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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2011/07/21 17:25:37 UTC

[Httpd Wiki] Update of "CommonHTTPStatusCodes" by Sling

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The "CommonHTTPStatusCodes" page has been changed by Sling:

  ## page was renamed from Info/Common HTTPStatusCodes
- Here are a few of the most common http status codes that you will see in your access log.
+ Here is a list of most of the used http status codes with an explanation of what they mean.
- ||'''Code'''||'''Message'''||'''Description'''||
- ||200||OK||Content delivered normally.||
- ||304||Not Modified||A cached copy will be used.||
- ||401||Unauthorized||User credentials required (Authentication)||
- ||403||Forbidden||Resource cannot be viewed (e.g. no index file and directory indexing is turned off or a Deny rule is in place). * Resource cannot be modified (the default response to a PUT request).||
- ||404||Not Found||Resource is missing!||
- ||500||Internal Server Error||The server did something wrong. * The browser made an invalid request. * The page generator did not emit a Content-Type header.  ||
- To get more details on the complete meaning of these codes and of all the other possible codes you should consult the [[|relevant standards]]:
+ ||'''Code'''||'''Message'''||'''Description'''||'''See also'''||
+ ||<:99% colspan="4" bgcolor="#BBB">1xx - Informational||
+ ||100||Continue||Allows the client to determine if the origin server is willing to accept the request, for example based on the request headers, before the client sends the request body. If the request is not accepted, the status code 406 is returned. <<BR>><<BR>> Example usage: A browser checks if chunked transfer encoding is allowed before sending the full request body. || ||
+ ||101||Switching Protocols||Response from the httpd when an upgrade header is received and the requested protocol is supported by the httpd. Will be followed by a Upgrade header specifying the tokens of the protocol stack it is switching to. <<BR>><<BR>> Example usage: A browser wants to switch from HTTP/1.1 to TLS/1.0 in order to set up a secure communication channel.|| ||
+ ||102||Processing|| Part of the HTTP status code extensions for Distributed Authoring (Webdav). See link for details. || [[|RFC 2518 Section 10]] ||
+ ||<:99% colspan="4" bgcolor="#BBB">2xx - Successful||
+ ||200||OK||Content delivered normally.|| ||
+ ||201||Created|| || ||
+ ||202||Accepted|| || ||
+ ||203||Non-Authoritative Information|| || ||
+ ||204||No Content|| || ||
+ ||205||Reset Content|| || ||
+ ||206||Partial Content|| || ||
+ ||207||Multi-Status|| Part of the HTTP status code extensions for Distributed Authoring (Webdav). See link for details. || [[|RFC 2518 Section 10]] ||
+ ||<:99% colspan="4" bgcolor="#BBB">3xx - Redirection||
+ ||300||Multiple Choices|| || ||
+ ||301||Moved Permanently|| || ||
+ ||302||Found|| || ||
+ ||303||See Other|| || ||
+ ||304||Not Modified||A cached copy will be used.|| ||
+ ||305||Use Proxy|| || ||
+ ||306|| ||Was used in earlier versions of the RFC, currently unused.|| ||
+ ||307||Temporary Redirect|| || ||
+ ||<:99% colspan="4" bgcolor="#BBB">4xx - Client Error||
+ ||400||Bad Request|| || ||
+ ||401||Unauthorized||User credentials required (Authentication)|| ||
+ ||402||Payment Required|| || ||
+ ||403||Forbidden||Resource cannot be viewed (e.g. no index file and directory indexing is turned off or a Deny rule is in place). * Resource cannot be modified (the default response to a PUT request).|| ||
+ ||404||Not Found||Resource is missing!|| ||
+ ||405||Method Not Allowed|| || ||
+ ||406||Not Acceptable|| || ||
+ ||407||Proxy Authentication Required|| || ||
+ ||408||Request Timeout|| || ||
+ ||409||Conflict|| || ||
+ ||410||Gone|| || ||
+ ||411||Length Required|| || ||
+ ||412||Precondition Failed|| || ||
+ ||413||Request Entity Too Large|| || ||
+ ||414||Request-URI Too Long|| || ||
+ ||415||Unsupported Media Type|| || ||
+ ||416||Requested Range Not Satisfiable|| || ||
+ ||417||Expectation Failed|| || ||
+ ||422||Unprocessable Entity|| Part of the HTTP status code extensions for Distributed Authoring (Webdav). See link for details. || [[|RFC 2518 Section 10]] ||
+ ||423||Locked|| Part of the HTTP status code extensions for Distributed Authoring (Webdav). See link for details. || [[|RFC 2518 Section 10]] ||
+ ||424||Failed Dependency|| Part of the HTTP status code extensions for Distributed Authoring (Webdav). See link for details. || [[|RFC 2518 Section 10]] ||
+ ||426||Upgrade Required|| Part of the HTTP status code extensions for Upgrading to TLS Within HTTP/1.1. <<BR>> Lets the client know that TLS is required for the client request to be completed. Will be followed by a Upgrade header specifying the required TLS version. || [[|RFC 2817]] ||
+ ||<:99% colspan="4" bgcolor="#BBB">5xx - Server Error||
+ ||500||Internal Server Error||The server did something wrong. * The browser made an invalid request. * The page generator did not emit a Content-Type header.|| ||
+ ||501||Not Implemented|| || ||
+ ||502||Bad Gateway|| || ||
+ ||503||Service Unavailable|| || ||
+ ||504||Gateway Timeout|| || ||
+ ||505||HTTP Version Not Supported|| || ||
+ ||506||Variant Also Negotiates|| Part of the HTTP status code extensions for Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP. See link for details. || [[|RFC 2295 Section 8]] ||
+ ||507||Insufficient Storage|| Part of the HTTP status code extensions for Distributed Authoring (Webdav). See link for details. || [[|RFC 2518 Section 10]] ||
+ ||510||Not Extended|| Part of the HTTP status code extensions for An HTTP Extension Framework. See link for details. || [[|RFC 2774 Section 7]] ||
+ To get more details on the complete meaning of these codes you should consult the [[|relevant standards]], or more specifically [[|RFC 2616 Section 10]].
+ HTTP status codes can be found in the Apache HTTPD logfiles, this example shows a request that results in a '200' response code: <<BR>>
+ {{{ - foo [21/Jul/2011:13:37:42 +0100] "GET /bar HTTP/1.1" 200 23674 }}}
- || '''Codes'''||'''Specification'''||
- || Most codes || HTTP Specification [[|RFC 2616 Section 10]]||
- || 426 || Upgrading to TLS Within HTTP/1.1 [[|RFC 2817]]||
- || 102, 207, 422, 423, 424, 507 || HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV [[|RFC 2518 Section 10]] ||
- || 506 || Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP [[|RFC 2295 Section 8]] ||
- || 510 || An HTTP Extension Framework [[|RFC 2774 Section 7]] ||
  Remember that, in the case of an error status code (4xx or 5xx), there will almost always be more details available in the Apache error log.
- See DistrosDefaultLayout if you don't know where that file is kept.
+ See [[DistrosDefaultLayout]] if you don't know where that file is kept.

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