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Posted to by on 2014/02/12 07:20:50 UTC

[01/33] Replacement of inets with ibrowse. Fixes COUCHDB-179 and enhances replication. Thanks Jason Davies and Adam Kocoloski for the fix, Maximillian Dornseif for reporting.

Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/import-master [created] 1167b0e3c
diff --git a/ibrowse_lib.erl b/ibrowse_lib.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67c5eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+%%% File    : ibrowse_lib.erl
+%%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+%%% Description : 
+%%% Created : 27 Feb 2004 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+%% @doc Module with a few useful functions
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse_lib.erl,v 1.6 2008/03/27 01:35:50 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+	 get_trace_status/2,
+	 do_trace/2,
+	 do_trace/3,
+	 url_encode/1,
+	 decode_rfc822_date/1,
+	 status_code/1,
+	 dec2hex/2,
+	 drv_ue/1,
+	 drv_ue/2,
+	 encode_base64/1,
+	 decode_base64/1,
+	 get_value/2,
+	 get_value/3,
+	 parse_url/1,
+	 printable_date/0
+	]).
+get_trace_status(Host, Port) ->
+    ibrowse:get_config_value({trace, Host, Port}, false).
+drv_ue(Str) ->
+    [{port, Port}| _] = ets:lookup(ibrowse_table, port),
+    drv_ue(Str, Port).
+drv_ue(Str, Port) ->
+    case erlang:port_control(Port, 1, Str) of
+	[] ->
+	    Str;
+	Res ->
+	    Res
+    end.
+%% @doc URL-encodes a string based on RFC 1738. Returns a flat list.
+%% @spec url_encode(Str) -> UrlEncodedStr
+%% Str = string()
+%% UrlEncodedStr = string()
+url_encode(Str) when list(Str) ->
+    url_encode_char(lists:reverse(Str), []).
+url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X >= $0, X =< $9 ->
+    url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
+url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X >= $a, X =< $z ->
+    url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
+url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X >= $A, X =< $Z ->
+    url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
+url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X == $-; X == $_; X == $. ->
+    url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
+url_encode_char([32 | T], Acc) ->
+    url_encode_char(T, [$+ | Acc]);
+url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) ->
+    url_encode_char(T, [$%, d2h(X bsr 4), d2h(X band 16#0f) | Acc]);
+url_encode_char([], Acc) ->
+    Acc.
+d2h(N) when N<10 -> N+$0;
+d2h(N) -> N+$a-10.
+decode_rfc822_date(String) when list(String) ->
+    case catch decode_rfc822_date_1(string:tokens(String, ", \t\r\n")) of
+	{'EXIT', _} ->
+	    {error, invalid_date};
+	Res ->
+	    Res
+    end.
+% TODO: Have to handle the Zone
+decode_rfc822_date_1([_,DayInt,Month,Year, Time,Zone]) ->
+    decode_rfc822_date_1([DayInt,Month,Year, Time,Zone]);
+decode_rfc822_date_1([Day,Month,Year, Time,_Zone]) ->
+    DayI = list_to_integer(Day),
+    MonthI = month_int(Month),
+    YearI = list_to_integer(Year),
+    TimeTup = case string:tokens(Time, ":") of
+		  [H,M] ->
+		      {list_to_integer(H),
+		       list_to_integer(M),
+		       0};
+		  [H,M,S] ->
+		      {list_to_integer(H),
+		       list_to_integer(M),
+		       list_to_integer(S)}
+	      end,
+    {{YearI,MonthI,DayI}, TimeTup}.
+month_int("Jan") -> 1;
+month_int("Feb") -> 2;
+month_int("Mar") -> 3;
+month_int("Apr") -> 4;
+month_int("May") -> 5;
+month_int("Jun") -> 6;
+month_int("Jul") -> 7;
+month_int("Aug") -> 8;
+month_int("Sep") -> 9;
+month_int("Oct") -> 10;
+month_int("Nov") -> 11;
+month_int("Dec") -> 12.
+%% @doc Given a status code, returns an atom describing the status code. 
+%% @spec status_code(StatusCode::status_code()) -> StatusDescription
+%% status_code() = string() | integer()
+%% StatusDescription = atom()
+status_code(100) -> continue;
+status_code(101) -> switching_protocols;
+status_code(102) -> processing;
+status_code(200) -> ok;
+status_code(201) -> created;
+status_code(202) -> accepted;
+status_code(203) -> non_authoritative_information;
+status_code(204) -> no_content;
+status_code(205) -> reset_content;
+status_code(206) -> partial_content;
+status_code(207) -> multi_status;
+status_code(300) -> multiple_choices;
+status_code(301) -> moved_permanently;
+status_code(302) -> found;
+status_code(303) -> see_other;
+status_code(304) -> not_modified;
+status_code(305) -> use_proxy;
+status_code(306) -> unused;
+status_code(307) -> temporary_redirect;
+status_code(400) -> bad_request;
+status_code(401) -> unauthorized;
+status_code(402) -> payment_required;
+status_code(403) -> forbidden;
+status_code(404) -> not_found;
+status_code(405) -> method_not_allowed;
+status_code(406) -> not_acceptable;
+status_code(407) -> proxy_authentication_required;
+status_code(408) -> request_timeout;
+status_code(409) -> conflict;
+status_code(410) -> gone;
+status_code(411) -> length_required;
+status_code(412) -> precondition_failed;
+status_code(413) -> request_entity_too_large;
+status_code(414) -> request_uri_too_long;
+status_code(415) -> unsupported_media_type;
+status_code(416) -> requested_range_not_satisfiable;
+status_code(417) -> expectation_failed;
+status_code(422) -> unprocessable_entity;
+status_code(423) -> locked;
+status_code(424) -> failed_dependency;
+status_code(500) -> internal_server_error;
+status_code(501) -> not_implemented;
+status_code(502) -> bad_gateway;
+status_code(503) -> service_unavailable;
+status_code(504) -> gateway_timeout;
+status_code(505) -> http_version_not_supported;
+status_code(507) -> insufficient_storage;
+status_code(X) when is_list(X) -> status_code(list_to_integer(X));
+status_code(_)   -> unknown_status_code.
+%% @doc dec2hex taken from gtk.erl in std dist
+%% M = integer() -- number of hex digits required
+%% N = integer() -- the number to represent as hex
+%% @spec dec2hex(M::integer(), N::integer()) -> string()
+dec2hex(M,N) -> dec2hex(M,N,[]).
+dec2hex(0,_N,Ack) -> Ack;
+dec2hex(M,N,Ack) -> dec2hex(M-1,N bsr 4,[d2h(N band 15)|Ack]).
+%% @doc Implements the base64 encoding algorithm. The output data type matches in the input data type.
+%% @spec encode_base64(In) -> Out
+%% In = string() | binary()
+%% Out = string() | binary()
+encode_base64(List) when list(List) ->
+    encode_base64_1(list_to_binary(List));
+encode_base64(Bin) when binary(Bin) ->
+    List = encode_base64_1(Bin),
+    list_to_binary(List).
+encode_base64_1(<<A:6, B:6, C:6, D:6, Rest/binary>>) ->
+    [int_to_b64(A), int_to_b64(B),
+     int_to_b64(C), int_to_b64(D) | encode_base64_1(Rest)];
+encode_base64_1(<<A:6, B:6, C:4>>) ->
+    [int_to_b64(A), int_to_b64(B), int_to_b64(C bsl 2), $=];
+encode_base64_1(<<A:6, B:2>>) ->
+    [int_to_b64(A), int_to_b64(B bsl 4), $=, $=];
+encode_base64_1(<<>>) ->
+    [].
+%% @doc Implements the base64 decoding algorithm. The output data type matches in the input data type.
+%% @spec decode_base64(In) -> Out | exit({error, invalid_input})
+%% In = string() | binary()
+%% Out = string() | binary()
+decode_base64(List) when list(List) ->
+    decode_base64_1(List, []);
+decode_base64(Bin) when binary(Bin) ->
+    List = decode_base64_1(binary_to_list(Bin), []),
+    list_to_binary(List).
+decode_base64_1([H | T], Acc) when ((H == $\t) or
+				    (H == 32) or
+				    (H == $\r) or
+				    (H == $\n)) ->
+    decode_base64_1(T, Acc);
+decode_base64_1([$=, $=], Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc);
+decode_base64_1([$=, _ | _], _Acc) ->
+    exit({error, invalid_input});
+decode_base64_1([A1, B1, $=, $=], Acc) ->
+    A = b64_to_int(A1),
+    B = b64_to_int(B1),
+    Oct1 = (A bsl 2) bor (B bsr 4),
+    decode_base64_1([], [Oct1 | Acc]);
+decode_base64_1([A1, B1, C1, $=], Acc) ->
+    A = b64_to_int(A1),
+    B = b64_to_int(B1),
+    C = b64_to_int(C1),
+    Oct1 = (A bsl 2) bor (B bsr 4),
+    Oct2 = ((B band 16#f) bsl 6) bor (C bsr 2),
+    decode_base64_1([], [Oct2, Oct1 | Acc]);
+decode_base64_1([A1, B1, C1, D1 | T], Acc) ->
+    A = b64_to_int(A1),
+    B = b64_to_int(B1),
+    C = b64_to_int(C1),
+    D = b64_to_int(D1),
+    Oct1 = (A bsl 2) bor (B bsr 4),
+    Oct2 = ((B band 16#f) bsl 4) bor (C bsr 2),
+    Oct3 = ((C band 2#11) bsl 6) bor D,
+    decode_base64_1(T, [Oct3, Oct2, Oct1 | Acc]);
+decode_base64_1([], Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc).
+%% Taken from httpd_util.erl
+int_to_b64(X) when X >= 0, X =< 25 -> X + $A;
+int_to_b64(X) when X >= 26, X =< 51 -> X - 26 + $a;
+int_to_b64(X) when X >= 52, X =< 61 -> X - 52 + $0;
+int_to_b64(62) -> $+;
+int_to_b64(63) -> $/.
+%% Taken from httpd_util.erl
+b64_to_int(X) when X >= $A, X =< $Z -> X - $A;
+b64_to_int(X) when X >= $a, X =< $z -> X - $a + 26;
+b64_to_int(X) when X >= $0, X =< $9 -> X - $0 + 52;
+b64_to_int($+) -> 62;
+b64_to_int($/) -> 63.
+get_value(Tag, TVL, DefVal) ->
+    case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, TVL) of
+	false ->
+	    DefVal;
+	{value, {_, Val}} ->
+	    Val
+    end.
+get_value(Tag, TVL) ->
+    {value, {_, V}} = lists:keysearch(Tag,1,TVL),
+    V.
+parse_url(Url) ->
+    parse_url(Url, get_protocol, #url{abspath=Url}, []).
+parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | _], get_protocol, Url, []) ->
+    {invalid_uri_1, Url};
+parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | T], get_protocol, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    Prot = list_to_atom(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
+    parse_url(T, get_username, 
+	      Url#url{protocol = Prot},
+	      []);
+parse_url([$/ | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    %% No username/password. No  port number
+    Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
+	    port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
+	    path = [$/ | T]};
+parse_url([$: | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    %% It is possible that no username/password has been
+    %% specified. But we'll continue with the assumption that there is
+    %% a username/password. If we encounter a '@' later on, there is a
+    %% username/password indeed. If we encounter a '/', it was
+    %% actually the hostname
+    parse_url(T, get_password, 
+	      Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
+	      []);
+parse_url([$@ | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    parse_url(T, get_host, 
+	      Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
+		      password = ""},
+	      []);
+parse_url([$@ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    parse_url(T, get_host, 
+	      Url#url{password = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
+	      []);
+parse_url([$/ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    %% Ok, what we thought was the username/password was the hostname
+    %% and portnumber
+    #url{username=User} = Url,
+    Port = list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
+    Url#url{host = User,
+	    port = Port,
+	    username = undefined,
+	    password = undefined,
+	    path = [$/ | T]};
+parse_url([$: | T], get_host, #url{} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    parse_url(T, get_port, 
+	      Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
+	      []);
+parse_url([$/ | T], get_host, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
+	    port = default_port(Prot),
+	    path = [$/ | T]};
+parse_url([$/ | T], get_port, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    Port = case TmpAcc of
+	       [] ->
+		   default_port(Prot);
+	       _ ->
+		   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
+	   end,
+    Url#url{port = Port, path = [$/ | T]};
+parse_url([H | T], State, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    parse_url(T, State, Url, [H | TmpAcc]);
+parse_url([], get_host, Url, TmpAcc) when TmpAcc /= [] ->
+    Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
+	    port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
+	    path = "/"};
+parse_url([], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) when TmpAcc /= [] ->
+    Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
+	    port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
+	    path = "/"};
+parse_url([], get_port, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    Port = case TmpAcc of
+	       [] ->
+		   default_port(Prot);
+	       _ ->
+		   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
+	   end,
+    Url#url{port = Port, 
+	    path = "/"};
+parse_url([], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    %% Ok, what we thought was the username/password was the hostname
+    %% and portnumber
+    #url{username=User} = Url,
+    Port = case TmpAcc of
+	       [] ->
+		   default_port(Url#url.protocol);
+	       _ ->
+		   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
+	   end,
+    Url#url{host = User,
+	    port = Port,
+	    username = undefined,
+	    password = undefined,
+	    path = "/"};
+parse_url([], State, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    {invalid_uri_2, State, Url, TmpAcc}.
+default_port(http)  -> 80;
+default_port(https) -> 443;
+default_port(ftp)   -> 21.
+printable_date() ->
+    {{Y,Mo,D},{H, M, S}} = calendar:local_time(),
+    {_,_,MicroSecs} = now(),
+    [integer_to_list(Y),
+     $-,
+     integer_to_list(Mo),
+     $-,
+     integer_to_list(D),
+     $_,
+     integer_to_list(H),
+     $:,
+     integer_to_list(M),
+     $:,
+     integer_to_list(S),
+     $:,
+     integer_to_list(MicroSecs div 1000)].
+do_trace(Fmt, Args) ->
+    do_trace(get(my_trace_flag), Fmt, Args).
+do_trace(_, Fmt, Args) ->
+    io:format("~s -- (~s) - "++Fmt,
+	      [printable_date(), 
+	       get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]).
+do_trace(true, Fmt, Args) ->
+    io:format("~s -- (~s) - "++Fmt,
+	      [printable_date(), 
+	       get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]);
+do_trace(_, _, _) ->
+    ok.
diff --git a/ibrowse_sup.erl b/ibrowse_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..300435d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ibrowse_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+%%% File    : ibrowse_sup.erl
+%%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+%%% Description : 
+%%% Created : 15 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse_sup.erl,v 1.1 2005/05/05 22:28:28 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+%% Include files
+%% External exports
+	 start_link/0
+        ]).
+%% Internal exports
+	 init/1
+        ]).
+%% Macros
+-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
+%% Records
+%% External functions
+%% Function: start_link/0
+%% Description: Starts the supervisor
+start_link() ->
+    supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, []).
+%% Server functions
+%% Func: init/1
+%% Returns: {ok,  {SupFlags,  [ChildSpec]}} |
+%%          ignore                          |
+%%          {error, Reason}   
+init([]) ->
+    AChild = {ibrowse,{ibrowse,start_link,[]},
+	      permanent,2000,worker,[ibrowse, ibrowse_http_client]},
+    {ok,{{one_for_all,10,1}, [AChild]}}.
+%% Internal functions
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4429c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+%%% File    : ibrowse_test.erl
+%%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+%%% Description : Test ibrowse
+%%% Created : 14 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse_test.erl,v 1.3 2008/05/21 15:28:11 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+	 load_test/3,
+	 send_reqs_1/3,
+	 do_send_req/2,
+	 unit_tests/0,
+	 unit_tests/1,
+	 drv_ue_test/0,
+	 drv_ue_test/1,
+	 ue_test/0,
+	 ue_test/1
+	]).
+-import(ibrowse_lib, [printable_date/0]).
+%% Use ibrowse:set_max_sessions/3 and ibrowse:set_max_pipeline_size/3 to
+%% tweak settings before running the load test. The defaults are 10 and 10.
+load_test(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) when is_list(Url),
+                                                  is_integer(NumWorkers),
+                                                  is_integer(NumReqsPerWorker),
+                                                  NumWorkers > 0,
+                                                  NumReqsPerWorker > 0 ->
+    proc_lib:spawn(?MODULE, send_reqs_1, [Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker]).
+send_reqs_1(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) ->
+    Start_time = now(),
+    ets:new(pid_table, [named_table, public]),
+    ets:new(ibrowse_test_results, [named_table, public]),
+    ets:new(ibrowse_errors, [named_table, public, ordered_set]),
+    init_results(),
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+    log_msg("Starting spawning of workers...~n", []),
+    spawn_workers(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker),
+    log_msg("Finished spawning workers...~n", []),
+    do_wait(),
+    End_time = now(),
+    log_msg("All workers are done...~n", []),
+    log_msg("ibrowse_test_results table: ~n~p~n", [ets:tab2list(ibrowse_test_results)]),
+    log_msg("Start time: ~1000.p~n", [calendar:now_to_local_time(Start_time)]),
+    log_msg("End time  : ~1000.p~n", [calendar:now_to_local_time(End_time)]),
+    Elapsed_time_secs = trunc(timer:now_diff(End_time, Start_time) / 1000000),
+    log_msg("Elapsed   : ~p~n", [Elapsed_time_secs]),
+    log_msg("Reqs/sec  : ~p~n", [(NumWorkers*NumReqsPerWorker) / Elapsed_time_secs]),
+    dump_errors().
+init_results() ->
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {crash, 0}),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {send_failed, 0}),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {other_error, 0}),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {success, 0}),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {retry_later, 0}),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {trid_mismatch, 0}),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {success_no_trid, 0}),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {failed, 0}),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {timeout, 0}),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {req_id, 0}).
+spawn_workers(_Url, 0, _) ->
+    ok;
+spawn_workers(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) ->
+    Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, do_send_req, [Url, NumReqsPerWorker]),
+    ets:insert(pid_table, {Pid, []}),
+    spawn_workers(Url, NumWorkers - 1, NumReqsPerWorker).
+do_wait() ->
+    receive
+	{'EXIT', _, normal} ->
+	    do_wait();
+	{'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
+	    ets:delete(pid_table, Pid),
+	    ets:insert(ibrowse_errors, {Pid, Reason}),
+	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, crash, 1),
+	    do_wait();
+	Msg ->
+	    io:format("Recvd unknown message...~p~n", [Msg]),
+	    do_wait()
+    after 1000 ->
+	    case ets:info(pid_table, size) of
+		0 ->
+		    done;
+		_ ->
+		    do_wait()
+	    end
+    end.
+do_send_req(Url, NumReqs) ->
+    do_send_req_1(Url, NumReqs).
+do_send_req_1(_Url, 0) ->
+    ets:delete(pid_table, self());
+do_send_req_1(Url, NumReqs) ->
+    Counter = integer_to_list(ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, req_id, 1)),
+    case ibrowse:send_req(Url, [{"ib_req_id", Counter}], get, [], [], 10000) of
+	{ok, _Status, Headers, _Body} ->
+	    case lists:keysearch("ib_req_id", 1, Headers) of
+		{value, {_, Counter}} ->
+		    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, success, 1);
+		{value, _} ->
+		    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, trid_mismatch, 1);
+		false ->
+		    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, success_no_trid, 1)
+	    end;
+	{error, req_timedout} ->
+	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, timeout, 1);
+	{error, send_failed} ->
+	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, send_failed, 1);
+	{error, retry_later} ->
+	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, retry_later, 1);
+	Err ->
+	    ets:insert(ibrowse_errors, {now(), Err}),
+	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, other_error, 1),
+	    ok
+    end,
+    do_send_req_1(Url, NumReqs-1).
+dump_errors() ->
+    case ets:info(ibrowse_errors, size) of
+	0 ->
+	    ok;
+	_ ->
+	    {A, B, C} = now(),
+	    Filename = lists:flatten(
+			 io_lib:format("ibrowse_errors_~p_~p_~p.txt" , [A, B, C])),
+	    case file:open(Filename, [write, delayed_write, raw]) of
+		{ok, Iod} ->
+		    dump_errors(ets:first(ibrowse_errors), Iod);
+		Err ->
+		    io:format("failed to create file ~s. Reason: ~p~n", [Filename, Err]),
+		    ok
+	    end
+    end.
+dump_errors('$end_of_table', Iod) ->
+    file:close(Iod);
+dump_errors(Key, Iod) ->
+    [{_, Term}] = ets:lookup(ibrowse_errors, Key),
+    file:write(Iod, io_lib:format("~p~n", [Term])),
+    dump_errors(ets:next(ibrowse_errors, Key), Iod).
+%% Unit Tests
+-define(TEST_LIST, [{"http://intranet/messenger", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", options}, 
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", trace},
+		    {"", options},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get, [{basic_auth, {"guest", "guest"}}]},
+		    {"", get}
+		   ]).
+unit_tests() ->
+    unit_tests([]).
+unit_tests(Options) ->
+    lists:foreach(fun({Url, Method}) ->
+			  execute_req(Url, Method, Options);
+		     ({Url, Method, X_Opts}) ->
+			  execute_req(Url, Method, X_Opts ++ Options)
+		  end, ?TEST_LIST).
+execute_req(Url, Method) ->
+    execute_req(Url, Method, []).
+execute_req(Url, Method, Options) ->
+    io:format("~s, ~p: ", [Url, Method]),
+    Result = (catch ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], Options)),
+    case Result of 
+	{ok, SCode, _H, _B} ->
+	    io:format("Status code: ~p~n", [SCode]);
+	Err ->
+	    io:format("Err -> ~p~n", [Err])
+    end.
+drv_ue_test() ->
+    drv_ue_test(lists:duplicate(1024, 127)).
+drv_ue_test(Data) ->
+    [{port, Port}| _] = ets:lookup(ibrowse_table, port),
+%     erl_ddll:unload_driver("ibrowse_drv"),
+%     timer:sleep(1000),
+%     erl_ddll:load_driver("../priv", "ibrowse_drv"),
+%     Port = open_port({spawn, "ibrowse_drv"}, []),
+    {Time, Res} = timer:tc(ibrowse_lib, drv_ue, [Data, Port]),
+    io:format("Time -> ~p~n", [Time]),
+    io:format("Data Length -> ~p~n", [length(Data)]),
+    io:format("Res Length -> ~p~n", [length(Res)]).
+%    io:format("Result -> ~s~n", [Res]).
+ue_test() ->
+    ue_test(lists:duplicate(1024, $?)).
+ue_test(Data) ->
+    {Time, Res} = timer:tc(ibrowse_lib, url_encode, [Data]),
+    io:format("Time -> ~p~n", [Time]),
+    io:format("Data Length -> ~p~n", [length(Data)]),
+    io:format("Res Length -> ~p~n", [length(Res)]).
+%    io:format("Result -> ~s~n", [Res]).
+log_msg(Fmt, Args) ->
+    io:format("~s -- " ++ Fmt,
+	      [ibrowse_lib:printable_date() | Args]).

[18/33] Bumping ibrowse library to version 1.6.2 (latest). It has a few important bug fixes and new features, such as, for example:

Posted by
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 65d9cb9..1633e5b 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 %%% Created : 11 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse_http_client.erl,v 1.19 2009/07/01 22:43:19 chandrusf Exp $ ').
 %% Include files
@@ -16,11 +14,11 @@
 %% External exports
-	 start_link/1,
-	 start/1,
-	 stop/1,
-	 send_req/7
-	]).
+         start_link/1,
+         start/1,
+         stop/1,
+         send_req/7
+        ]).
@@ -28,41 +26,45 @@
 %% gen_server callbacks
-	 init/1,
-	 handle_call/3,
-	 handle_cast/2,
-	 handle_info/2,
-	 terminate/2,
-	 code_change/3
-	]).
+         init/1,
+         handle_call/3,
+         handle_cast/2,
+         handle_info/2,
+         terminate/2,
+         code_change/3
+        ]).
--record(state, {host, port,
-		use_proxy = false, proxy_auth_digest,
-		ssl_options = [], is_ssl = false, socket,
-		reqs=queue:new(), cur_req, status=idle, http_status_code,
-		reply_buffer = <<>>, rep_buf_size=0, streamed_size = 0,
-		recvd_headers=[],
-		is_closing, send_timer, content_length,
-		deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding,
-		chunk_size, chunk_size_buffer = <<>>, recvd_chunk_size,
-		lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0, prev_req_id
-	       }).
+-record(state, {host, port, connect_timeout,
+                use_proxy = false, proxy_auth_digest,
+                ssl_options = [], is_ssl = false, socket,
+                proxy_tunnel_setup = false,
+                tunnel_setup_queue = [],
+                reqs=queue:new(), cur_req, status=idle, http_status_code,
+                reply_buffer = <<>>, rep_buf_size=0, streamed_size = 0,
+                recvd_headers=[],
+                status_line, raw_headers, 
+                is_closing, send_timer, content_length,
+                deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding,
+                chunk_size, chunk_size_buffer = <<>>, recvd_chunk_size,
+                lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0, prev_req_id
+               }).
 -record(request, {url, method, options, from,
-		  stream_to, caller_controls_socket = false,
-		  req_id,
-		  stream_chunk_size,
-		  save_response_to_file = false,
-		  tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd,
-		  response_format}).
+                  stream_to, caller_controls_socket = false, 
+                  caller_socket_options = [],
+                  req_id,
+                  stream_chunk_size,
+                  save_response_to_file = false, 
+                  tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd,
+                  response_format}).
 -import(ibrowse_lib, [
-		      get_value/2,
-		      get_value/3,
-		      do_trace/2
-		     ]).
+                      get_value/2,
+                      get_value/3,
+                      do_trace/2
+                     ]).
 -define(DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE, 1024*1024).
@@ -80,7 +82,8 @@ start_link(Args) ->
     gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, []).
 stop(Conn_pid) ->
-    gen_server:call(Conn_pid, stop).
+    catch gen_server:call(Conn_pid, stop),
+    ok.
 send_req(Conn_Pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
@@ -101,26 +104,23 @@ send_req(Conn_Pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
 init({Lb_Tid, #url{host = Host, port = Port}, {SSLOptions, Is_ssl}}) ->
     State = #state{host = Host,
-		   port = Port,
-		   ssl_options = SSLOptions,
-		   is_ssl = Is_ssl,
-		   lb_ets_tid = Lb_Tid},
+                   port = Port,
+                   ssl_options = SSLOptions,
+                   is_ssl = Is_ssl,
+                   lb_ets_tid = Lb_Tid},
     put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
     put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
     {ok, State};
+init(Url) when is_list(Url) ->
+    case catch ibrowse_lib:parse_url(Url) of
+        #url{protocol = Protocol} = Url_rec ->
+            init({undefined, Url_rec, {[], Protocol == https}});
+        {'EXIT', _} ->
+            {error, invalid_url}
+    end;
 init({Host, Port}) ->
     State = #state{host = Host,
-		   port = Port},
-    put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
-    put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
-    {ok, State};
-init(#url{host=Host, port=Port, protocol=Protocol}) ->
-    State = #state{
-        host = Host,
-        port = Port,
-        is_ssl = (Protocol == https),
-        ssl_options = [{ssl_imp, new}, {depth, 9}]
-    },
+                   port = Port},
     put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
     put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
     {ok, State}.
@@ -141,13 +141,13 @@ handle_call({send_req, _}, _From, #state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
     {reply, {error, connection_closing}, State};
 handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}},
-	    From, State) ->
+            From, State) ->
     send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State);
 handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
     do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
-    {stop, normal, ok, State#state{socket=undefined}};
+    {stop, normal, ok, State};
 handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
     Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
@@ -177,9 +177,8 @@ handle_info({ssl, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
     handle_sock_data(Data, State);
 handle_info({stream_next, Req_id}, #state{socket = Socket,
-					  is_ssl = Is_ssl,
-					  cur_req = #request{req_id = Req_id}} = State) ->
-    do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], Is_ssl),
+                                          cur_req = #request{req_id = Req_id}} = State) ->
+    do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State),
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info({stream_next, _Req_id}, State) ->
@@ -204,13 +203,13 @@ handle_info({ssl_error, _Sock}, State) ->
     {stop, normal, State};
 handle_info({req_timedout, From}, State) ->
-    case lists:keysearch(From, #request.from, queue:to_list(State#state.reqs)) of
-	false ->
-	    {noreply, State};
-	{value, _} ->
-	    shutting_down(State),
-	    do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
-	    {stop, normal, State}
+    case lists:keymember(From, #request.from, queue:to_list(State#state.reqs)) of
+        false ->
+            {noreply, State};
+        true ->
+            shutting_down(State),
+            do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
+            {stop, normal, State}
 handle_info(timeout, State) ->
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
 handle_info(Info, State) ->
     io:format("Unknown message recvd for ~1000.p:~1000.p -> ~p~n",
-	      [, State#state.port, Info]),
+              [, State#state.port, Info]),
     io:format("Recvd unknown message ~p when in state: ~p~n", [Info, State]),
     {noreply, State}.
@@ -260,133 +259,132 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=idle}=State) ->
 handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status = get_header}=State) ->
     case parse_response(Data, State) of
-	{error, _Reason} ->
-	    shutting_down(State),
-	    {stop, normal, State};
-	stop ->
-	    shutting_down(State),
-	    {stop, normal, State};
-	State_1 ->
-	    active_once(State_1),
-	    {noreply, State_1, get_inac_timeout(State_1)}
+        {error, _Reason} ->
+            shutting_down(State),
+            {stop, normal, State};
+        State_1 ->
+            active_once(State_1),
+            set_inac_timer(State_1),
+            {noreply, State_1}
 handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status           = get_body,
-			      content_length   = CL,
-			      http_status_code = StatCode,
-			      recvd_headers    = Headers,
-			      chunk_size       = CSz} = State) ->
+                              content_length   = CL,
+                              http_status_code = StatCode,
+                              recvd_headers    = Headers,
+                              chunk_size       = CSz} = State) ->
     case (CL == undefined) and (CSz == undefined) of
-	true ->
-	    case accumulate_response(Data, State) of
-		{error, Reason} ->
-		    shutting_down(State),
-		    fail_pipelined_requests(State,
-					    {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
-		    {stop, normal, State};
-		State_1 ->
-		    active_once(State_1),
-		    {noreply, State_1, get_inac_timeout(State_1)}
-	    end;
-	_ ->
-	    case parse_11_response(Data, State) of
-		{error, Reason} ->
-		    shutting_down(State),
-		    fail_pipelined_requests(State,
-					    {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
-		    {stop, normal, State};
-		stop ->
-		    shutting_down(State),
-		    {stop, normal, State};
-		State_1 ->
-		    active_once(State_1),
-		    {noreply, State_1, get_inac_timeout(State_1)}
-	    end
+        true ->
+            case accumulate_response(Data, State) of
+                {error, Reason} ->
+                    shutting_down(State),
+                    fail_pipelined_requests(State,
+                                            {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
+                    {stop, normal, State};
+                State_1 ->
+                    active_once(State_1),
+                    set_inac_timer(State_1),
+                    {noreply, State_1}
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            case parse_11_response(Data, State) of
+                {error, Reason} ->
+                    shutting_down(State),
+                    fail_pipelined_requests(State,
+                                            {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
+                    {stop, normal, State};
+                State_1 ->
+                    active_once(State_1),
+                    set_inac_timer(State_1),
+                    {noreply, State_1}
+            end
-		    #state{
-		      cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = true,
-					 tmp_file_fd = undefined} = CurReq,
-		      http_status_code=[$2 | _]}=State) ->
-    TmpFilename = make_tmp_filename(),
+                    #state{
+                      cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = Srtf,
+                                         tmp_file_fd = undefined} = CurReq,
+                      http_status_code=[$2 | _]}=State) when Srtf /= false ->
+    TmpFilename = make_tmp_filename(Srtf),
     case file:open(TmpFilename, [write, delayed_write, raw]) of
-	{ok, Fd} ->
-	    accumulate_response(Data, State#state{
-					cur_req = CurReq#request{
-						    tmp_file_fd = Fd,
-						    tmp_file_name = TmpFilename}});
-	{error, Reason} ->
-	    {error, {file_open_error, Reason}}
+        {ok, Fd} ->
+            accumulate_response(Data, State#state{
+                                        cur_req = CurReq#request{
+                                                    tmp_file_fd = Fd,
+                                                    tmp_file_name = TmpFilename}});
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            {error, {file_open_error, Reason}}
-accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = true,
-						    tmp_file_fd = Fd},
-				 transfer_encoding=chunked,
-				 reply_buffer = Reply_buf,
-				 http_status_code=[$2 | _]
-				} = State) ->
+accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = Srtf,
+                                                    tmp_file_fd = Fd},
+                                 transfer_encoding=chunked,
+                                 reply_buffer = Reply_buf,
+                                 http_status_code=[$2 | _]
+                                } = State) when Srtf /= false ->
     case file:write(Fd, [Reply_buf, Data]) of
-	ok ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>};
-	{error, Reason} ->
-	    {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
+        ok ->
+            State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>};
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
-accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = true,
-						    tmp_file_fd = Fd},
-				 reply_buffer = RepBuf,
-				 http_status_code=[$2 | _]
-				} = State) ->
+accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = Srtf,
+                                                    tmp_file_fd = Fd},
+                                 reply_buffer = RepBuf,
+                                 http_status_code=[$2 | _]
+                                } = State) when Srtf /= false ->
     case file:write(Fd, [RepBuf, Data]) of
-	ok ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>};
-	{error, Reason} ->
-	    {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
+        ok ->
+            State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>};
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
 accumulate_response(<<>>, State) ->
 accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
-				 rep_buf_size = RepBufSize,
-				 streamed_size = Streamed_size,
-				 cur_req = CurReq}=State) ->
+                                 rep_buf_size = RepBufSize,
+                                 streamed_size = Streamed_size,
+                                 cur_req = CurReq}=State) ->
     #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-	     stream_chunk_size = Stream_chunk_size,
-	     response_format = Response_format,
-	     caller_controls_socket = Caller_controls_socket} = CurReq,
+             stream_chunk_size = Stream_chunk_size,
+             response_format = Response_format,
+             caller_controls_socket = Caller_controls_socket} = CurReq,
     RepBuf_1 = list_to_binary([RepBuf, Data]),
     New_data_size = RepBufSize - Streamed_size,
     case StreamTo of
-	undefined ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1};
-	_ when Caller_controls_socket == true ->
-	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, RepBuf_1),
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>,
-			streamed_size = Streamed_size + size(RepBuf_1)};
-	_ when New_data_size >= Stream_chunk_size ->
-	    {Stream_chunk, Rem_data} = split_binary(RepBuf_1, Stream_chunk_size),
-	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Stream_chunk),
-	    accumulate_response(
-	      Rem_data,
-	      State#state{
-		reply_buffer = <<>>,
-		streamed_size = Streamed_size + Stream_chunk_size});
-	_ ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1}
+        undefined ->
+            State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1};
+        _ when Caller_controls_socket == true ->
+            do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, RepBuf_1),
+            State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>, 
+                        streamed_size = Streamed_size + size(RepBuf_1)};
+        _ when New_data_size >= Stream_chunk_size ->
+            {Stream_chunk, Rem_data} = split_binary(RepBuf_1, Stream_chunk_size),
+            do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Stream_chunk),
+            accumulate_response(
+              Rem_data,
+              State#state{
+                reply_buffer = <<>>,
+                streamed_size = Streamed_size + Stream_chunk_size});
+        _ ->
+            State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1}
-make_tmp_filename() ->
+make_tmp_filename(true) ->
     DownloadDir = ibrowse:get_config_value(download_dir, filename:absname("./")),
     {A,B,C} = now(),
-		   "ibrowse_tmp_file_"++
-		   integer_to_list(A) ++
-		   integer_to_list(B) ++
-		   integer_to_list(C)]).
+                   "ibrowse_tmp_file_"++
+                   integer_to_list(A) ++
+                   integer_to_list(B) ++
+                   integer_to_list(C)]);
+make_tmp_filename(File) when is_list(File) ->
+    File.
 %% Handles the case when the server closes the socket
-handle_sock_closed(#state{status=get_header}=State) ->
+handle_sock_closed(#state{status=get_header} = State) ->
     do_error_reply(State, connection_closed);
@@ -397,40 +395,73 @@ handle_sock_closed(#state{cur_req=undefined} = State) ->
 %% Connection-Close header and has closed the socket to indicate end
 %% of response. There maybe requests pipelined which need a response.
 handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer = Buf, reqs = Reqs, http_status_code = SC,
-			  is_closing = IsClosing,
-			  cur_req = #request{tmp_file_name=TmpFilename,
-					     tmp_file_fd=Fd} = CurReq,
-			  status = get_body, recvd_headers = Headers}=State) ->
+                          is_closing = IsClosing,
+                          cur_req = #request{tmp_file_name=TmpFilename,
+                                             tmp_file_fd=Fd} = CurReq,
+                          status = get_body,
+                          recvd_headers = Headers,
+                          status_line = Status_line,
+                          raw_headers = Raw_headers
+                         }=State) ->
     #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-	     response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
+             response_format = Resp_format,
+             options = Options} = CurReq,
     case IsClosing of
-	true ->
-	    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
-	    case TmpFilename of
-		undefined ->
-		    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
-			     {ok, SC, Headers, Buf});
-		_ ->
-		    file:close(Fd),
-		    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
-			     {ok, SC, Headers, {file, TmpFilename}})
-	    end,
-	    do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, connection_closed),
-	    State;
-	_ ->
-	    do_error_reply(State, connection_closed),
-	    State
+        true ->
+            {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+            Body = case TmpFilename of
+                       undefined ->
+                           Buf;
+                       _ ->
+                           file:close(Fd),
+                           {file, TmpFilename}
+                   end,
+            Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
+                          true ->
+                            {ok, Status_line, Raw_headers, Body};
+                        false ->
+                            {ok, SC, Headers, Buf}
+                    end,
+            do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
+            do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, connection_closed),
+            State;
+        _ ->
+            do_error_reply(State, connection_closed),
+            State
-do_connect(Host, Port, _Options, #state{is_ssl=true, ssl_options=SSLOptions}, Timeout) ->
+do_connect(Host, Port, Options, #state{is_ssl      = true,
+                                       use_proxy   = false,
+                                       ssl_options = SSLOptions},
+           Timeout) ->
+    Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),
+    Other_sock_options = filter_sock_options(SSLOptions ++ Caller_socket_options),
     ssl:connect(Host, Port,
-		[binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false} | SSLOptions],
-		Timeout);
-do_connect(Host, Port, _Options, _State, Timeout) ->
-    gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port,
-		    [binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false}],
-		    Timeout).
+                [binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false} | Other_sock_options],
+                Timeout);
+do_connect(Host, Port, Options, _State, Timeout) ->
+    Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),
+    Other_sock_options = filter_sock_options(Caller_socket_options),
+    gen_tcp:connect(Host, to_integer(Port),
+                    [binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false} | Other_sock_options],
+                    Timeout).
+%% We don't want the caller to specify certain options
+filter_sock_options(Opts) ->
+    lists:filter(fun({active, _}) ->
+                         false;
+                    ({packet, _}) ->
+                         false;
+                    (list) ->
+                         false;
+                    (_) ->
+                         true
+                 end, Opts).
+do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock,
+                    is_ssl = true,
+                    use_proxy = true,
+                    proxy_tunnel_setup = Pts}) when Pts /= done ->  gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req);
 do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = true})  ->  ssl:send(Sock, Req);
 do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = false}) ->  gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req).
@@ -450,261 +481,328 @@ do_send_body(Body, State) ->
 do_send_body1(Source, Resp, State) ->
     case Resp of
-	{ok, Data} ->
-	    do_send(Data, State),
-	    do_send_body({Source}, State);
-	{ok, Data, New_source_state} ->
-	    do_send(Data, State),
-	    do_send_body({Source, New_source_state}, State);
-	eof ->
-	    ok;
-	Err ->
-	    Err
+        {ok, Data} ->
+            do_send(Data, State),
+            do_send_body({Source}, State);
+        {ok, Data, New_source_state} ->
+            do_send(Data, State),
+            do_send_body({Source, New_source_state}, State);
+        eof ->
+            ok;
+        Err ->
+            Err
 do_close(#state{socket = undefined})            ->  ok;
+do_close(#state{socket = Sock,
+                is_ssl = true,
+                use_proxy = true,
+                proxy_tunnel_setup = Pts
+               }) when Pts /= done ->  gen_tcp:close(Sock);
 do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = true})  ->  ssl:close(Sock);
 do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = false}) ->  gen_tcp:close(Sock).
 active_once(#state{cur_req = #request{caller_controls_socket = true}}) ->
-active_once(#state{socket = Socket, is_ssl = Is_ssl}) ->
-    do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], Is_ssl).
+active_once(#state{socket = Socket} = State) ->
+    do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State).
-do_setopts(Sock, Opts, true)  ->  ssl:setopts(Sock, Opts);
-do_setopts(Sock, Opts, false) ->  inet:setopts(Sock, Opts).
+do_setopts(_Sock, [],   _)    ->  ok;
+do_setopts(Sock, Opts, #state{is_ssl = true,
+                              use_proxy = true,
+                              proxy_tunnel_setup = Pts}
+                             ) when Pts /= done ->  inet:setopts(Sock, Opts);
+do_setopts(Sock, Opts, #state{is_ssl = true}) -> ssl:setopts(Sock, Opts);
+do_setopts(Sock, Opts, _) ->  inet:setopts(Sock, Opts).
 check_ssl_options(Options, State) ->
     case get_value(is_ssl, Options, false) of
-	false ->
-	    State;
-	true ->
-	    State#state{is_ssl=true, ssl_options=get_value(ssl_options, Options)}
+        false ->
+            State;
+        true ->
+            State#state{is_ssl=true, ssl_options=get_value(ssl_options, Options)}
-	   #url{host = Host,
-		port = Port} = Url,
-	   Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
-	   #state{socket = undefined} = State) ->
+           #url{host = Host,
+                port = Port} = Url,
+           Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
+           #state{socket = undefined} = State) ->
     {Host_1, Port_1, State_1} =
-	case get_value(proxy_host, Options, false) of
-	    false ->
-		{Host, Port, State};
-	    PHost ->
-		ProxyUser     = get_value(proxy_user, Options, []),
-		ProxyPassword = get_value(proxy_password, Options, []),
-		Digest        = http_auth_digest(ProxyUser, ProxyPassword),
-		{PHost, get_value(proxy_port, Options, 80),
-		 State#state{use_proxy = true,
-			     proxy_auth_digest = Digest}}
-	end,
+        case get_value(proxy_host, Options, false) of
+            false ->
+                {Host, Port, State};
+            PHost ->
+                ProxyUser     = get_value(proxy_user, Options, []),
+                ProxyPassword = get_value(proxy_password, Options, []),
+                Digest        = http_auth_digest(ProxyUser, ProxyPassword),
+                {PHost, get_value(proxy_port, Options, 80),
+                 State#state{use_proxy = true,
+                             proxy_auth_digest = Digest}}
+        end,
     State_2 = check_ssl_options(Options, State_1),
     do_trace("Connecting...~n", []),
     Start_ts = now(),
     Conn_timeout = get_value(connect_timeout, Options, Timeout),
     case do_connect(Host_1, Port_1, Options, State_2, Conn_timeout) of
-	{ok, Sock} ->
-	    do_trace("Connected!~n", []),
-	    End_ts = now(),
-	    Timeout_1 = case Timeout of
-			    infinity ->
-				infinity;
-			    _ ->
-				Timeout - trunc(round(timer:now_diff(End_ts, Start_ts) / 1000))
-			end,
-	    State_3 = State_2#state{socket = Sock},
-	    send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout_1, State_3);
-	Err ->
-	    shutting_down(State_2),
-	    do_trace("Error connecting. Reason: ~1000.p~n", [Err]),
-	    gen_server:reply(From, {error, conn_failed}),
-	    {stop, normal, State_2}
+        {ok, Sock} ->
+            do_trace("Connected!~n", []),
+            End_ts = now(),
+            Timeout_1 = case Timeout of
+                            infinity ->
+                                infinity;
+                            _ ->
+                                Timeout - trunc(round(timer:now_diff(End_ts, Start_ts) / 1000))
+                        end,
+            State_3 = State_2#state{socket = Sock,
+                                    connect_timeout = Conn_timeout},
+            send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout_1, State_3);
+        Err ->
+            shutting_down(State_2),
+            do_trace("Error connecting. Reason: ~1000.p~n", [Err]),
+            gen_server:reply(From, {error, conn_failed}),
+            {stop, normal, State_2}
+%% Send a CONNECT request.
+%% Wait for 200 OK
+%% Upgrade to SSL connection
+%% Then send request
-	   #url{abspath = AbsPath,
-		host    = Host,
-		port    = Port,
-		path    = RelPath} = Url,
-	   Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
-	   #state{status = Status} = State) ->
+           #url{
+                host    = Server_host,
+                port    = Server_port
+                } = Url,
+           Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
+           #state{
+                  proxy_tunnel_setup = false,
+                  use_proxy = true,
+                  is_ssl    = true} = State) ->
+    NewReq = #request{
+      method                 = connect,
+      options                = Options
+     },
+    State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
+    Pxy_auth_headers = maybe_modify_headers(Url, Method, Options, [], State_1),
+    Path = [Server_host, $:, integer_to_list(Server_port)],
+    {Req, Body_1} = make_request(connect, Pxy_auth_headers,
+                                 Path, Path,
+                                 [], Options, State_1),
+    trace_request(Req),
+    case do_send(Req, State) of
+        ok ->
+            case do_send_body(Body_1, State_1) of
+                ok ->
+                    active_once(State_1),
+                    Ref = case Timeout of
+                              infinity ->
+                                  undefined;
+                              _ ->
+                                  erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
+                          end,
+                    State_2 = State_1#state{status     = get_header,
+                                            cur_req    = NewReq,
+                                            send_timer = Ref,
+                                            proxy_tunnel_setup = in_progress,
+                                            tunnel_setup_queue = [{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}]},
+                    set_inac_timer(State_1),
+                    {noreply, State_2};
+                Err ->
+                    shutting_down(State_1),
+                    do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
+                    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+                    {stop, normal, State_1}
+            end;
+        Err ->
+            shutting_down(State_1),
+            do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
+            gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+            {stop, normal, State_1}
+    end;
+send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, 
+           #state{proxy_tunnel_setup = in_progress,
+                  tunnel_setup_queue = Q} = State) ->
+    do_trace("Queued SSL request awaiting tunnel setup: ~n"
+             "URL     : ~s~n"
+             "Method  : ~p~n"
+             "Headers : ~p~n", [Url, Method, Headers]),
+    {noreply, State#state{tunnel_setup_queue = [{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout} | Q]}};
+           #url{abspath = AbsPath,
+                path    = RelPath} = Url,
+           Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
+           #state{status    = Status,
+                  socket    = Socket,
+                  is_ssl    = Is_ssl} = State) ->
     ReqId = make_req_id(),
     Resp_format = get_value(response_format, Options, list),
+    Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),
     {StreamTo, Caller_controls_socket} =
-	case get_value(stream_to, Options, undefined) of
-	    {Caller, once} when is_pid(Caller) or
-				is_atom(Caller) ->
-		Async_pid_rec = {{req_id_pid, ReqId}, self()},
-		true = ets:insert(ibrowse_stream, Async_pid_rec),
-		{Caller, true};
-	    undefined ->
-		{undefined, false};
-	    Caller when is_pid(Caller) or
-			is_atom(Caller) ->
-		{Caller, false};
-	    Stream_to_inv ->
-		exit({invalid_option, {stream_to, Stream_to_inv}})
-	end,
+        case get_value(stream_to, Options, undefined) of
+            {Caller, once} when is_pid(Caller) or
+                                is_atom(Caller) ->
+                Async_pid_rec = {{req_id_pid, ReqId}, self()},
+                true = ets:insert(ibrowse_stream, Async_pid_rec), 
+                {Caller, true};
+            undefined ->
+                {undefined, false};
+            Caller when is_pid(Caller) or
+                        is_atom(Caller) ->
+                {Caller, false};
+            Stream_to_inv ->
+                exit({invalid_option, {stream_to, Stream_to_inv}})
+        end,
     SaveResponseToFile = get_value(save_response_to_file, Options, false),
     NewReq = #request{url                    = Url,
-		      method                 = Method,
-		      stream_to              = StreamTo,
-		      caller_controls_socket = Caller_controls_socket,
-		      options                = Options,
-		      req_id                 = ReqId,
-		      save_response_to_file  = SaveResponseToFile,
-		      stream_chunk_size      = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
-		      response_format        = Resp_format,
-		      from                   = From},
+                      method                 = Method,
+                      stream_to              = StreamTo,
+                      caller_controls_socket = Caller_controls_socket,
+                      caller_socket_options  = Caller_socket_options,
+                      options                = Options,
+                      req_id                 = ReqId,
+                      save_response_to_file  = SaveResponseToFile,
+                      stream_chunk_size      = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
+                      response_format        = Resp_format,
+                      from                   = From},
     State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
-    Headers_1 = add_auth_headers(Url, Options, Headers, State),
-    HostHeaderValue = case lists:keysearch(host_header, 1, Options) of
-			  false ->
-			      case Port of
-				  80 -> Host;
-				  _ -> [Host, ":", integer_to_list(Port)]
-			      end;
-			  {value, {_, Host_h_val}} ->
-			      Host_h_val
-		      end,
+    Headers_1 = maybe_modify_headers(Url, Method, Options, Headers, State_1),
     {Req, Body_1} = make_request(Method,
-				 [{"Host", HostHeaderValue} | Headers_1],
-				 AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, State#state.use_proxy),
-    case get(my_trace_flag) of
-	true ->
-	    %%Avoid the binary operations if trace is not on...
-	    NReq = binary_to_list(list_to_binary(Req)),
-	    do_trace("Sending request: ~n"
-		     "--- Request Begin ---~n~s~n"
-		     "--- Request End ---~n", [NReq]);
-	_ -> ok
-    end,
-    case do_send(Req, State) of
-	ok ->
-	    case do_send_body(Body_1, State) of
-		ok ->
-		    State_2 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_1),
-		    active_once(State_1),
-		    Ref = case Timeout of
-			      infinity ->
-				  undefined;
-			      _ ->
-				  erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
-			  end,
-		    State_3 = case Status of
-				  idle ->
-				      State_2#state{status     = get_header,
-						    cur_req    = NewReq,
-						    send_timer = Ref};
-				  _ ->
-				      State_2#state{send_timer = Ref}
-			      end,
-		    case StreamTo of
-			undefined ->
-			    ok;
-			_ ->
-			    gen_server:reply(From, {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId})
-		    end,
-		    {noreply, State_3, get_inac_timeout(State_3)};
-		Err ->
-		    shutting_down(State_1),
-		    do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
-		    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
-		    {stop, normal, State_1}
-	    end;
-	Err ->
-	    shutting_down(State_1),
-	    do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
-	    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
-	    {stop, normal, State_1}
+                                 Headers_1,
+                                 AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, State_1),
+    trace_request(Req),
+    do_setopts(Socket, Caller_socket_options, Is_ssl),
+    case do_send(Req, State_1) of
+        ok ->
+            case do_send_body(Body_1, State_1) of
+                ok ->
+                    State_2 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_1),
+                    active_once(State_2),
+                    Ref = case Timeout of
+                              infinity ->
+                                  undefined;
+                              _ ->
+                                  erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
+                          end,
+                    State_3 = case Status of
+                                  idle ->
+                                      State_2#state{status     = get_header,
+                                                    cur_req    = NewReq,
+                                                    send_timer = Ref};
+                                  _ ->
+                                      State_2#state{send_timer = Ref}
+                              end,
+                    case StreamTo of
+                        undefined ->
+                            ok;
+                        _ ->
+                            gen_server:reply(From, {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId})
+                    end,
+                    set_inac_timer(State_1),
+                    {noreply, State_3};
+                Err ->
+                    shutting_down(State_1),
+                    do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
+                    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+                    {stop, normal, State_1}
+            end;
+        Err ->
+            shutting_down(State_1),
+            do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
+            gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+            {stop, normal, State_1}
+    end.
+maybe_modify_headers(#url{}, connect, _, Headers, State) ->
+    add_proxy_auth_headers(State, Headers);
+maybe_modify_headers(#url{host = Host, port = Port} = Url,
+                     _Method,
+                     Options, Headers, State) ->
+    case get_value(headers_as_is, Options, false) of
+        false ->
+            Headers_1 = add_auth_headers(Url, Options, Headers, State),
+            HostHeaderValue = case lists:keysearch(host_header, 1, Options) of
+                                  false ->
+                                      case Port of
+                                          80 -> Host;
+                                          _ -> [Host, ":", integer_to_list(Port)]
+                                      end;
+                                  {value, {_, Host_h_val}} ->
+                                      Host_h_val
+                              end,
+            [{"Host", HostHeaderValue} | Headers_1];
+        true ->
+            Headers
 add_auth_headers(#url{username = User,
-		      password = UPw},
-		 Options,
-		 Headers,
-		 #state{use_proxy = UseProxy,
-		        proxy_auth_digest = ProxyAuthDigest}) ->
+                      password = UPw},
+                 Options,
+                 Headers,
+                 State) ->
     Headers_1 = case User of
-		    undefined ->
-			case get_value(basic_auth, Options, undefined) of
-			    undefined ->
-				Headers;
-			    {U,P} ->
-				[{"Authorization", ["Basic ", http_auth_digest(U, P)]} | Headers]
-			end;
-		    _ ->
-			[{"Authorization", ["Basic ", http_auth_digest(User, UPw)]} | Headers]
-		end,
-    case UseProxy of
-	false ->
-	    Headers_1;
-	true when ProxyAuthDigest == [] ->
-	    Headers_1;
-	true ->
-	    [{"Proxy-Authorization", ["Basic ", ProxyAuthDigest]} | Headers_1]
-    end.
+                    undefined ->
+                        case get_value(basic_auth, Options, undefined) of
+                            undefined ->
+                                Headers;
+                            {U,P} ->
+                                [{"Authorization", ["Basic ", http_auth_digest(U, P)]} | Headers]
+                        end;
+                    _ ->
+                        [{"Authorization", ["Basic ", http_auth_digest(User, UPw)]} | Headers]
+                end,
+    add_proxy_auth_headers(State, Headers_1).
+add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{use_proxy = false}, Headers) ->
+    Headers;
+add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{proxy_auth_digest = []}, Headers) ->
+    Headers;
+add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{proxy_auth_digest = Auth_digest}, Headers) ->
+    [{"Proxy-Authorization", ["Basic ", Auth_digest]} | Headers].
 http_auth_digest([], []) ->
 http_auth_digest(Username, Password) ->
-    encode_base64(Username ++ [$: | Password]).
+    ibrowse_lib:encode_base64(Username ++ [$: | Password]).
-encode_base64([]) ->
-    [];
-encode_base64([A]) ->
-    [e(A bsr 2), e((A band 3) bsl 4), $=, $=];
-encode_base64([A,B]) ->
-    [e(A bsr 2), e(((A band 3) bsl 4) bor (B bsr 4)), e((B band 15) bsl 2), $=];
-encode_base64([A,B,C|Ls]) ->
-    encode_base64_do(A,B,C, Ls).
-encode_base64_do(A,B,C, Rest) ->
-    BB = (A bsl 16) bor (B bsl 8) bor C,
-    [e(BB bsr 18), e((BB bsr 12) band 63),
-     e((BB bsr 6) band 63), e(BB band 63)|encode_base64(Rest)].
-e(X) when X >= 0, X < 26 -> X+65;
-e(X) when X>25, X<52     -> X+71;
-e(X) when X>51, X<62     -> X-4;
-e(62)                    -> $+;
-e(63)                    -> $/;
-e(X)                     -> exit({bad_encode_base64_token, X}).
-make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, UseProxy) ->
+make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
+             #state{use_proxy = UseProxy}) ->
     HttpVsn = http_vsn_string(get_value(http_vsn, Options, {1,1})),
     Headers_1 =
-	case get_value(content_length, Headers, false) of
-	    false when (Body == []) or
-	               (Body == <<>>) or
-	               is_tuple(Body) or
-	               is_function(Body) ->
-		Headers;
-	    false when is_binary(Body) ->
-		[{"content-length", integer_to_list(size(Body))} | Headers];
-	    false ->
-		[{"content-length", integer_to_list(length(Body))} | Headers];
-	    _ ->
-		Headers
-	end,
+        case get_value(content_length, Headers, false) of
+            false when (Body == []) or
+                       (Body == <<>>) or
+                       is_tuple(Body) or
+                       is_function(Body) ->
+                Headers;
+            false when is_binary(Body) ->
+                [{"content-length", integer_to_list(size(Body))} | Headers];
+            false ->
+                [{"content-length", integer_to_list(length(Body))} | Headers];
+            _ ->
+                Headers
+        end,
     {Headers_2, Body_1} =
-	case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options, false) of
-	    false ->
-		{Headers_1, Body};
-	    {chunked, ChunkSize} ->
-		{[{X, Y} || {X, Y} <- Headers_1,
-			    X /= "Content-Length",
-			    X /= "content-length",
-			    X /= content_length] ++
-		 [{"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
-		 chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize)}
-	end,
+        case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options, false) of
+            false ->
+                {Headers_1, Body};
+            {chunked, ChunkSize} ->
+                {[{X, Y} || {X, Y} <- Headers_1,
+                            X /= "Content-Length",
+                            X /= "content-length",
+                            X /= content_length] ++
+                 [{"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
+                 chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize)}
+        end,
     Headers_3 = cons_headers(Headers_2),
     Uri = case get_value(use_absolute_uri, Options, false) or UseProxy of
-	      true ->
-		  AbsPath;
-	      false ->
-		  RelPath
-	  end,
+              true ->
+                  AbsPath;
+              false ->
+                  RelPath
+          end,
     {[method(Method), " ", Uri, " ", HttpVsn, crnl(), Headers_3, crnl()], Body_1}.
 http_vsn_string({0,9}) -> "HTTP/0.9";
@@ -717,7 +815,7 @@ cons_headers([], Acc) ->
 cons_headers([{basic_auth, {U,P}} | T], Acc) ->
     cons_headers(T, [{"Authorization",
-		      ["Basic ", ibrowse_lib:encode_base64(U++":"++P)]} | Acc]);
+                      ["Basic ", ibrowse_lib:encode_base64(U++":"++P)]} | Acc]);
 cons_headers([{cookie, Cookie} | T], Acc) ->
     cons_headers(T, [{"Cookie", Cookie} | Acc]);
 cons_headers([{content_length, L} | T], Acc) ->
@@ -748,24 +846,23 @@ chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when is_binary(Body),
                                               size(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
     <<ChunkBody:ChunkSize/binary, Rest/binary>> = Body,
     Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, ChunkSize),"\r\n",
-	     ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
+             ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
     chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
 chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_binary(Body) ->
     BodySize = size(Body),
     Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, BodySize),"\r\n",
-	     Body, "\r\n"],
+             Body, "\r\n"],
     LastChunk = "0\r\n",
     lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]);
-chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when is_list(Body),
-                                              length(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
+chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when length(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
     {ChunkBody, Rest} = split_list_at(Body, ChunkSize),
     Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, ChunkSize),"\r\n",
-	     ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
+             ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
     chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
 chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_list(Body) ->
     BodySize = length(Body),
     Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, BodySize),"\r\n",
-	     Body, "\r\n"],
+             Body, "\r\n"],
     LastChunk = "0\r\n",
     lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]).
@@ -773,114 +870,172 @@ chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_list(Body) ->
 parse_response(_Data, #state{cur_req = undefined}=State) ->
     State#state{status = idle};
 parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = Acc, reqs = Reqs,
-			    cur_req = CurReq} = State) ->
+                            cur_req = CurReq} = State) ->
     #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-	     method=Method, response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
+             method=Method, response_format = Resp_format,
+             options = Options
+            } = CurReq,
     MaxHeaderSize = ibrowse:get_config_value(max_headers_size, infinity),
     case scan_header(Acc, Data) of
-	{yes, Headers, Data_1}  ->
-	    do_trace("Recvd Header Data -> ~s~n----~n", [Headers]),
-	    do_trace("Recvd headers~n--- Headers Begin ---~n~s~n--- Headers End ---~n~n", [Headers]),
-	    {HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1} = parse_headers(Headers),
-	    do_trace("HttpVsn: ~p StatusCode: ~p Headers_1 -> ~1000.p~n", [HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1]),
-	    LCHeaders = [{to_lower(X), Y} || {X,Y} <- Headers_1],
-	    ConnClose = to_lower(get_value("connection", LCHeaders, "false")),
-	    IsClosing = is_connection_closing(HttpVsn, ConnClose),
-	    case IsClosing of
-		true ->
+        {yes, Headers, Data_1}  ->
+            do_trace("Recvd Header Data -> ~s~n----~n", [Headers]),
+            do_trace("Recvd headers~n--- Headers Begin ---~n~s~n--- Headers End ---~n~n", [Headers]),
+            {HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1, Status_line, Raw_headers} = parse_headers(Headers),
+            do_trace("HttpVsn: ~p StatusCode: ~p Headers_1 -> ~1000.p~n", [HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1]),
+            LCHeaders = [{to_lower(X), Y} || {X,Y} <- Headers_1],
+            ConnClose = to_lower(get_value("connection", LCHeaders, "false")),
+            IsClosing = is_connection_closing(HttpVsn, ConnClose),
+            case IsClosing of
+                true ->
-		false ->
-		    ok
-	    end,
-	    State_1 = State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
-				  reply_buffer = <<>>,
-				  http_status_code=StatCode, is_closing=IsClosing},
-	    put(conn_close, ConnClose),
-	    TransferEncoding = to_lower(get_value("transfer-encoding", LCHeaders, "false")),
-	    case get_value("content-length", LCHeaders, undefined) of
-		_ when Method == head ->
-		    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
-		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
-		    State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
-					 {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
-		    cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
-		    State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
-		    State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
-		    parse_response(Data_1, State_3);
-		_ when hd(StatCode) == $1 ->
-		    %% No message body is expected. Server may send
-		    %% one or more 1XX responses before a proper
-		    %% response.
-		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
-		    do_trace("Recvd a status code of ~p. Ignoring and waiting for a proper response~n", [StatCode]),
-		    parse_response(Data_1, State_1#state{recvd_headers = [],
-							 status = get_header});
-		_ when StatCode == "204";
-		       StatCode == "304" ->
-		    %% No message body is expected for these Status Codes.
-		    %% RFC2616 - Sec 4.4
-		    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
-		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
-		    State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
-					 {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
-		    cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
-		    State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
-		    State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
-		    parse_response(Data_1, State_3);
-		_ when TransferEncoding == "chunked" ->
-		    do_trace("Chunked encoding detected...~n",[]),
-		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
-		    case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_1#state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
-								 chunk_size=chunk_start,
-								 reply_buffer = <<>>}) of
-			{error, Reason} ->
-			    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
-						    {error, {Reason,
-							     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers_1}}),
-			    {error, Reason};
-			State_2 ->
-			    State_2
-		    end;
-		undefined when HttpVsn == "HTTP/1.0";
-			       ConnClose == "close" ->
-		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
-		    State_1#state{reply_buffer = Data_1};
-		undefined ->
-		    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
-					    {error, {content_length_undefined,
-						     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
-		    {error, content_length_undefined};
-		V ->
-		    case catch list_to_integer(V) of
-			V_1 when is_integer(V_1), V_1 >= 0 ->
-			    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
-			    do_trace("Recvd Content-Length of ~p~n", [V_1]),
-			    State_2 = State_1#state{rep_buf_size=0,
-						    reply_buffer = <<>>,
-						    content_length=V_1},
-			    case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_2) of
-				{error, Reason} ->
-				    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
-							    {error, {Reason,
-								     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers_1}}),
-				    {error, Reason};
-				State_3 ->
-				    State_3
-			    end;
-			_ ->
-			    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
-					    {error, {content_length_undefined,
-						     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
-			    {error, content_length_undefined}
-		    end
-	    end;
-	{no, Acc_1} when MaxHeaderSize == infinity ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = Acc_1};
-	{no, Acc_1} when size(Acc_1) < MaxHeaderSize ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = Acc_1};
-	{no, _Acc_1} ->
-	    fail_pipelined_requests(State, {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}),
-	    {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}
+                false ->
+                    ok
+            end,
+            Give_raw_headers = get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false),
+            State_1 = case Give_raw_headers of
+                          true ->
+                              State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
+                                          reply_buffer = <<>>,
+                                          status_line = Status_line,
+                                          raw_headers = Raw_headers,
+                                          http_status_code=StatCode, is_closing=IsClosing};
+                          false ->
+                              State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
+                                          reply_buffer = <<>>,
+                                          http_status_code=StatCode, is_closing=IsClosing}
+                      end,
+            put(conn_close, ConnClose),
+            TransferEncoding = to_lower(get_value("transfer-encoding", LCHeaders, "false")),
+            case get_value("content-length", LCHeaders, undefined) of
+                _ when Method == connect, 
+                       hd(StatCode) == $2 ->
+                    cancel_timer(State#state.send_timer),
+                    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+                    upgrade_to_ssl(set_cur_request(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1,
+                                                               recvd_headers = [],
+                                                               status = idle
+                                                              }));
+                _ when Method == connect ->
+                    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+                    do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1},
+                                   {error, proxy_tunnel_failed}),
+                    {error, proxy_tunnel_failed};
+                _ when Method == head ->
+                    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+                    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
+                    State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
+                                         {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
+                    cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
+                    State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
+                    State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
+                    parse_response(Data_1, State_3);
+                _ when hd(StatCode) =:= $1 ->
+                    %% No message body is expected. Server may send
+                    %% one or more 1XX responses before a proper
+                    %% response.
+                    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
+                    do_trace("Recvd a status code of ~p. Ignoring and waiting for a proper response~n", [StatCode]),
+                    parse_response(Data_1, State_1#state{recvd_headers = [],
+                                                         status = get_header});
+                _ when StatCode =:= "204";
+                       StatCode =:= "304" ->
+                    %% No message body is expected for these Status Codes.
+                    %% RFC2616 - Sec 4.4
+                    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+                    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
+                    State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
+                                         {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
+                    cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
+                    State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
+                    State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
+                    parse_response(Data_1, State_3);
+                _ when TransferEncoding =:= "chunked" ->
+                    do_trace("Chunked encoding detected...~n",[]),
+                    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
+                    case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_1#state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
+                                                                 chunk_size=chunk_start,
+                                                                 reply_buffer = <<>>}) of
+                        {error, Reason} ->
+                            fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
+                                                    {error, {Reason,
+                                                             {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers_1}}),
+                            {error, Reason};
+                        State_2 ->
+                            State_2
+                    end;
+                undefined when HttpVsn =:= "HTTP/1.0";
+                ConnClose =:= "close" ->
+                    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
+                    State_1#state{reply_buffer = Data_1};
+                undefined ->
+                    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
+                                            {error, {content_length_undefined,
+                                                     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
+                    {error, content_length_undefined};
+                V ->
+                    case catch list_to_integer(V) of
+                        V_1 when is_integer(V_1), V_1 >= 0 ->
+                            send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
+                            do_trace("Recvd Content-Length of ~p~n", [V_1]),
+                            State_2 = State_1#state{rep_buf_size=0,
+                                                    reply_buffer = <<>>,
+                                                    content_length=V_1},
+                            case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_2) of
+                                {error, Reason} ->
+                                    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
+                                                            {error, {Reason,
+                                                                     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers_1}}),
+                                    {error, Reason};
+                                State_3 ->
+                                    State_3
+                            end;
+                        _ ->
+                            fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
+                                                    {error, {content_length_undefined,
+                                                             {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
+                            {error, content_length_undefined}
+                    end
+            end;
+        {no, Acc_1} when MaxHeaderSize == infinity ->
+            State#state{reply_buffer = Acc_1};
+        {no, Acc_1} when size(Acc_1) < MaxHeaderSize ->
+            State#state{reply_buffer = Acc_1};
+        {no, _Acc_1} ->
+            fail_pipelined_requests(State, {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}),
+            {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}
+    end.
+upgrade_to_ssl(#state{socket = Socket, 
+                      connect_timeout = Conn_timeout,
+                      ssl_options = Ssl_options,
+                      tunnel_setup_queue = Q} = State) ->
+    case ssl:connect(Socket, Ssl_options, Conn_timeout) of
+        {ok, Ssl_socket} ->
+            do_trace("Upgraded to SSL socket!!~n", []),
+            State_1 = State#state{socket = Ssl_socket,
+                                  proxy_tunnel_setup = done},
+            send_queued_requests(lists:reverse(Q), State_1);
+        Err ->
+            do_trace("Upgrade to SSL socket failed. Reson: ~p~n", [Err]),
+            do_error_reply(State, {error, send_failed}),
+            {error, send_failed}
+    end.
+send_queued_requests([], State) ->
+    do_trace("Sent all queued requests via SSL connection~n", []),
+    State#state{tunnel_setup_queue = done};
+send_queued_requests([{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout} | Q],
+                     State) ->
+    case send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State) of
+        {noreply, State_1} ->
+            send_queued_requests(Q, State_1);
+        _ ->
+            do_trace("Error sending queued SSL request: ~n"
+                     "URL     : ~s~n"
+                     "Method  : ~p~n"
+                     "Headers : ~p~n", [Url, Method, Headers]),
+            do_error_reply(State, {error, send_failed}),
+            {error, send_failed}
 is_connection_closing("HTTP/0.9", _)       -> true;
@@ -890,200 +1045,215 @@ is_connection_closing(_, _)                -> false.
 %% This clause determines the chunk size when given data from the beginning of the chunk
-		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
-			 chunk_size = chunk_start,
-			 chunk_size_buffer = Chunk_sz_buf
-			} = State) ->
+                  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, 
+                         chunk_size = chunk_start,
+                         chunk_size_buffer = Chunk_sz_buf
+                        } = State) ->
     case scan_crlf(Chunk_sz_buf, DataRecvd) of
-	{yes, ChunkHeader, Data_1} ->
-	    case parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader) of
-		{error, Reason} ->
-		    {error, Reason};
-		ChunkSize ->
-		    %%
-		    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when
-		    %% streaming? NO. This should be transparent to the client
-		    %% process. Chunked encoding was only introduced to make
-		    %% it efficient for the server.
-		    %%
-		    RemLen = size(Data_1),
-		    do_trace("Determined chunk size: ~p. Already recvd: ~p~n", [ChunkSize, RemLen]),
-		    parse_11_response(Data_1, State#state{chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
-							  deleted_crlf = true,
-							  recvd_chunk_size = 0,
-							  chunk_size = ChunkSize})
-	    end;
-	{no, Data_1} ->
-	    State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
+        {yes, ChunkHeader, Data_1} ->
+            ChunkSize = parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader),
+            %%
+            %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when
+            %% streaming? NO. This should be transparent to the client
+            %% process. Chunked encoding was only introduced to make
+            %% it efficient for the server.
+            %%
+            RemLen = size(Data_1),
+            do_trace("Determined chunk size: ~p. Already recvd: ~p~n",
+                     [ChunkSize, RemLen]),
+            parse_11_response(Data_1, State#state{chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
+                                                  deleted_crlf = true,
+                                                  recvd_chunk_size = 0,
+                                                  chunk_size = ChunkSize});
+        {no, Data_1} ->
+            State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
 %% This clause is to remove the CRLF between two chunks
-		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
-			 chunk_size = tbd,
-			 chunk_size_buffer = Buf}=State) ->
+                  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, 
+                         chunk_size = tbd,
+                         chunk_size_buffer = Buf}=State) ->
     case scan_crlf(Buf, DataRecvd) of
-	{yes, _, NextChunk} ->
-	    State_1 = State#state{chunk_size = chunk_start,
-				  chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
-				  deleted_crlf = true},
-	    parse_11_response(NextChunk, State_1);
-	{no, Data_1} ->
-	    State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
+        {yes, _, NextChunk} ->
+            State_1 = State#state{chunk_size = chunk_start,
+                                  chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
+                                  deleted_crlf = true},
+            parse_11_response(NextChunk, State_1);
+        {no, Data_1} ->
+            State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
 %% This clause deals with the end of a chunked transfer. ibrowse does
 %% not support Trailers in the Chunked Transfer encoding. Any trailer
 %% received is silently discarded.
-		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0,
-			 cur_req = CurReq,
-			 deleted_crlf = DelCrlf,
-			 chunk_size_buffer = Trailer, reqs = Reqs}=State) ->
+                  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0, 
+                         cur_req = CurReq,
+                         deleted_crlf = DelCrlf,
+                         chunk_size_buffer = Trailer, reqs = Reqs}=State) ->
     do_trace("Detected end of chunked transfer...~n", []),
     DataRecvd_1 = case DelCrlf of
-		      false ->
-			  DataRecvd;
-		      true ->
-			  <<$\r, $\n, DataRecvd/binary>>
+                      false ->
+                          DataRecvd;
+                      true ->
+                          <<$\r, $\n, DataRecvd/binary>>
     case scan_header(Trailer, DataRecvd_1) of
-	{yes, _TEHeaders, Rem} ->
-	    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
-	    State_1 = handle_response(CurReq, State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
-	    parse_response(Rem, reset_state(State_1));
-	{no, Rem} ->
-	    State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Rem, deleted_crlf = false}
+        {yes, _TEHeaders, Rem} ->
+            {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+            State_1 = handle_response(CurReq, State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
+            parse_response(Rem, reset_state(State_1));
+        {no, Rem} ->
+            State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Rem, deleted_crlf = false}
 %% This clause extracts a chunk, given the size.
-		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
-			 chunk_size = CSz,
-			 recvd_chunk_size = Recvd_csz,
-			 rep_buf_size = RepBufSz} = State) ->
+                  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
+                         chunk_size = CSz,
+                         recvd_chunk_size = Recvd_csz,
+                         rep_buf_size = RepBufSz} = State) ->
     NeedBytes = CSz - Recvd_csz,
     DataLen = size(DataRecvd),
     do_trace("Recvd more data: size: ~p. NeedBytes: ~p~n", [DataLen, NeedBytes]),
     case DataLen >= NeedBytes of
-	true ->
-	    {RemChunk, RemData} = split_binary(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
-	    do_trace("Recvd another chunk...~n", []),
-	    do_trace("RemData -> ~p~n", [RemData]),
-	    case accumulate_response(RemChunk, State) of
-		{error, Reason} ->
-		    do_trace("Error accumulating response --> ~p~n", [Reason]),
-		    {error, Reason};
-		#state{} = State_1 ->
-		    State_2 = State_1#state{chunk_size=tbd},
-		    parse_11_response(RemData, State_2)
-	    end;
-	false ->
-	    accumulate_response(DataRecvd,
-				State#state{rep_buf_size = RepBufSz + DataLen,
-					    recvd_chunk_size = Recvd_csz + DataLen})
+        true ->
+            {RemChunk, RemData} = split_binary(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
+            do_trace("Recvd another chunk...~n", []),
+            do_trace("RemData -> ~p~n", [RemData]),
+            case accumulate_response(RemChunk, State) of
+                {error, Reason} ->
+                    do_trace("Error accumulating response --> ~p~n", [Reason]),
+                    {error, Reason};
+                #state{} = State_1 ->
+                    State_2 = State_1#state{chunk_size=tbd},
+                    parse_11_response(RemData, State_2)
+            end;
+        false ->
+            accumulate_response(DataRecvd,
+                                State#state{rep_buf_size = RepBufSz + DataLen,
+                                            recvd_chunk_size = Recvd_csz + DataLen})
 %% This clause to extract the body when Content-Length is specified
-		  #state{content_length=CL, rep_buf_size=RepBufSz,
-			 reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
+                  #state{content_length=CL, rep_buf_size=RepBufSz,
+                         reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
     NeedBytes = CL - RepBufSz,
     DataLen = size(DataRecvd),
     case DataLen >= NeedBytes of
-	true ->
-	    {RemBody, Rem} = split_binary(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
-	    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
-	    State_1 = accumulate_response(RemBody, State),
-	    State_2 = handle_response(State_1#state.cur_req, State_1#state{reqs=Reqs_1}),
-	    State_3 = reset_state(State_2),
-	    parse_response(Rem, State_3);
-	false ->
-	    accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size = (RepBufSz+DataLen)})
+        true ->
+            {RemBody, Rem} = split_binary(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
+            {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+            State_1 = accumulate_response(RemBody, State),
+            State_2 = handle_response(State_1#state.cur_req, State_1#state{reqs=Reqs_1}),
+            State_3 = reset_state(State_2),
+            parse_response(Rem, State_3);
+        false ->
+            accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size = (RepBufSz+DataLen)})
 handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-			 response_format = Resp_format,
-			 save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
-			 tmp_file_name = TmpFilename,
-			 tmp_file_fd = Fd
-			},
-		#state{http_status_code = SCode,
-		       send_timer = ReqTimer,
-		       reply_buffer = RepBuf,
-		       recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
+                         response_format = Resp_format,
+                         save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+                         tmp_file_name = TmpFilename,
+                         tmp_file_fd = Fd,
+                         options       = Options
+                        },
+                #state{http_status_code = SCode,
+                       status_line   = Status_line,
+                       raw_headers   = Raw_headers,
+                       send_timer    = ReqTimer,
+                       reply_buffer  = RepBuf,
+                       recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
     Body = RepBuf,
     State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
     ResponseBody = case TmpFilename of
-		       undefined ->
-			   Body;
-		       _ ->
-			   {file, TmpFilename}
-		   end,
-    State_2 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
-		       {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, ResponseBody}),
+                       undefined ->
+                           Body;
+                       _ ->
+                           {file, TmpFilename}
+                   end,
+    Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
+                true ->
+                    {ok, Status_line, Raw_headers, ResponseBody};
+                false ->
+                    {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, ResponseBody}
+            end,
+    State_2 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
     cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
 handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-			 response_format = Resp_format},
-		#state{http_status_code=SCode, recvd_headers=RespHeaders,
-		       reply_buffer = RepBuf,
-		       send_timer=ReqTimer}=State) ->
+                         response_format = Resp_format,
+                         options = Options},
+                #state{http_status_code = SCode,
+                       status_line      = Status_line,
+                       raw_headers      = Raw_headers,
+                       recvd_headers    = RespHeaders,
+                       reply_buffer     = RepBuf,
+                       send_timer       = ReqTimer} = State) ->
     Body = RepBuf,
 %%    State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
+    Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
+                true ->
+                    {ok, Status_line, Raw_headers, Body};
+                false ->
+                    {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, Body}
+            end,
     State_1 = case get(conn_close) of
-	"close" ->
-	    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
-		     {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, Body}),
-	    exit(normal);
-	_ ->
-	    State_1_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
-				 {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, Body}),
-	    cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
-	    State_1_1
+        "close" ->
+            do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
+            exit(normal);
+        _ ->
+            State_1_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
+            cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
+            State_1_1
 reset_state(State) ->
     State#state{status            = get_header,
-		rep_buf_size      = 0,
-		streamed_size     = 0,
-		content_length    = undefined,
-		reply_buffer      = <<>>,
-		chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
-		recvd_headers     = [],
-		deleted_crlf      = false,
-		http_status_code  = undefined,
-		chunk_size        = undefined,
-		transfer_encoding = undefined}.
+                rep_buf_size      = 0,
+                streamed_size     = 0,
+                content_length    = undefined,
+                reply_buffer      = <<>>,
+                chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
+                recvd_headers     = [],
+                status_line       = undefined,
+                raw_headers       = undefined,
+                deleted_crlf      = false,
+                http_status_code  = undefined,
+                chunk_size        = undefined,
+                transfer_encoding = undefined}.
 set_cur_request(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State) ->
     case queue:to_list(Reqs) of
-	[] ->
-	    State#state{cur_req = undefined};
-	[NextReq | _] ->
-	    State#state{cur_req = NextReq}
+        [] ->
+            State#state{cur_req = undefined};
+        [NextReq | _] ->
+            State#state{cur_req = NextReq}
 parse_headers(Headers) ->
     case scan_crlf(Headers) of
-	{yes, StatusLine, T} ->
-	    parse_headers(StatusLine, T);
-	{no, StatusLine} ->
-	    parse_headers(StatusLine, <<>>)
+        {yes, StatusLine, T} ->
+            parse_headers(StatusLine, T);
+        {no, StatusLine} ->
+            parse_headers(StatusLine, <<>>)
 parse_headers(StatusLine, Headers) ->
     Headers_1 = parse_headers_1(Headers),
     case parse_status_line(StatusLine) of
-	{ok, HttpVsn, StatCode, _Msg} ->
-	    put(http_prot_vsn, HttpVsn),
-	    {HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1};
-	_ -> %% A HTTP 0.9 response?
-	    put(http_prot_vsn, "HTTP/0.9"),
-	    {"HTTP/0.9", undefined, Headers}
+        {ok, HttpVsn, StatCode, _Msg} ->
+            put(http_prot_vsn, HttpVsn),
+            {HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1, StatusLine, Headers};
+        _ -> %% A HTTP 0.9 response?
+            put(http_prot_vsn, "HTTP/0.9"),
+            {"HTTP/0.9", undefined, Headers, StatusLine, Headers}
 % From RFC 2616
@@ -1094,22 +1264,22 @@ parse_headers(StatusLine, Headers) ->
 %    SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single
 %    SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message
 %    downstream.
-	parse_headers_1(B) when is_binary(B) ->
-					   parse_headers_1(binary_to_list(B));
-	parse_headers_1(String) ->
-					   parse_headers_1(String, [], []).
+parse_headers_1(B) when is_binary(B) ->
+    parse_headers_1(binary_to_list(B));
+parse_headers_1(String) ->
+    parse_headers_1(String, [], []).
-parse_headers_1([$\n, H |T], [$\r | L], Acc) when H == 32;
-						  H == $\t ->
+parse_headers_1([$\n, H |T], [$\r | L], Acc) when H =:= 32;
+                                                  H =:= $\t ->
     parse_headers_1(lists:dropwhile(fun(X) ->
-					    is_whitespace(X)
-				    end, T), [32 | L], Acc);
+                                            is_whitespace(X)
+                                    end, T), [32 | L], Acc);
 parse_headers_1([$\n|T], [$\r | L], Acc) ->
     case parse_header(lists:reverse(L)) of
-	invalid ->
-	    parse_headers_1(T, [], Acc);
-	NewHeader ->
-	    parse_headers_1(T, [], [NewHeader | Acc])
+        invalid ->
+            parse_headers_1(T, [], Acc);
+        NewHeader ->
+            parse_headers_1(T, [], [NewHeader | Acc])
 parse_headers_1([H|T],  L, Acc) ->
     parse_headers_1(T, [H|L], Acc);
@@ -1117,11 +1287,11 @@ parse_headers_1([], [], Acc) ->
 parse_headers_1([], L, Acc) ->
     Acc_1 = case parse_header(lists:reverse(L)) of
-		invalid ->
-		    Acc;
-		NewHeader ->
-		    [NewHeader | Acc]
-	    end,
+                invalid ->
+                    Acc;
+                NewHeader ->
+                    [NewHeader | Acc]
+            end,
 parse_status_line(Line) when is_binary(Line) ->
@@ -1139,10 +1309,9 @@ parse_status_line([H | T], get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
 parse_status_line([], _, _, _) ->
-parse_header(B) when is_binary(B) ->
-    parse_header(binary_to_list(B));
 parse_header(L) ->
     parse_header(L, []).
 parse_header([$: | V], Acc) ->
     {lists:reverse(Acc), string:strip(V)};
 parse_header([H | T], Acc) ->
@@ -1152,11 +1321,11 @@ parse_header([], _) ->
 scan_header(Bin) ->
     case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin, 0) of
-	{yes, Pos} ->
-	    {Headers, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
-	    {yes, Headers, Body};
-	no ->
-	    {no, Bin}
+        {yes, Pos} ->
+            {Headers, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
+            {yes, Headers, Body};
+        no ->
+            {no, Bin}
 scan_header(Bin1, Bin2) when size(Bin1) < 4 ->
@@ -1168,11 +1337,11 @@ scan_header(Bin1, Bin2) ->
     <<Headers_prefix:Bin1_already_scanned_size/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin1,
     Bin_to_scan = <<Rest/binary, Bin2/binary>>,
     case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin_to_scan, 0) of
-	{yes, Pos} ->
-	    {Headers_suffix, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin_to_scan, Pos),
-	    {yes, <<Headers_prefix/binary, Headers_suffix/binary>>, Body};
-	no ->
-	    {no, <<Bin1/binary, Bin2/binary>>}
+        {yes, Pos} ->
+            {Headers_suffix, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin_to_scan, Pos),
+            {yes, <<Headers_prefix/binary, Headers_suffix/binary>>, Body};
+        no ->
+            {no, <<Bin1/binary, Bin2/binary>>}
 get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<$\r, $\n, $\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) -> {yes, Pos};
@@ -1181,11 +1350,11 @@ get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<>>, _)                               -> no.
 scan_crlf(Bin) ->
     case get_crlf_pos(Bin) of
-	{yes, Pos} ->
-	    {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
-	    {yes, Prefix, Suffix};
-	no ->
-	    {no, Bin}
+        {yes, Pos} ->
+            {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
+            {yes, Prefix, Suffix};
+        no ->
+            {no, Bin}
 scan_crlf(<<>>, Bin2) ->
@@ -1199,11 +1368,11 @@ scan_crlf_1(Bin1_head_size, Bin1, Bin2) ->
     <<Bin1_head:Bin1_head_size/binary, Bin1_tail/binary>> = Bin1,
     Bin3 = <<Bin1_tail/binary, Bin2/binary>>,
     case get_crlf_pos(Bin3) of
-	{yes, Pos} ->
-	    {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin3, Pos),
-	    {yes, list_to_binary([Bin1_head, Prefix]), Suffix};
-	no ->
-	    {no, list_to_binary([Bin1, Bin2])}
+        {yes, Pos} ->
+            {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin3, Pos),
+            {yes, list_to_binary([Bin1_head, Prefix]), Suffix};
+        no ->
+            {no, list_to_binary([Bin1, Bin2])}
 get_crlf_pos(Bin) ->
@@ -1213,13 +1382,6 @@ get_crlf_pos(<<$\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) -> {yes, Pos};
 get_crlf_pos(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Pos)     -> get_crlf_pos(Rest, Pos + 1);
 get_crlf_pos(<<>>, _)                     -> no.
-%% scan_crlf(<<$\n, T/binary>>, [$\r | L]) -> {yes, lists:reverse(L), T};
-%% scan_crlf(<<H, T/binary>>,  L)          -> scan_crlf(T, [H|L]);
-%% scan_crlf(<<>>, L)                      -> {no, L};
-%% scan_crlf([$\n|T], [$\r | L])           -> {yes, lists:reverse(L), T};
-%% scan_crlf([H|T],  L)                    -> scan_crlf(T, [H|L]);
-%% scan_crlf([], L)                        -> {no, L}.
 fmt_val(L) when is_list(L)    -> L;
 fmt_val(I) when is_integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I);
 fmt_val(A) when is_atom(A)    -> atom_to_list(A);
@@ -1240,7 +1402,8 @@ method(proppatch) -> "PROPPATCH";
 method(lock)      -> "LOCK";
 method(unlock)    -> "UNLOCK";
 method(move)      -> "MOVE";
-method(copy)      -> "COPY".
+method(copy)      -> "COPY";
+method(connect)   -> "CONNECT".
 %% From RFC 2616
@@ -1250,19 +1413,19 @@ method(copy)      -> "COPY".
 % fields. This allows dynamically produced content to be transferred
 % along with the information necessary for the recipient to verify
 % that it has received the full message.
-% 	Chunked-Body = 	*chunk
-% 			last-chunk
-% 			trailer
-% 			CRLF
-% 	chunk = chunk-size [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
-% 		chunk-data CRLF
-% 	chunk-size = 1*HEX
-% 	last-chunk = 1*("0") [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
-% 	chunk-extension= *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] )
-% 	chunk-ext-name = token
-% 	chunk-ext-val = token | quoted-string
-% 	chunk-data = chunk-size(OCTET)
-% 	trailer = *(entity-header CRLF)
+%       Chunked-Body =  *chunk
+%                       last-chunk
+%                       trailer
+%                       CRLF
+%       chunk = chunk-size [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
+%               chunk-data CRLF
+%       chunk-size = 1*HEX
+%       last-chunk = 1*("0") [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
+%       chunk-extension= *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] )
+%       chunk-ext-name = token
+%       chunk-ext-val = token | quoted-string
+%       chunk-data = chunk-size(OCTET)
+%       trailer = *(entity-header CRLF)
 % The chunk-size field is a string of hex digits indicating the size
 % of the chunk. The chunked encoding is ended by any chunk whose size
 % is zero, followed by the trailer, which is terminated by an empty
@@ -1271,8 +1434,6 @@ method(copy)      -> "COPY".
 %% The parsing implemented here discards all chunk extensions. It also
 %% strips trailing spaces from the chunk size fields as Apache 1.3.27 was
 %% sending them.
-parse_chunk_header([]) ->
-    throw({error, invalid_chunk_size});
 parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader) ->
     parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader, []).
@@ -1280,10 +1441,10 @@ parse_chunk_header(<<$;, _/binary>>, Acc) ->
 parse_chunk_header(<<H, T/binary>>, Acc) ->
     case is_whitespace(H) of
-	true ->
-	    parse_chunk_header(T, Acc);
-	false ->
-	    parse_chunk_header(T, [H | Acc])
+        true ->
+            parse_chunk_header(T, Acc);
+        false ->
+            parse_chunk_header(T, [H | Acc])
 parse_chunk_header(<<>>, Acc) ->
@@ -1294,24 +1455,31 @@ is_whitespace($\n) -> true;
 is_whitespace($\t) -> true;
 is_whitespace(_)   -> false.
-send_async_headers(_ReqId, undefined, _StatCode, _Headers) ->
+send_async_headers(_ReqId, undefined, _, _State) ->
-send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers) ->
-    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, StatCode, Headers}.
+send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, 
+                   #state{status_line = Status_line, raw_headers = Raw_headers, 
+                          recvd_headers = Headers, http_status_code = StatCode
+                          }) ->
+    case Give_raw_headers of
+        false ->
+            catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, StatCode, Headers};
+        true ->
+            catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, Status_line, Raw_headers}
+    end.
 format_response_data(Resp_format, Body) ->
     case Resp_format of
-	list when is_list(Body) ->
-	    flatten(Body);
-	list when is_binary(Body) ->
-	    binary_to_list(Body);
-	binary when is_list(Body) ->
-	    list_to_binary(Body);
-	_ ->
-	    %% This is to cater for sending messages such as
-	    %% {chunk_start, _}, chunk_end etc
-	    Body
+        list when is_list(Body) ->
+            flatten(Body);
+        list when is_binary(Body) ->
+            binary_to_list(Body);
+        binary when is_list(Body) ->
+            list_to_binary(Body);
+        _ ->
+            %% This is to cater for sending messages such as
+            %% {chunk_start, _}, chunk_end etc
+            Body
 do_reply(State, From, undefined, _, Resp_format, {ok, St_code, Headers, Body}) ->
@@ -1322,14 +1490,14 @@ do_reply(State, From, undefined, _, _, Msg) ->
     gen_server:reply(From, Msg),
 do_reply(#state{prev_req_id = Prev_req_id} = State,
-	 _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {ok, _, _, Body}) ->
+         _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {ok, _, _, Body}) ->
     State_1 = dec_pipeline_counter(State),
     case Body of
-	[] ->
-	    ok;
-	_ ->
-	    Body_1 = format_response_data(Resp_format, Body),
-	    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Body_1}
+        [] ->
+            ok;
+        _ ->
+            Body_1 = format_response_data(Resp_format, Body),
+            catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Body_1}
     catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response_end, ReqId},
     %% We don't want to delete the Req-id to Pid mapping straightaway
@@ -1356,23 +1524,28 @@ do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Msg) ->
     Msg_1 = format_response_data(Response_format, Msg),
     catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Msg_1}.
-do_error_reply(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State, Err) ->
+do_error_reply(#state{reqs = Reqs, tunnel_setup_queue = Tun_q} = State, Err) ->
     ReqList = queue:to_list(Reqs),
     lists:foreach(fun(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-			       response_format = Resp_format}) ->
-			  ets:delete(ibrowse_stream, {req_id_pid, ReqId}),
+                               response_format = Resp_format}) ->
+                          ets:delete(ibrowse_stream, {req_id_pid, ReqId}),
                           do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {error, Err})
-		  end, ReqList).
+                  end, ReqList),
+    lists:foreach(
+      fun({From, _Url, _Headers, _Method, _Body, _Options, _Timeout}) ->
+              do_reply(State, From, undefined, undefined, undefined, Err)
+      end, Tun_q).
 fail_pipelined_requests(#state{reqs = Reqs, cur_req = CurReq} = State, Reply) ->
     {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
     #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-	     response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
+             response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
     do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
     do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, previous_request_failed).
 split_list_at(List, N) ->
     split_list_at(List, N, []).
 split_list_at([], _, Acc) ->
     {lists:reverse(Acc), []};
 split_list_at(List2, 0, List1) ->
@@ -1382,6 +1555,7 @@ split_list_at([H | List2], N, List1) ->
 hexlist_to_integer(List) ->
     hexlist_to_integer(lists:reverse(List), 1, 0).
 hexlist_to_integer([H | T], Multiplier, Acc) ->
     hexlist_to_integer(T, Multiplier*16, Multiplier*to_ascii(H) + Acc);
 hexlist_to_integer([], _, Acc) ->
@@ -1416,10 +1590,10 @@ cancel_timer(Ref)       -> erlang:cancel_timer(Ref).
 cancel_timer(Ref, {eat_message, Msg}) ->
-	Msg ->
-	    ok
+        Msg ->
+            ok
     after 0 ->
-	    ok
+            ok
 make_req_id() ->
@@ -1437,7 +1611,7 @@ to_lower([], Acc) ->
 shutting_down(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined}) ->
 shutting_down(#state{lb_ets_tid = Tid,
-		     cur_pipeline_size = Sz}) ->
+                     cur_pipeline_size = Sz}) ->
     catch ets:delete(Tid, {Sz, self()}).
 inc_pipeline_counter(#state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
@@ -1450,7 +1624,7 @@ dec_pipeline_counter(#state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
 dec_pipeline_counter(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
 dec_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz,
-			    lb_ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
+                            lb_ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
     ets:delete(Tid, {Pipe_sz, self()}),
     ets:insert(Tid, {{Pipe_sz - 1, self()}, []}),
     State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz - 1}.
@@ -1464,13 +1638,35 @@ flatten([]) ->
 get_stream_chunk_size(Options) ->
     case lists:keysearch(stream_chunk_size, 1, Options) of
-	{value, {_, V}} when V > 0 ->
-	    V;
-	_ ->
+        {value, {_, V}} when V > 0 ->
+            V;
+        _ ->
-get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = #request{options = Opts}}) ->
+set_inac_timer(State) ->
+    set_inac_timer(State, get_inac_timeout(State)).
+set_inac_timer(_State, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout) ->
+    erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), timeout);
+set_inac_timer(_, _) ->
+    undefined.
+get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = #request{options = Opts}}) -> 
     get_value(inactivity_timeout, Opts, infinity);
 get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = undefined}) ->
+trace_request(Req) ->
+    case get(my_trace_flag) of
+        true ->
+            %%Avoid the binary operations if trace is not on...
+            NReq = binary_to_list(list_to_binary(Req)),
+            do_trace("Sending request: ~n"
+                     "--- Request Begin ---~n~s~n"
+                     "--- Request End ---~n", [NReq]);
+        _ -> ok
+    end.
+to_integer(X) when is_list(X)    -> list_to_integer(X); 
+to_integer(X) when is_integer(X) -> X.
diff --git a/ibrowse_lb.erl b/ibrowse_lb.erl
index 834054a..6bc600b 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lb.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lb.erl
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 %%% File    : ibrowse_lb.erl
 %%% Author  : chandru <>
-%%% Description :
+%%% Description : 
 %%% Created :  6 Mar 2008 by chandru <>
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse_lb.erl,v 1.2 2009/07/01 22:43:19 chandrusf Exp $ ').
@@ -101,14 +99,14 @@ spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Url,
 % 	    #state{max_sessions = Max_sess,
 % 		   ets_tid = Tid,
 % 		   max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe_sz,
-% 		   num_cur_sessions = Num} = State)
+% 		   num_cur_sessions = Num} = State) 
 %     when Num >= Max ->
 %     Reply = find_best_connection(Tid),
 %     {reply, sorry_dude_reuse, State};
 %% Update max_sessions in #state with supplied value
 handle_call({spawn_connection, _Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, _}, _From,
-	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Num} = State)
+	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Num} = State) 
     when Num >= Max_sess ->
     State_1 = maybe_create_ets(State),
     Reply = find_best_connection(State_1#state.ets_tid, Max_pipe),

