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Posted to by on 2007/05/27 00:48:09 UTC

svn commit: r541946 [7/41] - in /tapestry/tapestry4/trunk: tapestry-examples/TimeTracker/ tapestry-examples/TimeTracker/src/context/WEB-INF/ tapestry-examples/Workbench/ tapestry-framework/ tapestry-framework/src/java/org/apache/tapestry/ tapestry-fram...

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/tapestry-framework/src/js/dojo-0.4.3/dojo2.js.uncompressed.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/tapestry-framework/src/js/dojo-0.4.3/dojo2.js.uncompressed.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/tapestry-framework/src/js/dojo-0.4.3/dojo2.js.uncompressed.js Sat May 26 15:47:41 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,3452 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.experimental = function(/* String */ moduleName, /* String? */ extra){
+	// summary: Marks code as experimental.
+	// description: 
+	//    This can be used to mark a function, file, or module as experimental.
+	//    Experimental code is not ready to be used, and the APIs are subject
+	//    to change without notice.  Experimental code may be completed deleted
+	//    without going through the normal deprecation process.
+	// moduleName: The name of a module, or the name of a module file or a specific function
+	// extra: some additional message for the user
+	// examples:
+	//    dojo.experimental("");
+	//    dojo.experimental("", "PENDING approval from NOAA");
+	var message = "EXPERIMENTAL: " + moduleName;
+	message += " -- Not yet ready for use.  APIs subject to change without notice.";
+	if(extra){ message += " " + extra; }
+	dojo.debug(message);
+dojo.evalObjPath("", true);	// this file also defines stuff in the module (TODO: move to separate file?)
+// *** Regular Expression Generators ***
+dojo.regexp.tld = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a RE that matches a top-level domain
+	//
+	// flags:
+	//    flags.allowCC  Include 2 letter country code domains.  Default is true.
+	//    flags.allowGeneric  Include the generic domains.  Default is true.
+	//    flags.allowInfra  Include infrastructure domains.  Default is true.
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.allowCC != "boolean"){ flags.allowCC = true; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowInfra != "boolean"){ flags.allowInfra = true; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowGeneric != "boolean"){ flags.allowGeneric = true; }
+	// Infrastructure top-level domain - only one at present
+	var infraRE = "arpa";
+	// Generic top-level domains RE.
+	var genericRE = 
+		"aero|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|mil|museum|name|net|org|pro|travel|xxx|jobs|mobi|post";
+	// Country Code top-level domains RE
+	var ccRE = 
+		"ac|ad|ae|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|as|at|au|aw|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|" +
+		"bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|cr|cu|cv|cx|cy|cz|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|" +
+		"ec|ee|eg|er|eu|es|et|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|"
+		+
+		"gy|hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|im|in|io|ir|is|it|je|jm|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kr|kw|ky|kz|" +
+		"la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|mg|mh|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|mv|mw|mx|" +
+		"my|mz|na|nc|ne|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nu|nz|om|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|" +
+		"re|ro|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sk|sl|sm|sn|sr|st|su|sv|sy|sz|tc|td|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tm|" +
+		"tn|to|tr|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|yu|za|zm|zw";
+	// Build top-level domain RE
+	var a = [];
+	if(flags.allowInfra){ a.push(infraRE); }
+	if(flags.allowGeneric){ a.push(genericRE); }
+	if(flags.allowCC){ a.push(ccRE); }
+	var tldRE = "";
+	if (a.length > 0) {
+		tldRE = "(" + a.join("|") + ")";
+	}
+	return tldRE; // String
+dojo.regexp.ipAddress = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a RE that matches an IP Address
+	//
+	// description:
+	//  Supports 5 formats for IPv4: dotted decimal, dotted hex, dotted octal, decimal and hexadecimal.
+	//  Supports 2 formats for Ipv6.
+	//
+	// flags  An object.  All flags are boolean with default = true.
+	//    flags.allowDottedDecimal  Example,  No zero padding.
+	//    flags.allowDottedHex  Example, 0x18.0x11.0x9b.0x28.  Case insensitive.  Zero padding allowed.
+	//    flags.allowDottedOctal  Example, 0030.0021.0233.0050.  Zero padding allowed.
+	//    flags.allowDecimal  Example, 3482223595.  A decimal number between 0-4294967295.
+	//    flags.allowHex  Example, 0xCF8E83EB.  Hexadecimal number between 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF.
+	//      Case insensitive.  Zero padding allowed.
+	//    flags.allowIPv6   IPv6 address written as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits.
+	//    flags.allowHybrid   IPv6 address written as six groups of four hexadecimal digits
+	//      followed by the usual 4 dotted decimal digit notation of IPv4. x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.allowDottedDecimal != "boolean"){ flags.allowDottedDecimal = true; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowDottedHex != "boolean"){ flags.allowDottedHex = true; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowDottedOctal != "boolean"){ flags.allowDottedOctal = true; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowDecimal != "boolean"){ flags.allowDecimal = true; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowHex != "boolean"){ flags.allowHex = true; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowIPv6 != "boolean"){ flags.allowIPv6 = true; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowHybrid != "boolean"){ flags.allowHybrid = true; }
+	// decimal-dotted IP address RE.
+	var dottedDecimalRE = 
+		// Each number is between 0-255.  Zero padding is not allowed.
+		"((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])";
+	// dotted hex IP address RE.  Each number is between 0x0-0xff.  Zero padding is allowed, e.g. 0x00.
+	var dottedHexRE = "(0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]\\.){3}0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]?[\\da-fA-F]";
+	// dotted octal IP address RE.  Each number is between 0000-0377.  
+	// Zero padding is allowed, but each number must have at least 4 characters.
+	var dottedOctalRE = "(0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]\\.){3}0+[0-3][0-7][0-7]";
+	// decimal IP address RE.  A decimal number between 0-4294967295.  
+	var decimalRE =  "(0|[1-9]\\d{0,8}|[1-3]\\d{9}|4[01]\\d{8}|42[0-8]\\d{7}|429[0-3]\\d{6}|" +
+		"4294[0-8]\\d{5}|42949[0-5]\\d{4}|429496[0-6]\\d{3}|4294967[01]\\d{2}|42949672[0-8]\\d|429496729[0-5])";
+	// hexadecimal IP address RE. 
+	// A hexadecimal number between 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF. Case insensitive.  Zero padding is allowed.
+	var hexRE = "0[xX]0*[\\da-fA-F]{1,8}";
+	// IPv6 address RE. 
+	// The format is written as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x,
+	// where x is between 0000-ffff. Zero padding is optional. Case insensitive. 
+	var ipv6RE = "([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){7}[\\da-fA-F]{1,4}";
+	// IPv6/IPv4 Hybrid address RE. 
+	// The format is written as six groups of four hexadecimal digits, 
+	// followed by the 4 dotted decimal IPv4 format. x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d
+	var hybridRE = "([\\da-fA-F]{1,4}\\:){6}" + 
+		"((\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])";
+	// Build IP Address RE
+	var a = [];
+	if(flags.allowDottedDecimal){ a.push(dottedDecimalRE); }
+	if(flags.allowDottedHex){ a.push(dottedHexRE); }
+	if(flags.allowDottedOctal){ a.push(dottedOctalRE); }
+	if(flags.allowDecimal){ a.push(decimalRE); }
+	if(flags.allowHex){ a.push(hexRE); }
+	if(flags.allowIPv6){ a.push(ipv6RE); }
+	if(flags.allowHybrid){ a.push(hybridRE); }
+	var ipAddressRE = "";
+	if(a.length > 0){
+		ipAddressRE = "(" + a.join("|") + ")";
+	}
+	return ipAddressRE; // String
+ = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a RE that matches a host
+	// description: A host is a domain name or an IP address, possibly followed by a port number.
+	// flags: An object.
+	//    flags.allowIP  Allow an IP address for hostname.  Default is true.
+	//    flags.allowLocal  Allow the host to be "localhost".  Default is false.
+	//    flags.allowPort  Allow a port number to be present.  Default is true.
+	//    flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+	//    flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.allowIP != "boolean"){ flags.allowIP = true; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowLocal != "boolean"){ flags.allowLocal = false; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowPort != "boolean"){ flags.allowPort = true; }
+	// Domain names can not end with a dash.
+	var domainNameRE = "([0-9a-zA-Z]([-0-9a-zA-Z]{0,61}[0-9a-zA-Z])?\\.)+" + dojo.regexp.tld(flags);
+	// port number RE
+	var portRE = ( flags.allowPort ) ? "(\\:" + dojo.regexp.integer({signed: false}) + ")?" : "";
+	// build host RE
+	var hostNameRE = domainNameRE;
+	if(flags.allowIP){ hostNameRE += "|" +  dojo.regexp.ipAddress(flags); }
+	if(flags.allowLocal){ hostNameRE += "|localhost"; }
+	return "(" + hostNameRE + ")" + portRE; // String
+dojo.regexp.url = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a regular expression that matches a URL
+	//
+	// flags: An object
+	//    flags.scheme  Can be true, false, or [true, false]. 
+	//      This means: required, not allowed, or match either one.
+	//    flags in can be applied.
+	//    flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+	//    flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.scheme == "undefined"){ flags.scheme = [true, false]; }
+	// Scheme RE
+	var protocolRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.scheme,
+		function(q){ if(q){ return "(https?|ftps?)\\://"; } return ""; }
+	);
+	// Path and query and anchor RE
+	var pathRE = "(/([^?#\\s/]+/)*)?([^?#\\s/]+(\\?[^?#\\s/]*)?(#[A-Za-z][\\w.:-]*)?)?";
+	return protocolRE + + pathRE;
+dojo.regexp.emailAddress = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a regular expression that matches an email address
+	//
+	//flags: An object
+	//    flags.allowCruft  Allow address like <>.  Default is false.
+	//    flags in can be applied.
+	//    flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+	//    flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if (typeof flags.allowCruft != "boolean") { flags.allowCruft = false; }
+	flags.allowPort = false; // invalid in email addresses
+	// user name RE - apostrophes are valid if there's not 2 in a row
+	var usernameRE = "([\\da-z]+[-._+&'])*[\\da-z]+";
+	// build emailAddress RE
+	var emailAddressRE = usernameRE + "@" +;
+	// Allow email addresses with cruft
+	if ( flags.allowCruft ) {
+		emailAddressRE = "<?(mailto\\:)?" + emailAddressRE + ">?";
+	}
+	return emailAddressRE; // String
+dojo.regexp.emailAddressList = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a regular expression that matches a list of email addresses.
+	//
+	// flags: An object.
+	//    flags.listSeparator  The character used to separate email addresses.  Default is ";", ",", "\n" or " ".
+	//    flags in regexp.emailAddress can be applied.
+	//    flags in can be applied.
+	//    flags in regexp.ipAddress can be applied.
+	//    flags in regexp.tld can be applied.
