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Posted to by Cory Johns <> on 2013/05/08 20:17:21 UTC

Improving our openness

During one of our team meetings today, we discussed how to better support
and encourage the community for Allura, and the biggest item, we decided,
was being more open with our activity on the project.  To that end, I will
briefly summarize our discussion and take-aways and open it up for further
discussion here.

The discussion focused mainly on being more open with our activity on
Allura, moving discussions to the mailing list and IRC and getting ticket
activity onto the mailing list.  Rich suggested as a
good resource for ideas to make Allura more community-friendly, such as
tagging tickets that would be appropriate for newcomers. and
have some good information.

We also need to improve and cross-link our documentation, and get it up on
Read the Docs.  Screencasts were brought up as a great way to provide
tutorials for getting started, and having YouTube videos will increase our
organic traffic.

Our take-away goals were:
  * Send ticket notification emails to dev mailing list to increase
visibility of ticket discussion (requires #6219)
  * Get our initial release out
  * Create some sort of API / script to ease creating a merge-request from
work done on a vagrant image
  * Screencast setting up vagrant image (may require #6220)
  * Cross-link our intro docs

I'm sure I'm missing something, so please chime in with what I left out.
 Also, what other ways can we improve our interaction with the community?