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[04/12] ignite git commit: Web console beta-7.
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/generator-optional.js b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/generator-optional.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 61de1a2..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/generator-optional.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Optional content generation entry point.
-const $generatorOptional = {};
-$generatorOptional.optionalContent = function(zip, cluster) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
-    // No-op.
-export default $generatorOptional;
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/generator-spring.js b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/generator-spring.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f70c66f..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/configuration/generator/generator-spring.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2111 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// XML generation entry point.
-const $generatorSpring = {};
-// Do XML escape.
-$generatorSpring.escape = function(s) {
-    if (typeof (s) !== 'string')
-        return s;
-    return s.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
-// Add constructor argument
-$generatorSpring.constructorArg = function(res, ix, obj, propName, dflt, opt) {
-    const v = (obj ? obj[propName] : null) || dflt;
-    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(v))
-        res.line('<constructor-arg ' + (ix >= 0 ? 'index="' + ix + '" ' : '') + 'value="' + v + '"/>');
-    else if (!opt) {
-        res.startBlock('<constructor-arg ' + (ix >= 0 ? 'index="' + ix + '"' : '') + '>');
-        res.line('<null/>');
-        res.endBlock('</constructor-arg>');
-    }
-// Add XML element.
-$generatorSpring.element = function(res, tag, attr1, val1, attr2, val2) {
-    let elem = '<' + tag;
-    if (attr1)
-        elem += ' ' + attr1 + '="' + val1 + '"';
-    if (attr2)
-        elem += ' ' + attr2 + '="' + val2 + '"';
-    elem += '/>';
-    res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-    res.line(elem);
-// Add property.
-$ = function(res, obj, propName, setterName, dflt) {
-    if (!_.isNil(obj)) {
-        const val = obj[propName];
-        if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(val)) {
-            const missDflt = _.isNil(dflt);
-            // Add to result if no default provided or value not equals to default.
-            if (missDflt || (!missDflt && val !== dflt)) {
-                $generatorSpring.element(res, 'property', 'name', setterName ? setterName : propName, 'value', $generatorSpring.escape(val));
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-// Add property for class name.
-$generatorSpring.classNameProperty = function(res, obj, propName) {
-    const val = obj[propName];
-    if (!_.isNil(val))
-        $generatorSpring.element(res, 'property', 'name', propName, 'value', $generatorCommon.JavaTypes.fullClassName(val));
-// Add list property.
-$generatorSpring.listProperty = function(res, obj, propName, listType, rowFactory) {
-    const val = obj[propName];
-    if (val && val.length > 0) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        if (!listType)
-            listType = 'list';
-        if (!rowFactory)
-            rowFactory = (v) => '<value>' + $generatorSpring.escape(v) + '</value>';
-        res.startBlock('<property name="' + propName + '">');
-        res.startBlock('<' + listType + '>');
-        _.forEach(val, (v) => res.line(rowFactory(v)));
-        res.endBlock('</' + listType + '>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-// Add array property
-$generatorSpring.arrayProperty = function(res, obj, propName, descr, rowFactory) {
-    const val = obj[propName];
-    if (val && val.length > 0) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        if (!rowFactory)
-            rowFactory = (v) => '<bean class="' + v + '"/>';
-        res.startBlock('<property name="' + propName + '">');
-        res.startBlock('<list>');
-        _.forEach(val, (v) => res.append(rowFactory(v)));
-        res.endBlock('</list>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-    }
- * Add bean property with internal content.
- *
- * @param res Optional configuration presentation builder object.
- * @param bean Bean object for code generation.
- * @param beanPropName Name of property to set generated bean as value.
- * @param desc Bean metadata object.
- * @param createBeanAlthoughNoProps Always generate bean even it has no properties defined.
- */
-$generatorSpring.beanProperty = function(res, bean, beanPropName, desc, createBeanAlthoughNoProps) {
-    const props = desc.fields;
-    if (bean && $generatorCommon.hasProperty(bean, props)) {
-        if (!createBeanAlthoughNoProps)
-            res.startSafeBlock();
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="' + beanPropName + '">');
-        if (createBeanAlthoughNoProps)
-            res.startSafeBlock();
-        res.startBlock('<bean class="' + desc.className + '">');
-        let hasData = false;
-        _.forIn(props, function(descr, propName) {
-            if (props.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
-                if (descr) {
-                    switch (descr.type) {
-                        case 'list':
-                            $generatorSpring.listProperty(res, bean, propName, descr.setterName);
-                            break;
-                        case 'array':
-                            $generatorSpring.arrayProperty(res, bean, propName, descr);
-                            break;
-                        case 'propertiesAsList':
-                            const val = bean[propName];
-                            if (val && val.length > 0) {
-                                res.startBlock('<property name="' + propName + '">');
-                                res.startBlock('<props>');
-                                _.forEach(val, function(nameAndValue) {
-                                    const eqIndex = nameAndValue.indexOf('=');
-                                    if (eqIndex >= 0) {
-                                        res.line('<prop key="' + $generatorSpring.escape(nameAndValue.substring(0, eqIndex)) + '">' +
-                                            $generatorSpring.escape(nameAndValue.substr(eqIndex + 1)) + '</prop>');
-                                    }
-                                });
-                                res.endBlock('</props>');
-                                res.endBlock('</property>');
-                                hasData = true;
-                            }
-                            break;
-                        case 'bean':
-                            if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(bean[propName])) {
-                                res.startBlock('<property name="' + propName + '">');
-                                res.line('<bean class="' + bean[propName] + '"/>');
-                                res.endBlock('</property>');
-                                hasData = true;
-                            }
-                            break;
-                        default:
-                            if ($, bean, propName, descr.setterName, descr.dflt))
-                                hasData = true;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                    if ($, bean, propName))
-                        hasData = true;
-            }
-        });
-        res.endBlock('</bean>');
-        if (createBeanAlthoughNoProps && !hasData) {
-            res.rollbackSafeBlock();
-            res.line('<bean class="' + desc.className + '"/>');
-        }
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        if (!createBeanAlthoughNoProps && !hasData)
-            res.rollbackSafeBlock();
-    }
-    else if (createBeanAlthoughNoProps) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="' + beanPropName + '">');
-        res.line('<bean class="' + desc.className + '"/>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-    }
- * Add bean property without internal content.
- *
- * @param res Optional configuration presentation builder object.
- * @param obj Object to take bean class name.
- * @param propName Property name.
- */
-$generatorSpring.simpleBeanProperty = function(res, obj, propName) {
-    if (!_.isNil(obj)) {
-        const val = obj[propName];
-        if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(val)) {
-            res.startBlock('<property name="' + propName + '">');
-            res.line('<bean class="' + val + '"/>');
-            res.endBlock('</property>');
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-// Generate eviction policy.
-$generatorSpring.evictionPolicy = function(res, evtPlc, propName) {
-    if (evtPlc && evtPlc.kind) {
-        $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, evtPlc[evtPlc.kind.toUpperCase()], propName,
-            $generatorCommon.EVICTION_POLICIES[evtPlc.kind], true);
-    }
-// Generate discovery.
