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Posted to by on 2006/05/23 01:11:13 UTC

svn commit: r408783 [17/27] - in /tapestry/tapestry4/trunk: examples/TimeTracker/src/context/ framework/src/descriptor/META-INF/ framework/src/java/org/apache/tapestry/ framework/src/java/org/apache/tapestry/dojo/ framework/src/java/org/apache/tapestry...

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Chart.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Chart.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Chart.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.Chart = function(){
+	this.widgetType = "Chart";
+	this.isContainer = false;
+	this.series = [];
+	// FIXME: why is this a mixin method?
+	this.assignColors = function(){
+		var hue=30;
+		var sat=120;
+		var lum=120;
+		var steps = Math.round(330/this.series.length);
+		for(var i=0; i<this.series.length; i++){
+			var,sat,lum);
+			if(!this.series[i].color){
+				this.series[i].color =[0],c[1],c[2]);
+			}
+			hue += steps;
+		}
+	};
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.Chart, dojo.widget.Widget);
+dojo.widget.Chart.PlotTypes = {
+	Bar:"bar",
+	Line:"line",
+	Scatter:"scatter",
+	Bubble:"bubble"
+ *	Every chart has a set of data series; this is the series.  Note that each
+ *	member of value is an object and in the minimum has 2 properties: .x and
+ *	.value.
+ */
+dojo.widget.Chart.DataSeries = function(key, label, plotType, color){
+	// FIXME: why the hell are plot types specified neumerically? What is this? C?
+ = "DataSeries"+dojo.widget.Chart.DataSeries.count++;
+	this.key = key;
+	this.label = label||;
+	this.plotType = plotType||0;
+	this.color = color;
+	this.values = [];
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.Chart.DataSeries, {
+	add: function(v){
+		if(v.x==null||v.value==null){
+			dojo.raise("dojo.widget.Chart.DataSeries.add: v must have both an 'x' and 'value' property.");
+		}
+		this.values.push(v);
+	},
+	clear: function(){
+		this.values=[];
+	},
+	createRange: function(len){
+		var idx = this.values.length-1;
+		var length = (len||this.values.length);
+		return { "index": idx, "length": length, "start":Math.max(idx-length,0) };
+	},
+	//	trend values
+	getMean: function(len){
+		var range = this.createRange(len);
+		if(range.index<0){ return 0; }
+		var t = 0;
+		var c = 0;
+		for(var i=range.index; i>=range.start; i--){
+			var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+			if(!isNaN(n)){ t += n; c++; }
+		}
+		t /= Math.max(c,1);
+		return t;
+	},
+	getMovingAverage: function(len){
+		var range = this.createRange(len);
+		if(range.index<0){ return 0; }
+		var t = 0;
+		var c = 0;
+		for(var i=range.index; i>=range.start; i--){
+			var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+			if(!isNaN(n)){ t += n; c++; }
+		}
+		t /= Math.max(c,1);
+		return t;
+	},
+	getVariance: function(len){
+		var range = this.createRange(len);
+		if(range.index < 0){ return 0; }
+		var t = 0; // FIXME: for tom: wtf are t, c, and s?
