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[47/84] [partial] incubator-corinthia git commit: Moved experimentel code to /experiments
diff --git a/Editor/src/Input.js b/Editor/src/Input.js
deleted file mode 100644
index db8cb99..0000000
--- a/Editor/src/Input.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,746 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-var Input_removePosition;
-var Input_addPosition;
-var Input_getPosition;
-var Input_textInRange;
-var Input_replaceRange;
-var Input_selectedTextRange;
-var Input_setSelectedTextRange;
-var Input_markedTextRange;
-var Input_setMarkedText;
-var Input_unmarkText;
-var Input_forwardSelectionAffinity;
-var Input_setForwardSelectionAffinity;
-var Input_positionFromPositionOffset;
-var Input_positionFromPositionInDirectionOffset;
-var Input_comparePositionToPosition;
-var Input_offsetFromPositionToPosition;
-var Input_positionWithinRangeFarthestInDirection;
-var Input_characterRangeByExtendingPositionInDirection;
-var Input_firstRectForRange;
-var Input_caretRectForPosition;
-var Input_closestPositionToPoint;
-var Input_closestPositionToPointWithinRange;
-var Input_characterRangeAtPoint;
-var Input_positionWithinRangeAtCharacterOffset;
-var Input_characterOffsetOfPositionWithinRange;
-var Input_isAtWordBoundary;
-var Input_isAtParagraphBoundary;
-var Input_isPositionAtBoundaryGranularityInDirection;
-var Input_isPositionWithinTextUnitInDirection;
-var Input_toWordBoundary;
-var Input_toParagraphBoundary;
-var Input_toLineBoundary;
-var Input_positionFromPositionToBoundaryInDirection;
-var Input_rangeEnclosingPositionWithGranularityInDirection;
-// FIXME: ensure updateFormatting() is called after any cursor/selection changes
-// FIXME: test capitalisation of on-screen keyboard at start of sentence
-(function() {
-    //function idebug(str)
-    //{
-    //    debug(str);
-    //}
-    var forwardSelection = true;
-    var positions = new Object();
-    var BaseIdNull = 0;
-    var BaseIdDocumentStart = 1;
-    var BaseIdDocumentEnd = 2;
-    var BaseIdSelectionStart = 3;
-    var BaseIdSelectionEnd = 4;
-    var firstDynamicPosId = 5;
-    var nextPosId = firstDynamicPosId;
-    function addPosition(pos)
-    {
-        if (pos == null)
-            return 0;
-        var copy = new Position(pos.node,pos.offset);
-        copy.targetX = pos.targetX;
-        pos = copy;
-        pos.posId = nextPosId++;
-        positions[pos.posId] = pos;
-        Position_track(pos);
-        return pos.posId;
-    }
-    Input_addPosition = addPosition;
-    function getPosition(posId)
-    {
-        if (posId instanceof Position) // for tests
-            return posId;
-        if (posId < firstDynamicPosId) {
-            switch (posId) {
-            case BaseIdNull: {
-                return null;
-            }
-            case BaseIdDocumentStart: {
-                var pos = new Position(document.body,0);
-                pos = Position_closestMatchForwards(pos,Position_okForMovement);
-                return pos;
-            }
-            case BaseIdDocumentEnd: {
-                var pos = new Position(document.body,document.body.childNodes.length);
-                pos = Position_closestMatchBackwards(pos,Position_okForMovement);
-                return pos;
-            }
-            case BaseIdSelectionStart: {
-                var range = Selection_get();
-                return (range != null) ? range.start : null;
-            }
-            case BaseIdSelectionEnd: {
-                var range = Selection_get();
-                return (range != null) ? range.end : null;
-            }
-            default:
-                return null;
-            }
-        }
-        if (positions[posId] == null)
-            throw new Error("No position for pos id "+posId);
-        return positions[posId];
-    }
-    Input_getPosition = getPosition;
-    // void
-    Input_removePosition = function(posId)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_removePosition("+posId+")");
-        var pos = positions[posId];
-        if (pos == null) {
-            throw new Error("no position for id "+posId);
-        }
-        Position_untrack(pos);
-        delete positions[posId];
-    }
-    // string
-    Input_textInRange = function(startId,startAdjust,endId,endAdjust)
-    {
-        var start = getPosition(startId);
-        var end = getPosition(endId);
-        start = positionRight(start,startAdjust);
-        end = positionRight(end,endAdjust);
-        if ((start == null) || (end == null))
-            return "";
-        var range = new Range(start.node,start.offset,end.node,end.offset);
-        var result = Range_getText(range);
-        //idebug("Input_textInRange("+startId+","+startAdjust+","+endId+","+endAdjust+") = "+
-        //       JSON.stringify(result));
-        return result;
-    }
-    // void
-    Input_replaceRange = function(startId,endId,text)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_replaceRange("+startId+","+endId+","+JSON.stringify(text)+")");
-        var start = getPosition(startId);
-        var end = getPosition(endId);
-        if (start == null)
-            throw new Error("start is null");
-        if (end == null)
-            throw new Error("end is null");
-        var range = new Range(start.node,start.offset,end.node,end.offset);
-        Range_trackWhileExecuting(range,function() {
-            Selection_deleteRangeContents(range,true);
-        });
-        range.start = Position_preferTextPosition(range.start);
-        var node = range.start.node;
-        var offset = range.start.offset;
-        if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
-            DOM_insertCharacters(node,offset,text);
-            Cursor_set(node,offset+text.length);
-        }
-        else if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            var textNode = DOM_createTextNode(document,text);
-            DOM_insertBefore(node,textNode,node.childNodes[offset]);
-            Cursor_set(node,offset+1);
-        }
-    }
-    // { startId, endId }
-    Input_selectedTextRange = function()
-    {
-        var range = Selection_get();
-        if (range == null) {
-            //idebug("Input_selectedTextRange = null");
-            return null;
-        }
-        else {
-            var startId = addPosition(range.start);
-            var endId = addPosition(range.end);
-            //idebug("Input_selectedTextRange = "+startId+", "+endId);
-            return { startId: startId,
-                     endId: endId };
-        }
-    }
-    // void
-    Input_setSelectedTextRange = function(startId,endId)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_setSelectedTextRange("+startId+","+endId+")");
-        var start = getPosition(startId);
-        var end = getPosition(endId);
-        var oldSelection = Selection_get();
-        var oldStart = (oldSelection != null) ? oldSelection.start : null;
-        var oldEnd = (oldSelection != null) ? oldSelection.end : null;
-        Selection_set(start.node,start.offset,end.node,end.offset);
-        // The positions may have changed as a result of spans being added/removed
-        var newRange = Selection_get();
-        start = newRange.start;
-        end = newRange.end;
-        if (Position_equal(start,end))
-            Cursor_ensurePositionVisible(end);
-        else if (Position_equal(oldStart,start) && !Position_equal(oldEnd,end))
-            Cursor_ensurePositionVisible(end);
-        else if (Position_equal(oldEnd,end) && !Position_equal(oldStart,start))