-$generatorSpring.clusterGeneral = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, cluster, 'name', 'gridName');
-    $, cluster, 'localHost');
-    if (cluster.discovery) {
-        res.startBlock('<property name="discoverySpi">');
-        res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi">');
-        res.startBlock('<property name="ipFinder">');
-        const d = cluster.discovery;
-        switch (d.kind) {
-            case 'Multicast':
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.multicast.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder">');
-                if (d.Multicast) {
-                    $, d.Multicast, 'multicastGroup');
-                    $, d.Multicast, 'multicastPort');
-                    $, d.Multicast, 'responseWaitTime');
-                    $, d.Multicast, 'addressRequestAttempts');
-                    $, d.Multicast, 'localAddress');
-                    $generatorSpring.listProperty(res, d.Multicast, 'addresses');
-                }
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                break;
-            case 'Vm':
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.vm.TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder">');
-                if (d.Vm)
-                    $generatorSpring.listProperty(res, d.Vm, 'addresses');
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                break;
-            case 'S3':
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.s3.TcpDiscoveryS3IpFinder">');
-                if (d.S3) {
-                    if (d.S3.bucketName)
-                        res.line('<property name="bucketName" value="' + $generatorSpring.escape(d.S3.bucketName) + '"/>');
-                }
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                break;
-            case 'Cloud':
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="">');
-                if (d.Cloud) {
-                    $, d.Cloud, 'credential');
-                    $, d.Cloud, 'credentialPath');
-                    $, d.Cloud, 'identity');
-                    $, d.Cloud, 'provider');
-                    $generatorSpring.listProperty(res, d.Cloud, 'regions');
-                    $generatorSpring.listProperty(res, d.Cloud, 'zones');
-                }
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                break;
-            case 'GoogleStorage':
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.gce.TcpDiscoveryGoogleStorageIpFinder">');
-                if (d.GoogleStorage) {
-                    $, d.GoogleStorage, 'projectName');
-                    $, d.GoogleStorage, 'bucketName');
-                    $, d.GoogleStorage, 'serviceAccountP12FilePath');
-                    $, d.GoogleStorage, 'serviceAccountId');
-                }
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                break;
-            case 'Jdbc':
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.jdbc.TcpDiscoveryJdbcIpFinder">');
-                if (d.Jdbc) {
-                    const datasource = d.Jdbc;
-                    res.line('<property name="initSchema" value="' + (!_.isNil(datasource.initSchema) && datasource.initSchema) + '"/>');
-                    if (datasource.dataSourceBean && datasource.dialect) {
-                        res.line('<property name="dataSource" ref="' + datasource.dataSourceBean + '"/>');
-                        if (!_.find(res.datasources, { dataSourceBean: datasource.dataSourceBean })) {
-                            res.datasources.push({
-                                dataSourceBean: datasource.dataSourceBean,
-                                dialect: datasource.dialect
-                            });
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                break;
-            case 'SharedFs':
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.sharedfs.TcpDiscoverySharedFsIpFinder">');
-                if (d.SharedFs)
-                    $, d.SharedFs, 'path');
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                break;
-            case 'ZooKeeper':
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.zk.TcpDiscoveryZookeeperIpFinder">');
-                if (d.ZooKeeper) {
-                    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(d.ZooKeeper.curator)) {
-                        res.startBlock('<property name="curator">');
-                        res.line('<bean class="' + d.ZooKeeper.curator + '"/>');
-                        res.endBlock('</property>');
-                    }
-                    $, d.ZooKeeper, 'zkConnectionString');
-                    if (d.ZooKeeper.retryPolicy && d.ZooKeeper.retryPolicy.kind) {
-                        const kind = d.ZooKeeper.retryPolicy.kind;
-                        const retryPolicy = d.ZooKeeper.retryPolicy[kind];
-                        const customClassDefined = retryPolicy && $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(retryPolicy.className);
-                        if (kind !== 'Custom' || customClassDefined)
-                            res.startBlock('<property name="retryPolicy">');
-                        switch (kind) {
-                            case 'ExponentialBackoff':
-                                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.curator.retry.ExponentialBackoffRetry">');
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 0, retryPolicy, 'baseSleepTimeMs', 1000);
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 1, retryPolicy, 'maxRetries', 10);
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 2, retryPolicy, 'maxSleepMs', null, true);
-                                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                                break;
-                            case 'BoundedExponentialBackoff':
-                                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.curator.retry.BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry">');
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 0, retryPolicy, 'baseSleepTimeMs', 1000);
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 1, retryPolicy, 'maxSleepTimeMs', 2147483647);
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 2, retryPolicy, 'maxRetries', 10);
-                                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                                break;
-                            case 'UntilElapsed':
-                                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.curator.retry.RetryUntilElapsed">');
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 0, retryPolicy, 'maxElapsedTimeMs', 60000);
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 1, retryPolicy, 'sleepMsBetweenRetries', 1000);
-                                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                                break;
-                            case 'NTimes':
-                                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.curator.retry.RetryNTimes">');
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 0, retryPolicy, 'n', 10);
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 1, retryPolicy, 'sleepMsBetweenRetries', 1000);
-                                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                                break;
-                            case 'OneTime':
-                                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.curator.retry.RetryOneTime">');
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 0, retryPolicy, 'sleepMsBetweenRetry', 1000);
-                                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                                break;
-                            case 'Forever':
-                                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.curator.retry.RetryForever">');
-                                $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 0, retryPolicy, 'retryIntervalMs', 1000);
-                                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                                break;
-                            case 'Custom':
-                                if (customClassDefined)
-                                    res.line('<bean class="' + retryPolicy.className + '"/>');
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                        }
-                        if (kind !== 'Custom' || customClassDefined)
-                            res.endBlock('</property>');
-                    }
-                    $, d.ZooKeeper, 'basePath', null, '/services');
-                    $, d.ZooKeeper, 'serviceName', null, 'ignite');
-                    $, d.ZooKeeper, 'allowDuplicateRegistrations', null, false);
-                }
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                break;
-            default:
-                res.line('Unknown discovery kind: ' + d.kind);
-        }
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        $generatorSpring.clusterDiscovery(d, res);
-        res.endBlock('</bean>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate atomics group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterAtomics = function(atomics, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if ($generatorCommon.hasAtLeastOneProperty(atomics, ['cacheMode', 'atomicSequenceReserveSize', 'backups'])) {
-        res.startSafeBlock();
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="atomicConfiguration">');
-        res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.AtomicConfiguration">');
-        const cacheMode = atomics.cacheMode ? atomics.cacheMode : 'PARTITIONED';
-        let hasData = cacheMode !== 'PARTITIONED';
-        $, atomics, 'cacheMode', null, 'PARTITIONED');
-        hasData = $, atomics, 'atomicSequenceReserveSize', null, 1000) || hasData;
-        if (cacheMode === 'PARTITIONED')
-            hasData = $, atomics, 'backups', null, 0) || hasData;
-        res.endBlock('</bean>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-        if (!hasData)
-            res.rollbackSafeBlock();
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate binary group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterBinary = function(binary, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if ($generatorCommon.binaryIsDefined(binary)) {
-        res.startBlock('<property name="binaryConfiguration">');
-        res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.BinaryConfiguration">');
-        $generatorSpring.simpleBeanProperty(res, binary, 'idMapper');
-        $generatorSpring.simpleBeanProperty(res, binary, 'nameMapper');
-        $generatorSpring.simpleBeanProperty(res, binary, 'serializer');
-        if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(binary.typeConfigurations)) {
-            res.startBlock('<property name="typeConfigurations">');
-            res.startBlock('<list>');
-            _.forEach(binary.typeConfigurations, function(type) {
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryTypeConfiguration">');
-                $, type, 'typeName');
-                $generatorSpring.simpleBeanProperty(res, type, 'idMapper');
-                $generatorSpring.simpleBeanProperty(res, type, 'nameMapper');
-                $generatorSpring.simpleBeanProperty(res, type, 'serializer');
-                $, type, 'enum', null, false);
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-            });
-            res.endBlock('</list>');
-            res.endBlock('</property>');
-        }
-        $, binary, 'compactFooter', null, true);
-        res.endBlock('</bean>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate cache key configurations.