[20/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Correcting ibrowse version number.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: cb51bb13946ea51b2ccc060a5ce69a04838a2eda
Parents: b7fafdc
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Thu Sep 16 10:08:17 2010 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Thu Sep 16 10:08:17 2010 +0000

---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 510f36a..b517486 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 ## the License.
-ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-1.5.2/ebin
+ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-1.6.2/ebin
 ibrowse_file_collection = \ \

[30/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 64f1b8c5a0244be05f7ecad967be44dae2e1c700
Parents: ca1ed96
Author: Bob Dionne <>
Authored: Tue Oct 23 19:50:08 2012 -0400
Committer: Bob Dionne <>
Committed: Tue Oct 23 19:56:22 2012 -0400

 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index eb2bf31..fd91d40 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
                 reqs=queue:new(), cur_req, status=idle, http_status_code,
                 reply_buffer = <<>>, rep_buf_size=0, streamed_size = 0,
-                status_line, raw_headers, 
+                status_line, raw_headers,
                 is_closing, send_timer, content_length,
                 deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding,
                 chunk_size, chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@
 -record(request, {url, method, options, from,
-                  stream_to, caller_controls_socket = false, 
+                  stream_to, caller_controls_socket = false,
                   caller_socket_options = [],
-                  save_response_to_file = false, 
+                  save_response_to_file = false,
                   tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd, preserve_chunked_encoding,
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ handle_info({stream_close, _Req_id}, State) ->
     do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
     {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({tcp_closed, _Sock}, State) ->    
+handle_info({tcp_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
     do_trace("TCP connection closed by peer!~n", []),
     {stop, normal, State};
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer      = RepBuf,
             State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1};
         _ when Caller_controls_socket == true ->
             do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, RepBuf_1),
-            State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>, 
+            State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>,
                         interim_reply_sent = true,
                         streamed_size = Streamed_size + size(RepBuf_1)};
         _ when New_data_size >= Stream_chunk_size ->
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ send_req_1(From,
             {stop, normal, State_1}
-send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, 
+send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
            #state{proxy_tunnel_setup = in_progress,
                   tunnel_setup_queue = Q} = State) ->
     do_trace("Queued SSL request awaiting tunnel setup: ~n"
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ send_req_1(From,
             {Caller, once} when is_pid(Caller) or
                                 is_atom(Caller) ->
                 Async_pid_rec = {{req_id_pid, ReqId}, self()},
-                true = ets:insert(ibrowse_stream, Async_pid_rec), 
+                true = ets:insert(ibrowse_stream, Async_pid_rec),
                 {Caller, true};
             undefined ->
                 {undefined, false};
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options) ->
     case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options, false) of
         false ->
-        {chunked, _} -> 
+        {chunked, _} ->
         chunked ->
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = Acc, reqs = Reqs,
             put(conn_close, ConnClose),
             TransferEncoding = to_lower(get_value("transfer-encoding", LCHeaders, "false")),
             case get_value("content-length", LCHeaders, undefined) of
-                _ when Method == connect, 
+                _ when Method == connect,
                        hd(StatCode) == $2 ->
                     {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = Acc, reqs = Reqs,
             {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}
-upgrade_to_ssl(#state{socket = Socket, 
+upgrade_to_ssl(#state{socket = Socket,
                       connect_timeout = Conn_timeout,
                       ssl_options = Ssl_options,
                       tunnel_setup_queue = Q} = State) ->
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ is_connection_closing(_, _)                -> false.
 %% This clause determines the chunk size when given data from the beginning of the chunk
-                  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, 
+                  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
                          chunk_size        = chunk_start,
                          chunk_size_buffer = Chunk_sz_buf
                         } = State) ->
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 %% This clause is to remove the CRLF between two chunks
-                  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, 
+                  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
                          chunk_size = tbd,
                          chunk_size_buffer = Buf
                         } = State) ->
@@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 %% not support Trailers in the Chunked Transfer encoding. Any trailer
 %% received is silently discarded.
-                  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0, 
+                  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0,
                          cur_req           = CurReq,
                          deleted_crlf      = DelCrlf,
                          chunk_size_buffer = Trailer,
@@ -1301,9 +1301,9 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                        recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
     Body = RepBuf,
     case Fd of
-        undefined -> 
+        undefined ->
-        _ -> 
+        _ ->
             ok = file:close(Fd)
     ResponseBody = case TmpFilename of
@@ -1595,8 +1595,8 @@ is_whitespace(_)   -> false.
 send_async_headers(_ReqId, undefined, _, _State) ->
-send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, 
-                   #state{status_line = Status_line, raw_headers = Raw_headers, 
+send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers,
+                   #state{status_line = Status_line, raw_headers = Raw_headers,
                           recvd_headers = Headers, http_status_code = StatCode,
                           cur_req = #request{options = Opts}
                          }) ->
@@ -1808,7 +1808,7 @@ set_inac_timer(State, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout) ->
 set_inac_timer(State, _) ->
-get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = #request{options = Opts}}) -> 
+get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = #request{options = Opts}}) ->
     get_value(inactivity_timeout, Opts, infinity);
 get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = undefined}) ->
     case ibrowse:get_config_value(inactivity_timeout, undefined) of
@@ -1851,5 +1851,5 @@ trace_request_body(Body) ->
-to_binary(X) when is_list(X)   -> list_to_binary(X); 
+to_binary(X) when is_list(X)   -> list_to_binary(X);
 to_binary(X) when is_binary(X) -> X.

[22/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Fix ibrowse 2.0.x inactivity timeouts not getting cleared.
Patch submitted upstream:

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: a284c874f0c72361dbe7362e8a15a67c969d80a0
Parents: db7f903
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Wed Nov 3 17:03:05 2010 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Wed Nov 3 17:03:05 2010 +0000

 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 10 +++++++++-
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 16d9b87..2dd209d 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -1713,7 +1713,15 @@ set_inac_timer(State) ->
     set_inac_timer(State, get_inac_timeout(State)).
 set_inac_timer(_State, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout) ->
-    erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), timeout);
+    TimerRef = erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), timeout),
+    case erlang:put(inac_timer, TimerRef) of
+    OldTimer when is_reference(OldTimer) ->
+        erlang:cancel_timer(OldTimer),
+        receive timeout -> ok after 0 -> ok end;
+    _ ->
+        ok
+    end,
+    TimerRef;
 set_inac_timer(_, _) ->

[07/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
ibrowse now allows user to control socket.  Thanks again Chandru

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 50228c10f6d2f393febad425452b04ba03c56c06
Parents: 7292757
Author: Adam Kocoloski <>
Authored: Fri Jul 3 15:56:51 2009 +0000
Committer: Adam Kocoloski <>
Committed: Fri Jul 3 15:56:51 2009 +0000

 ibrowse.erl             |  37 ++--
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 441 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 ibrowse_test.erl        |  46 ++++-
 3 files changed, 289 insertions(+), 235 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 1b0daad..0d3478b 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
+	 stream_next/1,
@@ -150,7 +151,8 @@ stop() ->
 %% respHeader() = {headerName(), headerValue()}
 %% headerName() = string()
 %% headerValue() = string()
-%% response() = {ok, Status, ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody} | {error, Reason}
+%% response() = {ok, Status, ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody} | {ibrowse_req_id, req_id() } | {error, Reason}
+%% req_id = term()
 %% ResponseBody = string() | {file, Filename}
 %% Reason = term()
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method) ->
@@ -425,7 +427,20 @@ send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
 	Err ->
 	    {error, {url_parsing_failed, Err}}
+%% @doc Tell ibrowse to stream the next chunk of data to the
+%% caller. Should be used in conjunction with the
+%% <code>stream_to</code> option
+%% @spec stream_next(Req_id :: req_id()) -> ok | {error, unknown_req_id}
+stream_next(Req_id) ->    
+    case ets:lookup(ibrowse_stream, {req_id_pid, Req_id}) of
+	[] ->
+	    {error, unknown_req_id};
+	[{_, Pid}] ->
+	    catch Pid ! {stream_next, Req_id},
+	    ok
+    end.
 %% @doc Turn tracing on for the ibrowse process
 trace_on() ->
     ibrowse ! {trace, true}.
@@ -522,6 +537,7 @@ init(_) ->
     put(ibrowse_trace_token, "ibrowse"),
     ets:new(ibrowse_lb, [named_table, public, {keypos, 2}]),
     ets:new(ibrowse_conf, [named_table, protected, {keypos, 2}]),
+    ets:new(ibrowse_stream, [named_table, public]),
     {ok, #state{}}.
@@ -539,9 +555,9 @@ import_config(Filename) ->
 	{ok, Terms} ->
 	    Fun = fun({dest, Host, Port, MaxSess, MaxPipe, Options}) 
-		     when list(Host), integer(Port),
-		     integer(MaxSess), MaxSess > 0,
-		     integer(MaxPipe), MaxPipe > 0, list(Options) ->
+		     when is_list(Host), is_integer(Port),
+		          is_integer(MaxSess), MaxSess > 0,
+		          is_integer(MaxPipe), MaxPipe > 0, is_list(Options) ->
 			  I = [{{max_sessions, Host, Port}, MaxSess},
 			       {{max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, MaxPipe},
 			       {{options, Host, Port}, Options}],
@@ -641,13 +657,6 @@ handle_info(all_trace_off, State) ->
 		      true ->
 			  catch Pid ! {trace, false}
-	     (#client_conn{key = {H, P, Pid}}, _) ->
-		  case lists:member({H, P}, Trace_on_dests) of
-		      false ->
-			  ok;
-		      true ->
-			  catch Pid ! {trace, false}
-		  end;
 	     (_, Acc) ->
@@ -664,10 +673,6 @@ handle_info({trace, Bool, Host, Port}, State) ->
 	     when H == Host,
 		  P == Port ->
 		  catch Pid ! {trace, Bool};
-	     (#client_conn{key = {H, P, Pid}}, _)
-	     when H == Host,
-		  P == Port ->
-		  catch Pid ! {trace, Bool};
 	     (_, Acc) ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 24214ff..3cacf39 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -47,11 +47,12 @@
 		is_closing, send_timer, content_length,
 		deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding,
 		chunk_size, chunk_size_buffer = <<>>, recvd_chunk_size,
-		lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0
+		lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0, prev_req_id
 -record(request, {url, method, options, from,
-		  stream_to, req_id,
+		  stream_to, caller_controls_socket = false, 
+		  req_id,
 		  save_response_to_file = false, 
 		  tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd,
@@ -126,144 +127,15 @@ init({Host, Port}) ->
 %% Received a request when the remote server has already sent us a
 %% Connection: Close header
-handle_call({send_req, _},
-	    _From,
-	    #state{is_closing=true}=State) ->
+handle_call({send_req, _}, _From, #state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
     {reply, {error, connection_closing}, State};
 handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}},
-	    From,
-	    #state{socket=undefined,
-		   host=Host, port=Port}=State) ->
-    Resp_format = get_value(response_format, Options, list),
-    {Host_1, Port_1, State_1} =
-	case get_value(proxy_host, Options, false) of
-	    false ->
-		{Host, Port, State};
-	    PHost ->
-		ProxyUser = get_value(proxy_user, Options, []),
-		ProxyPassword = get_value(proxy_password, Options, []),
-		Digest = http_auth_digest(ProxyUser, ProxyPassword),
-		{PHost, get_value(proxy_port, Options, 80),
-		 State#state{use_proxy = true,
-			     proxy_auth_digest = Digest}}
-	end,
-    StreamTo = get_value(stream_to, Options, undefined),
-    ReqId = make_req_id(),
-    SaveResponseToFile = get_value(save_response_to_file, Options, false),
-    NewReq = #request{url=Url,
-		      method=Method,
-		      stream_to=StreamTo,
-		      options=Options,
-		      req_id=ReqId,
-		      save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
-		      stream_chunk_size = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
-		      response_format = Resp_format,
-		      from=From},
-    Reqs = queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs),
-    State_2 = check_ssl_options(Options, State_1#state{reqs = Reqs}),
-    do_trace("Connecting...~n", []),
-    Start_ts = now(),
-    Conn_timeout = get_value(connect_timeout, Options, Timeout),
-    case do_connect(Host_1, Port_1, Options, State_2, Conn_timeout) of
-	{ok, Sock} ->
-	    do_trace("Connected!~n", []),
-	    End_ts = now(),
-	    Ref = case Timeout of
-		      infinity ->
-			  undefined;
-		      _ ->
-			  Rem_time = Timeout - trunc(round(timer:now_diff(End_ts, Start_ts) / 1000)),
-			  case Rem_time > 0 of
-			      true ->
-				  erlang:send_after(Rem_time, self(), {req_timedout, From});
-			      false ->
-				  shutting_down(State_2),
-				  do_error_reply(State_2, req_timedout),
-				  exit(normal)
-			  end
-		  end,
-	    case send_req_1(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State_2) of
-		ok ->
-		    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State_2#state.is_ssl),
-		    case StreamTo of
-			undefined ->
-			    ok;
-			_ ->
-			    gen_server:reply(From, {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId})
-		    end,
-		    State_3 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_2#state{socket = Sock,
-								 send_timer = Ref,
-								 cur_req = NewReq,
-								 status = get_header}),
-		    {noreply, State_3, get_inac_timeout(State_3)};
-		Err ->
-		    shutting_down(State_2),
-		    do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
-		    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
-		    {stop, normal, State_2}
-	    end;
-	Err ->
-	    shutting_down(State_2),
-	    do_trace("Error connecting. Reason: ~1000.p~n", [Err]),
-	    gen_server:reply(From, {error, conn_failed}),
-	    {stop, normal, State_2}
-    end;
-%% Request which is to be pipelined
-handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method,
-			 Body, Options, Timeout}},
-	    From,
-	    #state{socket=Sock, status=Status, reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
-    do_trace("Recvd request in connected state. Status -> ~p NumPending: ~p~n", [Status, length(queue:to_list(Reqs))]),
-    Resp_format = get_value(response_format, Options, list),
-    StreamTo = get_value(stream_to, Options, undefined),
-    SaveResponseToFile = get_value(save_response_to_file, Options, false),
-    ReqId = make_req_id(),
-    NewReq = #request{url=Url,
-		      stream_to=StreamTo,
-		      method=Method,
-		      options=Options,
-		      req_id=ReqId,
-		      save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
-		      stream_chunk_size = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
-		      response_format = Resp_format,
-		      from=From},
-    State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
-    case send_req_1(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State_1) of
-	ok ->
-	    State_2 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_1),
-	    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State#state.is_ssl),
-	    case Timeout of
-		infinity ->
-		    ok;
-		_ ->
-		    erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
-	    end,
-	    State_3 = case Status of
-			  idle ->
-			      State_2#state{status = get_header,
-					    cur_req = NewReq};
-			  _ ->
-			      State_2
-		      end,
-	    case StreamTo of
-		undefined ->
-		    ok;
-		_ ->
-		    gen_server:reply(From, {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId})
-	    end,
-	    {noreply, State_3, get_inac_timeout(State_3)};
-	Err ->
-	    shutting_down(State_1),
-	    do_trace("Send request failed: Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
-	    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
-	    do_error_reply(State, send_failed),
-	    {stop, normal, State_1}
-    end;
+	    From, State) ->
+    send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State);
-handle_call(stop, _From, #state{socket = Socket, is_ssl = Is_ssl} = State) ->
-    do_close(Socket, Is_ssl),
+handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
+    do_close(State),
     do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
     {stop, normal, State};
@@ -294,6 +166,15 @@ handle_info({tcp, _Sock, Data}, #state{status = Status} = State) ->
 handle_info({ssl, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
     handle_sock_data(Data, State);
+handle_info({stream_next, Req_id}, #state{socket = Socket,
+					  is_ssl = Is_ssl,
+					  cur_req = #request{req_id = Req_id}} = State) ->
+    do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], Is_ssl),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info({stream_next, _Req_id}, State) ->
+    {noreply, State};
 handle_info({tcp_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
     do_trace("TCP connection closed by peer!~n", []),
@@ -332,12 +213,7 @@ handle_info(Info, State) ->
 %% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
 terminate(_Reason, State) ->
-    case State#state.socket of
-	undefined ->
-	    ok;
-	Sock ->
-	    do_close(Sock, State#state.is_ssl)
-    end.
+    do_close(State).
 %% Func: code_change/3
@@ -358,10 +234,10 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=idle}=State) ->
     do_trace("Data recvd on socket in state idle!. ~1000.p~n", [Data]),
     do_error_reply(State, data_in_status_idle),
-    do_close(State#state.socket, State#state.is_ssl),
+    do_close(State),
     {stop, normal, State};
-handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_header, socket=Sock}=State) ->
+handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status = get_header}=State) ->
     case parse_response(Data, State) of
 	{error, _Reason} ->
@@ -370,14 +246,15 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_header, socket=Sock}=State) ->
 	    {stop, normal, State};
 	State_1 ->
-	    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State#state.is_ssl),
+	    active_once(State_1),
 	    {noreply, State_1, get_inac_timeout(State_1)}
-handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_body, content_length=CL,
+handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status           = get_body,
+			      content_length   = CL,
 			      http_status_code = StatCode,
-			      recvd_headers=Headers,
-			      chunk_size=CSz, socket=Sock}=State) ->
+			      recvd_headers    = Headers,
+			      chunk_size       = CSz} = State) ->
     case (CL == undefined) and (CSz == undefined) of
 	true ->
 	    case accumulate_response(Data, State) of
@@ -387,7 +264,7 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_body, content_length=CL,
 					    {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
 		    {stop, normal, State};
 		State_1 ->
-		    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State#state.is_ssl),
+		    active_once(State_1),
 		    {noreply, State_1, get_inac_timeout(State_1)}
 	_ ->
@@ -401,7 +278,7 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_body, content_length=CL,
 		    {stop, normal, State};
 		State_1 ->
-		    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State#state.is_ssl),
+		    active_once(State_1),
 		    {noreply, State_1, get_inac_timeout(State_1)}
@@ -452,22 +329,27 @@ accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
 				 cur_req = CurReq}=State) ->
     #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 	     stream_chunk_size = Stream_chunk_size,
-	     response_format = Response_format} = CurReq,
+	     response_format = Response_format,
+	     caller_controls_socket = Caller_controls_socket} = CurReq,
     RepBuf_1 = concat_binary([RepBuf, Data]),
     New_data_size = RepBufSize - Streamed_size,
     case StreamTo of
 	undefined ->
 	    State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1};
-	_ when New_data_size < Stream_chunk_size ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1};
-	_ ->
+	_ when Caller_controls_socket == true ->
+	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, RepBuf_1),
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>, 
+			streamed_size = Streamed_size + size(RepBuf_1)};
+	_ when New_data_size >= Stream_chunk_size ->
 	    {Stream_chunk, Rem_data} = split_binary(RepBuf_1, Stream_chunk_size),
 	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Stream_chunk),
 		reply_buffer = <<>>,
-		streamed_size = Streamed_size + Stream_chunk_size})
+		streamed_size = Streamed_size + Stream_chunk_size});
+	_ ->
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1}
 make_tmp_filename() ->
@@ -528,37 +410,45 @@ do_connect(Host, Port, _Options, _State, Timeout) ->
 		    [binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false}],
-do_send(Sock, Req, true)  ->  ssl:send(Sock, Req);
-do_send(Sock, Req, false) ->  gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req).
+do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = true})  ->  ssl:send(Sock, Req);
+do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = false}) ->  gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req).
 %% @spec do_send_body(Sock::socket_descriptor(), Source::source_descriptor(), IsSSL::boolean()) -> ok | error()
 %% source_descriptor() = fun_arity_0           |
 %%                       {fun_arity_0}         |
 %%                       {fun_arity_1, term()}
 %% error() = term()
-do_send_body(Sock, Source, IsSSL) when is_function(Source) ->
-    do_send_body(Sock, {Source}, IsSSL);
-do_send_body(Sock, {Source}, IsSSL) when is_function(Source) ->
-    do_send_body1(Sock, Source, IsSSL, Source());
-do_send_body(Sock, {Source, State}, IsSSL) when is_function(Source) ->
-    do_send_body1(Sock, Source, IsSSL, Source(State));
-do_send_body(Sock, Body, IsSSL) ->
-    do_send(Sock, Body, IsSSL).
-do_send_body1(Sock, Source, IsSSL, Resp) ->
+do_send_body(Source, State) when is_function(Source) ->
+    do_send_body({Source}, State);
+do_send_body({Source}, State) when is_function(Source) ->
+    do_send_body1(Source, Source(), State);
+do_send_body({Source, Source_state}, State) when is_function(Source) ->
+    do_send_body1(Source, Source(Source_state), State);
+do_send_body(Body, State) ->
+    do_send(Body, State).
+do_send_body1(Source, Resp, State) ->
     case Resp of
 	{ok, Data} ->
-	    do_send(Sock, Data, IsSSL),
-	    do_send_body(Sock, {Source}, IsSSL);
-	{ok, Data, NewState} ->
-	    do_send(Sock, Data, IsSSL),
-	    do_send_body(Sock, {Source, NewState}, IsSSL);
-	eof -> ok;
-	Err -> Err
+	    do_send(Data, State),
+	    do_send_body({Source}, State);
+	{ok, Data, New_source_state} ->
+	    do_send(Data, State),
+	    do_send_body({Source, New_source_state}, State);
+	eof ->
+	    ok;
+	Err ->
+	    Err
-do_close(Sock, true)  ->  ssl:close(Sock);
-do_close(Sock, false) ->  gen_tcp:close(Sock).
+do_close(#state{socket = undefined})            ->  ok;
+do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = true})  ->  ssl:close(Sock);
+do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = false}) ->  gen_tcp:close(Sock).
+active_once(#state{cur_req = #request{caller_controls_socket = true}}) ->
+    ok;
+active_once(#state{socket = Socket, is_ssl = Is_ssl}) ->
+    do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], Is_ssl).
 do_setopts(Sock, Opts, true)  ->  ssl:setopts(Sock, Opts);
 do_setopts(Sock, Opts, false) ->  inet:setopts(Sock, Opts).
@@ -571,11 +461,81 @@ check_ssl_options(Options, State) ->
 	    State#state{is_ssl=true, ssl_options=get_value(ssl_options, Options)}
-send_req_1(#url{abspath = AbsPath,
-		host = Host,
-		port = Port,
-		path = RelPath} = Url,
-	   Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State) ->
+	   #url{host = Host,
+		port = Port} = Url,
+	   Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
+	   #state{socket = undefined} = State) ->
+    {Host_1, Port_1, State_1} =
+	case get_value(proxy_host, Options, false) of
+	    false ->
+		{Host, Port, State};
+	    PHost ->
+		ProxyUser     = get_value(proxy_user, Options, []),
+		ProxyPassword = get_value(proxy_password, Options, []),
+		Digest        = http_auth_digest(ProxyUser, ProxyPassword),
+		{PHost, get_value(proxy_port, Options, 80),
+		 State#state{use_proxy = true,
+			     proxy_auth_digest = Digest}}
+	end,
+    State_2 = check_ssl_options(Options, State_1),
+    do_trace("Connecting...~n", []),
+    Start_ts = now(),
+    Conn_timeout = get_value(connect_timeout, Options, Timeout),
+    case do_connect(Host_1, Port_1, Options, State_2, Conn_timeout) of
+	{ok, Sock} ->
+	    do_trace("Connected!~n", []),
+	    End_ts = now(),
+	    Timeout_1 = case Timeout of
+			    infinity ->
+				infinity;
+			    _ ->
+				Timeout - trunc(round(timer:now_diff(End_ts, Start_ts) / 1000))
+			end,
+	    State_3 = State_2#state{socket = Sock},
+	    send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout_1, State_3);
+	Err ->
+	    shutting_down(State_2),
+	    do_trace("Error connecting. Reason: ~1000.p~n", [Err]),
+	    gen_server:reply(From, {error, conn_failed}),
+	    {stop, normal, State_2}
+    end;
+	   #url{abspath = AbsPath,
+		host    = Host,
+		port    = Port,
+		path    = RelPath} = Url,
+	   Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
+	   #state{status = Status} = State) ->
+    ReqId = make_req_id(),
+    Resp_format = get_value(response_format, Options, list),
+    {StreamTo, Caller_controls_socket} =
+	case get_value(stream_to, Options, undefined) of
+	    {Caller, once} when is_pid(Caller) or
+				is_atom(Caller) ->
+		Async_pid_rec = {{req_id_pid, ReqId}, self()},
+		true = ets:insert(ibrowse_stream, Async_pid_rec), 
+		{Caller, true};
+	    undefined ->
+		{undefined, false};
+	    Caller when is_pid(Caller) or
+			is_atom(Caller) ->
+		{Caller, false};
+	    Stream_to_inv ->
+		exit({invalid_option, {stream_to, Stream_to_inv}})
+	end,
+    SaveResponseToFile = get_value(save_response_to_file, Options, false),
+    NewReq = #request{url                    = Url,
+		      method                 = Method,
+		      stream_to              = StreamTo,
+		      caller_controls_socket = Caller_controls_socket,
+		      options                = Options,
+		      req_id                 = ReqId,
+		      save_response_to_file  = SaveResponseToFile,
+		      stream_chunk_size      = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
+		      response_format        = Resp_format,
+		      from                   = From},
+    State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
     Headers_1 = add_auth_headers(Url, Options, Headers, State),
     HostHeaderValue = case lists:keysearch(host_header, 1, Options) of
 			  false ->
@@ -598,14 +558,45 @@ send_req_1(#url{abspath = AbsPath,
 		     "--- Request End ---~n", [NReq]);
 	_ -> ok
-    SndRes = case do_send(Sock, Req, State#state.is_ssl) of
-		 ok -> do_send_body(Sock, Body_1, State#state.is_ssl);
-		 Err ->
-		     io:format("Err: ~p~n", [Err]),
-		     Err
-	     end,
-    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State#state.is_ssl),
-    SndRes.
+    case do_send(Req, State) of
+	ok ->
+	    case do_send_body(Body_1, State) of
+		ok ->
+		    State_2 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_1),
+		    active_once(State_1),
+		    Ref = case Timeout of
+			      infinity ->
+				  undefined;
+			      _ ->
+				  erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
+			  end,
+		    State_3 = case Status of
+				  idle ->
+				      State_2#state{status     = get_header,
+						    cur_req    = NewReq,
+						    send_timer = Ref};
+				  _ ->
+				      State_2#state{send_timer = Ref}
+			      end,
+		    case StreamTo of
+			undefined ->
+			    ok;
+			_ ->
+			    gen_server:reply(From, {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId})
+		    end,
+		    {noreply, State_3, get_inac_timeout(State_3)};
+		Err ->
+		    shutting_down(State_1),
+		    do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
+		    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+		    {stop, normal, State_1}
+	    end;
+	Err ->
+	    shutting_down(State_1),
+	    do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
+	    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+	    {stop, normal, State_1}
+    end.
 add_auth_headers(#url{username = User,
 		      password = UPw},
@@ -719,9 +710,9 @@ encode_headers(L) ->
     encode_headers(L, []).
 encode_headers([{http_vsn, _Val} | T], Acc) ->
     encode_headers(T, Acc);
-encode_headers([{Name,Val} | T], Acc) when list(Name) ->
+encode_headers([{Name,Val} | T], Acc) when is_list(Name) ->
     encode_headers(T, [[Name, ": ", fmt_val(Val), crnl()] | Acc]);
-encode_headers([{Name,Val} | T], Acc) when atom(Name) ->
+encode_headers([{Name,Val} | T], Acc) when is_atom(Name) ->
     encode_headers(T, [[atom_to_list(Name), ": ", fmt_val(Val), crnl()] | Acc]);
 encode_headers([], Acc) ->
@@ -732,25 +723,25 @@ chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize) ->
 chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when Body == <<>>; Body == [] ->
     LastChunk = "0\r\n",
     lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk | Acc]);
-chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when binary(Body),
+chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when is_binary(Body),
                                               size(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
     <<ChunkBody:ChunkSize/binary, Rest/binary>> = Body,
     Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, ChunkSize),"\r\n",
 	     ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
     chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
-chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when binary(Body) ->
+chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_binary(Body) ->
     BodySize = size(Body),
     Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, BodySize),"\r\n",
 	     Body, "\r\n"],
     LastChunk = "0\r\n",
     lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]);
-chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when list(Body),
+chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when is_list(Body),
                                               length(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
     {ChunkBody, Rest} = split_list_at(Body, ChunkSize),
     Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, ChunkSize),"\r\n",
 	     ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
     chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
-chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when list(Body) ->
+chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_list(Body) ->
     BodySize = length(Body),
     Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, BodySize),"\r\n",
 	     Body, "\r\n"],
@@ -840,7 +831,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = Acc, reqs = Reqs,
 		    {error, content_length_undefined};
 		V ->
 		    case catch list_to_integer(V) of
-			V_1 when integer(V_1), V_1 >= 0 ->
+			V_1 when is_integer(V_1), V_1 >= 0 ->
 			    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
 			    do_trace("Recvd Content-Length of ~p~n", [V_1]),
 			    State_2 = State_1#state{rep_buf_size=0,
@@ -1058,17 +1049,20 @@ set_cur_request(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State) ->
 parse_headers(Headers) ->
     case scan_crlf(Headers) of
 	{yes, StatusLine, T} ->
-	    Headers_1 = parse_headers_1(T),
-	    case parse_status_line(StatusLine) of
-		{ok, HttpVsn, StatCode, _Msg} ->
-		    put(http_prot_vsn, HttpVsn),
-		    {HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1};
-		_ -> %% A HTTP 0.9 response?
-		    put(http_prot_vsn, "HTTP/0.9"),
-		    {"HTTP/0.9", undefined, Headers}
-	    end;
-	_ ->
-	    {error, no_status_line}
+	    parse_headers(StatusLine, T);
+	{no, StatusLine} ->
+	    parse_headers(StatusLine, <<>>)
+    end.
+parse_headers(StatusLine, Headers) ->
+    Headers_1 = parse_headers_1(Headers),
+    case parse_status_line(StatusLine) of
+	{ok, HttpVsn, StatCode, _Msg} ->
+	    put(http_prot_vsn, HttpVsn),
+	    {HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1};
+	_ -> %% A HTTP 0.9 response?
+	    put(http_prot_vsn, "HTTP/0.9"),
+	    {"HTTP/0.9", undefined, Headers}
 % From RFC 2616
@@ -1079,10 +1073,10 @@ parse_headers(Headers) ->
 %    SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single
 %    SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message
 %    downstream.
-parse_headers_1(B) when is_binary(B) ->
-    parse_headers_1(binary_to_list(B));
-parse_headers_1(String) ->
-    parse_headers_1(String, [], []).
+	parse_headers_1(B) when is_binary(B) ->
+					   parse_headers_1(binary_to_list(B));
+	parse_headers_1(String) ->
+					   parse_headers_1(String, [], []).
 parse_headers_1([$\n, H |T], [$\r | L], Acc) when H == 32;
 						  H == $\t ->
@@ -1205,10 +1199,10 @@ get_crlf_pos(<<>>, _)                     -> no.
 %% scan_crlf([H|T],  L)                    -> scan_crlf(T, [H|L]);
 %% scan_crlf([], L)                        -> {no, L}.
-fmt_val(L) when list(L)    -> L;
-fmt_val(I) when integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I);
-fmt_val(A) when atom(A)    -> atom_to_list(A);
-fmt_val(Term)              -> io_lib:format("~p", [Term]).
+fmt_val(L) when is_list(L)    -> L;
+fmt_val(I) when is_integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I);
+fmt_val(A) when is_atom(A)    -> atom_to_list(A);
+fmt_val(Term)                 -> io_lib:format("~p", [Term]).
 crnl() -> "\r\n".
@@ -1306,7 +1300,8 @@ do_reply(State, From, undefined, _, Resp_format, {ok, St_code, Headers, Body}) -
 do_reply(State, From, undefined, _, _, Msg) ->
     gen_server:reply(From, Msg),
-do_reply(State, _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {ok, _, _, Body}) ->
+do_reply(#state{prev_req_id = Prev_req_id} = State,
+	 _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {ok, _, _, Body}) ->
     State_1 = dec_pipeline_counter(State),
     case Body of
 	[] ->
@@ -1316,7 +1311,18 @@ do_reply(State, _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {ok, _, _, Body}) ->
 	    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Body_1}
     catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response_end, ReqId},
-    State_1;
+    %% We don't want to delete the Req-id to Pid mapping straightaway
+    %% as the client may send a stream_next message just while we are
+    %% sending back this ibrowse_async_response_end message. If we
+    %% deleted this mapping straightaway, the caller will see a
+    %% {error, unknown_req_id} when it calls ibrowse:stream_next/1. To
+    %% get around this, we store the req id, and clear it after the
+    %% next request. If there are wierd combinations of stream,
+    %% stream_once and sync requests on the same connection, it will
+    %% take a while for the req_id-pid mapping to get cleared, but it
+    %% should do no harm.
+    ets:delete(ibrowse_stream, {req_id_pid, Prev_req_id}),
+    State_1#state{prev_req_id = ReqId};
 do_reply(State, _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Msg) ->
     State_1 = dec_pipeline_counter(State),
     Msg_1 = format_response_data(Resp_format, Msg),
@@ -1333,6 +1339,7 @@ do_error_reply(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State, Err) ->
     ReqList = queue:to_list(Reqs),
     lists:foreach(fun(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 			       response_format = Resp_format}) ->
+			  ets:delete(ibrowse_stream, {req_id_pid, ReqId}),
                           do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {error, Err})
 		  end, ReqList).
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index f3559b5..ad3e812 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -18,9 +18,50 @@
-	 i_do_async_req_list/4
+	 i_do_async_req_list/4,
+	 test_stream_once/3,
+	 test_stream_once/4
+test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options) ->
+    test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options, 5000).
+test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options, Timeout) ->
+    case ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], [{stream_to, {self(), once}} | Options], Timeout) of
+	{ibrowse_req_id, Req_id} ->
+	    case ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id) of
+		ok ->
+		    test_stream_once(Req_id);
+		Err ->
+		    Err
+	    end;
+	Err ->
+	    Err
+    end.
+test_stream_once(Req_id) ->
+    receive
+	{ibrowse_async_headers, Req_id, StatCode, Headers} ->
+	    io:format("Recvd headers~n~p~n", [{ibrowse_async_headers, Req_id, StatCode, Headers}]),
+	    case ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id) of
+		ok ->
+		    test_stream_once(Req_id);
+		Err ->
+		    Err
+	    end;
+	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, {error, Err}} ->
+	    io:format("Recvd error: ~p~n", [Err]);
+	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, Body_1} ->
+	    io:format("Recvd body part: ~n~p~n", [{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, Body_1}]),
+	    case ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id) of
+		ok ->
+		    test_stream_once(Req_id);
+		Err ->
+		    Err
+	    end;
+	{ibrowse_async_response_end, Req_id} ->
+	    ok
+    end.
 %% Use ibrowse:set_max_sessions/3 and ibrowse:set_max_pipeline_size/3 to
 %% tweak settings before running the load test. The defaults are 10 and 10.
 load_test(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) when is_list(Url),
@@ -182,7 +223,8 @@ unit_tests() ->
 unit_tests(Options) ->
-    {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options]),
+    Options_1 = Options ++ [{connect_timeout, 5000}],
+    {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options_1]),
 	{done, Pid} ->

