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Posted to by on 2005/03/27 22:54:51 UTC

svn commit: r159191 - in forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views: output.xmap resources/stylesheets/prepare.xhtml.xsl resources/templates/nav.ft src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml status.xml

Author: thorsten
Date: Sun Mar 27 12:54:49 2005
New Revision: 159191

extracted the menu and innermenuli to the nav contract implementation from the prepare.xhtml.xsl. This fixed as well the linking. :) I added as well some docu.


Modified: forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/output.xmap
--- forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/output.xmap (original)
+++ forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/output.xmap Sun Mar 27 12:54:49 2005
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
 <!-- ls.fbits 
-  list the default fbits-->
+  list the project fbits-->
     <map:match pattern="ls.contracts.project">
 		  <map:generate type="directory" src="{project:resources}/templates/">
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
-transform this dir-list and add more information 
+transform this dir-list of the project and add more information 
     <map:match pattern="ls.contracts.project.l">

Modified: forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/resources/stylesheets/prepare.xhtml.xsl
--- forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/resources/stylesheets/prepare.xhtml.xsl (original)
+++ forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/resources/stylesheets/prepare.xhtml.xsl Sun Mar 27 12:54:49 2005
@@ -35,31 +35,11 @@
 			  <alias:param name="request"/>
         <alias:variable name="config" select="//skinconfig"/>
 			  <alias:variable name="minitoc-location" select="$config/toc/@location"/>
-			  <!--<alias:variable name="root">
-			    <alias:call-template name="dotdots">
-			      <alias:with-param name="path" select="$path"/>
-			    </alias:call-template>
-			  </alias:variable>-->
-			<!--
-				  <!-#- Source filename (eg 'foo.xml') of current page -#->
-			  <alias:variable name="filename">
-			    <alias:call-template name="filename">
-			      <alias:with-param name="path" select="$path"/>
-			    </alias:call-template>
-			  </alias:variable>
-			  <!-#- Path of Lucene search results page (relative to $root) -#->
-			  <alias:param name="lucene-search" select="'lucene-search.html'"/>
-			  <alias:variable name="filename-noext">
-			    <alias:call-template name="filename-noext">
-			      <alias:with-param name="path" select="$path"/>
-			    </alias:call-template>
-			  </alias:variable>
-				<alias:variable name="skin-img-dir" select="concat(string($root), 'skin/images')"/>
-			  <alias:variable name="spacer" select="concat($root, 'skin/images/spacer.gif')"/>-->
+        <!--FIXME: get all additional templates-->
+<!--			<xsl:comment>All xhtml additional templates requested by the forrest:template</xsl:comment>
+      <xsl:for-each select="/*/forrest:properties/*[@additional='true']">
+        <xsl:copy-of select=""/>
+      </xsl:for-each>-->
       <xsl:comment>All xhtml head elements requested by the forrest:template</xsl:comment>
 			<alias:template name="getHead">
 			  <xsl:for-each select="/*/forrest:properties/*[@head='true']">
@@ -124,77 +104,7 @@
-       <alias:template name="menu">
-    |start Menu
-    +</alias:comment>
-   	<div id="nav">
-			<ul>
-<!--menu - inner-->	
-        <alias:for-each select = "div[@id='menu']/ul/li">
-          <alias:call-template name = "innermenuli" >
-              <alias:with-param name="id" select="concat('1.', position())"/>
-          </alias:call-template>
-        </alias:for-each>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</alias:template>  
-  <alias:template name="innermenuli">   
-    <alias:param name="id"/>
-    <alias:variable name="tagid">
-      <alias:choose>
-        <alias:when test="descendant-or-self::node()/li/div/@class='current'"><alias:value-of select="concat('menu_selected_',$id)"/></alias:when>
-        <alias:otherwise><alias:value-of select="concat('menu_',concat(font,$id))"/></alias:otherwise>
-      </alias:choose>
-    </alias:variable>
-    <alias:variable name="whichGroup">
-      <alias:choose>
-        <alias:when test="descendant-or-self::node()/li/div/@class='current'">currentmenuitemgroup</alias:when>
-        <alias:otherwise>menuitemgroup</alias:otherwise>
-      </alias:choose>
-    </alias:variable>
-    <li class="pagegroup"><strong><alias:value-of select="h1"/></strong>
-      <ul>
-        <alias:for-each select= "ul/li">
-          <alias:choose>
-            <alias:when test="a">
-              <li><a href="{a/@href}"><alias:value-of select="a" /></a></li>
-            </alias:when>
-            <alias:when test="div/@class='current'">
-              <li class="menupage">
-                <div class="menupagetitle"><alias:value-of select="div" /></div>
-                <alias:if test="$config/toc/@max-depth&gt;0 and contains($minitoc-location,'menu')">
-                  <li class="menupageitemgroup">
-                      <alias:for-each select = "//tocitems/tocitem">
-                        <div class="menupageitem">
-                          <alias:choose>
-                            <alias:when test="string-length(@title)>15">
-                              <a href="{@href}" title="{@title}"><alias:value-of select="substring(@title,0,20)" />...</a>
-                            </alias:when>
-                            <alias:otherwise>
-                              <a href="{@href}"><alias:value-of select="@title" /></a>
-                            </alias:otherwise>
-                          </alias:choose>
-                        </div>
-                      </alias:for-each>
-                  </li>
-                </alias:if>
-              </li>
-            </alias:when>
-            <alias:otherwise>
-              <alias:call-template name = "innermenuli">
-                 <alias:with-param name="id" select="concat($id, '.', position())"/>
-              </alias:call-template>
-            </alias:otherwise>
-          </alias:choose>
-        </alias:for-each>
-      </ul></li>
-  </alias:template>