+		var s = 0;
+		var c = 0;
+		for(var i=range.index; i>=range.start; i--){
+			var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+			if(!isNaN(n)){
+				t += n;
+				s += Math.pow(n,2);
+				c++;
+			}
+		}
+		return (s/c)-Math.pow(t/c,2);
+	},
+	getStandardDeviation: function(len){
+		return Math.sqrt(this.getVariance(len));
+	},
+	getMax: function(len){
+		var range = this.createRange(len);
+		if(range.index < 0){ return 0; }
+		var t = 0;
+		for (var i=range.index; i>=range.start; i--){
+			var n=parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+			if (!isNaN(n)){
+				t=Math.max(n,t);
+			}
+		}
+		return t;
+	},
+	getMin: function(len){
+		var range=this.createRange(len);
+		if(range.index < 0){ return 0; }
+		var t = 0;
+		for(var i=range.index; i>=range.start; i--){
+			var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+			if(!isNaN(n)){
+				t=Math.min(n,t);
+			}
+		}
+		return t;
+	},
+	getMedian: function(len){
+		var range = this.createRange(len);
+		if(range.index<0){ return 0; }
+		var a = [];
+		for (var i=range.index; i>=range.start; i--){
+			var n=parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+			if (!isNaN(n)){
+				var b=false;
+				for(var j=0; j<a.length&&!b; j++){
+					if (n==a[j]) b=true; 
+				}
+				if(!b){ a.push(n); }
+			}
+		}
+		a.sort();
+		if(a.length>0){ return a[Math.ceil(a.length/2)]; }
+		return 0;
+	},
+	getMode: function(len){
+		var range=this.createRange(len);
+		if(range.index<0){ return 0; }
+		var o = {};
+		var ret = 0
+		var m = 0;
+		for(var i=range.index; i>=range.start; i--){
+			var n=parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+			if(!isNaN(n)){
+				if (!o[this.values[i].value]) o[this.values[i].value] = 1;
+				else o[this.values[i].value]++;
+			}
+		}
+		for(var p in o){
+			if(m<o[p]){ m=o[p]; ret=p; }
+		}
+		return parseFloat(ret);
+	}
+dojo.requireIf(, "dojo.widget.svg.Chart");
+dojo.requireIf(, "dojo.widget.vml.Chart");

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Checkbox.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Checkbox.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Checkbox.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.Checkbox = function(){
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.Checkbox, dojo.widget.Widget);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.Checkbox, {
+	widgetType: "Checkbox"
+dojo.requireAfterIf("html", "dojo.widget.html.Checkbox");

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/CiviCrmDatePicker.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/CiviCrmDatePicker.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/CiviCrmDatePicker.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.HtmlCiviCrmDatePicker = function(){
+	this.widgetType = "CiviCrmDatePicker";
+	this.idPrefix = "scheduled_date_time";
+	this.mode = "datetime"; // can also be date or time
+	this.datePicker = null;
+	this.timePicker = null;
+	// html nodes
+	this.dateHolderTd = null;
+	this.timeHolderTd = null;
+	this.formItemsTd = null;
+	this.formItemsTr = null;
+	this.monthSelect = null;
+	this.daySelect = null;
+	this.yearSelect = null;
+	this.hourSelect = null;
+	this.minSelect = null;
+	this.apSelect = null;
+	this.templatePath = dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HtmlCiviCrmDatePicker.html");
+	this.modeFormats = {
+		date: "MdY",
+		time: "hiA"
+	};
+	this.formatMappings = {
+		"M": "monthSelect",
+		"d": "daySelect",
+		"Y": "yearSelect",
+		"h": "hourSelect",
+		"i": "minSelect",
+		"A": "apSelect"
+	};
+	this.setDateSelects = function(){
+		var dateObj =;
+		this.monthSelect.value = new String(dateObj.getMonth()+1);
+		this.daySelect.value = new String(dateObj.getDate());
+		this.yearSelect.value = new String(dateObj.getFullYear());
+	}
+	this.setTimeSelects = function(){
+		var st = this.timePicker.selectedTime;
+		this.hourSelect.value = new String(st.hour);
+		this.minSelect.value = new String(st.minute);
+		this.apSelect.value = st.amPm.toUpperCase();
+	}
+	this.fillInTemplate = function(args, frag){
+		var nr = frag["dojo:"+this.widgetType.toLowerCase()]["nodeRef"];
+		var sref = {};
+		while(nr.firstChild){
+			if({
+				sref[] = nr.firstChild;
+			}
+			this.formItemsTd.appendChild(nr.firstChild);
+		}
+		if(this.mode.indexOf("date") != -1){
+			this.datePicker = dojo.widget.createWidget("DatePicker", {}, this.dateHolderTd);
+			dojo.event.connect(	this.datePicker, "onSetDate", 
+								this, "setDateSelects");
+			var mfd =;
+			for(var x=0; x<mfd.length; x++){
+				this[this.formatMappings[mfd[x]]] = sref[this.idPrefix+"["+mfd[x]+"]"];
+			}
+		}
+		if(this.mode.indexOf("time") != -1){
+			this.timePicker = dojo.widget.createWidget("TimePicker", {}, this.timeHolderTd);
+			dojo.event.connect(	this.timePicker, "onSetTime", 
+								this, "setTimeSelects");
+			var mfd = this.modeFormats.time;
+			for(var x=0; x<mfd.length; x++){
+				this[this.formatMappings[mfd[x]]] = sref[this.idPrefix+"["+mfd[x]+"]"];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	this.unhide = function(){
+ = "";
+	}
+	this.postCreate = function(){
+		dojo.event.kwConnect({
+			type: "before", 
+			srcObj: dojo.html.getParentByType(this.domNode, "form"),
+			srcFunc: "onsubmit", 
+			targetObj: this,
+			targetFunc: "unhide"
+		});
+	}
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.HtmlCiviCrmDatePicker, dojo.widget.HtmlWidget);

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ColorPalette.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ColorPalette.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ColorPalette.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.html.ToolbarColorDialog = function(){
+	/*
+	FIXME: 	why the fuck did anyone ever think this kind of expensive iteration
+			was a good idea?
