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Posted to by Chris Santerre <> on 2004/02/09 15:16:21 UTC

Slight change in MRWIGGLY

They added more characters in the comment, so a quick change for ya. I've
had ZERO FPs on this rule. This just changes {10,15} to {10,25}.

rawbody __VDRUG1 /^\<html\>\<body\>/
rawbody __VDRUG2 /^\<center\>\<\!\-\-.{10,25}\-\-\>\<a href\=\"http\:\/\//
rawbody __VDRUG3 /[a-zA-Z]\d\.gif\" border\=0\>\<\/a\>\<\/center\>/
rawbody __VDRUG4 /^\<\/?body\>\<\/html\>/
meta MRWIGGLY (__VDRUG1 && __VDRUG2 && __VDRUG3 && __VDRUG4)
describe MRWIGGLY Mr. Wiggly enhance drug spam.
score MRWIGGLY 2.0


Chris Santerre 
System Admin and SA Custom Rules Emporium keeper 
'It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.'
Charles Darwin