Modified: forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/resources/templates/nav.ft
--- forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/resources/templates/nav.ft (original)
+++ forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/resources/templates/nav.ft Sun Mar 27 12:54:49 2005
@@ -123,6 +123,76 @@
     |end menu
+      <xsl:template name="menu">
+    |start Menu
+    +</xsl:comment>
+   	<div id="nav">
+			<ul>
+<!--menu - inner-->	
+        <xsl:for-each select = "div[@id='menu']/ul/li">
+          <xsl:call-template name = "innermenuli" >
+              <xsl:with-param name="id" select="concat('1.', position())"/>
+          </xsl:call-template>
+        </xsl:for-each>
+			</ul>
+		</div>
+	</xsl:template>  
+  <xsl:template name="innermenuli">   
+    <xsl:param name="id"/>
+    <xsl:variable name="tagid">
+      <xsl:choose>
+        <xsl:when test="descendant-or-self::node()/li/div/@class='current'"><xsl:value-of select="concat('menu_selected_',$id)"/></xsl:when>
+        <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="concat('menu_',concat(font,$id))"/></xsl:otherwise>
+      </xsl:choose>
+    </xsl:variable>
+    <xsl:variable name="whichGroup">
+      <xsl:choose>
+        <xsl:when test="descendant-or-self::node()/li/div/@class='current'">currentmenuitemgroup</xsl:when>
+        <xsl:otherwise>menuitemgroup</xsl:otherwise>
+      </xsl:choose>
+    </xsl:variable>
+    <li class="pagegroup"><strong><xsl:value-of select="h1"/></strong>
+      <ul>
+        <xsl:for-each select= "ul/li">
+          <xsl:choose>
+            <xsl:when test="a">
+              <li><a href="{a/@href}"><xsl:value-of select="a" /></a></li>
+            </xsl:when>
+            <xsl:when test="div/@class='current'">
+              <li class="menupage">
+                <div class="menupagetitle"><xsl:value-of select="div" /></div>
+                <xsl:if test="$config/toc/@max-depth&gt;0 and contains($minitoc-location,'menu')">
+                  <li class="menupageitemgroup">
+                      <xsl:for-each select = "//tocitems/tocitem">
+                        <div class="menupageitem">
+                          <xsl:choose>
+                            <xsl:when test="string-length(@title)>15">
+                              <a href="{@href}" title="{@title}"><xsl:value-of select="substring(@title,0,20)" />...</a>
+                            </xsl:when>
+                            <xsl:otherwise>
+                              <a href="{@href}"><xsl:value-of select="@title" /></a>
+                            </xsl:otherwise>
+                          </xsl:choose>
+                        </div>
+                      </xsl:for-each>
+                  </li>
+                </xsl:if>
+              </li>
+            </xsl:when>
+            <xsl:otherwise>
+              <xsl:call-template name = "innermenuli">
+                 <xsl:with-param name="id" select="concat($id, '.', position())"/>
+              </xsl:call-template>
+            </xsl:otherwise>
+          </xsl:choose>
+        </xsl:for-each>
+      </ul></li>
+  		</xsl:template>