-$generatorSpring.clusterCacheKeyConfiguration = function(keyCfgs, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    keyCfgs = _.filter(keyCfgs, (cfg) => cfg.typeName && cfg.affinityKeyFieldName);
-    if (_.isEmpty(keyCfgs))
-        return res;
-    res.startBlock('<property name="cacheKeyConfiguration">');
-    res.startBlock('<array>');
-    _.forEach(keyCfgs, (cfg) => {
-        res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheKeyConfiguration">');
-        $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, -1, cfg, 'typeName');
-        $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, -1, cfg, 'affinityKeyFieldName');
-        res.endBlock('</bean>');
-    });
-    res.endBlock('</array>');
-    res.endBlock('</property>');
-    return res;
-// Generate collision group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterCollision = function(collision, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (collision && collision.kind && collision.kind !== 'Noop') {
-        const spi = collision[collision.kind];
-        if (collision.kind !== 'Custom' || (spi && $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(spi.class))) {
-            res.startBlock('<property name="collisionSpi">');
-            switch (collision.kind) {
-                case 'JobStealing':
-                    res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.jobstealing.JobStealingCollisionSpi">');
-                    $, spi, 'activeJobsThreshold', null, 95);
-                    $, spi, 'waitJobsThreshold', null, 0);
-                    $, spi, 'messageExpireTime', null, 1000);
-                    $, spi, 'maximumStealingAttempts', null, 5);
-                    $, spi, 'stealingEnabled', null, true);
-                    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(spi.externalCollisionListener)) {
-                        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-                        res.startBlock('<property name="externalCollisionListener">');
-                        res.line('<bean class="' + spi.externalCollisionListener + ' "/>');
-                        res.endBlock('</property>');
-                    }
-                    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(spi.stealingAttributes)) {
-                        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-                        res.startBlock('<property name="stealingAttributes">');
-                        res.startBlock('<map>');
-                        _.forEach(spi.stealingAttributes, function(attr) {
-                            $generatorSpring.element(res, 'entry', 'key',, 'value', attr.value);
-                        });
-                        res.endBlock('</map>');
-                        res.endBlock('</property>');
-                    }
-                    res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                    break;
-                case 'FifoQueue':
-                    res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.fifoqueue.FifoQueueCollisionSpi">');
-                    $, spi, 'parallelJobsNumber');
-                    $, spi, 'waitingJobsNumber');
-                    res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                    break;
-                case 'PriorityQueue':
-                    res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.priorityqueue.PriorityQueueCollisionSpi">');
-                    $, spi, 'parallelJobsNumber');
-                    $, spi, 'waitingJobsNumber');
-                    $, spi, 'priorityAttributeKey', null, 'grid.task.priority');
-                    $, spi, 'jobPriorityAttributeKey', null, 'grid.job.priority');
-                    $, spi, 'defaultPriority', null, 0);
-                    $, spi, 'starvationIncrement', null, 1);
-                    $, spi, 'starvationPreventionEnabled', null, true);
-                    res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                    break;
-                case 'Custom':
-                    res.line('<bean class="' + spi.class + '"/>');
-                    break;
-                default:
-            }
-            res.endBlock('</property>');
-        }
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate communication group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterCommunication = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, cluster.communication, 'communicationSpi', $generatorCommon.COMMUNICATION_CONFIGURATION);
-    $, cluster, 'networkTimeout', null, 5000);
-    $, cluster, 'networkSendRetryDelay', null, 1000);
-    $, cluster, 'networkSendRetryCount', null, 3);
-    $, cluster, 'segmentCheckFrequency');
-    $, cluster, 'waitForSegmentOnStart', null, false);
-    $, cluster, 'discoveryStartupDelay', null, 60000);
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
- * XML generator for cluster's REST access configuration.
- *
- * @param connector Cluster REST connector configuration.
- * @param res Optional configuration presentation builder object.
- * @returns Configuration presentation builder object
- */
-$generatorSpring.clusterConnector = function(connector, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (!_.isNil(connector) && connector.enabled) {
-        const cfg = _.cloneDeep($generatorCommon.CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION);
-        if (connector.sslEnabled) {
-            cfg.fields.sslClientAuth = {dflt: false};
-            cfg.fields.sslFactory = {type: 'bean'};
-        }
-        $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, connector, 'connectorConfiguration', cfg, true);
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate deployment group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterDeployment = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if ($, cluster, 'deploymentMode', null, 'SHARED'))
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    const p2pEnabled = cluster.peerClassLoadingEnabled;
-    if (!_.isNil(p2pEnabled)) {
-        $, cluster, 'peerClassLoadingEnabled', null, false);
-        if (p2pEnabled) {
-            $, cluster, 'peerClassLoadingMissedResourcesCacheSize', null, 100);
-            $, cluster, 'peerClassLoadingThreadPoolSize', null, 2);
-            $generatorSpring.listProperty(res, cluster, 'peerClassLoadingLocalClassPathExclude');
-        }
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate discovery group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterDiscovery = function(disco, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (disco) {
-        $, disco, 'localAddress');
-        $, disco, 'localPort', null, 47500);
-        $, disco, 'localPortRange', null, 100);
-        if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(disco.addressResolver))
-            $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, disco, 'addressResolver', {className: disco.addressResolver}, true);
-        $, disco, 'socketTimeout', null, 5000);
-        $, disco, 'ackTimeout', null, 5000);
-        $, disco, 'maxAckTimeout', null, 600000);
-        $, disco, 'networkTimeout', null, 5000);
-        $, disco, 'joinTimeout', null, 0);
-        $, disco, 'threadPriority', null, 10);
-        $, disco, 'heartbeatFrequency', null, 2000);
-        $, disco, 'maxMissedHeartbeats', null, 1);
-        $, disco, 'maxMissedClientHeartbeats', null, 5);
-        $, disco, 'topHistorySize', null, 1000);
-        if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(disco.listener))
-            $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, disco, 'listener', {className: disco.listener}, true);
-        if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(disco.dataExchange))
-            $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, disco, 'dataExchange', {className: disco.dataExchange}, true);
-        if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(disco.metricsProvider))
-            $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, disco, 'metricsProvider', {className: disco.metricsProvider}, true);
-        $, disco, 'reconnectCount', null, 10);
-        $, disco, 'statisticsPrintFrequency', null, 0);
-        $, disco, 'ipFinderCleanFrequency', null, 60000);
-        if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(disco.authenticator))
-            $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, disco, 'authenticator', {className: disco.authenticator}, true);
-        $, disco, 'forceServerMode', null, false);
-        $, disco, 'clientReconnectDisabled', null, false);
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate events group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterEvents = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (cluster.includeEventTypes && cluster.includeEventTypes.length > 0) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="includeEventTypes">');
-        const evtGrps = angular.element(document.getElementById('app')).injector().get('igniteEventGroups');
-        if (cluster.includeEventTypes.length === 1) {
-            const evtGrp = _.find(evtGrps, {value: cluster.includeEventTypes[0]});
-            if (evtGrp)
-                res.line('<util:constant static-field="' + evtGrp.class + '.' + evtGrp.value + '"/>');
-        }
-        else {
-            res.startBlock('<list>');
-            _.forEach(cluster.includeEventTypes, (item, ix) => {