+	for (var method in this.constructor.prototype) {
+		this[method] = this.constructor.prototype[method];
+	}
+	*/
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.html.ToolbarColorDialog, dojo.widget.html.ToolbarDialog);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.html.ToolbarColorDialog, {
+	widgetType: "ToolbarColorDialog",
+	palette: "7x10",
+	fillInTemplate: function (args, frag) {
+, args, frag);
+		this.dialog = dojo.widget.createWidget("ColorPalette", {palette: this.palette});
+ = "absolute";
+		dojo.event.connect(this.dialog, "onColorSelect", this, "_setValue");
+	},
+	_setValue: function(color) {
+		this._value = color;
+		this._fireEvent("onSetValue", color);
+	},
+	showDialog: function (e) {
+, e);
+		var x = dojo.html.getAbsoluteX(this.domNode);
+		var y = dojo.html.getAbsoluteY(this.domNode) + dojo.html.getInnerHeight(this.domNode);
+		this.dialog.showAt(x, y);
+	},
+	hideDialog: function (e) {
+, e);
+		this.dialog.hide();
+	}
+dojo.widget.html.ColorPalette = function () {
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.html.ColorPalette, dojo.widget.HtmlWidget);
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.html.ColorPalette, {
+	widgetType: "colorpalette",
+	palette: "7x10",
+	bgIframe: null,
+	palettes: {
+		"7x10": [["fff", "fcc", "fc9", "ff9", "ffc", "9f9", "9ff", "cff", "ccf", "fcf"],
+			["ccc", "f66", "f96", "ff6", "ff3", "6f9", "3ff", "6ff", "99f", "f9f"],
+			["c0c0c0", "f00", "f90", "fc6", "ff0", "3f3", "6cc", "3cf", "66c", "c6c"],
+			["999", "c00", "f60", "fc3", "fc0", "3c0", "0cc", "36f", "63f", "c3c"],
+			["666", "900", "c60", "c93", "990", "090", "399", "33f", "60c", "939"],
+			["333", "600", "930", "963", "660", "060", "366", "009", "339", "636"],
+			["000", "300", "630", "633", "330", "030", "033", "006", "309", "303"]],
+		"3x4": [["ffffff"/*white*/, "00ff00"/*lime*/, "008000"/*green*/, "0000ff"/*blue*/],
+			["c0c0c0"/*silver*/, "ffff00"/*yellow*/, "ff00ff"/*fuchsia*/, "000080"/*navy*/],
+			["808080"/*gray*/, "ff0000"/*red*/, "800080"/*purple*/, "000000"/*black*/]]
+			//["00ffff"/*aqua*/, "808000"/*olive*/, "800000"/*maroon*/, "008080"/*teal*/]];
+	},
+	buildRendering: function () {
+		this.domNode = document.createElement("table");
+		dojo.html.disableSelection(this.domNode);
+		dojo.event.connect(this.domNode, "onmousedown", function (e) {
+			e.preventDefault();
+		});
+		with (this.domNode) { // set the table's properties
+			cellPadding = "0"; cellSpacing = "1"; border = "1";
+			style.backgroundColor = "white"; //style.position = "absolute";
+		}
+		var tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
+		this.domNode.appendChild(tbody);
+		var colors = this.palettes[this.palette];
+		for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
+			var tr = document.createElement("tr");
+			for (var j = 0; j < colors[i].length; j++) {
+				if (colors[i][j].length == 3) {
+					colors[i][j] = colors[i][j].replace(/(.)(.)(.)/, "$1$1$2$2$3$3");
+				}
+				var td = document.createElement("td");
