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[Myfaces Wiki] Update of "Myfaces Eclipse Setup" by hari sujathan

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The following page has been changed by hari sujathan:

New page:
Myfaces application can be configured in eclipse and launched using tomcat/jetty servlet container.
Lets assume a general web application directory structure:
  |      +---src
  |           +---java
  |      +---src
  |           +---java
       |      +---java
              |    +---classes
              |    +---lib
              |    +---web.xml
              |    +---faces-config.xml
              +---<view pages>
The <root>/lib folder contains Myfaces jars (Let <root> folder be ''c:\workspace\myproject''). Its may be a good idea to download all latest commons jars and put in a subdirectory under lib (eg: latest version of commons-logging.jar will be used by Myfaces as well as hibernate, avoiding maintainence of different versions). 
Install the following:
 * j2sdk 1.5
 * eclipse sdk 3.1 (c:\eclipse)
 * tomcat 5.x if you want to use tomcat(c:\applications\Tomcat5.x)
 * jetty 5.1 if you want to use jetty(c:\applications\jetty5.1)
=== Following steps are common whether configuring for tomcat or jetty ===
 * create a new java project in eclipse.In project properties do add all the source code in the source path. 
 * make the "destination path" as <root>/web/webapp/WEB-INF/classes in project properties.
 * create a new user library and add all jars under <root>/lib folder to it recursively. 
 * Now the project should be compiling without errors and all class files should get generated under <root>/web/webapp/WEB-INF/classes. 
== Configuring in Tomcat ==
  Either of the two eclipseplugins for tomcat need to be installed: "sysdeo" and "wtp tomcat plugin". We will cover Sysdeo plugin as it is easy to configure(wtp1.0 tomcat plugin enforces a predefined directory structure). 
 * unzip sysdeo plugin into c:\eclipse\plugins directory and restart eclipse.
 * go to windows --> preferences --> Tomcat
 * select the  tomcat version and enter the Tomcat home (c:\applications\Tomcat5.x). Click OK.
 * Click on the start tomcat icon in the eclipse toolbar to startup tomcat. ( make sure its running)
 * Now copy all jars under <root>/lib to c:\applications\Tomcat5.x\common\lib. directory structure under <root>\lib needs to be flattened up when copying to tamcat's common lib folder
 * create a new myproject.xml file in C:\applications\Tomcat5.x\conf\Catalina\localhost directory. Following needs to be entered:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Context docBase="${catalina.home}/../../workspace/myproject/web/webapp" path="/myproject">
  <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
             prefix="localhost_myproject_log." suffix=".txt"

 * restart tomcat from eclipse by pressing the restart icon.
 * localhost:8080/myproject/index.faces shows welcome page. {OK}
== Configuring in Jetty ==
 * Install JettyLauncher plugin from and restart eclipse.
 * Right click on project --> Run as --> Run
 * Select "Jetty Web" on the left hand pane, and click new button at the bottom left hand corner.
 * In the screen that shows up on right hand pane, enter following:
   1. jetty home: {{{c:\applications\jetty5.1}}}
   2. webapp root dir: {{{web/webapp}}}
   3. contextname: {{{myproject}}}
   4. http host: {{{localhost}}}
 * Click on "Apply". Click "Run".
 * localhost:8080/myproject/index.faces shows welcome page. {OK}