[28/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Upgrade ibrowse to version 2.1.3

This version fixes several bugs and adds a few minor improvements.
For a list and description of the changes relative to the previous
version, see the README file at:

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 72320820ce8f9d881f58f87162b628a79e3036b8
Parents: cb08a0d
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Thu Jan 20 15:27:41 2011 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Thu Jan 20 15:27:41 2011 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |  2 +-          |  2 +-
 ibrowse.erl             | 18 ++++++------
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 ibrowse_test.erl        | 40 ++++++++++++---------------
 5 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 4cebe5d..bfd52ba 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 ## the License.
-ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.1.2/ebin
+ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.1.3/ebin
 ibrowse_file_collection = \ \
diff --git a/ b/
index c8e4227..875620d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
         [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "2.1.2"},
+         {vsn, "2.1.3"},
          {modules, [ ibrowse, 
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index e105150..f70f92f 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 %%% Created : 11 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
 %% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
-%% @copyright 2005-2010 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
-%% @version 2.1.2
+%% @copyright 2005-2011 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
+%% @version 2.1.3
 %% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client in erlang. This
 %% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
 %% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
@@ -683,16 +683,16 @@ init(_) ->
     State = #state{},
     put(my_trace_flag, State#state.trace),
     put(ibrowse_trace_token, "ibrowse"),
-    ets:new(ibrowse_lb, [named_table, public, {keypos, 2}]),
-    ets:new(ibrowse_conf, [named_table, protected, {keypos, 2}]),
-    ets:new(ibrowse_stream, [named_table, public]),
+    ibrowse_lb     = ets:new(ibrowse_lb, [named_table, public, {keypos, 2}]),
+    ibrowse_conf   = ets:new(ibrowse_conf, [named_table, protected, {keypos, 2}]),
+    ibrowse_stream = ets:new(ibrowse_stream, [named_table, public]),
     {ok, #state{}}.
 import_config() ->
     case code:priv_dir(ibrowse) of
-        {error, _} = Err ->
-            Err;
+        {error, _} ->
+            ok;
         PrivDir ->
             Filename = filename:join(PrivDir, "ibrowse.conf"),
@@ -723,8 +723,8 @@ import_config(Filename) ->
                           io:format("Skipping unrecognised term: ~p~n", [X])
             lists:foreach(Fun, Terms);
-        Err ->
-            Err
+        _Err ->
+            ok
 %% @doc Internal export
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 5dce321..7d606e6 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ handle_info({stream_next, Req_id}, #state{socket = Socket,
                                           cur_req = #request{req_id = Req_id}} = State) ->
     %% io:format("Client process set {active, once}~n", []),
     do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State),
-    {noreply, State};
+    {noreply, set_inac_timer(State)};
 handle_info({stream_next, _Req_id}, State) ->
     _Cur_req_id = case State#state.cur_req of
@@ -216,12 +216,14 @@ handle_info({ssl_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
     {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({tcp_error, _Sock}, State) ->
-    do_trace("Error on connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p~n", [, State#state.port]),
+handle_info({tcp_error, _Sock, Reason}, State) ->
+    do_trace("Error on connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p -> ~1000.p~n",
+             [, State#state.port, Reason]),
     {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({ssl_error, _Sock}, State) ->
-    do_trace("Error on SSL connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p~n", [, State#state.port]),
+handle_info({ssl_error, _Sock, Reason}, State) ->
+    do_trace("Error on SSL connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p -> ~1000.p~n",
+             [, State#state.port, Reason]),
     {stop, normal, State};
@@ -334,8 +336,13 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status           = get_body,
                     State_2 = State_1#state{interim_reply_sent = false},
-                    State_3 = set_inac_timer(State_2),
-                    {noreply, State_3};
+                    case Ccs of
+                    true ->
+                        cancel_timer(State_2#state.inactivity_timer_ref, {eat_message, timeout}),
+                        {noreply, State_2#state{inactivity_timer_ref = undefined}};
+                    _ ->
+                        {noreply, set_inac_timer(State_2)}
+                    end;
                 State_1 ->
                     State_2 = set_inac_timer(State_1),
@@ -461,7 +468,7 @@ handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer = Buf, reqs = Reqs, http_status_code = SC
                        undefined ->
                        _ ->
-                           file:close(Fd),
+                           ok = file:close(Fd),
                            {file, TmpFilename}
             Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
@@ -470,11 +477,11 @@ handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer = Buf, reqs = Reqs, http_status_code = SC
                         false ->
                             {ok, SC, Headers, Buf}
-            do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
-            do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, connection_closed),
-            State;
+            State_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
+            ok = do_error_reply(State_1#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, connection_closed),
+            State_1;
         _ ->
-            do_error_reply(State, connection_closed),
+            ok = do_error_reply(State, connection_closed),
@@ -482,17 +489,19 @@ do_connect(Host, Port, Options, #state{is_ssl      = true,
                                        use_proxy   = false,
                                        ssl_options = SSLOptions},
            Timeout) ->
-    Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),
-    Other_sock_options = filter_sock_options(SSLOptions ++ Caller_socket_options),
-    ssl:connect(Host, Port,
-                [binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false} | Other_sock_options],
-                Timeout);
+    ssl:connect(Host, Port, get_sock_options(Options, SSLOptions), Timeout);
 do_connect(Host, Port, Options, _State, Timeout) ->
+    gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, get_sock_options(Options, []), Timeout).
+get_sock_options(Options, SSLOptions) ->
     Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),
-    Other_sock_options = filter_sock_options(Caller_socket_options),
-    gen_tcp:connect(Host, to_integer(Port),
-                    [binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false} | Other_sock_options],
-                    Timeout).
+    Other_sock_options = filter_sock_options(SSLOptions ++ Caller_socket_options),
+    case lists:keysearch(nodelay, 1, Other_sock_options) of
+        false ->
+            [{nodelay, true}, binary, {active, false} | Other_sock_options];
+        {value, _} ->
+            [binary, {active, false} | Other_sock_options]
+    end.
 %% We don't want the caller to specify certain options
 filter_sock_options(Opts) ->
@@ -547,7 +556,7 @@ do_send_body1(Source, Resp, State, TE) ->
 maybe_chunked_encode(Data, false) ->
 maybe_chunked_encode(Data, true) ->
-    [?dec2hex(size(to_binary(Data))), "\r\n", Data, "\r\n"].
+    [?dec2hex(iolist_size(Data)), "\r\n", Data, "\r\n"].
 do_close(#state{socket = undefined})            ->  ok;
 do_close(#state{socket = Sock,
@@ -1269,7 +1278,7 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                        reply_buffer  = RepBuf,
                        recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
     Body = RepBuf,
-    file:close(Fd),
+    ok = file:close(Fd),
     ResponseBody = case TmpFilename of
                        undefined ->
@@ -1656,8 +1665,8 @@ fail_pipelined_requests(#state{reqs = Reqs, cur_req = CurReq} = State, Reply) ->
     {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
     #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
              response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
-    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
-    do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, previous_request_failed).
+    State_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
+    do_error_reply(State_1#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, previous_request_failed).
 split_list_at(List, N) ->
     split_list_at(List, N, []).
@@ -1701,7 +1710,8 @@ to_ascii($9) -> 9;
 to_ascii($0) -> 0.
 cancel_timer(undefined) -> ok;
-cancel_timer(Ref)       -> erlang:cancel_timer(Ref).
+cancel_timer(Ref)       -> _ = erlang:cancel_timer(Ref),
+                           ok.
 cancel_timer(Ref, {eat_message, Msg}) ->
@@ -1814,8 +1824,5 @@ trace_request_body(Body) ->
-to_integer(X) when is_list(X)    -> list_to_integer(X); 
-to_integer(X) when is_integer(X) -> X.
 to_binary(X) when is_list(X)   -> list_to_binary(X); 
 to_binary(X) when is_binary(X) -> X.
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index b8e0a4a..ff3b530 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
-	 drv_ue_test/0,
-	 drv_ue_test/1,
@@ -21,7 +19,8 @@
-         test_20122010/0
+         test_20122010/0,
+         test_20122010/1
 test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options) ->
@@ -413,20 +412,6 @@ execute_req(Url, Method, Options) ->
 	    io:format("~p~n", [Err])
-drv_ue_test() ->
-    drv_ue_test(lists:duplicate(1024, 127)).
-drv_ue_test(Data) ->
-    [{port, Port}| _] = ets:lookup(ibrowse_table, port),
-%     erl_ddll:unload_driver("ibrowse_drv"),
-%     timer:sleep(1000),
-%     erl_ddll:load_driver("../priv", "ibrowse_drv"),
-%     Port = open_port({spawn, "ibrowse_drv"}, []),
-    {Time, Res} = timer:tc(ibrowse_lib, drv_ue, [Data, Port]),
-    io:format("Time -> ~p~n", [Time]),
-    io:format("Data Length -> ~p~n", [length(Data)]),
-    io:format("Res Length -> ~p~n", [length(Res)]).
-%    io:format("Result -> ~s~n", [Res]).
 ue_test() ->
     ue_test(lists:duplicate(1024, $?)).
 ue_test(Data) ->
@@ -445,11 +430,14 @@ log_msg(Fmt, Args) ->
 test_20122010() ->
-    {ok, Pid} = ibrowse:spawn_worker_process("http://localhost:8181"),
+    test_20122010("http://localhost:8181").
+test_20122010(Url) ->
+    {ok, Pid} = ibrowse:spawn_worker_process(Url),
     Expected_resp = <<"1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-50-51-52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60-61-62-63-64-65-66-67-68-69-70-71-72-73-74-75-76-77-78-79-80-81-82-83-84-85-86-87-88-89-90-91-92-93-94-95-96-97-98-99-100">>,
     Test_parent = self(),
     Fun = fun() ->
-                  do_test_20122010(Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent)
+                  do_test_20122010(Url, Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent)
     Pids = [erlang:spawn_monitor(Fun) || _ <- lists:seq(1,10)],
@@ -458,18 +446,24 @@ wait_for_workers([{Pid, _Ref} | Pids]) ->
         {Pid, success} ->
-    after 5000 ->
+    after 60000 ->
 wait_for_workers([]) ->
-do_test_20122010(Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent) ->
+do_test_20122010(Url, Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent) ->
+    do_test_20122010(10, Url, Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent).
+do_test_20122010(0, _Url, _Pid, _Expected_resp, Test_parent) ->
+    Test_parent ! {self(), success};
+do_test_20122010(Rem_count, Url, Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent) ->
     {ibrowse_req_id, Req_id} = ibrowse:send_req_direct(
-                                 "http://localhost:8181/ibrowse_stream_once_chunk_pipeline_test",
+                                 Url ++ "/ibrowse_stream_once_chunk_pipeline_test",
                                  [], get, [],
                                  [{stream_to, {self(), once}},
+                                  {inactivity_timeout, 10000},
                                   {include_ibrowse_req_id, true}]),
     do_trace("~p -- sent request ~1000.p~n", [self(), Req_id]),
     Req_id_str = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~1000.p",[Req_id])),
@@ -491,7 +485,7 @@ do_test_20122010(Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent) ->
     ok = ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id),
     case do_test_20122010_1(Expected_resp, Req_id, []) of
         true ->
-            Test_parent ! {self(), success};
+            do_test_20122010(Rem_count - 1, Url, Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent);
         false ->
             Test_parent ! {self(), failed}

[15/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Backport warning fix from a future version of ibrowse.

The current release makes our test suite fail and I don't
want to pester the 1.0.0 release cycle with this; yet I'd
like 1.0.0 (and 0.11.1) to be future proof for Erlang R14B.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: c166256d5d1826d946987d01a148be4136aebd54
Parents: f2a473e
Author: Jan Lehnardt <>
Authored: Fri Jul 2 14:01:56 2010 +0000
Committer: Jan Lehnardt <>
Committed: Fri Jul 2 14:01:56 2010 +0000

 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 5f62f70..a767b84 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
 	     stream_chunk_size = Stream_chunk_size,
 	     response_format = Response_format,
 	     caller_controls_socket = Caller_controls_socket} = CurReq,
-    RepBuf_1 = concat_binary([RepBuf, Data]),
+    RepBuf_1 = list_to_binary([RepBuf, Data]),
     New_data_size = RepBufSize - Streamed_size,
     case StreamTo of
 	undefined ->
@@ -1201,9 +1201,9 @@ scan_crlf_1(Bin1_head_size, Bin1, Bin2) ->
     case get_crlf_pos(Bin3) of
 	{yes, Pos} ->
 	    {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin3, Pos),
-	    {yes, concat_binary([Bin1_head, Prefix]), Suffix};
+	    {yes, list_to_binary([Bin1_head, Prefix]), Suffix};
 	no ->
-	    {no, concat_binary([Bin1, Bin2])}
+	    {no, list_to_binary([Bin1, Bin2])}
 get_crlf_pos(Bin) ->

[06/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
upgrade to ibrowse 1.5.0

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 7292757f2f3a6a6a596be192ab0430e895ad3d76
Parents: b9c2e64
Author: Adam Kocoloski <>
Authored: Fri Jul 3 00:58:13 2009 +0000
Committer: Adam Kocoloski <>
Committed: Fri Jul 3 00:58:13 2009 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |   2 +-
 ibrowse.erl             |  93 ++++++++--
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 402 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 ibrowse_lb.erl          |   9 +-
 ibrowse_test.erl        |  44 +++--
 5 files changed, 333 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 960c079..5e4621d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
         [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "1.4.1"},
+         {vsn, "1.5.0"},
          {modules, [ ibrowse, 
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 3390e58..1b0daad 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 %%% Created : 11 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
 %% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
-%% @copyright 2005-2008 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
-%% @version 1.4
+%% @copyright 2005-2009 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
+%% @version 1.5.0
 %% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client. This
 %% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
 %% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 %% driver isn't actually used.</p>
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse.erl,v 1.7 2008/05/21 15:28:11 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse.erl,v 1.8 2009/07/01 22:43:19 chandrusf Exp $ ').
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
+	 all_trace_off/0,
@@ -105,8 +106,6 @@
 -import(ibrowse_lib, [
-		      printable_date/0,
-		      get_value/2,
@@ -114,6 +113,7 @@
 -record(state, {trace = false}).
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% For a description of SSL Options, look in the ssl manpage. If the
 %% HTTP Version to use is not specified, the default is 1.1.
 %% <br/>
-%% <p>The <code>host_header</code> is useful in the case where ibrowse is
+%% <p>The <code>host_header</code> option is useful in the case where ibrowse is
 %% connecting to a component such as <a
 %% href="">stunnel</a> which then sets up a
 %% secure connection to a webserver. In this case, the URL supplied to
@@ -188,11 +188,39 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% <li>Whenever an error occurs in the processing of a request, ibrowse will return as much
 %% information as it has, such as HTTP Status Code and HTTP Headers. When this happens, the response
 %% is of the form <code>{error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatusCode}, HTTP_headers}}</code></li>
+%% <li>The <code>inactivity_timeout</code> option is useful when
+%% dealing with large response bodies and/or slow links. In these
+%% cases, it might be hard to estimate how long a request will take to
+%% complete. In such cases, the client might want to timeout if no
+%% data has been received on the link for a certain time interval.</li>
+%% <li>
+%% The <code>connect_timeout</code> option is to specify how long the
+%% client process should wait for connection establishment. This is
+%% useful in scenarios where connections to servers are usually setup
+%% very fast, but responses might take much longer compared to
+%% connection setup. In such cases, it is better for the calling
+%% process to timeout faster if there is a problem (DNS lookup
+%% delays/failures, network routing issues, etc). The total timeout
+%% value specified for the request will enforced. To illustrate using
+%% an example:
+%% <code>
+%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [], [{connect_timeout, 100}], 1000).
+%% </code>
+%% In the above invocation, if the connection isn't established within
+%% 100 milliseconds, the request will fail with 
+%% <code>{error, conn_failed}</code>.<br/>
+%% If connection setup succeeds, the total time allowed for the
+%% request to complete will be 1000 milliseconds minus the time taken
+%% for connection setup.
+%% </li>
 %% </ul>
 %% @spec send_req(Url::string(), Headers::headerList(), Method::method(), Body::body(), Options::optionList()) -> response()
 %% optionList() = [option()]
 %% option() = {max_sessions, integer()}        |
-%%          {response_format,response_format()}| 
+%%          {response_format,response_format()}|
 %%          {stream_chunk_size, integer()}     |
 %%          {max_pipeline_size, integer()}     |
 %%          {trace, boolean()}                 | 
@@ -212,8 +240,10 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %%          {stream_to, process()}             |
 %%          {http_vsn, {MajorVsn, MinorVsn}}   |
 %%          {host_header, string()}            |
+%%          {inactivity_timeout, integer()}    |
+%%          {connect_timeout, integer()}       |
 %%          {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}}
 %% process() = pid() | atom()
 %% username() = string()
 %% password() = string()
@@ -314,7 +344,7 @@ set_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Max) when is_integer(Max), Max > 0 ->
 do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
     case catch ibrowse_http_client:send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url,
-					    Headers, Method, Body,
+					    Headers, Method, ensure_bin(Body),
 					    Options, Timeout) of
 	{'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
 	    {error, req_timedout};
@@ -331,6 +361,11 @@ do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
+ensure_bin(L) when is_list(L) ->
+    list_to_binary(L);
+ensure_bin(B) when is_binary(B) ->
+    B.
 %% @doc Creates a HTTP client process to the specified Host:Port which
 %% is not part of the load balancing pool. This is useful in cases
 %% where some requests to a webserver might take a long time whereas
@@ -400,17 +435,25 @@ trace_off() ->
 %% @doc Turn tracing on for all connections to the specified HTTP
 %% server. Host is whatever is specified as the domain name in the URL
-%% @spec trace_on(Host, Port) -> term() 
+%% @spec trace_on(Host, Port) -> ok
 %% Host = string() 
 %% Port = integer()
 trace_on(Host, Port) ->
-    ibrowse ! {trace, true, Host, Port}.
+    ibrowse ! {trace, true, Host, Port},
+    ok.
 %% @doc Turn tracing OFF for all connections to the specified HTTP
 %% server.
-%% @spec trace_off(Host, Port) -> term()
+%% @spec trace_off(Host, Port) -> ok
 trace_off(Host, Port) ->
-    ibrowse ! {trace, false, Host, Port}.
+    ibrowse ! {trace, false, Host, Port},
+    ok.
+%% @doc Turn Off ALL tracing
+%% @spec all_trace_off() -> ok
+all_trace_off() ->
+    ibrowse ! all_trace_off,
+    ok.
 %% @doc Shows some internal information about load balancing to a
 %% specified Host:Port. Info about workers spawned using
@@ -588,6 +631,30 @@ handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
 %%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
 %%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
+handle_info(all_trace_off, State) ->
+    Mspec = [{{ibrowse_conf,{trace,'$1','$2'},true},[],[{{'$1','$2'}}]}],
+    Trace_on_dests = ets:select(ibrowse_conf, Mspec),
+    Fun = fun(#lb_pid{host_port = {H, P}, pid = Pid}, _) ->
+		  case lists:member({H, P}, Trace_on_dests) of
+		      false ->
+			  ok;
+		      true ->
+			  catch Pid ! {trace, false}
+		  end;
+	     (#client_conn{key = {H, P, Pid}}, _) ->
+		  case lists:member({H, P}, Trace_on_dests) of
+		      false ->
+			  ok;
+		      true ->
+			  catch Pid ! {trace, false}
+		  end;
+	     (_, Acc) ->
+		  Acc
+	  end,
+    ets:foldl(Fun, undefined, ibrowse_lb),
+    ets:select_delete(ibrowse_conf, [{{ibrowse_conf,{trace,'$1','$2'},true},[],['true']}]),
+    {noreply, State};
 handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
     put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
     {noreply, State};
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 9455bc2..24214ff 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 %%% Created : 11 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse_http_client.erl,v 1.18 2008/05/21 15:28:11 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse_http_client.erl,v 1.19 2009/07/01 22:43:19 chandrusf Exp $ ').
@@ -42,11 +42,12 @@
 		use_proxy = false, proxy_auth_digest,
 		ssl_options = [], is_ssl = false, socket,
 		reqs=queue:new(), cur_req, status=idle, http_status_code,
-		reply_buffer=[], rep_buf_size=0, streamed_size = 0,
+		reply_buffer = <<>>, rep_buf_size=0, streamed_size = 0,
 		is_closing, send_timer, content_length,
-		deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding, chunk_size,
-		chunks=[], lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0
+		deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding,
+		chunk_size, chunk_size_buffer = <<>>, recvd_chunk_size,
+		lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0
 -record(request, {url, method, options, from,
@@ -57,8 +58,6 @@
 -import(ibrowse_lib, [
-		      parse_url/1,
-		      printable_date/0,
@@ -83,15 +82,9 @@ stop(Conn_pid) ->
     gen_server:call(Conn_pid, stop).
 send_req(Conn_Pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
-    Timeout_1 = case Timeout of
-		    infinity ->
-			infinity;
-		    _ when is_integer(Timeout) ->
-			Timeout + 100
-		end,
-      {send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}}, Timeout_1).
+      {send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}}, Timeout).
 %% Server functions
@@ -170,23 +163,29 @@ handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}},
     Reqs = queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs),
     State_2 = check_ssl_options(Options, State_1#state{reqs = Reqs}),
     do_trace("Connecting...~n", []),
-    Timeout_1 = case Timeout of
-		    infinity ->
-			infinity;
-		    _ ->
-			round(Timeout*0.9)
-		end,
-    case do_connect(Host_1, Port_1, Options, State_2, Timeout_1) of
+    Start_ts = now(),
+    Conn_timeout = get_value(connect_timeout, Options, Timeout),
+    case do_connect(Host_1, Port_1, Options, State_2, Conn_timeout) of
 	{ok, Sock} ->
+	    do_trace("Connected!~n", []),
+	    End_ts = now(),
 	    Ref = case Timeout of
 		      infinity ->
 		      _ ->
-			  erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
+			  Rem_time = Timeout - trunc(round(timer:now_diff(End_ts, Start_ts) / 1000)),
+			  case Rem_time > 0 of
+			      true ->
+				  erlang:send_after(Rem_time, self(), {req_timedout, From});
+			      false ->
+				  shutting_down(State_2),
+				  do_error_reply(State_2, req_timedout),
+				  exit(normal)
+			  end
-	    do_trace("Connected!~n", []),
 	    case send_req_1(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State_2) of
 		ok ->
+		    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State_2#state.is_ssl),
 		    case StreamTo of
 			undefined ->
@@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}},
 								 send_timer = Ref,
 								 cur_req = NewReq,
 								 status = get_header}),
-		    {noreply, State_3};
+		    {noreply, State_3, get_inac_timeout(State_3)};
 		Err ->
 		    do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
@@ -234,7 +233,7 @@ handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method,
     case send_req_1(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State_1) of
 	ok ->
 	    State_2 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_1),
-	    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, true}], State#state.is_ssl),
+	    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State#state.is_ssl),
 	    case Timeout of
 		infinity ->
@@ -254,7 +253,7 @@ handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method,
 		_ ->
 		    gen_server:reply(From, {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId})
-	    {noreply, State_3};
+	    {noreply, State_3, get_inac_timeout(State_3)};
 	Err ->
 	    do_trace("Send request failed: Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
@@ -289,7 +288,8 @@ handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
 %%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
 %%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_info({tcp, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
+handle_info({tcp, _Sock, Data}, #state{status = Status} = State) ->
+    do_trace("Data recvd in state: ~p. Size: ~p. ~p~n~n", [Status, size(Data), Data]),
     handle_sock_data(Data, State);
 handle_info({ssl, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
     handle_sock_data(Data, State);
@@ -305,14 +305,19 @@ handle_info({ssl_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
 handle_info({req_timedout, From}, State) ->
     case lists:keysearch(From, #request.from, queue:to_list(State#state.reqs)) of
-       false ->
-          {noreply, State};
-       {value, _} ->
-          shutting_down(State),
-          do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
-          {stop, normal, State}
+	false ->
+	    {noreply, State};
+	{value, _} ->
+	    shutting_down(State),
+	    do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
+	    {stop, normal, State}
+handle_info(timeout, State) ->
+    shutting_down(State),
+    do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
+    {stop, normal, State};
 handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
     put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
     {noreply, State};
@@ -365,8 +370,8 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_header, socket=Sock}=State) ->
 	    {stop, normal, State};
 	State_1 ->
-	    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, true}], State#state.is_ssl),
-	    {noreply, State_1}
+	    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State#state.is_ssl),
+	    {noreply, State_1, get_inac_timeout(State_1)}
 handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_body, content_length=CL,
@@ -382,8 +387,8 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_body, content_length=CL,
 					    {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
 		    {stop, normal, State};
 		State_1 ->
-		    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, true}], State#state.is_ssl),
-		    {noreply, State_1}
+		    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State#state.is_ssl),
+		    {noreply, State_1, get_inac_timeout(State_1)}
 	_ ->
 	    case parse_11_response(Data, State) of
@@ -396,20 +401,17 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_body, content_length=CL,
 		    {stop, normal, State};
 		State_1 ->
-		    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, true}], State#state.is_ssl),
-		    {noreply, State_1}
+		    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State#state.is_ssl),
+		    {noreply, State_1, get_inac_timeout(State_1)}
-		      cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+		      cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = true,
 					 tmp_file_fd = undefined} = CurReq,
-		      http_status_code=[$2 | _]}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
-    TmpFilename = case SaveResponseToFile of
-		      true -> make_tmp_filename();
-		      F -> F
-		  end,
+		      http_status_code=[$2 | _]}=State) ->
+    TmpFilename = make_tmp_filename(),
     case file:open(TmpFilename, [write, delayed_write, raw]) of
 	{ok, Fd} ->
 	    accumulate_response(Data, State#state{
@@ -419,30 +421,30 @@ accumulate_response(Data,
 	{error, Reason} ->
 	    {error, {file_open_error, Reason}}
-accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = true,
 						    tmp_file_fd = Fd},
-				 chunks = Chunks,
+				 reply_buffer = Reply_buf,
 				 http_status_code=[$2 | _]
-				} = State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
-    case file:write(Fd, [Chunks | Data]) of
+				} = State) ->
+    case file:write(Fd, [Reply_buf, Data]) of
 	ok ->
-	    State#state{chunks = []};
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>};
 	{error, Reason} ->
 	    {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
-accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = true,
 						    tmp_file_fd = Fd},
 				 reply_buffer = RepBuf,
 				 http_status_code=[$2 | _]
-				} = State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
-    case file:write(Fd, [RepBuf | Data]) of
+				} = State) ->
+    case file:write(Fd, [RepBuf, Data]) of
 	ok ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = []};
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>};
 	{error, Reason} ->
 	    {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
-accumulate_response([], State) ->
+accumulate_response(<<>>, State) ->
 accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
 				 rep_buf_size = RepBufSize,
@@ -451,7 +453,7 @@ accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
     #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 	     stream_chunk_size = Stream_chunk_size,
 	     response_format = Response_format} = CurReq,
-    RepBuf_1 = [Data | RepBuf],
+    RepBuf_1 = concat_binary([RepBuf, Data]),
     New_data_size = RepBufSize - Streamed_size,
     case StreamTo of
 	undefined ->
@@ -459,12 +461,12 @@ accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
 	_ when New_data_size < Stream_chunk_size ->
 	    State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1};
 	_ ->
-	    {Stream_chunk, Rem_data} = split_list_at(flatten(lists:reverse(RepBuf_1)), Stream_chunk_size),
+	    {Stream_chunk, Rem_data} = split_binary(RepBuf_1, Stream_chunk_size),
 	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Stream_chunk),
-		reply_buffer = [],
+		reply_buffer = <<>>,
 		streamed_size = Streamed_size + Stream_chunk_size})
@@ -491,11 +493,11 @@ handle_sock_closed(#state{cur_req=undefined} = State) ->
 %% We check for IsClosing because this the server could have sent a
 %% Connection-Close header and has closed the socket to indicate end
 %% of response. There maybe requests pipelined which need a response.
-handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer=Buf, reqs=Reqs, http_status_code=SC,
-			  is_closing=IsClosing,
-			  cur_req=#request{tmp_file_name=TmpFilename,
-					   tmp_file_fd=Fd} = CurReq,
-			  status=get_body, recvd_headers=Headers}=State) ->
+handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer = Buf, reqs = Reqs, http_status_code = SC,
+			  is_closing = IsClosing,
+			  cur_req = #request{tmp_file_name=TmpFilename,
+					     tmp_file_fd=Fd} = CurReq,
+			  status = get_body, recvd_headers = Headers}=State) ->
     #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 	     response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
     case IsClosing of
@@ -519,11 +521,11 @@ handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer=Buf, reqs=Reqs, http_status_code=SC,
 do_connect(Host, Port, _Options, #state{is_ssl=true, ssl_options=SSLOptions}, Timeout) ->
     ssl:connect(Host, Port,
-		[{nodelay, true}, {active, false} | SSLOptions],
+		[binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false} | SSLOptions],
 do_connect(Host, Port, _Options, _State, Timeout) ->
     gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port,
-		    [{nodelay, true}, {active, false}],
+		    [binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false}],
 do_send(Sock, Req, true)  ->  ssl:send(Sock, Req);
@@ -602,7 +604,7 @@ send_req_1(#url{abspath = AbsPath,
 		     io:format("Err: ~p~n", [Err]),
-    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, true}], State#state.is_ssl),
+    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, once}], State#state.is_ssl),
 add_auth_headers(#url{username = User,
@@ -758,12 +760,12 @@ chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when list(Body) ->
 parse_response(_Data, #state{cur_req = undefined}=State) ->
     State#state{status = idle};
-parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
-			    cur_req=CurReq}=State) ->
+parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = Acc, reqs = Reqs,
+			    cur_req = CurReq} = State) ->
     #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 	     method=Method, response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
     MaxHeaderSize = ibrowse:get_config_value(max_headers_size, infinity),
-    case scan_header(Data, Acc) of
+    case scan_header(Acc, Data) of
 	{yes, Headers, Data_1}  ->
 	    do_trace("Recvd Header Data -> ~s~n----~n", [Headers]),
 	    do_trace("Recvd headers~n--- Headers Begin ---~n~s~n--- Headers End ---~n~n", [Headers]),
@@ -779,7 +781,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 	    State_1 = State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
-				  reply_buffer = [],
+				  reply_buffer = <<>>,
 				  http_status_code=StatCode, is_closing=IsClosing},
 	    put(conn_close, ConnClose),
 	    TransferEncoding = to_lower(get_value("transfer-encoding", LCHeaders, "false")),
@@ -818,7 +820,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
 		    case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_1#state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
-								 reply_buffer=[], chunks=[]}) of
+								 reply_buffer = <<>>}) of
 			{error, Reason} ->
 						    {error, {Reason,
@@ -830,7 +832,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 		undefined when HttpVsn == "HTTP/1.0";
 			       ConnClose == "close" ->
 		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
-		    State_1#state{reply_buffer=[Data_1]};
+		    State_1#state{reply_buffer = Data_1};
 		undefined ->
 					    {error, {content_length_undefined,
@@ -842,7 +844,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 			    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
 			    do_trace("Recvd Content-Length of ~p~n", [V_1]),
 			    State_2 = State_1#state{rep_buf_size=0,
-						    reply_buffer=[],
+						    reply_buffer = <<>>,
 			    case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_2) of
 				{error, Reason} ->
@@ -861,9 +863,9 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 	{no, Acc_1} when MaxHeaderSize == infinity ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer=Acc_1};
-	{no, Acc_1} when length(Acc_1) < MaxHeaderSize ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer=Acc_1};
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = Acc_1};
+	{no, Acc_1} when size(Acc_1) < MaxHeaderSize ->
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = Acc_1};
 	{no, _Acc_1} ->
 	    fail_pipelined_requests(State, {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}),
 	    {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}
@@ -878,122 +880,97 @@ is_connection_closing(_, _)                -> false.
-			 cur_req=CurReq,
-			 reply_buffer=Buf
-			}=State) ->
-    case scan_crlf(DataRecvd, Buf) of
+			 chunk_size_buffer = Chunk_sz_buf
+			} = State) ->
+    case scan_crlf(Chunk_sz_buf, DataRecvd) of
 	{yes, ChunkHeader, Data_1} ->
 	    case parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader) of
 		{error, Reason} ->
 		    {error, Reason};
 		ChunkSize ->
-		    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-			     response_format = Response_format} = CurReq,
-		    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when streaming?
+		    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when
+		    %% streaming? NO. This should be transparent to the client
+		    %% process. Chunked encoding was only introduced to make
+		    %% it efficient for the server.
-		    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format,
-				     ReqId, {chunk_start, ChunkSize}),
-		    RemLen = length(Data_1),
+		    RemLen = size(Data_1),
 		    do_trace("Determined chunk size: ~p. Already recvd: ~p~n", [ChunkSize, RemLen]),
-		    parse_11_response(Data_1, State#state{rep_buf_size=0,
-							  reply_buffer=[],
-							  deleted_crlf=true,
-							  chunk_size=ChunkSize})
+		    parse_11_response(Data_1, State#state{chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
+							  deleted_crlf = true,
+							  recvd_chunk_size = 0,
+							  chunk_size = ChunkSize})
 	{no, Data_1} ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer=Data_1, rep_buf_size=length(Data_1)}
+	    State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
-%% This clause is there to remove the CRLF between two chunks
+%% This clause is to remove the CRLF between two chunks
-		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, 
-			 chunk_size=tbd,
-			 chunks = Chunks,
-			 cur_req=CurReq,
-			 reply_buffer=Buf}=State) ->
-    case scan_crlf(DataRecvd, Buf) of
+		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, 
+			 chunk_size = tbd,
+			 chunk_size_buffer = Buf}=State) ->
+    case scan_crlf(Buf, DataRecvd) of
 	{yes, _, NextChunk} ->
-	    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-		     response_format = Response_format} = CurReq,
-	    %%
-	    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when streaming?
-	    %%
-	    State_1 = State#state{chunk_size=chunk_start,
-				  rep_buf_size=0,
-				  reply_buffer=[],
-				  deleted_crlf=true},
-	    State_2 = case StreamTo of
-			  undefined ->
-			      State_1#state{chunks = [Buf | Chunks]};
-			  _ ->
-			      %% Flush out all buffered data as chunk is ending
-			      do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId,
-					       lists:reverse([Buf | Chunks])),
-			      do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format,
-					       ReqId, chunk_end),
-			      State_1#state{chunks = [], streamed_size = 0}
-		      end,
-	    parse_11_response(NextChunk, State_2);
+	    State_1 = State#state{chunk_size = chunk_start,
+				  chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
+%%				  reply_buffer = Buf_1,
+				  deleted_crlf = true},
+	    parse_11_response(NextChunk, State_1);
 	{no, Data_1} ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer=Data_1, rep_buf_size=length(Data_1)}
+%%	    State#state{reply_buffer = Data_1, rep_buf_size = size(Data_1)}
+	    State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
 %% This clause deals with the end of a chunked transfer
-		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, chunk_size=0, 
-			 cur_req=CurReq,
+		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0, 
+			 cur_req = CurReq,
 			 deleted_crlf = DelCrlf,
-			 reply_buffer=Trailer, reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
+			 reply_buffer = Trailer, reqs = Reqs}=State) ->
     do_trace("Detected end of chunked transfer...~n", []),
     DataRecvd_1 = case DelCrlf of
 		      false ->
 		      true ->
-			  [$\r, $\n | DataRecvd]
-		  end,
-    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-	     response_format = Response_format} = CurReq,
-    case scan_header(DataRecvd_1, Trailer) of
+			  <<$\r, $\n, DataRecvd/binary>>
+                  end,
+    case scan_header(Trailer, DataRecvd_1) of
 	{yes, _TEHeaders, Rem} ->
 	    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
-	    %%
-	    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when streaming? Nope.
-	    %%
-	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, chunk_end),
-	    State_1 = handle_response(CurReq, State#state{reqs=Reqs_1}),
+	    State_1 = handle_response(CurReq, State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
 	    parse_response(Rem, reset_state(State_1));
 	{no, Rem} ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer=Rem, rep_buf_size=length(Rem), deleted_crlf=false}
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = Rem, rep_buf_size = size(Rem), deleted_crlf = false}
 %% This clause extracts a chunk, given the size.
-		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, chunk_size=CSz,
-			 rep_buf_size=RepBufSz}=State) ->
-    NeedBytes = CSz - RepBufSz,
-    DataLen = length(DataRecvd),
+		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
+			 chunk_size = CSz,
+			 recvd_chunk_size = Recvd_csz,
+			 rep_buf_size = RepBufSz} = State) ->
+    NeedBytes = CSz - Recvd_csz,
+    DataLen = size(DataRecvd),
     do_trace("Recvd more data: size: ~p. NeedBytes: ~p~n", [DataLen, NeedBytes]),
     case DataLen >= NeedBytes of
 	true ->
-	    {RemChunk, RemData} = split_list_at(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
+	    {RemChunk, RemData} = split_binary(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
 	    do_trace("Recvd another chunk...~n", []),
 	    do_trace("RemData -> ~p~n", [RemData]),
 	    case accumulate_response(RemChunk, State) of
 		{error, Reason} ->
 		    do_trace("Error accumulating response --> ~p~n", [Reason]),
 		    {error, Reason};
-		#state{reply_buffer = NewRepBuf,
-		       chunks = NewChunks} = State_1 ->
-		    State_2 = State_1#state{reply_buffer=[],
-					    chunks = [lists:reverse(NewRepBuf) | NewChunks],
-					    rep_buf_size=0,
-					    chunk_size=tbd},
+		#state{} = State_1 ->
+		    State_2 = State_1#state{chunk_size=tbd},
 		    parse_11_response(RemData, State_2)
 	false ->
-	    accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size=(RepBufSz + DataLen)})
+	    accumulate_response(DataRecvd,
+				State#state{rep_buf_size = RepBufSz + DataLen,
+					    recvd_chunk_size = Recvd_csz + DataLen})
 %% This clause to extract the body when Content-Length is specified
@@ -1001,10 +978,10 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 		  #state{content_length=CL, rep_buf_size=RepBufSz,
 			 reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
     NeedBytes = CL - RepBufSz,
-    DataLen = length(DataRecvd),
+    DataLen = size(DataRecvd),
     case DataLen >= NeedBytes of
 	true ->
-	    {RemBody, Rem} = split_list_at(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
+	    {RemBody, Rem} = split_binary(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
 	    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
 	    State_1 = accumulate_response(RemBody, State),
 	    State_2 = handle_response(State_1#state.cur_req, State_1#state{reqs=Reqs_1}),
@@ -1023,15 +1000,8 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 		#state{http_status_code = SCode,
 		       send_timer = ReqTimer,
 		       reply_buffer = RepBuf,
-		       transfer_encoding = TEnc,
-		       chunks = Chunks,
 		       recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
-    Body = case TEnc of
-	       chunked ->
-		   lists:reverse(Chunks);
-	       _ ->
-		   lists:reverse(RepBuf)
-	   end,
+    Body = RepBuf,
     State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
     ResponseBody = case TmpFilename of
@@ -1047,14 +1017,9 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 			 response_format = Resp_format},
 		#state{http_status_code=SCode, recvd_headers=RespHeaders,
-		       reply_buffer=RepBuf, transfer_encoding=TEnc,
-		       chunks=Chunks, send_timer=ReqTimer}=State) ->
-    Body = case TEnc of
-	       chunked ->
-		   lists:reverse(Chunks);
-	       _ ->
-		   lists:reverse(RepBuf)
-	   end,
+		       reply_buffer = RepBuf,
+		       send_timer=ReqTimer}=State) ->
+    Body = RepBuf,
 %%    State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
     State_1 = case get(conn_close) of
 	"close" ->
@@ -1070,10 +1035,17 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 reset_state(State) ->
-    State#state{status=get_header, rep_buf_size=0, streamed_size = 0,
-		content_length=undefined,
-		reply_buffer=[], chunks=[], recvd_headers=[], deleted_crlf=false,
-		http_status_code=undefined, chunk_size=undefined, transfer_encoding=undefined}.
+    State#state{status            = get_header,
+		rep_buf_size      = 0,
+		streamed_size     = 0,
+		content_length    = undefined,
+		reply_buffer      = <<>>,
+		chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
+		recvd_headers     = [],
+		deleted_crlf      = false,
+		http_status_code  = undefined,
+		chunk_size        = undefined,
+		transfer_encoding = undefined}.
 set_cur_request(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State) ->
     case queue:to_list(Reqs) of
@@ -1084,7 +1056,7 @@ set_cur_request(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State) ->
 parse_headers(Headers) ->
-    case scan_crlf(Headers, []) of
+    case scan_crlf(Headers) of
 	{yes, StatusLine, T} ->
 	    Headers_1 = parse_headers_1(T),
 	    case parse_status_line(StatusLine) of
@@ -1107,6 +1079,8 @@ parse_headers(Headers) ->
 %    SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single
 %    SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message
 %    downstream.
+parse_headers_1(B) when is_binary(B) ->
+    parse_headers_1(binary_to_list(B));
 parse_headers_1(String) ->
     parse_headers_1(String, [], []).
@@ -1135,6 +1109,8 @@ parse_headers_1([], L, Acc) ->
+parse_status_line(Line) when is_binary(Line) ->
+    parse_status_line(binary_to_list(Line));
 parse_status_line(Line) ->
     parse_status_line(Line, get_prot_vsn, [], []).
 parse_status_line([32 | T], get_prot_vsn, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
@@ -1148,6 +1124,8 @@ parse_status_line([H | T], get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
 parse_status_line([], _, _, _) ->
+parse_header(B) when is_binary(B) ->
+    parse_header(binary_to_list(B));
 parse_header(L) ->
     parse_header(L, []).
 parse_header([$: | V], Acc) ->
@@ -1157,13 +1135,75 @@ parse_header([H | T], Acc) ->
 parse_header([], _) ->
-scan_header([$\n|T], [$\r,$\n,$\r|L]) -> {yes, lists:reverse([$\n,$\r| L]), T};
-scan_header([H|T],  L)                -> scan_header(T, [H|L]);
-scan_header([], L)                    -> {no, L}.
+scan_header(Bin) ->
+    case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin, 0) of
+	{yes, Pos} ->
+	    {Headers, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
+	    {yes, Headers, Body};
+	no ->
+	    {no, Bin}
+    end.
+scan_header(Bin1, Bin2) when size(Bin1) < 4 ->
+    scan_header(<<Bin1/binary, Bin2/binary>>);
+scan_header(Bin1, <<>>) ->
+    scan_header(Bin1);
+scan_header(Bin1, Bin2) ->
+    Bin1_already_scanned_size = size(Bin1) - 4,
+    <<Headers_prefix:Bin1_already_scanned_size/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin1,
+    Bin_to_scan = <<Rest/binary, Bin2/binary>>,
+    case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin_to_scan, 0) of
+	{yes, Pos} ->
+	    {Headers_suffix, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin_to_scan, Pos),
+	    {yes, <<Headers_prefix/binary, Headers_suffix/binary>>, Body};
+	no ->
+	    {no, <<Bin1/binary, Bin2/binary>>}
+    end.
+get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<$\r, $\n, $\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) -> {yes, Pos};
+get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Pos)               -> get_crlf_crlf_pos(Rest, Pos + 1);
+get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<>>, _)                               -> no.
+scan_crlf(Bin) ->
+    case get_crlf_pos(Bin) of
+	{yes, Pos} ->
+	    {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
+	    {yes, Prefix, Suffix};
+	no ->
+	    {no, Bin}
+    end.
+scan_crlf(<<>>, Bin2) ->
+    scan_crlf(Bin2);
+scan_crlf(Bin1, Bin2) when size(Bin1) < 2 ->
+    scan_crlf(<<Bin1/binary, Bin2/binary>>);
+scan_crlf(Bin1, Bin2) ->
+    scan_crlf_1(size(Bin1) - 2, Bin1, Bin2).
+scan_crlf_1(Bin1_head_size, Bin1, Bin2) ->
+    <<Bin1_head:Bin1_head_size/binary, Bin1_tail/binary>> = Bin1,
+    Bin3 = <<Bin1_tail/binary, Bin2/binary>>,
+    case get_crlf_pos(Bin3) of
+	{yes, Pos} ->
+	    {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin3, Pos),
+	    {yes, concat_binary([Bin1_head, Prefix]), Suffix};
+	no ->
+	    {no, concat_binary([Bin1, Bin2])}
+    end.
-scan_crlf([$\n|T], [$\r | L]) -> {yes, lists:reverse(L), T};
-scan_crlf([H|T],  L)          -> scan_crlf(T, [H|L]);
-scan_crlf([], L)              -> {no, L}.
+get_crlf_pos(Bin) ->
+    get_crlf_pos(Bin, 0).
+get_crlf_pos(<<$\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) -> {yes, Pos};
+get_crlf_pos(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Pos)     -> get_crlf_pos(Rest, Pos + 1);
+get_crlf_pos(<<>>, _)                     -> no.
+%% scan_crlf(<<$\n, T/binary>>, [$\r | L]) -> {yes, lists:reverse(L), T};
+%% scan_crlf(<<H, T/binary>>,  L)          -> scan_crlf(T, [H|L]);
+%% scan_crlf(<<>>, L)                      -> {no, L};
+%% scan_crlf([$\n|T], [$\r | L])           -> {yes, lists:reverse(L), T};
+%% scan_crlf([H|T],  L)                    -> scan_crlf(T, [H|L]);
+%% scan_crlf([], L)                        -> {no, L}.
 fmt_val(L) when list(L)    -> L;
 fmt_val(I) when integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I);
@@ -1221,16 +1261,16 @@ parse_chunk_header([]) ->
 parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader) ->
     parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader, []).
-parse_chunk_header([$; | _], Acc) ->
+parse_chunk_header(<<$;, _/binary>>, Acc) ->
-parse_chunk_header([H | T], Acc) ->
+parse_chunk_header(<<H, T/binary>>, Acc) ->
     case is_whitespace(H) of
 	true ->
 	    parse_chunk_header(T, Acc);
 	false ->
 	    parse_chunk_header(T, [H | Acc])
-parse_chunk_header([], Acc) ->
+parse_chunk_header(<<>>, Acc) ->
 is_whitespace($\s)  -> true;
@@ -1249,6 +1289,8 @@ format_response_data(Resp_format, Body) ->
     case Resp_format of
 	list when is_list(Body) ->
+	list when is_binary(Body) ->
+	    binary_to_list(Body);
 	binary when is_list(Body) ->
 	_ ->
@@ -1399,4 +1441,8 @@ get_stream_chunk_size(Options) ->
 	_ ->
+get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = #request{options = Opts}}) ->	
+    get_value(inactivity_timeout, Opts, infinity);
+get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = undefined}) ->
+    infinity.
diff --git a/ibrowse_lb.erl b/ibrowse_lb.erl
index 03dc4e0..9212ccd 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lb.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lb.erl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse_lb.erl,v 1.1 2008/03/27 01:36:21 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse_lb.erl,v 1.2 2009/07/01 22:43:19 chandrusf Exp $ ').
@@ -39,13 +39,6 @@
 		num_cur_sessions = 0}).
--import(ibrowse_lib, [
-		      parse_url/1,
-		      printable_date/0,
-		      get_value/3
-		     ]).
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index de8865f..f3559b5 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
 %%% Created : 14 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse_test.erl,v 1.3 2008/05/21 15:28:11 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse_test.erl,v 1.4 2009/07/01 22:43:19 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+	 unit_tests_1/2,
@@ -20,8 +21,6 @@
--import(ibrowse_lib, [printable_date/0]).
 %% Use ibrowse:set_max_sessions/3 and ibrowse:set_max_pipeline_size/3 to
 %% tweak settings before running the load test. The defaults are 10 and 10.
 load_test(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) when is_list(Url),
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ send_reqs_1(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) ->
     log_msg("End time  : ~1000.p~n", [calendar:now_to_local_time(End_time)]),
     Elapsed_time_secs = trunc(timer:now_diff(End_time, Start_time) / 1000000),
     log_msg("Elapsed   : ~p~n", [Elapsed_time_secs]),
-    log_msg("Reqs/sec  : ~p~n", [(NumWorkers*NumReqsPerWorker) / Elapsed_time_secs]),
+    log_msg("Reqs/sec  : ~p~n", [round(trunc((NumWorkers*NumReqsPerWorker) / Elapsed_time_secs))]),
 init_results() ->
@@ -183,11 +182,23 @@ unit_tests() ->
 unit_tests(Options) ->
+    {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options]),
+    receive 
+	{done, Pid} ->
+	    ok;
+	{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Info} ->
+	    io:format("Test process crashed: ~p~n", [Info])
+    after 60000 ->
+	    io:format("Timed out waiting for tests to complete~n", [])
+    end.
+unit_tests_1(Parent, Options) ->
     lists:foreach(fun({Url, Method}) ->
 			  execute_req(Url, Method, Options);
 		     ({Url, Method, X_Opts}) ->
 			  execute_req(Url, Method, X_Opts ++ Options)
-		  end, ?TEST_LIST).
+		  end, ?TEST_LIST),
+    Parent ! {done, self()}.
 verify_chunked_streaming() ->
@@ -201,10 +212,10 @@ verify_chunked_streaming(Options) ->
 				 [{response_format, binary} | Options]),
     io:format("Fetching data with streaming as list...~n", []),
     Async_response_list = do_async_req_list(
-			    Url, get, [{response_format, list}]),
+			    Url, get, [{response_format, list} | Options]),
     io:format("Fetching data with streaming as binary...~n", []),
     Async_response_bin = do_async_req_list(
-			   Url, get, [{response_format, binary}]),
+			   Url, get, [{response_format, binary} | Options]),
     compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin).
 compare_responses({ok, St_code, _, Body}, {ok, St_code, _, Body}, {ok, St_code, _, Body}) ->
@@ -220,6 +231,9 @@ compare_responses({ok, St_code, _, Body_1}, {ok, St_code, _, Body_2}, {ok, St_co
 	_ ->
 	    io:format("All three bodies are different!~n", [])
+    io:format("Body_1 -> ~p~n", [Body_1]),
+    io:format("Body_2 -> ~p~n", [Body_2]),
+    io:format("Body_3 -> ~p~n", [Body_3]),
 compare_responses(R1, R2, R3) ->
     io:format("R1 -> ~p~n", [R1]),
@@ -227,12 +241,12 @@ compare_responses(R1, R2, R3) ->
     io:format("R3 -> ~p~n", [R3]),
-do_async_req_list(Url) ->
-    do_async_req_list(Url, get).
+%% do_async_req_list(Url) ->
+%%     do_async_req_list(Url, get).
-do_async_req_list(Url, Method) ->
-    do_async_req_list(Url, Method, [{stream_to, self()},
-				    {stream_chunk_size, 1000}]).
+%% do_async_req_list(Url, Method) ->
+%%     do_async_req_list(Url, Method, [{stream_to, self()},
+%% 				    {stream_chunk_size, 1000}]).
 do_async_req_list(Url, Method, Options) ->
     {Pid,_} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, i_do_async_req_list,
@@ -270,10 +284,6 @@ wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body) ->
 	{ibrowse_async_headers, Req_id, StatCode, Headers} ->
 	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, StatCode, Headers, Body);
-	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, {chunk_start, _}} ->
-	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body);
-	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, chunk_end} ->
-	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body);
 	{ibrowse_async_response_end, Req_id} ->
 	    Body_1 = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Body)),
 	    {ok, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body_1};
@@ -284,7 +294,7 @@ wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body) ->
 execute_req(Url, Method, Options) ->
-    io:format("~s, ~p: ", [Url, Method]),
+    io:format("~7.7w, ~50.50s: ", [Method, Url]),
     Result = (catch ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], Options)),
     case Result of
 	{ok, SCode, _H, _B} ->

[12/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
upgrade ibrowse to 1.5.2.  Closes COUCHDB-451

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: c6b2bb6068293ee9d3e536c81257927eb51e68a5
Parents: 087f816
Author: Adam Kocoloski <>
Authored: Thu Aug 6 14:26:16 2009 +0000
Committer: Adam Kocoloski <>
Committed: Thu Aug 6 14:26:16 2009 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |  2 +-
 ibrowse.erl             | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 23 +++++++++++++++++------
 ibrowse_lb.erl          | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 ibrowse_test.erl        |  4 ++++
 5 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 02a3e6e..76262a6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 ## the License.
-ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-1.4.1/ebin
+ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-1.5.2/ebin
 ibrowse_file_collection = \
     ibrowse.erl \
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 81fc74d..1913ef5 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 %% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
 %% @copyright 2005-2009 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
-%% @version 1.5.1
+%% @version 1.5.2
 %% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client. This
 %% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
 %% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
+	 show_dest_status/0,
@@ -480,6 +481,44 @@ all_trace_off() ->
     ibrowse ! all_trace_off,
+show_dest_status() ->
+    Dests = lists:filter(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, _}) when is_list(Host),
+							     is_integer(Port) ->
+				 true;
+			    (_) ->
+				 false
+			 end, ets:tab2list(ibrowse_lb)),
+    All_ets = ets:all(),
+    io:format("~-40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-10.10s | ~s~n",
+	      ["Server:port", "ETS", "Num conns", "LB Pid"]),
+    io:format("~80.80.=s~n", [""]),
+    lists:foreach(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, Lb_pid}) ->
+			  case lists:dropwhile(
+				 fun(Tid) ->
+					 ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
+				 end, All_ets) of
+			      [] ->
+				  io:format("~40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-5.5s | ~s~n",
+					    [Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
+					     "",
+					     "",
+					     io_lib:format("~p", [Lb_pid])]
+					   );
+			      [Tid | _] ->
+				  catch (
+				    begin
+					Size = ets:info(Tid, size),
+					io:format("~40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-5.5s | ~s~n",
+						  [Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
+						   integer_to_list(Tid),
+						   integer_to_list(Size),
+						   io_lib:format("~p", [Lb_pid])]
+						 )
+				    end
+				   )
+				  end
+		  end, Dests).
 %% @doc Shows some internal information about load balancing to a
 %% specified Host:Port. Info about workers spawned using
 %% spawn_worker_process/2 or spawn_link_worker_process/2 is not
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 013f31b..dde258e 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}},
 handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
     do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
-    {stop, normal, State};
+    {stop, normal, ok, State};
 handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
     Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
@@ -184,6 +184,15 @@ handle_info({ssl_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
     {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info({tcp_error, _Sock}, State) ->
+    io:format("Error on connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p~n", [, State#state.port]),
+    handle_sock_closed(State),
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info({ssl_error, _Sock}, State) ->
+    io:format("Error on SSL connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p~n", [, State#state.port]),
+    handle_sock_closed(State),
+    {stop, normal, State};
 handle_info({req_timedout, From}, State) ->
     case lists:keysearch(From, #request.from, queue:to_list(State#state.reqs)) of
 	false ->
@@ -204,6 +213,8 @@ handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info(Info, State) ->
+    io:format("Unknown message recvd for ~1000.p:~1000.p -> ~p~n",
+	      [, State#state.port, Info]),
     io:format("Recvd unknown message ~p when in state: ~p~n", [Info, State]),
     {noreply, State}.
@@ -869,8 +880,8 @@ is_connection_closing(_, _)                -> false.
 %% This clause determines the chunk size when given data from the beginning of the chunk
-		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
-			 chunk_size=chunk_start,
+		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
+			 chunk_size = chunk_start,
 			 chunk_size_buffer = Chunk_sz_buf
 			} = State) ->
     case scan_crlf(Chunk_sz_buf, DataRecvd) of
@@ -906,15 +917,15 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 	{yes, _, NextChunk} ->
 	    State_1 = State#state{chunk_size = chunk_start,
 				  chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
-%%				  reply_buffer = Buf_1,
 				  deleted_crlf = true},
 	    parse_11_response(NextChunk, State_1);
 	{no, Data_1} ->
-%%	    State#state{reply_buffer = Data_1, rep_buf_size = size(Data_1)}
 	    State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
-%% This clause deals with the end of a chunked transfer
+%% This clause deals with the end of a chunked transfer. ibrowse does
+%% not support Trailers in the Chunked Transfer encoding. Any trailer
+%% received is silently discarded.
 		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0,
 			 cur_req = CurReq,
diff --git a/ibrowse_lb.erl b/ibrowse_lb.erl
index 9c2165b..834054a 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lb.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lb.erl
@@ -108,18 +108,19 @@ spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Url,
 %% Update max_sessions in #state with supplied value
 handle_call({spawn_connection, _Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, _}, _From,
-	    #state{ets_tid = Tid,
-		   num_cur_sessions = Num} = State)
+	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Num} = State)
     when Num >= Max_sess ->
-    Reply = find_best_connection(Tid, Max_pipe),
-    {reply, Reply, State#state{max_sessions = Max_sess}};
+    State_1 = maybe_create_ets(State),
+    Reply = find_best_connection(State_1#state.ets_tid, Max_pipe),
+    {reply, Reply, State_1#state{max_sessions = Max_sess}};
 handle_call({spawn_connection, Url, _Max_sess, _Max_pipe, SSL_options}, _From,
-	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Cur,
-		   ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
+	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Cur} = State) ->
+    State_1 = maybe_create_ets(State),
+    Tid = State_1#state.ets_tid,
     {ok, Pid} = ibrowse_http_client:start_link({Tid, Url, SSL_options}),
     ets:insert(Tid, {{1, Pid}, []}),
-    {reply, {ok, Pid}, State#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur + 1}};
+    {reply, {ok, Pid}, State_1#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur + 1}};
 handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
     Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
@@ -145,11 +146,26 @@ handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
 handle_info({'EXIT', Parent, _Reason}, #state{parent_pid = Parent} = State) ->
     {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, _Reason}, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
+    {noreply, State};
 handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason},
 	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Cur,
 		   ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
     ets:match_delete(Tid, {{'_', Pid}, '_'}),
-    {noreply, State#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur - 1}};
+    Cur_1 = Cur - 1,
+    State_1 = case Cur_1 of
+		  0 ->
+		      ets:delete(Tid),
+		      State#state{ets_tid = undefined};
+		  _ ->
+		      State
+	      end,
+    {noreply, State_1#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur_1}};
+handle_info({trace, Bool}, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
+    put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
+    {noreply, State};
 handle_info({trace, Bool}, #state{ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
     ets:foldl(fun({{_, Pid}, _}, Acc) when is_pid(Pid) ->
@@ -192,3 +208,9 @@ find_best_connection(Tid, Max_pipe) ->
 	_ ->
 	    {error, retry_later}
+maybe_create_ets(#state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
+    Tid = ets:new(ibrowse_lb, [public, ordered_set]),
+    State#state{ets_tid = Tid};
+maybe_create_ets(State) ->
+    State.
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index cab1f88..3dc66ec 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@ unit_tests(Options) ->
 	{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Info} ->
 	    io:format("Test process crashed: ~p~n", [Info])
     after 60000 ->
+	    exit(Pid, kill),
 	    io:format("Timed out waiting for tests to complete~n", [])
@@ -301,6 +302,9 @@ wait_for_resp(Pid) ->
 	{async_result, Pid, Res} ->
+	{async_result, Other_pid, _} ->
+	    io:format("~p: Waiting for result from ~p: got from ~p~n", [self(), Pid, Other_pid]),
+	    wait_for_resp(Pid);
 	{'DOWN', _, _, Pid, Reason} ->
 	    {'EXIT', Reason};
 	{'DOWN', _, _, _, _} ->