-                ix > 0 && res.line();
-                const evtGrp = _.find(evtGrps, {value: item});
-                if (evtGrp) {
-                    res.line('<!-- EventType.' + item + ' -->');
-                    _.forEach(, (event) => res.line('<util:constant static-field="' + evtGrp.class + '.' + event + '"/>'));
-                }
-            });
-            res.endBlock('</list>');
-        }
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate failover group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterFailover = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(cluster.failoverSpi) && _.findIndex(cluster.failoverSpi, function(spi) {
-        return $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(spi.kind) && (spi.kind !== 'Custom' || $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(_.get(spi, spi.kind + '.class')));
-    }) >= 0) {
-        res.startBlock('<property name="failoverSpi">');
-        res.startBlock('<list>');
-        _.forEach(cluster.failoverSpi, function(spi) {
-            if (spi.kind && (spi.kind !== 'Custom' || $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(_.get(spi, spi.kind + '.class')))) {
-                const maxAttempts = _.get(spi, spi.kind + '.maximumFailoverAttempts');
-                if ((spi.kind === 'JobStealing' || spi.kind === 'Always') && $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(maxAttempts) && maxAttempts !== 5) {
-                    res.startBlock('<bean class="' + $generatorCommon.failoverSpiClass(spi) + '">');
-                    $, spi[spi.kind], 'maximumFailoverAttempts', null, 5);
-                    res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                }
-                else
-                    res.line('<bean class="' + $generatorCommon.failoverSpiClass(spi) + '"/>');
-                res.needEmptyLine = true;
-            }
-        });
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-        res.endBlock('</list>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate marshaller group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterLogger = function(logger, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if ($generatorCommon.loggerConfigured(logger)) {
-        res.startBlock('<property name="gridLogger">');
-        const log = logger[logger.kind];
-        switch (logger.kind) {
-            case 'Log4j2':
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j2.Log4J2Logger">');
-                res.line('<constructor-arg value="' + $generatorSpring.escape(log.path) + '"/>');
-                $, log, 'level');
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                break;
-            case 'Null':
-                res.line('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.logger.NullLogger"/>');
-                break;
-            case 'Java':
-                res.line('<bean class=""/>');
-                break;
-            case 'JCL':
-                res.line('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.logger.jcl.JclLogger"/>');
-                break;
-            case 'SLF4J':
-                res.line('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.logger.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"/>');
-                break;
-            case 'Log4j':
-                if (log.mode === 'Default' && !$generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(log.level))
-                    res.line('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j.Log4JLogger"/>');
-                else {
-                    res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j.Log4JLogger">');
-                    if (log.mode === 'Path')
-                        res.line('<constructor-arg value="' + $generatorSpring.escape(log.path) + '"/>');
-                    $, log, 'level');
-                    res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'Custom':
-                res.line('<bean class="' + log.class + '"/>');
-                break;
-            default:
-        }
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate marshaller group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterMarshaller = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    const marshaller = cluster.marshaller;
-    if (marshaller && marshaller.kind)
-        $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, marshaller[marshaller.kind], 'marshaller', $generatorCommon.MARSHALLERS[marshaller.kind], true);
-    res.softEmptyLine();
-    $, cluster, 'marshalLocalJobs', null, false);
-    $, cluster, 'marshallerCacheKeepAliveTime', null, 10000);
-    $, cluster, 'marshallerCacheThreadPoolSize', 'marshallerCachePoolSize');
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate metrics group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterMetrics = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, cluster, 'metricsExpireTime');
-    $, cluster, 'metricsHistorySize', null, 10000);
-    $, cluster, 'metricsLogFrequency', null, 60000);
-    $, cluster, 'metricsUpdateFrequency', null, 2000);
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate swap group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterSwap = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (cluster.swapSpaceSpi && cluster.swapSpaceSpi.kind === 'FileSwapSpaceSpi') {
-        $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, cluster.swapSpaceSpi.FileSwapSpaceSpi, 'swapSpaceSpi',
-            $generatorCommon.SWAP_SPACE_SPI, true);
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate time group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterTime = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, cluster, 'clockSyncSamples', null, 8);
-    $, cluster, 'clockSyncFrequency', null, 120000);
-    $, cluster, 'timeServerPortBase', null, 31100);
-    $, cluster, 'timeServerPortRange', null, 100);
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate OBC configuration group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterODBC = function(odbc, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (odbc && odbc.odbcEnabled)
-        $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, odbc, 'odbcConfiguration', $generatorCommon.ODBC_CONFIGURATION, true);
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate thread pools group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterPools = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, cluster, 'publicThreadPoolSize');
-    $, cluster, 'systemThreadPoolSize');
-    $, cluster, 'managementThreadPoolSize');
-    $, cluster, 'igfsThreadPoolSize');
-    $, cluster, 'rebalanceThreadPoolSize');
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate transactions group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterTransactions = function(transactionConfiguration, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, transactionConfiguration, 'transactionConfiguration', $generatorCommon.TRANSACTION_CONFIGURATION, false);
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate user attributes group.
-$generatorSpring.clusterUserAttributes = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(cluster.attributes)) {
-        res.startBlock('<property name="userAttributes">');
-        res.startBlock('<map>');
-        _.forEach(cluster.attributes, function(attr) {
-            $generatorSpring.element(res, 'entry', 'key',, 'value', attr.value);
-        });
-        res.endBlock('</map>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-    }
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
- * XML generator for cluster's SSL configuration.
- *
- * @param cluster Cluster to get SSL configuration.
- * @param res Optional configuration presentation builder object.
- * @returns Configuration presentation builder object
- */
-$generatorSpring.clusterSsl = function(cluster, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (cluster.sslEnabled && !_.isNil(cluster.sslContextFactory)) {
-        let sslFactory;
-        if (_.isEmpty(cluster.sslContextFactory.keyStoreFilePath) && _.isEmpty(cluster.sslContextFactory.trustStoreFilePath))
-            sslFactory = cluster.sslContextFactory;
-        else {
-            sslFactory = _.clone(cluster.sslContextFactory);
-            sslFactory.keyStorePassword = _.isEmpty(cluster.sslContextFactory.keyStoreFilePath) ? null : '${}';
-            sslFactory.trustStorePassword = _.isEmpty(cluster.sslContextFactory.trustStoreFilePath) ? null : '${}';
-        }
-        const propsDesc = $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(cluster.sslContextFactory.trustManagers) ?
-            $generatorCommon.SSL_CONFIGURATION_TRUST_FILE_FACTORY;
-        $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, sslFactory, 'sslContextFactory', propsDesc, true);
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate cache general group.
-$generatorSpring.cacheGeneral = function(cache, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, cache, 'name');
-    $, cache, 'cacheMode');
-    $, cache, 'atomicityMode');
-    if (cache.cacheMode === 'PARTITIONED' && $, cache, 'backups'))
-        $, cache, 'readFromBackup');
-    $, cache, 'copyOnRead');
-    if (cache.cacheMode === 'PARTITIONED' && cache.atomicityMode === 'TRANSACTIONAL')
-        $, cache, 'invalidate');
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate cache memory group.
