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cvs commit: jakarta-ant/proposal/myrmidon/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/dotnet

donaldp     02/03/02 23:14:12

  Added:       proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/dotnet
  Removed:     proposal/myrmidon/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/dotnet
  Move dotnet tasks into antlib hierarchy
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-ant/proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/dotnet/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in
   * the LICENSE.txt file.
  package org.apache.antlib.dotnet;
  import org.apache.aut.nativelib.ExecManager;
  import org.apache.myrmidon.api.TaskException;
  import org.apache.myrmidon.framework.Execute;
   * This task compiles CSharp source into executables or modules. The task will
   * only work on win2K until other platforms support csc.exe or an equivalent.
   * CSC.exe must be on the execute path too. <p>
   * All parameters are optional: &lt;csc/&gt; should suffice to produce a debug
   * build of all *.cs files. References to external files do require explicit
   * enumeration, so are one of the first attributes to consider adding. <p>
   * The task is a directory based task, so attributes like <b>includes="*.cs"</b>
   * and <b>excludes="broken.cs"</b> can be used to control the files pulled in.
   * By default, all *.cs files from the project folder down are included in the
   * command. When this happens the output file -if not specified- is taken as the
   * first file in the list, which may be somewhat hard to control. Specifying the
   * output file with <b>'outfile'</b> seems prudent. <p>
   * <p>
   * TODO
   * <ol>
   *   <li> is incremental build still broken in beta-1?
   *   <li> is Win32Icon broken?
   *   <li> all the missing options
   * </ol>
   * <p>
   * History
   * <Table>
   *   <tr>
   *     <td>
   *       0.3
   *     </td>
   *     <td>
   *       Beta 1 edition
   *     </td>
   *     <td>
   *       To avoid having to remember which assemblies to include, the task
   *       automatically refers to the main dotnet libraries in Beta1.
   *     </tr>
   *     <tr>
   *       <td>
   *         0.2
   *       </td>
   *       <td>
   *         Slightly different
   *       </td>
   *       <td>
   *         Split command execution to a separate class;
   *       </tr>
   *       <tr>
   *         <td>
   *           0.1
   *         </td>
   *         <td>
   *           "I can't believe it's so rudimentary"
   *         </td>
   *         <td>
   *           First pass; minimal builds only support;
   *         </tr>
   *       </table>
   * @author Steve Loughran
   * @version 0.3
  public class CSharp
      extends MatchingTask
       * name of the executable. the .exe suffix is deliberately not included in
       * anticipation of the unix version
      private final static String EXE_NAME = "csc";
       * what is the file extension we search on?
      private final static String FILE_EXT = "cs";
       * derive the search pattern from the extension
      private final static String FILE_PATTERN = "**/*." + FILE_EXT;
       * Fix C# reference inclusion. C# is really dumb in how it handles
       * inclusion. You have to list every 'assembly' -read DLL that is imported.
       * So already you are making a platform assumption -shared libraries have a
       * .dll;"+ extension and the poor developer has to know every library which
       * is included why the compiler cant find classes on the path or in a
       * directory, is a mystery. To reduce the need to be explicit, here is a
       * long list of the core libraries used in Beta-1 of .NET ommitting the
       * blatantly non portable (MS.win32.interop) and the .designer libraries.
       * (ripping out Com was tempting) Casing is chosen to match that of the file
       * system <i>exactly</i> so may work on a unix box too.
      private final static String DEFAULT_REFERENCE_LIST =
          "Accessibility.dll;" +
          "cscompmgd.dll;" +
          "CustomMarshalers.dll;" +
          "IEExecRemote.dll;" +
          "IEHost.dll;" +
          "IIEHost.dll;" +
          "ISymWrapper.dll;" +
          "Microsoft.JScript.dll;" +
          "Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll;" +
          "Microsoft.VisualC.dll;" +
          "Microsoft.Vsa.dll;" +
          "Mscorcfg.dll;" +
          "RegCode.dll;" +
          "System.Configuration.Install.dll;" +
          "System.Data.dll;" +
          "System.Design.dll;" +
          "System.DirectoryServices.dll;" +
          "System.EnterpriseServices.dll;" +
          "System.dll;" +
          "System.Drawing.Design.dll;" +
          "System.Drawing.dll;" +
          "System.Management.dll;" +
          "System.Messaging.dll;" +
          "System.Runtime.Remoting.dll;" +
          "System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll;" +
          "System.Security.dll;" +
          "System.ServiceProcess.dll;" +
          "System.Web.dll;" +
          "System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll;" +
          "System.Web.Services.dll;" +
          "System.Windows.Forms.dll;" +
       * utf out flag
      private boolean m_utf8output;
      private boolean m_fullpaths = true;
       * debug flag. Controls generation of debug information.