[16/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
more relaxed verification of SSL chains, COUCHDB-840

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 1c4324e46d6ad9de8df77bc7215fd8da7fa280e4
Parents: c166256
Author: Adam Kocoloski <>
Authored: Thu Jul 29 00:02:08 2010 +0000
Committer: Adam Kocoloski <>
Committed: Thu Jul 29 00:02:08 2010 +0000

 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index a767b84..65d9cb9 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ init(#url{host=Host, port=Port, protocol=Protocol}) ->
         host = Host,
         port = Port,
         is_ssl = (Protocol == https),
-        ssl_options = [{ssl_imp, new}]
+        ssl_options = [{ssl_imp, new}, {depth, 9}]
     put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
     put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),

[29/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Add support for replication over IPv6 (part 1)

This change upgrades ibrowse to version 2.2.0. This version adds support
for IPv6 (
This is part of COUCHDB-665.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: ca1ed9659ed462917c36954d96734c589fef8193
Parents: 7232082
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Wed Apr 13 08:50:58 2011 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Wed Apr 13 08:50:58 2011 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |  2 +-          |  2 +-
 ibrowse.hrl             | 11 +++++++++-
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 ibrowse_lib.erl         | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 5 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index bfd52ba..869bd10 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 ## the License.
-ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.1.3/ebin
+ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.2.0/ebin
 ibrowse_file_collection = \ \
diff --git a/ b/
index 875620d..af46d8a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
         [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "2.1.3"},
+         {vsn, "2.2.0"},
          {modules, [ ibrowse, 
diff --git a/ibrowse.hrl b/ibrowse.hrl
index ebf3bb3..18dde82 100644
--- a/ibrowse.hrl
+++ b/ibrowse.hrl
@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
 -define(IBROWSE_HRL, "ibrowse.hrl").
--record(url, {abspath, host, port, username, password, path, protocol}).
+-record(url, {
+          abspath,
+          host,
+          port,
+          username,
+          password,
+          path,
+          protocol,
+          host_type  % 'hostname', 'ipv4_address' or 'ipv6_address'
 -record(lb_pid, {host_port, pid}).
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 7d606e6..eb2bf31 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 -record(state, {host, port, connect_timeout,
@@ -489,13 +490,19 @@ do_connect(Host, Port, Options, #state{is_ssl      = true,
                                        use_proxy   = false,
                                        ssl_options = SSLOptions},
            Timeout) ->
-    ssl:connect(Host, Port, get_sock_options(Options, SSLOptions), Timeout);
+    ssl:connect(Host, Port, get_sock_options(Host, Options, SSLOptions), Timeout);
 do_connect(Host, Port, Options, _State, Timeout) ->
-    gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, get_sock_options(Options, []), Timeout).
+    gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, get_sock_options(Host, Options, []), Timeout).
-get_sock_options(Options, SSLOptions) ->
+get_sock_options(Host, Options, SSLOptions) ->
     Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),
-    Other_sock_options = filter_sock_options(SSLOptions ++ Caller_socket_options),
+    Ipv6Options = case is_ipv6_host(Host) of
+        true ->
+            [inet6];
+        false ->
+            []
+    end,
+    Other_sock_options = filter_sock_options(SSLOptions ++ Caller_socket_options ++ Ipv6Options),
     case lists:keysearch(nodelay, 1, Other_sock_options) of
         false ->
             [{nodelay, true}, binary, {active, false} | Other_sock_options];
@@ -503,6 +510,21 @@ get_sock_options(Options, SSLOptions) ->
             [binary, {active, false} | Other_sock_options]
+is_ipv6_host(Host) ->
+    case inet_parse:address(Host) of
+        {ok, {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} ->
+            true;
+        {ok, {_, _, _, _}} ->
+            false;
+        _  ->
+            case inet:gethostbyname(Host) of
+                {ok, #hostent{h_addrtype = inet6}} ->
+                    true;
+                _ ->
+                    false
+            end
+    end.
 %% We don't want the caller to specify certain options
 filter_sock_options(Opts) ->
     lists:filter(fun({active, _}) ->
@@ -1278,7 +1300,12 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                        reply_buffer  = RepBuf,
                        recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
     Body = RepBuf,
-    ok = file:close(Fd),
+    case Fd of
+        undefined -> 
+            ok;
+        _ -> 
+            ok = file:close(Fd)
+    end,
     ResponseBody = case TmpFilename of
                        undefined ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_lib.erl b/ibrowse_lib.erl
index 696d0f6..3cbe3ac 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lib.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -180,7 +180,19 @@ get_value(Tag, TVL) ->
 parse_url(Url) ->
-    parse_url(Url, get_protocol, #url{abspath=Url}, []).
+    case parse_url(Url, get_protocol, #url{abspath=Url}, []) of
+        #url{host_type = undefined, host = Host} = UrlRec ->
+            case inet_parse:address(Host) of
+                {ok, {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} ->
+                    UrlRec#url{host_type = ipv6_address};
+                {ok, {_, _, _, _}} ->
+                    UrlRec#url{host_type = ipv4_address};
+                _ ->
+                    UrlRec#url{host_type = hostname}
+            end;
+        Else ->
+            Else
+    end.
 parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | _], get_protocol, Url, []) ->
     {invalid_uri_1, Url};
@@ -215,6 +227,21 @@ parse_url([$@ | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
               Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
                       password = ""},
+parse_url([$[ | T], get_username, Url, []) ->
+    % IPv6 address literals are enclosed by square brackets:
+    %
+    parse_url(T, get_ipv6_address, Url#url{host_type = ipv6_address}, []);
+parse_url([$[ | T], get_username, _Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    {error, {invalid_username_or_host, lists:reverse(TmpAcc) ++ "[" ++ T}};
+parse_url([$[ | _], get_password, _Url, []) ->
+    {error, missing_password};
+parse_url([$[ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    % IPv6 address literals are enclosed by square brackets:
+    %
+    parse_url(T, get_ipv6_address,
+              Url#url{host_type = ipv6_address,
+                      password = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
+              []);
 parse_url([$@ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
     parse_url(T, get_host, 
               Url#url{password = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
@@ -236,6 +263,28 @@ parse_url([H | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
             username = undefined,
             password = undefined,
            path = Path};
+parse_url([$] | T], get_ipv6_address, #url{protocol = Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    Addr = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
+    case inet_parse:address(Addr) of
+        {ok, {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} ->
+            Url2 = Url#url{host = Addr, port = default_port(Prot)},
+            case T of
+                [$: | T2] ->
+                    parse_url(T2, get_port, Url2, []);
+                [$/ | T2] ->
+                    Url2#url{path = [$/ | T2]};
+                [$? | T2] ->
+                    Url2#url{path = [$/, $? | T2]};
+                [] ->
+                    Url2#url{path = "/"};
+                _ ->
+                    {error, {invalid_host, "[" ++ Addr ++ "]" ++ T}}
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            {error, {invalid_ipv6_address, Addr}}
+    end;
+parse_url([$[ | T], get_host, #url{} = Url, []) ->
+    parse_url(T, get_ipv6_address, Url#url{host_type = ipv6_address}, []);
 parse_url([$: | T], get_host, #url{} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
     parse_url(T, get_port, 
               Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},

[05/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Added code coverage report generation target.

To generate reports:

    # Assuming etap is installed
    $ cd /path/to/couchdb
    $ ./bootstrap && ERLC_FLAGS=+debug_info ./configure && make cover

You can browse the report by opening ./cover/index.html in your html consuming software of choice.

Shoutout to Nick Gerakines in THANKS for helping with etap and testing in general.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: b9c2e64805ad6d0abca5b96425f82e01190f46e7
Parents: 208131a
Author: Paul Joseph Davis <>
Authored: Sat May 30 21:12:06 2009 +0000
Committer: Paul Joseph Davis <>
Committed: Sat May 30 21:12:06 2009 +0000

---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 614bdc3..2ba7b31 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ CLEANFILES = \
 %.beam: %.erl
-	$(ERLC) $<
+	$(ERLC) $(ERLC_FLAGS) $<

[27/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Applied 2 more ibrowse fixes already submitted upstream

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: cb08a0db501d5478f305b4916d49da77a15e2a71
Parents: 99da0af
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Fri Jan 7 17:15:24 2011 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Fri Jan 7 17:15:24 2011 +0000

 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 13 +++++++++----
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index ea75948..5dce321 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -287,10 +287,14 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status = get_header}=State) ->
         {error, _Reason} ->
             {stop, normal, State};
-        State_1 ->
-            active_once(State_1),
-            State_2 = set_inac_timer(State_1),
-            {noreply, State_2}
+        #state{socket = Socket, status = Status, cur_req = CurReq} = State_1 ->
+            case {Status, CurReq} of
+                {get_header, #request{caller_controls_socket = true}} ->
+                    do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State_1);
+                _ ->
+                    active_once(State_1)
+            end,
+            {noreply, set_inac_timer(State_1)}
 handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status           = get_body,
@@ -683,6 +687,7 @@ send_req_1(From,
            Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
            #state{status    = Status,
                   socket    = Socket} = State) ->
+    cancel_timer(State#state.inactivity_timer_ref, {eat_message, timeout}),
     ReqId = make_req_id(),
     Resp_format = get_value(response_format, Options, list),
     Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),

[32/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
update ibrowse to 4.0.1


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 50ee48dd5df7eca3ec1d94d600bc06e75561b1ca
Parents: 6a89bd6
Author: Jan Lehnardt <>
Authored: Wed Nov 14 20:13:52 2012 +0100
Committer: Jan Lehnardt <>
Committed: Sat Jan 12 20:10:23 2013 +0100

----------------------------------------------------------------------          |  14 +--
 ibrowse.erl             | 250 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 268 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 ibrowse_lb.erl          |  91 +++++++++------
 ibrowse_lib.erl         |  74 ++++++++++--
 ibrowse_test.erl        | 132 +++++++++++++++++++--
 6 files changed, 565 insertions(+), 264 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index af46d8a..1d88084 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
-        [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "2.2.0"},
-         {modules, [ ibrowse, 
-		     ibrowse_http_client, 
-		     ibrowse_app, 
-		     ibrowse_sup, 
-		     ibrowse_lib,
-		     ibrowse_lb ]},
-         {registered, []},
-         {applications, [kernel,stdlib,sasl]},
+        [{description, "Erlang HTTP client application"},
+         {vsn, "4.0.1"},
+         {registered, [ibrowse_sup, ibrowse]},
+         {applications, [kernel,stdlib]},
 	 {env, []},
 	 {mod, {ibrowse_app, []}}]}.
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index f70f92f..80a4282 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 %%% Created : 11 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
 %% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
-%% @copyright 2005-2011 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
-%% @version 2.1.3
+%% @copyright 2005-2012 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
 %% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client in erlang. This
 %% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
 %% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
@@ -71,6 +70,7 @@
+         add_config/1,
@@ -97,7 +97,10 @@
-         show_dest_status/2
+         show_dest_status/1,
+         show_dest_status/2,
+         get_metrics/0,
+         get_metrics/2
@@ -136,7 +139,12 @@ start() ->
 %% @doc Stop the ibrowse process. Useful when testing using the shell.
 stop() ->
-    catch gen_server:call(ibrowse, stop).
+    case catch gen_server:call(ibrowse, stop) of
+        {'EXIT',{noproc,_}} ->
+            ok;
+        Res ->
+            Res
+    end.
 %% @doc This is the basic function to send a HTTP request.
 %% The Status return value indicates the HTTP status code returned by the webserver
@@ -277,7 +285,8 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %%          {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}} | 
 %%          {headers_as_is, boolean()}         |
 %%          {give_raw_headers, boolean()}      |
-%%          {preserve_chunked_encoding,boolean()}
+%%          {preserve_chunked_encoding,boolean()}     |
+%%          {workaround, head_response_with_body}
 %% stream_to() = process() | {process(), once}
 %% process() = pid() | atom()
@@ -287,7 +296,7 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% Sock_opts = [Sock_opt]
 %% Sock_opt = term()
 %% ChunkSize = integer()
-%% srtf() = boolean() | filename()
+%% srtf() = boolean() | filename() | {append, filename()}
 %% filename() = string()
 %% response_format() = list | binary
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options) ->
@@ -354,15 +363,16 @@ try_routing_request(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
     {error, retry_later}.
 merge_options(Host, Port, Options) ->
-    Config_options = get_config_value({options, Host, Port}, []),
+    Config_options = get_config_value({options, Host, Port}, []) ++
+                     get_config_value({options, global}, []),
       fun({Key, Val}, Acc) ->
-                        case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Options) of
-                            false ->
-                                [{Key, Val} | Acc];
-                            _ ->
-                                Acc
-                        end
+              case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Options) of
+                  false ->
+                      [{Key, Val} | Acc];
+                  _ ->
+                      Acc
+              end
       end, Options, Config_options).
 get_lb_pid(Url) ->
@@ -426,6 +436,8 @@ do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
             {error, req_timedout};
         {'EXIT', {noproc, {gen_server, call, [Conn_Pid, _, _]}}} ->
             {error, sel_conn_closed};
+        {'EXIT', {normal, _}} ->
+            {error, req_timedout};
         {error, connection_closed} ->
             {error, sel_conn_closed};
         {'EXIT', Reason} ->
@@ -581,74 +593,98 @@ all_trace_off() ->
 %% about workers spawned using spawn_worker_process/2 or
 %% spawn_link_worker_process/2 is not included.
 show_dest_status() ->
-    Dests = lists:filter(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, _}) when is_list(Host),
-                                                             is_integer(Port) ->
-                                 true;
-                            (_) ->
-                                 false
-                         end, ets:tab2list(ibrowse_lb)),
-    All_ets = ets:all(),
     io:format("~-40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-10.10s | ~s~n",
               ["Server:port", "ETS", "Num conns", "LB Pid"]),
     io:format("~80.80.=s~n", [""]),
-    lists:foreach(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, Lb_pid}) ->
-                          case lists:dropwhile(
-                                 fun(Tid) ->
-                                         ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
-                                 end, All_ets) of
-                              [] ->
-                                  io:format("~40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-5.5s | ~s~n",
-                                            [Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
-                                             "",
-                                             "",
-                                             io_lib:format("~p", [Lb_pid])]
-                                           );
-                              [Tid | _] ->
-                                  catch (
-                                    begin
-                                        Size = ets:info(Tid, size),
-                                        io:format("~40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-5.5s | ~s~n",
-                                                  [Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
-                                                   io_lib:format("~p", [Tid]),
-                                                   integer_to_list(Size),
-                                                   io_lib:format("~p", [Lb_pid])]
-                                                 )
-                                    end
-                                   )
-                                  end
-                  end, Dests).
+    Metrics = get_metrics(),
+    lists:foreach(
+      fun({Host, Port, Lb_pid, Tid, Size}) ->
+              io:format("~40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-5.5s | ~p~n",
+                        [Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
+                         integer_to_list(Tid),
+                         integer_to_list(Size), 
+                         Lb_pid])
+      end, Metrics).
+show_dest_status(Url) ->                                          
+    #url{host = Host, port = Port} = ibrowse_lib:parse_url(Url),
+    show_dest_status(Host, Port).
 %% @doc Shows some internal information about load balancing to a
 %% specified Host:Port. Info about workers spawned using
 %% spawn_worker_process/2 or spawn_link_worker_process/2 is not
 %% included.
 show_dest_status(Host, Port) ->
+    case get_metrics(Host, Port) of
+        {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize, Tid, Size,
+         {{First_p_sz, First_speculative_sz},
+          {Last_p_sz, Last_speculative_sz}}} ->
+            io:format("Load Balancer Pid     : ~p~n"
+                      "LB process msg q size : ~p~n"
+                      "LB ETS table id       : ~p~n"
+                      "Num Connections       : ~p~n"
+                      "Smallest pipeline     : ~p:~p~n"
+                      "Largest pipeline      : ~p:~p~n",
+                      [Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize, Tid, Size, 
+                       First_p_sz, First_speculative_sz,
+                       Last_p_sz, Last_speculative_sz]);
+        _Err ->
+            io:format("Metrics not available~n", [])
+    end.
+get_metrics() ->
+    Dests = lists:filter(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, _}) when is_list(Host),
+                                                             is_integer(Port) ->
+                                 true;
+                            (_) ->
+                                 false
+                         end, ets:tab2list(ibrowse_lb)),
+    All_ets = ets:all(),
+    lists:map(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, Lb_pid}) ->
+                  case lists:dropwhile(
+                         fun(Tid) ->
+                                 ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
+                         end, All_ets) of
+                      [] ->
+                          {Host, Port, Lb_pid, unknown, 0};
+                      [Tid | _] ->
+                          Size = case catch (ets:info(Tid, size)) of
+                                     N when is_integer(N) -> N;
+                                     _ -> 0
+                                 end,
+                          {Host, Port, Lb_pid, Tid, Size}
+                  end
+              end, Dests).
+get_metrics(Host, Port) ->
     case ets:lookup(ibrowse_lb, {Host, Port}) of
         [] ->
         [#lb_pid{pid = Lb_pid}] ->
-            io:format("Load Balancer Pid     : ~p~n", [Lb_pid]),
-            io:format("LB process msg q size : ~p~n", [(catch process_info(Lb_pid, message_queue_len))]),
+            MsgQueueSize = (catch process_info(Lb_pid, message_queue_len)),
+            %% {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize,
             case lists:dropwhile(
                    fun(Tid) ->
                            ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
                    end, ets:all()) of
                 [] ->
-                    io:format("Couldn't locate ETS table for ~p~n", [Lb_pid]);
+                    {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize, unknown, 0, unknown};
                 [Tid | _] ->
-                    First = ets:first(Tid),
-                    Last = ets:last(Tid),
-                    Size = ets:info(Tid, size),
-                    io:format("LB ETS table id       : ~p~n", [Tid]),
-                    io:format("Num Connections       : ~p~n", [Size]),
-                    case Size of
-                        0 ->
-                            ok;
-                        _ ->
-                            {First_p_sz, _} = First,
-                            {Last_p_sz, _} = Last,
-                            io:format("Smallest pipeline     : ~1000.p~n", [First_p_sz]),
-                            io:format("Largest pipeline      : ~1000.p~n", [Last_p_sz])
+                    try
+                        Size = ets:info(Tid, size),
+                        case Size of
+                            0 ->
+                                ok;
+                            _ ->
+                                First = ets:first(Tid),
+                                Last = ets:last(Tid),
+                                [{_, First_p_sz, First_speculative_sz}] = ets:lookup(Tid, First),
+                                [{_, Last_p_sz, Last_speculative_sz}] = ets:lookup(Tid, Last),
+                                {Lb_pid, MsgQueueSize, Tid, Size,
+                                 {{First_p_sz, First_speculative_sz}, {Last_p_sz, Last_speculative_sz}}}
+                        end
+                    catch _:_ ->
+                            not_available
@@ -663,9 +699,15 @@ rescan_config() ->
 %% Clear current configuration for ibrowse and load from the specified
 %% file. Current configuration is cleared only if the specified
 %% file is readable using file:consult/1
+rescan_config([{_,_}|_]=Terms) ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {rescan_config_terms, Terms});
 rescan_config(File) when is_list(File) ->
     gen_server:call(?MODULE, {rescan_config, File}).
+%% @doc Add additional configuration elements at runtime.
+add_config([{_,_}|_]=Terms) ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add_config_terms, Terms}).
 %% Server functions
@@ -701,44 +743,60 @@ import_config() ->
 import_config(Filename) ->
     case file:consult(Filename) of
         {ok, Terms} ->
-            ets:delete_all_objects(ibrowse_conf),
-            Fun = fun({dest, Host, Port, MaxSess, MaxPipe, Options}) 
-                     when is_list(Host), is_integer(Port),
-                          is_integer(MaxSess), MaxSess > 0,
-                          is_integer(MaxPipe), MaxPipe > 0, is_list(Options) ->
-                          I = [{{max_sessions, Host, Port}, MaxSess},
-                               {{max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, MaxPipe},
-                               {{options, Host, Port}, Options}],
-                          lists:foreach(
-                            fun({X, Y}) ->
-                                    ets:insert(ibrowse_conf,
-                                               #ibrowse_conf{key = X, 
-                                                             value = Y})
-                            end, I);
-                     ({K, V}) ->
-                          ets:insert(ibrowse_conf,
-                                     #ibrowse_conf{key = K,
-                                                   value = V});
-                     (X) ->
-                          io:format("Skipping unrecognised term: ~p~n", [X])
-                  end,
-            lists:foreach(Fun, Terms);
+            apply_config(Terms);
         _Err ->
+apply_config(Terms) ->
+    ets:delete_all_objects(ibrowse_conf),
+    insert_config(Terms).
+insert_config(Terms) ->
+    Fun = fun({dest, Host, Port, MaxSess, MaxPipe, Options}) 
+             when is_list(Host), is_integer(Port),
+                  is_integer(MaxSess), MaxSess > 0,
+                  is_integer(MaxPipe), MaxPipe > 0, is_list(Options) ->
+                  I = [{{max_sessions, Host, Port}, MaxSess},
+                       {{max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, MaxPipe},
+                       {{options, Host, Port}, Options}],
+                  lists:foreach(
+                    fun({X, Y}) ->
+                            ets:insert(ibrowse_conf,
+                                       #ibrowse_conf{key = X, 
+                                                     value = Y})
+                    end, I);
+             ({K, V}) ->
+                  ets:insert(ibrowse_conf,
+                             #ibrowse_conf{key = K,
+                                           value = V});
+             (X) ->
+                  io:format("Skipping unrecognised term: ~p~n", [X])
+          end,
+    lists:foreach(Fun, Terms).
 %% @doc Internal export
 get_config_value(Key) ->
-    [#ibrowse_conf{value = V}] = ets:lookup(ibrowse_conf, Key),
-    V.
+    try
+        [#ibrowse_conf{value = V}] = ets:lookup(ibrowse_conf, Key),
+        V
+    catch
+        error:badarg ->
+            throw({error, ibrowse_not_running})
+    end.
 %% @doc Internal export
 get_config_value(Key, DefVal) ->
-    case ets:lookup(ibrowse_conf, Key) of
-        [] ->
-            DefVal;
-        [#ibrowse_conf{value = V}] ->
-            V
+    try
+        case ets:lookup(ibrowse_conf, Key) of
+            [] ->
+                DefVal;
+            [#ibrowse_conf{value = V}] ->
+                V
+        end
+    catch
+        error:badarg ->
+            throw({error, ibrowse_not_running})
 set_config_value(Key, Val) ->
@@ -777,6 +835,14 @@ handle_call({rescan_config, File}, _From, State) ->
     Ret = (catch import_config(File)),
     {reply, Ret, State};
+handle_call({rescan_config_terms, Terms}, _From, State) ->
+    Ret = (catch apply_config(Terms)),
+    {reply, Ret, State};
+handle_call({add_config_terms, Terms}, _From, State) ->
+    Ret = (catch insert_config(Terms)),
+    {reply, Ret, State};
 handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
     Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
     {reply, Reply, State}.
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 00e8ed3..c01385a 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
                 reply_buffer = <<>>, rep_buf_size=0, streamed_size = 0,
                 status_line, raw_headers,
-                is_closing, send_timer, content_length,
+                is_closing, content_length,
                 deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding,
                 chunk_size, chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
                 recvd_chunk_size, interim_reply_sent = false,
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
                   save_response_to_file = false,
                   tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd, preserve_chunked_encoding,
-                  response_format}).
+                  response_format, timer_ref}).
 -import(ibrowse_lib, [
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ init({Lb_Tid, #url{host = Host, port = Port}, {SSLOptions, Is_ssl}}) ->
                    lb_ets_tid = Lb_Tid},
     put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
     put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
-    {ok, State};
+    {ok, set_inac_timer(State)};
 init(Url) when is_list(Url) ->
     case catch ibrowse_lib:parse_url(Url) of
         #url{protocol = Protocol} = Url_rec ->
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ init({Host, Port}) ->
                    port = Port},
     put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
     put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
-    {ok, State}.
+    {ok, set_inac_timer(State)}.
 %% Function: handle_call/3
@@ -179,7 +179,6 @@ handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
 %%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
 handle_info({tcp, _Sock, Data}, #state{status = Status} = State) ->
-%%    io:format("Recvd data: ~p~n", [Data]),
     do_trace("Data recvd in state: ~p. Size: ~p. ~p~n~n", [Status, size(Data), Data]),
     handle_sock_data(Data, State);
 handle_info({ssl, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
@@ -187,7 +186,6 @@ handle_info({ssl, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
 handle_info({stream_next, Req_id}, #state{socket = Socket,
                                           cur_req = #request{req_id = Req_id}} = State) ->
-    %% io:format("Client process set {active, once}~n", []),
     do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State),
     {noreply, set_inac_timer(State)};
@@ -198,8 +196,6 @@ handle_info({stream_next, _Req_id}, State) ->
                      _ ->
-%%     io:format("Ignoring stream_next as ~1000.p is not cur req (~1000.p)~n",
-%%               [_Req_id, _Cur_req_id]),
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info({stream_close, _Req_id}, State) ->
@@ -234,7 +230,7 @@ handle_info({req_timedout, From}, State) ->
             {noreply, State};
         true ->
-            do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
+%%            do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
             {stop, normal, State}
@@ -357,7 +353,8 @@ accumulate_response(Data,
                                          tmp_file_fd = undefined} = CurReq,
                       http_status_code=[$2 | _]}=State) when Srtf /= false ->
     TmpFilename = make_tmp_filename(Srtf),
-    case file:open(TmpFilename, [write, delayed_write, raw]) of
+    Mode = file_mode(Srtf),
+    case file:open(TmpFilename, [Mode, delayed_write, raw]) of
         {ok, Fd} ->
             accumulate_response(Data, State#state{
                                         cur_req = CurReq#request{
@@ -434,8 +431,13 @@ make_tmp_filename(true) ->
                    integer_to_list(B) ++
 make_tmp_filename(File) when is_list(File) ->
+    File;
+make_tmp_filename({append, File}) when is_list(File) ->
+file_mode({append, _File}) -> append;
+file_mode(_Srtf) -> write.
 %% Handles the case when the server closes the socket
@@ -560,9 +562,13 @@ do_send_body(Body, State, _TE) ->
 do_send_body1(Source, Resp, State, TE) ->
     case Resp of
+                {ok, Data} when Data == []; Data == <<>> ->
+                        do_send_body({Source}, State, TE);
         {ok, Data} ->
             do_send(maybe_chunked_encode(Data, TE), State),
             do_send_body({Source}, State, TE);
+                {ok, Data, New_source_state} when Data == []; Data == <<>> ->
+                        do_send_body({Source, New_source_state}, State, TE);
         {ok, Data, New_source_state} ->
             do_send(maybe_chunked_encode(Data, TE), State),
             do_send_body({Source, New_source_state}, State, TE);
@@ -658,10 +664,17 @@ send_req_1(From,
                   proxy_tunnel_setup = false,
                   use_proxy = true,
                   is_ssl    = true} = State) ->
+    Ref = case Timeout of
+              infinity ->
+                  undefined;
+              _ ->
+                  erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
+          end,
     NewReq = #request{
       method                    = connect,
       preserve_chunked_encoding = get_value(preserve_chunked_encoding, Options, false),
-      options                   = Options
+      options                   = Options,
+      timer_ref                 = Ref
     State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
     Pxy_auth_headers = maybe_modify_headers(Url, Method, Options, [], State_1),
@@ -677,17 +690,11 @@ send_req_1(From,
                 ok ->
-                    Ref = case Timeout of
-                              infinity ->
-                                  undefined;
-                              _ ->
-                                  erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
-                          end,
-                    State_2 = State_1#state{status     = get_header,
-                                            cur_req    = NewReq,
-                                            send_timer = Ref,
-                                            proxy_tunnel_setup = in_progress,
-                                            tunnel_setup_queue = [{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}]},
+                    State_1_1 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_1),
+                    State_2 = State_1_1#state{status     = get_header,
+                                              cur_req    = NewReq,
+                                              proxy_tunnel_setup = in_progress,
+                                              tunnel_setup_queue = [{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}]},
                     State_3 = set_inac_timer(State_2),
                     {noreply, State_3};
                 Err ->
@@ -738,6 +745,12 @@ send_req_1(From,
                 exit({invalid_option, {stream_to, Stream_to_inv}})
     SaveResponseToFile = get_value(save_response_to_file, Options, false),
+    Ref = case Timeout of
+              infinity ->
+                  undefined;
+              _ ->
+                  erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
+          end,
     NewReq = #request{url                    = Url,
                       method                 = Method,
                       stream_to              = StreamTo,
@@ -749,7 +762,8 @@ send_req_1(From,
                       stream_chunk_size      = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
                       response_format        = Resp_format,
                       from                   = From,
-                      preserve_chunked_encoding = get_value(preserve_chunked_encoding, Options, false)
+                      preserve_chunked_encoding = get_value(preserve_chunked_encoding, Options, false),
+                      timer_ref              = Ref
     State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
     Headers_1 = maybe_modify_headers(Url, Method, Options, Headers, State_1),
@@ -767,19 +781,12 @@ send_req_1(From,
                     State_2 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_1),
-                    Ref = case Timeout of
-                              infinity ->
-                                  undefined;
-                              _ ->
-                                  erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
-                          end,
                     State_3 = case Status of
                                   idle ->
                                       State_2#state{status     = get_header,
-                                                    cur_req    = NewReq,
-                                                    send_timer = Ref};
+                                                    cur_req    = NewReq};
                                   _ ->
-                                      State_2#state{send_timer = Ref}
+                                      State_2
                     case StreamTo of
                         undefined ->
@@ -987,13 +994,17 @@ chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_list(Body) ->
     lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]).
-parse_response(_Data, #state{cur_req = undefined}=State) ->
+parse_response(<<>>, #state{cur_req = undefined}=State) ->
     State#state{status = idle};
+parse_response(Data, #state{cur_req = undefined}) ->
+    do_trace("Data left to process when no pending request. ~1000.p~n", [Data]),
+    {error, data_in_status_idle};
 parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = Acc, reqs = Reqs,
                             cur_req = CurReq} = State) ->
     #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
              method=Method, response_format = Resp_format,
-             options = Options
+             options = Options, timer_ref = T_ref
             } = CurReq,
     MaxHeaderSize = ibrowse:get_config_value(max_headers_size, infinity),
     case scan_header(Acc, Data) of
@@ -1005,47 +1016,55 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = Acc, reqs = Reqs,
             LCHeaders = [{to_lower(X), Y} || {X,Y} <- Headers_1],
             ConnClose = to_lower(get_value("connection", LCHeaders, "false")),
             IsClosing = is_connection_closing(HttpVsn, ConnClose),
-            case IsClosing of
-                true ->
-                    shutting_down(State);
-                false ->
-                    ok
-            end,
+            State_0 = case IsClosing of
+                          true ->
+                              shutting_down(State),
+                              State#state{is_closing = IsClosing};
+                          false ->
+                              State
+                      end,
             Give_raw_headers = get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false),
             State_1 = case Give_raw_headers of
                           true ->
-                              State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
-                                          reply_buffer = <<>>,
-                                          status_line = Status_line,
-                                          raw_headers = Raw_headers,
-                                          http_status_code=StatCode, is_closing=IsClosing};
+                              State_0#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
+                                            reply_buffer = <<>>,
+                                            status_line = Status_line,
+                                            raw_headers = Raw_headers,
+                                            http_status_code=StatCode};
                           false ->
-                              State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
-                                          reply_buffer = <<>>,
-                                          http_status_code=StatCode, is_closing=IsClosing}
+                              State_0#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
+                                            reply_buffer = <<>>,
+                                            http_status_code=StatCode}
             put(conn_close, ConnClose),
             TransferEncoding = to_lower(get_value("transfer-encoding", LCHeaders, "false")),
+            Head_response_with_body = lists:member({workaround, head_response_with_body}, Options),
             case get_value("content-length", LCHeaders, undefined) of
                 _ when Method == connect,
                        hd(StatCode) == $2 ->
-                    cancel_timer(State#state.send_timer),
                     {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
-                    upgrade_to_ssl(set_cur_request(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1,
-                                                               recvd_headers = [],
-                                                               status = idle
-                                                              }));
+                    cancel_timer(T_ref),
+                    upgrade_to_ssl(set_cur_request(State_0#state{reqs = Reqs_1,
+                                                                 recvd_headers = [],
+                                                                 status = idle
+                                                                }));
                 _ when Method == connect ->
                     {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
                     do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1},
                                    {error, proxy_tunnel_failed}),
                     {error, proxy_tunnel_failed};
-                _ when Method == head ->
+                _ when Method =:= head,
+                       Head_response_with_body =:= false ->
+                    %% This (HEAD response with body) is not supposed
+                    %% to happen, but it does. An Apache server was
+                    %% observed to send an "empty" body, but in a
+                    %% Chunked-Transfer-Encoding way, which meant
+                    %% there was still a body.  Issue #67 on Github
                     {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
                     send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
                     State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
                                          {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
-                    cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
+                    cancel_timer(T_ref, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
                     State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
                     State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
                     parse_response(Data_1, State_3);
@@ -1065,7 +1084,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = Acc, reqs = Reqs,
                     send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
                     State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
                                          {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
-                    cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
+                    cancel_timer(T_ref, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
                     State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
                     State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
                     parse_response(Data_1, State_3);
@@ -1084,7 +1103,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = Acc, reqs = Reqs,
                 undefined when HttpVsn =:= "HTTP/1.0";
-                ConnClose =:= "close" ->
+                               ConnClose =:= "close" ->
                     send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
                     State_1#state{reply_buffer = Data_1};
                 undefined ->
@@ -1291,12 +1310,12 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                          save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
                          tmp_file_name = TmpFilename,
                          tmp_file_fd = Fd,
-                         options       = Options
+                         options       = Options,
+                         timer_ref     = ReqTimer
                 #state{http_status_code = SCode,
                        status_line   = Status_line,
                        raw_headers   = Raw_headers,
-                       send_timer    = ReqTimer,
                        reply_buffer  = RepBuf,
                        recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
     Body = RepBuf,
@@ -1324,13 +1343,13 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                          response_format = Resp_format,
-                         options = Options},
+                         options = Options, timer_ref = ReqTimer},
                 #state{http_status_code = SCode,
                        status_line      = Status_line,
                        raw_headers      = Raw_headers,
                        recvd_headers    = Resp_headers,
-                       reply_buffer     = RepBuf,
-                       send_timer       = ReqTimer} = State) ->
+                       reply_buffer     = RepBuf
+                      } = State) ->
     Body = RepBuf,
     {Resp_headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Resp_headers, Raw_headers, Options),
     Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
@@ -1360,10 +1379,10 @@ reset_state(State) ->
 set_cur_request(#state{reqs = Reqs, socket = Socket} = State) ->
-    case queue:to_list(Reqs) of
-        [] ->
+    case queue:peek(Reqs) of
+        empty ->
             State#state{cur_req = undefined};
-        [#request{caller_controls_socket = Ccs} = NextReq | _] ->
+        {value, #request{caller_controls_socket = Ccs} = NextReq} ->
             case Ccs of
                 true ->
                     do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State);
@@ -1410,6 +1429,11 @@ parse_headers_1([$\n, H |T], [$\r | L], Acc) when H =:= 32;
     parse_headers_1(lists:dropwhile(fun(X) ->
                                     end, T), [32 | L], Acc);
+parse_headers_1([$\n, H |T], L, Acc) when H =:= 32;
+                                          H =:= $\t ->
+    parse_headers_1(lists:dropwhile(fun(X) ->
+                                            is_whitespace(X)
+                                    end, T), [32 | L], Acc);
 parse_headers_1([$\n|T], [$\r | L], Acc) ->
     case parse_header(lists:reverse(L)) of
         invalid ->
@@ -1417,6 +1441,13 @@ parse_headers_1([$\n|T], [$\r | L], Acc) ->
         NewHeader ->
             parse_headers_1(T, [], [NewHeader | Acc])
+parse_headers_1([$\n|T], L, Acc) ->
+    case parse_header(lists:reverse(L)) of
+        invalid ->
+            parse_headers_1(T, [], Acc);
+        NewHeader ->
+            parse_headers_1(T, [], [NewHeader | Acc])
+    end;
 parse_headers_1([H|T],  L, Acc) ->
     parse_headers_1(T, [H|L], Acc);
 parse_headers_1([], [], Acc) ->
@@ -1458,10 +1489,13 @@ parse_header([], _) ->
 scan_header(Bin) ->
-    case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin) of
+    case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin, 0) of
         {yes, Pos} ->
             {Headers, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
             {yes, Headers, Body};
+        {yes_dodgy, Pos} ->
+            {Headers, <<_:2/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
+            {yes, Headers, Body};
         no ->
             {no, Bin}
@@ -1474,29 +1508,26 @@ scan_header(Bin1, Bin2) ->
     Bin1_already_scanned_size = size(Bin1) - 4,
     <<Headers_prefix:Bin1_already_scanned_size/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin1,
     Bin_to_scan = <<Rest/binary, Bin2/binary>>,
-    case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin_to_scan) of
+    case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin_to_scan, 0) of
         {yes, Pos} ->
             {Headers_suffix, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin_to_scan, Pos),
             {yes, <<Headers_prefix/binary, Headers_suffix/binary>>, Body};
+        {yes_dodgy, Pos} ->
+            {Headers_suffix, <<_:2/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin_to_scan, Pos),
+            {yes, <<Headers_prefix/binary, Headers_suffix/binary>>, Body};
         no ->
             {no, <<Bin1/binary, Bin2/binary>>}
-get_crlf_crlf_pos(Data) ->
-    binary_bif_match(Data, <<$\r, $\n, $\r, $\n>>).
-binary_bif_match(Data, Binary) ->
-    case binary:match(Data, Binary) of
-    {Pos, _Len} ->
-        {yes, Pos};
-    _ -> no
-    end.
+get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<$\r, $\n, $\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) -> {yes, Pos};
+get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<$\n, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos)           -> {yes_dodgy, Pos};
+get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Pos)               -> get_crlf_crlf_pos(Rest, Pos + 1);
+get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<>>, _)                               -> no.
 scan_crlf(Bin) ->
     case get_crlf_pos(Bin) of
-        {yes, Pos} ->
-            {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
+        {yes, Offset, Pos} ->
+            {Prefix, <<_:Offset/binary, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
             {yes, Prefix, Suffix};
         no ->
             {no, Bin}
@@ -1513,16 +1544,20 @@ scan_crlf_1(Bin1_head_size, Bin1, Bin2) ->
     <<Bin1_head:Bin1_head_size/binary, Bin1_tail/binary>> = Bin1,
     Bin3 = <<Bin1_tail/binary, Bin2/binary>>,
     case get_crlf_pos(Bin3) of
-        {yes, Pos} ->
-            {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin3, Pos),
+        {yes, Offset, Pos} ->
+            {Prefix, <<_:Offset/binary, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin3, Pos),
             {yes, list_to_binary([Bin1_head, Prefix]), Suffix};
         no ->
             {no, list_to_binary([Bin1, Bin2])}
-get_crlf_pos(Data) ->
-    binary_bif_match(Data, <<$\r, $\n>>).
+get_crlf_pos(Bin) ->
+    get_crlf_pos(Bin, 0).
+get_crlf_pos(<<$\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) -> {yes, 2, Pos};
+get_crlf_pos(<<$\n, _/binary>>, Pos) ->      {yes, 1, Pos};
+get_crlf_pos(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Pos)     -> get_crlf_pos(Rest, Pos + 1);
+get_crlf_pos(<<>>, _)                     -> no.
 fmt_val(L) when is_list(L)    -> L;
 fmt_val(I) when is_integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I);
@@ -1531,21 +1566,36 @@ fmt_val(Term)                 -> io_lib:format("~p", [Term]).
 crnl() -> "\r\n".
-method(get)       -> "GET";
-method(post)      -> "POST";
-method(head)      -> "HEAD";
-method(options)   -> "OPTIONS";
-method(put)       -> "PUT";
-method(delete)    -> "DELETE";
-method(trace)     -> "TRACE";
-method(mkcol)     -> "MKCOL";
-method(propfind)  -> "PROPFIND";
-method(proppatch) -> "PROPPATCH";
-method(lock)      -> "LOCK";
-method(unlock)    -> "UNLOCK";
-method(move)      -> "MOVE";
-method(copy)      -> "COPY";
-method(connect)   -> "CONNECT".
+method(connect)     -> "CONNECT";
+method(delete)      -> "DELETE";
+method(get)         -> "GET";
+method(head)        -> "HEAD";
+method(options)     -> "OPTIONS";
+method(post)        -> "POST";
+method(put)         -> "PUT";
+method(trace)       -> "TRACE";
+%% webdav
+method(copy)        -> "COPY";
+method(lock)        -> "LOCK";
+method(mkcol)       -> "MKCOL";
+method(move)        -> "MOVE";
+method(propfind)    -> "PROPFIND";
+method(proppatch)   -> "PROPPATCH";
+method(search)      -> "SEARCH";
+method(unlock)      -> "UNLOCK";
+%% subversion %%
+method(report)      -> "REPORT";
+method(mkactivity)  -> "MKACTIVITY";
+method(checkout)    -> "CHECKOUT";
+method(merge)       -> "MERGE";
+%% upnp
+method(msearch)     -> "MSEARCH";
+method(notify)      -> "NOTIFY";
+method(subscribe)   -> "SUBSCRIBE";
+method(unsubscribe) -> "UNSUBSCRIBE";
+%% rfc-5789
+method(patch)       -> "PATCH";
+method(purge)       -> "PURGE".
 %% From RFC 2616
@@ -1768,22 +1818,34 @@ to_lower([], Acc) ->
 shutting_down(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined}) ->
 shutting_down(#state{lb_ets_tid = Tid,
-                     cur_pipeline_size = Sz}) ->
-    catch ets:delete(Tid, {Sz, self()}).
+                     cur_pipeline_size = _Sz}) ->
+    catch ets:delete(Tid, self()).
 inc_pipeline_counter(#state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
-inc_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz} = State) ->
+inc_pipeline_counter(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
+    State;
+inc_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz,
+                           lb_ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
+    update_counter(Tid, self(), {2,1,99999,9999}),
     State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz + 1}.
+update_counter(Tid, Key, Args) ->
+    ets:update_counter(Tid, Key, Args).
 dec_pipeline_counter(#state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
 dec_pipeline_counter(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
 dec_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz,
                             lb_ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
-    ets:delete(Tid, {Pipe_sz, self()}),
-    ets:insert(Tid, {{Pipe_sz - 1, self()}, []}),
+    try
+        update_counter(Tid, self(), {2,-1,0,0}),
+        update_counter(Tid, self(), {3,-1,0,0})
+    catch
+        _:_ ->
+            ok
+    end,
     State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz - 1}.
 flatten([H | _] = L) when is_integer(H) ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_lb.erl b/ibrowse_lb.erl
index 0e001d4..d98cf32 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lb.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lb.erl
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
-		num_cur_sessions = 0}).
+		num_cur_sessions = 0,
+                proc_state
+               }).
@@ -104,14 +106,21 @@ stop(Lb_pid) ->
 %%          {stop, Reason, Reply, State}   | (terminate/2 is called)
 %%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
-% handle_call({spawn_connection, _Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, _}, _From,
-% 	    #state{max_sessions = Max_sess,
-% 		   ets_tid = Tid,
-% 		   max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe_sz,
-% 		   num_cur_sessions = Num} = State) 
-%     when Num >= Max ->
-%     Reply = find_best_connection(Tid),
-%     {reply, sorry_dude_reuse, State};
+handle_call(stop, _From, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
+    gen_server:reply(_From, ok),
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_call(stop, _From, #state{ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
+    ets:foldl(fun({Pid, _, _}, Acc) ->
+                      ibrowse_http_client:stop(Pid),
+                      Acc
+              end, [], Tid),
+    gen_server:reply(_From, ok),
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_call(_, _From, #state{proc_state = shutting_down} = State) ->
+    {reply, {error, shutting_down}, State};
 %% Update max_sessions in #state with supplied value
 handle_call({spawn_connection, _Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, _}, _From,
@@ -119,27 +128,18 @@ handle_call({spawn_connection, _Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, _}, _From,
     when Num >= Max_sess ->
     State_1 = maybe_create_ets(State),
     Reply = find_best_connection(State_1#state.ets_tid, Max_pipe),
-    {reply, Reply, State_1#state{max_sessions = Max_sess}};
+    {reply, Reply, State_1#state{max_sessions = Max_sess,
+                                 max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe}};
-handle_call({spawn_connection, Url, _Max_sess, _Max_pipe, SSL_options}, _From,
+handle_call({spawn_connection, Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, SSL_options}, _From,
 	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Cur} = State) ->
     State_1 = maybe_create_ets(State),
     Tid = State_1#state.ets_tid,
     {ok, Pid} = ibrowse_http_client:start_link({Tid, Url, SSL_options}),
-    ets:insert(Tid, {{1, Pid}, []}),
-    {reply, {ok, Pid}, State_1#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur + 1}};
-handle_call(stop, _From, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
-    gen_server:reply(_From, ok),
-    {stop, normal, State};
-handle_call(stop, _From, #state{ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
-    ets:foldl(fun({{_, Pid}, _}, Acc) ->
-                      ibrowse_http_client:stop(Pid),
-                      Acc
-              end, [], Tid),
-    gen_server:reply(_From, ok),
-    {stop, normal, State};
+    ets:insert(Tid, {Pid, 0, 0}),
+    {reply, {ok, Pid}, State_1#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur + 1,
+                                     max_sessions = Max_sess,
+                                     max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe}};
 handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
     Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
@@ -173,14 +173,13 @@ handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason},
 		   ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
     ets:match_delete(Tid, {{'_', Pid}, '_'}),
     Cur_1 = Cur - 1,
-    State_1 = case Cur_1 of
+    case Cur_1 of
 		  0 ->
-		      State#state{ets_tid = undefined};
+			  {noreply, State#state{ets_tid = undefined, num_cur_sessions = 0}, 10000};
 		  _ ->
-		      State
-	      end,
-    {noreply, State_1#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur_1}};
+		      {noreply, State#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur_1}}
+	      end;
 handle_info({trace, Bool}, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
     put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
@@ -196,6 +195,18 @@ handle_info({trace, Bool}, #state{ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
     put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
     {noreply, State};
+handle_info(timeout, State) ->
+    %% We can't shutdown the process immediately because a request
+    %% might be in flight. So we first remove the entry from the
+    %% ibrowse_lb ets table, and then shutdown a couple of seconds
+    %% later
+    ets:delete(ibrowse_lb, {, State#state.port}),
+    erlang:send_after(2000, self(), shutdown),
+    {noreply, State#state{proc_state = shutting_down}};
+handle_info(shutdown, State) ->
+    {stop, normal, State};
 handle_info(_Info, State) ->
     {noreply, State}.
@@ -219,13 +230,19 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
 %%% Internal functions
 find_best_connection(Tid, Max_pipe) ->
-    case ets:first(Tid) of
-	{Cur_sz, Pid} when Cur_sz < Max_pipe ->
-	    ets:delete(Tid, {Cur_sz, Pid}),
-	    ets:insert(Tid, {{Cur_sz + 1, Pid}, []}),
-	    {ok, Pid};
-	_ ->
-	    {error, retry_later}
+    Res = find_best_connection(ets:first(Tid), Tid, Max_pipe),
+    Res.
+find_best_connection('$end_of_table', _, _) ->
+    {error, retry_later};
+find_best_connection(Pid, Tid, Max_pipe) ->
+    case ets:lookup(Tid, Pid) of
+        [{Pid, Cur_sz, Speculative_sz}] when Cur_sz < Max_pipe,
+                                             Speculative_sz < Max_pipe ->
+            ets:update_counter(Tid, Pid, {3, 1, 9999999, 9999999}),
+            {ok, Pid};
+        _ ->
+            find_best_connection(ets:next(Tid, Pid), Tid, Max_pipe)
 maybe_create_ets(#state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_lib.erl b/ibrowse_lib.erl
index 3cbe3ac..1ce6bd4 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lib.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
@@ -180,18 +184,24 @@ get_value(Tag, TVL) ->
 parse_url(Url) ->
-    case parse_url(Url, get_protocol, #url{abspath=Url}, []) of
-        #url{host_type = undefined, host = Host} = UrlRec ->
-            case inet_parse:address(Host) of
-                {ok, {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} ->
-                    UrlRec#url{host_type = ipv6_address};
-                {ok, {_, _, _, _}} ->
-                    UrlRec#url{host_type = ipv4_address};
-                _ ->
-                    UrlRec#url{host_type = hostname}
-            end;
-        Else ->
-            Else
+    try
+        case parse_url(Url, get_protocol, #url{abspath=Url}, []) of
+            #url{host_type = undefined, host = Host} = UrlRec ->
+                case inet_parse:address(Host) of
+                    {ok, {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} ->
+                        UrlRec#url{host_type = ipv6_address};
+                    {ok, {_, _, _, _}} ->
+                        UrlRec#url{host_type = ipv4_address};
+                    _ ->
+                        UrlRec#url{host_type = hostname}
+                end;
+            #url{} = UrlRec ->
+                UrlRec;
+            _ ->
+                {error, invalid_uri}
+        end
+    catch _:_ ->
+            {error, invalid_uri}
 parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | _], get_protocol, Url, []) ->
@@ -389,3 +399,43 @@ do_trace(true, Fmt, Args) ->
 do_trace(_, _, _) ->
+parse_url_test() ->
+    Urls = [{"http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html",
+             #url{abspath = "http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html",
+                  host = "FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210",
+                  port = 80, protocol = http, path = "/index.html",
+                  host_type = ipv6_address}},
+            {"http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]/index.html",
+             #url{abspath = "http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]/index.html",
+                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
+                  host = "1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A", path = "/index.html"}},
+            {"http://[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]",
+             #url{abspath = "http://[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]",
+                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
+                  host = "3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1", path = "/"}},
+            {"http://[1080::8:800:200C:417A]/foo",
+             #url{abspath = "http://[1080::8:800:200C:417A]/foo",
+                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
+                  host = "1080::8:800:200C:417A", path = "/foo"}},
+            {"http://[::]/ipng",
+             #url{abspath = "http://[::]/ipng",
+                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
+                  host = "::", path = "/ipng"}},
+            {"http://[::FFFF:]:80/index.html",
+             #url{abspath = "http://[::FFFF:]:80/index.html",
+                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
+                  host = "::FFFF:", path = "/index.html"}},
+            {"http://[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]",
+             #url{abspath = "http://[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]",
+                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
+                  host = "2010:836B:4179::836B:4179", path = "/"}}
+           ],
+    lists:foreach(
+      fun({Url, Expected_result}) ->
+              ?assertMatch(Expected_result, parse_url(Url))
+      end, Urls).
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index ff3b530..d97f76c 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,14 @@
-         test_20122010/1
+         test_20122010/1,
+         test_pipeline_head_timeout/0,
+         test_pipeline_head_timeout/1,
+         do_test_pipeline_head_timeout/4,
+         test_head_transfer_encoding/0,
+         test_head_transfer_encoding/1,
+         test_head_response_with_body/0,
+         test_head_response_with_body/1
 test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options) ->
@@ -81,7 +88,7 @@ send_reqs_1(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) ->
     log_msg("Starting spawning of workers...~n", []),
     spawn_workers(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker),
     log_msg("Finished spawning workers...~n", []),
-    do_wait(),
+    do_wait(Url),
     End_time = now(),
     log_msg("All workers are done...~n", []),
     log_msg("ibrowse_test_results table: ~n~p~n", [ets:tab2list(ibrowse_test_results)]),
@@ -111,24 +118,28 @@ spawn_workers(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) ->
     ets:insert(pid_table, {Pid, []}),
     spawn_workers(Url, NumWorkers - 1, NumReqsPerWorker).
-do_wait() ->
+do_wait(Url) ->
 	{'EXIT', _, normal} ->
-	    do_wait();
+            catch ibrowse:show_dest_status(Url),
+            catch ibrowse:show_dest_status(),
+	    do_wait(Url);
 	{'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
 	    ets:delete(pid_table, Pid),
 	    ets:insert(ibrowse_errors, {Pid, Reason}),
 	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, crash, 1),
-	    do_wait();
+	    do_wait(Url);
 	Msg ->
 	    io:format("Recvd unknown message...~p~n", [Msg]),
-	    do_wait()
+	    do_wait(Url)
     after 1000 ->
 	    case ets:info(pid_table, size) of
 		0 ->
 		_ ->
-		    do_wait()
+                    catch ibrowse:show_dest_status(Url),
+                    catch ibrowse:show_dest_status(),
+		    do_wait(Url)
@@ -219,7 +230,10 @@ dump_errors(Key, Iod) ->
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
                     {"", get, [{ssl_options, [{depth, 2}]}]},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_20122010, []}
+                    {local_test_fun, test_20122010, []},
+                    {local_test_fun, test_pipeline_head_timeout, []},
+                    {local_test_fun, test_head_transfer_encoding, []},
+                    {local_test_fun, test_head_response_with_body, []}
 unit_tests() ->
@@ -232,16 +246,19 @@ unit_tests(Options) ->
     (catch ibrowse_test_server:start_server(8181, tcp)),
     Options_1 = Options ++ [{connect_timeout, 5000}],
+    Test_timeout = proplists:get_value(test_timeout, Options, 60000),
     {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options_1]),
 	{done, Pid} ->
 	{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Info} ->
 	    io:format("Test process crashed: ~p~n", [Info])
-    after 60000 ->
+    after Test_timeout ->
 	    exit(Pid, kill),
 	    io:format("Timed out waiting for tests to complete~n", [])
-    end.
+    end,
+    catch ibrowse_test_server:stop_server(8181),
+    ok.
 unit_tests_1(Parent, Options) ->
     lists:foreach(fun({local_test_fun, Fun_name, Args}) ->
@@ -426,6 +443,101 @@ log_msg(Fmt, Args) ->
 	      [ibrowse_lib:printable_date() | Args]).
+%% Test what happens when the response to a HEAD request is a
+%% Chunked-Encoding response with a non-empty body. Issue #67 on
+%% Github
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+test_head_transfer_encoding() ->
+    clear_msg_q(),
+    test_head_transfer_encoding("http://localhost:8181/ibrowse_head_test").
+test_head_transfer_encoding(Url) ->
+    case ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], head) of
+        {ok, "200", _, _} ->
+            success;
+        Res ->
+            {test_failed, Res}
+    end.
+%% Test what happens when the response to a HEAD request is a
+%% Chunked-Encoding response with a non-empty body. Issue #67 on
+%% Github
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+test_head_response_with_body() ->
+    clear_msg_q(),
+    test_head_response_with_body("http://localhost:8181/ibrowse_head_transfer_enc").
+test_head_response_with_body(Url) ->
+    case ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], head, [], [{workaround, head_response_with_body}]) of
+        {ok, "400", _, _} ->
+            success;
+        Res ->
+            {test_failed, Res}
+    end.
+%% Test what happens when the request at the head of a pipeline times out
+test_pipeline_head_timeout() ->
+    clear_msg_q(),
+    test_pipeline_head_timeout("http://localhost:8181/ibrowse_inac_timeout_test").
+test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url) ->
+    {ok, Pid} = ibrowse:spawn_worker_process(Url),
+    Test_parent = self(),
+    Fun = fun({fixed, Timeout}) ->
+                  spawn(fun() ->
+                                do_test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url, Pid, Test_parent, Timeout)
+                        end);
+             (Timeout_mult) ->
+                  spawn(fun() ->
+                                Timeout = 1000 + Timeout_mult*1000,
+                                do_test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url, Pid, Test_parent, Timeout)
+                        end)
+          end,
+    Pids = [Fun(X) || X <- [{fixed, 32000} | lists:seq(1,10)]],
+    Result = accumulate_worker_resp(Pids),
+    case lists:all(fun({_, X_res}) ->
+                           X_res == {error,req_timedout}
+                   end, Result) of
+        true ->
+            success;
+        false ->
+            {test_failed, Result}
+    end.
+do_test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url, Pid, Test_parent, Req_timeout) ->
+    Resp = ibrowse:send_req_direct(
+                                 Pid,
+                                 Url,
+                                 [], get, [],
+                                 [{socket_options,[{keepalive,true}]},
+                                  {inactivity_timeout,180000},
+                                  {connect_timeout,180000}], Req_timeout),
+    Test_parent ! {self(), Resp}.
+accumulate_worker_resp(Pids) ->
+    accumulate_worker_resp(Pids, []).
+accumulate_worker_resp([_ | _] = Pids, Acc) ->
+    receive
+        {Pid, Res} when is_pid(Pid) ->
+            accumulate_worker_resp(Pids -- [Pid], [{Pid, Res} | Acc]);
+        Err ->
+            io:format("Received unexpected: ~p~n", [Err])
+    end;
+accumulate_worker_resp([], Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc).
+clear_msg_q() ->
+    receive
+        _ ->
+            clear_msg_q()
+    after 0 ->
+            ok
+    end.

[10/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
update ibrowse to 1.5.1+

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 420343967fec874fb7b980f5ba9de86e80620ecb
Parents: 1eba7c7
Author: Adam Kocoloski <>
Authored: Fri Jul 17 23:58:35 2009 +0000
Committer: Adam Kocoloski <>
Committed: Fri Jul 17 23:58:35 2009 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |  2 +-
 ibrowse.erl             | 28 +++++++++++++++++++---------
 ibrowse_http_client.erl |  2 +-
 ibrowse_lb.erl          |  8 +++++++-
 ibrowse_lib.erl         | 12 ++++++------
 5 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index a3d23ae..4f43dd9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
         [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "1.5.0"},
+         {vsn, "1.5.1"},
          {modules, [ ibrowse,
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 56f0ef4..81fc74d 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 %% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
 %% @copyright 2005-2009 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
-%% @version 1.5.0
+%% @version 1.5.1
 %% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client. This
 %% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
 %% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ stop() ->
 %% headerName() = string()
 %% headerValue() = string()
 %% response() = {ok, Status, ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody} | {ibrowse_req_id, req_id() } | {error, Reason}
-%% req_id = term()
+%% req_id() = term()
 %% ResponseBody = string() | {file, Filename}
 %% Reason = term()
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method) ->
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
     send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, []).
 %% @doc Same as send_req/4.
-%% For a description of SSL Options, look in the ssl manpage. If the
+%% For a description of SSL Options, look in the <a href="">ssl</a> manpage. If the
 %% HTTP Version to use is not specified, the default is 1.1.
 %% <br/>
 %% <p>The <code>host_header</code> option is useful in the case where ibrowse is
@@ -181,7 +181,15 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% used to specify what should go in the <code>Host</code> header in
 %% the request.</p>
 %% <ul>
-%% <li>When both the options <code>save_response_to_file</code> and <code>stream_to</code>
+%% <li>The <code>stream_to</code> option can be used to have the HTTP
+%% response streamed to a process as messages as data arrives on the
+%% socket. If the calling process wishes to control the rate at which
+%% data is received from the server, the option <code>{stream_to,
+%% {process(), once}}</code> can be specified. The calling process
+%% will have to invoke <code>ibrowse:stream_next(Request_id)</code> to
+%% receive the next packet.</li>
+%% <li>When both the options <code>save_response_to_file</code> and <code>stream_to</code> 
 %% are specified, the former takes precedence.</li>
 %% <li>For the <code>save_response_to_file</code> option, the response body is saved to
@@ -239,13 +247,14 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %%          {content_length, integer()}        |
 %%          {content_type, string()}           |
 %%          {save_response_to_file, srtf()}    |
-%%          {stream_to, process()}             |
+%%          {stream_to, stream_to()}           |
 %%          {http_vsn, {MajorVsn, MinorVsn}}   |
 %%          {host_header, string()}            |
 %%          {inactivity_timeout, integer()}    |
 %%          {connect_timeout, integer()}       |
 %%          {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}}
+%% stream_to() = process() | {process(), once}
 %% process() = pid() | atom()
 %% username() = string()
 %% password() = string()
@@ -363,10 +372,11 @@ do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
-ensure_bin(L) when is_list(L) ->
-    list_to_binary(L);
-ensure_bin(B) when is_binary(B) ->
-    B.
+ensure_bin(L) when is_list(L)                     -> list_to_binary(L);
+ensure_bin(B) when is_binary(B)                   -> B;
+ensure_bin(Fun) when is_function(Fun)             -> Fun;
+ensure_bin({Fun}) when is_function(Fun)           -> Fun;
+ensure_bin({Fun, _} = Body) when is_function(Fun) -> Body.
 %% @doc Creates a HTTP client process to the specified Host:Port which
 %% is not part of the load balancing pool. This is useful in cases
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 43aa51f..6a26dd4 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer = Buf, reqs = Reqs, http_status_code = SC
 	    case TmpFilename of
 		undefined ->
 		    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
-			     {ok, SC, Headers, lists:reverse(Buf)});
+			     {ok, SC, Headers, Buf});
 		_ ->
 		    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
diff --git a/ibrowse_lb.erl b/ibrowse_lb.erl
index b0654b7..9c2165b 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lb.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lb.erl
@@ -151,7 +151,13 @@ handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason},
     ets:match_delete(Tid, {{'_', Pid}, '_'}),
     {noreply, State#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur - 1}};
-handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
+handle_info({trace, Bool}, #state{ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
+    ets:foldl(fun({{_, Pid}, _}, Acc) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+		      catch Pid ! {trace, Bool},
+		      Acc;
+		 (_, Acc) ->
+		      Acc
+	      end, undefined, Tid),
     put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
     {noreply, State};
diff --git a/ibrowse_lib.erl b/ibrowse_lib.erl
index 7567a6a..6c7b154 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lib.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ drv_ue(Str, Port) ->
 %% @spec url_encode(Str) -> UrlEncodedStr
 %% Str = string()
 %% UrlEncodedStr = string()
-url_encode(Str) when list(Str) ->
+url_encode(Str) when is_list(Str) ->
     url_encode_char(lists:reverse(Str), []).
 url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X >= $0, X =< $9 ->
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ url_encode_char([], Acc) ->
 d2h(N) when N<10 -> N+$0;
 d2h(N) -> N+$a-10.
-decode_rfc822_date(String) when list(String) ->
+decode_rfc822_date(String) when is_list(String) ->
     case catch decode_rfc822_date_1(string:tokens(String, ", \t\r\n")) of
 	{'EXIT', _} ->
 	    {error, invalid_date};
@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ dec2hex(M,N,Ack) -> dec2hex(M-1,N bsr 4,[d2h(N band 15)|Ack]).
 %% @spec encode_base64(In) -> Out
 %% In = string() | binary()
 %% Out = string() | binary()
-encode_base64(List) when list(List) ->
+encode_base64(List) when is_list(List) ->
-encode_base64(Bin) when binary(Bin) ->
+encode_base64(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
     List = encode_base64_1(Bin),
@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ encode_base64_1(<<>>) ->
 %% @spec decode_base64(In) -> Out | exit({error, invalid_input})
 %% In = string() | binary()
 %% Out = string() | binary()
-decode_base64(List) when list(List) ->
+decode_base64(List) when is_list(List) ->
     decode_base64_1(List, []);
-decode_base64(Bin) when binary(Bin) ->
+decode_base64(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
     List = decode_base64_1(binary_to_list(Bin), []),

[21/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Upgrading ibrowse from version 1.6.2 to 2.0.1.
This version fixes a serious issue regarding streaming of chunked HTTP(S) responses.
The issue is that the client occasionally gets blocked or receives a timeout (if inactivity_timeout parameter is given to ibrowse).

