;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.FuncPowerDoubleToDouble;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.IdentityExpression;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.IfExprColumnCondExpr;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.IfExprCondExprColumn;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.IfExprCondExprCondExpr;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.IfExprCharScalarStringGroupColumn;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.IfExprDoubleColumnDoubleColumn;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.IfExprLongColumnLongColumn;
@@ -1269,7 +1272,10 @@ public class TestVectorizationContext {
   public void testIfConditionalExprs() throws HiveException {
-    ExprNodeColumnDesc col1Expr = new  ExprNodeColumnDesc(Long.class, "col1", "table", false);
+    // Predicate.
+    ExprNodeColumnDesc col1Expr = new  ExprNodeColumnDesc(Boolean.class, "col1", "table", false);
     ExprNodeColumnDesc col2Expr = new  ExprNodeColumnDesc(Long.class, "col2", "table", false);
     ExprNodeColumnDesc col3Expr = new  ExprNodeColumnDesc(Long.class, "col3", "table", false);
@@ -1291,6 +1297,7 @@ public class TestVectorizationContext {
     VectorizationContext vc = new VectorizationContext("name", columns);
+    exprDesc.setTypeInfo(TypeInfoFactory.longTypeInfo);
     VectorExpression ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
     assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprLongColumnLongColumn);
@@ -1316,6 +1323,7 @@ public class TestVectorizationContext {
     // double column/column IF
     children1.set(1, col2Expr);
     children1.set(2, col3Expr);
+    exprDesc.setTypeInfo(TypeInfoFactory.doubleTypeInfo);
     ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
     assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprDoubleColumnDoubleColumn);
@@ -1337,7 +1345,7 @@ public class TestVectorizationContext {
     // double scalar/long column IF
     children1.set(2, new  ExprNodeColumnDesc(Long.class, "col3", "table", false));
     ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
-    assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprDoubleScalarLongColumn);
+    assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprColumnCondExpr);
     // Additional combinations of (long,double)X(column,scalar) for each of the second
     // and third arguments are omitted. We have coverage of all the source templates
@@ -1350,6 +1358,7 @@ public class TestVectorizationContext {
     // timestamp column/column IF
     children1.set(1, col2Expr);
     children1.set(2, col3Expr);
+    exprDesc.setTypeInfo(TypeInfoFactory.timestampTypeInfo);
     ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
     assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprTimestampColumnColumn);
@@ -1363,23 +1372,17 @@ public class TestVectorizationContext {
     children1.set(2, f);
     ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
-    // We check for two different classes below because initially the result
-    // is IfExprLongColumnLongColumn but in the future if the system is enhanced
-    // with constant folding then the result will be IfExprLongColumnLongScalar.
-    assertTrue(IfExprTimestampColumnColumn.class == ve.getClass()
-               || IfExprTimestampColumnScalar.class == ve.getClass());
+    assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprTimestampColumnScalar);
     // timestamp scalar/scalar
     children1.set(1, f);
     ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
-    assertTrue(IfExprTimestampColumnColumn.class == ve.getClass()
-        || IfExprTimestampScalarScalar.class == ve.getClass());
+    assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprTimestampScalarScalar);
     // timestamp scalar/column
     children1.set(2, col3Expr);
     ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
-    assertTrue(IfExprTimestampColumnColumn.class == ve.getClass()
-        || IfExprTimestampScalarColumn.class == ve.getClass());
+    assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprTimestampScalarColumn);
     // test for boolean type
     col2Expr = new  ExprNodeColumnDesc(Boolean.class, "col2", "table", false);
@@ -1388,6 +1391,7 @@ public class TestVectorizationContext {
     // column/column
     children1.set(1, col2Expr);
     children1.set(2, col3Expr);
+    exprDesc.setTypeInfo(TypeInfoFactory.booleanTypeInfo);
     ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
     assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprLongColumnLongColumn);
@@ -1415,6 +1419,7 @@ public class TestVectorizationContext {
     // column/column
     children1.set(1, col2Expr);
     children1.set(2, col3Expr);
+    exprDesc.setTypeInfo(TypeInfoFactory.stringTypeInfo);
     ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
     assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprStringGroupColumnStringGroupColumn);
@@ -1444,7 +1449,8 @@ public class TestVectorizationContext {
     children1.set(1, col2Expr);
     children1.set(2, col3Expr);
     ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
-    assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprStringGroupColumnStringGroupColumn);
+    exprDesc.setTypeInfo(charTypeInfo);
+    assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprCondExprCondExpr);
     // column/scalar
     children1.set(2,  constDesc3);
@@ -1471,6 +1477,7 @@ public class TestVectorizationContext {
     // column/column
     children1.set(1, col2Expr);
     children1.set(2, col3Expr);
+    exprDesc.setTypeInfo(varcharTypeInfo);
     ve = vc.getVectorExpression(exprDesc);
     assertTrue(ve instanceof IfExprStringGroupColumnStringGroupColumn);
diff --git a/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/vector_case_when_conversion.q b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/vector_case_when_conversion.q
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04545fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive/vector_case_when_conversion.q
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+--! qt:dataset:alltypesorc
+set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true;
+set hive.explain.user=false;
+SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true;