+				with ( {
+					backgroundColor = "#" + colors[i][j];
+					border = "1px solid gray";
+					width = height = "15px";
+					fontSize = "1px";
+				}
+				td.color = "#" + colors[i][j];
+				td.onmouseover = function (e) { = "white"; }
+				td.onmouseout = function (e) { = "gray"; }
+				dojo.event.connect(td, "onmousedown", this, "click");
+				td.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
+				tr.appendChild(td);
+			}
+			tbody.appendChild(tr);
+		}
+		if({
+			this.bgIframe = document.createElement("<iframe frameborder='0' src='javascript:void(0);'>");
+			with({
+				position = "absolute";
+				left = top = "0px";
+				display = "none";
+			}
+			document.body.appendChild(this.bgIframe);
+, 0);
+		}
+	},
+	click: function (e) {
+		this.onColorSelect(e.currentTarget.color);
+ = "gray";
+	},
+	onColorSelect: function (color) { },
+	hide: function (){
+		this.domNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.domNode);
+		if(this.bgIframe){
+ = "none";
+		}
+	},
+	showAt: function (x, y) {
+		with({
+			top = y + "px";
+			left = x + "px";
+			zIndex = 999;
+		}
+		document.body.appendChild(this.domNode);
+		if(this.bgIframe){
+			with({
+				display = "block";
+				top = y + "px";
+				left = x + "px";
+				zIndex = 998;
+				width = dojo.html.getOuterWidth(this.domNode) + "px";
+				height = dojo.html.getOuterHeight(this.domNode) + "px";
+			}
+		}
+	}

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ComboBox.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ComboBox.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ComboBox.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.incrementalComboBoxDataProvider = function(url, limit, timeout){
+	this.searchUrl = url;
+	this.inFlight = false;
+	this.activeRequest = null;
+	this.allowCache = false;
+	this.cache = {};
+	this.addToCache = function(keyword, data){
+		if(this.allowCache){
+			this.cache[keyword] = data;
+		}
+	}
+	this.startSearch = function(searchStr, type, ignoreLimit){
+		if(this.inFlight){
+			// FIXME: implement backoff!
+		}
+		var tss = encodeURIComponent(searchStr);
+		var realUrl = dojo.string.paramString(this.searchUrl, {"searchString": tss});
+		var _this = this;
+		var request ={
+			url: realUrl,
+			method: "get",
+			mimetype: "text/json",
+			load: function(type, data, evt){
+				_this.inFlight = false;
+				if(!dojo.lang.isArray(data)){
+					var arrData = [];
+					for(var key in data){
+						arrData.push([data[key], key]);
+					}
+					data = arrData;
+				}
+				_this.addToCache(searchStr, data);
+				_this.provideSearchResults(data);
+			}
+		});
+		this.inFlight = true;
+	}
+dojo.widget.ComboBoxDataProvider = function(dataPairs, limit, timeout){
+	// NOTE: this data provider is designed as a naive reference
+	// implementation, and as such it is written more for readability than
+	// speed. A deployable data provider would implement lookups, search
+	// caching (and invalidation), and a significantly less naive data
+	// structure for storage of items.