-            Cursor_ensurePositionVisible(start);
-    }
-    // { startId, endId }
-    Input_markedTextRange = function()
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_markedTextRange");
-        return null;
-    }
-    // void
-    Input_setMarkedText = function(text,startOffset,endOffset)
-    {
-        Selection_deleteContents(true);
-        var oldSel = Selection_get();
-        Range_trackWhileExecuting(oldSel,function() {
-            Cursor_insertCharacter(text,false,false,true);
-        });
-        var newSel = Selection_get();
-        Selection_set(oldSel.start.node,oldSel.start.offset,
-                      newSel.end.node,newSel.end.offset,false,true);
-    }
-    // void
-    Input_unmarkText = function()
-    {
-        var range = Selection_get();
-        Cursor_set(range.end.node,range.end.offset);
-        //idebug("Input_unmarkText");
-    }
-    // boolean
-    Input_forwardSelectionAffinity = function()
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_forwardSelectionAffinity");
-        return forwardSelection;
-    }
-    // void
-    Input_setForwardSelectionAffinity = function(value)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_setForwardSelectionAffinity");
-        forwardSelection = value;
-    }
-    function positionRight(pos,offset)
-    {
-        if (offset > 0) {
-            for (; offset > 0; offset--) {
-                var next = Position_nextMatch(pos,Position_okForMovement);
-                if (next == null)
-                    return pos;
-                pos = next;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            for (; offset < 0; offset++) {
-                var prev = Position_prevMatch(pos,Position_okForMovement);
-                if (prev == null)
-                    return pos;
-                pos = prev;
-            }
-        }
-        return pos;
-    }
-    function positionDown(pos,offset)
-    {
-        if (offset > 0) {
-            for (; offset > 0; offset--) {
-                var below = Text_posBelow(pos);
-                if (below == null)
-                    return pos;
-                pos = below;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            for (; offset < 0; offset++) {
-                var above = Text_posAbove(pos);
-                if (above == null)
-                    return pos;
-                pos = above;
-            }
-        }
-        return pos;
-    }
-    // posId
-    Input_positionFromPositionOffset = function(posId,offset)
-    {
-        var pos = getPosition(posId);
-        var res = addPosition(positionRight(pos,offset));
-        //idebug("Input_positionFromPositionOffset("+posId+","+offset+") = "+res);
-        return res;
-    }
-    // posId
-    Input_positionFromPositionInDirectionOffset = function(posId,direction,offset)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_positionFromPositionInDirectionOffset("+posId+","+direction+","+offset+")");
-        var pos = getPosition(posId);
-        if (direction == "left")
-            return addPosition(positionRight(pos,-offset));
-        else if (direction == "right")
-            return addPosition(positionRight(pos,offset));
-        else if (direction == "up")
-            return addPosition(positionDown(pos,-offset));
-        else if (direction == "down")
-            return addPosition(positionDown(pos,offset));
-        else
-            throw new Error("unknown direction: "+direction);
-    }
-    // int
-    Input_comparePositionToPosition = function(posId1,posId2)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_comparePositionToPosition("+posId1+","+posId2+")");
-        var pos1 = getPosition(posId1);
-        var pos2 = getPosition(posId2);
-        if (pos1 == null)
-            throw new Error("pos1 is null");
-        if (pos2 == null)
-            throw new Error("pos2 is null");
-        return Position_compare(pos1,pos2);
-    }
-    // int
-    Input_offsetFromPositionToPosition = function(fromId,toId)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_offsetFromPositionToPosition("+fromId+","+toId+")");
-        throw new Error("offsetFromPositionToPosition: not implemented");
-    }
-    Input_positionWithinRangeFarthestInDirection = function(startId,endId,direction)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_positionWithinRangeFarthestInDirection("+startId+","+endId+","+direction);
-        throw new Error("positionWithinRangeFarthestInDirection: not implemented");
-    }
-    // { startId, endId }
-    Input_characterRangeByExtendingPositionInDirection = function(posId,direction)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_characterRangeByExtendingPositionInDirection("+posId+","+direction);
-        throw new Error("characterRangeByExtendingPositionInDirection: not implemented");
-    }
-    Input_firstRectForRange = function(startId,endId)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_firstRectForRange("+startId+","+endId+")");
-        var start = getPosition(startId);
-        var end = getPosition(endId);
-        var range = new Range(start.node,start.offset,end.node,end.offset);
-        var rects = Range_getClientRects(range);
-        if (rects.length == 0)
-            return { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
-        else
-            return { x: rects[0].left, y: rects[0].top,
-                     width: rects[0].width, height: rects[0].height };
-    }
-    Input_caretRectForPosition = function(posId)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_caretRectForPosition("+posId+")");
-        var pos = getPosition(posId);
-        var rect = Position_rectAtPos(pos);
-        if (rect == null)
-            return { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
-        else
-            return { x: rect.left, y:, width: rect.width, height: rect.height };
-    }
-    // posId
-    Input_closestPositionToPoint = function(x,y)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_closestPositionToPoint("+x+","+y+")");
-        throw new Error("closestPositionToPoint: not implemented");
-    }
-    // posId
-    Input_closestPositionToPointWithinRange = function(x,y,startId,endId)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_closestPositionToPointWithinRange("+x+","+y+")");
-        throw new Error("closestPositionToPointWithinRange: not implemented");
-    }
-    // { startId, endId }
-    Input_characterRangeAtPoint = function(x,y)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_characterRangeAtPoint("+x+","+y+")");
-        throw new Error("characterRangeAtPoint: not implemented");
-    }
-    // posId
-    Input_positionWithinRangeAtCharacterOffset = function(startId,endId,offset)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_positionWithinRangeAtCharacterOffset("+startId+","+endId+","+offset+")");
-        throw new Error("positionWithinRangeAtCharacterOffset: not implemented");
-    }
-    // int
-    Input_characterOffsetOfPositionWithinRange = function(posId,startId,endId)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_characterOffsetOfPositionWithinRange("+posId+","+startId+","+endId+")");
-        throw new Error("characterOffsetOfPositionWithinRange: not implemented");
-    }
-    // UITextInputTokenizer methods
-    var punctuation = "!\"#%&',-/:;<=>@`~\\^\\$\\\\\\.\\*\\+\\?\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}\\|";
-    var letterRE = new RegExp("[^\\s"+punctuation+"]");
-    var wordAtStartRE = new RegExp("^[^\\s"+punctuation+"]+");