+set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none;
+-- Test "else string"
+EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+LIMIT 20;
+SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+LIMIT 20;
+-- Force usage of VectorUDFAdaptor
+set hive.test.vectorized.adaptor.override=true;
+EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+LIMIT 20;
+SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else "none"
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+LIMIT 20;
+set hive.test.vectorized.adaptor.override=false;
+-- Test "else null"
+EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+LIMIT 20;
+SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+LIMIT 20;
+-- Force usage of VectorUDFAdaptor
+set hive.test.vectorized.adaptor.override=true;
+EXPLAIN VECTORIZATION ONLY EXPRESSION SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+LIMIT 20;
+SELECT cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint,
+  case
+    when (cdouble is not null) then cdouble
+    when (cstring1 is not null) then cstring1
+    when (cint is not null) then cint
+    when (cfloat is not null) then cfloat
+    when (csmallint is not null) then csmallint
+    else null
+    end as c
+FROM alltypesorc
+WHERE (cdouble IS NULL)
+ORDER BY cdouble, cstring1, cint, cfloat, csmallint, c
+LIMIT 20;
+set hive.test.vectorized.adaptor.override=false;
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_1.q.out b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_1.q.out
index 4b8544a..c5a35ba 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_1.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/llap/vector_case_when_1.q.out
@@ -205,25 +205,45 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   alias: lineitem_test
                   Statistics: Num rows: 101 Data size: 57327 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
+                  TableScan Vectorization:
+                      native: true
+                      vectorizationSchemaColumns: [0:l_orderkey:int, 1:l_partkey:int, 2:l_suppkey:int, 3:l_linenumber:int, 4:l_quantity:int, 5:l_extendedprice:double, 6:l_discount:double, 7:l_tax:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, 8:l_returnflag:char(1), 9:l_linestatus:char(1), 10:l_shipdate:date, 11:l_commitdate:date, 12:l_receiptdate:date, 13:l_shipinstruct:varchar(20), 14:l_shipmode:char(10), 15:l_comment:string, 16:ROW__ID:struct<writeid:bigint,bucketid:int,rowid:bigint>]
                   Select Operator
                     expressions: l_quantity (type: int), CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN ('Many') ELSE ('Huge number') END (type: string), CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN ('Many') ELSE (null) END (type: string), CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN (null) ELSE (null) END (type: string), if((l_shipmode = 'SHIP      '), date_add(l_shipdate, 10), date_add(l_shipdate, 5)) (type: date), CASE WHEN ((l_returnflag = 'N')) THEN ((l_extendedprice * (1.0D - l_discount))) ELSE (0) END (type: double), CASE WHEN ((l_returnflag = 'N')) THEN ((l_extendedprice * (1.0D - l_discount))) ELSE (0.0D) END (type: double), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) 
 = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), null, l_tax) (type: decimal(10,2)), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, null) (type: decimal(10,2)), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax) (type: decimal(12,2)), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0) (type: decimal(12,2)), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax) (type: decimal(10,2)), if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0) (type: decimal(10,2)), if((l_partkey > 30), CAST( l_receiptdate AS TIMESTAMP), CAST( l_commitdate AS TIMESTAMP)) (type: timestamp), if((l_suppkey > 10000), datediff(l_receiptdate, l_commitdate), null) (type: int), if((l_suppkey > 10000), null, datediff(l_receiptdate, l_commitdate)) (type: int), if(((l_suppkey % 500) > 100), DATE'2009-01-01', DATE'2009-12-31') (type: date)
                     outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12, _col13, _col14, _col15, _col16
+                    Select Vectorization:
+                        className: VectorSelectOperator
+                        native: true
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [4, 21, 22, 23, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 19]
+                        selectExpressions: VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN ('Many') ELSE ('Huge number') END)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean) -> 21:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Single') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN ('Many') ELSE (null) END)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean) -> 22:string, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((l_quantity = 1)) THEN ('Sing
 le') WHEN ((l_quantity = 2)) THEN ('Two') WHEN ((l_quantity < 10)) THEN ('Some') WHEN ((l_quantity < 100)) THEN (null) ELSE (null) END)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean) -> 23:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 17:boolean, col 18:date, col 19:date)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 14:char(10), val SHIP) -> 17:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 10) -> 18:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 5) -> 19:date) -> 20:date, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((l_returnflag = 'N')) THEN ((l_extendedprice * (1.0D - l_discount))) ELSE (0) END)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 24:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 24:double) -> 25
 :double) -> 24:double, VectorUDFAdaptor(CASE WHEN ((l_returnflag = 'N')) THEN ((l_extendedprice * (1.0D - l_discount))) ELSE (0.0D) END)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 25:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 25:double) -> 26:double) -> 25:double, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), null, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean) -> 27:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, null))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean) -> 28:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string,