+ = [];
+	this.searchTimeout = 500;
+	this.searchLimit = 30;
+	this.searchType = "STARTSTRING"; // may also be "STARTWORD" or "SUBSTRING"
+	this.caseSensitive = false;
+	// for caching optimizations
+	this._lastSearch = "";
+	this._lastSearchResults = null;
+	this.startSearch = function(searchStr, type, ignoreLimit){
+		// FIXME: need to add timeout handling here!!
+		this._preformSearch(searchStr, type, ignoreLimit);
+	}
+	this._preformSearch = function(searchStr, type, ignoreLimit){
+		//
+		//	NOTE: this search is LINEAR, which means that it exhibits perhaps
+		//	the worst possible speed charachteristics of any search type. It's
+		//	written this way to outline the responsibilities and interfaces for
+		//	a search.
+		//
+		var st = type||this.searchType;
+		// FIXME: this is just an example search, which means that we implement
+		// only a linear search without any of the attendant (useful!) optimizations
+		var ret = [];
+		if(!this.caseSensitive){
+			searchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase();
+		}
+		for(var x=0; x<; x++){
+			if((!ignoreLimit)&&(ret.length >= this.searchLimit)){
+				break;
+			}
+			// FIXME: we should avoid copies if possible!
+			var dataLabel = new String((!this.caseSensitive) ?[x][0].toLowerCase() :[x][0]);
+			if(dataLabel.length < searchStr.length){
+				// this won't ever be a good search, will it? What if we start
+				// to support regex search?
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(st == "STARTSTRING"){
+				// jum.debug(dataLabel.substr(0, searchStr.length))
+				// jum.debug(searchStr);
+				if(searchStr == dataLabel.substr(0, searchStr.length)){
+					ret.push([x]);
+				}
+			}else if(st == "SUBSTRING"){
+				// this one is a gimmie
+				if(dataLabel.indexOf(searchStr) >= 0){
+					ret.push([x]);
+				}
+			}else if(st == "STARTWORD"){
+				// do a substring search and then attempt to determine if the
+				// preceeding char was the beginning of the string or a
+				// whitespace char.
+				var idx = dataLabel.indexOf(searchStr);
+				if(idx == 0){
+					// implicit match
+					ret.push([x]);
+				}
+				if(idx <= 0){
+					// if we didn't match or implicily matched, march onward
+					continue;
+				}
+				// otherwise, we have to go figure out if the match was at the
+				// start of a word...
+				// this code is taken almost directy from nWidgets
+				var matches = false;
+				while(idx!=-1){
+					// make sure the match either starts whole string, or
+					// follows a space, or follows some punctuation
+					if(" ,/(".indexOf(dataLabel.charAt(idx-1)) != -1){
+						// FIXME: what about tab chars?
+						matches = true; break;
+					}
+					idx = dataLabel.indexOf(searchStr, tti+1);
+				}
+				if(!matches){
+					continue;
+				}else{
+					ret.push([x]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		this.provideSearchResults(ret);
+	}
+	this.provideSearchResults = function(resultsDataPairs){
+	}
+	this.addData = function(pairs){
+		// FIXME: incredibly naive and slow!
+ =;
+	}
+	this.setData = function(pdata){
+		// populate and initialize lookup structures
+ = pdata;
+	}
+	if(dataPairs){
+		this.setData(dataPairs);
+	}
+dojo.widget.ComboBox = function(){
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.ComboBox, dojo.widget.Widget);
+dojo.widget.ComboBox.defaults = {
+	widgetType: "ComboBox",
+	isContainer: false,
+	forceValidOption: false,
+	searchType: "stringstart",
+	dataProvider: null,
+	startSearch: function(searchString){},
+	openResultList: function(results){},
+	clearResultList: function(){},
+	hideResultList: function(){},
+	selectNextResult: function(){},
+	selectPrevResult: function(){},
+	setSelectedResult: function(){}
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.ComboBox, dojo.widget.ComboBox.defaults);
+dojo.widget.DomComboBox = function(){
+, true);
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.DomComboBox, dojo.widget.DomWidget);
+// render-specific includes
+dojo.requireAfterIf("html", "dojo.widget.html.ComboBox");

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ContentPane.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ContentPane.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ContentPane.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// This widget doesn't do anything; is basically the same as <div>.