Modified: forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml
--- forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml (original)
+++ forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml Sun Mar 27 12:54:49 2005
@@ -23,7 +23,172 @@
       <title>Apache Forrest - org.apache.forrest.plugin.views Plugin</title>
-      <p>This plugin ...</p>
+      <source>
+How it works 
+(taken from SOME comments of the output.xmap of views)
+This plugin has three components:
+  1. fbits - delivers contracts in form of xsl:templates
+  2. nuggets - delivers content that is used in the contracts
+  3. views - prepares and transforms the requested contracts (fbits) 
+     and populate them with the content (nuggets)
+1. fbits
+  This is the template producing factory.
+a. <![CDATA[<map:match pattern="resolve.contract.*">]]> -> Resolving factory
+Project implementation of templates have priority before default ones.
+If no implementation can be found we use the noFt (~ - no
+forrest:template) implementation.
+b. <![CDATA[<map:match pattern="get.contract.*.*">]]>
+Get the xsl:templates of the requested contract and specific format.
+c. <![CDATA[<map:match pattern="get.contract-property.*">]]>
+Get the forrest:properties of the requested contract. 
+This will determine which templates (css, head, body) we have to call
+later on
+Contracts are stored in forrest:templates ({contract-name}.ft) please
+have look on
+plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/resources/templates/*.ft do get
+an idea how your own implementation have to look like.
+2. nuggets
+  This is the content producing factory.
+NOTE: <![CDATA[<map:match pattern="*.page">]]>
+The current factory uses the skin producing templates (e.g.
+It is only exchanging the last step of a skin producing pipe
+(site2xhtml.xsl) till now.
+This will have to be changed in the future.
+  prepares and transforms the requested contracts (fbits) and populate
+them with the content (nuggets).
+a.  <![CDATA[<map:match pattern="prepare.view.*">]]> -> View config resolver
+File specific views have priority before default ones.
+If no view can be found in the project we use the default one of the
+views plugin.
+b.  <![CDATA[<map:match pattern="prepare.include.*"> ]]>
+Aggregate the contract-templates requested by the view with xinclude.
+The result is a stylesheet with all needed xsl:templates.
+c. <![CDATA[<map:match pattern="*">]]>
+Aggregate the forrest:properties requested by the *.fv.
+The result is an aggregation of properties which defines the templates
+to be call.
+d. <![CDATA[<map:match pattern="prepare.xhtml.*">]]>
+Aggregate all contracts-templates requested by the view.
+Create a xsl that can be used for the last step of the transformation of
+the view.
+e. <![CDATA[<map:match pattern="*.html"> ]]>-> Last processing step. 
+Here we are overriding the default skin generation.
+Views are stored in forrest:view ({file-name}.fv) please have look on
+plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/src/documentation/default.fv do
+get an idea how your own implementation have to look like.
+Known issues
+- The generation of the linking is not working.
+- Menu /innermenu templates are added directly. Add support for
+additional templates support.
+- Uses resources of leather (document2html.xsl defines the pdf/xml/...
+link this have to be done by the template).
+- The views are only working for html so far
+- The css support and implementation is VERY basic
+- Only first level files are working
+- ...
+The views plugin can be seen as prototype for the next generation
+skinning of forrest. It is still in early stage but with the cleanup I
+hope to make it easier for all devs (not only committer) to get the idea
+and help to enhance it.
+Some basic and simple hints:
+a) If you want another implementation of a contract then create a folder
+"templates" in ${project.resources-dir} and it will be matched before
+the standard implementation. 
+e.g. feedback contract:
+<forrest:contract name="feedback" type="nugget"
+  xmlns:forrest="">
+This function will output the html feedback information.
+format="xhtml" name="feedback" inputFormat="xsl" body="true"
+head="false" css="true">
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.1" 
+  xmlns:xsl=""
+  xmlns:jx="">
+<xsl:template name="feedback-css">
+#feedback {
+    color: black;
+    background: #CFDCED;
+    text-align:center;
+    margin-top: 5px;
+#feedback #feedbackto {
+    font-size: 90%;
+    color: black;
+<xsl:template name="feedback-body">
+<div id="feedback"> Modified project implementation
+<xsl:value-of select="$config/feedback"/>
+<xsl:when test="$config/feedback/@href and
+  <a id="feedbackto">
+    <xsl:attribute name="href">
+      <xsl:value-of select="$config/feedback/@href"/>
+      <xsl:value-of select="$path"/>
+    </xsl:attribute>
+    <xsl:value-of select="$config/feedback/@to"/>
+  </a>
+  <xsl:value-of select="$config/feedback/@to"/>
+The @attributes (body="true" head="false" css="true") of the 
+forrest:template defining which parts of the html page (head, head-css
+and body) we have to render. The xsl:templates are following the simple
+naming convention {@name}-(css|head|body).
+b. If you want a default view for your project then copy the default.fv
+from the plugin to your ${project.conf-dir} and modify this file. When
+you want another view for a specific file (e.g. index.html) then copy
+the default.fv to your ${project.xdocs-dir} and renamed it to e.g.
+      </source>

Modified: forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/status.xml
--- forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/status.xml (original)
+++ forrest/trunk/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.views/status.xml Sun Mar 27 12:54:49 2005
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
     <person name="Ross Gardler" email="" id="RDG" />
+    <person name="Thorsten Scherler" email="" id="TS" />
     <person name="Volunteer needed" email="" id="open"/>