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.listSeparator != "string"){ flags.listSeparator = "\\s;,"; }
+	// build a RE for an Email Address List
+	var emailAddressRE = dojo.regexp.emailAddress(flags);
+	var emailAddressListRE = "(" + emailAddressRE + "\\s*[" + flags.listSeparator + "]\\s*)*" + 
+		emailAddressRE + "\\s*[" + flags.listSeparator + "]?\\s*";
+	return emailAddressListRE; // String
+dojo.regexp.integer = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a regular expression that matches an integer
+	//
+	// flags: An object
+	//    flags.signed  The leading plus-or-minus sign.  Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+	//      Default is [true, false], (i.e. will match if it is signed or unsigned).
+	//    flags.separator  The character used as the thousands separator.  Default is no separator.
+	//      For more than one symbol use an array, e.g. [",", ""], makes ',' optional.
+	//	flags.groupSize group size between separators
+	//	flags.groupSize2 second grouping (for India)
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.signed == "undefined"){ flags.signed = [true, false]; }
+	if(typeof flags.separator == "undefined"){
+		flags.separator = "";
+	} else if(typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined"){
+		flags.groupSize = 3;
+	}
+	// build sign RE
+	var signRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.signed,
+		function(q) { return q ? "[-+]" : ""; }
+	);
+	// number RE
+	var numberRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.separator,
+		function(sep){ 
+			if(sep == ""){ 
+				return "(0|[1-9]\\d*)";
+			}
+			var grp = flags.groupSize, grp2 = flags.groupSize2;
+			if(typeof grp2 != "undefined"){
+				var grp2RE = "(0|[1-9]\\d{0," + (grp2-1) + "}([" + sep + "]\\d{" + grp2 + "})*[" + sep + "]\\d{" + grp + "})";
+				return ((grp-grp2) > 0) ? "(" + grp2RE + "|(0|[1-9]\\d{0," + (grp-1) + "}))" : grp2RE;
+			}
+			return  "(0|[1-9]\\d{0," + (grp-1) + "}([" + sep + "]\\d{" + grp + "})*)";
+		}
+	);
+	// integer RE
+	return signRE + numberRE; // String
+dojo.regexp.realNumber = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a regular expression to match a real number in exponential notation
+	//
+	// flags:An object
+	//    flags.places  The integer number of decimal places.
+	//      If not given, the decimal part is optional and the number of places is unlimited.
+	//    flags.decimal  A string for the character used as the decimal point.  Default is ".".
+	//    flags.fractional  Whether decimal places are allowed.
+	//      Can be true, false, or [true, false].  Default is [true, false]
+	//    flags.exponent  Express in exponential notation.  Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+	//      Default is [true, false], (i.e. will match if the exponential part is present are not).
+	//    flags.eSigned  The leading plus-or-minus sign on the exponent.  Can be true, false, 
+	//      or [true, false].  Default is [true, false], (i.e. will match if it is signed or unsigned).
+	//    flags in regexp.integer can be applied.
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.places != "number"){ flags.places = Infinity; }
+	if(typeof flags.decimal != "string"){ flags.decimal = "."; }
+	if(typeof flags.fractional == "undefined"){ flags.fractional = [true, false]; }
+	if(typeof flags.exponent == "undefined"){ flags.exponent = [true, false]; }
+	if(typeof flags.eSigned == "undefined"){ flags.eSigned = [true, false]; }
+	// integer RE
+	var integerRE = dojo.regexp.integer(flags);
+	// decimal RE
+	var decimalRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.fractional,
+		function(q){
+			var re = "";
+			if(q && (flags.places > 0)){
+				re = "\\" + flags.decimal;
+				if(flags.places == Infinity){ 
+					re = "(" + re + "\\d+)?"; 
+				}else{ 
+					re = re + "\\d{" + flags.places + "}"; 
+				}
+			}
+			return re;
+		}
+	);
+	// exponent RE
+	var exponentRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.exponent,
+		function(q){ 
+			if(q){ return "([eE]" + dojo.regexp.integer({ signed: flags.eSigned}) + ")"; }
+			return ""; 
+		}
+	);
+	// real number RE
+	return integerRE + decimalRE + exponentRE; // String
+dojo.regexp.currency = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a regular expression to match a monetary value
+	//
+	// flags: An object
+	//    flags.symbol  A currency symbol such as Yen "�", Pound "�", or the Euro sign "�".  
+	//      Default is "$".  For more than one symbol use an array, e.g. ["$", ""], makes $ optional.
+	//    flags.placement  The symbol can come "before" the number or "after" the number.  Default is "before".
+	//    flags.signPlacement  The sign can come "before" the number or "after" the sign,
+	//      "around" to put parentheses around negative values, or "end" for the final char.  Default is "before".
+	//    flags.cents  deprecated, in favor of flags.fractional
+	//    flags in regexp.realNumber can be applied except exponent, eSigned.
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.signed == "undefined"){ flags.signed = [true, false]; }
+	if(typeof flags.symbol == "undefined"){ flags.symbol = "$"; }
+	if(typeof flags.placement != "string"){ flags.placement = "before"; }
+	if(typeof flags.signPlacement != "string"){ flags.signPlacement = "before"; }
+	if(typeof flags.separator == "undefined"){ flags.separator = ","; }
+	if(typeof flags.fractional == "undefined" && typeof flags.cents != "undefined"){
+		dojo.deprecated("dojo.regexp.currency: flags.cents", "use flags.fractional instead", "0.5");
+		flags.fractional = flags.cents;
+	}
+	if(typeof flags.decimal != "string"){ flags.decimal = "."; }
+	// build sign RE
+	var signRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.signed,
+		function(q){ if (q){ return "[-+]"; } return ""; }
+	);
+	// build symbol RE
+	var symbolRE = dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.symbol,
+		function(symbol){ 
+			// escape all special characters
+			return "\\s?" + symbol.replace( /([.$?*!=:|\\\/^])/g, "\\$1") + "\\s?";
+		}
+	);
+	switch (flags.signPlacement){
+		case "before":
+			symbolRE = signRE + symbolRE;
+			break;
+		case "after":
+			symbolRE = symbolRE + signRE;
+			break;
+	}
+	// number RE
+	var flagsCopy = flags; //TODO: copy by value?
+	flagsCopy.signed = false; flagsCopy.exponent = false;
+	var numberRE = dojo.regexp.realNumber(flagsCopy);
+	// build currency RE
+	var currencyRE;
+	switch (flags.placement){
+		case "before":
+			currencyRE = symbolRE + numberRE;
+			break;
+		case "after":
+			currencyRE = numberRE + symbolRE;
+			break;
+	}
+	switch (flags.signPlacement){
+		case "around":
+			currencyRE = "(" + currencyRE + "|" + "\\(" + currencyRE + "\\)" + ")";
+			break;
+		case "begin":
+			currencyRE = signRE + currencyRE;
+			break;
+		case "end":
+			currencyRE = currencyRE + signRE;
+			break;
+	}
+	return currencyRE; // String
+ = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: A regular expression to match US state and territory abbreviations
+	//
+	// flags  An object.
+	//    flags.allowTerritories  Allow Guam, Puerto Rico, etc.  Default is true.
+	//    flags.allowMilitary  Allow military 'states', e.g. Armed Forces Europe (AE).  Default is true.
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.allowTerritories != "boolean"){ flags.allowTerritories = true; }
+	if(typeof flags.allowMilitary != "boolean"){ flags.allowMilitary = true; }
+	// state RE
+	var statesRE = 
+	// territories RE
+	var territoriesRE = "AS|FM|GU|MH|MP|PW|PR|VI";
+	// military states RE
+	var militaryRE = "AA|AE|AP";
+	// Build states and territories RE
+	if(flags.allowTerritories){ statesRE += "|" + territoriesRE; }
+	if(flags.allowMilitary){ statesRE += "|" + militaryRE; }
+	return "(" + statesRE + ")"; // String
+dojo.regexp.time = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a regular expression to match any International format for time
+	// description: The RE can match one format or one of multiple formats.
+	//
+	//  Format
+	//  h        12 hour, no zero padding.
+	//  hh       12 hour, has leading zero.
+	//  H        24 hour, no zero padding.
+	//  HH       24 hour, has leading zero.
+	//  m        minutes, no zero padding.
+	//  mm       minutes, has leading zero.
+	//  s        seconds, no zero padding.
+	//  ss       seconds, has leading zero.
+	//  t        am or pm, case insensitive.
+	//  All other characters must appear literally in the expression.
+	//
+	//  Example
+	//    "h:m:s t"  ->   2:5:33 PM
+	//    "HH:mm:ss" ->  14:05:33
+	//
+	// flags: An object
+	//    flags.format  A string or an array of strings.  Default is "h:mm:ss t".
+	//    flags.amSymbol  The symbol used for AM.  Default is "AM".
+	//    flags.pmSymbol  The symbol used for PM.  Default is "PM".
+	dojo.deprecated("dojo.regexp.time", "Use instead", "0.5");
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.format == "undefined"){ flags.format = "h:mm:ss t"; }
+	if(typeof flags.amSymbol != "string"){ flags.amSymbol = "AM"; }
+	if(typeof flags.pmSymbol != "string"){ flags.pmSymbol = "PM"; }
+	// Converts a time format to a RE
+	var timeRE = function(format){
+		// escape all special characters
+		format = format.replace( /([.$?*!=:|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/^])/g, "\\$1");
+		var amRE = flags.amSymbol.replace( /([.$?*!=:|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/^])/g, "\\$1");
+		var pmRE = flags.pmSymbol.replace( /([.$?*!=:|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/^])/g, "\\$1");
+		// replace tokens with Regular Expressions
+		format = format.replace("hh", "(0[1-9]|1[0-2])");
+		format = format.replace("h", "([1-9]|1[0-2])");
+		format = format.replace("HH", "([01][0-9]|2[0-3])");
+		format = format.replace("H", "([0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])");
+		format = format.replace("mm", "([0-5][0-9])");
+		format = format.replace("m", "([1-5][0-9]|[0-9])");
+		format = format.replace("ss", "([0-5][0-9])");
+		format = format.replace("s", "([1-5][0-9]|[0-9])");
+		format = format.replace("t", "\\s?(" + amRE + "|" + pmRE + ")\\s?" );
+		return format; // String
+	};
+	// build RE for multiple time formats
+	return dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.format, timeRE); // String
+dojo.regexp.numberFormat = function(/*Object?*/flags){
+	// summary: Builds a regular expression to match any sort of number based format
+	// description:
+	//  Use this method for phone numbers, social security numbers, zip-codes, etc.
+	//  The RE can match one format or one of multiple formats.
+	//
+	//  Format
+	//    #        Stands for a digit, 0-9.
+	//    ?        Stands for an optional digit, 0-9 or nothing.
+	//    All other characters must appear literally in the expression.