-$generatorSpring.cacheMemory = function(cache, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, cache, 'memoryMode', null, 'ONHEAP_TIERED');
-    if (cache.memoryMode !== 'OFFHEAP_VALUES')
-        $, cache, 'offHeapMaxMemory', null, -1);
-    res.softEmptyLine();
-    $generatorSpring.evictionPolicy(res, cache.evictionPolicy, 'evictionPolicy');
-    res.softEmptyLine();
-    $, cache, 'startSize', null, 1500000);
-    $, cache, 'swapEnabled', null, false);
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate cache query & indexing group.
-$generatorSpring.cacheQuery = function(cache, domains, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, cache, 'sqlSchema');
-    $, cache, 'sqlOnheapRowCacheSize', null, 10240);
-    $, cache, 'longQueryWarningTimeout', null, 3000);
-    const indexedTypes = _.filter(domains, (domain) => domain.queryMetadata === 'Annotations');
-    if (indexedTypes.length > 0) {
-        res.softEmptyLine();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="indexedTypes">');
-        res.startBlock('<list>');
-        _.forEach(indexedTypes, function(domain) {
-            res.line('<value>' + $generatorCommon.JavaTypes.fullClassName(domain.keyType) + '</value>');
-            res.line('<value>' + $generatorCommon.JavaTypes.fullClassName(domain.valueType) + '</value>');
-        });
-        res.endBlock('</list>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-    }
-    res.softEmptyLine();
-    $generatorSpring.listProperty(res, cache, 'sqlFunctionClasses');
-    res.softEmptyLine();
-    $, cache, 'snapshotableIndex', null, false);
-    $, cache, 'sqlEscapeAll', null, false);
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate cache store group.
-$generatorSpring.cacheStore = function(cache, domains, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (cache.cacheStoreFactory && cache.cacheStoreFactory.kind) {
-        const factoryKind = cache.cacheStoreFactory.kind;
-        const storeFactory = cache.cacheStoreFactory[factoryKind];
-        if (storeFactory) {
-            if (factoryKind === 'CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory') {
-                res.startBlock('<property name="cacheStoreFactory">');
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="">');
-                $, storeFactory, 'dataSourceBean');
-                res.startBlock('<property name="dialect">');
-                res.line('<bean class="' + $generatorCommon.jdbcDialectClassName(storeFactory.dialect) + '"/>');
-                res.endBlock('</property>');
-                if (storeFactory.sqlEscapeAll)
-                    $, storeFactory, 'sqlEscapeAll');
-                const domainConfigs = _.filter(domains, function(domain) {
-                    return $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(domain.databaseTable);
-                });
-                if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(domainConfigs)) {
-                    res.startBlock('<property name="types">');
-                    res.startBlock('<list>');
-                    _.forEach(domainConfigs, function(domain) {
-                        res.startBlock('<bean class="">');
-                        $, cache, 'name', 'cacheName');
-                        $generatorSpring.classNameProperty(res, domain, 'keyType');
-                        $, domain, 'valueType');
-                        $generatorSpring.domainStore(domain, res);
-                        res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                    });
-                    res.endBlock('</list>');
-                    res.endBlock('</property>');
-                }
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                res.endBlock('</property>');
-            }
-            else if (factoryKind === 'CacheJdbcBlobStoreFactory') {
-                res.startBlock('<property name="cacheStoreFactory">');
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="">');
-                if (storeFactory.connectVia === 'DataSource')
-                    $, storeFactory, 'dataSourceBean');
-                else {
-                    $, storeFactory, 'connectionUrl');
-                    $, storeFactory, 'user');
-                    res.line('<property name="password" value="${ds.' + storeFactory.user + '.password}"/>');
-                }
-                $, storeFactory, 'initSchema');
-                $, storeFactory, 'createTableQuery');
-                $, storeFactory, 'loadQuery');
-                $, storeFactory, 'insertQuery');
-                $, storeFactory, 'updateQuery');
-                $, storeFactory, 'deleteQuery');
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                res.endBlock('</property>');
-            }
-            else
-                $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, storeFactory, 'cacheStoreFactory', $generatorCommon.STORE_FACTORIES[factoryKind], true);
-            if (storeFactory.dataSourceBean && (storeFactory.connectVia ? (storeFactory.connectVia === 'DataSource' ? storeFactory.dialect : null) : storeFactory.dialect)) {
-                if (!_.find(res.datasources, { dataSourceBean: storeFactory.dataSourceBean})) {
-                    res.datasources.push({
-                        dataSourceBean: storeFactory.dataSourceBean,
-                        dialect: storeFactory.dialect
-                    });
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    res.softEmptyLine();
-    $, cache, 'storeKeepBinary', null, false);
-    $, cache, 'loadPreviousValue', null, false);
-    $, cache, 'readThrough', null, false);
-    $, cache, 'writeThrough', null, false);
-    res.softEmptyLine();
-    if (cache.writeBehindEnabled) {
-        $, cache, 'writeBehindEnabled', null, false);
-        $, cache, 'writeBehindBatchSize', null, 512);
-        $, cache, 'writeBehindFlushSize', null, 10240);
-        $, cache, 'writeBehindFlushFrequency', null, 5000);
-        $, cache, 'writeBehindFlushThreadCount', null, 1);
-    }
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate cache node filter group.
-$generatorSpring.cacheNodeFilter = function(cache, igfss, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    const kind = _.get(cache, 'nodeFilter.kind');
-    if (_.isNil(kind) || _.isNil(cache.nodeFilter[kind]))
-        return res;
-    switch (kind) {
-        case 'IGFS':
-            const foundIgfs = _.find(igfss, (igfs) => igfs._id === cache.nodeFilter.IGFS.igfs);
-            if (foundIgfs) {
-                res.startBlock('<property name="nodeFilter">');
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.igfs.IgfsNodePredicate">');
-                res.line('<constructor-arg value="' + + '"/>');
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                res.endBlock('</property>');
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'OnNodes':
-            const nodes = cache.nodeFilter.OnNodes.nodeIds;
-            if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(nodes)) {
-                res.startBlock('<property name="nodeFilter">');
-                res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.GridNodePredicate">');
-                res.startBlock('<constructor-arg>');
-                res.startBlock('<list>');
-                _.forEach(nodes, (nodeId) => {
-                    res.startBlock('<bean class="java.util.UUID" factory-method="fromString">');
-                    res.line('<constructor-arg value="' + nodeId + '"/>');
-                    res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                });
-                res.endBlock('</list>');
-                res.endBlock('</constructor-arg>');
-                res.endBlock('</bean>');
-                res.endBlock('</property>');
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'Custom':
-            res.startBlock('<property name="nodeFilter">');
-            res.line('<bean class="' + cache.nodeFilter.Custom.className + '"/>');
-            res.endBlock('</property>');
-            break;
-        default: break;
-    }
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate cache concurrency group.
-$generatorSpring.cacheConcurrency = function(cache, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, cache, 'maxConcurrentAsyncOperations', null, 500);
-    $, cache, 'defaultLockTimeout', null, 0);
-    $, cache, 'atomicWriteOrderMode');
-    $, cache, 'writeSynchronizationMode', null, 'PRIMARY_SYNC');
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate cache rebalance group.
