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Posted to by Joaquin Menchaca <> on 2016/07/18 22:38:25 UTC

Storm 0.10.0 "storm nimbus" ignores storm.yaml configuration?

This may be obvious, but just cannot see it now.

I launch my nimbus process using */usr/local/bin/storm nimbus*
This is a symlink to */usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/bin/storm*
My *storm.yaml* is in */usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/conf*

I see that it list it has one parameter as *-Dstorm.conf.file *with out any
options.  I would guess this will pick it up from the default path, but I
have no idea.  Despite having zookeeper configured, when try to run a
sample topology, it tries to pick up zookeeper from localhost.

This later creates:

java \
  -server \ \
  -Dstorm.options= \
  -Dstorm.home=/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0 \
  -Dstorm.log.dir=/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/logs \
  -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib:/opt/local/lib:/usr/lib \
*  -Dstorm.conf.file= \*
  -cp /usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/lib/reflectasm  -1.07
-2.21.jar:/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/lib/log4j  -api
-1.6.0.jar:/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/lib/slf4j  -api
-1.7.7.jar:/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/lib/log4j  -slf4j  -impl
-4.0.jar:/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/lib/hadoop  -auth
-2.4.0.jar:/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/lib/log4j  -core
-2.1.jar:/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/lib/servlet  -api
-2.5.jar:/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/lib/storm  -core
-0.10.0.jar:/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/lib/log4j  -over  -slf4j
-2.10.4.jar:/usr/lib/apache/storm/0.10.0/conf \
  -Xmx1024m \ \ \