+	//
+	//  Example   
+	//    "(###) ###-####"       ->   (510) 542-9742
+	//    "(###) ###-#### x#???" ->   (510) 542-9742 x153
+	//    "###-##-####"          ->   506-82-1089       i.e. social security number
+	//    "#####-####"           ->   98225-1649        i.e. zip code
+	//
+	// flags:  An object
+	//    flags.format  A string or an Array of strings for multiple formats.
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	if(typeof flags.format == "undefined"){ flags.format = "###-###-####"; }
+	// Converts a number format to RE.
+	var digitRE = function(format){
+		// escape all special characters, except '?'
+		format = format.replace( /([.$*!=:|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/^])/g, "\\$1");
+		// Now replace '?' with Regular Expression
+		format = format.replace(/\?/g, "\\d?");
+		// replace # with Regular Expression
+		format = format.replace(/#/g, "\\d");
+		return format; // String
+	};
+	// build RE for multiple number formats
+	return dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE(flags.format, digitRE); //String
+dojo.regexp.buildGroupRE = function(/*value or Array of values*/a, /*Function(x) returns a regular expression as a String*/re){
+	// summary: Builds a regular expression that groups subexpressions
+	// description: A utility function used by some of the RE generators.
+	//  The subexpressions are constructed by the function, re, in the second parameter.
+	//  re builds one subexpression for each elem in the array a, in the first parameter.
+	//  Returns a string for a regular expression that groups all the subexpressions.
+	//
+	// a:  A single value or an array of values.
+	// re:  A function.  Takes one parameter and converts it to a regular expression. 
+	// case 1: a is a single value.
+	if(!(a instanceof Array)){
+		return re(a); // String
+	}
+	// case 2: a is an array
+	var b = [];
+	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
+		// convert each elem to a RE
+		b.push(re(a[i]));
+	}
+	 // join the REs as alternatives in a RE group.
+	return "(" + b.join("|") + ")"; // String
+* Method to Format and validate a given number
+* @param Number value
+*	The number to be formatted and validated.
+* @param Object flags
+*   flags.places number of decimal places to show, default is 0 (cannot be Infinity)
+*   flags.round true to round the number, false to truncate
+* @param String locale
+*	The locale used to determine the number format.
+* @return String
+* 	the formatted number of type String if successful
+*   or null if an unsupported locale value was provided
+dojo.i18n.number.format = function(value, flags /*optional*/, locale /*optional*/){
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	var formatData = dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE, locale);
+	if (typeof flags.separator == "undefined") {flags.separator = formatData[1];}
+	if (typeof flags.decimal == "undefined") {flags.decimal = formatData[2];}
+	if (typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined") {flags.groupSize = formatData[3];}
+	if (typeof flags.groupSize2 == "undefined") {flags.groupSize2 = formatData[4];}
+	if (typeof flags.round == "undefined") {flags.round = true;}
+	if (typeof flags.signed == "undefined") {flags.signed = true;}
+	var output = (flags.signed && (value < 0)) ? "-" : "";
+	value = Math.abs(value);
+	var whole = String((((flags.places > 0) || !flags.round) ? Math.floor : Math.round)(value));
+	// Splits str into substrings of size count, starting from right to left.  Is there a more clever way to do this in JS?
+	function splitSubstrings(str, count){
+		for(var subs = []; str.length >= count; str = str.substr(0, str.length - count)){
+			subs.push(str.substr(-count));
+		}
+		if (str.length > 0){subs.push(str);}
+		return subs.reverse();
+	}
+	if (flags.groupSize2 && (whole.length > flags.groupSize)){
+		var groups = splitSubstrings(whole.substr(0, whole.length - flags.groupSize), flags.groupSize2);
+		groups.push(whole.substr(-flags.groupSize));
+		output = output + groups.join(flags.separator);
+	}else if (flags.groupSize){
+		output = output + splitSubstrings(whole, flags.groupSize).join(flags.separator);
+	}else{
+		output = output + whole;
+	}
+//TODO: what if flags.places is Infinity?
+	if (flags.places > 0){
+	//Q: Is it safe to convert to a string and split on ".", or might that be locale dependent?  Use Math for now.
+		var fract = value - Math.floor(value);
+		fract = (flags.round ? Math.round : Math.floor)(fract * Math.pow(10, flags.places));
+		output = output + flags.decimal + fract;
+	}
+//TODO: exp
+	return output;
+* Method to convert a properly formatted int string to a primative numeric value.
+* @param String value
+*	The int string to be convertted
+* @param string locale
+*	The locale used to convert the number string
+* @param Object flags
+*   flags.validate true to check the string for strict adherence to the locale settings for separator, sign, etc.
+*     Default is true
+* @return Number
+* 	Returns a value of type Number, Number.NaN if not a number, or null if locale is not supported.
+dojo.i18n.number.parse = function(value, locale /*optional*/, flags /*optional*/){
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	var formatData = dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE, locale);
+	if (typeof flags.separator == "undefined") {flags.separator = formatData[1];}
+	if (typeof flags.decimal == "undefined") {flags.decimal = formatData[2];}
+	if (typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined") {flags.groupSize = formatData[3];}
+	if (typeof flags.groupSize2 == "undefined") {flags.groupSize2 = formatData[4];}
+	if (typeof flags.validate == "undefined") {flags.validate = true;}
+	if (flags.validate && !dojo.i18n.number.isReal(value, locale, flags)) {
+		return Number.NaN;
+	}
+	var numbers = value.split(flags.decimal);
+	if (numbers.length > 2){return Number.NaN; }
+    var whole;
+    if (flags.separator != ""){
+        whole = Number(numbers[0].replace(new RegExp("\\" + flags.separator, "g"), ""));
+    } else {
+        whole = Number(numbers[0]);
+    }
+	var fract = (numbers.length == 1) ? 0 : Number(numbers[1]) / Math.pow(10, String(numbers[1]).length);
+//TODO: exp
+	return whole + fract;
+  Validates whether a string is in an integer format. 
+  @param value  A string.
+  @param locale the locale to determine formatting used.  By default, the locale defined by the
+    host environment: dojo.locale
+  @param flags  An object.
+    flags.signed  The leading plus-or-minus sign.  Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+      Default is [true, false], (i.e. sign is optional).
+    flags.separator  The character used as the thousands separator.  Default is specified by the locale.
+      For more than one symbol use an array, e.g. [",", ""], makes ',' optional.
+      The empty array [] makes the default separator optional.   
+  @return  true or false.
+dojo.i18n.number.isInteger = function(value, locale /*optional*/, flags /*optional*/) {
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	var formatData = dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE, locale);
+	if (typeof flags.separator == "undefined") {flags.separator = formatData[1];}
+	else if (dojo.lang.isArray(flags.separator) && flags.separator.length ===0){
+		flags.separator = [formatData[1],""];
+	}
+	if (typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined") {flags.groupSize = formatData[3];}
+	if (typeof flags.groupSize2 == "undefined") {flags.groupSize2 = formatData[4];}
+	var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.integer(flags) + "$");
+	return re.test(value);
+  Validates whether a string is a real valued number. 
+  Format is the usual exponential notation.
+  @param value  A string.
+  @param locale the locale to determine formatting used.  By default, the locale defined by the
+    host environment: dojo.locale
+  @param flags  An object.
+    flags.places  The integer number of decimal places.
+      If not given, the decimal part is optional and the number of places is unlimited.
+    flags.decimal  The character used for the decimal point.  The default is specified by the locale.
+    flags.exponent  Express in exponential notation.  Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+      Default is [true, false], (i.e. the exponential part is optional).
+    flags.eSigned  The leading plus-or-minus sign on the exponent.  Can be true, false, 
+      or [true, false].  Default is [true, false], (i.e. sign is optional).
+    flags in regexp.integer can be applied.
+  @return  true or false.
+dojo.i18n.number.isReal = function(value, locale /*optional*/, flags /*optional*/) {
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	var formatData = dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData(dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE, locale);
+	if (typeof flags.separator == "undefined") {flags.separator = formatData[1];}
+	else if (dojo.lang.isArray(flags.separator) && flags.separator.length ===0){
+		flags.separator = [formatData[1],""];
+	}
+	if (typeof flags.decimal == "undefined") {flags.decimal = formatData[2];}
+	if (typeof flags.groupSize == "undefined") {flags.groupSize = formatData[3];}
+	if (typeof flags.groupSize2 == "undefined") {flags.groupSize2 = formatData[4];}
+	var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.realNumber(flags) + "$");
+	return re.test(value);
+//TODO: hide in a closure?
+//TODO: change to use hashes and mixins, rather than arrays
+//Q: fallback algorithm/how to structure table:
+// does it make sense to look by country code most of the time (wildcard match on
+// language, except where it's relevant) and provide default country when only
+// a language is given?
+(function() {
+dojo.i18n.number.FORMAT_TABLE = {
+	//0: thousand seperator for monetary, 1: thousand seperator for number, 2: decimal seperator, 3: group size, 4: second group size because of india
+	'ar-ae': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'ar-bh': ["","",",", 1],
+	'ar-dz': ["","",",", 1],
+	'ar-eg': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'ar-jo': ["","",",", 1],
+	'ar-kw': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'ar-lb': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'ar-ma': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'ar-om': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'ar-qa': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'ar-sa': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'ar-sy': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'ar-tn': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'ar-ye': ["","", ",", 1],
+	'cs-cz': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'da-dk': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'de-at': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'de-de': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'de-lu': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	//IBM JSL defect 51278. right now we have problem with single quote. //IBM: explain?
+	'de-ch': ["'","'", ".", 3], //Q: comma as decimal separator for currency??
+	//'de-ch': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'el-gr': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'en-au': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'en-ca': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'en-gb': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'en-hk': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'en-ie': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'en-in': [",",",", ".", 3,2],//india-english, 1,23,456.78
+	'en-nz': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'en-us': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'en-za': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'es-ar': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'es-bo': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'es-cl': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'es-co': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'es-cr': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'es-do': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'es-ec': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'es-es': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'es-gt': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'es-hn': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'es-mx': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'es-ni': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'es-pa': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'es-pe': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'es-pr': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'es-py': [".",".",",", 3],
+	'es-sv': [",", ",",".", 3],
+	'es-uy': [".",".",",", 3],
+	'es-ve': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'fi-fi': [" "," ", ",", 3],
+	'fr-be': [".",".",",", 3],
+	'fr-ca': [" ", " ", ",", 3],
+	'fr-ch': [" ", " ",".", 3],
+	'fr-fr': [" "," ", ",", 3],
+	'fr-lu': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'he-il': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'hu-hu': [" ", " ",",", 3],
+	'it-ch': [" "," ", ".", 3],
+	'it-it': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'ja-jp': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'ko-kr': [",", ",",".", 3],
+	'no-no': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'nl-be': [" "," ", ",", 3],
+	'nl-nl': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'pl-pl': [".", ".",",", 3],
+	'pt-br': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'pt-pt': [".",".", "$", 3],
+	'ru-ru': [" ", " ",",", 3],
+	'sv-se': ["."," ", ",", 3],
+	'tr-tr': [".",".", ",", 3],
+	'zh-cn': [",",",", ".", 3],
+	'zh-hk': [",",",",".", 3],
+	'zh-tw': [",", ",",".", 3],
+	'*': [",",",", ".", 3]
+dojo.i18n.number._mapToLocalizedFormatData = function(table, locale){
+	locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale);
+//TODO: most- to least-specific search? search by country code?