-    var nonWordAtStartRE = new RegExp("^[\\s"+punctuation+"]+");
-    var wordAtEndRE = new RegExp("[^\\s"+punctuation+"]+$");
-    var nonWordAtEndRE = new RegExp("[\\s"+punctuation+"]+$");
-    function isForward(direction)
-    {
-        return ((direction == "forward") ||
-                (direction == "right") ||
-                (direction == "down"));
-    }
-    Input_isAtWordBoundary = function(pos,direction)
-    {
-        if (pos.node.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE)
-            return false;
-        var paragraph = Text_analyseParagraph(pos);
-        if (paragraph == null)
-            return false;
-        var offset = Paragraph_offsetAtPosition(paragraph,pos);
-        var before = paragraph.text.substring(0,offset);
-        var after = paragraph.text.substring(offset);
-        var text = paragraph.text;
-        var afterMatch = (offset < text.length) && (text.charAt(offset).match(letterRE));
-        var beforeMatch = (offset > 0) && (text.charAt(offset-1).match(letterRE));
-        // coerce to boolean
-        afterMatch = !!afterMatch;
-        beforeMatch = !!beforeMatch;
-        if (isForward(direction))
-            return beforeMatch && !afterMatch;
-        else
-            return !beforeMatch;
-    }
-    Input_isAtParagraphBoundary = function(pos,direction)
-    {
-    }
-    Input_isPositionAtBoundaryGranularityInDirection = function(posId,granularity,direction)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_isPositionAtBoundaryGranularityInDirection("+
-        //       posId+","+granularity+","+direction+")");
-        var pos = getPosition(posId);
-        if (pos == null)
-            return false;
-        // FIXME: Temporary hack to avoid exceptions when running under iOS 8
-        if ((granularity == "sentence") || (granularity == "document"))
-            return false;
-        if (granularity == "character") {
-            return true;
-        }
-        else if (granularity == "word") {
-            return Input_isAtWordBoundary(pos,direction);
-        }
-        else if ((granularity == "paragraph") || (granularity == "line")) {
-            if (isForward(direction))
-                return Position_equal(pos,Text_toEndOfBoundary(pos,granularity));
-            else
-                return Position_equal(pos,Text_toStartOfBoundary(pos,granularity));
-        }
-        else if (granularity == "sentence") {
-        }
-        else if (granularity == "document") {
-        }
-        throw new Error("unsupported granularity: "+granularity);
-    }
-    Input_isPositionWithinTextUnitInDirection = function(posId,granularity,direction)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_isPositionWithinTextUnitInDirection("+
-        //       posId+","+granularity+","+direction+")");
-        var pos = getPosition(posId);
-        if (pos == null)
-            return false;
-        // FIXME: Temporary hack to avoid exceptions when running under iOS 8
-        if ((granularity == "sentence") || (granularity == "document"))
-            return true;
-        if (granularity == "character") {
-            return true;
-        }
-        else if (granularity == "word") {
-            pos = Text_closestPosInDirection(pos,direction);
-            if (pos == null)
-                return false;
-            var paragraph = Text_analyseParagraph(pos);
-            if (paragraph == null)
-                return false;
-            if ((pos != null) && (pos.node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)) {
-                var offset = Paragraph_offsetAtPosition(paragraph,pos);
-                var text = paragraph.text;
-                if (isForward(direction))
-                    return !!((offset < text.length) && (text.charAt(offset).match(letterRE)));
-                else
-                    return !!((offset > 0) && (text.charAt(offset-1).match(letterRE)));
-            }
-            else {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-        else if (granularity == "sentence") {
-        }
-        else if ((granularity == "paragraph") || (granularity == "line")) {
-            var start = Text_toStartOfBoundary(pos,granularity);
-            var end = Text_toEndOfBoundary(pos,granularity);
-            start = start ? start : pos;
-            end = end ? end : pos;
-            if (isForward(direction)) {
-                return ((Position_compare(start,pos) <= 0) &&
-                        (Position_compare(pos,end) < 0));
-            }
-            else {
-                return ((Position_compare(start,pos) < 0) &&
-                        (Position_compare(pos,end) <= 0));
-            }
-        }
-        else if (granularity == "document") {
-        }
-        throw new Error("unsupported granularity: "+granularity);
-    }
-    Input_toWordBoundary = function(pos,direction)
-    {
-        pos = Text_closestPosInDirection(pos,direction);
-        if (pos == null)
-            return null;
-        var paragraph = Text_analyseParagraph(pos);
-        if (paragraph == null)
-            return null;
-        var run = Paragraph_runFromNode(paragraph,pos.node);
-        var offset = pos.offset + run.start;
-        if (isForward(direction)) {
-            var remaining = paragraph.text.substring(offset);
-            var afterWord = remaining.replace(wordAtStartRE,"");
-            var afterNonWord = remaining.replace(nonWordAtStartRE,"");
-            if (remaining.length == 0) {
-                return pos;
-            }
-            else if (afterWord.length < remaining.length) {
-                var newOffset = offset + (remaining.length - afterWord.length);
-                return Paragraph_positionAtOffset(paragraph,newOffset);
-            }
-            else {
-                var newOffset = offset + (remaining.length - afterNonWord.length);
-                return Paragraph_positionAtOffset(paragraph,newOffset);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            var remaining = paragraph.text.substring(0,offset);
-            var beforeWord = remaining.replace(wordAtEndRE,"");
-            var beforeNonWord = remaining.replace(nonWordAtEndRE,"");
-            if (remaining.length == 0) {
-                return pos;
-            }
-            else if (beforeWord.length < remaining.length) {
-                var newOffset = offset - (remaining.length - beforeWord.length);
-                return Paragraph_positionAtOffset(paragraph,newOffset);
-            }
-            else {
-                var newOffset = offset - (remaining.length - beforeNonWord.length);
-                return Paragraph_positionAtOffset(paragraph,newOffset);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    Input_toParagraphBoundary = function(pos,direction)
-    {
-        if (isForward(direction)) {
-            var end = Text_toEndOfBoundary(pos,"paragraph");
-            if (Position_equal(pos,end)) {
-                end = Position_nextMatch(end,Position_okForMovement);
-                end = Text_toEndOfBoundary(end,"paragraph");
-                end = Text_toStartOfBoundary(end,"paragraph");
-            }
-            return end ? end : pos;
-        }
-        else {
-            var start = Text_toStartOfBoundary(pos,"paragraph");
-            if (Position_equal(pos,start)) {
-                start = Position_prevMatch(start,Position_okForMovement);
-                start = Text_toStartOfBoundary(start,"paragraph");
-                start = Text_toEndOfBoundary(start,"paragraph");
-            }