+// It's useful as a child of LayoutContainer, SplitContainer, or TabContainer.
+// But note that those classes can contain any widget as a child.
+dojo.requireAfterIf("html", "dojo.widget.html.ContentPane");

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ContextMenu.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ContextMenu.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/ContextMenu.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.deprecated("dojo.widget.ContextMenu",  "use dojo.widget.Menu2", "0.4");
+dojo.widget.ContextMenu = function(){
+	this.widgetType = "ContextMenu";
+	this.isContainer = true;
+	this.isOpened = false;
+	// copy children widgets output directly to parent (this node), to avoid
+	// errors trying to insert an <li> under a <div>
+	this.snarfChildDomOutput = true;
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.ContextMenu, dojo.widget.Widget);
+dojo.requireAfterIf("html", "dojo.widget.html.ContextMenu");

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DatePicker.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DatePicker.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DatePicker.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+// NOTE: this function is only used as mixin (never as a constructor)
+dojo.widget.DatePicker = function() {
+	// the following aliases prevent breaking people using 0.2.x
+	this.months =,
+	this.weekdays =,
+	this.toRfcDate = dojo.widget.DatePicker.util.toRfcDate,
+	this.fromRfcDate = dojo.widget.DatePicker.util.fromRfcDate,
+	this.initFirstSaturday = dojo.widget.DatePicker.util.initFirstSaturday
+dojo.requireAfterIf("html", "dojo.widget.html.DatePicker");
+dojo.widget.DatePicker.util = new function() {
+	this.months =;
+	this.weekdays =;
+	this.toRfcDate = function(jsDate) {
+		if(!jsDate) {
+			var jsDate = new Date();
+		}
+		// because this is a date picker and not a time picker, we don't return a time
+		return, "%Y-%m-%d");
+	}
+	this.fromRfcDate = function(rfcDate) {
+		// backwards compatible support for use of "any" instead of just not 
+		// including the time
+		if(rfcDate.indexOf("Tany")!=-1) {
+			rfcDate = rfcDate.replace("Tany","");
+		}
+		var jsDate = new Date();
+, rfcDate);
+		return jsDate;
+	}
+	this.initFirstSaturday = function(month, year) {
+		if(!month) {
+			month =;
+		}
+		if(!year) {
+			year =;
+		}
+		var firstOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1);
+		return {year: year, month: month, date: 7 - firstOfMonth.getDay()};
+	}

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DebugConsole.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DebugConsole.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DebugConsole.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.DebugConsole= function(){
+	this.widgetType = "DebugConsole";
+	this.isContainer = true;
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.DebugConsole, dojo.widget.Widget);
+dojo.requireAfterIf("html", "dojo.widget.html.DebugConsole");

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DemoEngine.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DemoEngine.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DemoEngine.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.requireAfterIf("html", "dojo.widget.html.DemoEngine");

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Dialog.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Dialog.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Dialog.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+	"dojo.widget.html.Dialog",
+	dojo.widget.html.ContentPane,
+	{
+		templatePath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HtmlDialog.html"),
+		isContainer: true,
+		_scrollConnected: false,
+		// provide a focusable element or element id if you need to
+		// work around FF's tendency to send focus into outer space on hide
+		focusElement: "",
+		bg: null,
+		bgColor: "black",
+		bgOpacity: 0.4,
+		followScroll: true,
+		_fromTrap: false,
+		anim: null,
+		blockDuration: 0,
+		lifetime: 0,
+		trapTabs: function(e){
+			if( == this.tabStart) {