  val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean) -> 29:decimal(12,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean) -> 30:decimal(12,2), IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 17:boolean, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean) -> 31:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 18:boolean, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 18:boolean) -> 32:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprTimestampColumnColumn(col 19:boolean, col 33:timestampcol 34:timestamp)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 30) 
 -> 19:boolean, CastDateToTimestamp(col 12:date) -> 33:timestamp, CastDateToTimestamp(col 11:date) -> 34:timestamp) -> 35:timestamp, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((l_suppkey > 10000), datediff(l_receiptdate, l_commitdate), null))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 19:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 36:int) -> 37:int, VectorUDFAdaptor(if((l_suppkey > 10000), null, datediff(l_receiptdate, l_commitdate)))(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 19:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 36:int) -> 38:int, IfExprLongScalarLongScalar(col 36:boolean, val 14245, val 14609)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 19:int, val 100)(children: LongColModuloLongScalar(col 2:int, val 500) -> 19:int) -> 36:boolean) -> 19:date
                     Statistics: Num rows: 101 Data size: 57327 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                     File Output Operator
                       compressed: false
+                      File Sink Vectorization:
+                          className: VectorFileSinkOperator
+                          native: false
                       Statistics: Num rows: 101 Data size: 57327 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                           input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
                           output format:
                           serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
-            Execution mode: llap
+            Execution mode: vectorized, llap
             LLAP IO: all inputs
             Map Vectorization:
                 enabled: true
                 enabledConditionsMet: hive.vectorized.use.vectorized.input.format IS true
+                inputFormatFeatureSupport: [DECIMAL_64]
+                featureSupportInUse: [DECIMAL_64]
-                notVectorizedReason: SELECT operator: Unexpected hive type name void
-                vectorized: false
+                allNative: false
+                usesVectorUDFAdaptor: true
+                vectorized: true
+                rowBatchContext:
+                    dataColumnCount: 16
+                    includeColumns: [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
+                    dataColumns: l_orderkey:int, l_partkey:int, l_suppkey:int, l_linenumber:int, l_quantity:int, l_extendedprice:double, l_discount:double, l_tax:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, l_returnflag:char(1), l_linestatus:char(1), l_shipdate:date, l_commitdate:date, l_receiptdate:date, l_shipinstruct:varchar(20), l_shipmode:char(10), l_comment:string
+                    partitionColumnCount: 0
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, string, string, string, double, double, double, decimal(10,2), decimal(10,2), decimal(12,2), decimal(12,2), decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, bigint, bigint, bigint]
   Stage: Stage-0
     Fetch Operator
@@ -531,8 +551,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     Select Vectorization:
                         className: VectorSelectOperator
                         native: true
-                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [4, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 40, 42, 45, 46]
-                        selectExpressions: IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 21:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 22:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean, val Somecol 21:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 20:boolean, val Many, val Huge number)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean) -> 21:string) -> 22:string) -> 21:string) -> 22:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 23:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 24:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean
 , val Somecol 23:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprColumnNull(col 20:boolean, col 21:string, null)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Many) -> 21:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 23:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 25:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean, val Somecol 23:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 23:string) -> 25:string) -> 23:string) -> 25:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 17:boolean, col 18:date, col 19:date)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 14:char(10), val SHIP) -> 17:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColSca
 lar(col 10:date, val 10) -> 18:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 5) -> 19:date) -> 26:date, IfExprDoubleColumnLongScalar(col 17:boolean, col 28:double, val 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 27:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 27:double) -> 28:double) -> 27:double, IfExprDoubleColumnDoubleScalar(col 17:boolean, col 29:double, val 0.0)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 28:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 28:double) -> 29:double) -> 28:double, IfExprNullColumn(col 17:boolean, null, col 48)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 48:decimal(10,2)) -> 30:decimal
 (10,2), IfExprColumnNull(col 18:boolean, col 49:decimal(10,2), null)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 18:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 49:decimal(10,2)) -> 31:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 32:decimal(12,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 33:decimal(12,2), IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 19:boolean, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0, col 7:decimal(1,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean)