-            return start ? start : pos;
-        }
-    }
-    Input_toLineBoundary = function(pos,direction)
-    {
-        if (isForward(direction)) {
-            var end = Text_toEndOfBoundary(pos,"line");
-            return end ? end : pos;
-        }
-        else {
-            var start = Text_toStartOfBoundary(pos,"line");
-            return start ? start : pos;
-        }
-    }
-    Input_positionFromPositionToBoundaryInDirection = function(posId,granularity,direction)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_positionFromPositionToBoundaryInDirection("+
-        //       posId+","+granularity+","+direction+")");
-        var pos = getPosition(posId);
-        if (pos == null)
-            return null;
-        // FIXME: Temporary hack to avoid exceptions when running under iOS 8
-        if (granularity == "sentence")
-            granularity = "paragraph";
-        if (granularity == "word")
-            return addPosition(Input_toWordBoundary(pos,direction));
-        else if (granularity == "paragraph")
-            return addPosition(Input_toParagraphBoundary(pos,direction));
-        else if (granularity == "line")
-            return addPosition(Input_toLineBoundary(pos,direction));
-        else if (granularity == "character")
-            return Input_positionFromPositionInDirectionOffset(posId,direction,1);
-        else if (granularity == "document")
-            return isForward(direction) ? BaseIdDocumentEnd : BaseIdDocumentStart;
-        else
-            throw new Error("unsupported granularity: "+granularity);
-    }
-    Input_rangeEnclosingPositionWithGranularityInDirection = function(posId,granularity,direction)
-    {
-        //idebug("Input_rangeEnclosingPositionWithGranularityInDirection("+
-        //       posId+","+granularity+","+direction);
-        var pos = getPosition(posId);
-        if (pos == null)
-            return null;
-        // FIXME: Temporary hack to avoid exceptions when running under iOS 8
-        if (granularity == "sentence")
-            granularity = "paragraph";
-        if (granularity == "word") {
-            pos = Text_closestPosInDirection(pos,direction);
-            if (pos == null)
-                return null;
-            var paragraph = Text_analyseParagraph(pos);
-            if (pos == null)
-                return addPosition(null);
-            if (paragraph == null)
-                return addPosition(null);
-            var run = Paragraph_runFromNode(paragraph,pos.node);
-            var offset = pos.offset + run.start;
-            var before = paragraph.text.substring(0,offset);
-            var after = paragraph.text.substring(offset);
-            var beforeWord = before.replace(wordAtEndRE,"");
-            var afterWord = after.replace(wordAtStartRE,"");
-            var ok;
-            if (isForward(direction))
-                ok = (afterWord.length < after.length);
-            else
-                ok = (beforeWord.length < before.length);
-            if (ok) {
-                var charsBefore = (before.length - beforeWord.length);
-                var charsAfter = (after.length - afterWord.length);
-                var startOffset = offset - charsBefore;
-                var endOffset = offset + charsAfter;
-                var startPos = Paragraph_positionAtOffset(paragraph,startOffset);
-                var endPos = Paragraph_positionAtOffset(paragraph,endOffset);
-                return { startId: addPosition(startPos),
-                         endId: addPosition(endPos) };
-            }
-            else {
-                return null;
-            }
-        }
-        else if ((granularity == "paragraph") || (granularity == "line")) {
-            var start = Text_toStartOfBoundary(pos,granularity);
-            var end = Text_toEndOfBoundary(pos,granularity);
-            start = start ? start : pos;
-            end = end ? end : pos;
-            if ((granularity == "paragraph") || !isForward(direction)) {
-                if (isForward(direction)) {
-                    if (Position_equal(pos,Text_toEndOfBoundary(pos,granularity)))
-                        return null;
-                }
-                else {
-                    if (Position_equal(pos,Text_toStartOfBoundary(pos,granularity)))
-                        return null;
-                }
-            }
-            return { startId: addPosition(start),
-                     endId: addPosition(end) };
-        }
-        else {
-            throw new Error("unsupported granularity: "+granularity);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/Editor/src/Lists.js b/Editor/src/Lists.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a3a9772..0000000
--- a/Editor/src/Lists.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-var Lists_increaseIndent;
-var Lists_decreaseIndent;
-var Lists_clearList;
-var Lists_setUnorderedList;
-var Lists_setOrderedList;
-(function() {
-    // private
-    function findLIElements(range)
-    {
-        var listItems = new Array();
-        var node = range.start.node;
-        while (node != null) {
-            addListItems(listItems,node);
-            if (node == range.end.node)
-                break;
-            node = nextNode(node);
-        }
-        return listItems;
-        function addListItems(array,node)
-        {
-            if (node == null)
-                return;
-            if (node._type == HTML_LI) {
-                if (!arrayContains(array,node))
-                    array.push(node);
-                return;
-            }
-            if (!isWhitespaceTextNode(node))
-                addListItems(array,node.parentNode);
-        }
-    }
-    // public
-    Lists_increaseIndent = function()
-    {
-        Selection_preferElementPositions();
-        Selection_preserveWhileExecuting(function() {
-            var range = Selection_get();
-            if (range == null)
-                return null;
-            // Determine the set of LI nodes that are part of the selection
-            // Note that these could be spread out all over the place, e.g. in different lists,
-            // some in table cells etc
-            var listItems = findLIElements(range);
-            // For each LI node that is not the first in the list, move it to the child list of
-            // its previous sibling (creating the child list if necessary)
-            for (var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++) {
-                var li = listItems[i];
-                var prevLi = li.previousSibling;
-                while ((prevLi != null) && (prevLi._type != HTML_LI))
-                    prevLi = prevLi.previousSibling;
-                // We can only increase the indentation of the current list item C if there is
-                // another list item P immediately preceding C. In this case, C becomes a child of
-                // another list L, where L is inside P. L may already exist, or we may need to
-                // create it.
-                if (prevLi != null) {
-                    var prevList = lastDescendentList(prevLi);
-                    var childList = firstDescendentList(li);
-                    var childListContainer = null;
-                    if (childList != null) {
-                        // childList may be contained inside one or more wrapper elements, in which
-                        // case we set childListContainer to point to the wrapper element that is a
-                        // child of li. Otherwise childListContainer will just be childList.