      private boolean m_debug = true;
       * output XML documentation flag
      private File m_docFile;
       * any extra command options?
      private String m_extraOptions;
       * flag to enable automatic reference inclusion
      private boolean m_includeDefaultReferences = true;
       * incremental build flag
      private boolean m_incremental;
       * main class (or null for automatic choice)
      private String m_mainClass;
       * optimise flag
      private boolean m_optimize;
       * output file. If not supplied this is derived from the source file
      private File m_outputFile;
       * using the path approach didnt work as it could not handle the implicit
       * execution path. Perhaps that could be extracted from the runtime and then
       * the path approach would be viable
      private Path m_referenceFiles;
       * list of reference classes. (pretty much a classpath equivalent)
      private String m_references;
       * type of target. Should be one of exe|library|module|winexe|(null) default
       * is exe; the actual value (if not null) is fed to the command line. <br>
       * See /target
      private String m_targetType;
       * enable unsafe code flag. Clearly set to false by default
      private boolean m_unsafe;
       * icon for incorporation into apps
      private File m_win32icon;
       * icon for incorporation into apps
      private File m_win32res;
       * list of extra modules to refer to
      private String m_additionalModules;
       * defines list something like 'RELEASE;WIN32;NO_SANITY_CHECKS;;SOMETHING_ELSE'
      private String m_definitions;
       * destination directory (null means use the source directory) NB: this is
       * currently not used
      private File m_destDir;
       * source directory upon which the search pattern is applied
      private File m_srcDir;
       * warning level: 0-4, with 4 being most verbose
      private int m_warnLevel = 3;
       * constructor inits everything and set up the search pattern
      public CSharp()
          throws TaskException
          setIncludes( FILE_PATTERN );
       * Set the definitions
      public void setAdditionalModules( final String additionalModules )
          m_additionalModules = additionalModules;
       * set the debug flag on or off
       * @param debug on/off flag
      public void setDebug( final boolean debug )
          m_debug = debug;
       * Set the definitions
      public void setDefinitions( final String definitions )
          m_definitions = definitions;
       * Set the destination dir to find the files to be compiled
       * @param destDir The new DestDir value
      public void setDestDir( final File destDir )
          m_destDir = destDir;
       * file for generated XML documentation
       * @param docFile output file
      public void setDocFile( final File docFile )
          m_docFile = docFile;
       * Sets the ExtraOptions attribute
      public void setExtraOptions( final String extraOptions )
          m_extraOptions = extraOptions;
      public void setFullPaths( final boolean fullpaths )
          m_fullpaths = fullpaths;
       * set the automatic reference inclusion flag on or off this flag controls
       * the string of references and the /nostdlib option in CSC
       * @param includeDefaultReferences on/off flag
      public void setIncludeDefaultReferences( final boolean includeDefaultReferences )
          m_includeDefaultReferences = includeDefaultReferences;
       * set the incremental compilation flag on or off
       * @param incremental on/off flag
      public void setIncremental( final boolean incremental )
          m_incremental = incremental;
       * Sets the MainClass attribute
       * @param mainClass The new MainClass value
      public void setMainClass( final String mainClass )
          m_mainClass = mainClass;
       * set the optimise flag on or off
       * @param optimize on/off flag
      public void setOptimize( final boolean optimize )
          m_optimize = optimize;
       * Set the definitions
      public void setOutputFile( final File outputFile )
          m_outputFile = outputFile;
       * add another path to the reference file path list
       * @param path another path to append
      public void setReferenceFiles( final Path path )
          throws TaskException
          //demand create pathlist
          if( null == m_referenceFiles )
              m_referenceFiles = new Path();
          m_referenceFiles.append( path );
       * Set the reference list to be used for this compilation.
       * @param references The new References value
      public void setReferences( final String references )
          m_references = references;
       * Set the source dir to find the files to be compiled
       * @param srcDir The new SrcDir value
      public void setSrcDir( final File srcDir )
          m_srcDir = srcDir;
       * define the target
       * @param targetType The new TargetType value
       * @exception TaskException if target is not one of
       *      exe|library|module|winexe
      public void setTargetType( final String targetType )
          throws TaskException
          final String type = targetType.toLowerCase();
          if( type.equals( "exe" ) || type.equals( "library" ) ||
              type.equals( "module" ) || type.equals( "winexe" ) )
              m_targetType = type;
              final String message = "targetType " + type + " is not a valid type";
              throw new TaskException( message );
       * Sets the Unsafe attribute
       * @param unsafe The new Unsafe value
      public void setUnsafe( final boolean unsafe )
          m_unsafe = unsafe;
       * enable generation of utf8 output from the compiler.