-$generatorSpring.cacheRebalance = function(cache, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (cache.cacheMode !== 'LOCAL') {
-        $, cache, 'rebalanceMode', null, 'ASYNC');
-        $, cache, 'rebalanceThreadPoolSize', null, 1);
-        $, cache, 'rebalanceBatchSize', null, 524288);
-        $, cache, 'rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount', null, 2);
-        $, cache, 'rebalanceOrder', null, 0);
-        $, cache, 'rebalanceDelay', null, 0);
-        $, cache, 'rebalanceTimeout', null, 10000);
-        $, cache, 'rebalanceThrottle', null, 0);
-    }
-    res.softEmptyLine();
-    if (cache.igfsAffinnityGroupSize) {
-        res.startBlock('<property name="affinityMapper">');
-        res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.igfs.IgfsGroupDataBlocksKeyMapper">');
-        $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, -1, cache, 'igfsAffinnityGroupSize');
-        res.endBlock('</bean>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate cache server near cache group.
-$generatorSpring.cacheServerNearCache = function(cache, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (cache.cacheMode === 'PARTITIONED' && cache.nearCacheEnabled) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="nearConfiguration">');
-        res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.NearCacheConfiguration">');
-        if (cache.nearConfiguration) {
-            if (cache.nearConfiguration.nearStartSize)
-                $, cache.nearConfiguration, 'nearStartSize', null, 375000);
-            $generatorSpring.evictionPolicy(res, cache.nearConfiguration.nearEvictionPolicy, 'nearEvictionPolicy');
-        }
-        res.endBlock('</bean>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-    }
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate cache statistics group.
-$generatorSpring.cacheStatistics = function(cache, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, cache, 'statisticsEnabled', null, false);
-    $, cache, 'managementEnabled', null, false);
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate domain model query fields.
-$generatorSpring.domainModelQueryFields = function(res, domain) {
-    const fields = domain.fields;
-    if (fields && fields.length > 0) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="fields">');
-        res.startBlock('<map>');
-        _.forEach(fields, function(field) {
-            $generatorSpring.element(res, 'entry', 'key',, 'value', $generatorCommon.JavaTypes.fullClassName(field.className));
-        });
-        res.endBlock('</map>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-// Generate domain model query fields.
-$generatorSpring.domainModelQueryAliases = function(res, domain) {
-    const aliases = domain.aliases;
-    if (aliases && aliases.length > 0) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="aliases">');
-        res.startBlock('<map>');
-        _.forEach(aliases, function(alias) {
-            $generatorSpring.element(res, 'entry', 'key', alias.field, 'value', alias.alias);
-        });
-        res.endBlock('</map>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-// Generate domain model indexes.
-$generatorSpring.domainModelQueryIndexes = function(res, domain) {
-    const indexes = domain.indexes;
-    if (indexes && indexes.length > 0) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="indexes">');
-        res.startBlock('<list>');
-        _.forEach(indexes, function(index) {
-            res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryIndex">');
-            $, index, 'name');
-            $, index, 'indexType');
-            const fields = index.fields;
-            if (fields && fields.length > 0) {
-                res.startBlock('<property name="fields">');
-                res.startBlock('<map>');
-                _.forEach(fields, function(field) {
-                    $generatorSpring.element(res, 'entry', 'key',, 'value', field.direction);
-                });
-                res.endBlock('</map>');
-                res.endBlock('</property>');
-            }
-            res.endBlock('</bean>');
-        });
-        res.endBlock('</list>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-// Generate domain model db fields.
-$generatorSpring.domainModelDatabaseFields = function(res, domain, fieldProp) {
-    const fields = domain[fieldProp];
-    if (fields && fields.length > 0) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="' + fieldProp + '">');
-        res.startBlock('<list>');
-        _.forEach(fields, function(field) {
-            res.startBlock('<bean class="">');
-            $, field, 'databaseFieldName');
-            res.startBlock('<property name="databaseFieldType">');
-            res.line('<util:constant static-field="java.sql.Types.' + field.databaseFieldType + '"/>');
-            res.endBlock('</property>');
-            $, field, 'javaFieldName');
-            $generatorSpring.classNameProperty(res, field, 'javaFieldType');
-            res.endBlock('</bean>');
-        });
-        res.endBlock('</list>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-// Generate domain model general group.
-$generatorSpring.domainModelGeneral = function(domain, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    switch ($generatorCommon.domainQueryMetadata(domain)) {
-        case 'Annotations':
-            if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(domain.keyType) || $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(domain.valueType)) {
-                res.startBlock('<property name="indexedTypes">');
-                res.startBlock('<list>');
-                if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(domain.keyType))
-                    res.line('<value>' + $generatorCommon.JavaTypes.fullClassName(domain.keyType) + '</value>');
-                else
-                    res.line('<value>???</value>');
-                if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(domain.valueType))
-                    res.line('<value>' + $generatorCommon.JavaTypes.fullClassName(domain.valueType) + '</value>');
-                else
-                    res.line('<value>>???</value>');
-                res.endBlock('</list>');
-                res.endBlock('</property>');
-            }
-            break;
-        case 'Configuration':
-            $generatorSpring.classNameProperty(res, domain, 'keyType');
-            $, domain, 'valueType');
-            break;
-        default:
-    }
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate domain model for query group.
-$generatorSpring.domainModelQuery = function(domain, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if ($generatorCommon.domainQueryMetadata(domain) === 'Configuration') {
-        $generatorSpring.domainModelQueryFields(res, domain);
-        $generatorSpring.domainModelQueryAliases(res, domain);
-        $generatorSpring.domainModelQueryIndexes(res, domain);
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate domain model for store group.
-$generatorSpring.domainStore = function(domain, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, domain, 'databaseSchema');
-    $, domain, 'databaseTable');
-    res.softEmptyLine();
-    $generatorSpring.domainModelDatabaseFields(res, domain, 'keyFields');
-    $generatorSpring.domainModelDatabaseFields(res, domain, 'valueFields');
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-$generatorSpring.cacheQueryMetadata = function(domain, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryEntity">');
-    $generatorSpring.classNameProperty(res, domain, 'keyType');
-    $, domain, 'valueType');
-    $generatorSpring.domainModelQuery(domain, res);
-    res.endBlock('</bean>');
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-// Generate domain models configs.
-$generatorSpring.cacheDomains = function(domains, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    const domainConfigs = _.filter(domains, function(domain) {
-        return $generatorCommon.domainQueryMetadata(domain) === 'Configuration' &&
-            $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(domain.fields);
-    });
-    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(domainConfigs)) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="queryEntities">');
-        res.startBlock('<list>');
-        _.forEach(domainConfigs, function(domain) {
-            $generatorSpring.cacheQueryMetadata(domain, res);
-        });
-        res.endBlock('</list>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate cache configs.
-$generatorSpring.cache = function(cache, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration">');
-    $generatorSpring.cacheConfiguration(cache, res);
-    res.endBlock('</bean>');
-    return res;
-// Generate cache configs.