-                        childListContainer = childList;
-                        while (childListContainer.parentNode != li)
-                            childListContainer = childListContainer.parentNode;
-                    }
-                    if (prevList != null) {
-                        DOM_appendChild(prevList,li);
-                        if (childList != null) {
-                            while (childList.firstChild != null)
-                                DOM_appendChild(prevList,childList.firstChild);
-                            DOM_deleteNode(childListContainer);
-                            // alert("Case 1: prevList and childList");
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            // alert("Case 2: prevList and no childList");
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        var newList;
-                        if (childList != null) {
-                            // alert("Case 3: no prevList but childList");
-                            newList = childList;
-                            DOM_appendChild(prevLi,childListContainer);
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            // alert("Case 4: no prevList and no childList");
-                            if (li.parentNode._type == HTML_UL)
-                                newList = DOM_createElement(document,"UL");
-                            else
-                                newList = DOM_createElement(document,"OL");
-                            DOM_appendChild(prevLi,newList);
-                        }
-                        DOM_insertBefore(newList,li,newList.firstChild);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        function firstDescendentList(node)
-        {
-            while (true) {
-                var node = firstChildElement(node);
-                if (node == null)
-                    return null;
-                switch (node._type) {
-                case HTML_UL:
-                case HTML_OL:
-                    return node;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        function lastDescendentList(node)
-        {
-            while (true) {
-                var node = lastChildElement(node);
-                if (node == null)
-                    return null;
-                switch (node._type) {
-                case HTML_UL:
-                case HTML_OL:
-                    return node;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // public
-    Lists_decreaseIndent = function()
-    {
-        Selection_preferElementPositions();
-        Selection_preserveWhileExecuting(function() {
-            var range = Selection_get();
-            if (range == null)
-                return null;
-            // Determine the set of LI nodes that are part of the selection
-            // Note that these could be spread out all over the place, e.g. in different lists,
-            // some in table cells etc
-            var listItems = findLIElements(range);
-            // Remove from consideration any list items that have an ancestor that is going to
-            // be moved
-            var i = 0;
-            var changed;
-            while (i < listItems.length) {
-                var node = listItems[i];
-                var ancestorToBeRemoved = false;
-                for (var ancestor = node.parentNode;
-                     ancestor != null;
-                     ancestor = ancestor.parentNode) {
-                    if (arrayContains(listItems,ancestor))
-                        ancestorToBeRemoved = true;
-                }
-                if (ancestorToBeRemoved)
-                    listItems.splice(i,1);
-                else
-                    i++;
-            }
-            function haveContentAfter(node)
-            {
-                for (node = node.nextSibling; node != null; node = node.nextSibling) {
-                    if (nodeHasContent(node))
-                        return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            }
-            // For LI nodes that are in a top-level list, change them to regular paragraphs
-            // For LI nodes that are part of a nested list, move them to the parent (this requires
-            // splitting the child list in two)
-            for (var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++) {
-                var liNode = listItems[i];
-                var listNode = liNode.parentNode;
-                var containerChild = findContainerChild(listNode);
-                if (haveContentAfter(liNode)) {
-                    var secondHalf;
-                    if (listNode._type == HTML_UL)
-                        secondHalf = DOM_createElement(document,"UL");
-                    else
-                        secondHalf = DOM_createElement(document,"OL");
-                    DOM_appendChild(liNode,secondHalf);
-                    var following = liNode.nextSibling;
-                    while (following != null) {
-                        var next = following.nextSibling;
-                        DOM_appendChild(secondHalf,following);
-                        following = next;
-                    }
-                }
-                DOM_insertBefore(containerChild.parentNode,liNode,containerChild.nextSibling);
-                if (!isListNode(liNode.parentNode)) {
-                    Hierarchy_avoidInlineChildren(liNode);
-                    DOM_removeNodeButKeepChildren(liNode);
-                }
-                if (!nodeHasContent(listNode))
-                    DOM_deleteNode(listNode);
-            }
-        });
-        function findContainerChild(node)
-        {
-            while (node.parentNode != null) {
-                if (isContainerNode(node.parentNode) && (node.parentNode._type != HTML_LI))
-                    return node;
-                node = node.parentNode;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // private
-    function getListOperationNodes(range)
-    {
-        var detail = Range_detail(range);
-        var dca = detail.commonAncestor;
-        var ds = detail.startAncestor;
-        var de = detail.endAncestor;
-        while (isInlineNode(dca)) {
-            ds = dca;
-            de = dca;
-            dca = dca.parentNode;
-        }
-        var nodes = new Array();
-        var nodeSet = new NodeSet();
-        if (dca._type == HTML_LI)
-            return [dca];
-        // If, after moving up the tree until dca is a container node, a single node is selected,
-        // check if it is wholly contained within a single list item. If so, select just that
-        // list item.
-        var isStartLI = ((ds != null) && (ds._type == HTML_LI));
-        var isEndLI = ((de != null) && (de._type == HTML_LI));
-        if (!isStartLI && !isEndLI) {
-            for (var ancestor = dca; ancestor.parentNode != null; ancestor = ancestor.parentNode) {
-                if (ancestor.parentNode._type == HTML_LI) {
-                    var firstElement = true;
-                    for (var p = ancestor.previousSibling; p != null; p = p.previousSibling) {
-                        if (p.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                            firstElement = false;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (firstElement)
-                        return [ancestor.parentNode];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        var end = (de == null) ? null : de.nextSibling;
-        for (var child = ds; child != end; child = child.nextSibling) {
-            switch (child._type) {
-            case HTML_UL:
-            case HTML_OL:
-                for (var gc = child.firstChild; gc != null; gc = gc.nextSibling) {
-                    if (!isWhitespaceTextNode(gc))
-                        addNode(gc);
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                if ((child._type == HTML_DIV) &&
-                     child.getAttribute("class") == Keys.SELECTION_HIGHLIGHT) {
-                    // skip
-                }
-                else if (!isWhitespaceTextNode(child)) {
-                    addNode(child);
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if ((nodes.length == 0) && isParagraphNode(dca))
-            nodes.push(dca);
-        return nodes;
-        function addNode(node)
-        {
-            while (isInlineNode(node) && node.parentNode != document.body)
-                node = node.parentNode;
-            if (!nodeSet.contains(node)) {
-                nodeSet.add(node);
-                nodes.push(node);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // public
-    Lists_clearList = function()
-    {
-        Selection_preferElementPositions();
-        Selection_preserveWhileExecuting(function() {