+//TODO: implement aliases to simplify and shorten tables
+	var data = table[locale];
+	if (typeof data == 'undefined'){data = table['*'];}
+	return data;
+dojo.validate.isText = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// summary:
+//	Checks if a string has non whitespace characters. 
+//	Parameters allow you to constrain the length.
+// value: A string
+// flags: {length: Number, minlength: Number, maxlength: Number}
+//    flags.length  If set, checks if there are exactly flags.length number of characters.
+//    flags.minlength  If set, checks if there are at least flags.minlength number of characters.
+//    flags.maxlength  If set, checks if there are at most flags.maxlength number of characters.
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	// test for text
+	if(/^\s*$/.test(value)){ return false; } // Boolean
+	// length tests
+	if(typeof flags.length == "number" && flags.length != value.length){ return false; } // Boolean
+	if(typeof flags.minlength == "number" && flags.minlength > value.length){ return false; } // Boolean
+	if(typeof flags.maxlength == "number" && flags.maxlength < value.length){ return false; } // Boolean
+	return true; // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isInteger = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// summary:
+//	Validates whether a string is in an integer format
+// value  A string
+// flags  {signed: Boolean|[true,false], separator: String}
+//    flags.signed  The leading plus-or-minus sign.  Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+//      Default is [true, false], (i.e. sign is optional).
+//    flags.separator  The character used as the thousands separator.  Default is no separator.
+//      For more than one symbol use an array, e.g. [",", ""], makes ',' optional.
+	var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.integer(flags) + "$");
+	return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isRealNumber = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// summary:
+//	Validates whether a string is a real valued number. 
+//	Format is the usual exponential notation.
+// value: A string
+// flags: {places: Number, decimal: String, exponent: Boolean|[true,false], eSigned: Boolean|[true,false], ...}
+//    flags.places  The integer number of decimal places.
+//      If not given, the decimal part is optional and the number of places is unlimited.
+//    flags.decimal  The character used for the decimal point.  Default is ".".
+//    flags.exponent  Express in exponential notation.  Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+//      Default is [true, false], (i.e. the exponential part is optional).
+//    flags.eSigned  The leading plus-or-minus sign on the exponent.  Can be true, false, 
+//      or [true, false].  Default is [true, false], (i.e. sign is optional).
+//    flags in regexp.integer can be applied.
+	var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.realNumber(flags) + "$");
+	return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isCurrency = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// summary:
+//	Validates whether a string denotes a monetary value. 
+// value: A string
+// flags: {signed:Boolean|[true,false], symbol:String, placement:String, separator:String,
+//	fractional:Boolean|[true,false], decimal:String}
+//    flags.signed  The leading plus-or-minus sign.  Can be true, false, or [true, false].
+//      Default is [true, false], (i.e. sign is optional).
+//    flags.symbol  A currency symbol such as Yen "�", Pound "�", or the Euro sign "�".  
+//      Default is "$".  For more than one symbol use an array, e.g. ["$", ""], makes $ optional.
+//    flags.placement  The symbol can come "before" the number or "after".  Default is "before".
+//    flags.separator  The character used as the thousands separator. The default is ",".
+//    flags.fractional  The appropriate number of decimal places for fractional currency (e.g. cents)
+//      Can be true, false, or [true, false].  Default is [true, false], (i.e. cents are optional).
+//    flags.decimal  The character used for the decimal point.  Default is ".".
+	var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.currency(flags) + "$");
+	return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojo.validate._isInRangeCache = {};
+dojo.validate.isInRange = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+//	Validates whether a string denoting an integer, 
+//	real number, or monetary value is between a max and min. 
+// value: A string
+// flags: {max:Number, min:Number, decimal:String}
+//    flags.max  A number, which the value must be less than or equal to for the validation to be true.
+//    flags.min  A number, which the value must be greater than or equal to for the validation to be true.
+//    flags.decimal  The character used for the decimal point.  Default is ".".
+	//stripping the separator allows NaN to perform as expected, if no separator, we assume ','
+	//once i18n support is ready for this, instead of assuming, we default to i18n's recommended value
+	value = value.replace(dojo.lang.has(flags,'separator')?flags.separator:',', '', 'g').
+		replace(dojo.lang.has(flags,'symbol')?flags.symbol:'$', '');
+	if(isNaN(value)){
+		return false; // Boolean
+	}
+	// assign default values to missing paramters
+	flags = (typeof flags == "object") ? flags : {};
+	var max = (typeof flags.max == "number") ? flags.max : Infinity;
+	var min = (typeof flags.min == "number") ? flags.min : -Infinity;
+	var dec = (typeof flags.decimal == "string") ? flags.decimal : ".";
+	var cache = dojo.validate._isInRangeCache;
+	var cacheIdx = value+"max"+max+"min"+min+"dec"+dec;
+	if(typeof cache[cacheIdx] != "undefined"){
+		return cache[cacheIdx];
+	}
+	// splice out anything not part of a number
+	var pattern = "[^" + dec + "\\deE+-]";
+	value = value.replace(RegExp(pattern, "g"), "");
+	// trim ends of things like e, E, or the decimal character
+	value = value.replace(/^([+-]?)(\D*)/, "$1");
+	value = value.replace(/(\D*)$/, "");
+	// replace decimal with ".". The minus sign '-' could be the decimal!
+	pattern = "(\\d)[" + dec + "](\\d)";
+	value = value.replace(RegExp(pattern, "g"), "$1.$2");
+	value = Number(value);
+	if ( value < min || value > max ) { cache[cacheIdx] = false; return false; } // Boolean
+	cache[cacheIdx] = true; return true; // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isNumberFormat = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/flags){
+// summary:
+//	Validates any sort of number based format
+// description:
+//	Use it for phone numbers, social security numbers, zip-codes, etc.
+//	The value can be validated against one format or one of multiple formats.
+//  Format
+//    #        Stands for a digit, 0-9.
+//    ?        Stands for an optional digit, 0-9 or nothing.
+//    All other characters must appear literally in the expression.
+//  Example   
+//    "(###) ###-####"       ->   (510) 542-9742
+//    "(###) ###-#### x#???" ->   (510) 542-9742 x153
+//    "###-##-####"          ->   506-82-1089       i.e. social security number
+//    "#####-####"           ->   98225-1649        i.e. zip code
+// value: A string
+// flags: {format:String}
+//    flags.format  A string or an Array of strings for multiple formats.
+	var re = new RegExp("^" + dojo.regexp.numberFormat(flags) + "$", "i");
+	return re.test(value); // Boolean
+dojo.validate.isValidLuhn = function(/*String*/value){
+//summary: Compares value against the Luhn algorithm to verify its integrity
+	var sum, parity, curDigit;
+	if(typeof value!='string'){
+		value = String(value);
+	}
+	value = value.replace(/[- ]/g,''); //ignore dashes and whitespaces
+	parity = value.length%2;
+	sum=0;
+	for(var i=0;i<value.length;i++){
+		curDigit = parseInt(value.charAt(i));
+		if(i%2==parity){
+			curDigit*=2;
+		}
+		if(curDigit>9){
+			curDigit-=9;
+		}
+		sum+=curDigit;
+	}
+	return !(sum%10); //Boolean
+	Procedural API Description
+		The main aim is to make input validation expressible in a simple format.
+		You define profiles which declare the required and optional fields and any constraints they might have.
+		The results are provided as an object that makes it easy to handle missing and invalid input.
+	Usage
+		var results = dojo.validate.check(form, profile);
+	Profile Object
+		var profile = {
+			// filters change the field value and are applied before validation.
+			trim: ["tx1", "tx2"],
+			uppercase: ["tx9"],
+			lowercase: ["tx5", "tx6", "tx7"],
+			ucfirst: ["tx10"],
+			digit: ["tx11"],
+			// required input fields that are blank will be reported missing.
+			// required radio button groups and drop-down lists with no selection will be reported missing.
+			// checkbox groups and selectboxes can be required to have more than one value selected.
+			// List required fields by name and use this notation to require more than one value: {checkboxgroup: 2}, {selectboxname: 3}.
+			required: ["tx7", "tx8", "pw1", "ta1", "rb1", "rb2", "cb3", "s1", {"doubledip":2}, {"tripledip":3}],
+			// dependant/conditional fields are required if the target field is present and not blank.
+			// At present only textbox, password, and textarea fields are supported.
+			dependencies:	{
+				cc_exp: "cc_no",	
+				cc_type: "cc_no",	
+			},
+			// Fields can be validated using any boolean valued function.  
+			// Use arrays to specify parameters in addition to the field value.
+			constraints: {
+				field_name1: myValidationFunction,
+				field_name2: dojo.validate.isInteger,
+				field_name3: [myValidationFunction, additional parameters],
+				field_name4: [dojo.validate.isValidDate, "YYYY.MM.DD"],
+				field_name5: [dojo.validate.isEmailAddress, false, true],
+			},
+			// Confirm is a sort of conditional validation.
+			// It associates each field in its property list with another field whose value should be equal.
+			// If the values are not equal, the field in the property list is reported as Invalid. Unless the target field is blank.
+			confirm: {
+				email_confirm: "email",	
+				pw2: "pw1",	
+			}
+		};
+	Results Object
+		isSuccessful(): Returns true if there were no invalid or missing fields, else it returns false.
+		hasMissing():  Returns true if the results contain any missing fields.
+		getMissing():  Returns a list of required fields that have values missing.
+		isMissing(field):  Returns true if the field is required and the value is missing.
+		hasInvalid():  Returns true if the results contain fields with invalid data.
+		getInvalid():  Returns a list of fields that have invalid values.
+		isInvalid(field):  Returns true if the field has an invalid value.
+dojo.validate.check = function(/*HTMLFormElement*/form, /*Object*/profile){
+	// summary: validates user input of an HTML form based on input profile
+	//
+	// description:
+	//	returns an object that contains several methods summarizing the results of the validation
+	//
+	// form: form to be validated
+	// profile: specifies how the form fields are to be validated
+	// {trim:Array, uppercase:Array, lowercase:Array, ucfirst:Array, digit:Array,
+	//	required:Array, dependencies:Object, constraints:Object, confirm:Object}
+	// Essentially private properties of results object
+	var missing = [];
+	var invalid = [];
+	// results object summarizes the validation
+	var results = {
+		isSuccessful: function() {return ( !this.hasInvalid() && !this.hasMissing() );},
+		hasMissing: function() {return ( missing.length > 0 );},
+		getMissing: function() {return missing;},
+		isMissing: function(elemname) {
+			for(var i = 0; i < missing.length; i++){
+				if(elemname == missing[i]){ return true; }
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		hasInvalid: function() {return ( invalid.length > 0 );},
+		getInvalid: function() {return invalid;},
+		isInvalid: function(elemname){
+			for(var i = 0; i < invalid.length; i++){
+				if(elemname == invalid[i]){ return true; }
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+	};
+	// Filters are applied before fields are validated.