  -> 34:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 35:boolean, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 35:boolean) -> 36:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprTimestampColumnColumn(col 37:boolean, col 38:timestampcol 39:timestamp)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 30) -> 37:boolean, CastDateToTimestamp(col 12:date) -> 38:timestamp, CastDateToTimestamp(col 11:date) -> 39:timestamp) -> 40:timestamp, IfExprColumnNull(col 37:boolean, col 41:int, null)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 37:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 41:int) -> 42:int, IfExprNullColumn(col 43:boolean, null, col 44)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 43:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 44:int) -> 45:int, IfExprLongScalarLongScalar(col 47:boolean, 
 val 14245, val 14609)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 46:int, val 100)(children: LongColModuloLongScalar(col 2:int, val 500) -> 46:int) -> 47:boolean) -> 46:date
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [4, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 40, 42, 45, 46]
+                        selectExpressions: IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 21:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 22:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean, val Somecol 21:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 20:boolean, val Many, val Huge number)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean) -> 21:string) -> 22:string) -> 21:string) -> 22:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 23:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 24:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean
 , val Somecol 23:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprColumnNull(col 20:boolean, col 21:string, null)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 20:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Many) -> 21:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string) -> 23:string) -> 24:string, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 17:boolean, val Singlecol 23:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 18:boolean, val Twocol 25:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 18:boolean, IfExprStringScalarStringGroupColumn(col 19:boolean, val Somecol 23:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 19:boolean, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 23:string) -> 25:string) -> 23:string) -> 25:string, IfExprLongColumnLongColumn(col 17:boolean, col 18:date, col 19:date)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 14:char(10), val SHIP) -> 17:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColSca
 lar(col 10:date, val 10) -> 18:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 5) -> 19:date) -> 26:date, IfExprDoubleColumnDoubleColumn(col 17:boolean, col 28:doublecol 27:double)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 27:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 27:double) -> 28:double, ConstantVectorExpression(val 0.0) -> 27:double) -> 29:double, IfExprDoubleColumnDoubleScalar(col 17:boolean, col 28:double, val 0.0)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 17:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 27:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 27:double) -> 28:double) -> 27:double, IfExprNullColumn(col 17:boolean, null, col 48)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 17:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:deci
 mal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 48:decimal(10,2)) -> 30:decimal(10,2), IfExprColumnNull(col 18:boolean, col 49:decimal(10,2), null)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 18:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 49:decimal(10,2)) -> 31:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 32:decimal(12,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 33:decimal(12,2), IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 19:boolean, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVE
 R IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 19:boolean) -> 34:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 35:boolean, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 35:boolean) -> 36:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprTimestampColumnColumn(col 37:boolean, col 38:timestampcol 39:timestamp)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 30) -> 37:boolean, CastDateToTimestamp(col 12:date) -> 38:timestamp, CastDateToTimestamp(col 11:date) -> 39:timestamp) -> 40:timestamp, IfExprColumnNull(col 37:boolean, col 41:int, null)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 37:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 41:int) -> 42:int, IfExprNullColumn(col 43:boolean, null, col 44)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 43:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 44:in
 t) -> 45:int, IfExprLongScalarLongScalar(col 47:boolean, val 14245, val 14609)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 46:int, val 100)(children: LongColModuloLongScalar(col 2:int, val 500) -> 46:int) -> 47:boolean) -> 46:date
                     Statistics: Num rows: 101 Data size: 57327 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                     File Output Operator
                       compressed: false
@@ -868,8 +888,8 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     Select Vectorization:
                         className: VectorSelectOperator
                         native: true
-                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [4, 27, 38, 48, 52, 54, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 74, 77, 80, 81]