-            var range = Selection_get();
-            if (range == null)
-                return;
-            Range_ensureInlineNodesInParagraph(range);
-            var nodes = getListOperationNodes(range);
-            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
-                var node = nodes[i];
-                if (node._type == HTML_LI) {
-                    var li = node;
-                    var list = li.parentNode;
-                    var insertionPoint = null;
-                    DOM_removeAdjacentWhitespace(li);
-                    if (li.previousSibling == null) {
-                        insertionPoint = list;
-                    }
-                    else if (li.nextSibling == null) {
-                        insertionPoint = list.nextSibling;
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        var secondList = DOM_shallowCopyElement(list);
-                        DOM_insertBefore(list.parentNode,secondList,list.nextSibling);
-                        while (li.nextSibling != null) {
-                            DOM_appendChild(secondList,li.nextSibling);
-                            DOM_removeAdjacentWhitespace(li);
-                        }
-                        insertionPoint = secondList;
-                    }
-                    var parent = null;
-                    var child = li.firstChild;
-                    while (child != null) {
-                        var next = child.nextSibling;
-                        if (isInlineNode(child) && !isWhitespaceTextNode(child)) {
-                            child = Hierarchy_wrapInlineNodesInParagraph(child);
-                            next = child.nextSibling;
-                        }
-                        child = next;
-                    }
-                    DOM_insertBefore(list.parentNode,li,insertionPoint);
-                    DOM_removeNodeButKeepChildren(li);
-                    if (list.firstChild == null)
-                        DOM_deleteNode(list);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        var range = Selection_get();
-        if (range == null)
-            return;
-        if (Range_isEmpty(range) &&
-            (range.start.node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) &&
-            (isContainerNode(range.start.node))) {
-            var p = DOM_createElement(document,"P");
-            var next = range.start.node.childNodes[range.start.offset+1];
-            DOM_insertBefore(range.start.node,p,next);
-            Cursor_updateBRAtEndOfParagraph(p);
-            Selection_set(p,0,p,0);
-        }
-    }
-    // private
-    function setList(type)
-    {
-        var range = Selection_get();
-        if (range == null)
-            return;
-        var nodes = getListOperationNodes(range);
-        if (nodes.length == 0) {
-            var text;
-            if (range.start.node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
-                text = range.start.node;
-            }
-            else if (range.start.node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                text = DOM_createTextNode(document,"");
-                DOM_insertBefore(range.start.node,
-                                 text,
-                                 range.start.node[range.start.offset+1]);
-            }
-            nodes = [text];
-            var offset = DOM_nodeOffset(text);
-            Selection_set(text,0,text,0);
-            range = Selection_get();
-        }
-        Range_trackWhileExecuting(range,function () {
-            // Set list to UL or OL
-            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
-                var node = nodes[i];
-                var next;
-                var prev;
-                var li = null;
-                var oldList = null;
-                var listInsertionPoint;
-                if ((node._type == HTML_LI) && (node.parentNode._type == type)) {
-                    // Already in the correct type of list; don't need to do anything
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (node._type == HTML_LI) {
-                    li = node;
-                    var list = li.parentNode;
-                    DOM_removeAdjacentWhitespace(list);
-                    prev = list.previousSibling;
-                    next = list.nextSibling;
-                    DOM_removeAdjacentWhitespace(li);
-                    if (li.previousSibling == null) {
-                        listInsertionPoint = list;
-                        next = null;
-                    }
-                    else if (li.nextSibling == null) {
-                        listInsertionPoint = list.nextSibling;
-                        prev = null;
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        var secondList = DOM_shallowCopyElement(list);
-                        DOM_insertBefore(list.parentNode,secondList,list.nextSibling);
-                        while (li.nextSibling != null) {
-                            DOM_insertBefore(secondList,li.nextSibling,null);
-                            DOM_removeAdjacentWhitespace(li);
-                        }
-                        listInsertionPoint = secondList;
-                        prev = null;
-                        next = null;
-                    }
-                    node = list;
-                    oldList = list;
-                }
-                else {
-                    DOM_removeAdjacentWhitespace(node);
-                    prev = node.previousSibling;
-                    next = node.nextSibling;
-                    listInsertionPoint = node;
-                }
-                var list;
-                var itemInsertionPoint;
-                if ((prev != null) && (prev._type == type)) {
-                    list = prev;
-                    itemInsertionPoint = null;
-                }
-                else if ((next != null) && (next._type == type)) {
-                    list = next;
-                    itemInsertionPoint = list.firstChild;
-                }
-                else {
-                    if (type == HTML_UL)
-                        list = DOM_createElement(document,"UL");
-                    else
-                        list = DOM_createElement(document,"OL");
-                    DOM_insertBefore(node.parentNode,list,listInsertionPoint);
-                    itemInsertionPoint = null;
-                }
-                if (li != null) {
-                    DOM_insertBefore(list,li,itemInsertionPoint);
-                }
-                else {
-                    var li = DOM_createElement(document,"LI");
-                    DOM_insertBefore(list,li,itemInsertionPoint);
-                    DOM_insertBefore(li,node,null);
-                }
-                if ((oldList != null) && (oldList.firstChild == null))
-                    DOM_deleteNode(oldList);
-                // Merge with adjacent list
-                DOM_removeAdjacentWhitespace(list);
-                if ((list.nextSibling != null) && (list.nextSibling._type == type)) {
-                    var followingList = list.nextSibling;
-                    while (followingList.firstChild != null) {
-                        if (isWhitespaceTextNode(followingList.firstChild))
-                            DOM_deleteNode(followingList.firstChild);
-                        else
-                            DOM_insertBefore(list,followingList.firstChild,null);
-                    }
-                    DOM_deleteNode(followingList);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        Range_ensureValidHierarchy(range);
-        Selection_set(range.start.node,range.start.offset,range.end.node,range.end.offset);
-    }
-    // public
-    Lists_setUnorderedList = function()
-    {
-        setList(HTML_UL);
-    }
-    // public
-    Lists_setOrderedList = function()
-    {
-        setList(HTML_OL);
-    }
diff --git a/Editor/src/Main.js b/Editor/src/Main.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f123423..0000000
--- a/Editor/src/Main.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-var Main_getLanguage;
-var Main_setLanguage;
-var Main_setGenerator;
-var Main_isEmptyDocument;
-var Main_prepareForSave;
-var Main_getHTML;
-var Main_getErrorReportingInfo;
-var Main_removeUnsupportedInput;
-var Main_removeSpecial;
-var Main_execute;
-var Main_init;
-var Main_clientRectsBug;
-(function() {
-    // public
-    Main_getLanguage = function()
-    {
-        var lang = document.documentElement.getAttribute("lang");
-        if (lang != null)
-            lang = lang.replace(/-/g,"_");
-        return lang;
-    }
-    // public
-    Main_setLanguage = function(lang)
-    {
-        if ((lang == null) || (lang == "")) {