-$generatorSpring.cacheConfiguration = function(cache, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $generatorSpring.cacheGeneral(cache, res);
-    $generatorSpring.cacheMemory(cache, res);
-    $generatorSpring.cacheQuery(cache,, res);
-    $generatorSpring.cacheStore(cache,, res);
-    const igfs = _.get(cache, 'nodeFilter.IGFS.instance');
-    $generatorSpring.cacheNodeFilter(cache, igfs ? [igfs] : [], res);
-    $generatorSpring.cacheConcurrency(cache, res);
-    $generatorSpring.cacheRebalance(cache, res);
-    $generatorSpring.cacheServerNearCache(cache, res);
-    $generatorSpring.cacheStatistics(cache, res);
-    $generatorSpring.cacheDomains(, res);
-    return res;
-// Generate caches configs.
-$generatorSpring.clusterCaches = function(caches, igfss, isSrvCfg, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(caches) || (isSrvCfg && $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(igfss))) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="cacheConfiguration">');
-        res.startBlock('<list>');
-        _.forEach(caches, function(cache) {
-            $generatorSpring.cache(cache, res);
-            res.needEmptyLine = true;
-        });
-        if (isSrvCfg) {
-            _.forEach(igfss, (igfs) => {
-                $generatorSpring.cache($generatorCommon.igfsDataCache(igfs), res);
-                res.needEmptyLine = true;
-                $generatorSpring.cache($generatorCommon.igfsMetaCache(igfs), res);
-                res.needEmptyLine = true;
-            });
-        }
-        res.endBlock('</list>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate IGFSs configs.
-$generatorSpring.igfss = function(igfss, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(igfss)) {
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        res.startBlock('<property name="fileSystemConfiguration">');
-        res.startBlock('<list>');
-        _.forEach(igfss, function(igfs) {
-            res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.FileSystemConfiguration">');
-            $generatorSpring.igfsGeneral(igfs, res);
-            $generatorSpring.igfsIPC(igfs, res);
-            $generatorSpring.igfsFragmentizer(igfs, res);
-            $generatorSpring.igfsDualMode(igfs, res);
-            $generatorSpring.igfsSecondFS(igfs, res);
-            $generatorSpring.igfsMisc(igfs, res);
-            res.endBlock('</bean>');
-            res.needEmptyLine = true;
-        });
-        res.endBlock('</list>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate IGFS IPC configuration.
-$generatorSpring.igfsIPC = function(igfs, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (igfs.ipcEndpointEnabled) {
-        $generatorSpring.beanProperty(res, igfs.ipcEndpointConfiguration, 'ipcEndpointConfiguration', $generatorCommon.IGFS_IPC_CONFIGURATION, true);
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate IGFS fragmentizer configuration.
-$generatorSpring.igfsFragmentizer = function(igfs, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (igfs.fragmentizerEnabled) {
-        $, igfs, 'fragmentizerConcurrentFiles', null, 0);
-        $, igfs, 'fragmentizerThrottlingBlockLength', null, 16777216);
-        $, igfs, 'fragmentizerThrottlingDelay', null, 200);
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    else
-        $, igfs, 'fragmentizerEnabled');
-    return res;
-// Generate IGFS dual mode configuration.
-$generatorSpring.igfsDualMode = function(igfs, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, igfs, 'dualModeMaxPendingPutsSize', null, 0);
-    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(igfs.dualModePutExecutorService)) {
-        res.startBlock('<property name="dualModePutExecutorService">');
-        res.line('<bean class="' + igfs.dualModePutExecutorService + '"/>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-    }
-    $, igfs, 'dualModePutExecutorServiceShutdown', null, false);
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    return res;
-$generatorSpring.igfsSecondFS = function(igfs, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (igfs.secondaryFileSystemEnabled) {
-        const secondFs = igfs.secondaryFileSystem || {};
-        res.startBlock('<property name="secondaryFileSystem">');
-        res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.hadoop.fs.IgniteHadoopIgfsSecondaryFileSystem">');
-        const nameDefined = $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(secondFs.userName);
-        const cfgDefined = $generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty(secondFs.cfgPath);
-        $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 0, secondFs, 'uri');
-        if (cfgDefined || nameDefined)
-            $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 1, secondFs, 'cfgPath');
-        $generatorSpring.constructorArg(res, 2, secondFs, 'userName', null, true);
-        res.endBlock('</bean>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate IGFS general configuration.
-$generatorSpring.igfsGeneral = function(igfs, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if ($generatorCommon.isDefinedAndNotEmpty( {
-        igfs.dataCacheName = $generatorCommon.igfsDataCache(igfs).name;
-        igfs.metaCacheName = $generatorCommon.igfsMetaCache(igfs).name;
-        $, igfs, 'name');
-        $, igfs, 'dataCacheName');
-        $, igfs, 'metaCacheName');
-        $, igfs, 'defaultMode', null, 'DUAL_ASYNC');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate IGFS misc configuration.
-$generatorSpring.igfsMisc = function(igfs, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    $, igfs, 'blockSize', null, 65536);
-    $, igfs, 'streamBufferSize', null, 65536);
-    $, igfs, 'maxSpaceSize', null, 0);
-    $, igfs, 'maximumTaskRangeLength', null, 0);
-    $, igfs, 'managementPort', null, 11400);
-    $, igfs, 'perNodeBatchSize', null, 100);
-    $, igfs, 'perNodeParallelBatchCount', null, 8);
-    $, igfs, 'prefetchBlocks', null, 0);
-    $, igfs, 'sequentialReadsBeforePrefetch', null, 0);
-    $, igfs, 'trashPurgeTimeout', null, 1000);
-    $, igfs, 'colocateMetadata', null, true);
-    $, igfs, 'relaxedConsistency', null, true);
-    res.softEmptyLine();
-    if (igfs.pathModes && igfs.pathModes.length > 0) {
-        res.startBlock('<property name="pathModes">');
-        res.startBlock('<map>');
-        _.forEach(igfs.pathModes, function(pair) {
-            res.line('<entry key="' + pair.path + '" value="' + pair.mode + '"/>');
-        });
-        res.endBlock('</map>');
-        res.endBlock('</property>');
-    }
-    return res;
-// Generate DataSource beans.