-                        selectExpressions: IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 17:boolean, col 18:stringcol 26:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 18:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 19:boolean, col 20:stringcol 25:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 19:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 20:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 21:boolean, col 22:stringcol 24:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 21:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 22:string, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 23:boolean, val Many, val Huge number)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 23:boolean) -> 24:string) -> 25:string) -> 26:string) -> 27:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 23:boolean, col 28:stringcol 37:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 23:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 28:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 29:boolea
 n, col 30:stringcol 36:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 29:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 30:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 31:boolean, col 32:stringcol 35:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 31:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 32:string, IfExprColumnNull(col 33:boolean, col 34:string, null)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 33:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Many) -> 34:string) -> 35:string) -> 36:string) -> 37:string) -> 38:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 39:boolean, col 40:stringcol 47:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 39:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 40:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 41:boolean, col 42:stringcol 46:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 41:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 42:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 43:boolean, col 44:stringcol 45:string)(children: LongColLes
 sLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 43:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 44:string, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 45:string) -> 46:string) -> 47:string) -> 48:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 49:boolean, col 50:datecol 51:date)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 14:char(10), val SHIP) -> 49:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 10) -> 50:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 5) -> 51:date) -> 52:date, IfExprDoubleColumnLongScalar(col 57:boolean, col 58:double, val 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 57:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 54:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 54:double) -> 58:double) -> 54:double, IfExprCondExprColumn(col 57:boolean, col 59:double, col 58:double)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 57:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 58:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractD
 oubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 58:double) -> 59:double, ConstantVectorExpression(val 0.0) -> 58:double) -> 60:double, IfExprNullColumn(col 61:boolean, null, col 83)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 61:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 83:decimal(10,2)) -> 62:decimal(10,2), IfExprColumnNull(col 63:boolean, col 84:decimal(10,2), null)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 63:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 84:decimal(10,2)) -> 64:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 65:boolean) -> 66:decimal(12,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax
 , 0))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 65:boolean) -> 67:decimal(12,2), IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 65:boolean, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0, col 7:decimal(1,0)/DECIMAL_64)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 65:boolean) -> 68:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 69:boolean, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 69:boolean) -> 70:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 71:boolean, col 72:timestampcol 73:timestamp)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 30) -> 71:boolean, CastDateToTimestamp(col 12:date) -> 72:timestamp, CastDateToTimestamp(col 11:date) -> 73:timestamp) -> 74:timestamp, IfExprCondExprNull(col 75:boolean, col 76:int
 , null)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 75:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 76:int) -> 77:int, IfExprNullCondExpr(col 78:boolean, null, col 79:int)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 78:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 79:int) -> 80:int, IfExprLongScalarLongScalar(col 82:boolean, val 14245, val 14609)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 81:int, val 100)(children: LongColModuloLongScalar(col 2:int, val 500) -> 81:int) -> 82:boolean) -> 81:date
+                        projectedOutputColumnNums: [4, 27, 38, 48, 52, 56, 60, 62, 64, 69, 73, 74, 76, 80, 83, 86, 87]
+                        selectExpressions: IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 17:boolean, col 18:stringcol 26:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 17:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 18:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 19:boolean, col 20:stringcol 25:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 19:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 20:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 21:boolean, col 22:stringcol 24:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 21:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 22:string, IfExprStringScalarStringScalar(col 23:boolean, val Many, val Huge number)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 23:boolean) -> 24:string) -> 25:string) -> 26:string) -> 27:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 23:boolean, col 28:stringcol 37:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 23:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 28:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 29:boolea
