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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2014/04/08 04:45:11 UTC

[Jclouds Wiki] Update of "Validate a Release" by EverettToews

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The "Validate a Release" page has been changed by EverettToews:

Improved Validate the Maven staging repos

  == Validate the Maven staging repos ==
+ 1. On your local machine create a directory and a pom.xml file to download the release candidate JARs from the staging repo. In the [VOTE] thread look for the "Maven staging repos" section and replace the xxxx below with the value from the "Maven staging repos" section.
- 1. In the [VOTE] thread look for the "Maven staging repos" section. On your local machine you can include these repos in your own ~/.m2/settings.xml file. A bare minimum of such a file is below.
- {{{
- <settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
-   xsi:schemaLocation="">
-   <profiles>
-     <profile>
-       <id>jclouds-staging</id>
-         <repositories>
-           <repository>
-             <id>jclouds-staging</id>
-             <url></url>
-           </repository>
-         </repositories>
-     </profile>
-   </profiles>
- </settings>
- }}}
- 2. Create a directory and a pom.xml file to download the release candidate JARs from the staging repo.
  <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
@@ -75, +56 @@

+   <profiles>
+     <profile>
+       <id>jclouds-staging</id>
+         <repositories>
+           <repository>
+             <id>jclouds-staging</id>
+             <url></url>
+           </repository>
+         </repositories>
+     </profile>
+   </profiles>
- 3. Run the command {{{mvn clean -Pjclouds-staging dependency:copy-dependencies "-DoutputDirectory=./lib" -U}}} to download the JARs to a lib directory.
+ 2. Run the command {{{mvn clean -Pjclouds-staging dependency:copy-dependencies "-DoutputDirectory=./lib" -U}}} to download the JARs to a lib directory.
  At the end of it you should have a simple directory structure like so.
- jclouds-1.6.2$ ls
+ jclouds-1.6.3$ ls
  lib	pom.xml