       * @param enabled The new Utf8Output value
      public void setUtf8Output( final boolean enabled )
          m_utf8output = enabled;
       * set warn level (no range checking)
       * @param warnLevel warn level -see .net docs for valid range (probably 0-4)
      public void setWarnLevel( final int warnLevel )
          m_warnLevel = warnLevel;
       * Set the win32 icon
       * @param fileName path to the file. Can be relative, absolute, whatever.
      public void setWin32Icon( final File fileName )
          m_win32icon = fileName;
       * Set the win32 icon
       * @param win32res path to the file. Can be relative, absolute, whatever.
      public void setWin32Res( final File win32res )
          m_win32res = win32res;
       * do the work by building the command line and then calling it
      public void execute()
          throws TaskException
          if( null == m_srcDir )
              m_srcDir = getBaseDirectory();
          final ExecManager execManager = (ExecManager)getService( ExecManager.class );
          final Execute exe = new Execute( execManager );
          exe.setReturnCode( 0 );
          final Commandline cmd = exe.getCommandline();
          cmd.setExecutable( EXE_NAME );
          addArgument( cmd, "/nologo" );
          addArgument( cmd, getAdditionalModulesParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getDefinitionsParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getDebugParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getDocFileParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getIncrementalParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getMainClassParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getOptimizeParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getReferencesParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getTargetTypeParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getUnsafeParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getWarnLevelParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getWin32IconParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getOutputFileParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getIncludeDefaultReferencesParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getDefaultReferenceParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getWin32ResParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getUtf8OutpuParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getFullPathsParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getExtraOptionsParameter() );
          //get dependencies list.
          final DirectoryScanner scanner = super.getDirectoryScanner( m_srcDir );
          final String[] dependencies = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
          final String message = "compiling " + dependencies.length + " file" +
              ( ( dependencies.length == 1 ) ? "" : "s" );
          getLogger().info( message );
          final String baseDir = scanner.getBasedir().toString();
          //add to the command
          for( int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++ )
              final String targetFile = baseDir + File.separator + dependencies[ i ];
              addArgument( cmd, targetFile );
          //now run the command of exe + settings + files
      private void addArgument( final Commandline cmd, final String argument )
          if( null != argument && 0 != argument.length() )
              cmd.addArgument( argument );
       * get the argument or null for no argument needed
       * @return The AdditionalModules Parameter to CSC
      private String getAdditionalModulesParameter()
          if( notEmpty( m_additionalModules ) )
              return "/addmodule:" + m_additionalModules;
              return null;
       * get the debug switch argument
       * @return The Debug Parameter to CSC
      private String getDebugParameter()
          return "/debug" + ( m_debug ? "+" : "-" );
       * get default reference list
       * @return null or a string of references.
      private String getDefaultReferenceParameter()
          if( m_includeDefaultReferences )
              StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer( "/reference:" );
              s.append( DEFAULT_REFERENCE_LIST );
              return new String( s );
              return null;
       * get the argument or null for no argument needed
       * @return The Definitions Parameter to CSC
      private String getDefinitionsParameter()
          if( notEmpty( m_definitions ) )
              return "/define:" + m_definitions;
              return null;
       * get the argument or null for no argument needed
       * @return The DocFile Parameter to CSC
      private String getDocFileParameter()
          if( m_docFile != null )
              return "/doc:" + m_docFile.toString();
              return null;
       * get any extra options or null for no argument needed
       * @return The ExtraOptions Parameter to CSC
      private String getExtraOptionsParameter()
          if( m_extraOptions != null && m_extraOptions.length() != 0 )
              return m_extraOptions;
              return null;
      private String getFullPathsParameter()
          return m_fullpaths ? "/fullpaths" : null;
       * get the include default references flag or null for no argument needed
       * @return The Parameter to CSC
      private String getIncludeDefaultReferencesParameter()
          return "/nostdlib" + ( m_includeDefaultReferences ? "-" : "+" );
       * get the incremental build argument
       * @return The Incremental Parameter to CSC
      private String getIncrementalParameter()
          return "/incremental" + ( m_incremental ? "+" : "-" );
       * get the /main argument or null for no argument needed
       * @return The MainClass Parameter to CSC
      private String getMainClassParameter()
          if( m_mainClass != null && m_mainClass.length() != 0 )
              return "/main:" + m_mainClass;
              return null;
       * get the optimise flag or null for no argument needed