+	// Trim removes white space at the front and end of the fields.
+	if(profile.trim instanceof Array){
+		for(var i = 0; i < profile.trim.length; i++){
+			var elem = form[profile.trim[i]];
+			if(dj_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+			elem.value = elem.value.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, "");
+		}
+	}
+	// Convert to uppercase
+	if(profile.uppercase instanceof Array){
+		for(var i = 0; i < profile.uppercase.length; i++){
+			var elem = form[profile.uppercase[i]];
+			if(dj_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+			elem.value = elem.value.toUpperCase();
+		}
+	}
+	// Convert to lowercase
+	if(profile.lowercase instanceof Array){
+		for (var i = 0; i < profile.lowercase.length; i++){
+			var elem = form[profile.lowercase[i]];
+			if(dj_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+			elem.value = elem.value.toLowerCase();
+		}
+	}
+	// Uppercase first letter
+	if(profile.ucfirst instanceof Array){
+		for(var i = 0; i < profile.ucfirst.length; i++){
+			var elem = form[profile.ucfirst[i]];
+			if(dj_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+			elem.value = elem.value.replace(/\b\w+\b/g, function(word) { return word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1).toLowerCase(); });
+		}
+	}
+	// Remove non digits characters from the input.
+	if(profile.digit instanceof Array){
+		for(var i = 0; i < profile.digit.length; i++){
+			var elem = form[profile.digit[i]];
+			if(dj_undef("type", elem) || elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; }
+			elem.value = elem.value.replace(/\D/g, "");
+		}
+	}
+	// See if required input fields have values missing.
+	if(profile.required instanceof Array){
+		for(var i = 0; i < profile.required.length; i++){ 
+			if(!dojo.lang.isString(profile.required[i])){ continue; }
+			var elem = form[profile.required[i]];
+			// Are textbox, textarea, or password fields blank.
+			if(!dj_undef("type", elem) && (elem.type == "text" || elem.type == "textarea" || elem.type == "password" || elem.type == "file") && /^\s*$/.test(elem.value)){
+				missing[missing.length] =;
+			}
+			// Does drop-down box have option selected.
+			else if(!dj_undef("type", elem) && (elem.type == "select-one" || elem.type == "select-multiple") 
+						&& (elem.selectedIndex == -1 
+						|| /^\s*$/.test(elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value))){
+				missing[missing.length] =;
+			}
+			// Does radio button group (or check box group) have option checked.
+			else if(elem instanceof Array){
+				var checked = false;
+				for(var j = 0; j < elem.length; j++){
+					if (elem[j].checked) { checked = true; }
+				}
+				if(!checked){	
+					missing[missing.length] = elem[0].name;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// See if checkbox groups and select boxes have x number of required values.
+	if(profile.required instanceof Array){
+		for (var i = 0; i < profile.required.length; i++){ 
+			if(!dojo.lang.isObject(profile.required[i])){ continue; }
+			var elem, numRequired;
+			for(var name in profile.required[i]){ 
+				elem = form[name]; 
+				numRequired = profile.required[i][name];
+			}
+			// case 1: elem is a check box group
+			if(elem instanceof Array){
+				var checked = 0;
+				for(var j = 0; j < elem.length; j++){
+					if(elem[j].checked){ checked++; }
+				}
+				if(checked < numRequired){	
+					missing[missing.length] = elem[0].name;
+				}
+			}
+			// case 2: elem is a select box
+			else if(!dj_undef("type", elem) && elem.type == "select-multiple" ){
+				var selected = 0;
+				for(var j = 0; j < elem.options.length; j++){
+					if (elem.options[j].selected && !/^\s*$/.test(elem.options[j].value)) { selected++; }
+				}
+				if(selected < numRequired){	
+					missing[missing.length] =;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Dependent fields are required when the target field is present (not blank).
+	// Todo: Support dependent and target fields that are radio button groups, or select drop-down lists.
+	// Todo: Make the dependency based on a specific value of the target field.
+	// Todo: allow dependent fields to have several required values, like {checkboxgroup: 3}.
+	if(dojo.lang.isObject(profile.dependencies) || dojo.lang.isObject(profile.dependancies)){
+		if(profile["dependancies"]){
+			dojo.deprecated("dojo.validate.check", "profile 'dependancies' is deprecated, please use "
+							+ "'dependencies'", "0.5");
+			profile.dependencies=profile.dependancies;
+		}
+		// properties of dependencies object are the names of dependent fields to be checked
+		for(name in profile.dependencies){
+			var elem = form[name];	// the dependent element
+			if(dj_undef("type", elem)){continue;}
+			if(elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password"){ continue; } // limited support
+			if(/\S+/.test(elem.value)){ continue; }	// has a value already
+			if(results.isMissing({ continue; }	// already listed as missing
+			var target = form[profile.dependencies[name]];
+			if(target.type != "text" && target.type != "textarea" && target.type != "password"){ continue; }	// limited support
+			if(/^\s*$/.test(target.value)){ continue; }	// skip if blank
+			missing[missing.length] =;	// ok the dependent field is missing
+		}
+	}
+	// Find invalid input fields.
+	if(dojo.lang.isObject(profile.constraints)){
+		// constraint properties are the names of fields to bevalidated
+		for(name in profile.constraints){
+			var elem = form[name];
+			if(!elem) {continue;}
+			// skip if blank - its optional unless required, in which case it
+			// is already listed as missing.
+			if(!dj_undef("tagName",elem) 
+				&& (elem.tagName.toLowerCase().indexOf("input") >= 0
+					|| elem.tagName.toLowerCase().indexOf("textarea") >= 0) 
+				&& /^\s*$/.test(elem.value)){ 
+				continue; 
+			}
+			var isValid = true;
+			// case 1: constraint value is validation function
+			if(dojo.lang.isFunction(profile.constraints[name])){
+				isValid = profile.constraints[name](elem.value);
+			}else if(dojo.lang.isArray(profile.constraints[name])){
+				// handle nested arrays for multiple constraints
+				if(dojo.lang.isArray(profile.constraints[name][0])){
+					for (var i=0; i<profile.constraints[name].length; i++){
+						isValid = dojo.validate.evaluateConstraint(profile, profile.constraints[name][i], name, elem);
+						if(!isValid){ break; }
+					}
+				}else{
+					// case 2: constraint value is array, first elem is function,
+					// tail is parameters
+					isValid = dojo.validate.evaluateConstraint(profile, profile.constraints[name], name, elem);
+				}
+			}
+			if(!isValid){	
+				invalid[invalid.length] =;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Find unequal confirm fields and report them as Invalid.
+	if(dojo.lang.isObject(profile.confirm)){
+		for(name in profile.confirm){
+			var elem = form[name];	// the confirm element
+			var target = form[profile.confirm[name]];
+			if (dj_undef("type", elem) || dj_undef("type", target) || (elem.type != "text" && elem.type != "textarea" && elem.type != "password") 
+				||(target.type != elem.type)
+				||(target.value == elem.value)	// it's valid
+				||(results.isInvalid( already listed as invalid
+				||(/^\s*$/.test(target.value)))	// skip if blank - only confirm if target has a value
+			{
+				continue; 
+			}
+			invalid[invalid.length] =;
+		}
+	}
+	return results; // Object
+//TODO: evaluateConstraint doesn't use profile or fieldName args?
+dojo.validate.evaluateConstraint=function(profile, /*Array*/constraint, fieldName, elem){
+	// summary:
+	//	Evaluates dojo.validate.check() constraints that are specified as array
+	//	arguments
+	//
+	// description: The arrays are expected to be in the format of:
+	//      constraints:{
+	//              fieldName: [functionToCall, param1, param2, etc.],
+	//              fieldName: [[functionToCallFirst, param1],[functionToCallSecond,param2]]
+	//      }
+	// 
+	//  This function evaluates a single array function in the format of:
+	//      [functionName, argument1, argument2, etc]
+	// 
+	//  The function will be parsed out and evaluated against the incoming parameters.
+	//
+	// profile: The dojo.validate.check() profile that this evaluation is against.
+	// constraint: The single [] array of function and arguments for the function.
+	// fieldName: The form dom name of the field being validated.
+	// elem: The form element field.