This fixes part of ticket COUCHDB-491.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: db7f9033de9cb2fc54d767b855e358bb422585a8
Parents: cb51bb1
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Fri Sep 24 14:18:56 2010 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Fri Sep 24 14:18:56 2010 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |   2 +-          |   2 +-
 ibrowse.erl             |  78 ++++++++++++---
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 227 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 ibrowse_lb.erl          |  23 ++++-
 ibrowse_test.erl        |  51 ++++++++--
 6 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index b517486..39878f0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 ## the License.
-ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-1.6.2/ebin
+ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.0.1/ebin
 ibrowse_file_collection = \ \
diff --git a/ b/
index 208c311..8fc2066 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
         [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "1.6.2"},
+         {vsn, "2.0.1"},
          {modules, [ ibrowse, 
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 09d36a3..7f8d8bc 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 %% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
 %% @copyright 2005-2010 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
-%% @version 1.6.0
+%% @version 2.0.1
 %% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client. This
 %% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
 %% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
@@ -236,6 +236,11 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% caller to get access to the raw status line and raw unparsed
 %% headers. Not quite sure why someone would want this, but one of my
 %% users asked for it, so here it is. </li>
+%% <li> The <code>preserve_chunked_encoding</code> option enables the caller
+%% to receive the raw data stream when the Transfer-Encoding of the server
+%% response is Chunked.
+%% </li>
 %% </ul>
 %% @spec send_req(Url::string(), Headers::headerList(), Method::method(), Body::body(), Options::optionList()) -> response()
@@ -266,7 +271,8 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %%          {socket_options, Sock_opts}        |
 %%          {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}} | 
 %%          {headers_as_is, boolean()}         |
-%%          {give_raw_headers, boolean()}
+%%          {give_raw_headers, boolean()}      |
+%%          {preserve_chunked_encoding,boolean()}
 %% stream_to() = process() | {process(), once}
 %% process() = pid() | atom()
@@ -302,23 +308,45 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
             Options_1 = merge_options(Host, Port, Options),
             {SSLOptions, IsSSL} =
                 case (Protocol == https) orelse
-                     get_value(is_ssl, Options_1, false) of
+                    get_value(is_ssl, Options_1, false) of
                     false -> {[], false};
                     true -> {get_value(ssl_options, Options_1, []), true}
-            case ibrowse_lb:spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
+            try_routing_request(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
+                                Max_sessions, 
+                                Max_pipeline_size,
+                                {SSLOptions, IsSSL}, 
+                                Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout, 0);
+        Err ->
+            {error, {url_parsing_failed, Err}}
+    end.
+try_routing_request(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
+                    Max_sessions, 
+                    Max_pipeline_size,
+                    {SSLOptions, IsSSL}, 
+                    Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout, Try_count) when Try_count < 3 ->
+    case ibrowse_lb:spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
                                              {SSLOptions, IsSSL}) of
-                {ok, Conn_Pid} ->
-                    do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers,
-                                Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout);
-                Err ->
-                    Err
+        {ok, Conn_Pid} ->
+            case do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers,
+                             Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout) of
+                {error, sel_conn_closed} ->
+                    try_routing_request(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
+                                        Max_sessions, 
+                                        Max_pipeline_size,
+                                        {SSLOptions, IsSSL}, 
+                                        Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout, Try_count + 1);
+                Res ->
+                    Res
         Err ->
-            {error, {url_parsing_failed, Err}}
-    end.
+            Err
+    end;
+try_routing_request(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+    {error, retry_later}.
 merge_options(Host, Port, Options) ->
     Config_options = get_config_value({options, Host, Port}, []),
@@ -337,11 +365,27 @@ get_lb_pid(Url) ->
 get_max_sessions(Host, Port, Options) ->
     get_value(max_sessions, Options,
-              get_config_value({max_sessions, Host, Port}, ?DEF_MAX_SESSIONS)).
+              get_config_value({max_sessions, Host, Port},
+                               default_max_sessions())).
 get_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Options) ->
     get_value(max_pipeline_size, Options,
-              get_config_value({max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, ?DEF_MAX_PIPELINE_SIZE)).
+              get_config_value({max_pipeline_size, Host, Port},
+                               default_max_pipeline_size())).
+default_max_sessions() ->
+    safe_get_env(ibrowse, default_max_sessions, ?DEF_MAX_SESSIONS).
+default_max_pipeline_size() ->
+    safe_get_env(ibrowse, default_max_pipeline_size, ?DEF_MAX_PIPELINE_SIZE).
+safe_get_env(App, Key, Def_val) ->
+    case application:get_env(App, Key) of
+        undefined ->
+            Def_val;
+        {ok, Val} ->
+            Val
+    end.
 %% @doc Deprecated. Use set_max_sessions/3 and set_max_pipeline_size/3
 %% for achieving the same effect.
@@ -375,6 +419,10 @@ do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
                                             Options, Timeout) of
         {'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
             {error, req_timedout};
+        {'EXIT', {noproc, {gen_server, call, [Conn_Pid, _, _]}}} ->
+            {error, sel_conn_closed};
+        {error, connection_closed} ->
+            {error, sel_conn_closed};
         {'EXIT', Reason} ->
             {error, {'EXIT', Reason}};
         {ok, St_code, Headers, Body} = Ret when is_binary(Body) ->
@@ -684,6 +732,10 @@ handle_call({get_lb_pid, #url{host = Host, port = Port} = Url}, _From, State) ->
 handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
     do_trace("IBROWSE shutting down~n", []),
+    ets:foldl(fun(#lb_pid{pid = Pid}, Acc) ->
+                      ibrowse_lb:stop(Pid),
+                      Acc
+              end, [], ibrowse_lb),
     {stop, normal, ok, State};
 handle_call({set_config_value, Key, Val}, _From, State) ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 1633e5b..16d9b87 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
                 status_line, raw_headers, 
                 is_closing, send_timer, content_length,
                 deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding,
-                chunk_size, chunk_size_buffer = <<>>, recvd_chunk_size,
+                chunk_size, chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
+                recvd_chunk_size, interim_reply_sent = false,
                 lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0, prev_req_id
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@
                   save_response_to_file = false, 
-                  tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd,
+                  tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd, preserve_chunked_encoding,
 -import(ibrowse_lib, [
@@ -82,8 +83,13 @@ start_link(Args) ->
     gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, []).
 stop(Conn_pid) ->
-    catch gen_server:call(Conn_pid, stop),
-    ok.
+    case catch gen_server:call(Conn_pid, stop) of
+        {'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
+            exit(Conn_pid, kill),
+            ok;
+        _ ->
+            ok
+    end.
 send_req(Conn_Pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
@@ -171,6 +177,7 @@ handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
 %%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
 handle_info({tcp, _Sock, Data}, #state{status = Status} = State) ->
+%%    io:format("Recvd data: ~p~n", [Data]),
     do_trace("Data recvd in state: ~p. Size: ~p. ~p~n~n", [Status, size(Data), Data]),
     handle_sock_data(Data, State);
 handle_info({ssl, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
@@ -178,13 +185,14 @@ handle_info({ssl, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
 handle_info({stream_next, Req_id}, #state{socket = Socket,
                                           cur_req = #request{req_id = Req_id}} = State) ->
+    %% io:format("Client process set {active, once}~n", []),
     do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State),
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info({stream_next, _Req_id}, State) ->
     {noreply, State};
-handle_info({tcp_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
+handle_info({tcp_closed, _Sock}, State) ->    
     do_trace("TCP connection closed by peer!~n", []),
     {stop, normal, State};
@@ -194,11 +202,11 @@ handle_info({ssl_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
     {stop, normal, State};
 handle_info({tcp_error, _Sock}, State) ->
-    io:format("Error on connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p~n", [, State#state.port]),
+    do_trace("Error on connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p~n", [, State#state.port]),
     {stop, normal, State};
 handle_info({ssl_error, _Sock}, State) ->
-    io:format("Error on SSL connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p~n", [, State#state.port]),
+    do_trace("Error on SSL connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p~n", [, State#state.port]),
     {stop, normal, State};
@@ -233,7 +241,8 @@ handle_info(Info, State) ->
 %% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
 terminate(_Reason, State) ->
-    do_close(State).
+    do_close(State),
+    ok.
 %% Func: code_change/3
@@ -269,6 +278,7 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status = get_header}=State) ->
 handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status           = get_body,
+                              socket           = Socket,
                               content_length   = CL,
                               http_status_code = StatCode,
                               recvd_headers    = Headers,
@@ -293,6 +303,19 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status           = get_body,
                                             {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
                     {stop, normal, State};
+                #state{cur_req = #request{caller_controls_socket = Ccs},
+                       interim_reply_sent = Irs} = State_1 ->
+                    case Irs of
+                        true ->
+                            active_once(State_1);
+                        false when Ccs == true ->
+                            do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State);
+                        false ->
+                            active_once(State_1)
+                    end,
+                    State_2 = State_1#state{interim_reply_sent = false},
+                    set_inac_timer(State_2),
+                    {noreply, State_2};
                 State_1 ->
@@ -338,17 +361,25 @@ accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = Srtf
         {error, Reason} ->
             {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
-accumulate_response(<<>>, State) ->
-    State;
-accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
-                                 rep_buf_size = RepBufSize,
-                                 streamed_size = Streamed_size,
-                                 cur_req = CurReq}=State) ->
-    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-             stream_chunk_size = Stream_chunk_size,
-             response_format = Response_format,
-             caller_controls_socket = Caller_controls_socket} = CurReq,
-    RepBuf_1 = list_to_binary([RepBuf, Data]),
+%% accumulate_response(<<>>, #state{cur_req = #request{caller_controls_socket = Ccs},
+%%                                  socket = Socket} = State) ->
+%%     case Ccs of
+%%         true ->
+%%             do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State);
+%%         false ->
+%%             ok
+%%     end,
+%%     State;
+accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer      = RepBuf,
+                                 rep_buf_size      = RepBufSize,
+                                 streamed_size     = Streamed_size,
+                                 cur_req           = CurReq}=State) ->
+    #request{stream_to                 = StreamTo,
+             req_id                    = ReqId,
+             stream_chunk_size         = Stream_chunk_size,
+             response_format           = Response_format,
+             caller_controls_socket    = Caller_controls_socket} = CurReq,
+    RepBuf_1 = <<RepBuf/binary, Data/binary>>,
     New_data_size = RepBufSize - Streamed_size,
     case StreamTo of
         undefined ->
@@ -356,15 +387,21 @@ accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
         _ when Caller_controls_socket == true ->
             do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, RepBuf_1),
             State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>, 
+                        interim_reply_sent = true,
                         streamed_size = Streamed_size + size(RepBuf_1)};
         _ when New_data_size >= Stream_chunk_size ->
             {Stream_chunk, Rem_data} = split_binary(RepBuf_1, Stream_chunk_size),
             do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Stream_chunk),
-            accumulate_response(
-              Rem_data,
-              State#state{
-                reply_buffer = <<>>,
-                streamed_size = Streamed_size + Stream_chunk_size});
+            State_1 = State#state{
+                        reply_buffer = <<>>,
+                        interim_reply_sent = true,
+                        streamed_size = Streamed_size + Stream_chunk_size},
+            case Rem_data of
+                <<>> ->
+                    State_1;
+                _ ->
+                    accumulate_response(Rem_data, State_1)
+            end;
         _ ->
             State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1}
@@ -498,9 +535,9 @@ do_close(#state{socket = Sock,
                 is_ssl = true,
                 use_proxy = true,
                 proxy_tunnel_setup = Pts
-               }) when Pts /= done ->  gen_tcp:close(Sock);
-do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = true})  ->  ssl:close(Sock);
-do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = false}) ->  gen_tcp:close(Sock).
+               }) when Pts /= done ->  catch gen_tcp:close(Sock);
+do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = true})  ->  catch ssl:close(Sock);
+do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = false}) ->  catch gen_tcp:close(Sock).
 active_once(#state{cur_req = #request{caller_controls_socket = true}}) ->
@@ -542,25 +579,17 @@ send_req_1(From,
     State_2 = check_ssl_options(Options, State_1),
     do_trace("Connecting...~n", []),
-    Start_ts = now(),
     Conn_timeout = get_value(connect_timeout, Options, Timeout),
     case do_connect(Host_1, Port_1, Options, State_2, Conn_timeout) of
         {ok, Sock} ->
-            do_trace("Connected!~n", []),
-            End_ts = now(),
-            Timeout_1 = case Timeout of
-                            infinity ->
-                                infinity;
-                            _ ->
-                                Timeout - trunc(round(timer:now_diff(End_ts, Start_ts) / 1000))
-                        end,
+            do_trace("Connected! Socket: ~1000.p~n", [Sock]),
             State_3 = State_2#state{socket = Sock,
                                     connect_timeout = Conn_timeout},
-            send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout_1, State_3);
+            send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State_3);
         Err ->
             do_trace("Error connecting. Reason: ~1000.p~n", [Err]),
-            gen_server:reply(From, {error, conn_failed}),
+            gen_server:reply(From, {error, {conn_failed, Err}}),
             {stop, normal, State_2}
@@ -580,8 +609,9 @@ send_req_1(From,
                   use_proxy = true,
                   is_ssl    = true} = State) ->
     NewReq = #request{
-      method                 = connect,
-      options                = Options
+      method                    = connect,
+      preserve_chunked_encoding = get_value(preserve_chunked_encoding, Options, false),
+      options                   = Options
     State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
     Pxy_auth_headers = maybe_modify_headers(Url, Method, Options, [], State_1),
@@ -611,13 +641,13 @@ send_req_1(From,
                 Err ->
                     do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
-                    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+                    gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
                     {stop, normal, State_1}
         Err ->
             do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
-            gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+            gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
             {stop, normal, State_1}
@@ -666,7 +696,9 @@ send_req_1(From,
                       save_response_to_file  = SaveResponseToFile,
                       stream_chunk_size      = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
                       response_format        = Resp_format,
-                      from                   = From},
+                      from                   = From,
+                      preserve_chunked_encoding = get_value(preserve_chunked_encoding, Options, false)
+                     },
     State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
     Headers_1 = maybe_modify_headers(Url, Method, Options, Headers, State_1),
     {Req, Body_1} = make_request(Method,
@@ -705,13 +737,13 @@ send_req_1(From,
                 Err ->
                     do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
-                    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+                    gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
                     {stop, normal, State_1}
         Err ->
             do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
-            gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+            gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
             {stop, normal, State_1}
@@ -768,14 +800,14 @@ http_auth_digest(Username, Password) ->
     ibrowse_lib:encode_base64(Username ++ [$: | Password]).
 make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
-             #state{use_proxy = UseProxy}) ->
+             #state{use_proxy = UseProxy, is_ssl = Is_ssl}) ->
     HttpVsn = http_vsn_string(get_value(http_vsn, Options, {1,1})),
     Headers_1 =
         case get_value(content_length, Headers, false) of
             false when (Body == []) or
-                       (Body == <<>>) or
-                       is_tuple(Body) or
-                       is_function(Body) ->
+            (Body == <<>>) or
+            is_tuple(Body) or
+            is_function(Body) ->
             false when is_binary(Body) ->
                 [{"content-length", integer_to_list(size(Body))} | Headers];
@@ -799,7 +831,12 @@ make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
     Headers_3 = cons_headers(Headers_2),
     Uri = case get_value(use_absolute_uri, Options, false) or UseProxy of
               true ->
-                  AbsPath;
+                  case Is_ssl of
+                      true ->
+                          RelPath;
+                      false ->
+                          AbsPath
+                  end;
               false ->
@@ -1017,7 +1054,7 @@ upgrade_to_ssl(#state{socket = Socket,
             send_queued_requests(lists:reverse(Q), State_1);
         Err ->
             do_trace("Upgrade to SSL socket failed. Reson: ~p~n", [Err]),
-            do_error_reply(State, {error, send_failed}),
+            do_error_reply(State, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
             {error, send_failed}
@@ -1029,12 +1066,12 @@ send_queued_requests([{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout} | Q],
     case send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State) of
         {noreply, State_1} ->
             send_queued_requests(Q, State_1);
-        _ ->
+        Err ->
             do_trace("Error sending queued SSL request: ~n"
                      "URL     : ~s~n"
                      "Method  : ~p~n"
                      "Headers : ~p~n", [Url, Method, Headers]),
-            do_error_reply(State, {error, send_failed}),
+            do_error_reply(State, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
             {error, send_failed}
@@ -1046,11 +1083,12 @@ is_connection_closing(_, _)                -> false.
 %% This clause determines the chunk size when given data from the beginning of the chunk
                   #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, 
-                         chunk_size = chunk_start,
+                         chunk_size        = chunk_start,
                          chunk_size_buffer = Chunk_sz_buf
                         } = State) ->
     case scan_crlf(Chunk_sz_buf, DataRecvd) of
         {yes, ChunkHeader, Data_1} ->
+            State_1 = maybe_accumulate_ce_data(State, <<ChunkHeader/binary, $\r, $\n>>),
             ChunkSize = parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader),
             %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when
@@ -1061,10 +1099,10 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
             RemLen = size(Data_1),
             do_trace("Determined chunk size: ~p. Already recvd: ~p~n",
                      [ChunkSize, RemLen]),
-            parse_11_response(Data_1, State#state{chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
-                                                  deleted_crlf = true,
-                                                  recvd_chunk_size = 0,
-                                                  chunk_size = ChunkSize});
+            parse_11_response(Data_1, State_1#state{chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
+                                                    deleted_crlf = true,
+                                                    recvd_chunk_size = 0,
+                                                    chunk_size = ChunkSize});
         {no, Data_1} ->
             State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
@@ -1074,13 +1112,15 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
                   #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, 
                          chunk_size = tbd,
-                         chunk_size_buffer = Buf}=State) ->
+                         chunk_size_buffer = Buf
+                        } = State) ->
     case scan_crlf(Buf, DataRecvd) of
         {yes, _, NextChunk} ->
-            State_1 = State#state{chunk_size = chunk_start,
-                                  chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
-                                  deleted_crlf = true},
-            parse_11_response(NextChunk, State_1);
+            State_1 = maybe_accumulate_ce_data(State, <<$\r, $\n>>),
+            State_2 = State_1#state{chunk_size = chunk_start,
+                                    chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
+                                    deleted_crlf = true},
+            parse_11_response(NextChunk, State_2);
         {no, Data_1} ->
             State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
@@ -1090,9 +1130,10 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 %% received is silently discarded.
                   #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0, 
-                         cur_req = CurReq,
-                         deleted_crlf = DelCrlf,
-                         chunk_size_buffer = Trailer, reqs = Reqs}=State) ->
+                         cur_req           = CurReq,
+                         deleted_crlf      = DelCrlf,
+                         chunk_size_buffer = Trailer,
+                         reqs              = Reqs} = State) ->
     do_trace("Detected end of chunked transfer...~n", []),
     DataRecvd_1 = case DelCrlf of
                       false ->
@@ -1101,12 +1142,14 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
                           <<$\r, $\n, DataRecvd/binary>>
     case scan_header(Trailer, DataRecvd_1) of
-        {yes, _TEHeaders, Rem} ->
+        {yes, TEHeaders, Rem} ->
             {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
-            State_1 = handle_response(CurReq, State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
-            parse_response(Rem, reset_state(State_1));
+            State_1 = maybe_accumulate_ce_data(State, <<TEHeaders/binary, $\r, $\n>>),
+            State_2 = handle_response(CurReq,
+                                      State_1#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
+            parse_response(Rem, reset_state(State_2));
         {no, Rem} ->
-            State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Rem, deleted_crlf = false}
+            accumulate_response(<<>>, State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Rem, deleted_crlf = false})
 %% This clause extracts a chunk, given the size.
@@ -1121,7 +1164,7 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
     case DataLen >= NeedBytes of
         true ->
             {RemChunk, RemData} = split_binary(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
-            do_trace("Recvd another chunk...~n", []),
+            do_trace("Recvd another chunk...~p~n", [RemChunk]),
             do_trace("RemData -> ~p~n", [RemData]),
             case accumulate_response(RemChunk, State) of
                 {error, Reason} ->
@@ -1155,6 +1198,11 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
             accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size = (RepBufSz+DataLen)})
+maybe_accumulate_ce_data(#state{cur_req = #request{preserve_chunked_encoding = false}} = State, _) ->
+    State;
+maybe_accumulate_ce_data(State, Data) ->
+    accumulate_response(Data, State).
 handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                          response_format = Resp_format,
                          save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
@@ -1177,11 +1225,12 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                        _ ->
                            {file, TmpFilename}
+    {Resp_headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(RespHeaders, Raw_headers, Options),
     Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
                 true ->
-                    {ok, Status_line, Raw_headers, ResponseBody};
+                    {ok, Status_line, Raw_headers_1, ResponseBody};
                 false ->
-                    {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, ResponseBody}
+                    {ok, SCode, Resp_headers_1, ResponseBody}
     State_2 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
     cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
@@ -1192,16 +1241,17 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                 #state{http_status_code = SCode,
                        status_line      = Status_line,
                        raw_headers      = Raw_headers,
-                       recvd_headers    = RespHeaders,
+                       recvd_headers    = Resp_headers,
                        reply_buffer     = RepBuf,
                        send_timer       = ReqTimer} = State) ->
     Body = RepBuf,
 %%    State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
+    {Resp_headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Resp_headers, Raw_headers, Options),
     Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
                 true ->
-                    {ok, Status_line, Raw_headers, Body};
+                    {ok, Status_line, Raw_headers_1, Body};
                 false ->
-                    {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, Body}
+                    {ok, SCode, Resp_headers_1, Body}
     State_1 = case get(conn_close) of
         "close" ->
@@ -1227,7 +1277,8 @@ reset_state(State) ->
                 deleted_crlf      = false,
                 http_status_code  = undefined,
                 chunk_size        = undefined,
-                transfer_encoding = undefined}.
+                transfer_encoding = undefined
+               }.
 set_cur_request(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State) ->
     case queue:to_list(Reqs) of
@@ -1459,15 +1510,29 @@ send_async_headers(_ReqId, undefined, _, _State) ->
 send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, 
                    #state{status_line = Status_line, raw_headers = Raw_headers, 
-                          recvd_headers = Headers, http_status_code = StatCode
-                          }) ->
+                          recvd_headers = Headers, http_status_code = StatCode,
+                          cur_req = #request{options = Opts}
+                         }) ->
+    {Headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Headers, Raw_headers, Opts),
     case Give_raw_headers of
         false ->
-            catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, StatCode, Headers};
+            catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, StatCode, Headers_1};
         true ->
-            catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, Status_line, Raw_headers}
+            catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, Status_line, Raw_headers_1}
+maybe_add_custom_headers(Headers, Raw_headers, Opts) ->
+    Custom_headers = get_value(add_custom_headers, Opts, []),
+    Headers_1 = Headers ++ Custom_headers,
+    Raw_headers_1 = case Custom_headers of
+                        [_ | _] when is_binary(Raw_headers) ->
+                            Custom_headers_bin = list_to_binary(string:join([[X, $:, Y] || {X, Y} <- Custom_headers], "\r\n")),
+                            <<Raw_headers/binary, "\r\n", Custom_headers_bin/binary>>;
+                        _ ->
+                            Raw_headers
+                    end,
+    {Headers_1, Raw_headers_1}.
 format_response_data(Resp_format, Body) ->
     case Resp_format of
         list when is_list(Body) ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_lb.erl b/ibrowse_lb.erl
index 6bc600b..0e001d4 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lb.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lb.erl
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
 %% External exports
-	 spawn_connection/5
+	 spawn_connection/5,
+         stop/1
 %% gen_server callbacks
@@ -85,6 +86,14 @@ spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Url,
        is_integer(Max_sessions) ->
 		    {spawn_connection, Url, Max_sessions, Max_pipeline_size, SSL_options}).
+stop(Lb_pid) ->
+    case catch gen_server:call(Lb_pid, stop) of
+        {'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
+            exit(Lb_pid, kill);
+        ok ->
+            ok
+    end.
 %% Function: handle_call/3
 %% Description: Handling call messages
@@ -120,6 +129,18 @@ handle_call({spawn_connection, Url, _Max_sess, _Max_pipe, SSL_options}, _From,
     ets:insert(Tid, {{1, Pid}, []}),
     {reply, {ok, Pid}, State_1#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur + 1}};
+handle_call(stop, _From, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
+    gen_server:reply(_From, ok),
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_call(stop, _From, #state{ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
+    ets:foldl(fun({{_, Pid}, _}, Acc) ->
+                      ibrowse_http_client:stop(Pid),
+                      Acc
+              end, [], Tid),
+    gen_server:reply(_From, ok),
+    {stop, normal, State};
 handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
     Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
     {reply, Reply, State}.
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index 00b0244..e7d6e59 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+         test_chunked_streaming_once/0,
@@ -260,7 +261,20 @@ verify_chunked_streaming(Options) ->
     io:format("Fetching data with streaming as binary...~n", []),
     Async_response_bin = do_async_req_list(
 			   Url, get, [{response_format, binary} | Options]),
-    compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin).
+    io:format("Fetching data with streaming as binary, {active, once}...~n", []),
+    Async_response_bin_once = do_async_req_list(
+                                Url, get, [once, {response_format, binary} | Options]),
+    compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin),
+    compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin_once).
+test_chunked_streaming_once() ->
+    test_chunked_streaming_once([]).
+test_chunked_streaming_once(Options) ->
+    Url = "",
+    io:format("URL: ~s~n", [Url]),
+    io:format("Fetching data with streaming as binary, {active, once}...~n", []),
+    do_async_req_list(Url, get, [once, {response_format, binary} | Options]).
 compare_responses({ok, St_code, _, Body}, {ok, St_code, _, Body}, {ok, St_code, _, Body}) ->
@@ -313,31 +327,54 @@ wait_for_resp(Pid) ->
 	Msg ->
 	    io:format("Recvd unknown message: ~p~n", [Msg]),
-    after 10000 ->
+    after 100000 ->
 	  {error, timeout}
 i_do_async_req_list(Parent, Url, Method, Options) ->
-    Res = ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], [{stream_to, self()} | Options]),
+    Options_1 = case lists:member(once, Options) of
+                    true ->
+                        [{stream_to, {self(), once}} | (Options -- [once])];
+                    false ->
+                        [{stream_to, self()} | Options]
+                end,
+    Res = ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], Options_1),
     case Res of
 	{ibrowse_req_id, Req_id} ->
-	    Result = wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, undefined, undefined, []),
+	    Result = wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Options, undefined, undefined, []),
 	    Parent ! {async_result, self(), Result};
 	Err ->
 	    Parent ! {async_result, self(), Err}
-wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body) ->
+wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Options, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body) ->    
 	{ibrowse_async_headers, Req_id, StatCode, Headers} ->
-	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, StatCode, Headers, Body);
+            %% io:format("Recvd headers...~n", []),
+            maybe_stream_next(Req_id, Options),
+	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Options, StatCode, Headers, Body);
 	{ibrowse_async_response_end, Req_id} ->
+            io:format("Recvd end of response.~n", []),
 	    Body_1 = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Body)),
 	    {ok, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body_1};
 	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, Data} ->
-	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, [Data | Body]);
+            maybe_stream_next(Req_id, Options),
+            %% io:format("Recvd data...~n", []),
+	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Options, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, [Data | Body]);
+	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, {error, _} = Err} ->
+            {ok, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Err};
 	Err ->
 	    {ok, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Err}
+    after 10000 ->
+            {timeout, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body}
+    end.
+maybe_stream_next(Req_id, Options) ->
+    case lists:member(once, Options) of
+        true ->
+            ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id);
+        false ->
+            ok
 execute_req(Url, Method, Options) ->

[14/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Fixes 'make distcheck' to run the test suite.

Quite a few changes to the build system to handle VPATH builds appropriately as well as make the test suite know about them.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: f2a473e8c0374e2111a89d716d7d39b47f9efc17
Parents: 96d28d8
Author: Paul Joseph Davis <>
Authored: Mon Nov 9 00:39:16 2009 +0000
Committer: Paul Joseph Davis <>
Committed: Mon Nov 9 00:39:16 2009 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------    |  9 +++++----    | 13 ------------- | 13 +++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 76262a6..510f36a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-1.5.2/ebin
 ibrowse_file_collection = \
+ \
     ibrowse.erl \
     ibrowse_app.erl \
     ibrowse_http_client.erl \
@@ -21,9 +22,8 @@ ibrowse_file_collection = \
     ibrowse_sup.erl \
-ibrowseebin_static_file =
 ibrowseebin_make_generated_file_list = \
+ \
     ibrowse.beam \
     ibrowse_app.beam \
     ibrowse_http_client.beam \
@@ -33,16 +33,17 @@ ibrowseebin_make_generated_file_list = \
 ibrowseebin_DATA = \
-    $(ibrowseebin_static_file) \
     $(ibrowse_file_collection) \
-    $(ibrowseebin_static_file) \
+	cp $< $@
 %.beam: %.erl
 	$(ERLC) $(ERLC_FLAGS) $<
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f43dd9..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-{application, ibrowse,
-        [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "1.5.1"},
-         {modules, [ ibrowse,
-		     ibrowse_http_client,
-		     ibrowse_app,
-		     ibrowse_sup,
-		     ibrowse_lib,
-		     ibrowse_lb ]},
-         {registered, []},
-         {applications, [kernel,stdlib,sasl]},
-	 {env, []},
-	 {mod, {ibrowse_app, []}}]}.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f43dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{application, ibrowse,
+        [{description, "HTTP client application"},
+         {vsn, "1.5.1"},
+         {modules, [ ibrowse,
+		     ibrowse_http_client,
+		     ibrowse_app,
+		     ibrowse_sup,
+		     ibrowse_lib,
+		     ibrowse_lb ]},
+         {registered, []},
+         {applications, [kernel,stdlib,sasl]},
+	 {env, []},
+	 {mod, {ibrowse_app, []}}]}.

[08/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
trimmed trailing whitespace

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: d76a4473a0c4e2bd208ff2552561436c3adbf0f9
Parents: 50228c1
Author: Noah Slater <>
Authored: Mon Jul 6 00:33:50 2009 +0000
Committer: Noah Slater <>
Committed: Mon Jul 6 00:33:50 2009 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |  8 ++++----
 ibrowse.erl             | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 ibrowse_app.erl         |  8 ++++----
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 16 ++++++++--------
 ibrowse_lb.erl          |  6 +++---
 ibrowse_lib.erl         | 20 ++++++++++----------
 ibrowse_sup.erl         |  4 ++--
 ibrowse_test.erl        |  4 ++--
 8 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 5e4621d..a3d23ae 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
         [{description, "HTTP client application"},
          {vsn, "1.5.0"},
-         {modules, [ ibrowse, 
-		     ibrowse_http_client, 
-		     ibrowse_app, 
-		     ibrowse_sup, 
+         {modules, [ ibrowse,
+		     ibrowse_http_client,
+		     ibrowse_app,
+		     ibrowse_sup,
 		     ibrowse_lb ]},
          {registered, []},
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 0d3478b..56f0ef4 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
 %% <p>Here are a few sample invocations.</p>
 %% <code>
-%% ibrowse:send_req("http://intranet/messenger/", [], get). 
+%% ibrowse:send_req("http://intranet/messenger/", [], get).
 %% <br/><br/>
-%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [], 
+%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [],
 %% 		 [{proxy_user, "XXXXX"},
 %% 		  {proxy_password, "XXXXX"},
 %% 		  {proxy_host, "proxy"},
-%% 		  {proxy_port, 8080}], 1000). 
+%% 		  {proxy_port, 8080}], 1000).
 %% <br/><br/>
 %%ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [],
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 %% ibrowse:send_req("", [], trace).
 %% <br/><br/>
-%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [], 
+%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [],
 %%                   [{stream_to, self()}]).
 %% </code>
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 -record(state, {trace = false}).
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ stop() ->
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method) ->
     send_req(Url, Headers, Method, [], []).
-%% @doc Same as send_req/3. 
+%% @doc Same as send_req/3.
 %% If a list is specified for the body it has to be a flat list. The body can also be a fun/0 or a fun/1. <br/>
 %% If fun/0, the connection handling process will repeatdely call the fun until it returns an error or eof. <pre>Fun() = {ok, Data} | eof</pre><br/>
 %% If fun/1, the connection handling process will repeatedly call the fun with the supplied state until it returns an error or eof. <pre>Fun(State) = {ok, Data} | {ok, Data, NewState} | eof</pre>
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method) ->
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
     send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, []).
-%% @doc Same as send_req/4. 
+%% @doc Same as send_req/4.
 %% For a description of SSL Options, look in the ssl manpage. If the
 %% HTTP Version to use is not specified, the default is 1.1.
 %% <br/>
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% used to specify what should go in the <code>Host</code> header in
 %% the request.</p>
 %% <ul>
-%% <li>When both the options <code>save_response_to_file</code> and <code>stream_to</code> 
+%% <li>When both the options <code>save_response_to_file</code> and <code>stream_to</code>
 %% are specified, the former takes precedence.</li>
 %% <li>For the <code>save_response_to_file</code> option, the response body is saved to
@@ -211,21 +211,21 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [], [{connect_timeout, 100}], 1000).
 %% </code>
 %% In the above invocation, if the connection isn't established within
-%% 100 milliseconds, the request will fail with 
+%% 100 milliseconds, the request will fail with
 %% <code>{error, conn_failed}</code>.<br/>
 %% If connection setup succeeds, the total time allowed for the
 %% request to complete will be 1000 milliseconds minus the time taken
 %% for connection setup.
 %% </li>
 %% </ul>
 %% @spec send_req(Url::string(), Headers::headerList(), Method::method(), Body::body(), Options::optionList()) -> response()
 %% optionList() = [option()]
 %% option() = {max_sessions, integer()}        |
 %%          {response_format,response_format()}|
 %%          {stream_chunk_size, integer()}     |
 %%          {max_pipeline_size, integer()}     |
-%%          {trace, boolean()}                 | 
+%%          {trace, boolean()}                 |
 %%          {is_ssl, boolean()}                |
 %%          {ssl_options, [SSLOpt]}            |
 %%          {pool_name, atom()}                |
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options) ->
     send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, 30000).
-%% @doc Same as send_req/5. 
+%% @doc Same as send_req/5.
 %% All timeout values are in milliseconds.
 %% @spec send_req(Url, Headers::headerList(), Method::method(), Body::body(), Options::optionList(), Timeout) -> response()
 %% Timeout = integer() | infinity
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
 		    true -> {get_value(ssl_options, Options_1, []), true}
 	    case ibrowse_lb:spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
-					     Max_sessions, 
+					     Max_sessions,
 					     {SSLOptions, IsSSL}) of
 		{ok, Conn_Pid} ->
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ set_dest(_Host, _Port, [H | _]) ->
     exit({invalid_option, H});
 set_dest(_, _, []) ->
 %% @doc Set the maximum number of connections allowed to a specific Host:Port.
 %% @spec set_max_sessions(Host::string(), Port::integer(), Max::integer()) -> ok
 set_max_sessions(Host, Port, Max) when is_integer(Max), Max > 0 ->
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
 %% caller. Should be used in conjunction with the
 %% <code>stream_to</code> option
 %% @spec stream_next(Req_id :: req_id()) -> ok | {error, unknown_req_id}
-stream_next(Req_id) ->    
+stream_next(Req_id) ->
     case ets:lookup(ibrowse_stream, {req_id_pid, Req_id}) of
 	[] ->
 	    {error, unknown_req_id};
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ trace_off() ->
 %% @doc Turn tracing on for all connections to the specified HTTP
 %% server. Host is whatever is specified as the domain name in the URL
 %% @spec trace_on(Host, Port) -> ok
-%% Host = string() 
+%% Host = string()
 %% Port = integer()
 trace_on(Host, Port) ->
     ibrowse ! {trace, true, Host, Port},
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ import_config(Filename) ->
     case file:consult(Filename) of
 	{ok, Terms} ->
-	    Fun = fun({dest, Host, Port, MaxSess, MaxPipe, Options}) 
+	    Fun = fun({dest, Host, Port, MaxSess, MaxPipe, Options})
 		     when is_list(Host), is_integer(Port),
 		          is_integer(MaxSess), MaxSess > 0,
 		          is_integer(MaxPipe), MaxPipe > 0, is_list(Options) ->
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ import_config(Filename) ->
 			    fun({X, Y}) ->
-					       #ibrowse_conf{key = X, 
+					       #ibrowse_conf{key = X,
 							     value = Y})
 			    end, I);
 		     ({K, V}) ->
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ handle_info(all_trace_off, State) ->
     ets:foldl(Fun, undefined, ibrowse_lb),
     ets:select_delete(ibrowse_conf, [{{ibrowse_conf,{trace,'$1','$2'},true},[],['true']}]),
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
     put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
     {noreply, State};
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ handle_info({trace, Bool, Host, Port}, State) ->
     ets:insert(ibrowse_conf, #ibrowse_conf{key = {trace, Host, Port},
 					   value = Bool}),
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info(_Info, State) ->
     {noreply, State}.
diff --git a/ibrowse_app.erl b/ibrowse_app.erl
index f5e523c..8c83e8f 100644
--- a/ibrowse_app.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_app.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 %%% File    : ibrowse_app.erl
 %%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description : 
+%%% Description :
 %%% Created : 15 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
 %% Func: start/2
 %% Returns: {ok, Pid}        |
 %%          {ok, Pid, State} |
-%%          {error, Reason}   
+%%          {error, Reason}
 start(_Type, _StartArgs) ->
     case ibrowse_sup:start_link() of
-	{ok, Pid} -> 
+	{ok, Pid} ->
 	    {ok, Pid};
 	Error ->
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ start(_Type, _StartArgs) ->
 %% Func: stop/1
-%% Returns: any 
+%% Returns: any
 stop(_State) ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 3cacf39..43aa51f 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
 -record(request, {url, method, options, from,
-		  stream_to, caller_controls_socket = false, 
+		  stream_to, caller_controls_socket = false,
-		  save_response_to_file = false, 
+		  save_response_to_file = false,
 		  tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd,
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
 	    State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1};
 	_ when Caller_controls_socket == true ->
 	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, RepBuf_1),
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>, 
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>,
 			streamed_size = Streamed_size + size(RepBuf_1)};
 	_ when New_data_size >= Stream_chunk_size ->
 	    {Stream_chunk, Rem_data} = split_binary(RepBuf_1, Stream_chunk_size),
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ send_req_1(From,
 	    {Caller, once} when is_pid(Caller) or
 				is_atom(Caller) ->
 		Async_pid_rec = {{req_id_pid, ReqId}, self()},
-		true = ets:insert(ibrowse_stream, Async_pid_rec), 
+		true = ets:insert(ibrowse_stream, Async_pid_rec),
 		{Caller, true};
 	    undefined ->
 		{undefined, false};
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ is_connection_closing(_, _)                -> false.
 %% This clause determines the chunk size when given data from the beginning of the chunk
-		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, 
+		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
 			 chunk_size_buffer = Chunk_sz_buf
 			} = State) ->
@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 %% This clause is to remove the CRLF between two chunks
-		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, 
+		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
 			 chunk_size = tbd,
 			 chunk_size_buffer = Buf}=State) ->
     case scan_crlf(Buf, DataRecvd) of
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 %% This clause deals with the end of a chunked transfer
-		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0, 
+		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0,
 			 cur_req = CurReq,
 			 deleted_crlf = DelCrlf,
 			 reply_buffer = Trailer, reqs = Reqs}=State) ->
@@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ get_stream_chunk_size(Options) ->
-get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = #request{options = Opts}}) ->	
+get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = #request{options = Opts}}) ->
     get_value(inactivity_timeout, Opts, infinity);
 get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = undefined}) ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_lb.erl b/ibrowse_lb.erl
index 9212ccd..b0654b7 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lb.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lb.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 %%% File    : ibrowse_lb.erl
 %%% Author  : chandru <>
-%%% Description : 
+%%% Description :
 %%% Created :  6 Mar 2008 by chandru <>
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Url,
 % 	    #state{max_sessions = Max_sess,
 % 		   ets_tid = Tid,
 % 		   max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe_sz,
-% 		   num_cur_sessions = Num} = State) 
+% 		   num_cur_sessions = Num} = State)
 %     when Num >= Max ->
 %     Reply = find_best_connection(Tid),
 %     {reply, sorry_dude_reuse, State};
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Url,
 %% Update max_sessions in #state with supplied value
 handle_call({spawn_connection, _Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, _}, _From,
 	    #state{ets_tid = Tid,
-		   num_cur_sessions = Num} = State) 
+		   num_cur_sessions = Num} = State)
     when Num >= Max_sess ->
     Reply = find_best_connection(Tid, Max_pipe),
     {reply, Reply, State#state{max_sessions = Max_sess}};
diff --git a/ibrowse_lib.erl b/ibrowse_lib.erl
index 67c5eee..7567a6a 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lib.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 %%% File    : ibrowse_lib.erl
 %%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description : 
+%%% Description :
 %%% Created : 27 Feb 2004 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
 %% @doc Module with a few useful functions
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ month_int("Oct") -> 10;
 month_int("Nov") -> 11;
 month_int("Dec") -> 12.
-%% @doc Given a status code, returns an atom describing the status code. 
+%% @doc Given a status code, returns an atom describing the status code.
 %% @spec status_code(StatusCode::status_code()) -> StatusDescription
 %% status_code() = string() | integer()
 %% StatusDescription = atom()
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | _], get_protocol, Url, []) ->
     {invalid_uri_1, Url};
 parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | T], get_protocol, Url, TmpAcc) ->
     Prot = list_to_atom(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
-    parse_url(T, get_username, 
+    parse_url(T, get_username,
 	      Url#url{protocol = Prot},
 parse_url([$/ | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
@@ -285,16 +285,16 @@ parse_url([$: | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
     %% a username/password. If we encounter a '@' later on, there is a
     %% username/password indeed. If we encounter a '/', it was
     %% actually the hostname
-    parse_url(T, get_password, 
+    parse_url(T, get_password,
 	      Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
 parse_url([$@ | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    parse_url(T, get_host, 
+    parse_url(T, get_host,
 	      Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
 		      password = ""},
 parse_url([$@ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    parse_url(T, get_host, 
+    parse_url(T, get_host,
 	      Url#url{password = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
 parse_url([$/ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ parse_url([$/ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
 	    password = undefined,
 	    path = [$/ | T]};
 parse_url([$: | T], get_host, #url{} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    parse_url(T, get_port, 
+    parse_url(T, get_port,
 	      Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
 parse_url([$/ | T], get_host, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ parse_url([], get_port, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
 	       _ ->
-    Url#url{port = Port, 
+    Url#url{port = Port,
 	    path = "/"};
 parse_url([], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
     %% Ok, what we thought was the username/password was the hostname
@@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ do_trace(Fmt, Args) ->
 do_trace(_, Fmt, Args) ->
     io:format("~s -- (~s) - "++Fmt,
-	      [printable_date(), 
+	      [printable_date(),
 	       get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]).
 do_trace(true, Fmt, Args) ->
     io:format("~s -- (~s) - "++Fmt,
-	      [printable_date(), 
+	      [printable_date(),
 	       get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]);
 do_trace(_, _, _) ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_sup.erl b/ibrowse_sup.erl
index 300435d..1b9b863 100644
--- a/ibrowse_sup.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_sup.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 %%% File    : ibrowse_sup.erl
 %%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description : 
+%%% Description :
 %%% Created : 15 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ start_link() ->
 %% Func: init/1
 %% Returns: {ok,  {SupFlags,  [ChildSpec]}} |
 %%          ignore                          |
-%%          {error, Reason}   
+%%          {error, Reason}
 init([]) ->
     AChild = {ibrowse,{ibrowse,start_link,[]},
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index ad3e812..cab1f88 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ unit_tests() ->
 unit_tests(Options) ->
     Options_1 = Options ++ [{connect_timeout, 5000}],
     {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options_1]),
-    receive 
+    receive
 	{done, Pid} ->
 	{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Info} ->
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ compare_responses(R1, R2, R3) ->
 do_async_req_list(Url, Method, Options) ->
     {Pid,_} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, i_do_async_req_list,
-				   [self(), Url, Method, 
+				   [self(), Url, Method,
 				    Options ++ [{stream_chunk_size, 1000}]]),
     io:format("Spawned process ~p~n", [Pid]),

[24/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Yet another ibrowse fix.
Patch submitted upstream:

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 8f3735f01063758ebfdc3c8c6919c87d33f1f27f
Parents: 0db80d3
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Fri Nov 12 14:29:00 2010 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Fri Nov 12 14:29:00 2010 +0000

 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 10 +++++-----
 ibrowse_lib.erl         | 12 ++++--------
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 5c3d5c9..5ff323c 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ do_send_body1(Source, Resp, State, TE) ->
 maybe_chunked_encode(Data, false) ->
 maybe_chunked_encode(Data, true) ->
-    [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, size(to_binary(Data))), "\r\n", Data, "\r\n"].
+    [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(byte_size(to_binary(Data))), "\r\n", Data, "\r\n"].
 do_close(#state{socket = undefined})            ->  ok;
 do_close(#state{socket = Sock,
@@ -927,23 +927,23 @@ chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when Body == <<>>; Body == [] ->
 chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when is_binary(Body),
                                               size(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
     <<ChunkBody:ChunkSize/binary, Rest/binary>> = Body,
-    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, ChunkSize),"\r\n",
+    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(ChunkSize),"\r\n",
              ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
     chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
 chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_binary(Body) ->
     BodySize = size(Body),
-    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, BodySize),"\r\n",
+    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(BodySize),"\r\n",
              Body, "\r\n"],
     LastChunk = "0\r\n",
     lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]);
 chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when length(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
     {ChunkBody, Rest} = split_list_at(Body, ChunkSize),
-    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, ChunkSize),"\r\n",
+    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(ChunkSize),"\r\n",
              ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
     chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
 chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_list(Body) ->
     BodySize = length(Body),
-    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, BodySize),"\r\n",
+    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(BodySize),"\r\n",
              Body, "\r\n"],
     LastChunk = "0\r\n",
     lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]).
diff --git a/ibrowse_lib.erl b/ibrowse_lib.erl
index c463c7b..e913adb 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lib.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-         dec2hex/2,
+         dec2hex/1,
@@ -163,14 +163,10 @@ status_code(507) -> insufficient_storage;
 status_code(X) when is_list(X) -> status_code(list_to_integer(X));
 status_code(_)   -> unknown_status_code.
-%% @doc dec2hex taken from gtk.erl in std dist
-%% M = integer() -- number of hex digits required
+%% @doc Returns a string with the hexadecimal representation of a given decimal.
 %% N = integer() -- the number to represent as hex
-%% @spec dec2hex(M::integer(), N::integer()) -> string()
-dec2hex(M,N) -> dec2hex(M,N,[]).
-dec2hex(0,_N,Ack) -> Ack;
-dec2hex(M,N,Ack) -> dec2hex(M-1,N bsr 4,[d2h(N band 15)|Ack]).
+%% @spec dec2hex(N::integer()) -> string()
+dec2hex(N) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.16B", [N])).
 %% @doc Implements the base64 encoding algorithm. The output data type matches in the input data type.
 %% @spec encode_base64(In) -> Out

[09/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 1eba7c7ab56ebc1ebf8f91046749935371ee2f08
Parents: d76a447
Author: Noah Slater <>
Authored: Tue Jul 14 20:21:39 2009 +0000
Committer: Noah Slater <>
Committed: Tue Jul 14 20:21:39 2009 +0000

---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 2ba7b31..02a3e6e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-## use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
-## of the License at
+## use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+## the License at
 ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-## WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
+## WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 ## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 ## the License.

[11/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
apply patch for chunking error from ibrowse 1.5.2

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 087f81636012cfa1721e7db2942e0b3d5a09c5c6
Parents: 4203439
Author: Adam Kocoloski <>
Authored: Tue Aug 4 20:29:12 2009 +0000
Committer: Adam Kocoloski <>
Committed: Tue Aug 4 20:29:12 2009 +0000

 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 6a26dd4..013f31b 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 		  #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0,
 			 cur_req = CurReq,
 			 deleted_crlf = DelCrlf,
-			 reply_buffer = Trailer, reqs = Reqs}=State) ->
+			 chunk_size_buffer = Trailer, reqs = Reqs}=State) ->
     do_trace("Detected end of chunked transfer...~n", []),
     DataRecvd_1 = case DelCrlf of
 		      false ->
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 	    State_1 = handle_response(CurReq, State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
 	    parse_response(Rem, reset_state(State_1));
 	{no, Rem} ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = Rem, rep_buf_size = size(Rem), deleted_crlf = false}
+	    State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Rem, deleted_crlf = false}
 %% This clause extracts a chunk, given the size.

[17/33] Bumping ibrowse library to version 1.6.2 (latest). It has a few important bug fixes and new features, such as, for example:

Posted by
diff --git a/ibrowse_lib.erl b/ibrowse_lib.erl
index 6c7b154..fbb9c34 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lib.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 %%% File    : ibrowse_lib.erl
 %%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description :
+%%% Description : 
 %%% Created : 27 Feb 2004 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
 %% @doc Module with a few useful functions
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse_lib.erl,v 1.6 2008/03/27 01:35:50 chandrusf Exp $ ').
@@ -14,22 +13,22 @@
-	 get_trace_status/2,
-	 do_trace/2,
-	 do_trace/3,
-	 url_encode/1,
-	 decode_rfc822_date/1,
-	 status_code/1,
-	 dec2hex/2,
-	 drv_ue/1,
-	 drv_ue/2,
-	 encode_base64/1,
-	 decode_base64/1,
-	 get_value/2,
-	 get_value/3,
-	 parse_url/1,
-	 printable_date/0
-	]).
+         get_trace_status/2,
+         do_trace/2,
+         do_trace/3,
+         url_encode/1,
+         decode_rfc822_date/1,
+         status_code/1,
+         dec2hex/2,
+         drv_ue/1,
+         drv_ue/2,
+         encode_base64/1,
+         decode_base64/1,
+         get_value/2,
+         get_value/3,
+         parse_url/1,
+         printable_date/0
+        ]).
 get_trace_status(Host, Port) ->
     ibrowse:get_config_value({trace, Host, Port}, false).
@@ -39,10 +38,10 @@ drv_ue(Str) ->
     drv_ue(Str, Port).
 drv_ue(Str, Port) ->
     case erlang:port_control(Port, 1, Str) of
-	[] ->
-	    Str;
-	Res ->
-	    Res
+        [] ->
+            Str;
+        Res ->
+            Res
 %% @doc URL-encodes a string based on RFC 1738. Returns a flat list.
@@ -72,10 +71,10 @@ d2h(N) -> N+$a-10.
 decode_rfc822_date(String) when is_list(String) ->
     case catch decode_rfc822_date_1(string:tokens(String, ", \t\r\n")) of
-	{'EXIT', _} ->
-	    {error, invalid_date};
-	Res ->
-	    Res
+        {'EXIT', _} ->
+            {error, invalid_date};
+        Res ->
+            Res
 % TODO: Have to handle the Zone
@@ -86,15 +85,15 @@ decode_rfc822_date_1([Day,Month,Year, Time,_Zone]) ->
     MonthI = month_int(Month),
     YearI = list_to_integer(Year),
     TimeTup = case string:tokens(Time, ":") of
-		  [H,M] ->
-		      {list_to_integer(H),
-		       list_to_integer(M),
-		       0};
-		  [H,M,S] ->
-		      {list_to_integer(H),
-		       list_to_integer(M),
-		       list_to_integer(S)}
-	      end,
+                  [H,M] ->
+                      {list_to_integer(H),
+                       list_to_integer(M),
+                       0};
+                  [H,M,S] ->
+                      {list_to_integer(H),
+                       list_to_integer(M),
+                       list_to_integer(S)}
+              end,
     {{YearI,MonthI,DayI}, TimeTup}.
 month_int("Jan") -> 1;
@@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ month_int("Oct") -> 10;
 month_int("Nov") -> 11;
 month_int("Dec") -> 12.
-%% @doc Given a status code, returns an atom describing the status code.
+%% @doc Given a status code, returns an atom describing the status code. 
 %% @spec status_code(StatusCode::status_code()) -> StatusDescription
 %% status_code() = string() | integer()
 %% StatusDescription = atom()
@@ -178,86 +177,25 @@ dec2hex(M,N,Ack) -> dec2hex(M-1,N bsr 4,[d2h(N band 15)|Ack]).
 %% In = string() | binary()
 %% Out = string() | binary()
 encode_base64(List) when is_list(List) ->
-    encode_base64_1(list_to_binary(List));
+    binary_to_list(base64:encode(List));
 encode_base64(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
-    List = encode_base64_1(Bin),
-    list_to_binary(List).
-encode_base64_1(<<A:6, B:6, C:6, D:6, Rest/binary>>) ->
-    [int_to_b64(A), int_to_b64(B),
-     int_to_b64(C), int_to_b64(D) | encode_base64_1(Rest)];
-encode_base64_1(<<A:6, B:6, C:4>>) ->
-    [int_to_b64(A), int_to_b64(B), int_to_b64(C bsl 2), $=];
-encode_base64_1(<<A:6, B:2>>) ->
-    [int_to_b64(A), int_to_b64(B bsl 4), $=, $=];
-encode_base64_1(<<>>) ->
-    [].
+    base64:encode(Bin).
 %% @doc Implements the base64 decoding algorithm. The output data type matches in the input data type.
 %% @spec decode_base64(In) -> Out | exit({error, invalid_input})
 %% In = string() | binary()
 %% Out = string() | binary()
 decode_base64(List) when is_list(List) ->
-    decode_base64_1(List, []);
+    binary_to_list(base64:decode(List));
 decode_base64(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
-    List = decode_base64_1(binary_to_list(Bin), []),
-    list_to_binary(List).
-decode_base64_1([H | T], Acc) when ((H == $\t) or
-				    (H == 32) or
-				    (H == $\r) or
-				    (H == $\n)) ->
-    decode_base64_1(T, Acc);
-decode_base64_1([$=, $=], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-decode_base64_1([$=, _ | _], _Acc) ->
-    exit({error, invalid_input});
-decode_base64_1([A1, B1, $=, $=], Acc) ->
-    A = b64_to_int(A1),
-    B = b64_to_int(B1),
-    Oct1 = (A bsl 2) bor (B bsr 4),
-    decode_base64_1([], [Oct1 | Acc]);
-decode_base64_1([A1, B1, C1, $=], Acc) ->
-    A = b64_to_int(A1),
-    B = b64_to_int(B1),
-    C = b64_to_int(C1),
-    Oct1 = (A bsl 2) bor (B bsr 4),
-    Oct2 = ((B band 16#f) bsl 6) bor (C bsr 2),
-    decode_base64_1([], [Oct2, Oct1 | Acc]);
-decode_base64_1([A1, B1, C1, D1 | T], Acc) ->
-    A = b64_to_int(A1),
-    B = b64_to_int(B1),
-    C = b64_to_int(C1),
-    D = b64_to_int(D1),
-    Oct1 = (A bsl 2) bor (B bsr 4),
-    Oct2 = ((B band 16#f) bsl 4) bor (C bsr 2),
-    Oct3 = ((C band 2#11) bsl 6) bor D,
-    decode_base64_1(T, [Oct3, Oct2, Oct1 | Acc]);
-decode_base64_1([], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc).
-%% Taken from httpd_util.erl
-int_to_b64(X) when X >= 0, X =< 25 -> X + $A;
-int_to_b64(X) when X >= 26, X =< 51 -> X - 26 + $a;
-int_to_b64(X) when X >= 52, X =< 61 -> X - 52 + $0;
-int_to_b64(62) -> $+;
-int_to_b64(63) -> $/.
-%% Taken from httpd_util.erl
-b64_to_int(X) when X >= $A, X =< $Z -> X - $A;
-b64_to_int(X) when X >= $a, X =< $z -> X - $a + 26;
-b64_to_int(X) when X >= $0, X =< $9 -> X - $0 + 52;
-b64_to_int($+) -> 62;
-b64_to_int($/) -> 63.
+    base64:decode(Bin).
 get_value(Tag, TVL, DefVal) ->
     case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, TVL) of
-	false ->
-	    DefVal;
-	{value, {_, Val}} ->
-	    Val
+        false ->
+            DefVal;
+        {value, {_, Val}} ->
+            Val
 get_value(Tag, TVL) ->
@@ -271,92 +209,120 @@ parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | _], get_protocol, Url, []) ->
     {invalid_uri_1, Url};
 parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | T], get_protocol, Url, TmpAcc) ->
     Prot = list_to_atom(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
-    parse_url(T, get_username,
-	      Url#url{protocol = Prot},
-	      []);
-parse_url([$/ | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    parse_url(T, get_username, 
+              Url#url{protocol = Prot},
+              []);
+parse_url([H | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
+                                                   H == $? ->
+    Path = case H of
+               $/ ->
+                   [$/ | T];
+               $? ->
+                   [$/, $? | T]
+           end,
     %% No username/password. No  port number
     Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-	    port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
-	    path = [$/ | T]};
+            port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
+           path = Path};
 parse_url([$: | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
     %% It is possible that no username/password has been
     %% specified. But we'll continue with the assumption that there is
     %% a username/password. If we encounter a '@' later on, there is a
     %% username/password indeed. If we encounter a '/', it was
     %% actually the hostname
-    parse_url(T, get_password,
-	      Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
-	      []);
+    parse_url(T, get_password, 
+              Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
+              []);
 parse_url([$@ | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    parse_url(T, get_host,
-	      Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-		      password = ""},
-	      []);
+    parse_url(T, get_host, 
+              Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
+                      password = ""},
+              []);
 parse_url([$@ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    parse_url(T, get_host,
-	      Url#url{password = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
-	      []);
-parse_url([$/ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    parse_url(T, get_host, 
+              Url#url{password = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
+              []);
+parse_url([H | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
+                                                   H == $? ->
     %% Ok, what we thought was the username/password was the hostname
     %% and portnumber
     #url{username=User} = Url,
     Port = list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
+    Path = case H of
+               $/ ->
+                   [$/ | T];
+               $? ->
+                   [$/, $? | T]
+           end,
     Url#url{host = User,
-	    port = Port,
-	    username = undefined,
-	    password = undefined,
-	    path = [$/ | T]};
+            port = Port,
+            username = undefined,
+            password = undefined,
+           path = Path};
 parse_url([$: | T], get_host, #url{} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    parse_url(T, get_port,
-	      Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
-	      []);
-parse_url([$/ | T], get_host, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
+    parse_url(T, get_port, 
+              Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
+              []);
+parse_url([H | T], get_host, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
+                                                                     H == $? ->
+    Path = case H of
+               $/ ->
+                   [$/ | T];
+               $? ->
+                   [$/, $? | T]
+           end,
     Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-	    port = default_port(Prot),
-	    path = [$/ | T]};
-parse_url([$/ | T], get_port, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
+            port = default_port(Prot),
+           path = Path};
+parse_url([H | T], get_port, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
+                                                                     H == $? ->
+    Path = case H of
+               $/ ->
+                   [$/ | T];
+               $? ->
+                   [$/, $? | T]
+           end,
     Port = case TmpAcc of
-	       [] ->
-		   default_port(Prot);
-	       _ ->
-		   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
-	   end,
-    Url#url{port = Port, path = [$/ | T]};
+               [] ->
+                   default_port(Prot);
+               _ ->
+                   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
+           end,
+    Url#url{port = Port, path = Path};
 parse_url([H | T], State, Url, TmpAcc) ->
     parse_url(T, State, Url, [H | TmpAcc]);
 parse_url([], get_host, Url, TmpAcc) when TmpAcc /= [] ->
     Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-	    port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
-	    path = "/"};
+            port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
+            path = "/"};
 parse_url([], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) when TmpAcc /= [] ->
     Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-	    port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
-	    path = "/"};
+            port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
+            path = "/"};
 parse_url([], get_port, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
     Port = case TmpAcc of
-	       [] ->
-		   default_port(Prot);
-	       _ ->
-		   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
-	   end,
-    Url#url{port = Port,
-	    path = "/"};
+               [] ->
+                   default_port(Prot);
+               _ ->
+                   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
+           end,
+    Url#url{port = Port, 
+            path = "/"};
 parse_url([], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
     %% Ok, what we thought was the username/password was the hostname
     %% and portnumber
     #url{username=User} = Url,
     Port = case TmpAcc of
-	       [] ->
-		   default_port(Url#url.protocol);
-	       _ ->
-		   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
-	   end,
+               [] ->
+                   default_port(Url#url.protocol);
+               _ ->
+                   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
+           end,
     Url#url{host = User,
-	    port = Port,
-	    username = undefined,
-	    password = undefined,
-	    path = "/"};
+            port = Port,
+            username = undefined,
+            password = undefined,
+            path = "/"};
 parse_url([], State, Url, TmpAcc) ->
     {invalid_uri_2, State, Url, TmpAcc}.
@@ -387,13 +353,13 @@ do_trace(Fmt, Args) ->
 do_trace(_, Fmt, Args) ->
     io:format("~s -- (~s) - "++Fmt,
-	      [printable_date(),
-	       get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]).
+              [printable_date(), 
+               get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]).
 do_trace(true, Fmt, Args) ->
     io:format("~s -- (~s) - "++Fmt,
-	      [printable_date(),
-	       get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]);
+              [printable_date(), 
+               get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]);
 do_trace(_, _, _) ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_sup.erl b/ibrowse_sup.erl
index 1b9b863..ace33d1 100644
--- a/ibrowse_sup.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_sup.erl
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 %%% File    : ibrowse_sup.erl
 %%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description :
+%%% Description : 
 %%% Created : 15 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse_sup.erl,v 1.1 2005/05/05 22:28:28 chandrusf Exp $ ').
 %% Include files
@@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ start_link() ->
 %% Func: init/1
 %% Returns: {ok,  {SupFlags,  [ChildSpec]}} |
 %%          ignore                          |
-%%          {error, Reason}
+%%          {error, Reason}   
 init([]) ->
     AChild = {ibrowse,{ibrowse,start_link,[]},
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index 3dc66ec..00b0244 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 %%% Created : 14 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse_test.erl,v 1.4 2009/07/01 22:43:19 chandrusf Exp $ ').
@@ -193,6 +192,7 @@ dump_errors(Key, Iod) ->
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", options},
+                    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
@@ -223,9 +223,10 @@ unit_tests() ->
 unit_tests(Options) ->
+    application:start(ssl),
     Options_1 = Options ++ [{connect_timeout, 5000}],
     {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options_1]),
-    receive
+    receive 
 	{done, Pid} ->
 	{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Info} ->
@@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ compare_responses(R1, R2, R3) ->
 do_async_req_list(Url, Method, Options) ->
     {Pid,_} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, i_do_async_req_list,
-				   [self(), Url, Method,
+				   [self(), Url, Method, 
 				    Options ++ [{stream_chunk_size, 1000}]]),
     io:format("Spawned process ~p~n", [Pid]),