-$generatorSpring.generateDataSources = function(datasources, res) {
-    if (!res)
-        res = $generatorCommon.builder();
-    if (datasources.length > 0) {
-        res.line('<!-- Data source beans will be initialized from external properties file. -->');
-        _.forEach(datasources, (datasource) => $generatorSpring.generateDataSource(datasource, res));
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-        res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-    }
-    return res;
-$generatorSpring.generateDataSource = function(datasource, res) {
-    const beanId = datasource.dataSourceBean;
-    res.startBlock('<bean id="' + beanId + '" class="' + $generatorCommon.DATA_SOURCES[datasource.dialect] + '">');
-    switch (datasource.dialect) {
-        case 'Generic':
-            res.line('<property name="jdbcUrl" value="${' + beanId + '.jdbc.url}"/>');
-            break;
-        case 'DB2':
-            res.line('<property name="serverName" value="${' + beanId + '.jdbc.server_name}"/>');
-            res.line('<property name="portNumber" value="${' + beanId + '.jdbc.port_number}"/>');
-            res.line('<property name="databaseName" value="${' + beanId + '.jdbc.database_name}"/>');
-            res.line('<property name="driverType" value="${' + beanId + '.jdbc.driver_type}"/>');
-            break;
-        case 'PostgreSQL':
-            res.line('<property name="url" value="${' + beanId + '.jdbc.url}"/>');
-            break;
-        default:
-            res.line('<property name="URL" value="${' + beanId + '.jdbc.url}"/>');
-    }
-    res.line('<property name="user" value="${' + beanId + '.jdbc.username}"/>');
-    res.line('<property name="password" value="${' + beanId + '.jdbc.password}"/>');
-    res.endBlock('</bean>');
-    res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-$generatorSpring.clusterConfiguration = function(cluster, clientNearCfg, res) {
-    const isSrvCfg = _.isNil(clientNearCfg);
-    if (!isSrvCfg) {
-        res.line('<property name="clientMode" value="true"/>');
-        res.needEmptyLine = true;
-    }
-    $generatorSpring.clusterGeneral(cluster, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterAtomics(cluster.atomicConfiguration, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterBinary(cluster.binaryConfiguration, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterCacheKeyConfiguration(cluster.cacheKeyConfiguration, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterCollision(cluster.collision, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterCommunication(cluster, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterConnector(cluster.connector, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterDeployment(cluster, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterEvents(cluster, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterFailover(cluster, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterLogger(cluster.logger, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterODBC(cluster.odbc, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterMarshaller(cluster, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterMetrics(cluster, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterSwap(cluster, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterTime(cluster, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterPools(cluster, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterTransactions(cluster.transactionConfiguration, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterCaches(cluster.caches, cluster.igfss, isSrvCfg, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterSsl(cluster, res);
-    if (isSrvCfg)
-        $generatorSpring.igfss(cluster.igfss, res);
-    $generatorSpring.clusterUserAttributes(cluster, res);
-    return res;
-$generatorSpring.cluster = function(cluster, clientNearCfg) {
-    if (cluster) {
-        const res = $generatorCommon.builder(1);
-        if (clientNearCfg) {
-            res.startBlock('<bean id="nearCacheBean" class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.NearCacheConfiguration">');
-            if (clientNearCfg.nearStartSize)
-                $, clientNearCfg, 'nearStartSize');
-            if (clientNearCfg.nearEvictionPolicy && clientNearCfg.nearEvictionPolicy.kind)
-                $generatorSpring.evictionPolicy(res, clientNearCfg.nearEvictionPolicy, 'nearEvictionPolicy');
-            res.endBlock('</bean>');
-            res.needEmptyLine = true;
-            res.emptyLineIfNeeded();
-        }
-        // Generate Ignite Configuration.
-        res.startBlock('<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration">');
-        $generatorSpring.clusterConfiguration(cluster, clientNearCfg, res);
-        res.endBlock('</bean>');
-        // Build final XML:
-        // 1. Add header.
-        let xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n';
-        xml += '<!-- ' + $generatorCommon.mainComment('configuration') + ' -->\n\n';
-        xml += '<beans xmlns=""\n';
-        xml += '       xmlns:xsi=""\n';
-        xml += '       xmlns:util=""\n';
-        xml += '       xsi:schemaLocation="\n';
-        xml += '                 \n';
-        xml += '                 \n';
-        xml += '                 ">\n';
-        // 2. Add external property file
-        if ($generatorCommon.secretPropertiesNeeded(cluster)) {
-            xml += '    <!-- Load external properties file. -->\n';
-            xml += '    <bean id="placeholderConfig" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">\n';
-            xml += '        <property name="location" value=""/>\n';
-            xml += '    </bean>\n\n';
-        }
-        // 3. Add data sources.
-        xml += $generatorSpring.generateDataSources(res.datasources, $generatorCommon.builder(1)).asString();
-        // 3. Add main content.
-        xml += res.asString();
-        // 4. Add footer.
-        xml += '\n</beans>';
-        return xml;
-    }
-    return '';
-export default $generatorSpring;
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/ b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/
index f66faba..3f98bed 100644
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/
+++ b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ const DEMO_NOTEBOOK = {
             name: 'Query with refresh rate',
             cacheName: 'CarCache',
-            pageSize: 50,
+            pageSize: 100,
+            limit: 0,
             query: [
                 'SELECT count(*)',
                 'FROM "CarCache".Car'
@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ const DEMO_NOTEBOOK = {
             name: 'Simple query',
             cacheName: 'CarCache',
-            pageSize: 50,
+            pageSize: 100,
+            limit: 0,
             query: 'SELECT * FROM "CarCache".Car',
             result: 'table',
             timeLineSpan: '1',
@@ -49,8 +51,9 @@ const DEMO_NOTEBOOK = {
             name: 'Query with aggregates',
-            cacheName: 'CarCache',
-            pageSize: 50,
+            cacheName: 'ParkingCache',
+            pageSize: 100,
+            limit: 0,
             query: [
                 'SELECT, count(*) AS cnt',
                 'FROM "ParkingCache".Parking p',
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/Notebook.service.js b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/Notebook.service.js
index 12730be..f32d26f 100644
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/Notebook.service.js
+++ b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/Notebook.service.js
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ export default class Notebook {
     remove(notebook) {
-        return this.confirmModal.confirm(`Are you sure you want to remove: "${}"?`)
+        return this.confirmModal.confirm(`Are you sure you want to remove notebook: "${}"?`)
             .then(() => this.NotebookData.findIndex(notebook))
             .then((idx) => {
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/scan-filter-input.jade b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/scan-filter-input.jade
deleted file mode 100644
index 0396727..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/scan-filter-input.jade
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-    The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-    the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-    limitations under the License.
-include /app/helpers/jade/mixins.jade
-.modal(tabindex='-1' role='dialog')
-    .modal-dialog
-        .modal-content
-            .modal-header
-                button.close(ng-click='$hide()') &times;
-                h4.modal-title Scan filter
-            form.form-horizontal.modal-body.row(name='ui.inputForm' novalidate)
-                .settings-row
-                    .col-sm-2
-                        label.required.labelFormField Filter:&nbsp;
-                    .col-sm-10
-                        .input-tip
-                            +ignite-form-field-input('"filter"', 'ui.filter', false, 'true', 'Enter filter')(
-                                data-ignite-form-field-input-autofocus='true'
-                                ignite-on-enter='form.$valid && ok()'
-                            )
-                .settings-row
-                    +checkbox('Case sensitive search', 'ui.caseSensitive', '"caseSensitive"', 'Select this checkbox for case sensitive search')
-            .modal-footer
-                button.btn.btn-default(id='btn-cancel' ng-click='$hide()') Cancel
-                button.btn.btn-primary(id='btn-scan' ng-disabled='ui.inputForm.$invalid' ng-click='ok()') Scan
diff --git a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/scan-filter-input.service.js b/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/scan-filter-input.service.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 18ba3ba..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/frontend/app/modules/sql/scan-filter-input.service.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-export default class ScanFilter {
-    static $inject = ['$rootScope', '$q', '$modal'];
-    constructor($root, $q, $modal) {
-        this.deferred = null;
-        this.$q = $q;
-        const scope = $root.$new();
-        scope.ui = {};
-        scope.ok = () => {
-            this.deferred.resolve({filter: scope.ui.filter, caseSensitive: !!scope.ui.caseSensitive});
-            this.modal.hide();
-        };
-        scope.$hide = () => {
-            this.modal.hide();
-            this.deferred.reject();
-        };
-        this.modal = $modal({templateUrl: '/scan-filter-input.html', scope, placement: 'center', show: false});
-    }
-    open() {
-        this.deferred = this.$q.defer();
-        this.modal.$promise.then(;
-        return this.deferred.promise;
-    }