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Posted to by Venu <> on 2020/07/08 06:39:30 UTC

Solr multi word search across multiple fields with mm

We observed that the multi-word queries spanned across multiple fields with
mm create a problem. Any help would be appreciated.

Current Problem:
Search on words spanning across different fields with minimum match(mm) and
sow=false generates field centric query with per field mm rather than term
centric query with mm across fields when a field undergoes different
query-time analyses(like multi-word synonyms, stop words, etc)

Below are the sample field and term centric queries:

*term centric query with the query string as "amul cheese slice" (none of
the terms has synonyms):*

"parsedquery_toString": "+((((description:amul)^6.0 | description_l2:amul |
(description_l1:amul)^4.0 | (brand_name_h:amul)^8.0 |
(manual_tags:amul)^3.0) ((description:cheese)^6.0 | description_l2:cheese |
(description_l1:cheese)^4.0 | (brand_name_h:cheese)^8.0 |
(manual_tags:cheese)^3.0) ((description:slice)^6.0 | description_l2:slice |
(description_l1:slice)^4.0 | (brand_name_h:slice)^8.0 |

*field centric query with the query string as "amul cheese cake" (cake has a
synonym of plum cake):*

"parsedquery_toString": "+(((description:amul description:cheese
description:cake)~2)^6.0 | ((description_l2:amul description_l2:cheese
(description_l2:cupcak description_l2:pastri (+description_l2:plum
+description_l2:cake) description_l2:cake))~2) | ((description_l1:amul
description_l1:cheese description_l1:cake)~2)^4.0 | ((brand_name_h:amul
brand_name_h:cheese brand_name_h:cake)~2)^8.0 | ((manual_tags:amul
manual_tags:cheese manual_tags:cake)~2)^3.0)",

Referring to multiple blogs below helped us try different things below
1. autogeneratephrase queries 
2. per field mm q=({!edismax qf=brand_name description v=$qx mm=2}^10 OR
{!edismax qf=description_l1 manual_tags_l1 v=$qx mm=2} OR {!edismax
qf=description_l2 v=$qx mm=2} )&qx=amul cheese cake

But we observed that the above are still being converted to field centric
queries with mm per field resulting in no match if the words span across
multiple fields.

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