       * @return The Optimize Parameter to CSC
      private String getOptimizeParameter()
          return "/optimize" + ( m_optimize ? "+" : "-" );
       * get the argument or null for no argument needed
       * @return The OutputFile Parameter to CSC
      private String getOutputFileParameter()
          if( m_outputFile != null )
              File f = m_outputFile;
              return "/out:" + f.toString();
              return null;
       * get the reference string or null for no argument needed
       * @return The References Parameter to CSC
      private String getReferencesParameter()
          //bail on no references
          if( notEmpty( m_references ) )
              return "/reference:" + m_references;
              return null;
       * get the argument or null for no argument needed
       * @return The TargetType Parameter to CSC
      private String getTargetTypeParameter()
          if( notEmpty( m_targetType ) )
              return "/target:" + m_targetType;
              return null;
       * get the argument or null for no argument needed
       * @return The Unsafe Parameter to CSC
      private String getUnsafeParameter()
          return m_unsafe ? "/unsafe" : null;
      private String getUtf8OutpuParameter()
          return m_utf8output ? "/utf8output" : null;
       * get the warn level switch
       * @return The WarnLevel Parameter to CSC
      private String getWarnLevelParameter()
          return "/warn:" + m_warnLevel;
       * get the argument or null for no argument needed
       * @return The Win32Icon Parameter to CSC
      private String getWin32IconParameter()
          if( m_win32icon != null )
              return "/win32icon:" + m_win32icon.toString();
              return null;
       * get the argument or null for no argument needed
       * @return The Win32Icon Parameter to CSC
      private String getWin32ResParameter()
          if( m_win32res != null )
              return "/win32res:" + m_win32res.toString();
              return null;
       * test for a string containing something useful
       * @param string string in
       * @return true if the argument is not null or empty
      private boolean notEmpty( final String string )
          return string != null && string.length() != 0;
  1.1                  jakarta-ant/proposal/myrmidon/src/java/org/apache/antlib/dotnet/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in
   * the LICENSE.txt file.
  package org.apache.antlib.dotnet;
  import org.apache.aut.nativelib.ExecManager;
  import org.apache.myrmidon.api.TaskException;
  import org.apache.myrmidon.framework.Execute;
   * Task to assemble .net 'Intermediate Language' files. The task will only work
   * on win2K until other platforms support csc.exe or an equivalent. ilasm.exe
   * must be on the execute path too. <p>
   * <p>
   * All parameters are optional: &lt;il/&gt; should suffice to produce a debug
   * build of all *.il files. The option set is roughly compatible with the CSharp
   * class; even though the command line options are only vaguely equivalent. [The
   * low level commands take things like /OUT=file, csc wants /out:file ...
   * /verbose is used some places; /quiet here in ildasm... etc.] It would be nice
   * if someone made all the command line tools consistent (and not as brittle as
   * the java cmdline tools) <p>
   * The task is a directory based task, so attributes like <b>includes="*.il"</b>
   * and <b>excludes=""</b> can be used to control the files pulled in.
   * Each file is built on its own, producing an appropriately named output file
   * unless manually specified with <b>outfile</b>
   * @author Steve Loughran
   * @version 0.2
  public class Ilasm
      extends MatchingTask
       * name of the executable. the .exe suffix is deliberately not included in
       * anticipation of the unix version
      private final static String EXE_NAME = "ilasm";
       * what is the file extension we search on?
      private final static String FILE_EXT = "il";
       * and now derive the search pattern from the extension
      private final static String FILE_PATTERN = "**/*." + FILE_EXT;
       * debug flag. Controls generation of debug information.
      private boolean m_debug;
       * any extra command options?
      private String m_extraOptions;
       * listing flag
      private boolean m_listing;
       * output file. If not supplied this is derived from the source file
      private File m_outputFile;
       * resource file (.res format) to include in the app.
      private File m_resourceFile;
       * type of target. Should be one of exe|library|module|winexe|(null) default
       * is exe; the actual value (if not null) is fed to the command line. <br>
       * See /target
      private String m_targetType;
       * verbose flag
      private boolean m_verbose;
       * file containing private key
      private File m_keyfile;
       * source directory upon which the search pattern is applied
      private File m_srcDir;
       * constructor inits everything and set up the search pattern
      public Ilasm()
          throws TaskException
          setIncludes( FILE_PATTERN );
          m_debug = true;
       * set the debug flag on or off
       * @param debug on/off flag
      public void setDebug( final boolean debug )
          m_debug = debug;
       * Sets the ExtraOptions attribute
       * @param extraOptions The new ExtraOptions value
      public void setExtraOptions( final String extraOptions )
          m_extraOptions = extraOptions;
      public void setKeyfile( final File keyfile )
          m_keyfile = keyfile;
       * enable/disable listing
       * @param listing flag set to true for listing on
      public void setListing( final boolean listing )
          m_listing = listing;
       * Set the definitions
      public void setOutputFile( final File outputFile )
          m_outputFile = outputFile;
       * Set the resource file
       * @param resourceFile path to the file. Can be relative, absolute, whatever.