-            DOM_removeAttribute(document.documentElement,"lang");
-        }
-        else {
-            lang = lang.replace(/_/g,"-");
-            DOM_setAttribute(document.documentElement,"lang",lang);
-        }
-    }
-    // public
-    Main_removeUnsupportedInput = function()
-    {
-        recurse(document.documentElement);
-        function recurse(node)
-        {
-            // Delete comments and processing instructions
-            if ((node.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) &&
-                (node.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) {
-                DOM_deleteNode(node);
-            }
-            else {
-                var next;
-                for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = next) {
-                    next = child.nextSibling;
-                    recurse(child);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // private
-    function addMetaCharset()
-    {
-        var head = DOM_documentHead(document);
-        var next;
-        for (var child = head.firstChild; child != null; child = next) {
-            next = child.nextSibling;
-            if ((child._type == HTML_META) && (child.hasAttribute("charset"))) {
-                DOM_deleteNode(child);
-            }
-            else if ((child._type == HTML_META) && child.hasAttribute("http-equiv") &&
-                     (child.getAttribute("http-equiv").toLowerCase() == "content-type")) {
-                DOM_deleteNode(child);
-            }
-        }
-        var meta = DOM_createElement(document,"META");
-        DOM_setAttribute(meta,"charset","utf-8");
-        DOM_insertBefore(head,meta,head.firstChild);
-    }
-    // public
-    Main_setGenerator = function(generator)
-    {
-        return UndoManager_disableWhileExecuting(function() {
-            var head = DOM_documentHead(document);
-            for (var child = head.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
-                if ((child._type == HTML_META) &&
-                    child.hasAttribute("name") &&
-                    (child.getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() == "generator")) {
-                    var origGenerator = DOM_getAttribute(child,"content");
-                    DOM_setAttribute(child,"content",generator);
-                    if (origGenerator == null)
-                        return "";
-                    else
-                        return origGenerator;
-                }
-            }
-            var meta = DOM_createElement(document,"META");
-            DOM_setAttribute(meta,"name","generator");
-            DOM_setAttribute(meta,"content",generator);
-            DOM_insertBefore(head,meta,head.firstChild);
-            return "";
-        });
-    }
-    // public
-    Main_isEmptyDocument = function()
-    {
-        return !nodeHasContent(document.body);
-    }
-    // public
-    Main_prepareForSave = function()
-    {
-        // Force any end-of-group actions to be performed
-        UndoManager_newGroup();
-        return true;
-    }
-    // public
-    Main_getHTML = function()
-    {
-        return document.documentElement.outerHTML;
-    }
-    // public
-    Main_getErrorReportingInfo = function()
-    {
-        if (document.documentElement == null)
-            return "(document.documentElement is null)";
-        try {
-            var html = htmlWithSelection();
-            cleanse(html);
-            return html.outerHTML;
-        }
-        catch (e) {
-            try {
-                var html = DOM_cloneNode(document.documentElement,true);
-                cleanse(html);
-                return html.outerHTML+"\n[Error getting selection: "+e+"]";
-            }
-            catch (e2) {
-                return "[Error getting HTML: "+e2+"]";
-            }
-        }
-        function cleanse(node)
-        {
-            switch (node._type) {
-            case HTML_TEXT:
-            case HTML_COMMENT:
-                DOM_setNodeValue(node,cleanseString(node.nodeValue));
-                break;
-            case HTML_STYLE:
-            case HTML_SCRIPT:
-                return;
-            default:
-                if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                    cleanseAttribute(node,"original");
-                    if (node.hasAttribute("href") && !node.getAttribute("href").match(/^#/))
-                        cleanseAttribute(node,"href");
-                    for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling)
-                        cleanse(child);
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        function cleanseAttribute(node,name)
-        {
-            if (node.hasAttribute(name)) {
-                var value = node.getAttribute(name);
-                value = cleanseString(value);
-                DOM_setAttribute(node,name,value);
-            }
-        }
-        function cleanseString(str)
-        {
-            return str.replace(/[^\s\.\@\^]/g,"X");
-        }
-        function htmlWithSelection()
-        {
-            var selectionRange = Selection_get();
-            if (selectionRange != null) {
-                selectionRange = Range_forwards(selectionRange);
-                var startSave = new Object();
-                var endSave = new Object();
-                var html = null;
-                Range_trackWhileExecuting(selectionRange,function() {
-                    // We use the strings @@^^ and ^^@@ to represent the selection
-                    // start and end, respectively. The reason for this is that after we have
-                    // cloned the tree, all text will be removed. We keeping the @ and ^
-                    // characters so we have some way to identifiy the selection markers;
-                    // leaving these in is not going to reveal any confidential information.
-                    addPositionMarker(selectionRange.end,"^^@@",endSave);
-                    addPositionMarker(selectionRange.start,"@@^^",startSave);
-                    html = DOM_cloneNode(document.documentElement,true);
-                    removePositionMarker(selectionRange.start,startSave);
-                    removePositionMarker(selectionRange.end,endSave);
-                });
-                return html;
-            }
-            else {
-                return DOM_cloneNode(document.documentElement,true);
-            }
-        }
-        function addPositionMarker(pos,name,save)
-        {
-            var node = pos.node;
-            var offset = pos.offset;
-            if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                save.tempNode = DOM_createTextNode(document,name);
-                DOM_insertBefore(node,save.tempNode,node.childNodes[offset]);
-            }
-            else if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
-                save.originalNodeValue = node.nodeValue;
-                node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.slice(0,offset) + name + node.nodeValue.slice(offset);
-            }
-        }
-        function removePositionMarker(pos,save)
-        {
-            var node = pos.node;
-            var offset = pos.offset;
-            if (pos.node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                DOM_deleteNode(save.tempNode);
-            }
-            else if (pos.node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
-                node.nodeValue = save.originalNodeValue;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // public
-    Main_removeSpecial = function(node)
-    {
-        // We process the children first, so that if there are any nested removable elements (e.g.
-        // a selection span inside of an autocorrect span), all levels of nesting are taken care of
-        var next;
-        for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = next) {
-            next = child.nextSibling;
-            Main_removeSpecial(child);
-        }
-        var cssClass = null;
-        if ((node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && node.hasAttribute("class"))
-            cssClass = node.getAttribute("class");
-        if ((cssClass == Keys.HEADING_NUMBER) ||
-            (cssClass == Keys.FIGURE_NUMBER) ||
-            (cssClass == Keys.TABLE_NUMBER) ||
-            (cssClass == Keys.AUTOCORRECT_CLASS) ||
-            (cssClass == Keys.SELECTION_CLASS) ||
-            (cssClass == Keys.SELECTION_HIGHLIGHT)) {
-            DOM_removeNodeButKeepChildren(node);
-        }
-        else if ((node._type == HTML_META) &&
-                 node.hasAttribute("name") &&
-                 (node.getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() == "viewport")) {