[03/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Fix `make distcheck` (which builds releases and nightlies)

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 39af2b605eab6c11877ca87ddad5f80086da11c4
Parents: 4d1d829
Author: Jan Lehnardt <>
Authored: Thu Feb 12 15:52:37 2009 +0000
Committer: Jan Lehnardt <>
Committed: Thu Feb 12 15:52:37 2009 +0000

---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index e4feb3d..614bdc3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ ibrowseebin_DATA = \
     $(ibrowse_file_collection) \
-    $(ibrowseebin_static_file)
+    $(ibrowseebin_static_file) \
+    ibrowse.hrl

[26/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Upgraded ibrowse to version 2.1.2 (released today)

This version fixes a blocking issue (which rarely happens) when using the same connection
(with ot without pipelining) for multiple requests using the option {stream_to, {pid(), once}}.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 99da0af1fe7669bf5eb768422f433e558bf92a88
Parents: 211fbf3
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Mon Dec 20 12:32:49 2010 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Mon Dec 20 12:32:49 2010 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |  2 +-          |  2 +-
 ibrowse.erl             |  2 +-
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 35 +++++++++++++----
 ibrowse_test.erl        | 93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 5 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index deddd5a..4cebe5d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 ## the License.
-ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.1.1/ebin
+ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.1.2/ebin
 ibrowse_file_collection = \ \
diff --git a/ b/
index aee0f20..c8e4227 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
         [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "2.1.1"},
+         {vsn, "2.1.2"},
          {modules, [ ibrowse, 
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 6e20cfb..e105150 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 %% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
 %% @copyright 2005-2010 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
-%% @version 2.1.1
+%% @version 2.1.2
 %% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client in erlang. This
 %% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
 %% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 0135a49..ea75948 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -191,6 +191,14 @@ handle_info({stream_next, Req_id}, #state{socket = Socket,
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info({stream_next, _Req_id}, State) ->
+    _Cur_req_id = case State#state.cur_req of
+                     #request{req_id = Cur} ->
+                         Cur;
+                     _ ->
+                         undefined
+                 end,
+%%     io:format("Ignoring stream_next as ~1000.p is not cur req (~1000.p)~n",
+%%               [_Req_id, _Cur_req_id]),
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info({stream_close, _Req_id}, State) ->
@@ -625,7 +633,7 @@ send_req_1(From,
     Path = [Server_host, $:, integer_to_list(Server_port)],
     {Req, Body_1} = make_request(connect, Pxy_auth_headers,
                                  Path, Path,
-                                 [], Options, State_1),
+                                 [], Options, State_1, undefined),
     TE = is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options),
     case do_send(Req, State) of
@@ -711,7 +719,8 @@ send_req_1(From,
     Headers_1 = maybe_modify_headers(Url, Method, Options, Headers, State_1),
     {Req, Body_1} = make_request(Method,
-                                 AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, State_1),
+                                 AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, State_1,
+                                 ReqId),
     do_setopts(Socket, Caller_socket_options, State_1),
     TE = is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options),
@@ -811,7 +820,7 @@ http_auth_digest(Username, Password) ->
     ibrowse_lib:encode_base64(Username ++ [$: | Password]).
 make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
-             #state{use_proxy = UseProxy, is_ssl = Is_ssl}) ->
+             #state{use_proxy = UseProxy, is_ssl = Is_ssl}, ReqId) ->
     HttpVsn = http_vsn_string(get_value(http_vsn, Options, {1,1})),
     Fun1 = fun({X, Y}) when is_atom(X) ->
                    {to_lower(atom_to_list(X)), X, Y};
@@ -847,7 +856,13 @@ make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
                  [{"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
                  chunk_request_body(Body, Chunk_size_1)}
-    Headers_3 = cons_headers(Headers_2),
+    Headers_3 = case lists:member({include_ibrowse_req_id, true}, Options) of
+                    true ->
+                        [{"x-ibrowse-request-id", io_lib:format("~1000.p",[ReqId])} | Headers_2];
+                    false ->
+                        Headers_2
+                end,
+    Headers_4 = cons_headers(Headers_3),
     Uri = case get_value(use_absolute_uri, Options, false) or UseProxy of
               true ->
                   case Is_ssl of
@@ -859,7 +874,7 @@ make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
               false ->
-    {[method(Method), " ", Uri, " ", HttpVsn, crnl(), Headers_3, crnl()], Body_1}.
+    {[method(Method), " ", Uri, " ", HttpVsn, crnl(), Headers_4, crnl()], Body_1}.
 is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options) ->
     case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options, false) of
@@ -1303,11 +1318,17 @@ reset_state(State) ->
                 transfer_encoding = undefined
-set_cur_request(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State) ->
+set_cur_request(#state{reqs = Reqs, socket = Socket} = State) ->
     case queue:to_list(Reqs) of
         [] ->
             State#state{cur_req = undefined};
-        [NextReq | _] ->
+        [#request{caller_controls_socket = Ccs} = NextReq | _] ->
+            case Ccs of
+                true ->
+                    do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State);
+                _ ->
+                    ok
+            end,
             State#state{cur_req = NextReq}
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index 3ad7660..b8e0a4a 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
-	 test_stream_once/4
+	 test_stream_once/4,
+         test_20122010/0
 test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options) ->
@@ -218,7 +219,8 @@ dump_errors(Key, Iod) ->
 		    {"", get, [{basic_auth, {"guest", "guest"}}]},
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
-                    {"", get, [{ssl_options, [{depth, 2}]}]}
+                    {"", get, [{ssl_options, [{depth, 2}]}]},
+                    {local_test_fun, test_20122010, []}
 unit_tests() ->
@@ -228,6 +230,7 @@ unit_tests(Options) ->
+    (catch ibrowse_test_server:start_server(8181, tcp)),
     Options_1 = Options ++ [{connect_timeout, 5000}],
     {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options_1]),
@@ -242,7 +245,9 @@ unit_tests(Options) ->
 unit_tests_1(Parent, Options) ->
-    lists:foreach(fun({Url, Method}) ->
+    lists:foreach(fun({local_test_fun, Fun_name, Args}) ->
+                          execute_req(local_test_fun, Fun_name, Args);
+                     ({Url, Method}) ->
 			  execute_req(Url, Method, Options);
 		     ({Url, Method, X_Opts}) ->
 			  execute_req(Url, Method, X_Opts ++ Options)
@@ -394,6 +399,10 @@ maybe_stream_next(Req_id, Options) ->
+execute_req(local_test_fun, Method, Args) ->
+    io:format("     ~-54.54w: ", [Method]),
+    Result = (catch apply(?MODULE, Method, Args)),
+    io:format("~p~n", [Result]);
 execute_req(Url, Method, Options) ->
     io:format("~7.7w, ~50.50s: ", [Method, Url]),
     Result = (catch ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], Options)),
@@ -430,3 +439,81 @@ ue_test(Data) ->
 log_msg(Fmt, Args) ->
     io:format("~s -- " ++ Fmt,
 	      [ibrowse_lib:printable_date() | Args]).
+test_20122010() ->
+    {ok, Pid} = ibrowse:spawn_worker_process("http://localhost:8181"),
+    Expected_resp = <<"1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-50-51-52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60-61-62-63-64-65-66-67-68-69-70-71-72-73-74-75-76-77-78-79-80-81-82-83-84-85-86-87-88-89-90-91-92-93-94-95-96-97-98-99-100">>,
+    Test_parent = self(),
+    Fun = fun() ->
+                  do_test_20122010(Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent)
+          end,
+    Pids = [erlang:spawn_monitor(Fun) || _ <- lists:seq(1,10)],
+    wait_for_workers(Pids).
+wait_for_workers([{Pid, _Ref} | Pids]) ->
+    receive
+        {Pid, success} ->
+            wait_for_workers(Pids)
+    after 5000 ->
+            test_failed
+    end;
+wait_for_workers([]) ->
+    success.
+do_test_20122010(Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent) ->
+    {ibrowse_req_id, Req_id} = ibrowse:send_req_direct(
+                                 Pid,
+                                 "http://localhost:8181/ibrowse_stream_once_chunk_pipeline_test",
+                                 [], get, [],
+                                 [{stream_to, {self(), once}},
+                                  {include_ibrowse_req_id, true}]),
+    do_trace("~p -- sent request ~1000.p~n", [self(), Req_id]),
+    Req_id_str = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~1000.p",[Req_id])),
+    receive
+        {ibrowse_async_headers, Req_id, "200", Headers} ->
+            case lists:keysearch("x-ibrowse-request-id", 1, Headers) of
+                {value, {_, Req_id_str}} ->
+                    ok;
+                {value, {_, Req_id_1}} ->
+                    do_trace("~p -- Sent req-id: ~1000.p. Recvd: ~1000.p~n",
+                              [self(), Req_id, Req_id_1]),
+                    exit(req_id_mismatch)
+            end
+    after 5000 ->
+            do_trace("~p -- response headers not received~n", [self()]),
+            exit({timeout, test_failed})
+    end,
+    do_trace("~p -- response headers received~n", [self()]),
+    ok = ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id),
+    case do_test_20122010_1(Expected_resp, Req_id, []) of
+        true ->
+            Test_parent ! {self(), success};
+        false ->
+            Test_parent ! {self(), failed}
+    end.
+do_test_20122010_1(Expected_resp, Req_id, Acc) ->
+    receive
+        {ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, Body_part} ->
+            ok = ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id),
+            do_test_20122010_1(Expected_resp, Req_id, [Body_part | Acc]);
+        {ibrowse_async_response_end, Req_id} ->
+            Acc_1 = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)),
+            Result = Acc_1 == Expected_resp,
+            do_trace("~p -- End of response. Result: ~p~n", [self(), Result]),
+            Result
+    after 1000 ->
+            exit({timeout, test_failed})
+    end.
+do_trace(Fmt, Args) ->
+    do_trace(get(my_trace_flag), Fmt, Args).
+do_trace(true, Fmt, Args) ->
+    io:format("~s -- " ++ Fmt, [ibrowse_lib:printable_date() | Args]);
+do_trace(_, _, _) ->
+    ok.

[02/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Replacement of inets with ibrowse. Fixes COUCHDB-179 and enhances replication.
Thanks Jason Davies and Adam Kocoloski for the fix, Maximillian Dornseif for reporting.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 4d1d8294dfd6548500bf288010a065995a3fda8b
Author: John Christopher Anderson <>
Authored: Thu Jan 29 22:15:48 2009 +0000
Committer: John Christopher Anderson <>
Committed: Thu Jan 29 22:15:48 2009 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |   47 ++             |   13 +
 ibrowse.erl             |  628 ++++++++++++++++++++
 ibrowse.hrl             |   12 +
 ibrowse_app.erl         |   64 +++
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 1312 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ibrowse_lb.erl          |  195 +++++++
 ibrowse_lib.erl         |  399 +++++++++++++
 ibrowse_sup.erl         |   65 +++
 ibrowse_test.erl        |  226 ++++++++
 10 files changed, 2961 insertions(+)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4feb3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+## use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
+## of the License at
+## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+## WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
+## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+## the License.
+ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-1.4.1/ebin
+ibrowse_file_collection = \
+    ibrowse.erl \
+    ibrowse_app.erl \
+    ibrowse_http_client.erl \
+    ibrowse_lb.erl \
+    ibrowse_lib.erl \
+    ibrowse_sup.erl \
+    ibrowse_test.erl
+ibrowseebin_static_file =
+ibrowseebin_make_generated_file_list = \
+    ibrowse.beam \
+    ibrowse_app.beam \
+    ibrowse_http_client.beam \
+    ibrowse_lb.beam \
+    ibrowse_lib.beam \
+    ibrowse_sup.beam \
+    ibrowse_test.beam
+ibrowseebin_DATA = \
+    $(ibrowseebin_static_file) \
+    $(ibrowseebin_make_generated_file_list)
+    $(ibrowse_file_collection) \
+    $(ibrowseebin_static_file)
+    $(ibrowseebin_make_generated_file_list)
+%.beam: %.erl
+	$(ERLC) $<
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..960c079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{application, ibrowse,
+        [{description, "HTTP client application"},
+         {vsn, "1.4.1"},
+         {modules, [ ibrowse, 
+		     ibrowse_http_client, 
+		     ibrowse_app, 
+		     ibrowse_sup, 
+		     ibrowse_lib,
+		     ibrowse_lb ]},
+         {registered, []},
+         {applications, [kernel,stdlib,sasl]},
+	 {env, []},
+	 {mod, {ibrowse_app, []}}]}.
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e6404a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+%%% File    : ibrowse.erl
+%%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+%%% Description : Load balancer process for HTTP client connections.
+%%% Created : 11 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+%% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
+%% @copyright 2005-2008 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
+%% @version 1.4
+%% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client. This
+%% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
+%% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
+%% one process to handle one TCP connection to a webserver
+%% (implemented in the module ibrowse_http_client). Multiple connections to a
+%% webserver are setup based on the settings for each webserver. The
+%% ibrowse process also determines which connection to pipeline a
+%% certain request on.  The functions to call are send_req/3,
+%% send_req/4, send_req/5, send_req/6.
+%% <p>Here are a few sample invocations.</p>
+%% <code>
+%% ibrowse:send_req("http://intranet/messenger/", [], get). 
+%% <br/><br/>
+%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [], 
+%% 		 [{proxy_user, "XXXXX"},
+%% 		  {proxy_password, "XXXXX"},
+%% 		  {proxy_host, "proxy"},
+%% 		  {proxy_port, 8080}], 1000). 
+%% <br/><br/>
+%%ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [],
+%% 		 [{proxy_user, "XXXXX"},
+%% 		  {proxy_password, "XXXXX"},
+%% 		  {proxy_host, "proxy"},
+%% 		  {proxy_port, 8080},
+%% 		  {save_response_to_file, true}], 1000).
+%% <br/><br/>
+%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], head).
+%% <br/><br/>
+%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], options).
+%% <br/><br/>
+%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], trace).
+%% <br/><br/>
+%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [], 
+%%                   [{stream_to, self()}]).
+%% </code>
+%% <p>A driver exists which implements URL encoding in C, but the
+%% speed achieved using only erlang has been good enough, so the
+%% driver isn't actually used.</p>
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse.erl,v 1.7 2008/05/21 15:28:11 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+%% Include files
+%% External exports
+-export([start_link/0, start/0, stop/0]).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
+	 terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+%% API interface
+	 rescan_config/0,
+	 rescan_config/1,
+	 get_config_value/1,
+	 get_config_value/2,
+	 spawn_worker_process/2,
+	 spawn_link_worker_process/2,
+	 stop_worker_process/1,
+	 send_req/3,
+	 send_req/4,
+	 send_req/5,
+	 send_req/6,
+	 send_req_direct/4,
+	 send_req_direct/5,
+	 send_req_direct/6,
+	 send_req_direct/7,
+	 set_max_sessions/3,
+	 set_max_pipeline_size/3,
+	 set_dest/3,
+	 trace_on/0,
+	 trace_off/0,
+	 trace_on/2,
+	 trace_off/2,
+	 show_dest_status/2
+	]).
+-import(ibrowse_lib, [
+		      parse_url/1,
+		      printable_date/0,
+		      get_value/2,
+		      get_value/3,
+		      do_trace/2
+		     ]).
+-record(state, {trace = false}).
+%% External functions
+%% Function: start_link/0
+%% Description: Starts the server
+%% @doc Starts the ibrowse process linked to the calling process. Usually invoked by the supervisor ibrowse_sup
+%% @spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+%% @doc Starts the ibrowse process without linking. Useful when testing using the shell
+start() ->
+    gen_server:start({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], [{debug, []}]).
+%% @doc Stop the ibrowse process. Useful when testing using the shell.
+stop() ->
+    catch gen_server:call(ibrowse, stop).
+%% @doc This is the basic function to send a HTTP request.
+%% The Status return value indicates the HTTP status code returned by the webserver
+%% @spec send_req(Url::string(), Headers::headerList(), Method::method()) -> response()
+%% headerList() = [{header(), value()}]
+%% header() = atom() | string()
+%% value() = term()
+%% method() = get | post | head | options | put | delete | trace | mkcol | propfind | proppatch | lock | unlock | move | copy
+%% Status = string()
+%% ResponseHeaders = [respHeader()]
+%% respHeader() = {headerName(), headerValue()}
+%% headerName() = string()
+%% headerValue() = string()
+%% response() = {ok, Status, ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody} | {error, Reason}
+%% ResponseBody = string() | {file, Filename}
+%% Reason = term()
+send_req(Url, Headers, Method) ->
+    send_req(Url, Headers, Method, [], []).
+%% @doc Same as send_req/3. 
+%% If a list is specified for the body it has to be a flat list. The body can also be a fun/0 or a fun/1. <br/>
+%% If fun/0, the connection handling process will repeatdely call the fun until it returns an error or eof. <pre>Fun() = {ok, Data} | eof</pre><br/>
+%% If fun/1, the connection handling process will repeatedly call the fun with the supplied state until it returns an error or eof. <pre>Fun(State) = {ok, Data} | {ok, Data, NewState} | eof</pre>
+%% @spec send_req(Url, Headers, Method::method(), Body::body()) -> response()
+%% body() = [] | string() | binary() | fun_arity_0() | {fun_arity_1(), initial_state()}
+%% initial_state() = term()
+send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
+    send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, []).
+%% @doc Same as send_req/4. 
+%% For a description of SSL Options, look in the ssl manpage. If the
+%% HTTP Version to use is not specified, the default is 1.1.
+%% <br/>
+%% <p>The <code>host_header</code> is useful in the case where ibrowse is
+%% connecting to a component such as <a
+%% href="">stunnel</a> which then sets up a
+%% secure connection to a webserver. In this case, the URL supplied to
+%% ibrowse must have the stunnel host/port details, but that won't
+%% make sense to the destination webserver. This option can then be
+%% used to specify what should go in the <code>Host</code> header in
+%% the request.</p>
+%% <ul>
+%% <li>When both the options <code>save_response_to_file</code> and <code>stream_to</code> 
+%% are specified, the former takes precedence.</li>
+%% <li>For the <code>save_response_to_file</code> option, the response body is saved to
+%% file only if the status code is in the 200-299 range. If not, the response body is returned
+%% as a string.</li>
+%% <li>Whenever an error occurs in the processing of a request, ibrowse will return as much
+%% information as it has, such as HTTP Status Code and HTTP Headers. When this happens, the response
+%% is of the form <code>{error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatusCode}, HTTP_headers}}</code></li>
+%% </ul>
+%% @spec send_req(Url::string(), Headers::headerList(), Method::method(), Body::body(), Options::optionList()) -> response()
+%% optionList() = [option()]
+%% option() = {max_sessions, integer()}        |
+%%          {max_pipeline_size, integer()}     |
+%%          {trace, boolean()}                 | 
+%%          {is_ssl, boolean()}                |
+%%          {ssl_options, [SSLOpt]}            |
+%%          {pool_name, atom()}                |
+%%          {proxy_host, string()}             |
+%%          {proxy_port, integer()}            |
+%%          {proxy_user, string()}             |
+%%          {proxy_password, string()}         |
+%%          {use_absolute_uri, boolean()}      |
+%%          {basic_auth, {username(), password()}} |
+%%          {cookie, string()}                 |
+%%          {content_length, integer()}        |
+%%          {content_type, string()}           |
+%%          {save_response_to_file, srtf()}    |
+%%          {stream_to, process()}             |
+%%          {http_vsn, {MajorVsn, MinorVsn}}   |
+%%          {host_header, string()}            |
+%%          {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}}
+%% process() = pid() | atom()
+%% username() = string()
+%% password() = string()
+%% SSLOpt = term()
+%% ChunkSize = integer()
+%% srtf() = boolean() | filename()
+%% filename() = string()
+send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options) ->
+    send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, 30000).
+%% @doc Same as send_req/5. 
+%% All timeout values are in milliseconds.
+%% @spec send_req(Url, Headers::headerList(), Method::method(), Body::body(), Options::optionList(), Timeout) -> response()
+%% Timeout = integer() | infinity
+send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
+    case catch parse_url(Url) of
+	#url{host = Host,
+	     port = Port} = Parsed_url ->
+	    Lb_pid = case ets:lookup(ibrowse_lb, {Host, Port}) of
+			 [] ->
+			     get_lb_pid(Parsed_url);
+			 [#lb_pid{pid = Lb_pid_1}] ->
+			     Lb_pid_1
+		     end,
+	    Max_sessions = get_max_sessions(Host, Port, Options),
+	    Max_pipeline_size = get_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Options),
+	    Options_1 = merge_options(Host, Port, Options),
+	    {SSLOptions, IsSSL} =
+		case get_value(is_ssl, Options_1, false) of
+		    false -> {[], false};
+		    true -> {get_value(ssl_options, Options_1), true}
+		end,
+	    case ibrowse_lb:spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
+					     Max_sessions, 
+					     Max_pipeline_size,
+					     {SSLOptions, IsSSL}) of
+		{ok, Conn_Pid} ->
+		    do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers,
+				Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout);
+		Err ->
+		    Err
+	    end;
+	Err ->
+	    {error, {url_parsing_failed, Err}}
+    end.
+merge_options(Host, Port, Options) ->
+    Config_options = get_config_value({options, Host, Port}, []),
+    lists:foldl(
+      fun({Key, Val}, Acc) ->
+			case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Options) of
+			    false ->
+				[{Key, Val} | Acc];
+			    _ ->
+				Acc
+			end
+      end, Options, Config_options).
+get_lb_pid(Url) ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {get_lb_pid, Url}).
+get_max_sessions(Host, Port, Options) ->
+    get_value(max_sessions, Options,
+	      get_config_value({max_sessions, Host, Port}, ?DEF_MAX_SESSIONS)).
+get_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Options) ->
+    get_value(max_pipeline_size, Options,
+	      get_config_value({max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, ?DEF_MAX_PIPELINE_SIZE)).
+%% @doc Deprecated. Use set_max_sessions/3 and set_max_pipeline_size/3
+%% for achieving the same effect.
+set_dest(Host, Port, [{max_sessions, Max} | T]) ->
+    set_max_sessions(Host, Port, Max),
+    set_dest(Host, Port, T);
+set_dest(Host, Port, [{max_pipeline_size, Max} | T]) ->
+    set_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Max),
+    set_dest(Host, Port, T);
+set_dest(Host, Port, [{trace, Bool} | T]) when Bool == true; Bool == false ->
+    ibrowse ! {trace, true, Host, Port},
+    set_dest(Host, Port, T);
+set_dest(_Host, _Port, [H | _]) ->
+    exit({invalid_option, H});
+set_dest(_, _, []) ->
+    ok.
+%% @doc Set the maximum number of connections allowed to a specific Host:Port.
+%% @spec set_max_sessions(Host::string(), Port::integer(), Max::integer()) -> ok
+set_max_sessions(Host, Port, Max) when is_integer(Max), Max > 0 ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_config_value, {max_sessions, Host, Port}, Max}).
+%% @doc Set the maximum pipeline size for each connection to a specific Host:Port.
+%% @spec set_max_pipeline_size(Host::string(), Port::integer(), Max::integer()) -> ok
+set_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Max) when is_integer(Max), Max > 0 ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_config_value, {max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, Max}).
+do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
+    case catch ibrowse_http_client:send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url,
+					    Headers, Method, Body,
+					    Options, Timeout) of
+	{'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
+	    {error, req_timedout};
+	{'EXIT', Reason} ->
+	    {error, {'EXIT', Reason}};
+	Ret ->
+	    Ret
+    end.
+%% @doc Creates a HTTP client process to the specified Host:Port which
+%% is not part of the load balancing pool. This is useful in cases
+%% where some requests to a webserver might take a long time whereas
+%% some might take a very short time. To avoid getting these quick
+%% requests stuck in the pipeline behind time consuming requests, use
+%% this function to get a handle to a connection process. <br/>
+%% <b>Note:</b> Calling this function only creates a worker process. No connection
+%% is setup. The connection attempt is made only when the first
+%% request is sent via any of the send_req_direct/4,5,6,7 functions.<br/>
+%% <b>Note:</b> It is the responsibility of the calling process to control
+%% pipeline size on such connections.
+%% @spec spawn_worker_process(Host::string(), Port::integer()) -> {ok, pid()}
+spawn_worker_process(Host, Port) ->
+    ibrowse_http_client:start({Host, Port}).
+%% @doc Same as spawn_worker_process/2 except the the calling process
+%% is linked to the worker process which is spawned.
+spawn_link_worker_process(Host, Port) ->
+    ibrowse_http_client:start_link({Host, Port}).
+%% @doc Terminate a worker process spawned using
+%% spawn_worker_process/2 or spawn_link_worker_process/2. Requests in
+%% progress will get the error response <pre>{error, closing_on_request}</pre>
+%% @spec stop_worker_process(Conn_pid::pid()) -> ok
+stop_worker_process(Conn_pid) ->
+    ibrowse_http_client:stop(Conn_pid).
+%% @doc Same as send_req/3 except that the first argument is the PID
+%% returned by spawn_worker_process/2 or spawn_link_worker_process/2
+send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method) ->
+    send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method, [], []).
+%% @doc Same as send_req/4 except that the first argument is the PID
+%% returned by spawn_worker_process/2 or spawn_link_worker_process/2
+send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
+    send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, []).
+%% @doc Same as send_req/5 except that the first argument is the PID
+%% returned by spawn_worker_process/2 or spawn_link_worker_process/2
+send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options) ->
+    send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, 30000).
+%% @doc Same as send_req/6 except that the first argument is the PID
+%% returned by spawn_worker_process/2 or spawn_link_worker_process/2
+send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
+    case catch parse_url(Url) of
+	#url{host = Host,
+	     port = Port} = Parsed_url ->
+	    Options_1 = merge_options(Host, Port, Options),
+	    case do_send_req(Conn_pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout) of
+		{error, {'EXIT', {noproc, _}}} ->
+		    {error, worker_is_dead};
+		Ret ->
+		    Ret
+	    end;
+	Err ->
+	    {error, {url_parsing_failed, Err}}
+    end.
+%% @doc Turn tracing on for the ibrowse process
+trace_on() ->
+    ibrowse ! {trace, true}.
+%% @doc Turn tracing off for the ibrowse process
+trace_off() ->
+    ibrowse ! {trace, false}.
+%% @doc Turn tracing on for all connections to the specified HTTP
+%% server. Host is whatever is specified as the domain name in the URL
+%% @spec trace_on(Host, Port) -> term() 
+%% Host = string() 
+%% Port = integer()
+trace_on(Host, Port) ->
+    ibrowse ! {trace, true, Host, Port}.
+%% @doc Turn tracing OFF for all connections to the specified HTTP
+%% server.
+%% @spec trace_off(Host, Port) -> term()
+trace_off(Host, Port) ->
+    ibrowse ! {trace, false, Host, Port}.
+%% @doc Shows some internal information about load balancing to a
+%% specified Host:Port. Info about workers spawned using
+%% spawn_worker_process/2 or spawn_link_worker_process/2 is not
+%% included.
+show_dest_status(Host, Port) ->
+    case ets:lookup(ibrowse_lb, {Host, Port}) of
+	[] ->
+	    no_active_processes;
+	[#lb_pid{pid = Lb_pid}] ->
+	    io:format("Load Balancer Pid     : ~p~n", [Lb_pid]),
+	    io:format("LB process msg q size : ~p~n", [(catch process_info(Lb_pid, message_queue_len))]),
+	    case lists:dropwhile(
+		   fun(Tid) ->
+			   ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
+		   end, ets:all()) of
+		[] ->
+		    io:format("Couldn't locate ETS table for ~p~n", [Lb_pid]);
+		[Tid | _] ->
+		    First = ets:first(Tid),
+		    Last = ets:last(Tid),
+		    Size = ets:info(Tid, size),
+		    io:format("LB ETS table id       : ~p~n", [Tid]),
+		    io:format("Num Connections       : ~p~n", [Size]),
+		    case Size of
+			0 ->
+			    ok;
+			_ ->
+			    {First_p_sz, _} = First,
+			    {Last_p_sz, _} = Last,
+			    io:format("Smallest pipeline     : ~1000.p~n", [First_p_sz]),
+			    io:format("Largest pipeline      : ~1000.p~n", [Last_p_sz])
+		    end
+	    end
+    end.
+%% @doc Clear current configuration for ibrowse and load from the file
+%% ibrowse.conf in the IBROWSE_EBIN/../priv directory. Current
+%% configuration is cleared only if the ibrowse.conf file is readable
+%% using file:consult/1
+rescan_config() ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, rescan_config).
+%% Clear current configuration for ibrowse and load from the specified
+%% file. Current configuration is cleared only if the specified
+%% file is readable using file:consult/1
+rescan_config(File) when is_list(File) ->
+    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {rescan_config, File}).
+%% Server functions
+%% Function: init/1
+%% Description: Initiates the server
+%% Returns: {ok, State}          |
+%%          {ok, State, Timeout} |
+%%          ignore               |
+%%          {stop, Reason}
+init(_) ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+    State = #state{},
+    put(my_trace_flag, State#state.trace),
+    put(ibrowse_trace_token, "ibrowse"),
+    ets:new(ibrowse_lb, [named_table, public, {keypos, 2}]),
+    ets:new(ibrowse_conf, [named_table, protected, {keypos, 2}]),
+    import_config(),
+    {ok, #state{}}.
+import_config() ->
+    case code:priv_dir(ibrowse) of
+	{error, _} = Err ->
+	    Err;
+	PrivDir ->
+	    Filename = filename:join(PrivDir, "ibrowse.conf"),
+	    import_config(Filename)
+    end.
+import_config(Filename) ->
+    case file:consult(Filename) of
+	{ok, Terms} ->
+	    ets:delete_all_objects(ibrowse_conf),
+	    Fun = fun({dest, Host, Port, MaxSess, MaxPipe, Options}) 
+		     when list(Host), integer(Port),
+		     integer(MaxSess), MaxSess > 0,
+		     integer(MaxPipe), MaxPipe > 0, list(Options) ->
+			  I = [{{max_sessions, Host, Port}, MaxSess},
+			       {{max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, MaxPipe},
+			       {{options, Host, Port}, Options}],
+			  lists:foreach(
+			    fun({X, Y}) ->
+				    ets:insert(ibrowse_conf,
+					       #ibrowse_conf{key = X, 
+							     value = Y})
+			    end, I);
+		     ({K, V}) ->
+			  ets:insert(ibrowse_conf,
+				     #ibrowse_conf{key = K,
+						   value = V});
+		     (X) ->
+			  io:format("Skipping unrecognised term: ~p~n", [X])
+		  end,
+	    lists:foreach(Fun, Terms);
+	Err ->
+	    Err
+    end.
+%% @doc Internal export
+get_config_value(Key) ->
+    [#ibrowse_conf{value = V}] = ets:lookup(ibrowse_conf, Key),
+    V.
+%% @doc Internal export
+get_config_value(Key, DefVal) ->
+    case ets:lookup(ibrowse_conf, Key) of
+	[] ->
+	    DefVal;
+	[#ibrowse_conf{value = V}] ->
+	    V
+    end.
+set_config_value(Key, Val) ->
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_conf, #ibrowse_conf{key = Key, value = Val}).
+%% Function: handle_call/3
+%% Description: Handling call messages
+%% Returns: {reply, Reply, State}          |
+%%          {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
+%%          {noreply, State}               |
+%%          {noreply, State, Timeout}      |
+%%          {stop, Reason, Reply, State}   | (terminate/2 is called)
+%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
+handle_call({get_lb_pid, #url{host = Host, port = Port} = Url}, _From, State) ->
+    Pid = do_get_connection(Url, ets:lookup(ibrowse_lb, {Host, Port})),
+    {reply, Pid, State};
+handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
+    do_trace("IBROWSE shutting down~n", []),
+    {stop, normal, ok, State};
+handle_call({set_config_value, Key, Val}, _From, State) ->
+    set_config_value(Key, Val),
+    {reply, ok, State};
+handle_call(rescan_config, _From, State) ->
+    Ret = (catch import_config()),
+    {reply, Ret, State};
+handle_call({rescan_config, File}, _From, State) ->
+    Ret = (catch import_config(File)),
+    {reply, Ret, State};
+handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
+    Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
+    {reply, Reply, State}.
+%% Function: handle_cast/2
+%% Description: Handling cast messages
+%% Returns: {noreply, State}          |
+%%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
+%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+%% Function: handle_info/2
+%% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
+%% Returns: {noreply, State}          |
+%%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
+%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
+handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
+    put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info({trace, Bool, Host, Port}, State) ->
+    Fun = fun(#lb_pid{host_port = {H, P}, pid = Pid}, _)
+	     when H == Host,
+		  P == Port ->
+		  catch Pid ! {trace, Bool};
+	     (#client_conn{key = {H, P, Pid}}, _)
+	     when H == Host,
+		  P == Port ->
+		  catch Pid ! {trace, Bool};
+	     (_, Acc) ->
+		  Acc
+	  end,
+    ets:foldl(Fun, undefined, ibrowse_lb),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_conf, #ibrowse_conf{key = {trace, Host, Port},
+					   value = Bool}),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+%% Function: terminate/2
+%% Description: Shutdown the server
+%% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+%% Func: code_change/3
+%% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
+%% Returns: {ok, NewState}
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+%%% Internal functions
+do_get_connection(#url{host = Host, port = Port}, []) ->
+    {ok, Pid} = ibrowse_lb:start_link([Host, Port]),
+    ets:insert(ibrowse_lb, #lb_pid{host_port = {Host, Port}, pid = Pid}),
+    Pid;
+do_get_connection(_Url, [#lb_pid{pid = Pid}]) ->
+    Pid.
diff --git a/ibrowse.hrl b/ibrowse.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf3bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ibrowse.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+-define(IBROWSE_HRL, "ibrowse.hrl").
+-record(url, {abspath, host, port, username, password, path, protocol}).
+-record(lb_pid, {host_port, pid}).
+-record(client_conn, {key, cur_pipeline_size = 0, reqs_served = 0}).
+-record(ibrowse_conf, {key, value}).
diff --git a/ibrowse_app.erl b/ibrowse_app.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5e523c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ibrowse_app.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+%%% File    : ibrowse_app.erl
+%%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+%%% Description : 
+%%% Created : 15 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse_app.erl,v 1.1 2005/05/05 22:28:28 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+%% Include files
+%% External exports
+	 start/2,
+	 stop/1
+        ]).
+%% Internal exports
+        ]).
+%% Macros
+%% Records
+%% External functions
+%% Func: start/2
+%% Returns: {ok, Pid}        |
+%%          {ok, Pid, State} |
+%%          {error, Reason}   
+start(_Type, _StartArgs) ->
+    case ibrowse_sup:start_link() of
+	{ok, Pid} -> 
+	    {ok, Pid};
+	Error ->
+	    Error
+    end.
+%% Func: stop/1
+%% Returns: any 
+stop(_State) ->
+    ok.
+%% Internal functions
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a0e4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1312 @@
+%%% File    : ibrowse_http_client.erl
+%%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+%%% Description : The name says it all
+%%% Created : 11 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse_http_client.erl,v 1.18 2008/05/21 15:28:11 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+%% Include files
+%% External exports
+	 start_link/1,
+	 start/1,
+	 stop/1,
+	 send_req/7
+	]).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+	 init/1,
+	 handle_call/3,
+	 handle_cast/2,
+	 handle_info/2,
+	 terminate/2,
+	 code_change/3
+	]).
+-record(state, {host, port, 
+		use_proxy = false, proxy_auth_digest,
+		ssl_options = [], is_ssl = false, socket, 
+		reqs=queue:new(), cur_req, status=idle, http_status_code, 
+		reply_buffer=[], rep_buf_size=0, recvd_headers=[],
+		is_closing, send_timer, content_length,
+		deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding, chunk_size, 
+		chunks=[], lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0}).
+-record(request, {url, method, options, from,
+		  stream_to, req_id,
+		  save_response_to_file = false,
+		  tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd}).
+-import(ibrowse_lib, [
+		      parse_url/1,
+		      printable_date/0,
+		      get_value/2,
+		      get_value/3,
+		      do_trace/2
+		     ]).
+%% External functions
+%% Function: start_link/0
+%% Description: Starts the server
+start(Args) ->
+    gen_server:start(?MODULE, Args, []).
+start_link(Args) ->
+    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, []).
+stop(Conn_pid) ->
+    gen_server:call(Conn_pid, stop).
+send_req(Conn_Pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
+    Timeout_1 = case Timeout of
+		    infinity ->
+			infinity;
+		    _ when is_integer(Timeout) ->
+			Timeout + 100
+		end,
+    gen_server:call(
+      Conn_Pid,
+      {send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}}, Timeout_1).
+%% Server functions
+%% Function: init/1
+%% Description: Initiates the server
+%% Returns: {ok, State}          |
+%%          {ok, State, Timeout} |
+%%          ignore               |
+%%          {stop, Reason}
+init({Lb_Tid, #url{host = Host, port = Port}, {SSLOptions, Is_ssl}}) ->
+    State = #state{host = Host,
+		   port = Port,
+		   ssl_options = SSLOptions,
+		   is_ssl = Is_ssl,
+		   lb_ets_tid = Lb_Tid},
+    put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
+    put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
+    {ok, State};
+init({Host, Port}) ->
+    State = #state{host = Host,
+		   port = Port},
+    put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
+    put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
+    {ok, State}.
+%% Function: handle_call/3
+%% Description: Handling call messages
+%% Returns: {reply, Reply, State}          |
+%%          {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
+%%          {noreply, State}               |
+%%          {noreply, State, Timeout}      |
+%%          {stop, Reason, Reply, State}   | (terminate/2 is called)
+%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
+%% Received a request when the remote server has already sent us a
+%% Connection: Close header
+handle_call({send_req, _}, 
+	    _From,
+	    #state{is_closing=true}=State) ->
+    {reply, {error, connection_closing}, State};
+handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}}, 
+	    From,
+	    #state{socket=undefined,
+		   host=Host, port=Port}=State) ->
+    {Host_1, Port_1, State_1} =
+	case get_value(proxy_host, Options, false) of
+	    false ->
+		{Host, Port, State};
+	    PHost ->
+		ProxyUser = get_value(proxy_user, Options, []),
+		ProxyPassword = get_value(proxy_password, Options, []),
+		Digest = http_auth_digest(ProxyUser, ProxyPassword),
+		{PHost, get_value(proxy_port, Options, 80),
+		 State#state{use_proxy = true,
+			     proxy_auth_digest = Digest}}
+	end,
+    StreamTo = get_value(stream_to, Options, undefined),
+    ReqId = make_req_id(),
+    SaveResponseToFile = get_value(save_response_to_file, Options, false),
+    NewReq = #request{url=Url, 
+		      method=Method,
+		      stream_to=StreamTo,
+		      options=Options, 
+		      req_id=ReqId,
+		      save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+		      from=From},
+    Reqs = queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs),
+    State_2 = check_ssl_options(Options, State_1#state{reqs = Reqs}),
+    do_trace("Connecting...~n", []),
+    Timeout_1 = case Timeout of
+		    infinity ->
+			infinity;
+		    _ ->
+			round(Timeout*0.9)
+		end,
+    case do_connect(Host_1, Port_1, Options, State_2, Timeout_1) of
+	{ok, Sock} ->
+	    Ref = case Timeout of
+		      infinity ->
+			  undefined;
+		      _ ->
+			  erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
+		  end,
+	    do_trace("Connected!~n", []),
+	    case send_req_1(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State_2) of
+		ok ->
+		    case StreamTo of
+			undefined ->
+			    ok;
+			_ ->
+			    gen_server:reply(From, {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId})
+		    end,
+		    State_3 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_2#state{socket = Sock,
+								 send_timer = Ref,
+								 cur_req = NewReq,
+								 status = get_header}),
+		    {noreply, State_3};
+		Err ->
+		    shutting_down(State_2),
+		    do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
+		    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+		    {stop, normal, State_2}
+	    end;
+	Err ->
+	    shutting_down(State_2),
+	    do_trace("Error connecting. Reason: ~1000.p~n", [Err]),
+	    gen_server:reply(From, {error, conn_failed}),
+	    {stop, normal, State_2}
+    end;
+%% Request which is to be pipelined
+handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method,
+			 Body, Options, Timeout}},
+	    From,
+	    #state{socket=Sock, status=Status, reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
+    do_trace("Recvd request in connected state. Status -> ~p NumPending: ~p~n", [Status, length(queue:to_list(Reqs))]),
+    StreamTo = get_value(stream_to, Options, undefined),
+    SaveResponseToFile = get_value(save_response_to_file, Options, false),
+    ReqId = make_req_id(),
+    NewReq = #request{url=Url, 
+		      stream_to=StreamTo,
+		      method=Method,
+		      options=Options, 
+		      req_id=ReqId,
+		      save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+		      from=From},
+    State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
+    case send_req_1(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State_1) of
+	ok ->
+	    State_2 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_1),
+	    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, true}], State#state.is_ssl),
+	    case Timeout of
+		infinity ->
+		    ok;
+		_ ->
+		    erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
+	    end,
+	    State_3 = case Status of
+			  idle ->
+			      State_2#state{status = get_header,
+					    cur_req = NewReq};
+			  _ ->
+			      State_2
+		      end,
+	    case StreamTo of
+		undefined ->
+		    ok;
+		_ ->
+		    gen_server:reply(From, {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId})
+	    end,
+	    {noreply, State_3};
+	Err ->
+	    shutting_down(State_1),
+	    do_trace("Send request failed: Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
+	    gen_server:reply(From, {error, send_failed}),
+	    do_error_reply(State, send_failed),
+	    {stop, normal, State_1}
+    end;
+handle_call(stop, _From, #state{socket = Socket, is_ssl = Is_ssl} = State) ->
+    do_close(Socket, Is_ssl),
+    do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
+    Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
+    {reply, Reply, State}.
+%% Function: handle_cast/2
+%% Description: Handling cast messages
+%% Returns: {noreply, State}          |
+%%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
+%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+%% Function: handle_info/2
+%% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
+%% Returns: {noreply, State}          |
+%%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
+%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
+handle_info({tcp, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
+    handle_sock_data(Data, State);
+handle_info({ssl, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
+    handle_sock_data(Data, State);
+handle_info({tcp_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
+    do_trace("TCP connection closed by peer!~n", []),
+    handle_sock_closed(State),
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info({ssl_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
+    do_trace("SSL connection closed by peer!~n", []),
+    handle_sock_closed(State),
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info({req_timedout, From}, State) ->
+    case lists:keysearch(From, #request.from, queue:to_list(State#state.reqs)) of
+       false ->
+          {noreply, State};
+       {value, _} ->
+          shutting_down(State),
+          do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
+          {stop, normal, State}
+    end;
+handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
+    put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+    io:format("Recvd unknown message ~p when in state: ~p~n", [Info, State]),
+    {noreply, State}.
+%% Function: terminate/2
+%% Description: Shutdown the server
+%% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
+terminate(_Reason, State) ->
+    case State#state.socket of
+	undefined ->
+	    ok;
+	Sock ->
+	    do_close(Sock, State#state.is_ssl)
+    end.
+%% Func: code_change/3
+%% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
+%% Returns: {ok, NewState}
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+%%% Internal functions
+%% Handles data recvd on the socket
+handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=idle}=State) ->
+    do_trace("Data recvd on socket in state idle!. ~1000.p~n", [Data]),
+    shutting_down(State),
+    do_error_reply(State, data_in_status_idle),
+    do_close(State#state.socket, State#state.is_ssl),
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_header, socket=Sock}=State) ->
+    case parse_response(Data, State) of
+	{error, _Reason} ->
+	    shutting_down(State),
+	    {stop, normal, State};
+	stop ->
+	    shutting_down(State),
+	    {stop, normal, State};
+	State_1 ->
+	    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, true}], State#state.is_ssl),
+	    {noreply, State_1}
+    end;
+handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_body, content_length=CL,
+			      http_status_code = StatCode,
+			      recvd_headers=Headers, 
+			      chunk_size=CSz, socket=Sock}=State) ->
+    case (CL == undefined) and (CSz == undefined) of
+	true ->
+	    case accumulate_response(Data, State) of
+		{error, Reason} ->
+		    shutting_down(State),
+		    fail_pipelined_requests(State, 
+					    {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
+		    {stop, normal, State};
+		State_1 ->
+		    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, true}], State#state.is_ssl),
+		    {noreply, State_1}
+	    end;
+	_ ->
+	    case parse_11_response(Data, State) of
+		{error, Reason} ->
+		    shutting_down(State),
+		    fail_pipelined_requests(State, 
+					    {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
+		    {stop, normal, State};
+		stop ->
+		    shutting_down(State),
+		    {stop, normal, State};
+		State_1 ->
+		    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, true}], State#state.is_ssl),
+		    {noreply, State_1}
+	    end
+    end.
+		    #state{
+		      cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+					 tmp_file_fd = undefined} = CurReq,
+		      http_status_code=[$2 | _]}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
+    TmpFilename = case SaveResponseToFile of
+		      true -> make_tmp_filename();
+		      F -> F
+		  end,
+    case file:open(TmpFilename, [write, delayed_write, raw]) of
+	{ok, Fd} ->
+	    accumulate_response(Data, State#state{
+					cur_req = CurReq#request{
+						    tmp_file_fd = Fd,
+						    tmp_file_name = TmpFilename}});
+	{error, Reason} ->
+	    {error, {file_open_error, Reason}}
+    end;
+accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+						    tmp_file_fd = Fd},
+				 transfer_encoding=chunked,
+				 chunks = Chunks,
+				 http_status_code=[$2 | _]
+				} = State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
+    case file:write(Fd, [Chunks | Data]) of
+	ok ->
+	    State#state{chunks = []};
+	{error, Reason} ->
+	    {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
+    end;
+accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+						    tmp_file_fd = Fd},
+				 reply_buffer = RepBuf,
+				 http_status_code=[$2 | _]
+				} = State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
+    case file:write(Fd, [RepBuf | Data]) of
+	ok ->
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = []};
+	{error, Reason} ->
+	    {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
+    end;
+accumulate_response([], State) ->
+    State;
+accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
+				 cur_req = CurReq}=State) ->
+    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+    case StreamTo of
+	undefined ->
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = [Data | RepBuf]};
+	_ ->
+	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, ReqId, Data),
+	    State
+    end.
+make_tmp_filename() ->
+    DownloadDir = ibrowse:get_config_value(download_dir, filename:absname("./")),
+    {A,B,C} = now(),
+    filename:join([DownloadDir,
+		   "ibrowse_tmp_file_"++
+		   integer_to_list(A) ++
+		   integer_to_list(B) ++
+		   integer_to_list(C)]).
+%% Handles the case when the server closes the socket
+handle_sock_closed(#state{status=get_header}=State) ->
+    shutting_down(State),
+    do_error_reply(State, connection_closed);
+handle_sock_closed(#state{cur_req=undefined} = State) ->
+    shutting_down(State);
+%% We check for IsClosing because this the server could have sent a 
+%% Connection-Close header and has closed the socket to indicate end
+%% of response. There maybe requests pipelined which need a response.
+handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer=Buf, reqs=Reqs, http_status_code=SC,
+			  is_closing=IsClosing,
+			  cur_req=#request{tmp_file_name=TmpFilename,
+					   tmp_file_fd=Fd} = CurReq,
+			  status=get_body, recvd_headers=Headers}=State) ->
+    #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+    case IsClosing of
+	true ->
+	    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+	    case TmpFilename of
+		undefined ->
+		    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId,
+			     {ok, SC, Headers,
+			      lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Buf))});
+		_ ->
+		    file:close(Fd),
+		    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId,
+			     {ok, SC, Headers, {file, TmpFilename}})
+	    end,
+	    do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, connection_closed),
+	    State;
+	_ ->
+	    do_error_reply(State, connection_closed),
+	    State
+    end.
+do_connect(Host, Port, _Options, #state{is_ssl=true, ssl_options=SSLOptions}, Timeout) ->
+    ssl:connect(Host, Port, [{nodelay, true}, {active, false} | SSLOptions], Timeout);
+do_connect(Host, Port, _Options, _State, Timeout) ->
+    gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [{nodelay, true}, {active, false}], Timeout).
+do_send(Sock, Req, true)  ->  ssl:send(Sock, Req);
+do_send(Sock, Req, false) ->  gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req).
+%% @spec do_send_body(Sock::socket_descriptor(), Source::source_descriptor(), IsSSL::boolean()) -> ok | error()
+%% source_descriptor() = fun_arity_0           |
+%%                       {fun_arity_0}         |
+%%                       {fun_arity_1, term()}
+%% error() = term()
+do_send_body(Sock, Source, IsSSL) when is_function(Source) ->
+    do_send_body(Sock, {Source}, IsSSL);
+do_send_body(Sock, {Source}, IsSSL) when is_function(Source) ->
+    do_send_body1(Sock, Source, IsSSL, Source());
+do_send_body(Sock, {Source, State}, IsSSL) when is_function(Source) ->
+    do_send_body1(Sock, Source, IsSSL, Source(State));
+do_send_body(Sock, Body, IsSSL) ->
+    do_send(Sock, Body, IsSSL).
+do_send_body1(Sock, Source, IsSSL, Resp) ->
+    case Resp of
+	{ok, Data} ->
+	    do_send(Sock, Data, IsSSL),
+	    do_send_body(Sock, {Source}, IsSSL);
+	{ok, Data, NewState} ->
+	    do_send(Sock, Data, IsSSL),
+	    do_send_body(Sock, {Source, NewState}, IsSSL);
+	eof -> ok;
+	Err -> Err
+    end.
+do_close(Sock, true)  ->  ssl:close(Sock);
+do_close(Sock, false) ->  gen_tcp:close(Sock).
+do_setopts(Sock, Opts, true)  ->  ssl:setopts(Sock, Opts);
+do_setopts(Sock, Opts, false) ->  inet:setopts(Sock, Opts).
+check_ssl_options(Options, State) ->
+    case get_value(is_ssl, Options, false) of
+	false ->
+	    State;
+	true ->
+	    State#state{is_ssl=true, ssl_options=get_value(ssl_options, Options)}
+    end.
+send_req_1(#url{abspath = AbsPath,
+		host = Host,
+		port = Port, 
+		path = RelPath} = Url,
+	   Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State) ->
+    Headers_1 = add_auth_headers(Url, Options, Headers, State),
+    HostHeaderValue = case lists:keysearch(host_header, 1, Options) of
+			  false ->
+			      case Port of
+				  80 -> Host;
+				  _ -> [Host, ":", integer_to_list(Port)]
+			      end;
+			  {value, {_, Host_h_val}} ->
+			      Host_h_val
+		      end,
+    {Req, Body_1} = make_request(Method, 
+				 [{"Host", HostHeaderValue} | Headers_1],
+				 AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, State#state.use_proxy),
+    case get(my_trace_flag) of 
+	true ->
+	    %%Avoid the binary operations if trace is not on...
+	    NReq = binary_to_list(list_to_binary(Req)),
+	    do_trace("Sending request: ~n"
+		     "--- Request Begin ---~n~s~n"
+		     "--- Request End ---~n", [NReq]);
+	_ -> ok
+    end,
+    SndRes = case do_send(Sock, Req, State#state.is_ssl) of
+		 ok -> do_send_body(Sock, Body_1, State#state.is_ssl);
+		 Err -> 
+		     io:format("Err: ~p~n", [Err]),
+		     Err
+	     end,
+    do_setopts(Sock, [{active, true}], State#state.is_ssl),
+    SndRes.
+add_auth_headers(#url{username = User,
+		      password = UPw}, 
+		 Options,
+		 Headers, 
+		 #state{use_proxy = UseProxy,
+		        proxy_auth_digest = ProxyAuthDigest}) ->
+    Headers_1 = case User of
+		    undefined ->
+			case get_value(basic_auth, Options, undefined) of
+			    undefined ->
+				Headers;
+			    {U,P} ->
+				[{"Authorization", ["Basic ", http_auth_digest(U, P)]} | Headers]
+			end;
+		    _ ->
+			[{"Authorization", ["Basic ", http_auth_digest(User, UPw)]} | Headers]
+		end,
+    case UseProxy of
+	false ->
+	    Headers_1;
+	true when ProxyAuthDigest == [] ->
+	    Headers_1;
+	true ->
+	    [{"Proxy-Authorization", ["Basic ", ProxyAuthDigest]} | Headers_1]
+    end.
+http_auth_digest([], []) ->
+    [];
+http_auth_digest(Username, Password) ->
+    encode_base64(Username ++ [$: | Password]).
+encode_base64([]) ->
+    [];
+encode_base64([A]) ->
+    [e(A bsr 2), e((A band 3) bsl 4), $=, $=];
+encode_base64([A,B]) ->
+    [e(A bsr 2), e(((A band 3) bsl 4) bor (B bsr 4)), e((B band 15) bsl 2), $=];
+encode_base64([A,B,C|Ls]) ->
+    encode_base64_do(A,B,C, Ls).
+encode_base64_do(A,B,C, Rest) ->
+    BB = (A bsl 16) bor (B bsl 8) bor C,
+    [e(BB bsr 18), e((BB bsr 12) band 63), 
+     e((BB bsr 6) band 63), e(BB band 63)|encode_base64(Rest)].
+e(X) when X >= 0, X < 26 -> X+65;
+e(X) when X>25, X<52     -> X+71;
+e(X) when X>51, X<62     -> X-4;
+e(62)                    -> $+;
+e(63)                    -> $/;
+e(X)                     -> exit({bad_encode_base64_token, X}).
+make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, UseProxy) ->
+    HttpVsn = http_vsn_string(get_value(http_vsn, Options, {1,1})),
+    Headers_1 =
+	case get_value(content_length, Headers, false) of
+	    false when (Body == []) or
+	               (Body == <<>>) or
+	               is_tuple(Body) or
+	               is_function(Body) ->
+		Headers;
+	    false when is_binary(Body) ->
+		[{"content-length", integer_to_list(size(Body))} | Headers];
+	    false ->
+		[{"content-length", integer_to_list(length(Body))} | Headers];
+	    _ ->
+		Headers
+	end,
+    {Headers_2, Body_1} = 
+	case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options, false) of
+	    false ->
+		{Headers_1, Body};
+	    {chunked, ChunkSize} ->
+		{[{X, Y} || {X, Y} <- Headers_1, 
+			    X /= "Content-Length",
+			    X /= "content-length",
+			    X /= content_length] ++
+		 [{"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
+		 chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize)}
+	end,
+    Headers_3 = cons_headers(Headers_2),
+    Uri = case get_value(use_absolute_uri, Options, false) or UseProxy of
+	      true ->
+		  AbsPath;
+	      false -> 
+		  RelPath
+	  end,
+    {[method(Method), " ", Uri, " ", HttpVsn, crnl(), Headers_3, crnl()], Body_1}.
+http_vsn_string({0,9}) -> "HTTP/0.9";
+http_vsn_string({1,0}) -> "HTTP/1.0";
+http_vsn_string({1,1}) -> "HTTP/1.1".
+cons_headers(Headers) ->
+    cons_headers(Headers, []).
+cons_headers([], Acc) ->
+    encode_headers(Acc);
+cons_headers([{basic_auth, {U,P}} | T], Acc) ->
+    cons_headers(T, [{"Authorization",
+		      ["Basic ", ibrowse_lib:encode_base64(U++":"++P)]} | Acc]);
+cons_headers([{cookie, Cookie} | T], Acc) ->
+    cons_headers(T, [{"Cookie", Cookie} | Acc]);
+cons_headers([{content_length, L} | T], Acc) ->
+    cons_headers(T, [{"Content-Length", L} | Acc]);
+cons_headers([{content_type, L} | T], Acc) ->
+    cons_headers(T, [{"Content-Type", L} | Acc]);
+cons_headers([H | T], Acc) ->
+    cons_headers(T, [H | Acc]).
+encode_headers(L) ->
+    encode_headers(L, []).
+encode_headers([{http_vsn, _Val} | T], Acc) ->
+    encode_headers(T, Acc);
+encode_headers([{Name,Val} | T], Acc) when list(Name) ->
+    encode_headers(T, [[Name, ": ", fmt_val(Val), crnl()] | Acc]);
+encode_headers([{Name,Val} | T], Acc) when atom(Name) ->
+    encode_headers(T, [[atom_to_list(Name), ": ", fmt_val(Val), crnl()] | Acc]);
+encode_headers([], Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc).
+chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize) ->
+    chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, []).
+chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when Body == <<>>; Body == [] ->
+    LastChunk = "0\r\n",
+    lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk | Acc]);
+chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when binary(Body),
+                                              size(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
+    <<ChunkBody:ChunkSize/binary, Rest/binary>> = Body,
+    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, ChunkSize),"\r\n",
+	     ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
+    chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
+chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when binary(Body) ->
+    BodySize = size(Body),
+    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, BodySize),"\r\n",
+	     Body, "\r\n"],
+    LastChunk = "0\r\n",
+    lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]);
+chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when list(Body),
+                                              length(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
+    {ChunkBody, Rest} = split_list_at(Body, ChunkSize),
+    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, ChunkSize),"\r\n",
+	     ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
+    chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
+chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when list(Body) ->
+    BodySize = length(Body),
+    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, BodySize),"\r\n",
+	     Body, "\r\n"],
+    LastChunk = "0\r\n",
+    lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]).
+parse_response(_Data, #state{cur_req = undefined}=State) ->
+    State#state{status = idle};
+parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
+			    cur_req=CurReq}=State) ->
+    #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
+	     method=Method} = CurReq,
+    MaxHeaderSize = ibrowse:get_config_value(max_headers_size, infinity),
+    case scan_header(Data, Acc) of
+	{yes, Headers, Data_1}  ->
+	    do_trace("Recvd Header Data -> ~s~n----~n", [Headers]),
+	    do_trace("Recvd headers~n--- Headers Begin ---~n~s~n--- Headers End ---~n~n", [Headers]),
+	    {HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1} = parse_headers(Headers),
+	    do_trace("HttpVsn: ~p StatusCode: ~p Headers_1 -> ~1000.p~n", [HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1]),
+	    LCHeaders = [{to_lower(X), Y} || {X,Y} <- Headers_1],
+	    ConnClose = to_lower(get_value("connection", LCHeaders, "false")),
+	    IsClosing = is_connection_closing(HttpVsn, ConnClose),
+	    case IsClosing of
+		true ->
+                    shutting_down(State);
+		false ->
+		    ok
+	    end,
+	    State_1 = State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body, 
+				  http_status_code=StatCode, is_closing=IsClosing},
+	    put(conn_close, ConnClose),
+	    TransferEncoding = to_lower(get_value("transfer-encoding", LCHeaders, "false")),
+	    case get_value("content-length", LCHeaders, undefined) of
+		_ when Method == head ->
+		    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
+		    State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
+		    cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
+		    State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
+		    State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
+		    parse_response(Data_1, State_3);
+		_ when hd(StatCode) == $1 ->
+		    %% No message body is expected. Server may send
+		    %% one or more 1XX responses before a proper
+		    %% response.
+		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
+		    do_trace("Recvd a status code of ~p. Ignoring and waiting for a proper response~n", [StatCode]),
+		    parse_response(Data_1, State_1#state{recvd_headers = [],
+							 status = get_header});
+		_ when StatCode == "204";
+		       StatCode == "304" ->
+		    %% No message body is expected for these Status Codes.
+		    %% RFC2616 - Sec 4.4
+		    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
+		    State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
+		    cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
+		    State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
+		    State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
+		    parse_response(Data_1, State_3);
+		_ when TransferEncoding == "chunked" ->
+		    do_trace("Chunked encoding detected...~n",[]),
+		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
+		    case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_1#state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
+								 chunk_size=chunk_start,
+								 reply_buffer=[], chunks=[]}) of
+			{error, Reason} ->
+			    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1, 
+						    {error, {Reason,
+							     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers_1}}),
+			    {error, Reason};
+			State_2 ->
+			    State_2
+		    end;
+		undefined when HttpVsn == "HTTP/1.0";
+			       ConnClose == "close" ->
+		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
+		    State_1#state{reply_buffer=[Data_1]};
+		undefined ->
+		    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1, 
+					    {error, {content_length_undefined,
+						     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
+		    {error, content_length_undefined};
+		V ->
+		    case catch list_to_integer(V) of
+			V_1 when integer(V_1), V_1 >= 0 ->
+			    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
+			    do_trace("Recvd Content-Length of ~p~n", [V_1]),
+			    State_2 = State_1#state{rep_buf_size=0,
+						    reply_buffer=[],
+						    content_length=V_1},
+			    case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_2) of
+				{error, Reason} ->
+				    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1, 
+							    {error, {Reason,
+								     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers_1}}),
+				    {error, Reason};
+				State_3 ->
+				    State_3
+			    end;
+			_ ->
+			    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1, 
+					    {error, {content_length_undefined,
+						     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
+			    {error, content_length_undefined}
+		    end
+	    end;
+	{no, Acc_1} when MaxHeaderSize == infinity ->
+	    State#state{reply_buffer=Acc_1};
+	{no, Acc_1} when length(Acc_1) < MaxHeaderSize ->
+	    State#state{reply_buffer=Acc_1};
+	{no, _Acc_1} ->
+	    fail_pipelined_requests(State, {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}),
+	    {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}
+    end.
+is_connection_closing("HTTP/0.9", _)       -> true;
+is_connection_closing(_, "close")          -> true;
+is_connection_closing("HTTP/1.0", "false") -> true;
+is_connection_closing(_, _)                -> false.
+%% This clause determines the chunk size when given data from the beginning of the chunk
+		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
+			 chunk_size=chunk_start,
+			 cur_req=CurReq,
+			 reply_buffer=Buf}=State) ->
+    case scan_crlf(DataRecvd, Buf) of
+	{yes, ChunkHeader, Data_1} ->
+	    case parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader) of
+		{error, Reason} ->
+		    {error, Reason};
+		ChunkSize ->
+		    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+		    %%
+		    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when streaming?
+		    %%
+		    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, ReqId, {chunk_start, ChunkSize}),
+		    RemLen = length(Data_1),
+		    do_trace("Determined chunk size: ~p. Already recvd: ~p~n", [ChunkSize, RemLen]),
+		    parse_11_response(Data_1, State#state{rep_buf_size=0, 
+							  reply_buffer=[],
+							  deleted_crlf=true,
+							  chunk_size=ChunkSize})
+	    end;
+	{no, Data_1} ->
+	    State#state{reply_buffer=Data_1, rep_buf_size=length(Data_1)}
+    end;
+%% This clause is there to remove the CRLF between two chunks
+		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
+			 chunk_size=tbd,
+			 chunks = Chunks,
+			 cur_req=CurReq,
+			 reply_buffer=Buf}=State) ->
+    case scan_crlf(DataRecvd, Buf) of
+	{yes, _, NextChunk} ->
+	    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+	    %%
+	    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when streaming?
+	    %%
+	    State_1 = State#state{chunk_size=chunk_start,
+				  rep_buf_size=0, 
+				  reply_buffer=[],
+				  deleted_crlf=true},
+	    State_2 = case StreamTo of
+			  undefined ->
+			      State_1#state{chunks = [Buf | Chunks]};
+		_ ->
+			      do_interim_reply(StreamTo, ReqId, chunk_end),
+			      State_1
+		      end,
+	    parse_11_response(NextChunk, State_2);
+	{no, Data_1} ->
+	    State#state{reply_buffer=Data_1, rep_buf_size=length(Data_1)}
+    end;
+%% This clause deals with the end of a chunked transfer
+		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, chunk_size=0,
+			 cur_req=CurReq,
+			 deleted_crlf = DelCrlf,
+			 reply_buffer=Trailer, reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
+    do_trace("Detected end of chunked transfer...~n", []),
+    DataRecvd_1 = case DelCrlf of
+		      false -> 
+			  DataRecvd;
+		      true ->
+			  [$\r, $\n | DataRecvd]
+		  end,
+    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+    case scan_header(DataRecvd_1, Trailer) of
+	{yes, _TEHeaders, Rem} ->
+	    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+	    %%
+	    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when streaming?
+	    %%
+	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, ReqId, chunk_end),
+	    State_1 = handle_response(CurReq, State#state{reqs=Reqs_1}),
+	    parse_response(Rem, reset_state(State_1));
+	{no, Rem} ->
+	    State#state{reply_buffer=Rem, rep_buf_size=length(Rem), deleted_crlf=false}
+    end;
+%% This clause extracts a chunk, given the size.
+		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, chunk_size=CSz,
+			 rep_buf_size=RepBufSz}=State) ->
+    NeedBytes = CSz - RepBufSz,
+    DataLen = length(DataRecvd),
+    do_trace("Recvd more data: size: ~p. NeedBytes: ~p~n", [DataLen, NeedBytes]),
+    case DataLen >= NeedBytes of
+	true ->
+	    {RemChunk, RemData} = split_list_at(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
+	    do_trace("Recvd another chunk...~n", []),
+	    do_trace("RemData -> ~p~n", [RemData]),
+	    case accumulate_response(RemChunk, State) of
+		{error, Reason} ->
+		    do_trace("Error accumulating response --> ~p~n", [Reason]),
+		    {error, Reason};
+		#state{reply_buffer = NewRepBuf,
+		       chunks = NewChunks} = State_1 ->
+		    State_2 = State_1#state{reply_buffer=[],
+					    chunks = [lists:reverse(NewRepBuf) | NewChunks],
+					    rep_buf_size=0,
+					    chunk_size=tbd},
+		    parse_11_response(RemData, State_2)
+	    end;
+	false ->
+	    accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size=RepBufSz + DataLen})
+    end;
+%% This clause to extract the body when Content-Length is specified
+		  #state{content_length=CL, rep_buf_size=RepBufSz, 
+			 reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
+    NeedBytes = CL - RepBufSz,
+    DataLen = length(DataRecvd),
+    case DataLen >= NeedBytes of
+	true ->
+	    {RemBody, Rem} = split_list_at(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
+	    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+	    State_1 = accumulate_response(RemBody, State),
+	    State_2 = handle_response(State_1#state.cur_req, State_1#state{reqs=Reqs_1}),
+	    State_3 = reset_state(State_2),
+	    parse_response(Rem, State_3);
+	false ->
+	    accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size=RepBufSz+DataLen})
+    end.
+handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
+			 save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile, 
+			 tmp_file_name = TmpFilename,
+			 tmp_file_fd = Fd
+			},
+		#state{http_status_code = SCode,
+		       send_timer = ReqTimer,
+		       reply_buffer = RepBuf,
+		       transfer_encoding = TEnc,
+		       chunks = Chunks,
+		       recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
+    Body = case TEnc of
+	       chunked ->
+		   lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Chunks));
+	       _ ->
+		   lists:flatten(lists:reverse(RepBuf))
+	   end,
+    State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
+    file:close(Fd),
+    ResponseBody = case TmpFilename of
+		       undefined ->
+			   Body;
+		       _ ->
+			   {file, TmpFilename}
+		   end,
+    State_2 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, ResponseBody}),
+    cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
+    State_2;
+handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId},
+		#state{http_status_code=SCode, recvd_headers=RespHeaders,
+		       reply_buffer=RepBuf, transfer_encoding=TEnc,
+		       chunks=Chunks, send_timer=ReqTimer}=State) ->
+    Body = case TEnc of
+	       chunked ->
+		   lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Chunks));
+	       _ ->
+		   lists:flatten(lists:reverse(RepBuf))
+	   end,
+    State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
+    case get(conn_close) of
+	"close" ->
+	    do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, Body}),
+	    exit(normal);
+	_ ->
+	    State_2 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, Body}),
+	    cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
+	    State_2
+    end.
+reset_state(State) ->
+    State#state{status=get_header, rep_buf_size=0,content_length=undefined,
+		reply_buffer=[], chunks=[], recvd_headers=[], deleted_crlf=false,
+		http_status_code=undefined, chunk_size=undefined, transfer_encoding=undefined}.
+set_cur_request(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State) ->
+    case queue:to_list(Reqs) of
+	[] ->
+	    State#state{cur_req = undefined};
+	[NextReq | _] ->
+	    State#state{cur_req = NextReq}
+    end.
+parse_headers(Headers) ->
+    case scan_crlf(Headers, []) of
+	{yes, StatusLine, T} ->
+	    Headers_1 = parse_headers_1(T),
+	    case parse_status_line(StatusLine) of
+		{ok, HttpVsn, StatCode, _Msg} ->
+		    put(http_prot_vsn, HttpVsn),
+		    {HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1};
+		_ -> %% A HTTP 0.9 response?
+		    put(http_prot_vsn, "HTTP/0.9"),
+		    {"HTTP/0.9", undefined, Headers}
+	    end;
+	_ ->
+	    {error, no_status_line}
+    end.
+% From RFC 2616
+%    HTTP/1.1 header field values can be folded onto multiple lines if
+%    the continuation line begins with a space or horizontal tab. All
+%    linear white space, including folding, has the same semantics as
+%    SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single
+%    SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message
+%    downstream.
+parse_headers_1(String) ->
+    parse_headers_1(String, [], []).
+parse_headers_1([$\n, H |T], [$\r | L], Acc) when H == 32;
+						  H == $\t -> 
+    parse_headers_1(lists:dropwhile(fun(X) ->
+					    is_whitespace(X)
+				    end, T), [32 | L], Acc);
+parse_headers_1([$\n|T], [$\r | L], Acc) -> 
+    case parse_header(lists:reverse(L)) of
+	invalid ->
+	    parse_headers_1(T, [], Acc);
+	NewHeader ->
+	    parse_headers_1(T, [], [NewHeader | Acc])
+    end;
+parse_headers_1([H|T],  L, Acc) -> 
+    parse_headers_1(T, [H|L], Acc);
+parse_headers_1([], [], Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc);
+parse_headers_1([], L, Acc) ->
+    Acc_1 = case parse_header(lists:reverse(L)) of
+		invalid ->
+		    Acc;
+		NewHeader ->
+		    [NewHeader | Acc]
+	    end,
+    lists:reverse(Acc_1).
+parse_status_line(Line) ->
+    parse_status_line(Line, get_prot_vsn, [], []).
+parse_status_line([32 | T], get_prot_vsn, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
+    parse_status_line(T, get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode);
+parse_status_line([32 | T], get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
+    {ok, lists:reverse(ProtVsn), lists:reverse(StatCode), T};
+parse_status_line([H | T], get_prot_vsn, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
+    parse_status_line(T, get_prot_vsn, [H|ProtVsn], StatCode);
+parse_status_line([H | T], get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
+    parse_status_line(T, get_status_code, ProtVsn, [H | StatCode]);
+parse_status_line([], _, _, _) ->
+    http_09.
+parse_header(L) ->
+    parse_header(L, []).
+parse_header([$: | V], Acc) ->
+    {lists:reverse(Acc), string:strip(V)};
+parse_header([H | T], Acc) ->
+    parse_header(T, [H | Acc]);
+parse_header([], _) ->
+    invalid.
+scan_header([$\n|T], [$\r,$\n,$\r|L]) -> {yes, lists:reverse([$\n,$\r| L]), T};
+scan_header([H|T],  L)                -> scan_header(T, [H|L]);
+scan_header([], L)                    -> {no, L}.
+scan_crlf([$\n|T], [$\r | L]) -> {yes, lists:reverse(L), T};
+scan_crlf([H|T],  L)          -> scan_crlf(T, [H|L]);
+scan_crlf([], L)              -> {no, L}.
+fmt_val(L) when list(L)    -> L;
+fmt_val(I) when integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I);
+fmt_val(A) when atom(A)    -> atom_to_list(A);
+fmt_val(Term)              -> io_lib:format("~p", [Term]).
+crnl() -> "\r\n".
+method(get)       -> "GET";
+method(post)      -> "POST";
+method(head)      -> "HEAD";
+method(options)   -> "OPTIONS";
+method(put)       -> "PUT";
+method(delete)    -> "DELETE";
+method(trace)     -> "TRACE";
+method(mkcol)     -> "MKCOL";
+method(propfind)  -> "PROPFIND";
+method(proppatch) -> "PROPPATCH";
+method(lock)      -> "LOCK";
+method(unlock)    -> "UNLOCK";
+method(move)      -> "MOVE";
+method(copy)      -> "COPY".
+%% From RFC 2616
+% The chunked encoding modifies the body of a message in order to
+% transfer it as a series of chunks, each with its own size indicator,
+% followed by an OPTIONAL trailer containing entity-header
+% fields. This allows dynamically produced content to be transferred
+% along with the information necessary for the recipient to verify
+% that it has received the full message.
+% 	Chunked-Body = 	*chunk
+% 			last-chunk
+% 			trailer
+% 			CRLF
+% 	chunk = chunk-size [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
+% 		chunk-data CRLF
+% 	chunk-size = 1*HEX
+% 	last-chunk = 1*("0") [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
+% 	chunk-extension= *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] )
+% 	chunk-ext-name = token
+% 	chunk-ext-val = token | quoted-string
+% 	chunk-data = chunk-size(OCTET)
+% 	trailer = *(entity-header CRLF)
+% The chunk-size field is a string of hex digits indicating the size
+% of the chunk. The chunked encoding is ended by any chunk whose size
+% is zero, followed by the trailer, which is terminated by an empty
+% line.
+%% The parsing implemented here discards all chunk extensions. It also
+%% strips trailing spaces from the chunk size fields as Apache 1.3.27 was
+%% sending them.
+parse_chunk_header([]) ->
+    throw({error, invalid_chunk_size});
+parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader) ->
+    parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader, []).
+parse_chunk_header([$; | _], Acc) ->
+    hexlist_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc));
+parse_chunk_header([H | T], Acc) ->
+    case is_whitespace(H) of
+	true ->
+	    parse_chunk_header(T, Acc);
+	false ->
+	    parse_chunk_header(T, [H | Acc])
+    end;
+parse_chunk_header([], Acc) ->
+    hexlist_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc)).
+is_whitespace(32)  -> true;
+is_whitespace($\r) -> true;
+is_whitespace($\n) -> true;
+is_whitespace($\t) -> true;
+is_whitespace(_)   -> false.
+send_async_headers(_ReqId, undefined, _StatCode, _Headers) ->
+    ok;
+send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers) ->
+    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, StatCode, Headers}.
+do_reply(State, From, undefined, _, Msg) ->
+    gen_server:reply(From, Msg),
+    dec_pipeline_counter(State);
+do_reply(State, _From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, _, _, _}) ->
+    State_1 = dec_pipeline_counter(State),
+    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response_end, ReqId},
+    State_1;
+do_reply(State, _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Msg) ->
+    State_1 = dec_pipeline_counter(State),
+    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Msg},
+    State_1.
+do_interim_reply(undefined, _ReqId, _Msg) ->
+    ok;
+do_interim_reply(StreamTo, ReqId, Msg) ->
+    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Msg}.
+do_error_reply(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State, Err) ->
+    ReqList = queue:to_list(Reqs),
+    lists:foreach(fun(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId}) ->
+                          do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {error, Err})
+		  end, ReqList).
+fail_pipelined_requests(#state{reqs = Reqs, cur_req = CurReq} = State, Reply) ->
+    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
+    #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Reply),
+    do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, previous_request_failed).
+split_list_at(List, N) ->
+    split_list_at(List, N, []).
+split_list_at([], _, Acc) ->
+    {lists:reverse(Acc), []};
+split_list_at(List2, 0, List1) ->
+    {lists:reverse(List1), List2};
+split_list_at([H | List2], N, List1) ->
+    split_list_at(List2, N-1, [H | List1]).
+hexlist_to_integer(List) ->
+    hexlist_to_integer(lists:reverse(List), 1, 0).
+hexlist_to_integer([H | T], Multiplier, Acc) ->
+    hexlist_to_integer(T, Multiplier*16, Multiplier*to_ascii(H) + Acc);
+hexlist_to_integer([], _, Acc) ->
+    Acc.
+to_ascii($A) -> 10;
+to_ascii($a) -> 10;
+to_ascii($B) -> 11;
+to_ascii($b) -> 11;
+to_ascii($C) -> 12;
+to_ascii($c) -> 12;
+to_ascii($D) -> 13;
+to_ascii($d) -> 13;
+to_ascii($E) -> 14;
+to_ascii($e) -> 14;
+to_ascii($F) -> 15;
+to_ascii($f) -> 15;
+to_ascii($1) -> 1;
+to_ascii($2) -> 2;
+to_ascii($3) -> 3;
+to_ascii($4) -> 4;
+to_ascii($5) -> 5;
+to_ascii($6) -> 6;
+to_ascii($7) -> 7;
+to_ascii($8) -> 8;
+to_ascii($9) -> 9;
+to_ascii($0) -> 0.
+cancel_timer(undefined) -> ok;
+cancel_timer(Ref)       -> erlang:cancel_timer(Ref).
+cancel_timer(Ref, {eat_message, Msg}) ->
+    cancel_timer(Ref),
+    receive 
+	Msg ->
+	    ok
+    after 0 ->
+	    ok
+    end.
+make_req_id() ->
+    now().
+to_lower(Str) ->
+    to_lower(Str, []).
+to_lower([H|T], Acc) when H >= $A, H =< $Z ->
+    to_lower(T, [H+32|Acc]);
+to_lower([H|T], Acc) ->
+    to_lower(T, [H|Acc]);
+to_lower([], Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc).
+shutting_down(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined}) ->
+    ok;
+shutting_down(#state{lb_ets_tid = Tid,
+		     cur_pipeline_size = Sz}) ->
+    catch ets:delete(Tid, {Sz, self()}).
+inc_pipeline_counter(#state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
+    State;
+inc_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz} = State) ->
+    State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz + 1}.
+dec_pipeline_counter(#state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
+    State;
+dec_pipeline_counter(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
+    State;
+dec_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz,
+			    lb_ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
+    ets:delete(Tid, {Pipe_sz, self()}),
+    ets:insert(Tid, {{Pipe_sz - 1, self()}, []}),
+    State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz - 1}.
diff --git a/ibrowse_lb.erl b/ibrowse_lb.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03dc4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ibrowse_lb.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+%%% File    : ibrowse_lb.erl
+%%% Author  : chandru <>
+%%% Description : 
+%%% Created :  6 Mar 2008 by chandru <>
+-vsn('$Id: ibrowse_lb.erl,v 1.1 2008/03/27 01:36:21 chandrusf Exp $ ').
+%% Include files
+%% External exports
+	 start_link/1,
+	 spawn_connection/5
+	]).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+	 init/1,
+	 handle_call/3,
+	 handle_cast/2,
+	 handle_info/2,
+	 terminate/2,
+	 code_change/3
+	]).
+-record(state, {parent_pid,
+		ets_tid,
+		host,
+		port,
+		max_sessions,
+		max_pipeline_size,
+		num_cur_sessions = 0}).
+-import(ibrowse_lib, [
+		      parse_url/1,
+		      printable_date/0,
+		      get_value/3
+		     ]).
+%% External functions
+%% Function: start_link/0
+%% Description: Starts the server
+start_link(Args) ->
+    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, []).
+%% Server functions
+%% Function: init/1
+%% Description: Initiates the server
+%% Returns: {ok, State}          |
+%%          {ok, State, Timeout} |
+%%          ignore               |
+%%          {stop, Reason}
+init([Host, Port]) ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+    Max_sessions = ibrowse:get_config_value({max_sessions, Host, Port}, 10),
+    Max_pipe_sz = ibrowse:get_config_value({max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, 10),
+    put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
+    put(ibrowse_trace_token, ["LB: ", Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
+    Tid = ets:new(ibrowse_lb, [public, ordered_set]),
+    {ok, #state{parent_pid = whereis(ibrowse),
+		host = Host,
+		port = Port,
+		ets_tid = Tid,
+		max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe_sz,
+	        max_sessions = Max_sessions}}.
+spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Url,
+		 Max_sessions,
+		 Max_pipeline_size,
+		 SSL_options)
+  when is_pid(Lb_pid),
+       is_record(Url, url),
+       is_integer(Max_pipeline_size),
+       is_integer(Max_sessions) ->
+    gen_server:call(Lb_pid,
+		    {spawn_connection, Url, Max_sessions, Max_pipeline_size, SSL_options}).
+%% Function: handle_call/3
+%% Description: Handling call messages
+%% Returns: {reply, Reply, State}          |
+%%          {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
+%%          {noreply, State}               |
+%%          {noreply, State, Timeout}      |
+%%          {stop, Reason, Reply, State}   | (terminate/2 is called)
+%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
+% handle_call({spawn_connection, _Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, _}, _From,
+% 	    #state{max_sessions = Max_sess,
+% 		   ets_tid = Tid,
+% 		   max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe_sz,
+% 		   num_cur_sessions = Num} = State) 
+%     when Num >= Max ->
+%     Reply = find_best_connection(Tid),
+%     {reply, sorry_dude_reuse, State};
+%% Update max_sessions in #state with supplied value
+handle_call({spawn_connection, _Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, _}, _From,
+	    #state{ets_tid = Tid,
+		   num_cur_sessions = Num} = State) 
+    when Num >= Max_sess ->
+    Reply = find_best_connection(Tid, Max_pipe),
+    {reply, Reply, State#state{max_sessions = Max_sess}};
+handle_call({spawn_connection, Url, _Max_sess, _Max_pipe, SSL_options}, _From,
+	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Cur,
+		   ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
+    {ok, Pid} = ibrowse_http_client:start_link({Tid, Url, SSL_options}),
+    ets:insert(Tid, {{1, Pid}, []}),
+    {reply, {ok, Pid}, State#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur + 1}};
+handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
+    Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
+    {reply, Reply, State}.
+%% Function: handle_cast/2
+%% Description: Handling cast messages
+%% Returns: {noreply, State}          |
+%%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
+%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+%% Function: handle_info/2
+%% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
+%% Returns: {noreply, State}          |
+%%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
+%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
+handle_info({'EXIT', Parent, _Reason}, #state{parent_pid = Parent} = State) ->
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason},
+	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Cur,
+		   ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
+    ets:match_delete(Tid, {{'_', Pid}, '_'}),
+    {noreply, State#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur - 1}};
+handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
+    put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+%% Function: terminate/2
+%% Description: Shutdown the server
+%% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+%% Func: code_change/3
+%% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
+%% Returns: {ok, NewState}
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+%%% Internal functions
+find_best_connection(Tid, Max_pipe) ->
+    case ets:first(Tid) of
+	{Cur_sz, Pid} when Cur_sz < Max_pipe ->
+	    ets:delete(Tid, {Cur_sz, Pid}),
+	    ets:insert(Tid, {{Cur_sz + 1, Pid}, []}),
+	    {ok, Pid};
+	_ ->
+	    {error, retry_later}
+    end.