 n, col 30:stringcol 36:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 29:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 30:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 31:boolean, col 32:stringcol 35:string)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 31:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 32:string, IfExprColumnNull(col 33:boolean, col 34:string, null)(children: LongColLessLongScalar(col 4:int, val 100) -> 33:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Many) -> 34:string) -> 35:string) -> 36:string) -> 37:string) -> 38:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 39:boolean, col 40:stringcol 47:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 1) -> 39:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Single) -> 40:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 41:boolean, col 42:stringcol 46:string)(children: LongColEqualLongScalar(col 4:int, val 2) -> 41:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Two) -> 42:string, IfExprColumnCondExpr(col 43:boolean, col 44:stringcol 45:string)(children: LongColLes
 sLongScalar(col 4:int, val 10) -> 43:boolean, ConstantVectorExpression(val Some) -> 44:string, IfExprNullNull(null, null) -> 45:string) -> 46:string) -> 47:string) -> 48:string, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 49:boolean, col 50:datecol 51:date)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 14:char(10), val SHIP) -> 49:boolean, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 10) -> 50:date, VectorUDFDateAddColScalar(col 10:date, val 5) -> 51:date) -> 52:date, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 53:boolean, col 55:doublecol 54:double)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 53:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double, col 54:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 54:double) -> 55:double, ConstantVectorExpression(val 0.0) -> 54:double) -> 56:double, IfExprCondExprColumn(col 57:boolean, col 59:double, col 58:double)(children: StringGroupColEqualCharScalar(col 8:char(1), val N) -> 57:boolean, DoubleColMultiplyDoubleColumn(col 5:double
 , col 58:double)(children: DoubleScalarSubtractDoubleColumn(val 1.0, col 6:double) -> 58:double) -> 59:double, ConstantVectorExpression(val 0.0) -> 58:double) -> 60:double, IfExprNullColumn(col 61:boolean, null, col 89)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 61:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 89:decimal(10,2)) -> 62:decimal(10,2), IfExprColumnNull(col 63:boolean, col 90:decimal(10,2), null)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 63:boolean, ConvertDecimal64ToDecimal(col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64) -> 90:decimal(10,2)) -> 64:decimal(10,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_shipinstruct AS STRING) = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'), 0, l_tax))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 68:boolean) -> 69:decimal(12,2), VectorUDFAdaptor(if((CAST( l_ship
 instruct AS STRING) = 'TAKE BACK RETURN'), l_tax, 0))(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 72:boolean) -> 73:decimal(12,2), IfExprDecimal64ScalarDecimal64Column(col 72:boolean, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val DELIVER IN PERSON)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 72:boolean) -> 74:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprDecimal64ColumnDecimal64Scalar(col 75:boolean, col 7:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, decimal64Val 0, decimalVal 0)(children: StringGroupColEqualStringScalar(col 13:string, val TAKE BACK RETURN)(children: col 13:varchar(20)) -> 75:boolean) -> 76:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, IfExprCondExprCondExpr(col 77:boolean, col 78:timestampcol 79:timestamp)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 1:int, val 30) -> 77:boolean, CastDateToTimestamp(col 12:date) -> 78:timestamp, CastDateToTimestamp(col 11:date) -> 79:timestamp) -> 80:timesta
 mp, IfExprCondExprNull(col 81:boolean, col 82:int, null)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 81:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 82:int) -> 83:int, IfExprNullCondExpr(col 84:boolean, null, col 85:int)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 2:int, val 10000) -> 84:boolean, VectorUDFDateDiffColCol(col 12:date, col 11:date) -> 85:int) -> 86:int, IfExprLongScalarLongScalar(col 88:boolean, val 14245, val 14609)(children: LongColGreaterLongScalar(col 87:int, val 100)(children: LongColModuloLongScalar(col 2:int, val 500) -> 87:int) -> 88:boolean) -> 87:date
                     Statistics: Num rows: 101 Data size: 57327 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
                     File Output Operator
                       compressed: false
@@ -897,7 +917,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                     includeColumns: [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
                     dataColumns: l_orderkey:int, l_partkey:int, l_suppkey:int, l_linenumber:int, l_quantity:int, l_extendedprice:double, l_discount:double, l_tax:decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, l_returnflag:char(1), l_linestatus:char(1), l_shipdate:date, l_commitdate:date, l_receiptdate:date, l_shipinstruct:varchar(20), l_shipmode:char(10), l_comment:string
                     partitionColumnCount: 0
-                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, bigint, bigint, double, double, double, bigint, decimal(10,2), bigint, decimal(10,2), bigint, decimal(12,2), decimal(12,2), decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, decimal(10,2), decimal(10,2)]
+                    scratchColumnTypeNames: [bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, bigint, string, string, string, string, string, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, double, double, double, bigint, double, double, double, bigint, decimal(10,2), bigint, decimal(10,2), bigint, bigint, decimal(12,2), bigint, decimal(12,2), decimal(12,2), bigint, bigint, decimal(12,2), decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, decimal(10,2)/DECIMAL_64, bigint, timestamp, timestamp, timestamp, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, decimal(10,2), decimal(10,2)]
   Stage: Stage-0
     Fetch Operator