+ 	var isValidSomething = constraint[0];
+	var params = constraint.slice(1);
+	params.unshift(elem.value);
+	if(typeof isValidSomething != "undefined"){
+		return isValidSomething.apply(null, params);
+	}
+	return false; // Boolean
+/* Supplementary Date Functions
+ *******************************/
+ = function(/*Date*/dateObject, /*Number*/dayOfYear){
+	// summary: sets dateObject according to day of the year (1..366)
+	dateObject.setMonth(0);
+	dateObject.setDate(dayOfYear);
+	return dateObject; // Date
+ = function(/*Date*/dateObject){
+	// summary: gets the day of the year as represented by dateObject
+	var fullYear = dateObject.getFullYear();
+	var lastDayOfPrevYear = new Date(fullYear-1, 11, 31);
+	return Math.floor((dateObject.getTime() -
+		lastDayOfPrevYear.getTime()) / 86400000); // Number
+ = function(/*Date*/dateObject, /*Number*/week, /*Number*/firstDay){
+	if(arguments.length == 1){ firstDay = 0; } // Sunday
+	dojo.unimplemented("");
+ = function(/*Date*/dateObject, /*Number*/firstDay){
+	if(arguments.length == 1){ firstDay = 0; } // Sunday
+	// work out the first day of the year corresponding to the week
+	var firstDayOfYear = new Date(dateObject.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
+	var day = firstDayOfYear.getDay();
+	firstDayOfYear.setDate(firstDayOfYear.getDate() -
+			day + firstDay - (day > firstDay ? 7 : 0));
+	return Math.floor((dateObject.getTime() -
+		firstDayOfYear.getTime()) / 604800000);
+ = function(/*Date*/dateObject, /*Number*/week, /*Number*/firstDay){
+	// summary: unimplemented
+	if (arguments.length == 1) { firstDay = 1; } // Monday
+	dojo.unimplemented("");
+ = function(/*Date*/dateObject, /*Number*/firstDay) {
+	// summary: unimplemented
+	if (arguments.length == 1) { firstDay = 1; } // Monday
+	dojo.unimplemented("");
+/* Informational Functions
+ **************************/
+//DEPRECATED: These timezone arrays will be deprecated in 0.5 = ["IDLW", "BET", "HST", "MART", "AKST", "PST", "MST",
+	"CST", "EST", "AST", "NFT", "BST", "FST", "AT", "GMT", "CET", "EET", "MSK",
+	"IRT", "GST", "AFT", "AGTT", "IST", "NPT", "ALMT", "MMT", "JT", "AWST",
+	"JST", "ACST", "AEST", "LHST", "VUT", "NFT", "NZT", "CHAST", "PHOT",
+	"LINT"]; = [-720, -660, -600, -570, -540, -480, -420, -360,
+	-300, -240, -210, -180, -120, -60, 0, 60, 120, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300,
+	330, 345, 360, 390, 420, 480, 540, 570, 600, 630, 660, 690, 720, 765, 780,
+	840];
+/* = ["International Date Line West", "Bering Standard Time",
+	"Hawaiian Standard Time", "Marquesas Time", "Alaska Standard Time",
+	"Pacific Standard Time (USA)", "Mountain Standard Time",
+	"Central Standard Time (USA)", "Eastern Standard Time (USA)",
+	"Atlantic Standard Time", "Newfoundland Time", "Brazil Standard Time",
+	"Fernando de Noronha Standard Time (Brazil)", "Azores Time",
+	"Greenwich Mean Time", "Central Europe Time", "Eastern Europe Time",
+	"Moscow Time", "Iran Standard Time", "Gulf Standard Time",
+	"Afghanistan Time", "Aqtobe Time", "Indian Standard Time", "Nepal Time",
+	"Almaty Time", "Myanmar Time", "Java Time",
+	"Australian Western Standard Time", "Japan Standard Time",
+	"Australian Central Standard Time", "Lord Hove Standard Time (Australia)",
+	"Vanuata Time", "Norfolk Time (Australia)", "New Zealand Standard Time",
+	"Chatham Standard Time (New Zealand)", "Phoenix Islands Time (Kribati)",
+	"Line Islands Time (Kribati)"];
+ = function(/*Date*/dateObject){
+	// summary: returns the number of days in the month used by dateObject
+	var month = dateObject.getMonth();
+	var days = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
+	if (month == 1 && { return 29; } // Number
+	else { return days[month]; } // Number
+ = function(/*Date*/dateObject){
+// summary:
+//	Determines if the year of the dateObject is a leap year
+// description:
+//	Leap years are years with an additional day YYYY-02-29, where the year
+//	number is a multiple of four with the following exception: If a year
+//	is a multiple of 100, then it is only a leap year if it is also a
+//	multiple of 400. For example, 1900 was not a leap year, but 2000 is one.
+	var year = dateObject.getFullYear();
+	return (year%400 == 0) ? true : (year%100 == 0) ? false : (year%4 == 0) ? true : false; // Boolean
+// FIXME: This is not localized = function(/*Date*/dateObject){
+// summary:
+//	Get the user's time zone as provided by the browser
+// dateObject: needed because the timezone may vary with time (daylight savings)
+// description:
+//	Try to get time zone info from toString or toLocaleString
+//	method of the Date object -- UTC offset is not a time zone.
+//	See
+//	Note: results may be inconsistent across browsers.
+	var str = dateObject.toString(); // Start looking in toString
+	var tz = ''; // The result -- return empty string if nothing found
+	var match;
+	// First look for something in parentheses -- fast lookup, no regex
+	var pos = str.indexOf('(');
+	if (pos > -1) {
+		pos++;
+		tz = str.substring(pos, str.indexOf(')'));
+	}
+	// If at first you don't succeed ...
+	else{
+		// If IE knows about the TZ, it appears before the year
+		// Capital letters or slash before a 4-digit year 
+		// at the end of string
+		var pat = /([A-Z\/]+) \d{4}$/;
+		if((match = str.match(pat))) {
+			tz = match[1];
+		}
+		// Some browsers (e.g. Safari) glue the TZ on the end
+		// of toLocaleString instead of putting it in toString
+		else{
+			str = dateObject.toLocaleString();
+			// Capital letters or slash -- end of string, 
+			// after space
+			pat = / ([A-Z\/]+)$/;
+			if((match = str.match(pat))) {
+				tz = match[1];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Make sure it doesn't somehow end up return AM or PM
+	return tz == 'AM' || tz == 'PM' ? '' : tz; //String
+//FIXME: not localized = function(dateObject){
+	// summary: returns the appropriate suffix (English only) for the day of the month, e.g. 'st' for 1, 'nd' for 2, etc.)
+	var date = dateObject.getDate();
+	if(date%100 != 11 && date%10 == 1){ return "st"; } // String
+	else if(date%100 != 12 && date%10 == 2){ return "nd"; } // String
+	else if(date%100 != 13 && date%10 == 3){ return "rd"; } // String
+	else{ return "th"; } // String
+/* compare and add
+ ******************/{
+	// 	summary
+	//	bitmask for comparison operations.
+	DATE:1, TIME:2 
+};* Date */ dateA, /* Date */ dateB, /* */ options){
+	//	summary
+	//	Compare two date objects by date, time, or both.  Returns 0 if equal, positive if a > b, else negative.
+	var dA=dateA;
+	var dB=dateB||new Date();
+	var now=new Date();
+	//FIXME: shorten this code
+	with({
+		var opt=options||(DATE|TIME);
+		var d1=new Date(
+			(opt&DATE)?dA.getFullYear():now.getFullYear(), 
+			(opt&DATE)?dA.getMonth():now.getMonth(),
+			(opt&DATE)?dA.getDate():now.getDate(),
+			(opt&TIME)?dA.getHours():0,
+			(opt&TIME)?dA.getMinutes():0,
+			(opt&TIME)?dA.getSeconds():0
+		);
+		var d2=new Date(
+			(opt&DATE)?dB.getFullYear():now.getFullYear(),
+			(opt&DATE)?dB.getMonth():now.getMonth(),
+			(opt&DATE)?dB.getDate():now.getDate(),
+			(opt&TIME)?dB.getHours():0,
+			(opt&TIME)?dB.getMinutes():0,
+			(opt&TIME)?dB.getSeconds():0
+		);
+	}
+	if(d1.valueOf()>d2.valueOf()){
+		return 1;	//	int
+	}
+	if(d1.valueOf()<d2.valueOf()){
+		return -1;	//	int
+	}
+	return 0;	//	int
+	//	summary
+	//	constants for use in
+ = function(/* Date */ dt, /* */ interv, /* int */ incr){
+//	summary:
+//		Add to a Date in intervals of different size, from milliseconds to years
+//	dt:
+//		A Javascript Date object to start with
+//	interv:
+//		A constant representing the interval, e.g. YEAR, MONTH, DAY.  See
+//	incr:
+//		How much to add to the date
+	if(typeof dt == 'number'){dt = new Date(dt);} // Allow timestamps
+//FIXME: what's the reason behind this?	incr = incr || 1;
+	function fixOvershoot(){
+		if (sum.getDate() < dt.getDate()){
+			sum.setDate(0);
+		}
+	}
+	var sum = new Date(dt);
+	with({
+		switch(interv){
+			case YEAR:
+				sum.setFullYear(dt.getFullYear()+incr);
+				// Keep increment/decrement from 2/29 out of March
+				fixOvershoot();
+				break;
+			case QUARTER:
+				// Naive quarter is just three months
+				incr*=3;
+				// fallthrough...
+			case MONTH:
+				sum.setMonth(dt.getMonth()+incr);
+				// Reset to last day of month if you overshoot
+				fixOvershoot();
+				break;
+			case WEEK:
+				incr*=7;
+				// fallthrough...
+			case DAY:
+				sum.setDate(dt.getDate() + incr);
+				break;
+			case WEEKDAY:
+				//FIXME: assumes Saturday/Sunday weekend, but even this is not fixed.  There are CLDR entries to localize this.
+				var dat = dt.getDate();
+				var weeks = 0;
+				var days = 0;
+				var strt = 0;
+				var trgt = 0;
+				var adj = 0;
+				// Divide the increment time span into weekspans plus leftover days
+				// e.g., 8 days is one 5-day weekspan / and two leftover days
+				// Can't have zero leftover days, so numbers divisible by 5 get
+				// a days value of 5, and the remaining days make up the number of weeks
+				var mod = incr % 5;
+				if (mod == 0) {
+					days = (incr > 0) ? 5 : -5;
+					weeks = (incr > 0) ? ((incr-5)/5) : ((incr+5)/5);
+				}
+				else {
+					days = mod;
+					weeks = parseInt(incr/5);
+				}
+				// Get weekday value for orig date param
+				strt = dt.getDay();
+				// Orig date is Sat / positive incrementer
+				// Jump over Sun
+				if (strt == 6 && incr > 0) {
+					adj = 1;
+				}
+				// Orig date is Sun / negative incrementer
+				// Jump back over Sat
+				else if (strt == 0 && incr < 0) {
+					adj = -1;
+				}
+				// Get weekday val for the new date
+				trgt = (strt + days);
+				// New date is on Sat or Sun
+				if (trgt == 0 || trgt == 6) {
+					adj = (incr > 0) ? 2 : -2;
+				}
+				// Increment by number of weeks plus leftover days plus
+				// weekend adjustments
+				sum.setDate(dat + (7*weeks) + days + adj);
+				break;
+			case HOUR:
+				sum.setHours(sum.getHours()+incr);
+				break;
+			case MINUTE:
+				sum.setMinutes(sum.getMinutes()+incr);
+				break;
+			case SECOND:
+				sum.setSeconds(sum.getSeconds()+incr);
+				break;
+				sum.setMilliseconds(sum.getMilliseconds()+incr);
+				break;
+			default:
+				// Do nothing
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	return sum; // Date
+ = function(/* Date */ dtA, /* Date */ dtB, /* */ interv){
+//	summary:
+//		Get the difference in a specific unit of time (e.g., number of months, weeks,
+//		days, etc.) between two dates.