-            DOM_deleteNode(node);
-        }
-        else if (node._type == HTML_LINK) {
-            if ((node.getAttribute("rel") == "stylesheet") &&
-                (node.getAttribute("href") == Styles_getBuiltinCSSURL())) {
-                DOM_deleteNode(node);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    function simplifyStackString(e)
-    {
-        if (e.stack == null)
-            return "";
-        var lines = e.stack.toString().split(/\n/);
-        for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
-            var nameMatch = lines[i].match(/^(.*)@/);
-            var name = (nameMatch != null) ? nameMatch[1] : "(anonymous function)";
-            var locMatch = lines[i].match(/:([0-9]+:[0-9]+)$/);
-            var loc = (locMatch != null) ? locMatch[1] : "?";
-            lines[i] = "stack["+(lines.length-i-1)+"] = "+name+"@"+loc;
-        }
-        return lines.join("\n");
-    }
-    // public
-    Main_execute = function(fun)
-    {
-        try {
-            var res = fun();
-            PostponedActions_perform();
-            return res;
-        }
-        catch (e) {
-            var message = (e.message != null) ? e.message : e.toString();
-            var stack = simplifyStackString(e);
-            Editor_error(message+"\n"+stack);
-        }
-    }
-    function fixEmptyBody()
-    {
-        for (var child = document.body.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
-            if (nodeHasContent(child))
-                return;
-        }
-        for (var child = document.body.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
-            if (child._type == HTML_P) {
-                Cursor_updateBRAtEndOfParagraph(child);
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        var p = DOM_createElement(document,"P");
-        var br = DOM_createElement(document,"BR");
-        DOM_appendChild(p,br);
-        DOM_appendChild(document.body,p);
-    }
-    // public
-    Main_init = function(width,textScale,cssURL,clientRectsBug)
-    {
-        try {
-            Main_clientRectsBug = clientRectsBug;
-            if (document.documentElement == null)
-                throw new Error("document.documentElement is null");
-            if (document.body == null)
-                throw new Error("document.body is null");
-            var timing = new TimingInfo();
-            timing.start();
-            DOM_assignNodeIds(document);
-            timing.addEntry("DOM_assignNodeIds");
-            Main_removeUnsupportedInput();
-            timing.addEntry("Main_removeUnsupportedInput");
-            addMetaCharset();
-            timing.addEntry("addMetaCharset");
-            fixEmptyBody();
-            timing.addEntry("fixEmptyBody");
-            Outline_init();
-            timing.addEntry("Outline_init");
-            Styles_init(cssURL);
-            timing.addEntry("Styles_init");
-            Viewport_init(width,textScale);
-            timing.addEntry("Viewport_init");
-            AutoCorrect_init();
-            timing.addEntry("AutoCorrect_init");
-            PostponedActions_perform();
-            timing.addEntry("PostponedActions_perform");
-            Cursor_moveToStartOfDocument();
-            timing.addEntry("Cursor_moveToStartOfDocument");
-            UndoManager_clear();
-            timing.addEntry("UndoManager_clear");
-//            timing.print();
-            return true;
-        }
-        catch (e) {
-            return e.toString();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/Editor/src/Metadata.js b/Editor/src/Metadata.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fce4cca..0000000
--- a/Editor/src/Metadata.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-var Metadata_getMetadata;
-var Metadata_setMetadata;
-(function() {
-    Metadata_getMetadata = function()
-    {
-        return {};
-    }
-    Metadata_setMetadata = function(metadata)
-    {
-    }
diff --git a/Editor/src/NodeSet.js b/Editor/src/NodeSet.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b7600..0000000
--- a/Editor/src/NodeSet.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-function NodeSet()
-    this.members = new Object();
-NodeSet.prototype.add = function(node)
-    if (node._nodeId == null)
-        throw new Error("NodeSet.add: node "+node.nodeName+" has no _nodeId property");
-    this.members[node._nodeId] = node;
-NodeSet.prototype.remove = function(node)
-    if (node._nodeId == null)
-        throw new Error("NodeSet.remove: node "+node.nodeName+" has no _nodeId property");
-    delete this.members[node._nodeId];
-NodeSet.prototype.contains = function(node)
-    if (node._nodeId == null)
-        throw new Error("NodeSet.contains: node "+node.nodeName+" has no _nodeId property");
-    return (this.members[node._nodeId] != null);
-NodeSet.prototype.toArray = function()
-    var result = new Array();
-    for (var id in this.members)
-        result.push(members[id]);
-    return result;
-NodeSet.prototype.forEach = function(fun)
-    var ids = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.members);
-    var set = this;
-    ids.forEach(function(id) { fun(set.members[id]); });
-NodeSet.prototype.ancestor = function()
-    var result = new NodeSet();
-    this.forEach(function (node) {
-        for (var p = node.parentNode; p != null; p = p.parentNode)
-            result.add(p);
-    });
-    return result;
-NodeSet.prototype.ancestorOrSelf = function()
-    var result = new NodeSet();
-    this.forEach(function (node) {
-        for (var p = node; p != null; p = p.parentNode)
-            result.add(p);
-    });
-    return result;
-NodeSet.prototype.descendant = function()
-    var result = new NodeSet();
-    this.forEach(function (node) {
-        recurse(node);
-    });
-    return result;
-    function recurse(node)
-    {
-        for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
-            result.add(child);
-            recurse(child);
-        }
-    }
-NodeSet.prototype.descendantOrSelf = function()
-    var result = new NodeSet();
-    this.forEach(function (node) {
-        recurse(node);
-    });
-    return result;
-    function recurse(node)
-    {
-        result.add(node);
-        for (var child = node.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling)
-            recurse(child);
-    }
-NodeSet.prototype.union = function(other)
-    var result = new NodeSet();
-    this.forEach(function (node) { result.add(node); });
-    other.forEach(function (node) { result.add(node); });
-    return result;
-NodeSet.prototype.intersection = function(other)
-    var result = new NodeSet();
-    this.forEach(function (node) { if (other.contains(node)) { result.add(node); } });
-    return result;
-NodeSet.fromArray = function(array)
-    var set = new NodeSet();
-    array.forEach(function(node) { set.add(node); });
-    return set;
-function NodeMap()
-    this.keys = new Object();
-    this.values = new Object();
-NodeMap.prototype.clear = function()
-    this.keys = new Object();
-    this.values = new Object();
-NodeMap.prototype.get = function(key)
-    if (key._nodeId == null)
-        throw new Error("NodeMap.get: key "+key.keyName+" has no _nodeId property");
-    return this.values[key._nodeId];
-NodeMap.prototype.put = function(key,value)
-    if (key._nodeId == null)
-        throw new Error("NodeMap.add: key "+key.keyName+" has no _nodeId property");
-    this.keys[key._nodeId] = key;
-    this.values[key._nodeId] = value;
-NodeMap.prototype.remove = function(key)
-    if (key._nodeId == null)
-        throw new Error("NodeMap.remove: key "+key.keyName+" has no _nodeId property");
-    delete this.keys[key._nodeId];
-    delete this.values[key._nodeId];
-NodeMap.prototype.containsKey = function(key)
-    if (key._nodeId == null)
-        throw new Error("NodeMap.contains: key "+key.keyName+" has no _nodeId property");
-    return (this.values[key._nodeId] != null);
-NodeMap.prototype.getKeys = function()
-    var ids = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.values);
-    var result = new Array(ids.length);
-    for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
-        result[i] = this.keys[ids[i]];
-    return result;
-NodeMap.prototype.forEach = function(fun)
-    var ids = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.values);
-    var map = this;
-    ids.forEach(function(id) { fun(map.keys[id],map.values[id]); });
-NodeMap.fromArray = function(array,fun)
-    var map = new NodeMap();
-    if (fun != null)
-        array.forEach(function(node) { map.put(node,fun(node)); });
-    else
-        array.forEach(function(node) { map.put(node,null); });
-    return map;