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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2009/03/08 09:07:17 UTC

[Couchdb Wiki] Update of "Getting started with Amazon EC2" by JasonSmith

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The following page has been changed by JasonSmith:

The comment on the change is:
Add instructions for running SVN HEAD on the Ubuntu Intrepid server AMI

  All the necessary information has been submitted for inclusion into repository of Amazon Public AMIs, and is listed as [ ElasticDB - (Elasticdrive + CouchDB)]. We created support thread at Amazon forums, specifically [ Amazon SimpleDB (Beta)] and provide limited support there, when time allows and scope is limited to EC2/SimpleDB-related issues.
+ = Alternative Method: CouchDB SVN on Ubuntu 8.10 Server =
+ If you have a credit card and can swing ten cents per hour, here is a method to conveniently try the latests CouchDB code without having to install local software:
+  1. Set up your Amazon AWS EC2 account, firewall ruleset, etc.  (For example, see [ this article], steps 1 through 2.6.)
+  1. Start the Ubuntu 8.10 server beta image, AMI-69d73000
+  1. When it is up, copy the public DNS name and run: {{{ssh -l ubuntu <public dns name>}}}
+  1. Once logged in, install the prerequisites:
+    1. {{{sudo apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade}}}
+    1. {{{sudo apt-get install erlang libmozjs-dev libicu-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev make subversion automake autoconf libtool help2man}}}
+  1. Fetch, build, and run CouchDB:
+    1. {{{svn checkout couchdb}}} (Instead of trunk, you could try {{{ tags/0.8.0 }}}, {{{ tags/0.8.1 }}}, etc.)
+    1. {{{cd couchdb}}}
+    1. {{{./bootstrap && ./configure && make && sudo make install}}}
+    1. {{{sudo adduser --system --home /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb --no-create-home --shell /bin/bash --group --gecos 'CouchDB account' couchdb}}}
+    1. {{{sudo chown -R couchdb.couchdb /usr/local/var/{lib,log}/couchdb}}}
+    1. {{{sudo vim /usr/local/etc/couchdb/default.ini }}}
+      1. Search for "bind_address" and change it to
+      1. Save and exit
+    1. {{{sudo -i -u couchdb couchdb }}}
+  1. Test it by going to {{{http://<public dns name>:5984/_utils/}}}
+ You can also of course install and try out client libraries.  For example, with [ CouchRest]:
+  1. {{{sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev rubygems ruby1.8-dev irb}}}
+  1. {{{sudo gem install couchrest archive-tar-minitar nokogiri rcov hoe}}}
+  1. Try it!
+  {{{irb
+ irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
+ => true
+ irb(main):002:0> require 'couchrest'
+ => true
+ irb(main):003:0> db = CouchRest.database! ''
+ => #<CouchRest::Database:0xb7acb338 @root="", @bulk_save_cache_limit=50, @server=#<CouchRest::Server:0xb7b335c8 @uri="", @uuid_batch_count=1000>, @bulk_save_cache=[], @host="", @name="my_db", @streamer=#<CouchRest::Streamer:0xb7acb1f8 @db=#<CouchRest::Database:0xb7acb338 ...>>>
+ irb(main):004:0> response = :key => 'val', 'another key' => 23
+ => {"rev"=>"1954890697", "id"=>"1ba0b605480824c5d8aa6ba6fdbd7add", "ok"=>true}
+ irb(main):005:0> doc = db.get(response['id'])
+ => {"_rev"=>"1954890697", "_id"=>"1ba0b605480824c5d8aa6ba6fdbd7add", "another key"=>23, "key"=>"val"}
+ }}}