+//	dtA:
+//		A Javascript Date object
+//	dtB:
+//		A Javascript Date object
+//	interv:
+//		A constant representing the interval, e.g. YEAR, MONTH, DAY.  See
+	// Accept timestamp input
+	if(typeof dtA == 'number'){dtA = new Date(dtA);}
+	if(typeof dtB == 'number'){dtB = new Date(dtB);}
+	var yeaDiff = dtB.getFullYear() - dtA.getFullYear();
+	var monDiff = (dtB.getMonth() - dtA.getMonth()) + (yeaDiff * 12);
+	var msDiff = dtB.getTime() - dtA.getTime(); // Millisecs
+	var secDiff = msDiff/1000;
+	var minDiff = secDiff/60;
+	var houDiff = minDiff/60;
+	var dayDiff = houDiff/24;
+	var weeDiff = dayDiff/7;
+	var delta = 0; // Integer return value
+	with({
+		switch(interv){
+			case YEAR:
+				delta = yeaDiff;
+				break;
+			case QUARTER:
+				var mA = dtA.getMonth();
+				var mB = dtB.getMonth();
+				// Figure out which quarter the months are in
+				var qA = Math.floor(mA/3) + 1;
+				var qB = Math.floor(mB/3) + 1;
+				// Add quarters for any year difference between the dates
+				qB += (yeaDiff * 4);
+				delta = qB - qA;
+				break;
+			case MONTH:
+				delta = monDiff;
+				break;
+			case WEEK:
+				// Truncate instead of rounding
+				// Don't use Math.floor -- value may be negative
+				delta = parseInt(weeDiff);
+				break;
+			case DAY:
+				delta = dayDiff;
+				break;
+			case WEEKDAY:
+				var days = Math.round(dayDiff);
+				var weeks = parseInt(days/7);
+				var mod = days % 7;
+				// Even number of weeks
+				if (mod == 0) {
+					days = weeks*5;
+				}
+				// Weeks plus spare change (< 7 days)
+				else {
+					var adj = 0;
+					var aDay = dtA.getDay();
+					var bDay = dtB.getDay();
+					weeks = parseInt(days/7);
+					mod = days % 7;
+					// Mark the date advanced by the number of
+					// round weeks (may be zero)
+					var dtMark = new Date(dtA);
+					dtMark.setDate(dtMark.getDate()+(weeks*7));
+					var dayMark = dtMark.getDay();
+					// Spare change days -- 6 or less
+					// ----------
+					// Positive diff
+					if (dayDiff > 0) {
+						switch (true) {
+							// Range starts on Sat
+							case aDay == 6:
+								adj = -1;
+								break;
+							// Range starts on Sun
+							case aDay == 0:
+								adj = 0;
+								break;
+							// Range ends on Sat
+							case bDay == 6:
+								adj = -1;
+								break;
+							// Range ends on Sun
+							case bDay == 0:
+								adj = -2;
+								break;
+							// Range contains weekend
+							case (dayMark + mod) > 5:
+								adj = -2;
+								break;
+							default:
+								// Do nothing
+								break;
+						}
+					}
+					// Negative diff
+					else if (dayDiff < 0) {
+						switch (true) {
+							// Range starts on Sat
+							case aDay == 6:
+								adj = 0;
+								break;
+							// Range starts on Sun
+							case aDay == 0:
+								adj = 1;
+								break;
+							// Range ends on Sat
+							case bDay == 6:
+								adj = 2;
+								break;
+							// Range ends on Sun
+							case bDay == 0:
+								adj = 1;
+								break;
+							// Range contains weekend
+							case (dayMark + mod) < 0:
+								adj = 2;
+								break;
+							default:
+								// Do nothing
+								break;
+						}
+					}
+					days += adj;
+					days -= (weeks*2);
+				}
+				delta = days;
+				break;
+			case HOUR:
+				delta = houDiff;
+				break;
+			case MINUTE:
+				delta = minDiff;
+				break;
+			case SECOND:
+				delta = secDiff;
+				break;
+				delta = msDiff;
+				break;
+			default:
+				// Do nothing
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	// Round for fractional values and DST leaps
+	return Math.round(delta); // Number (integer)
+ = function(/*String?*/locale){
+// summary: Returns a zero-based index for first day of the week
+// description:
+//		Returns a zero-based index for first day of the week, as used by the local (Gregorian) calendar.
+//		e.g. Sunday (returns 0), or Monday (returns 1)
+	// from
+	var firstDay = {/*default is 1=Monday*/
+		mv:5,
+		ae:6,af:6,bh:6,dj:6,dz:6,eg:6,er:6,et:6,iq:6,ir:6,jo:6,ke:6,kw:6,lb:6,ly:6,ma:6,om:6,qa:6,sa:6,
+		sd:6,so:6,tn:6,ye:6,
+		as:0,au:0,az:0,bw:0,ca:0,cn:0,fo:0,ge:0,gl:0,gu:0,hk:0,ie:0,il:0,is:0,jm:0,jp:0,kg:0,kr:0,la:0,
+		mh:0,mo:0,mp:0,mt:0,nz:0,ph:0,pk:0,sg:0,th:0,tt:0,tw:0,um:0,us:0,uz:0,vi:0,za:0,zw:0,
+		et:0,mw:0,ng:0,tj:0,
+		gb:0,
+		sy:4
+	};
+	locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale);
+	var country = locale.split("-")[1];
+	var dow = firstDay[country];
+	return (typeof dow == 'undefined') ? 1 : dow; /*Number*/
+ = function(/*String?*/locale){
+// summary: Returns a hash containing the start and end days of the weekend
+// description:
+//		Returns a hash containing the start and end days of the weekend according to local custom using locale,
+//		or by default in the user's locale.
+//		e.g. {start:6, end:0}
+	// from{Start,End}
+	var weekendStart = {/*default is 6=Saturday*/
+		eg:5,il:5,sy:5,
+		'in':0,
+		ae:4,bh:4,dz:4,iq:4,jo:4,kw:4,lb:4,ly:4,ma:4,om:4,qa:4,sa:4,sd:4,tn:4,ye:4		
+	};
+	var weekendEnd = {/*default is 0=Sunday*/
+		ae:5,bh:5,dz:5,iq:5,jo:5,kw:5,lb:5,ly:5,ma:5,om:5,qa:5,sa:5,sd:5,tn:5,ye:5,af:5,ir:5,
+		eg:6,il:6,sy:6
+	};
+	locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale);
+	var country = locale.split("-")[1];
+	var start = weekendStart[country];
+	var end = weekendEnd[country];
+	if(typeof start == 'undefined'){start=6;}
+	if(typeof end == 'undefined'){end=0;}
+	return {start:start, end:end}; /*Object {start,end}*/
+ = function(/*Date?*/dateObj, /*String?*/locale){
+// summary:
+//	Determines if the date falls on a weekend, according to local custom.
+	var weekend =;
+	var day = (dateObj || new Date()).getDay();
+	if(weekend.end<weekend.start){
+		weekend.end+=7;
+		if(day<weekend.start){ day+=7; }
+	}
+	return day >= weekend.start && day <= weekend.end; // Boolean
+// Load the bundles containing localization information for
+// names and formats
+dojo.requireLocalization("dojo.i18n.calendar", "gregorian");
+dojo.requireLocalization("dojo.i18n.calendar", "gregorianExtras");
+//NOTE: Everything in this module assumes Gregorian calendars.
+// Other calendars will be implemented in separate modules.
+(function(){ = function(/*Date*/dateObject, /*Object?*/options){
+// summary:
+//		Format a Date object as a String, using locale-specific settings.
+// description:
+//		Create a string from a Date object using a known localized pattern.
+//		By default, this method formats both date and time from dateObject.
+//		Formatting patterns are chosen appropriate to the locale.  Different
+//		formatting lengths may be chosen, with "full" used by default.
+//		Custom patterns may be used or registered with translations using
+//		the addCustomBundle method.
+//		Formatting patterns are implemented using the syntax described at
+// dateObject:
+//		the date and/or time to be formatted.  If a time only is formatted,
+//		the values in the year, month, and day fields are irrelevant.  The
+//		opposite is true when formatting only dates.
+// options: object {selector: string, formatLength: string, datePattern: string, timePattern: string, locale: string}
+//		selector- choice of timeOnly,dateOnly (default: date and time)
+//		formatLength- choice of long, short, medium or full (plus any custom additions).  Defaults to 'full'
+//		datePattern,timePattern- override pattern with this string
+//		am,pm- override strings for am/pm in times
+//		locale- override the locale used to determine formatting rules
+	if(typeof options == "string"){
+		dojo.deprecated("", "To format dates with POSIX-style strings, please use instead", "0.5");
+		return, options);
+	}
+	// Format a pattern without literals
+	function formatPattern(dateObject, pattern){
+		return pattern.replace(/([a-z])\1*/ig, function(match){
+			var s;
+			var c = match.charAt(0);
+			var l = match.length;
+			var pad;
+			var widthList = ["abbr", "wide", "narrow"];
+			switch(c){
+				case 'G':
+					if(l>3){dojo.unimplemented("Era format not implemented");}
+					s = bundle.eras[dateObject.getFullYear() < 0 ? 1 : 0];
+					break;
+				case 'y':
+					s = dateObject.getFullYear();
+					switch(l){
+						case 1:
+							break;
+						case 2:
+							s = String(s); s = s.substr(s.length - 2);
+							break;
+						default:
+							pad = true;
+					}
+					break;
+				case 'Q':
+				case 'q':
+					s = Math.ceil((dateObject.getMonth()+1)/3);
+					switch(l){
+						case 1: case 2:
+							pad = true;
+							break;
+						case 3:
+						case 4:
+							dojo.unimplemented("Quarter format not implemented");
+					}
+					break;
+				case 'M':
+				case 'L':
+					var m = dateObject.getMonth();
+					var width;
+					switch(l){
+						case 1: case 2:
+							s = m+1; pad = true;
+							break;
+						case 3: case 4: case 5:
+							width = widthList[l-3];
+							break;
+					}
+					if(width){
+						var type = (c == "L") ? "standalone" : "format";
+						var prop = ["months",type,width].join("-");
+						s = bundle[prop][m];
+					}
+					break;
+				case 'w':
+					var firstDay = 0;
+					s =, firstDay); pad = true;
+					break;
+				case 'd':
+					s = dateObject.getDate(); pad = true;
+					break;
+				case 'D':
+					s =; pad = true;
+					break;
+				case 'E':
+				case 'e':
+				case 'c': // REVIEW: don't see this in the spec?
+					var d = dateObject.getDay();
+					var width;
+					switch(l){
+						case 1: case 2:
+							if(c == 'e'){
+								var first =;
+								d = (d-first+7)%7;
+							}
+							if(c != 'c'){
+								s = d+1; pad = true;
+								break;
+							}
+							// else fallthrough...
+						case 3: case 4: case 5:
+							width = widthList[l-3];
+							break;
+					}
+					if(width){
+						var type = (c == "c") ? "standalone" : "format";
+						var prop = ["days",type,width].join("-");
+						s = bundle[prop][d];
+					}
+					break;
+				case 'a':
+					var timePeriod = (dateObject.getHours() < 12) ? 'am' : 'pm';
+					s = bundle[timePeriod];
+					break;
+				case 'h':
+				case 'H':
+				case 'K':
+				case 'k':
+					var h = dateObject.getHours();
+					// strange choices in the date format make it impossible to write this succinctly
+					switch (c) {
+						case 'h': // 1-12
+							s = (h % 12) || 12;
+							break;
+						case 'H': // 0-23
+							s = h;
+							break;
+						case 'K': // 0-11
+							s = (h % 12);
+							break;
+						case 'k': // 1-24
+							s = h || 24;
+							break;
+					}
+					pad = true;
+					break;
+				case 'm':
+					s = dateObject.getMinutes(); pad = true;
+					break;
+				case 's':
+					s = dateObject.getSeconds(); pad = true;
+					break;
+				case 'S':
+					s = Math.round(dateObject.getMilliseconds() * Math.pow(10, l-3));
+					break;
+				case 'v': // FIXME: don't know what this is. seems to be same as z?