[33/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Support SOCKS5 protocol for replication

Using "socks5" as the protocol in the "proxy" parameter of replication
requests will cause DNS resolution and data transfer to happen via a
SOCKS5 proxy server.



Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 1167b0e3cdea6dc71c415cb40d96a383c1e8f098
Parents: 50ee48d
Author: Robert Newson <>
Authored: Sat Jan 4 17:32:00 2014 +0000
Committer: Robert Newson <>
Committed: Mon Jan 6 23:34:53 2014 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |   2 +
 ibrowse_http_client.erl |  62 ++++++++++++++++--------
 ibrowse_lib.erl         |   7 +--
 ibrowse_socks5.erl      | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 869bd10..7c48169 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ ibrowse_file_collection = \
     ibrowse_http_client.erl \
     ibrowse_lb.erl \
     ibrowse_lib.erl \
+    ibrowse_socks5.erl \
     ibrowse_sup.erl \
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ ibrowseebin_make_generated_file_list = \
     ibrowse_http_client.beam \
     ibrowse_lb.beam \
     ibrowse_lib.beam \
+    ibrowse_socks5.beam \
     ibrowse_sup.beam \
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index c01385a..a1cf6eb 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
 -record(state, {host, port, connect_timeout,
-                use_proxy = false, proxy_auth_digest,
+                use_http_proxy = false, http_proxy_auth_digest,
+                socks5_host, socks5_port, socks5_user, socks5_password,
                 ssl_options = [], is_ssl = false, socket,
                 proxy_tunnel_setup = false,
                 tunnel_setup_queue = [],
@@ -488,9 +489,21 @@ handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer = Buf, reqs = Reqs, http_status_code = SC
-do_connect(Host, Port, Options, #state{is_ssl      = true,
-                                       use_proxy   = false,
-                                       ssl_options = SSLOptions},
+do_connect(Host, Port, Options, #state{socks5_host = SocksHost}=State, Timeout)
+  when SocksHost /= undefined ->
+    ProxyOptions = [
+        {user,     State#state.socks5_user},
+        {password, State#state.socks5_password},
+        {host,     SocksHost},
+        {port,     State#state.socks5_port},
+        {is_ssl,   State#state.is_ssl},
+        {ssl_opts, State#state.ssl_options}],
+    ibrowse_socks5:connect(Host, Port, ProxyOptions,
+                           get_sock_options(SocksHost, Options, []),
+                           Timeout);
+do_connect(Host, Port, Options, #state{is_ssl         = true,
+                                       use_http_proxy = false,
+                                       ssl_options    = SSLOptions},
            Timeout) ->
     ssl:connect(Host, Port, get_sock_options(Host, Options, SSLOptions), Timeout);
 do_connect(Host, Port, Options, _State, Timeout) ->
@@ -541,7 +554,7 @@ filter_sock_options(Opts) ->
 do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock,
                     is_ssl = true,
-                    use_proxy = true,
+                    use_http_proxy = true,
                     proxy_tunnel_setup = Pts}) when Pts /= done ->  gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req);
 do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = true})  ->  ssl:send(Sock, Req);
 do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = false}) ->  gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req).
@@ -589,7 +602,7 @@ maybe_chunked_encode(Data, true) ->
 do_close(#state{socket = undefined})            ->  ok;
 do_close(#state{socket = Sock,
                 is_ssl = true,
-                use_proxy = true,
+                use_http_proxy = true,
                 proxy_tunnel_setup = Pts
                }) when Pts /= done ->  catch gen_tcp:close(Sock);
 do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = true})  ->  catch ssl:close(Sock);
@@ -602,7 +615,7 @@ active_once(#state{socket = Socket} = State) ->
 do_setopts(_Sock, [],   _)    ->  ok;
 do_setopts(Sock, Opts, #state{is_ssl = true,
-                              use_proxy = true,
+                              use_http_proxy = true,
                               proxy_tunnel_setup = Pts}
                              ) when Pts /= done ->  inet:setopts(Sock, Opts);
 do_setopts(Sock, Opts, #state{is_ssl = true}) -> ssl:setopts(Sock, Opts);
@@ -621,17 +634,28 @@ send_req_1(From,
                 port = Port} = Url,
            Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
            #state{socket = undefined} = State) ->
+    ProxyHost = get_value(proxy_host, Options, false),
+    ProxyProtocol = get_value(proxy_protocol, Options, http),
     {Host_1, Port_1, State_1} =
-        case get_value(proxy_host, Options, false) of
-            false ->
+        case {ProxyHost, ProxyProtocol} of
+            {false, _} ->
                 {Host, Port, State};
-            PHost ->
+            {_, http} ->
                 ProxyUser     = get_value(proxy_user, Options, []),
                 ProxyPassword = get_value(proxy_password, Options, []),
                 Digest        = http_auth_digest(ProxyUser, ProxyPassword),
-                {PHost, get_value(proxy_port, Options, 80),
-                 State#state{use_proxy = true,
-                             proxy_auth_digest = Digest}}
+                {ProxyHost, get_value(proxy_port, Options, 80),
+                 State#state{use_http_proxy = true,
+                             http_proxy_auth_digest = Digest}};
+            {_, socks5} ->
+                ProxyUser     = list_to_binary(get_value(proxy_user, Options, [])),
+                ProxyPassword = list_to_binary(get_value(proxy_password, Options, [])),
+                ProxyPort = get_value(proxy_port, Options, 1080),
+                {Host, Port,
+                 State#state{socks5_host = ProxyHost,
+                             socks5_port = ProxyPort,
+                             socks5_user = ProxyUser,
+                             socks5_password = ProxyPassword}}
     State_2 = check_ssl_options(Options, State_1),
     do_trace("Connecting...~n", []),
@@ -662,7 +686,7 @@ send_req_1(From,
            Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
                   proxy_tunnel_setup = false,
-                  use_proxy = true,
+                  use_http_proxy = true,
                   is_ssl    = true} = State) ->
     Ref = case Timeout of
               infinity ->
@@ -850,11 +874,11 @@ add_auth_headers(#url{username = User,
     add_proxy_auth_headers(State, Headers_1).
-add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{use_proxy = false}, Headers) ->
+add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{use_http_proxy = false}, Headers) ->
-add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{proxy_auth_digest = []}, Headers) ->
+add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{http_proxy_auth_digest = []}, Headers) ->
-add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{proxy_auth_digest = Auth_digest}, Headers) ->
+add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{http_proxy_auth_digest = Auth_digest}, Headers) ->
     [{"Proxy-Authorization", ["Basic ", Auth_digest]} | Headers].
 http_auth_digest([], []) ->
@@ -863,7 +887,7 @@ http_auth_digest(Username, Password) ->
     ibrowse_lib:encode_base64(Username ++ [$: | Password]).
 make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
-             #state{use_proxy = UseProxy, is_ssl = Is_ssl}, ReqId) ->
+             #state{use_http_proxy = UseHttpProxy, is_ssl = Is_ssl}, ReqId) ->
     HttpVsn = http_vsn_string(get_value(http_vsn, Options, {1,1})),
     Fun1 = fun({X, Y}) when is_atom(X) ->
                    {to_lower(atom_to_list(X)), X, Y};
@@ -906,7 +930,7 @@ make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
     Headers_4 = cons_headers(Headers_3),
-    Uri = case get_value(use_absolute_uri, Options, false) or UseProxy of
+    Uri = case get_value(use_absolute_uri, Options, false) or UseHttpProxy of
               true ->
                   case Is_ssl of
                       true ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_lib.erl b/ibrowse_lib.erl
index 1ce6bd4..7b12cb3 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lib.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -362,9 +362,10 @@ parse_url([], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
 parse_url([], State, Url, TmpAcc) ->
     {invalid_uri_2, State, Url, TmpAcc}.
-default_port(http)  -> 80;
-default_port(https) -> 443;
-default_port(ftp)   -> 21.
+default_port(socks5) -> 1080;
+default_port(http)   -> 80;
+default_port(https)  -> 443;
+default_port(ftp)    -> 21.
 printable_date() ->
     {{Y,Mo,D},{H, M, S}} = calendar:local_time(),
diff --git a/ibrowse_socks5.erl b/ibrowse_socks5.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00df44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ibrowse_socks5.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(VERSION, 5).
+-define(CONNECT, 1).
+-define(NO_AUTH, 0).
+-define(USERPASS, 2).
+-define(UNACCEPTABLE, 16#FF).
+-define(RESERVED, 0).
+-define(ATYP_IPV4, 1).
+-define(ATYP_DOMAINNAME, 3).
+-define(ATYP_IPV6, 4).
+-define(SUCCEEDED, 0).
+-import(ibrowse_lib, [get_value/2, get_value/3]).
+connect(TargetHost, TargetPort, ProxyOptions, Options, Timeout) ->
+    case gen_tcp:connect(get_value(host, ProxyOptions),
+                         get_value(port, ProxyOptions),
+                         Options, Timeout) of
+        {ok, Socket} ->
+            case handshake(Socket, Options) of
+                ok ->
+                    case connect(TargetHost, TargetPort, Socket) of
+                        ok ->
+                            maybe_ssl(Socket, ProxyOptions, Timeout);
+                        Else ->
+                            gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+                            Else
+                    end;
+                Else ->
+                    gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+                    Else
+            end;
+        Else ->
+            Else
+    end.
+handshake(Socket, ProxyOptions) when is_port(Socket) ->
+    {Handshake, Success} = case get_value(user, ProxyOptions, <<>>) of
+        <<>> ->
+            {<<?VERSION, 1, ?NO_AUTH>>, ?NO_AUTH};
+        User ->
+            Password = get_value(password, ProxyOptions, <<>>),
+            {<<?VERSION, 1, ?USERPASS, (byte_size(User)), User,
+               (byte_size(Password)), Password>>, ?USERPASS}
+    end,
+    ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, Handshake),
+    case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0) of
+        {ok, <<?VERSION, Success>>} ->
+            ok;
+        {ok, <<?VERSION, ?UNACCEPTABLE>>} ->
+            {error, unacceptable};
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            {error, Reason}
+    end.
+connect(Host, Port, Via) when is_list(Host) ->
+    connect(list_to_binary(Host), Port, Via);
+connect(Host, Port, Via) when is_binary(Host), is_integer(Port),
+                              is_port(Via) ->
+    ok = gen_tcp:send(Via,
+          (byte_size(Host)), Host/binary,
+          (Port):16>>),
+    case gen_tcp:recv(Via, 0) of
+        {ok, <<?VERSION, ?SUCCEEDED, ?RESERVED, _/binary>>} ->
+            ok;
+        {ok, <<?VERSION, Rep, ?RESERVED, _/binary>>} ->
+            {error, rep(Rep)};
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            {error, Reason}
+    end.
+maybe_ssl(Socket, ProxyOptions, Timeout) ->
+    IsSsl = get_value(is_ssl, ProxyOptions, false),
+    SslOpts = get_value(ssl_opts, ProxyOptions, []),
+    case IsSsl of
+        false ->
+            {ok, Socket};
+        true ->
+            ssl:connect(Socket, SslOpts, Timeout)
+    end.
+rep(0) -> succeeded;
+rep(1) -> server_fail;
+rep(2) -> disallowed_by_ruleset;
+rep(3) -> network_unreachable;
+rep(4) -> host_unreachable;
+rep(5) -> connection_refused;
+rep(6) -> ttl_expired;
+rep(7) -> command_not_supported;
+rep(8) -> address_type_not_supported.

[23/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Updated ibrowse to version 2.1.0. It contains fixes for the following important issues:


git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 0db80d3e8bdd81f451fbeb002ef8bd107f653f31
Parents: a284c87
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Wed Nov 10 13:34:16 2010 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Wed Nov 10 13:34:16 2010 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |   2 +-          |   2 +-
 ibrowse.erl             |  33 ++++++-
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 211 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 ibrowse_lib.erl         |   2 +-
 ibrowse_test.erl        |  45 ++++++---
 6 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 39878f0..8c5d3f8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 ## the License.
-ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.0.1/ebin
+ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.1.0/ebin
 ibrowse_file_collection = \ \
diff --git a/ b/
index 8fc2066..e8580d1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
         [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "2.0.1"},
+         {vsn, "2.1.0"},
          {modules, [ ibrowse, 
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 7f8d8bc..1a42f4b 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 %% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
 %% @copyright 2005-2010 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
-%% @version 2.0.1
-%% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client. This
+%% @version 2.1.0
+%% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client in erlang. This
 %% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
 %% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
 %% one process to handle one TCP connection to a webserver
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
+         stream_close/1,
@@ -201,7 +202,11 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% dealing with large response bodies and/or slow links. In these
 %% cases, it might be hard to estimate how long a request will take to
 %% complete. In such cases, the client might want to timeout if no
-%% data has been received on the link for a certain time interval.</li>
+%% data has been received on the link for a certain time interval.
+%% This value is also used to close connections which are not in use for 
+%% the specified timeout value.
+%% </li>
 %% <li>
 %% The <code>connect_timeout</code> option is to specify how long the
@@ -458,6 +463,8 @@ ensure_bin({Fun, _} = Body) when is_function(Fun) -> Body.
 spawn_worker_process(Url) ->
+%% @doc Same as spawn_worker_process/1 but takes as input a Host and Port
+%% instead of a URL.
 %% @spec spawn_worker_process(Host::string(), Port::integer()) -> {ok, pid()}
 spawn_worker_process(Host, Port) ->
     ibrowse_http_client:start({Host, Port}).
@@ -468,6 +475,8 @@ spawn_worker_process(Host, Port) ->
 spawn_link_worker_process(Url) ->
+%% @doc Same as spawn_worker_process/2 except the the calling process
+%% is linked to the worker process which is spawned.
 %% @spec spawn_link_worker_process(Host::string(), Port::integer()) -> {ok, pid()}
 spawn_link_worker_process(Host, Port) ->
     ibrowse_http_client:start_link({Host, Port}).
@@ -524,6 +533,21 @@ stream_next(Req_id) ->
+%% @doc Tell ibrowse to close the connection associated with the
+%% specified stream.  Should be used in conjunction with the
+%% <code>stream_to</code> option. Note that all requests in progress on
+%% the connection which is serving this Req_id will be aborted, and an
+%% error returned.
+%% @spec stream_close(Req_id :: req_id()) -> ok | {error, unknown_req_id}
+stream_close(Req_id) ->    
+    case ets:lookup(ibrowse_stream, {req_id_pid, Req_id}) of
+        [] ->
+            {error, unknown_req_id};
+        [{_, Pid}] ->
+            catch Pid ! {stream_close, Req_id},
+            ok
+    end.
 %% @doc Turn tracing on for the ibrowse process
 trace_on() ->
     ibrowse ! {trace, true}.
@@ -553,6 +577,9 @@ all_trace_off() ->
     ibrowse ! all_trace_off,
+%% @doc Shows some internal information about load balancing. Info
+%% about workers spawned using spawn_worker_process/2 or
+%% spawn_link_worker_process/2 is not included.
 show_dest_status() ->
     Dests = lists:filter(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, _}) when is_list(Host),
                                                              is_integer(Port) ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 2dd209d..5c3d5c9 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 -record(state, {host, port, connect_timeout,
+                inactivity_timer_ref,
                 use_proxy = false, proxy_auth_digest,
                 ssl_options = [], is_ssl = false, socket,
                 proxy_tunnel_setup = false,
@@ -192,6 +193,12 @@ handle_info({stream_next, Req_id}, #state{socket = Socket,
 handle_info({stream_next, _Req_id}, State) ->
     {noreply, State};
+handle_info({stream_close, _Req_id}, State) ->
+    shutting_down(State),
+    do_close(State),
+    do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
+    {stop, normal, ok, State};
 handle_info({tcp_closed, _Sock}, State) ->    
     do_trace("TCP connection closed by peer!~n", []),
@@ -221,6 +228,7 @@ handle_info({req_timedout, From}, State) ->
 handle_info(timeout, State) ->
+    do_trace("Inactivity timeout triggered. Shutting down connection~n", []),
     do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
     {stop, normal, State};
@@ -273,8 +281,8 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status = get_header}=State) ->
             {stop, normal, State};
         State_1 ->
-            set_inac_timer(State_1),
-            {noreply, State_1}
+            State_2 = set_inac_timer(State_1),
+            {noreply, State_2}
 handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status           = get_body,
@@ -293,8 +301,8 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status           = get_body,
                     {stop, normal, State};
                 State_1 ->
-                    set_inac_timer(State_1),
-                    {noreply, State_1}
+                    State_2 = set_inac_timer(State_1),
+                    {noreply, State_2}
         _ ->
             case parse_11_response(Data, State) of
@@ -314,12 +322,12 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status           = get_body,
                     State_2 = State_1#state{interim_reply_sent = false},
-                    set_inac_timer(State_2),
-                    {noreply, State_2};
+                    State_3 = set_inac_timer(State_2),
+                    {noreply, State_3};
                 State_1 ->
-                    set_inac_timer(State_1),
-                    {noreply, State_1}
+                    State_2 = set_inac_timer(State_1),
+                    {noreply, State_2}
@@ -507,29 +515,37 @@ do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = false}) ->  gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req).
 %%                       {fun_arity_0}         |
 %%                       {fun_arity_1, term()}
 %% error() = term()
-do_send_body(Source, State) when is_function(Source) ->
-    do_send_body({Source}, State);
-do_send_body({Source}, State) when is_function(Source) ->
-    do_send_body1(Source, Source(), State);
-do_send_body({Source, Source_state}, State) when is_function(Source) ->
-    do_send_body1(Source, Source(Source_state), State);
-do_send_body(Body, State) ->
+do_send_body(Source, State, TE) when is_function(Source) ->
+    do_send_body({Source}, State, TE);
+do_send_body({Source}, State, TE) when is_function(Source) ->
+    do_send_body1(Source, Source(), State, TE);
+do_send_body({Source, Source_state}, State, TE) when is_function(Source) ->
+    do_send_body1(Source, Source(Source_state), State, TE);
+do_send_body(Body, State, _TE) ->
     do_send(Body, State).
-do_send_body1(Source, Resp, State) ->
+do_send_body1(Source, Resp, State, TE) ->
     case Resp of
         {ok, Data} ->
-            do_send(Data, State),
-            do_send_body({Source}, State);
+            do_send(maybe_chunked_encode(Data, TE), State),
+            do_send_body({Source}, State, TE);
         {ok, Data, New_source_state} ->
-            do_send(Data, State),
-            do_send_body({Source, New_source_state}, State);
+            do_send(maybe_chunked_encode(Data, TE), State),
+            do_send_body({Source, New_source_state}, State, TE);
+        eof when TE == true ->
+            do_send(<<"0\r\n\r\n">>, State),
+            ok;
         eof ->
         Err ->
+maybe_chunked_encode(Data, false) ->
+    Data;
+maybe_chunked_encode(Data, true) ->
+    [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(4, size(to_binary(Data))), "\r\n", Data, "\r\n"].
 do_close(#state{socket = undefined})            ->  ok;
 do_close(#state{socket = Sock,
                 is_ssl = true,
@@ -619,11 +635,13 @@ send_req_1(From,
     {Req, Body_1} = make_request(connect, Pxy_auth_headers,
                                  Path, Path,
                                  [], Options, State_1),
+    TE = is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options),
     case do_send(Req, State) of
         ok ->
-            case do_send_body(Body_1, State_1) of
+            case do_send_body(Body_1, State_1, TE) of
                 ok ->
+                    trace_request_body(Body_1),
                     Ref = case Timeout of
                               infinity ->
@@ -636,8 +654,8 @@ send_req_1(From,
                                             send_timer = Ref,
                                             proxy_tunnel_setup = in_progress,
                                             tunnel_setup_queue = [{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}]},
-                    set_inac_timer(State_1),
-                    {noreply, State_2};
+                    State_3 = set_inac_timer(State_2),
+                    {noreply, State_3};
                 Err ->
                     do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
@@ -706,10 +724,12 @@ send_req_1(From,
                                  AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, State_1),
     do_setopts(Socket, Caller_socket_options, Is_ssl),
+    TE = is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options),
     case do_send(Req, State_1) of
         ok ->
-            case do_send_body(Body_1, State_1) of
+            case do_send_body(Body_1, State_1, TE) of
                 ok ->
+                    trace_request_body(Body_1),
                     State_2 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_1),
                     Ref = case Timeout of
@@ -732,8 +752,8 @@ send_req_1(From,
                         _ ->
                             gen_server:reply(From, {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId})
-                    set_inac_timer(State_1),
-                    {noreply, State_3};
+                    State_4 = set_inac_timer(State_3),
+                    {noreply, State_4};
                 Err ->
                     do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
@@ -759,6 +779,7 @@ maybe_modify_headers(#url{host = Host, port = Port} = Url,
                                   false ->
                                       case Port of
                                           80 -> Host;
+                                          443 -> Host;
                                           _ -> [Host, ":", integer_to_list(Port)]
                                   {value, {_, Host_h_val}} ->
@@ -802,31 +823,42 @@ http_auth_digest(Username, Password) ->
 make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
              #state{use_proxy = UseProxy, is_ssl = Is_ssl}) ->
     HttpVsn = http_vsn_string(get_value(http_vsn, Options, {1,1})),
+    Fun1 = fun({X, Y}) when is_atom(X) ->
+                   {to_lower(atom_to_list(X)), X, Y};
+              ({X, Y}) when is_list(X) ->
+                   {to_lower(X), X, Y}
+           end,
+    Headers_0 = [Fun1(X) || X <- Headers],
     Headers_1 =
-        case get_value(content_length, Headers, false) of
-            false when (Body == []) or
-            (Body == <<>>) or
-            is_tuple(Body) or
-            is_function(Body) ->
-                Headers;
+        case lists:keysearch("content-length", 1, Headers_0) of
+            false when (Body == []) orelse
+                       (Body == <<>>) orelse
+                       is_tuple(Body) orelse
+                       is_function(Body) ->
+                Headers_0;
             false when is_binary(Body) ->
-                [{"content-length", integer_to_list(size(Body))} | Headers];
-            false ->
-                [{"content-length", integer_to_list(length(Body))} | Headers];
+                [{"content-length", "content-length", integer_to_list(size(Body))} | Headers_0];
+            false when is_list(Body) ->
+                [{"content-length", "content-length", integer_to_list(length(Body))} | Headers_0];
             _ ->
-                Headers
+                %% Content-Length is already specified
+                Headers_0
     {Headers_2, Body_1} =
-        case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options, false) of
+        case is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options) of
             false ->
-                {Headers_1, Body};
-            {chunked, ChunkSize} ->
-                {[{X, Y} || {X, Y} <- Headers_1,
-                            X /= "Content-Length",
-                            X /= "content-length",
-                            X /= content_length] ++
+                {[{Y, Z} || {_, Y, Z} <- Headers_1], Body};
+            true ->
+                Chunk_size_1 = case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options) of
+                                  chunked ->
+                                      5120;
+                                  {chunked, Chunk_size} ->
+                                      Chunk_size
+                              end,
+                {[{Y, Z} || {X, Y, Z} <- Headers_1,
+                            X /= "content-length"] ++
                  [{"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
-                 chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize)}
+                 chunk_request_body(Body, Chunk_size_1)}
     Headers_3 = cons_headers(Headers_2),
     Uri = case get_value(use_absolute_uri, Options, false) or UseProxy of
@@ -842,6 +874,16 @@ make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
     {[method(Method), " ", Uri, " ", HttpVsn, crnl(), Headers_3, crnl()], Body_1}.
+is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options) ->
+    case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options, false) of
+        false ->
+            false;
+        {chunked, _} -> 
+            true;
+        chunked ->
+            true
+    end.
 http_vsn_string({0,9}) -> "HTTP/0.9";
 http_vsn_string({1,0}) -> "HTTP/1.0";
 http_vsn_string({1,1}) -> "HTTP/1.1".
@@ -873,6 +915,9 @@ encode_headers([{Name,Val} | T], Acc) when is_atom(Name) ->
 encode_headers([], Acc) ->
+chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize) when is_tuple(Body) orelse
+                                          is_function(Body) ->
+    Body;
 chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize) ->
     chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, []).
@@ -1060,7 +1105,7 @@ upgrade_to_ssl(#state{socket = Socket,
 send_queued_requests([], State) ->
     do_trace("Sent all queued requests via SSL connection~n", []),
-    State#state{tunnel_setup_queue = done};
+    State#state{tunnel_setup_queue = []};
 send_queued_requests([{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout} | Q],
                      State) ->
     case send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State) of
@@ -1217,7 +1262,6 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                        reply_buffer  = RepBuf,
                        recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
     Body = RepBuf,
-    State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
     ResponseBody = case TmpFilename of
                        undefined ->
@@ -1232,9 +1276,9 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                 false ->
                     {ok, SCode, Resp_headers_1, ResponseBody}
-    State_2 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
+    State_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
     cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
-    State_2;
+    set_cur_request(State_1);
 handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                          response_format = Resp_format,
                          options = Options},
@@ -1245,7 +1289,6 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                        reply_buffer     = RepBuf,
                        send_timer       = ReqTimer} = State) ->
     Body = RepBuf,
-%%    State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
     {Resp_headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Resp_headers, Raw_headers, Options),
     Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
                 true ->
@@ -1253,15 +1296,8 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
                 false ->
                     {ok, SCode, Resp_headers_1, Body}
-    State_1 = case get(conn_close) of
-        "close" ->
-            do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
-            exit(normal);
-        _ ->
-            State_1_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
-            cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
-            State_1_1
-    end,
+    State_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
+    cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
 reset_state(State) ->
@@ -1353,6 +1389,8 @@ parse_status_line([32 | T], get_prot_vsn, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
     parse_status_line(T, get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode);
 parse_status_line([32 | T], get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
     {ok, lists:reverse(ProtVsn), lists:reverse(StatCode), T};
+parse_status_line([], get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
+    {ok, lists:reverse(ProtVsn), lists:reverse(StatCode), []};
 parse_status_line([H | T], get_prot_vsn, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
     parse_status_line(T, get_prot_vsn, [H|ProtVsn], StatCode);
 parse_status_line([H | T], get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
@@ -1710,36 +1748,61 @@ get_stream_chunk_size(Options) ->
 set_inac_timer(State) ->
-    set_inac_timer(State, get_inac_timeout(State)).
-set_inac_timer(_State, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout) ->
-    TimerRef = erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), timeout),
-    case erlang:put(inac_timer, TimerRef) of
-    OldTimer when is_reference(OldTimer) ->
-        erlang:cancel_timer(OldTimer),
-        receive timeout -> ok after 0 -> ok end;
-    _ ->
-        ok
-    end,
-    TimerRef;
-set_inac_timer(_, _) ->
-    undefined.
+    cancel_timer(State#state.inactivity_timer_ref),
+    set_inac_timer(State#state{inactivity_timer_ref = undefined},
+                   get_inac_timeout(State)).
+set_inac_timer(State, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout) ->
+    Ref = erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), timeout),
+    State#state{inactivity_timer_ref = Ref};
+set_inac_timer(State, _) ->
+    State.
 get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = #request{options = Opts}}) -> 
     get_value(inactivity_timeout, Opts, infinity);
 get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = undefined}) ->
-    infinity.
+    case ibrowse:get_config_value(inactivity_timeout, undefined) of
+        Val when is_integer(Val) ->
+            Val;
+        _ ->
+            case application:get_env(ibrowse, inactivity_timeout) of
+                {ok, Val} when is_integer(Val), Val > 0 ->
+                    Val;
+                _ ->
+                    10000
+            end
+    end.
 trace_request(Req) ->
     case get(my_trace_flag) of
         true ->
             %%Avoid the binary operations if trace is not on...
-            NReq = binary_to_list(list_to_binary(Req)),
+            NReq = to_binary(Req),
             do_trace("Sending request: ~n"
                      "--- Request Begin ---~n~s~n"
                      "--- Request End ---~n", [NReq]);
         _ -> ok
+trace_request_body(Body) ->
+    case get(my_trace_flag) of
+        true ->
+            %%Avoid the binary operations if trace is not on...
+            NBody = to_binary(Body),
+            case size(NBody) > 1024 of
+                true ->
+                    ok;
+                false ->
+                    do_trace("Sending request body: ~n"
+                             "--- Request Body Begin ---~n~s~n"
+                             "--- Request Body End ---~n", [NBody])
+            end;
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end.
 to_integer(X) when is_list(X)    -> list_to_integer(X); 
 to_integer(X) when is_integer(X) -> X.
+to_binary(X) when is_list(X)   -> list_to_binary(X); 
+to_binary(X) when is_binary(X) -> X.
diff --git a/ibrowse_lib.erl b/ibrowse_lib.erl
index fbb9c34..c463c7b 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lib.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ parse_url(Url) ->
 parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | _], get_protocol, Url, []) ->
     {invalid_uri_1, Url};
 parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | T], get_protocol, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    Prot = list_to_atom(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
+    Prot = list_to_existing_atom(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
     parse_url(T, get_username, 
               Url#url{protocol = Prot},
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index e7d6e59..3ad7660 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -217,14 +217,18 @@ dump_errors(Key, Iod) ->
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get, [{basic_auth, {"guest", "guest"}}]},
 		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get}
+		    {"", get},
+                    {"", get, [{ssl_options, [{depth, 2}]}]}
 unit_tests() ->
 unit_tests(Options) ->
+    application:start(crypto),
+    application:start(public_key),
+    ibrowse:start(),
     Options_1 = Options ++ [{connect_timeout, 5000}],
     {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options_1]),
@@ -249,32 +253,45 @@ verify_chunked_streaming() ->
 verify_chunked_streaming(Options) ->
+    io:format("~nVerifying that chunked streaming is working...~n", []),
     Url = "",
-    io:format("URL: ~s~n", [Url]),
-    io:format("Fetching data without streaming...~n", []),
+    io:format("  URL: ~s~n", [Url]),
+    io:format("  Fetching data without streaming...~n", []),
     Result_without_streaming = ibrowse:send_req(
 				 Url, [], get, [],
 				 [{response_format, binary} | Options]),
-    io:format("Fetching data with streaming as list...~n", []),
+    io:format("  Fetching data with streaming as list...~n", []),
     Async_response_list = do_async_req_list(
 			    Url, get, [{response_format, list} | Options]),
-    io:format("Fetching data with streaming as binary...~n", []),
+    io:format("  Fetching data with streaming as binary...~n", []),
     Async_response_bin = do_async_req_list(
 			   Url, get, [{response_format, binary} | Options]),
-    io:format("Fetching data with streaming as binary, {active, once}...~n", []),
+    io:format("  Fetching data with streaming as binary, {active, once}...~n", []),
     Async_response_bin_once = do_async_req_list(
                                 Url, get, [once, {response_format, binary} | Options]),
-    compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin),
-    compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin_once).
+    Res1 = compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin),
+    Res2 = compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin_once),
+    case {Res1, Res2} of
+        {success, success} ->
+            io:format("  Chunked streaming working~n", []);
+        _ ->
+            ok
+    end.
 test_chunked_streaming_once() ->
 test_chunked_streaming_once(Options) ->
+    io:format("~nTesting chunked streaming with the {stream_to, {Pid, once}} option...~n", []),
     Url = "",
-    io:format("URL: ~s~n", [Url]),
-    io:format("Fetching data with streaming as binary, {active, once}...~n", []),
-    do_async_req_list(Url, get, [once, {response_format, binary} | Options]).
+    io:format("  URL: ~s~n", [Url]),
+    io:format("  Fetching data with streaming as binary, {active, once}...~n", []),
+    case do_async_req_list(Url, get, [once, {response_format, binary} | Options]) of
+        {ok, _, _, _} ->
+            io:format("  Success!~n", []);
+        Err ->
+            io:format("  Fail: ~p~n", [Err])
+    end.
 compare_responses({ok, St_code, _, Body}, {ok, St_code, _, Body}, {ok, St_code, _, Body}) ->
@@ -310,7 +327,7 @@ do_async_req_list(Url, Method, Options) ->
     {Pid,_} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, i_do_async_req_list,
 				   [self(), Url, Method, 
 				    Options ++ [{stream_chunk_size, 1000}]]),
-    io:format("Spawned process ~p~n", [Pid]),
+%%    io:format("Spawned process ~p~n", [Pid]),
 wait_for_resp(Pid) ->
@@ -354,7 +371,7 @@ wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Options, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body) ->
             maybe_stream_next(Req_id, Options),
 	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Options, StatCode, Headers, Body);
 	{ibrowse_async_response_end, Req_id} ->
-            io:format("Recvd end of response.~n", []),
+            %% io:format("Recvd end of response.~n", []),
 	    Body_1 = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Body)),
 	    {ok, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body_1};
 	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, Data} ->
@@ -384,7 +401,7 @@ execute_req(Url, Method, Options) ->
 	{ok, SCode, _H, _B} ->
 	    io:format("Status code: ~p~n", [SCode]);
 	Err ->
-	    io:format("Err -> ~p~n", [Err])
+	    io:format("~p~n", [Err])
 drv_ue_test() ->

[13/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Support for replication over SSL.  Resolves COUCHDB-491

This turned out to be a decent amount of work, since:

1) ibrowse did not use SSL on dedicated connections.  Wrote a simplistic patch,
   will contact Chandru for further discussion.
2) When nginx is used for the SSL wrapper, it wants to buffer the changes feed.
   Setting "proxy_buffering off" in nginx.conf helps, but some buffering still
   occurred. Fixed by making couch_rep_changes_feed smart enough to split
   merged chunks.
3) The Erlang ssl application showed instabilities when used with {active,once}.
   Switched to the "new implementation" using {ssl_imp, new} and instabilities

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 96d28d85d235dfff8ead68d603d03edb42f3818f
Parents: c6b2bb6
Author: Adam Kocoloski <>
Authored: Wed Sep 2 03:40:44 2009 +0000
Committer: Adam Kocoloski <>
Committed: Wed Sep 2 03:40:44 2009 +0000

 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 12 +++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index dde258e..5f62f70 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -113,6 +113,16 @@ init({Host, Port}) ->
 		   port = Port},
     put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
     put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
+    {ok, State};
+init(#url{host=Host, port=Port, protocol=Protocol}) ->
+    State = #state{
+        host = Host,
+        port = Port,
+        is_ssl = (Protocol == https),
+        ssl_options = [{ssl_imp, new}]
+    },
+    put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
+    put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
     {ok, State}.
@@ -137,7 +147,7 @@ handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}},
 handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
     do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
-    {stop, normal, ok, State};
+    {stop, normal, ok, State#state{socket=undefined}};
 handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
     Reply = {unknown_request, Request},

[04/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
rewrite replicator using OTP behaviours

- only one instance of given source->target runs at a time
- supervisor restarts replications that terminate abnormally
- pull repl. streams attachments directly to disk
- improved memory utilization
- temporarily rollback parallel async doc GETs during pull rep.
- replication updates show up in Futon Status window