      public void setResourceFile( final File resourceFile )
          m_resourceFile = resourceFile;
       * Set the source dir to find the files to be compiled
      public void setSrcDir( final File srcDir )
          m_srcDir = srcDir;
       * define the target
       * @param targetType one of exe|library|
       * @exception TaskException if target is not one of
       *      exe|library|module|winexe
      public void setTargetType( final String targetType )
          throws TaskException
          final String type = targetType.toLowerCase();
          if( type.equals( "exe" ) || type.equals( "library" ) )
              m_targetType = type;
              final String message = "targetType " + targetType + " is not a valid type";
              throw new TaskException( message );
       * enable/disable verbose ILASM output
       * @param verbose flag set to true for verbose on
      public void setVerbose( final boolean verbose )
          m_verbose = verbose;
       * This is the execution entry point. Build a list of files and call ilasm
       * on each of them.
       * @throws TaskException if the assembly failed
      public void execute()
          throws TaskException
          if( null == m_srcDir )
              m_srcDir = getBaseDirectory();
          //get dependencies list.
          final DirectoryScanner scanner = super.getDirectoryScanner( m_srcDir );
          final String[] dependencies = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
          final String baseDir = scanner.getBasedir().toString();
          final String message = "assembling " + dependencies.length + " file" +
              ( ( dependencies.length == 1 ) ? "" : "s" );
          getLogger().info( message );
          //add to the command
          for( int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++ )
              final String targetFile = baseDir + File.separator + dependencies[ i ];
              executeOneFile( targetFile );
       * do the work for one file by building the command line then calling it
       * @param targetFile name of the the file to assemble
       * @throws TaskException if the assembly failed and FailOnError is true
      public void executeOneFile( final String targetFile )
          throws TaskException
          final ExecManager execManager = (ExecManager)getService( ExecManager.class );
          final Execute exe = new Execute( execManager );
          exe.setReturnCode( 0 );
          final Commandline cmd = exe.getCommandline();
          cmd.setExecutable( EXE_NAME );
          addArgument( cmd, getDebugParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getTargetTypeParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getListingParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getOutputFileParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getResourceFileParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getVerboseParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getKeyfileParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, getExtraOptionsParameter() );
          addArgument( cmd, targetFile );
      private void addArgument( final Commandline cmd, final String argument )
          if( null != argument && 0 != argument.length() )
              cmd.addArgument( argument );
       * get the argument or null for no argument needed
       * @return The DebugParameter value
      private String getDebugParameter()
          return m_debug ? "/debug" : null;
       * get any extra options or null for no argument needed
       * @return The ExtraOptions Parameter to CSC
      private String getExtraOptionsParameter()
          if( m_extraOptions != null && m_extraOptions.length() != 0 )
              return m_extraOptions;
              return null;
       * get the argument or null for no argument needed
      private String getKeyfileParameter()
          if( m_keyfile != null )
              return "/keyfile:" + m_keyfile.toString();
              return null;
       * turn the listing flag into a parameter for ILASM
       * @return the appropriate string from the state of the listing flag
      private String getListingParameter()
          return m_listing ? "/listing" : "/nolisting";
       * get the output file
       * @return the argument string or null for no argument
      private String getOutputFileParameter()
          if( null == m_outputFile || 0 == m_outputFile.length() )
              return null;
          return "/output=" + m_outputFile.toString();
      private String getResourceFileParameter()
          if( null != m_resourceFile )
              return "/resource=" + m_resourceFile.toString();
              return null;
       * g get the target type or null for no argument needed
       * @return The TargetTypeParameter value
      private String getTargetTypeParameter()
          if( !notEmpty( m_targetType ) )
              return null;
          if( m_targetType.equals( "exe" ) )
              return "/exe";
          else if( m_targetType.equals( "library" ) )
              return "/dll";
              return null;
       * turn the verbose flag into a parameter for ILASM
       * @return null or the appropriate command line string
      private String getVerboseParameter()
          return m_verbose ? null : "/quiet";
       * test for a string containing something useful
       * @returns true if the argument is not null or empty
      private boolean notEmpty( final String string )
          return string != null && string.length() != 0;

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