+				case 'z':
+					// We only have one timezone to offer; the one from the browser
+					s =;
+					if(s){break;}
+					l=4;
+					// fallthrough... use GMT if tz not available
+				case 'Z':
+					var offset = dateObject.getTimezoneOffset();
+					var tz = [
+						(offset<=0 ? "+" : "-"),
+						dojo.string.pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(offset)/60), 2),
+						dojo.string.pad(Math.abs(offset)% 60, 2)
+					];
+					if(l==4){
+						tz.splice(0, 0, "GMT");
+						tz.splice(3, 0, ":");
+					}
+					s = tz.join("");
+					break;
+				case 'Y':
+				case 'u':
+				case 'W':
+				case 'F':
+				case 'g':
+				case 'A':
+//					dojo.debug(match+" modifier not yet implemented");
+					s = "?";
+					break;
+				default:
+					dojo.raise(" invalid pattern char: "+pattern);
+			}
+			if(pad){ s = dojo.string.pad(s, l); }
+			return s;
+		});
+	}
+	options = options || {};
+	var locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(options.locale);
+	var formatLength = options.formatLength || 'short';
+	var bundle =;
+	var str = [];
+	var sauce = dojo.lang.curry(this, formatPattern, dateObject);
+	if(options.selector == "yearOnly"){
+		// Special case as this is not yet driven by CLDR data
+		var year = dateObject.getFullYear();
+		if(locale.match(/^zh|^ja/)){
+			year += "\u5E74";
+		}
+		return year;
+	}
+	if(options.selector != "timeOnly"){
+		var datePattern = options.datePattern || bundle["dateFormat-"+formatLength];
+		if(datePattern){str.push(_processPattern(datePattern, sauce));}
+	}
+	if(options.selector != "dateOnly"){
+		var timePattern = options.timePattern || bundle["timeFormat-"+formatLength];
+		if(timePattern){str.push(_processPattern(timePattern, sauce));}
+	}
+	var result = str.join(" "); //TODO: use locale-specific pattern to assemble date + time
+	return result; /*String*/
+ = function(/*String*/value, /*Object?*/options){
+// summary:
+//		Convert a properly formatted string to a primitive Date object,
+//		using locale-specific settings.
+// description:
+//		Create a Date object from a string using a known localized pattern.
+//		By default, this method parses looking for both date and time in the string.
+//		Formatting patterns are chosen appropriate to the locale.  Different
+//		formatting lengths may be chosen, with "full" used by default.
+//		Custom patterns may be used or registered with translations using
+//		the addCustomBundle method.
+//		Formatting patterns are implemented using the syntax described at
+// value:
+//		A string representation of a date
+// options: object {selector: string, formatLength: string, datePattern: string, timePattern: string, locale: string, strict: boolean}
+//		selector- choice of timeOnly, dateOnly, dateTime (default: dateOnly)
+//		formatLength- choice of long, short, medium or full (plus any custom additions).  Defaults to 'full'
+//		datePattern,timePattern- override pattern with this string
+//		am,pm- override strings for am/pm in times
+//		locale- override the locale used to determine formatting rules
+//		strict- strict parsing, off by default
+	options = options || {};
+	var locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(options.locale);
+	var info =;
+	var formatLength = options.formatLength || 'full';
+	if(!options.selector){ options.selector = 'dateOnly'; }
+	var datePattern = options.datePattern || info["dateFormat-" + formatLength];
+	var timePattern = options.timePattern || info["timeFormat-" + formatLength];
+	var pattern;
+	if(options.selector == 'dateOnly'){
+		pattern = datePattern;
+	}
+	else if(options.selector == 'timeOnly'){
+		pattern = timePattern;
+	}else if(options.selector == 'dateTime'){
+		pattern = datePattern + ' ' + timePattern; //TODO: use locale-specific pattern to assemble date + time
+	}else{
+		var msg = " Unknown selector param passed: '" + options.selector + "'.";
+		msg += " Defaulting to date pattern.";
+		dojo.debug(msg);
+		pattern = datePattern;
+	}
+	var groups = [];
+	var dateREString = _processPattern(pattern, dojo.lang.curry(this, _buildDateTimeRE, groups, info, options));
+	var dateRE = new RegExp("^" + dateREString + "$");
+	var match = dateRE.exec(value);
+	if(!match){
+		return null;
+	}
+	var widthList = ['abbr', 'wide', 'narrow'];
+	//1972 is a leap year.  We want to avoid Feb 29 rolling over into Mar 1,
+	//in the cases where the year is parsed after the month and day.
+	var result = new Date(1972, 0);
+	var expected = {};
+	for(var i=1; i<match.length; i++){
+		var grp=groups[i-1];
+		var l=grp.length;
+		var v=match[i];
+		switch(grp.charAt(0)){
+			case 'y':
+				if(l != 2){
+					//interpret year literally, so '5' would be 5 A.D.
+					result.setFullYear(v);
+					expected.year = v;
+				}else{
+					if(v<100){
+						v = Number(v);
+						//choose century to apply, according to a sliding window
+						//of 80 years before and 20 years after present year
+						var year = '' + new Date().getFullYear();
+						var century = year.substring(0, 2) * 100;
+						var yearPart = Number(year.substring(2, 4));
+						var cutoff = Math.min(yearPart + 20, 99);
+						var num = (v < cutoff) ? century + v : century - 100 + v;
+						result.setFullYear(num);
+						expected.year = num;
+					}else{
+						//we expected 2 digits and got more...
+						if(options.strict){
+							return null;
+						}
+						//interpret literally, so '150' would be 150 A.D.
+						//also tolerate '1950', if 'yyyy' input passed to 'yy' format
+						result.setFullYear(v);
+						expected.year = v;
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'M':
+				if (l>2) {
+					if(!options.strict){
+						//Tolerate abbreviating period in month part
+						v = v.replace(/\./g,'');
+						//Case-insensitive
+						v = v.toLowerCase();
+					}
+					var months = info['months-format-' + widthList[l-3]].concat();
+					for (var j=0; j<months.length; j++){
+						if(!options.strict){
+							//Case-insensitive
+							months[j] = months[j].toLowerCase();
+						}
+						if(v == months[j]){
+							result.setMonth(j);
+							expected.month = j;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if(j==months.length){
+						dojo.debug(" Could not parse month name: '" + v + "'.");
+						return null;
+					}
+				}else{
+					result.setMonth(v-1);
+					expected.month = v-1;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'E':
+			case 'e':
+				if(!options.strict){
+					//Case-insensitive
+					v = v.toLowerCase();
+				}
+				var days = info['days-format-' + widthList[l-3]].concat();
+				for (var j=0; j<days.length; j++){
+					if(!options.strict){
+						//Case-insensitive
+						days[j] = days[j].toLowerCase();
+					}
+					if(v == days[j]){
+						//TODO: not sure what to actually do with this input,
+						//in terms of setting something on the Date obj...?
+						//without more context, can't affect the actual date
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if(j==days.length){
+					dojo.debug(" Could not parse weekday name: '" + v + "'.");
+					return null;
+				}
+				break;	
+			case 'd':
+				result.setDate(v);
+ = v;
+				break;
+			case 'a': //am/pm
+				var am = ||;
+				var pm = ||;
+				if(!options.strict){
+					v = v.replace(/\./g,'').toLowerCase();
+					am = am.replace(/\./g,'').toLowerCase();
+					pm = pm.replace(/\./g,'').toLowerCase();
+				}
+				if(options.strict && v != am && v != pm){
+					dojo.debug(" Could not parse am/pm part.");
+					return null;
+				}
+				var hours = result.getHours();
+				if(v == pm && hours < 12){
+					result.setHours(hours + 12); //e.g., 3pm -> 15
+				} else if(v == am && hours == 12){
+					result.setHours(0); //12am -> 0
+				}
+				break;
+			case 'K': //hour (1-24)
+				if(v==24){v=0;}
+				// fallthrough...
+			case 'h': //hour (1-12)
+			case 'H': //hour (0-23)
+			case 'k': //hour (0-11)
+				//TODO: strict bounds checking, padding
+				if(v>23){
+					dojo.debug(" Illegal hours value");
+					return null;
+				}
+				//in the 12-hour case, adjusting for am/pm requires the 'a' part
+				//which for now we will assume always comes after the 'h' part
+				result.setHours(v);
+				break;
+			case 'm': //minutes
+				result.setMinutes(v);
+				break;
+			case 's': //seconds
+				result.setSeconds(v);
+				break;
+			case 'S': //milliseconds
+				result.setMilliseconds(v);
+				break;
+			default:
+				dojo.unimplemented(" unsupported pattern char=" + grp.charAt(0));
+		}
+	}
+	//validate parse date fields versus input date fields
+	if(expected.year && result.getFullYear() != expected.year){
+		dojo.debug("Parsed year: '" + result.getFullYear() + "' did not match input year: '" + expected.year + "'.");
+		return null;
+	}
+	if(expected.month && result.getMonth() != expected.month){
+		dojo.debug("Parsed month: '" + result.getMonth() + "' did not match input month: '" + expected.month + "'.");
+		return null;
+	}
+	if( && result.getDate() !={
+		dojo.debug("Parsed day of month: '" + result.getDate() + "' did not match input day of month: '" + + "'.");
+		return null;
+	}
+	//TODO: implement a getWeekday() method in order to test 
+	//validity of input strings containing 'EEE' or 'EEEE'...
+	return result; /*Date*/
+function _processPattern(pattern, applyPattern, applyLiteral, applyAll){
+	// Process a pattern with literals in it
+	// Break up on single quotes, treat every other one as a literal, except '' which becomes '
+	var identity = function(x){return x;};
+	applyPattern = applyPattern || identity;
+	applyLiteral = applyLiteral || identity;
+	applyAll = applyAll || identity;
+	//split on single quotes (which escape literals in date format strings) 
+	//but preserve escaped single quotes (e.g., o''clock)
+	var chunks = pattern.match(/(''|[^'])+/g); 
+	var literal = false;
+	for(var i=0; i<chunks.length; i++){
+		if(!chunks[i]){
+			chunks[i]='';
+		} else {
+			chunks[i]=(literal ? applyLiteral : applyPattern)(chunks[i]);
+			literal = !literal;
+		}
+	}
+	return applyAll(chunks.join(''));
+function _buildDateTimeRE(groups, info, options, pattern){
+	return pattern.replace(/([a-z])\1*/ig, function(match){
+		// Build a simple regexp without parenthesis, which would ruin the match list
+		var s;
+		var c = match.charAt(0);
+		var l = match.length;
+		switch(c){
+			case 'y':
+				s = '\\d' + ((l==2) ? '{2,4}' : '+');
+				break;
+			case 'M':
+				s = (l>2) ? '\\S+' : '\\d{1,2}';
+				break;
+			case 'd':
+				s = '\\d{1,2}';

[... 999 lines stripped ...]