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 208131ada0c102c077a29ca224584d3309282e45
Parents: 39af2b6
Author: Adam Kocoloski <>
Authored: Sat Mar 7 18:48:47 2009 +0000
Committer: Adam Kocoloski <>
Committed: Sat Mar 7 18:48:47 2009 +0000

 ibrowse.erl             |  19 ++-
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 298 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 ibrowse_test.erl        | 109 +++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 4e6404a..3390e58 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% @spec send_req(Url::string(), Headers::headerList(), Method::method(), Body::body(), Options::optionList()) -> response()
 %% optionList() = [option()]
 %% option() = {max_sessions, integer()}        |
+%%          {response_format,response_format()}| 
+%%          {stream_chunk_size, integer()}     |
 %%          {max_pipeline_size, integer()}     |
 %%          {trace, boolean()}                 | 
 %%          {is_ssl, boolean()}                |
@@ -219,7 +221,7 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% ChunkSize = integer()
 %% srtf() = boolean() | filename()
 %% filename() = string()
+%% response_format() = list | binary
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options) ->
     send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, 30000).
@@ -230,7 +232,8 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options) ->
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
     case catch parse_url(Url) of
 	#url{host = Host,
-	     port = Port} = Parsed_url ->
+	     port = Port,
+	     protocol = Protocol} = Parsed_url ->
 	    Lb_pid = case ets:lookup(ibrowse_lb, {Host, Port}) of
 			 [] ->
@@ -241,9 +244,10 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
 	    Max_pipeline_size = get_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Options),
 	    Options_1 = merge_options(Host, Port, Options),
 	    {SSLOptions, IsSSL} =
-		case get_value(is_ssl, Options_1, false) of
+		case (Protocol == https) orelse
+		     get_value(is_ssl, Options_1, false) of
 		    false -> {[], false};
-		    true -> {get_value(ssl_options, Options_1), true}
+		    true -> {get_value(ssl_options, Options_1, []), true}
 	    case ibrowse_lb:spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
@@ -316,6 +320,13 @@ do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
 	    {error, req_timedout};
 	{'EXIT', Reason} ->
 	    {error, {'EXIT', Reason}};
+	{ok, St_code, Headers, Body} = Ret when is_binary(Body) ->
+	    case get_value(response_format, Options, list) of
+		list ->
+		    {ok, St_code, Headers, binary_to_list(Body)};
+		binary ->
+		    Ret
+	    end;
 	Ret ->
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 9a0e4d3..9455bc2 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -38,19 +38,23 @@
--record(state, {host, port, 
+-record(state, {host, port,
 		use_proxy = false, proxy_auth_digest,
-		ssl_options = [], is_ssl = false, socket, 
-		reqs=queue:new(), cur_req, status=idle, http_status_code, 
-		reply_buffer=[], rep_buf_size=0, recvd_headers=[],
+		ssl_options = [], is_ssl = false, socket,
+		reqs=queue:new(), cur_req, status=idle, http_status_code,
+		reply_buffer=[], rep_buf_size=0, streamed_size = 0,
+		recvd_headers=[],
 		is_closing, send_timer, content_length,
-		deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding, chunk_size, 
-		chunks=[], lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0}).
+		deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding, chunk_size,
+		chunks=[], lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0
+	       }).
 -record(request, {url, method, options, from,
 		  stream_to, req_id,
-		  save_response_to_file = false,
-		  tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd}).
+		  stream_chunk_size,
+		  save_response_to_file = false, 
+		  tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd,
+		  response_format}).
 -import(ibrowse_lib, [
@@ -60,6 +64,8 @@
+-define(DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE, 1024*1024).
 %% External functions
@@ -127,15 +133,16 @@ init({Host, Port}) ->
 %% Received a request when the remote server has already sent us a
 %% Connection: Close header
-handle_call({send_req, _}, 
+handle_call({send_req, _},
 	    #state{is_closing=true}=State) ->
     {reply, {error, connection_closing}, State};
-handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}}, 
+handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}},
 		   host=Host, port=Port}=State) ->
+    Resp_format = get_value(response_format, Options, list),
     {Host_1, Port_1, State_1} =
 	case get_value(proxy_host, Options, false) of
 	    false ->
@@ -151,12 +158,14 @@ handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}},
     StreamTo = get_value(stream_to, Options, undefined),
     ReqId = make_req_id(),
     SaveResponseToFile = get_value(save_response_to_file, Options, false),
-    NewReq = #request{url=Url, 
+    NewReq = #request{url=Url,
-		      options=Options, 
+		      options=Options,
 		      save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+		      stream_chunk_size = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
+		      response_format = Resp_format,
     Reqs = queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs),
     State_2 = check_ssl_options(Options, State_1#state{reqs = Reqs}),
@@ -208,15 +217,18 @@ handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method,
 	    #state{socket=Sock, status=Status, reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
     do_trace("Recvd request in connected state. Status -> ~p NumPending: ~p~n", [Status, length(queue:to_list(Reqs))]),
+    Resp_format = get_value(response_format, Options, list),
     StreamTo = get_value(stream_to, Options, undefined),
     SaveResponseToFile = get_value(save_response_to_file, Options, false),
     ReqId = make_req_id(),
-    NewReq = #request{url=Url, 
+    NewReq = #request{url=Url,
-		      options=Options, 
+		      options=Options,
 		      save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
+		      stream_chunk_size = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
+		      response_format = Resp_format,
     State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
     case send_req_1(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State_1) of
@@ -359,14 +371,14 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_header, socket=Sock}=State) ->
 handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_body, content_length=CL,
 			      http_status_code = StatCode,
-			      recvd_headers=Headers, 
+			      recvd_headers=Headers,
 			      chunk_size=CSz, socket=Sock}=State) ->
     case (CL == undefined) and (CSz == undefined) of
 	true ->
 	    case accumulate_response(Data, State) of
 		{error, Reason} ->
-		    fail_pipelined_requests(State, 
+		    fail_pipelined_requests(State,
 					    {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
 		    {stop, normal, State};
 		State_1 ->
@@ -377,7 +389,7 @@ handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=get_body, content_length=CL,
 	    case parse_11_response(Data, State) of
 		{error, Reason} ->
-		    fail_pipelined_requests(State, 
+		    fail_pipelined_requests(State,
 					    {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
 		    {stop, normal, State};
 		stop ->
@@ -433,14 +445,27 @@ accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = Save
 accumulate_response([], State) ->
 accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
+				 rep_buf_size = RepBufSize,
+				 streamed_size = Streamed_size,
 				 cur_req = CurReq}=State) ->
-    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
+	     stream_chunk_size = Stream_chunk_size,
+	     response_format = Response_format} = CurReq,
+    RepBuf_1 = [Data | RepBuf],
+    New_data_size = RepBufSize - Streamed_size,
     case StreamTo of
 	undefined ->
-	    State#state{reply_buffer = [Data | RepBuf]};
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1};
+	_ when New_data_size < Stream_chunk_size ->
+	    State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1};
 	_ ->
-	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, ReqId, Data),
-	    State
+	    {Stream_chunk, Rem_data} = split_list_at(flatten(lists:reverse(RepBuf_1)), Stream_chunk_size),
+	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Stream_chunk),
+	    accumulate_response(
+	      Rem_data,
+	      State#state{
+		reply_buffer = [],
+		streamed_size = Streamed_size + Stream_chunk_size})
 make_tmp_filename() ->
@@ -463,7 +488,7 @@ handle_sock_closed(#state{status=get_header}=State) ->
 handle_sock_closed(#state{cur_req=undefined} = State) ->
-%% We check for IsClosing because this the server could have sent a 
+%% We check for IsClosing because this the server could have sent a
 %% Connection-Close header and has closed the socket to indicate end
 %% of response. There maybe requests pipelined which need a response.
 handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer=Buf, reqs=Reqs, http_status_code=SC,
@@ -471,18 +496,18 @@ handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer=Buf, reqs=Reqs, http_status_code=SC,
 					   tmp_file_fd=Fd} = CurReq,
 			  status=get_body, recvd_headers=Headers}=State) ->
-    #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+    #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
+	     response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
     case IsClosing of
 	true ->
 	    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
 	    case TmpFilename of
 		undefined ->
-		    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId,
-			     {ok, SC, Headers,
-			      lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Buf))});
+		    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
+			     {ok, SC, Headers, lists:reverse(Buf)});
 		_ ->
-		    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId,
+		    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
 			     {ok, SC, Headers, {file, TmpFilename}})
 	    do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, connection_closed),
@@ -493,9 +518,13 @@ handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer=Buf, reqs=Reqs, http_status_code=SC,
 do_connect(Host, Port, _Options, #state{is_ssl=true, ssl_options=SSLOptions}, Timeout) ->
-    ssl:connect(Host, Port, [{nodelay, true}, {active, false} | SSLOptions], Timeout);
+    ssl:connect(Host, Port,
+		[{nodelay, true}, {active, false} | SSLOptions],
+		Timeout);
 do_connect(Host, Port, _Options, _State, Timeout) ->
-    gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [{nodelay, true}, {active, false}], Timeout).
+    gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port,
+		    [{nodelay, true}, {active, false}],
+		    Timeout).
 do_send(Sock, Req, true)  ->  ssl:send(Sock, Req);
 do_send(Sock, Req, false) ->  gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req).
@@ -542,7 +571,7 @@ check_ssl_options(Options, State) ->
 send_req_1(#url{abspath = AbsPath,
 		host = Host,
-		port = Port, 
+		port = Port,
 		path = RelPath} = Url,
 	   Headers, Method, Body, Options, Sock, State) ->
     Headers_1 = add_auth_headers(Url, Options, Headers, State),
@@ -555,10 +584,10 @@ send_req_1(#url{abspath = AbsPath,
 			  {value, {_, Host_h_val}} ->
-    {Req, Body_1} = make_request(Method, 
+    {Req, Body_1} = make_request(Method,
 				 [{"Host", HostHeaderValue} | Headers_1],
 				 AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, State#state.use_proxy),
-    case get(my_trace_flag) of 
+    case get(my_trace_flag) of
 	true ->
 	    %%Avoid the binary operations if trace is not on...
 	    NReq = binary_to_list(list_to_binary(Req)),
@@ -569,7 +598,7 @@ send_req_1(#url{abspath = AbsPath,
     SndRes = case do_send(Sock, Req, State#state.is_ssl) of
 		 ok -> do_send_body(Sock, Body_1, State#state.is_ssl);
-		 Err -> 
+		 Err ->
 		     io:format("Err: ~p~n", [Err]),
@@ -577,9 +606,9 @@ send_req_1(#url{abspath = AbsPath,
 add_auth_headers(#url{username = User,
-		      password = UPw}, 
+		      password = UPw},
-		 Headers, 
+		 Headers,
 		 #state{use_proxy = UseProxy,
 		        proxy_auth_digest = ProxyAuthDigest}) ->
     Headers_1 = case User of
@@ -601,7 +630,7 @@ add_auth_headers(#url{username = User,
 	true ->
 	    [{"Proxy-Authorization", ["Basic ", ProxyAuthDigest]} | Headers_1]
 http_auth_digest([], []) ->
 http_auth_digest(Username, Password) ->
@@ -617,7 +646,7 @@ encode_base64([A,B,C|Ls]) ->
     encode_base64_do(A,B,C, Ls).
 encode_base64_do(A,B,C, Rest) ->
     BB = (A bsl 16) bor (B bsl 8) bor C,
-    [e(BB bsr 18), e((BB bsr 12) band 63), 
+    [e(BB bsr 18), e((BB bsr 12) band 63),
      e((BB bsr 6) band 63), e(BB band 63)|encode_base64(Rest)].
 e(X) when X >= 0, X < 26 -> X+65;
@@ -643,12 +672,12 @@ make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, UseProxy) ->
 	    _ ->
-    {Headers_2, Body_1} = 
+    {Headers_2, Body_1} =
 	case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options, false) of
 	    false ->
 		{Headers_1, Body};
 	    {chunked, ChunkSize} ->
-		{[{X, Y} || {X, Y} <- Headers_1, 
+		{[{X, Y} || {X, Y} <- Headers_1,
 			    X /= "Content-Length",
 			    X /= "content-length",
 			    X /= content_length] ++
@@ -659,7 +688,7 @@ make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, UseProxy) ->
     Uri = case get_value(use_absolute_uri, Options, false) or UseProxy of
 	      true ->
-	      false -> 
+	      false ->
     {[method(Method), " ", Uri, " ", HttpVsn, crnl(), Headers_3, crnl()], Body_1}.
@@ -732,7 +761,7 @@ parse_response(_Data, #state{cur_req = undefined}=State) ->
 parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 			    cur_req=CurReq}=State) ->
     #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-	     method=Method} = CurReq,
+	     method=Method, response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
     MaxHeaderSize = ibrowse:get_config_value(max_headers_size, infinity),
     case scan_header(Data, Acc) of
 	{yes, Headers, Data_1}  ->
@@ -749,7 +778,8 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 		false ->
-	    State_1 = State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body, 
+	    State_1 = State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
+				  reply_buffer = [],
 				  http_status_code=StatCode, is_closing=IsClosing},
 	    put(conn_close, ConnClose),
 	    TransferEncoding = to_lower(get_value("transfer-encoding", LCHeaders, "false")),
@@ -757,7 +787,8 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 		_ when Method == head ->
 		    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
 		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
-		    State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
+		    State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
+					 {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
 		    cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
 		    State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
 		    State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
@@ -776,7 +807,8 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 		    %% RFC2616 - Sec 4.4
 		    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
 		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
-		    State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
+		    State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
+					 {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
 		    cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
 		    State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
 		    State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
@@ -788,7 +820,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 								 reply_buffer=[], chunks=[]}) of
 			{error, Reason} ->
-			    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1, 
+			    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
 						    {error, {Reason,
 							     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers_1}}),
 			    {error, Reason};
@@ -800,7 +832,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 		    send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers_1),
 		undefined ->
-		    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1, 
+		    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
 					    {error, {content_length_undefined,
 						     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
 		    {error, content_length_undefined};
@@ -814,7 +846,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 			    case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_2) of
 				{error, Reason} ->
-				    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1, 
+				    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
 							    {error, {Reason,
 								     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers_1}}),
 				    {error, Reason};
@@ -822,7 +854,7 @@ parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer=Acc, reqs=Reqs,
 			_ ->
-			    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1, 
+			    fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
 					    {error, {content_length_undefined,
 						     {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
 			    {error, content_length_undefined}
@@ -843,25 +875,28 @@ is_connection_closing("HTTP/1.0", "false") -> true;
 is_connection_closing(_, _)                -> false.
 %% This clause determines the chunk size when given data from the beginning of the chunk
-		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
+		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, 
-			 reply_buffer=Buf}=State) ->
+			 reply_buffer=Buf
+			}=State) ->
     case scan_crlf(DataRecvd, Buf) of
 	{yes, ChunkHeader, Data_1} ->
 	    case parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader) of
 		{error, Reason} ->
 		    {error, Reason};
 		ChunkSize ->
-		    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+		    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
+			     response_format = Response_format} = CurReq,
 		    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when streaming?
-		    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, ReqId, {chunk_start, ChunkSize}),
+		    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format,
+				     ReqId, {chunk_start, ChunkSize}),
 		    RemLen = length(Data_1),
 		    do_trace("Determined chunk size: ~p. Already recvd: ~p~n", [ChunkSize, RemLen]),
-		    parse_11_response(Data_1, State#state{rep_buf_size=0, 
+		    parse_11_response(Data_1, State#state{rep_buf_size=0,
@@ -871,29 +906,34 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 %% This clause is there to remove the CRLF between two chunks
-		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
+		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, 
 			 chunks = Chunks,
 			 reply_buffer=Buf}=State) ->
     case scan_crlf(DataRecvd, Buf) of
 	{yes, _, NextChunk} ->
-	    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+	    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
+		     response_format = Response_format} = CurReq,
 	    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when streaming?
 	    State_1 = State#state{chunk_size=chunk_start,
-				  rep_buf_size=0, 
+				  rep_buf_size=0,
 	    State_2 = case StreamTo of
 			  undefined ->
 			      State_1#state{chunks = [Buf | Chunks]};
-		_ ->
-			      do_interim_reply(StreamTo, ReqId, chunk_end),
-			      State_1
+			  _ ->
+			      %% Flush out all buffered data as chunk is ending
+			      do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId,
+					       lists:reverse([Buf | Chunks])),
+			      do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format,
+					       ReqId, chunk_end),
+			      State_1#state{chunks = [], streamed_size = 0}
 	    parse_11_response(NextChunk, State_2);
 	{no, Data_1} ->
@@ -901,26 +941,27 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 %% This clause deals with the end of a chunked transfer
-		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, chunk_size=0,
+		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, chunk_size=0, 
 			 deleted_crlf = DelCrlf,
 			 reply_buffer=Trailer, reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
     do_trace("Detected end of chunked transfer...~n", []),
     DataRecvd_1 = case DelCrlf of
-		      false -> 
+		      false ->
 		      true ->
 			  [$\r, $\n | DataRecvd]
-    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
+    #request{stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
+	     response_format = Response_format} = CurReq,
     case scan_header(DataRecvd_1, Trailer) of
 	{yes, _TEHeaders, Rem} ->
 	    {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
-	    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when streaming?
+	    %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when streaming? Nope.
-	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, ReqId, chunk_end),
+	    do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, chunk_end),
 	    State_1 = handle_response(CurReq, State#state{reqs=Reqs_1}),
 	    parse_response(Rem, reset_state(State_1));
 	{no, Rem} ->
@@ -928,7 +969,7 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 %% This clause extracts a chunk, given the size.
 		  #state{transfer_encoding=chunked, chunk_size=CSz,
 			 rep_buf_size=RepBufSz}=State) ->
     NeedBytes = CSz - RepBufSz,
@@ -952,12 +993,12 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 		    parse_11_response(RemData, State_2)
 	false ->
-	    accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size=RepBufSz + DataLen})
+	    accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size=(RepBufSz + DataLen)})
 %% This clause to extract the body when Content-Length is specified
-		  #state{content_length=CL, rep_buf_size=RepBufSz, 
+		  #state{content_length=CL, rep_buf_size=RepBufSz,
 			 reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
     NeedBytes = CL - RepBufSz,
     DataLen = length(DataRecvd),
@@ -970,11 +1011,12 @@ parse_11_response(DataRecvd,
 	    State_3 = reset_state(State_2),
 	    parse_response(Rem, State_3);
 	false ->
-	    accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size=RepBufSz+DataLen})
+	    accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size = (RepBufSz+DataLen)})
 handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
-			 save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile, 
+			 response_format = Resp_format,
+			 save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
 			 tmp_file_name = TmpFilename,
 			 tmp_file_fd = Fd
@@ -986,9 +1028,9 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 		       recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
     Body = case TEnc of
 	       chunked ->
-		   lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Chunks));
+		   lists:reverse(Chunks);
 	       _ ->
-		   lists:flatten(lists:reverse(RepBuf))
+		   lists:reverse(RepBuf)
     State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
@@ -998,32 +1040,38 @@ handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
 		       _ ->
 			   {file, TmpFilename}
-    State_2 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, ResponseBody}),
+    State_2 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
+		       {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, ResponseBody}),
     cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
-handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId},
+handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
+			 response_format = Resp_format},
 		#state{http_status_code=SCode, recvd_headers=RespHeaders,
 		       reply_buffer=RepBuf, transfer_encoding=TEnc,
 		       chunks=Chunks, send_timer=ReqTimer}=State) ->
     Body = case TEnc of
 	       chunked ->
-		   lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Chunks));
+		   lists:reverse(Chunks);
 	       _ ->
-		   lists:flatten(lists:reverse(RepBuf))
+		   lists:reverse(RepBuf)
-    State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
-    case get(conn_close) of
+%%    State_1 = set_cur_request(State),
+    State_1 = case get(conn_close) of
 	"close" ->
-	    do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, Body}),
+	    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
+		     {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, Body}),
 	_ ->
-	    State_2 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, Body}),
+	    State_1_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
+				 {ok, SCode, RespHeaders, Body}),
 	    cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
-	    State_2
-    end.
+	    State_1_1
+    end,
+    set_cur_request(State_1).
 reset_state(State) ->
-    State#state{status=get_header, rep_buf_size=0,content_length=undefined,
+    State#state{status=get_header, rep_buf_size=0, streamed_size = 0,
+		content_length=undefined,
 		reply_buffer=[], chunks=[], recvd_headers=[], deleted_crlf=false,
 		http_status_code=undefined, chunk_size=undefined, transfer_encoding=undefined}.
@@ -1063,18 +1111,18 @@ parse_headers_1(String) ->
     parse_headers_1(String, [], []).
 parse_headers_1([$\n, H |T], [$\r | L], Acc) when H == 32;
-						  H == $\t -> 
+						  H == $\t ->
     parse_headers_1(lists:dropwhile(fun(X) ->
 				    end, T), [32 | L], Acc);
-parse_headers_1([$\n|T], [$\r | L], Acc) -> 
+parse_headers_1([$\n|T], [$\r | L], Acc) ->
     case parse_header(lists:reverse(L)) of
 	invalid ->
 	    parse_headers_1(T, [], Acc);
 	NewHeader ->
 	    parse_headers_1(T, [], [NewHeader | Acc])
-parse_headers_1([H|T],  L, Acc) -> 
+parse_headers_1([H|T],  L, Acc) ->
     parse_headers_1(T, [H|L], Acc);
 parse_headers_1([], [], Acc) ->
@@ -1185,7 +1233,7 @@ parse_chunk_header([H | T], Acc) ->
 parse_chunk_header([], Acc) ->
-is_whitespace(32)  -> true;
+is_whitespace($\s)  -> true;
 is_whitespace($\r) -> true;
 is_whitespace($\n) -> true;
 is_whitespace($\t) -> true;
@@ -1197,36 +1245,62 @@ send_async_headers(_ReqId, undefined, _StatCode, _Headers) ->
 send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, StatCode, Headers) ->
     catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, StatCode, Headers}.
-do_reply(State, From, undefined, _, Msg) ->
+format_response_data(Resp_format, Body) ->
+    case Resp_format of
+	list when is_list(Body) ->
+	    flatten(Body);
+	binary when is_list(Body) ->
+	    list_to_binary(Body);
+	_ ->
+	    %% This is to cater for sending messages such as
+	    %% {chunk_start, _}, chunk_end etc
+	    Body
+    end.
+do_reply(State, From, undefined, _, Resp_format, {ok, St_code, Headers, Body}) ->
+    Msg_1 = {ok, St_code, Headers, format_response_data(Resp_format, Body)},
+    gen_server:reply(From, Msg_1),
+    dec_pipeline_counter(State);
+do_reply(State, From, undefined, _, _, Msg) ->
     gen_server:reply(From, Msg),
-do_reply(State, _From, StreamTo, ReqId, {ok, _, _, _}) ->
+do_reply(State, _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {ok, _, _, Body}) ->
     State_1 = dec_pipeline_counter(State),
+    case Body of
+	[] ->
+	    ok;
+	_ ->
+	    Body_1 = format_response_data(Resp_format, Body),
+	    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Body_1}
+    end,
     catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response_end, ReqId},
-do_reply(State, _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Msg) ->
+do_reply(State, _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Msg) ->
     State_1 = dec_pipeline_counter(State),
-    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Msg},
+    Msg_1 = format_response_data(Resp_format, Msg),
+    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Msg_1},
-do_interim_reply(undefined, _ReqId, _Msg) ->
+do_interim_reply(undefined, _, _ReqId, _Msg) ->
-do_interim_reply(StreamTo, ReqId, Msg) ->
-    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Msg}.
+do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Msg) ->
+    Msg_1 = format_response_data(Response_format, Msg),
+    catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Msg_1}.
 do_error_reply(#state{reqs = Reqs} = State, Err) ->
     ReqList = queue:to_list(Reqs),
-    lists:foreach(fun(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId}) ->
-                          do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, {error, Err})
+    lists:foreach(fun(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
+			       response_format = Resp_format}) ->
+                          do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {error, Err})
 		  end, ReqList).
 fail_pipelined_requests(#state{reqs = Reqs, cur_req = CurReq} = State, Reply) ->
     {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
-    #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId} = CurReq,
-    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Reply),
+    #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
+	     response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
+    do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
     do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, previous_request_failed).
 split_list_at(List, N) ->
     split_list_at(List, N, []).
 split_list_at([], _, Acc) ->
@@ -1271,7 +1345,7 @@ cancel_timer(Ref)       -> erlang:cancel_timer(Ref).
 cancel_timer(Ref, {eat_message, Msg}) ->
-    receive 
+    receive
 	Msg ->
     after 0 ->
@@ -1310,3 +1384,19 @@ dec_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz,
     ets:delete(Tid, {Pipe_sz, self()}),
     ets:insert(Tid, {{Pipe_sz - 1, self()}, []}),
     State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz - 1}.
+flatten([H | _] = L) when is_integer(H) ->
+    L;
+flatten([H | _] = L) when is_list(H) ->
+    lists:flatten(L);
+flatten([]) ->
+    [].
+get_stream_chunk_size(Options) ->
+    case lists:keysearch(stream_chunk_size, 1, Options) of
+	{value, {_, V}} when V > 0 ->
+	    V;
+	_ ->
+    end.
diff --git a/ibrowse_test.erl b/ibrowse_test.erl
index b4429c9..de8865f 100644
--- a/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_test.erl
@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
-	 ue_test/1
+	 ue_test/1,
+	 verify_chunked_streaming/0,
+	 verify_chunked_streaming/1,
+	 i_do_async_req_list/4
 -import(ibrowse_lib, [printable_date/0]).
@@ -88,7 +91,7 @@ do_wait() ->
 do_send_req(Url, NumReqs) ->
     do_send_req_1(Url, NumReqs).
@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ dump_errors(Key, Iod) ->
 -define(TEST_LIST, [{"http://intranet/messenger", get},
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
-		    {"", options}, 
+		    {"", options},
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
@@ -172,7 +175,8 @@ dump_errors(Key, Iod) ->
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get},
 		    {"", get, [{basic_auth, {"guest", "guest"}}]},
-		    {"", get}
+		    {"", get},
+		    {"", get}
 unit_tests() ->
@@ -185,13 +189,104 @@ unit_tests(Options) ->
 			  execute_req(Url, Method, X_Opts ++ Options)
 		  end, ?TEST_LIST).
-execute_req(Url, Method) ->
-    execute_req(Url, Method, []).
+verify_chunked_streaming() ->
+    verify_chunked_streaming([]).
+verify_chunked_streaming(Options) ->
+    Url = "",
+    io:format("URL: ~s~n", [Url]),
+    io:format("Fetching data without streaming...~n", []),
+    Result_without_streaming = ibrowse:send_req(
+				 Url, [], get, [],
+				 [{response_format, binary} | Options]),
+    io:format("Fetching data with streaming as list...~n", []),
+    Async_response_list = do_async_req_list(
+			    Url, get, [{response_format, list}]),
+    io:format("Fetching data with streaming as binary...~n", []),
+    Async_response_bin = do_async_req_list(
+			   Url, get, [{response_format, binary}]),
+    compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin).
+compare_responses({ok, St_code, _, Body}, {ok, St_code, _, Body}, {ok, St_code, _, Body}) ->
+    success;
+compare_responses({ok, St_code, _, Body_1}, {ok, St_code, _, Body_2}, {ok, St_code, _, Body_3}) ->
+    case Body_1 of
+	Body_2 ->
+	    io:format("Body_1 and Body_2 match~n", []);
+	Body_3 ->
+	    io:format("Body_1 and Body_3 match~n", []);
+	_ when Body_2 == Body_3 ->
+	    io:format("Body_2 and Body_3 match~n", []);
+	_ ->
+	    io:format("All three bodies are different!~n", [])
+    end,
+    fail_bodies_mismatch;
+compare_responses(R1, R2, R3) ->
+    io:format("R1 -> ~p~n", [R1]),
+    io:format("R2 -> ~p~n", [R2]),
+    io:format("R3 -> ~p~n", [R3]),
+    fail.
+do_async_req_list(Url) ->
+    do_async_req_list(Url, get).
+do_async_req_list(Url, Method) ->
+    do_async_req_list(Url, Method, [{stream_to, self()},
+				    {stream_chunk_size, 1000}]).
+do_async_req_list(Url, Method, Options) ->
+    {Pid,_} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, i_do_async_req_list,
+				   [self(), Url, Method, 
+				    Options ++ [{stream_chunk_size, 1000}]]),
+    io:format("Spawned process ~p~n", [Pid]),
+    wait_for_resp(Pid).
+wait_for_resp(Pid) ->
+    receive
+	{async_result, Pid, Res} ->
+	    Res;
+	{'DOWN', _, _, Pid, Reason} ->
+	    {'EXIT', Reason};
+	{'DOWN', _, _, _, _} ->
+	    wait_for_resp(Pid);
+	Msg ->
+	    io:format("Recvd unknown message: ~p~n", [Msg]),
+	    wait_for_resp(Pid)
+    after 10000 ->
+	  {error, timeout}
+    end.
+i_do_async_req_list(Parent, Url, Method, Options) ->
+    Res = ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], [{stream_to, self()} | Options]),
+    case Res of
+	{ibrowse_req_id, Req_id} ->
+	    Result = wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, undefined, undefined, []),
+	    Parent ! {async_result, self(), Result};
+	Err ->
+	    Parent ! {async_result, self(), Err}
+    end.
+wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body) ->
+    receive
+	{ibrowse_async_headers, Req_id, StatCode, Headers} ->
+	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, StatCode, Headers, Body);
+	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, {chunk_start, _}} ->
+	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body);
+	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, chunk_end} ->
+	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body);
+	{ibrowse_async_response_end, Req_id} ->
+	    Body_1 = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Body)),
+	    {ok, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body_1};
+	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, Data} ->
+	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, [Data | Body]);
+	Err ->
+	    {ok, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Err}
+    end.
 execute_req(Url, Method, Options) ->
     io:format("~s, ~p: ", [Url, Method]),
     Result = (catch ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], Options)),
-    case Result of 
+    case Result of
 	{ok, SCode, _H, _B} ->
 	    io:format("Status code: ~p~n", [SCode]);
 	Err ->

[25/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Upgrade ibrowse to version 2.1.1

This ibrowse release includes a few important fixes.
See for the list of fixes.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 211fbf3a6e63e83af032805b0bc4cf9eb98edf06
Parents: 8f3735f
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Sat Dec 18 13:10:15 2010 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Sat Dec 18 13:10:15 2010 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |  2 +-          |  2 +-
 ibrowse.erl             |  2 +-
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 45 ++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 ibrowse_lib.erl         | 19 -------------------
 5 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 8c5d3f8..deddd5a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 ## the License.
-ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.1.0/ebin
+ibrowseebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/ibrowse-2.1.1/ebin
 ibrowse_file_collection = \ \
diff --git a/ b/
index e8580d1..aee0f20 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
         [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "2.1.0"},
+         {vsn, "2.1.1"},
          {modules, [ ibrowse, 
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 1a42f4b..6e20cfb 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 %% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
 %% @copyright 2005-2010 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
-%% @version 2.1.0
+%% @version 2.1.1
 %% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client in erlang. This
 %% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
 %% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index 5ff323c..0135a49 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 -define(DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE, 1024*1024).
+-define(dec2hex(X), erlang:integer_to_list(X, 16)).
 %% External functions
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ handle_info({stream_close, _Req_id}, State) ->
     do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
-    {stop, normal, ok, State};
+    {stop, normal, State};
 handle_info({tcp_closed, _Sock}, State) ->    
     do_trace("TCP connection closed by peer!~n", []),
@@ -369,15 +369,6 @@ accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = Srtf
         {error, Reason} ->
             {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
-%% accumulate_response(<<>>, #state{cur_req = #request{caller_controls_socket = Ccs},
-%%                                  socket = Socket} = State) ->
-%%     case Ccs of
-%%         true ->
-%%             do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State);
-%%         false ->
-%%             ok
-%%     end,
-%%     State;
 accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer      = RepBuf,
                                  rep_buf_size      = RepBufSize,
                                  streamed_size     = Streamed_size,
@@ -544,7 +535,7 @@ do_send_body1(Source, Resp, State, TE) ->
 maybe_chunked_encode(Data, false) ->
 maybe_chunked_encode(Data, true) ->
-    [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(byte_size(to_binary(Data))), "\r\n", Data, "\r\n"].
+    [?dec2hex(size(to_binary(Data))), "\r\n", Data, "\r\n"].
 do_close(#state{socket = undefined})            ->  ok;
 do_close(#state{socket = Sock,
@@ -683,8 +674,7 @@ send_req_1(From,
                 path    = RelPath} = Url,
            Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
            #state{status    = Status,
-                  socket    = Socket,
-                  is_ssl    = Is_ssl} = State) ->
+                  socket    = Socket} = State) ->
     ReqId = make_req_id(),
     Resp_format = get_value(response_format, Options, list),
     Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),
@@ -723,7 +713,7 @@ send_req_1(From,
                                  AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, State_1),
-    do_setopts(Socket, Caller_socket_options, Is_ssl),
+    do_setopts(Socket, Caller_socket_options, State_1),
     TE = is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options),
     case do_send(Req, State_1) of
         ok ->
@@ -831,17 +821,14 @@ make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
     Headers_0 = [Fun1(X) || X <- Headers],
     Headers_1 =
         case lists:keysearch("content-length", 1, Headers_0) of
-            false when (Body == []) orelse
-                       (Body == <<>>) orelse
-                       is_tuple(Body) orelse
-                       is_function(Body) ->
-                Headers_0;
-            false when is_binary(Body) ->
-                [{"content-length", "content-length", integer_to_list(size(Body))} | Headers_0];
-            false when is_list(Body) ->
-                [{"content-length", "content-length", integer_to_list(length(Body))} | Headers_0];
+            false when (Body =:= [] orelse Body =:= <<>>) andalso
+                       (Method =:= post orelse Method =:= put) ->
+                [{"content-length", "Content-Length", "0"} | Headers_0];
+            false when is_binary(Body) orelse is_list(Body) ->
+                [{"content-length", "Content-Length", integer_to_list(iolist_size(Body))} | Headers_0];
             _ ->
-                %% Content-Length is already specified
+                %% Content-Length is already specified or Body is a
+                %% function or function/state pair
     {Headers_2, Body_1} =
@@ -927,23 +914,23 @@ chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when Body == <<>>; Body == [] ->
 chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when is_binary(Body),
                                               size(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
     <<ChunkBody:ChunkSize/binary, Rest/binary>> = Body,
-    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(ChunkSize),"\r\n",
+    Chunk = [?dec2hex(ChunkSize),"\r\n",
              ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
     chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
 chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_binary(Body) ->
     BodySize = size(Body),
-    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(BodySize),"\r\n",
+    Chunk = [?dec2hex(BodySize),"\r\n",
              Body, "\r\n"],
     LastChunk = "0\r\n",
     lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]);
 chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when length(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
     {ChunkBody, Rest} = split_list_at(Body, ChunkSize),
-    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(ChunkSize),"\r\n",
+    Chunk = [?dec2hex(ChunkSize),"\r\n",
              ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
     chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
 chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_list(Body) ->
     BodySize = length(Body),
-    Chunk = [ibrowse_lib:dec2hex(BodySize),"\r\n",
+    Chunk = [?dec2hex(BodySize),"\r\n",
              Body, "\r\n"],
     LastChunk = "0\r\n",
     lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]).
diff --git a/ibrowse_lib.erl b/ibrowse_lib.erl
index e913adb..696d0f6 100644
--- a/ibrowse_lib.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_lib.erl
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@
-         dec2hex/1,
-         drv_ue/1,
-         drv_ue/2,
@@ -33,17 +30,6 @@
 get_trace_status(Host, Port) ->
     ibrowse:get_config_value({trace, Host, Port}, false).
-drv_ue(Str) ->
-    [{port, Port}| _] = ets:lookup(ibrowse_table, port),
-    drv_ue(Str, Port).
-drv_ue(Str, Port) ->
-    case erlang:port_control(Port, 1, Str) of
-        [] ->
-            Str;
-        Res ->
-            Res
-    end.
 %% @doc URL-encodes a string based on RFC 1738. Returns a flat list.
 %% @spec url_encode(Str) -> UrlEncodedStr
 %% Str = string()
@@ -163,11 +149,6 @@ status_code(507) -> insufficient_storage;
 status_code(X) when is_list(X) -> status_code(list_to_integer(X));
 status_code(_)   -> unknown_status_code.
-%% @doc Returns a string with the hexadecimal representation of a given decimal.
-%% N = integer() -- the number to represent as hex
-%% @spec dec2hex(N::integer()) -> string()
-dec2hex(N) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.16B", [N])).
 %% @doc Implements the base64 encoding algorithm. The output data type matches in the input data type.
 %% @spec encode_base64(In) -> Out
 %% In = string() | binary()

[19/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Bumping ibrowse library to version 1.6.2 (latest).
It has a few important bug fixes and new features, such as, for example:

1) fixes https requests not going via the proxy;
2) added SSL support for direct connections;
3) fixes to URL parsing;
4) added option headers_as_is

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: b7fafdccc6ad27c3f97e8ebf759030778bf55542
Parents: 1c4324e
Author: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Authored: Sun Aug 15 18:37:45 2010 +0000
Committer: Filipe David Borba Manana <>
Committed: Sun Aug 15 18:37:45 2010 +0000

----------------------------------------------------------------------          |   10 +-
 ibrowse.erl             |  516 +++++++------
 ibrowse_app.erl         |    9 +-
 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 1686 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 ibrowse_lb.erl          |    8 +-
 ibrowse_lib.erl         |  292 ++++----
 ibrowse_sup.erl         |    6 +-
 ibrowse_test.erl        |    7 +-
 8 files changed, 1358 insertions(+), 1176 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 4f43dd9..208c311 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 {application, ibrowse,
         [{description, "HTTP client application"},
-         {vsn, "1.5.1"},
-         {modules, [ ibrowse,
-		     ibrowse_http_client,
-		     ibrowse_app,
-		     ibrowse_sup,
+         {vsn, "1.6.2"},
+         {modules, [ ibrowse, 
+		     ibrowse_http_client, 
+		     ibrowse_app, 
+		     ibrowse_sup, 
 		     ibrowse_lb ]},
          {registered, []},
diff --git a/ibrowse.erl b/ibrowse.erl
index 1913ef5..09d36a3 100644
--- a/ibrowse.erl
+++ b/ibrowse.erl
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 %%% Created : 11 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
 %% @author Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <chandrashekhar dot mullaparthi at gmail dot com>
-%% @copyright 2005-2009 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
-%% @version 1.5.2
+%% @copyright 2005-2010 Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi
+%% @version 1.6.0
 %% @doc The ibrowse application implements an HTTP 1.1 client. This
 %% module implements the API of the HTTP client. There is one named
 %% process called 'ibrowse' which assists in load balancing and maintaining configuration. There is one load balancing process per unique webserver. There is
@@ -21,22 +21,22 @@
 %% <p>Here are a few sample invocations.</p>
 %% <code>
-%% ibrowse:send_req("http://intranet/messenger/", [], get).
+%% ibrowse:send_req("http://intranet/messenger/", [], get). 
 %% <br/><br/>
-%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [],
-%% 		 [{proxy_user, "XXXXX"},
-%% 		  {proxy_password, "XXXXX"},
-%% 		  {proxy_host, "proxy"},
-%% 		  {proxy_port, 8080}], 1000).
+%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [], 
+%%               [{proxy_user, "XXXXX"},
+%%                {proxy_password, "XXXXX"},
+%%                {proxy_host, "proxy"},
+%%                {proxy_port, 8080}], 1000). 
 %% <br/><br/>
 %%ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [],
-%% 		 [{proxy_user, "XXXXX"},
-%% 		  {proxy_password, "XXXXX"},
-%% 		  {proxy_host, "proxy"},
-%% 		  {proxy_port, 8080},
-%% 		  {save_response_to_file, true}], 1000).
+%%               [{proxy_user, "XXXXX"},
+%%                {proxy_password, "XXXXX"},
+%%                {proxy_host, "proxy"},
+%%                {proxy_port, 8080},
+%%                {save_response_to_file, true}], 1000).
 %% <br/><br/>
 %% ibrowse:send_req("", [], head).
@@ -48,17 +48,12 @@
 %% ibrowse:send_req("", [], trace).
 %% <br/><br/>
-%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [],
+%% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [], 
 %%                   [{stream_to, self()}]).
 %% </code>
-%% <p>A driver exists which implements URL encoding in C, but the
-%% speed achieved using only erlang has been good enough, so the
-%% driver isn't actually used.</p>
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse.erl,v 1.8 2009/07/01 22:43:19 chandrusf Exp $ ').
 %% Include files
@@ -70,48 +65,50 @@
 %% gen_server callbacks
 -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
-	 terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+         terminate/2, code_change/3]).
 %% API interface
-	 rescan_config/0,
-	 rescan_config/1,
-	 get_config_value/1,
-	 get_config_value/2,
-	 spawn_worker_process/2,
-	 spawn_link_worker_process/2,
-	 stop_worker_process/1,
-	 send_req/3,
-	 send_req/4,
-	 send_req/5,
-	 send_req/6,
-	 send_req_direct/4,
-	 send_req_direct/5,
-	 send_req_direct/6,
-	 send_req_direct/7,
-	 stream_next/1,
-	 set_max_sessions/3,
-	 set_max_pipeline_size/3,
-	 set_dest/3,
-	 trace_on/0,
-	 trace_off/0,
-	 trace_on/2,
-	 trace_off/2,
-	 all_trace_off/0,
-	 show_dest_status/0,
-	 show_dest_status/2
-	]).
+         rescan_config/0,
+         rescan_config/1,
+         get_config_value/1,
+         get_config_value/2,
+         spawn_worker_process/1,
+         spawn_worker_process/2,
+         spawn_link_worker_process/1,
+         spawn_link_worker_process/2,
+         stop_worker_process/1,
+         send_req/3,
+         send_req/4,
+         send_req/5,
+         send_req/6,
+         send_req_direct/4,
+         send_req_direct/5,
+         send_req_direct/6,
+         send_req_direct/7,
+         stream_next/1,
+         set_max_sessions/3,
+         set_max_pipeline_size/3,
+         set_dest/3,
+         trace_on/0,
+         trace_off/0,
+         trace_on/2,
+         trace_off/2,
+         all_trace_off/0,
+         show_dest_status/0,
+         show_dest_status/2
+        ]).
 -import(ibrowse_lib, [
-		      parse_url/1,
-		      get_value/3,
-		      do_trace/2
-		     ]).
+                      parse_url/1,
+                      get_value/3,
+                      do_trace/2
+                     ]).
 -record(state, {trace = false}).
@@ -159,7 +156,7 @@ stop() ->
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method) ->
     send_req(Url, Headers, Method, [], []).
-%% @doc Same as send_req/3.
+%% @doc Same as send_req/3. 
 %% If a list is specified for the body it has to be a flat list. The body can also be a fun/0 or a fun/1. <br/>
 %% If fun/0, the connection handling process will repeatdely call the fun until it returns an error or eof. <pre>Fun() = {ok, Data} | eof</pre><br/>
 %% If fun/1, the connection handling process will repeatedly call the fun with the supplied state until it returns an error or eof. <pre>Fun(State) = {ok, Data} | {ok, Data, NewState} | eof</pre>
@@ -169,19 +166,19 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method) ->
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
     send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, []).
-%% @doc Same as send_req/4.
+%% @doc Same as send_req/4. 
 %% For a description of SSL Options, look in the <a href="">ssl</a> manpage. If the
 %% HTTP Version to use is not specified, the default is 1.1.
 %% <br/>
-%% <p>The <code>host_header</code> option is useful in the case where ibrowse is
+%% <ul>
+%% <li>The <code>host_header</code> option is useful in the case where ibrowse is
 %% connecting to a component such as <a
 %% href="">stunnel</a> which then sets up a
 %% secure connection to a webserver. In this case, the URL supplied to
 %% ibrowse must have the stunnel host/port details, but that won't
 %% make sense to the destination webserver. This option can then be
 %% used to specify what should go in the <code>Host</code> header in
-%% the request.</p>
-%% <ul>
+%% the request.</li>
 %% <li>The <code>stream_to</code> option can be used to have the HTTP
 %% response streamed to a process as messages as data arrives on the
 %% socket. If the calling process wishes to control the rate at which
@@ -220,12 +217,25 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %% ibrowse:send_req("", [], get, [], [{connect_timeout, 100}], 1000).
 %% </code>
 %% In the above invocation, if the connection isn't established within
-%% 100 milliseconds, the request will fail with
+%% 100 milliseconds, the request will fail with 
 %% <code>{error, conn_failed}</code>.<br/>
 %% If connection setup succeeds, the total time allowed for the
 %% request to complete will be 1000 milliseconds minus the time taken
 %% for connection setup.
 %% </li>
+%% <li> The <code>socket_options</code> option can be used to set
+%% specific options on the socket. The <code>{active, true | false | once}</code> 
+%% and <code>{packet_type, Packet_type}</code> will be filtered out by ibrowse.  </li>
+%% <li> The <code>headers_as_is</code> option is to enable the caller
+%% to send headers exactly as specified in the request without ibrowse
+%% adding some of its own. Required for some picky servers apparently.  </li>
+%% <li>The <code>give_raw_headers</code> option is to enable the
+%% caller to get access to the raw status line and raw unparsed
+%% headers. Not quite sure why someone would want this, but one of my
+%% users asked for it, so here it is. </li>
 %% </ul>
 %% @spec send_req(Url::string(), Headers::headerList(), Method::method(), Body::body(), Options::optionList()) -> response()
@@ -234,7 +244,7 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %%          {response_format,response_format()}|
 %%          {stream_chunk_size, integer()}     |
 %%          {max_pipeline_size, integer()}     |
-%%          {trace, boolean()}                 |
+%%          {trace, boolean()}                 | 
 %%          {is_ssl, boolean()}                |
 %%          {ssl_options, [SSLOpt]}            |
 %%          {pool_name, atom()}                |
@@ -253,13 +263,18 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 %%          {host_header, string()}            |
 %%          {inactivity_timeout, integer()}    |
 %%          {connect_timeout, integer()}       |
-%%          {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}}
+%%          {socket_options, Sock_opts}        |
+%%          {transfer_encoding, {chunked, ChunkSize}} | 
+%%          {headers_as_is, boolean()}         |
+%%          {give_raw_headers, boolean()}
 %% stream_to() = process() | {process(), once}
 %% process() = pid() | atom()
 %% username() = string()
 %% password() = string()
 %% SSLOpt = term()
+%% Sock_opts = [Sock_opt]
+%% Sock_opt = term()
 %% ChunkSize = integer()
 %% srtf() = boolean() | filename()
 %% filename() = string()
@@ -267,54 +282,54 @@ send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body) ->
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options) ->
     send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, 30000).
-%% @doc Same as send_req/5.
+%% @doc Same as send_req/5. 
 %% All timeout values are in milliseconds.
 %% @spec send_req(Url, Headers::headerList(), Method::method(), Body::body(), Options::optionList(), Timeout) -> response()
 %% Timeout = integer() | infinity
 send_req(Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
     case catch parse_url(Url) of
-	#url{host = Host,
-	     port = Port,
-	     protocol = Protocol} = Parsed_url ->
-	    Lb_pid = case ets:lookup(ibrowse_lb, {Host, Port}) of
-			 [] ->
-			     get_lb_pid(Parsed_url);
-			 [#lb_pid{pid = Lb_pid_1}] ->
-			     Lb_pid_1
-		     end,
-	    Max_sessions = get_max_sessions(Host, Port, Options),
-	    Max_pipeline_size = get_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Options),
-	    Options_1 = merge_options(Host, Port, Options),
-	    {SSLOptions, IsSSL} =
-		case (Protocol == https) orelse
-		     get_value(is_ssl, Options_1, false) of
-		    false -> {[], false};
-		    true -> {get_value(ssl_options, Options_1, []), true}
-		end,
-	    case ibrowse_lb:spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
-					     Max_sessions,
-					     Max_pipeline_size,
-					     {SSLOptions, IsSSL}) of
-		{ok, Conn_Pid} ->
-		    do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers,
-				Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout);
-		Err ->
-		    Err
-	    end;
-	Err ->
-	    {error, {url_parsing_failed, Err}}
+        #url{host = Host,
+             port = Port,
+             protocol = Protocol} = Parsed_url ->
+            Lb_pid = case ets:lookup(ibrowse_lb, {Host, Port}) of
+                         [] ->
+                             get_lb_pid(Parsed_url);
+                         [#lb_pid{pid = Lb_pid_1}] ->
+                             Lb_pid_1
+                     end,
+            Max_sessions = get_max_sessions(Host, Port, Options),
+            Max_pipeline_size = get_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Options),
+            Options_1 = merge_options(Host, Port, Options),
+            {SSLOptions, IsSSL} =
+                case (Protocol == https) orelse
+                     get_value(is_ssl, Options_1, false) of
+                    false -> {[], false};
+                    true -> {get_value(ssl_options, Options_1, []), true}
+                end,
+            case ibrowse_lb:spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Parsed_url,
+                                             Max_sessions, 
+                                             Max_pipeline_size,
+                                             {SSLOptions, IsSSL}) of
+                {ok, Conn_Pid} ->
+                    do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers,
+                                Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout);
+                Err ->
+                    Err
+            end;
+        Err ->
+            {error, {url_parsing_failed, Err}}
 merge_options(Host, Port, Options) ->
     Config_options = get_config_value({options, Host, Port}, []),
       fun({Key, Val}, Acc) ->
-			case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Options) of
-			    false ->
-				[{Key, Val} | Acc];
-			    _ ->
-				Acc
-			end
+                        case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Options) of
+                            false ->
+                                [{Key, Val} | Acc];
+                            _ ->
+                                Acc
+                        end
       end, Options, Config_options).
 get_lb_pid(Url) ->
@@ -322,11 +337,11 @@ get_lb_pid(Url) ->
 get_max_sessions(Host, Port, Options) ->
     get_value(max_sessions, Options,
-	      get_config_value({max_sessions, Host, Port}, ?DEF_MAX_SESSIONS)).
+              get_config_value({max_sessions, Host, Port}, ?DEF_MAX_SESSIONS)).
 get_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Options) ->
     get_value(max_pipeline_size, Options,
-	      get_config_value({max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, ?DEF_MAX_PIPELINE_SIZE)).
+              get_config_value({max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, ?DEF_MAX_PIPELINE_SIZE)).
 %% @doc Deprecated. Use set_max_sessions/3 and set_max_pipeline_size/3
 %% for achieving the same effect.
@@ -343,7 +358,7 @@ set_dest(_Host, _Port, [H | _]) ->
     exit({invalid_option, H});
 set_dest(_, _, []) ->
 %% @doc Set the maximum number of connections allowed to a specific Host:Port.
 %% @spec set_max_sessions(Host::string(), Port::integer(), Max::integer()) -> ok
 set_max_sessions(Host, Port, Max) when is_integer(Max), Max > 0 ->
@@ -356,21 +371,21 @@ set_max_pipeline_size(Host, Port, Max) when is_integer(Max), Max > 0 ->
 do_send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
     case catch ibrowse_http_client:send_req(Conn_Pid, Parsed_url,
-					    Headers, Method, ensure_bin(Body),
-					    Options, Timeout) of
-	{'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
-	    {error, req_timedout};
-	{'EXIT', Reason} ->
-	    {error, {'EXIT', Reason}};
-	{ok, St_code, Headers, Body} = Ret when is_binary(Body) ->
-	    case get_value(response_format, Options, list) of
-		list ->
-		    {ok, St_code, Headers, binary_to_list(Body)};
-		binary ->
-		    Ret
-	    end;
-	Ret ->
-	    Ret
+                                            Headers, Method, ensure_bin(Body),
+                                            Options, Timeout) of
+        {'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
+            {error, req_timedout};
+        {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+            {error, {'EXIT', Reason}};
+        {ok, St_code, Headers, Body} = Ret when is_binary(Body) ->
+            case get_value(response_format, Options, list) of
+                list ->
+                    {ok, St_code, Headers, binary_to_list(Body)};
+                binary ->
+                    Ret
+            end;
+        Ret ->
+            Ret
 ensure_bin(L) when is_list(L)                     -> list_to_binary(L);
@@ -391,12 +406,21 @@ ensure_bin({Fun, _} = Body) when is_function(Fun) -> Body.
 %% <b>Note:</b> It is the responsibility of the calling process to control
 %% pipeline size on such connections.
+%% @spec spawn_worker_process(Url::string()) -> {ok, pid()}
+spawn_worker_process(Url) ->
+    ibrowse_http_client:start(Url).
 %% @spec spawn_worker_process(Host::string(), Port::integer()) -> {ok, pid()}
 spawn_worker_process(Host, Port) ->
     ibrowse_http_client:start({Host, Port}).
-%% @doc Same as spawn_worker_process/2 except the the calling process
+%% @doc Same as spawn_worker_process/1 except the the calling process
 %% is linked to the worker process which is spawned.
+%% @spec spawn_link_worker_process(Url::string()) -> {ok, pid()}
+spawn_link_worker_process(Url) ->
+    ibrowse_http_client:start_link(Url).
+%% @spec spawn_link_worker_process(Host::string(), Port::integer()) -> {ok, pid()}
 spawn_link_worker_process(Host, Port) ->
     ibrowse_http_client:start_link({Host, Port}).
@@ -426,30 +450,30 @@ send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options) ->
 %% returned by spawn_worker_process/2 or spawn_link_worker_process/2
 send_req_direct(Conn_pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
     case catch parse_url(Url) of
-	#url{host = Host,
-	     port = Port} = Parsed_url ->
-	    Options_1 = merge_options(Host, Port, Options),
-	    case do_send_req(Conn_pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout) of
-		{error, {'EXIT', {noproc, _}}} ->
-		    {error, worker_is_dead};
-		Ret ->
-		    Ret
-	    end;
-	Err ->
-	    {error, {url_parsing_failed, Err}}
+        #url{host = Host,
+             port = Port} = Parsed_url ->
+            Options_1 = merge_options(Host, Port, Options),
+            case do_send_req(Conn_pid, Parsed_url, Headers, Method, Body, Options_1, Timeout) of
+                {error, {'EXIT', {noproc, _}}} ->
+                    {error, worker_is_dead};
+                Ret ->
+                    Ret
+            end;
+        Err ->
+            {error, {url_parsing_failed, Err}}
 %% @doc Tell ibrowse to stream the next chunk of data to the
 %% caller. Should be used in conjunction with the
 %% <code>stream_to</code> option
 %% @spec stream_next(Req_id :: req_id()) -> ok | {error, unknown_req_id}
-stream_next(Req_id) ->
+stream_next(Req_id) ->    
     case ets:lookup(ibrowse_stream, {req_id_pid, Req_id}) of
-	[] ->
-	    {error, unknown_req_id};
-	[{_, Pid}] ->
-	    catch Pid ! {stream_next, Req_id},
-	    ok
+        [] ->
+            {error, unknown_req_id};
+        [{_, Pid}] ->
+            catch Pid ! {stream_next, Req_id},
+            ok
 %% @doc Turn tracing on for the ibrowse process
@@ -462,7 +486,7 @@ trace_off() ->
 %% @doc Turn tracing on for all connections to the specified HTTP
 %% server. Host is whatever is specified as the domain name in the URL
 %% @spec trace_on(Host, Port) -> ok
-%% Host = string()
+%% Host = string() 
 %% Port = integer()
 trace_on(Host, Port) ->
     ibrowse ! {trace, true, Host, Port},
@@ -483,75 +507,75 @@ all_trace_off() ->
 show_dest_status() ->
     Dests = lists:filter(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, _}) when is_list(Host),
-							     is_integer(Port) ->
-				 true;
-			    (_) ->
-				 false
-			 end, ets:tab2list(ibrowse_lb)),
+                                                             is_integer(Port) ->
+                                 true;
+                            (_) ->
+                                 false
+                         end, ets:tab2list(ibrowse_lb)),
     All_ets = ets:all(),
     io:format("~-40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-10.10s | ~s~n",
-	      ["Server:port", "ETS", "Num conns", "LB Pid"]),
+              ["Server:port", "ETS", "Num conns", "LB Pid"]),
     io:format("~80.80.=s~n", [""]),
     lists:foreach(fun({lb_pid, {Host, Port}, Lb_pid}) ->
-			  case lists:dropwhile(
-				 fun(Tid) ->
-					 ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
-				 end, All_ets) of
-			      [] ->
-				  io:format("~40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-5.5s | ~s~n",
-					    [Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
-					     "",
-					     "",
-					     io_lib:format("~p", [Lb_pid])]
-					   );
-			      [Tid | _] ->
-				  catch (
-				    begin
-					Size = ets:info(Tid, size),
-					io:format("~40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-5.5s | ~s~n",
-						  [Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
-						   integer_to_list(Tid),
-						   integer_to_list(Size),
-						   io_lib:format("~p", [Lb_pid])]
-						 )
-				    end
-				   )
-				  end
-		  end, Dests).
+                          case lists:dropwhile(
+                                 fun(Tid) ->
+                                         ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
+                                 end, All_ets) of
+                              [] ->
+                                  io:format("~40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-5.5s | ~s~n",
+                                            [Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
+                                             "",
+                                             "",
+                                             io_lib:format("~p", [Lb_pid])]
+                                           );
+                              [Tid | _] ->
+                                  catch (
+                                    begin
+                                        Size = ets:info(Tid, size),
+                                        io:format("~40.40s | ~-5.5s | ~-5.5s | ~s~n",
+                                                  [Host ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
+                                                   io_lib:format("~p", [Tid]),
+                                                   integer_to_list(Size),
+                                                   io_lib:format("~p", [Lb_pid])]
+                                                 )
+                                    end
+                                   )
+                                  end
+                  end, Dests).
 %% @doc Shows some internal information about load balancing to a
 %% specified Host:Port. Info about workers spawned using
 %% spawn_worker_process/2 or spawn_link_worker_process/2 is not
 %% included.
 show_dest_status(Host, Port) ->
     case ets:lookup(ibrowse_lb, {Host, Port}) of
-	[] ->
-	    no_active_processes;
-	[#lb_pid{pid = Lb_pid}] ->
-	    io:format("Load Balancer Pid     : ~p~n", [Lb_pid]),
-	    io:format("LB process msg q size : ~p~n", [(catch process_info(Lb_pid, message_queue_len))]),
-	    case lists:dropwhile(
-		   fun(Tid) ->
-			   ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
-		   end, ets:all()) of
-		[] ->
-		    io:format("Couldn't locate ETS table for ~p~n", [Lb_pid]);
-		[Tid | _] ->
-		    First = ets:first(Tid),
-		    Last = ets:last(Tid),
-		    Size = ets:info(Tid, size),
-		    io:format("LB ETS table id       : ~p~n", [Tid]),
-		    io:format("Num Connections       : ~p~n", [Size]),
-		    case Size of
-			0 ->
-			    ok;
-			_ ->
-			    {First_p_sz, _} = First,
-			    {Last_p_sz, _} = Last,
-			    io:format("Smallest pipeline     : ~1000.p~n", [First_p_sz]),
-			    io:format("Largest pipeline      : ~1000.p~n", [Last_p_sz])
-		    end
-	    end
+        [] ->
+            no_active_processes;
+        [#lb_pid{pid = Lb_pid}] ->
+            io:format("Load Balancer Pid     : ~p~n", [Lb_pid]),
+            io:format("LB process msg q size : ~p~n", [(catch process_info(Lb_pid, message_queue_len))]),
+            case lists:dropwhile(
+                   fun(Tid) ->
+                           ets:info(Tid, owner) /= Lb_pid
+                   end, ets:all()) of
+                [] ->
+                    io:format("Couldn't locate ETS table for ~p~n", [Lb_pid]);
+                [Tid | _] ->
+                    First = ets:first(Tid),
+                    Last = ets:last(Tid),
+                    Size = ets:info(Tid, size),
+                    io:format("LB ETS table id       : ~p~n", [Tid]),
+                    io:format("Num Connections       : ~p~n", [Size]),
+                    case Size of
+                        0 ->
+                            ok;
+                        _ ->
+                            {First_p_sz, _} = First,
+                            {Last_p_sz, _} = Last,
+                            io:format("Smallest pipeline     : ~1000.p~n", [First_p_sz]),
+                            io:format("Largest pipeline      : ~1000.p~n", [Last_p_sz])
+                    end
+            end
 %% @doc Clear current configuration for ibrowse and load from the file
@@ -592,40 +616,40 @@ init(_) ->
 import_config() ->
     case code:priv_dir(ibrowse) of
-	{error, _} = Err ->
-	    Err;
-	PrivDir ->
-	    Filename = filename:join(PrivDir, "ibrowse.conf"),
-	    import_config(Filename)
+        {error, _} = Err ->
+            Err;
+        PrivDir ->
+            Filename = filename:join(PrivDir, "ibrowse.conf"),
+            import_config(Filename)
 import_config(Filename) ->
     case file:consult(Filename) of
-	{ok, Terms} ->
-	    ets:delete_all_objects(ibrowse_conf),
-	    Fun = fun({dest, Host, Port, MaxSess, MaxPipe, Options})
-		     when is_list(Host), is_integer(Port),
-		          is_integer(MaxSess), MaxSess > 0,
-		          is_integer(MaxPipe), MaxPipe > 0, is_list(Options) ->
-			  I = [{{max_sessions, Host, Port}, MaxSess},
-			       {{max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, MaxPipe},
-			       {{options, Host, Port}, Options}],
-			  lists:foreach(
-			    fun({X, Y}) ->
-				    ets:insert(ibrowse_conf,
-					       #ibrowse_conf{key = X,
-							     value = Y})
-			    end, I);
-		     ({K, V}) ->
-			  ets:insert(ibrowse_conf,
-				     #ibrowse_conf{key = K,
-						   value = V});
-		     (X) ->
-			  io:format("Skipping unrecognised term: ~p~n", [X])
-		  end,
-	    lists:foreach(Fun, Terms);
-	Err ->
-	    Err
+        {ok, Terms} ->
+            ets:delete_all_objects(ibrowse_conf),
+            Fun = fun({dest, Host, Port, MaxSess, MaxPipe, Options}) 
+                     when is_list(Host), is_integer(Port),
+                          is_integer(MaxSess), MaxSess > 0,
+                          is_integer(MaxPipe), MaxPipe > 0, is_list(Options) ->
+                          I = [{{max_sessions, Host, Port}, MaxSess},
+                               {{max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, MaxPipe},
+                               {{options, Host, Port}, Options}],
+                          lists:foreach(
+                            fun({X, Y}) ->
+                                    ets:insert(ibrowse_conf,
+                                               #ibrowse_conf{key = X, 
+                                                             value = Y})
+                            end, I);
+                     ({K, V}) ->
+                          ets:insert(ibrowse_conf,
+                                     #ibrowse_conf{key = K,
+                                                   value = V});
+                     (X) ->
+                          io:format("Skipping unrecognised term: ~p~n", [X])
+                  end,
+            lists:foreach(Fun, Terms);
+        Err ->
+            Err
 %% @doc Internal export
@@ -636,10 +660,10 @@ get_config_value(Key) ->
 %% @doc Internal export
 get_config_value(Key, DefVal) ->
     case ets:lookup(ibrowse_conf, Key) of
-	[] ->
-	    DefVal;
-	[#ibrowse_conf{value = V}] ->
-	    V
+        [] ->
+            DefVal;
+        [#ibrowse_conf{value = V}] ->
+            V
 set_config_value(Key, Val) ->
@@ -700,36 +724,36 @@ handle_info(all_trace_off, State) ->
     Mspec = [{{ibrowse_conf,{trace,'$1','$2'},true},[],[{{'$1','$2'}}]}],
     Trace_on_dests = ets:select(ibrowse_conf, Mspec),
     Fun = fun(#lb_pid{host_port = {H, P}, pid = Pid}, _) ->
-		  case lists:member({H, P}, Trace_on_dests) of
-		      false ->
-			  ok;
-		      true ->
-			  catch Pid ! {trace, false}
-		  end;
-	     (_, Acc) ->
-		  Acc
-	  end,
+                  case lists:member({H, P}, Trace_on_dests) of
+                      false ->
+                          ok;
+                      true ->
+                          catch Pid ! {trace, false}
+                  end;
+             (_, Acc) ->
+                  Acc
+          end,
     ets:foldl(Fun, undefined, ibrowse_lb),
     ets:select_delete(ibrowse_conf, [{{ibrowse_conf,{trace,'$1','$2'},true},[],['true']}]),
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
     put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info({trace, Bool, Host, Port}, State) ->
     Fun = fun(#lb_pid{host_port = {H, P}, pid = Pid}, _)
-	     when H == Host,
-		  P == Port ->
-		  catch Pid ! {trace, Bool};
-	     (_, Acc) ->
-		  Acc
-	  end,
+             when H == Host,
+                  P == Port ->
+                  catch Pid ! {trace, Bool};
+             (_, Acc) ->
+                  Acc
+          end,
     ets:foldl(Fun, undefined, ibrowse_lb),
     ets:insert(ibrowse_conf, #ibrowse_conf{key = {trace, Host, Port},
-					   value = Bool}),
+                                           value = Bool}),
     {noreply, State};
 handle_info(_Info, State) ->
     {noreply, State}.
diff --git a/ibrowse_app.erl b/ibrowse_app.erl
index 8c83e8f..d3a0f7b 100644
--- a/ibrowse_app.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_app.erl
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 %%% File    : ibrowse_app.erl
 %%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description :
+%%% Description : 
 %%% Created : 15 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
--vsn('$Id: ibrowse_app.erl,v 1.1 2005/05/05 22:28:28 chandrusf Exp $ ').
@@ -42,11 +41,11 @@
 %% Func: start/2
 %% Returns: {ok, Pid}        |
 %%          {ok, Pid, State} |
-%%          {error, Reason}
+%%          {error, Reason}   
 start(_Type, _StartArgs) ->
     case ibrowse_sup:start_link() of
-	{ok, Pid} ->
+	{ok, Pid} -> 
 	    {ok, Pid};
 	Error ->
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ start(_Type, _StartArgs) ->
 %% Func: stop/1
-%% Returns: any
+%% Returns: any 
 stop(_State) ->

[31/33] ibrowse commit: updated refs/heads/import-master to 1167b0e

Posted by
Upgrade get_crlf funs to use binary BIF


Branch: refs/heads/import-master
Commit: 6a89bd65be3dc575d0b1a165778823fe908345e1
Parents: 64f1b8c
Author: Bob Dionne <>
Authored: Tue Oct 23 20:01:32 2012 -0400
Committer: Bob Dionne <>
Committed: Tue Oct 23 20:01:32 2012 -0400

 ibrowse_http_client.erl | 24 ++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
index fd91d40..00e8ed3 100644
--- a/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ b/ibrowse_http_client.erl
@@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ parse_header([], _) ->
 scan_header(Bin) ->
-    case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin, 0) of
+    case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin) of
         {yes, Pos} ->
             {Headers, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
             {yes, Headers, Body};
@@ -1474,7 +1474,7 @@ scan_header(Bin1, Bin2) ->
     Bin1_already_scanned_size = size(Bin1) - 4,
     <<Headers_prefix:Bin1_already_scanned_size/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin1,
     Bin_to_scan = <<Rest/binary, Bin2/binary>>,
-    case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin_to_scan, 0) of
+    case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin_to_scan) of
         {yes, Pos} ->
             {Headers_suffix, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin_to_scan, Pos),
             {yes, <<Headers_prefix/binary, Headers_suffix/binary>>, Body};
@@ -1482,9 +1482,16 @@ scan_header(Bin1, Bin2) ->
             {no, <<Bin1/binary, Bin2/binary>>}
-get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<$\r, $\n, $\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) -> {yes, Pos};
-get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Pos)               -> get_crlf_crlf_pos(Rest, Pos + 1);
-get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<>>, _)                               -> no.
+get_crlf_crlf_pos(Data) ->
+    binary_bif_match(Data, <<$\r, $\n, $\r, $\n>>).
+binary_bif_match(Data, Binary) ->
+    case binary:match(Data, Binary) of
+    {Pos, _Len} ->
+        {yes, Pos};
+    _ -> no
+    end.
 scan_crlf(Bin) ->
     case get_crlf_pos(Bin) of
@@ -1513,12 +1520,9 @@ scan_crlf_1(Bin1_head_size, Bin1, Bin2) ->
             {no, list_to_binary([Bin1, Bin2])}
-get_crlf_pos(Bin) ->
-    get_crlf_pos(Bin, 0).
+get_crlf_pos(Data) ->
+    binary_bif_match(Data, <<$\r, $\n>>).
-get_crlf_pos(<<$\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) -> {yes, Pos};
-get_crlf_pos(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Pos)     -> get_crlf_pos(Rest, Pos + 1);
-get_crlf_pos(<<>>, _)                     -> no.
 fmt_val(L) when is_list(L)    -> L;
 fmt_val(I) when is_integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I);