+				if(this._fromTrap) {
+					this._fromTrap = false;
+				} else {
+					this._fromTrap = true;
+					this.tabEnd.focus();
+				}
+			} else if( == this.tabEnd) {
+				if(this._fromTrap) {
+					this._fromTrap = false;
+				} else {
+					this._fromTrap = true;
+					this.tabStart.focus();
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		clearTrap: function(e) {
+			var _this = this;
+			setTimeout(function() {
+				_this._fromTrap = false;
+			}, 100);
+		},
+		postCreate: function(args, frag, parentComp) {
+			with( {
+				position = "absolute";
+				zIndex = 999;
+				display = "none";
+				overflow = "visible";
+			}
+			var b = document.body;
+			b.appendChild(this.domNode);
+ = document.createElement("div");
+ = "dialogUnderlay";
+			with( {
+				position = "absolute";
+				left = top = "0px";
+				zIndex = 998;
+				display = "none";
+			}
+			this.setBackgroundColor(this.bgColor);
+			b.appendChild(;
+			this.bgIframe = new dojo.html.BackgroundIframe(;
+		},
+		setBackgroundColor: function(color) {
+			if(arguments.length >= 3) {
+				color = new[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
+			} else {
+				color = new;
+			}
+ = color.toString();
+			return this.bgColor = color;
+		},
+		setBackgroundOpacity: function(op) {
+			if(arguments.length == 0) { op = this.bgOpacity; }
+, op);
+			try {
+				this.bgOpacity =;
+			} catch (e) {
+				this.bgOpacity = op;
+			}
+			return this.bgOpacity;
+		},
+		sizeBackground: function() {
+			if(this.bgOpacity > 0) {
+				var h = Math.max(
+					document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.body.scrollHeight,
+					dojo.html.getViewportHeight());
+				var w = dojo.html.getViewportWidth();
+ = w + "px";
+ = h + "px";
+			}
+			this.bgIframe.onResized();
+		},
+		showBackground: function() {
+			this.sizeBackground();
+			if(this.bgOpacity > 0) {
+ = "block";
+			}
+		},
+		placeDialog: function() {
+			var scroll_offset = dojo.html.getScrollOffset();
+			var viewport_size = dojo.html.getViewportSize();
+			// find the size of the dialog
+			var w =;
+			var h =;
+			var x = scroll_offset[0] + (viewport_size[0] - w)/2;
+			var y = scroll_offset[1] + (viewport_size[1] - h)/2;
+			with( {
+				left = x + "px";
+				top = y + "px";
+			}
+		},
+		show: function() {
+			this.setBackgroundOpacity();
+			this.showBackground();
+			// FIXME: moz doesn't generate onscroll events for mouse or key scrolling (wtf)
+			// we should create a fake event by polling the scrolltop/scrollleft every X ms.
+			// this smells like it should be a dojo feature rather than just for this widget.
+			if (this.followScroll && !this._scrollConnected){
+				this._scrollConnected = true;
+				dojo.event.connect(window, "onscroll", this, "onScroll");
+			}
+			if(this.lifetime){
+				this.timeRemaining = this.lifetime;
+				if(!this.blockDuration){
+					dojo.event.connect(, "onclick", this, "hide");
+				}else{
+					dojo.event.disconnect(, "onclick", this, "hide");
+				}
+				if(this.timerNode){
+					this.timerNode.innerHTML = Math.ceil(this.timeRemaining/1000);
+				}
+				if(this.blockDuration && this.closeNode){
+					if(this.lifetime > this.blockDuration){
+ = "hidden";
+					}else{
+ = "none";
+					}
+				}
+				this.timer = setInterval(dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onTick"), 100);
+			}
+			this.onParentResized();
+		},
+		onLoad: function(){
+			// when href is specified we need to reposition
+			// the dialog after the data is loaded
+			this.placeDialog();
+		},
+		fillInTemplate: function(){
+			// dojo.event.connect(this.domNode, "onclick", this, "killEvent");
+		},
+		hide: function(){
+			// workaround for FF focus going into outer space
+			if (this.focusElement) { 
+				dojo.byId(this.focusElement).focus(); 
+				dojo.byId(this.focusElement).blur();
+			}
+			if(this.timer){
+				clearInterval(this.timer);
+			}
+ = "none";
+ = = "1px";
+			if (this._scrollConnected){
+				this._scrollConnected = false;
+				dojo.event.disconnect(window, "onscroll", this, "onScroll");
+			}
+		},
+		setTimerNode: function(node){
+			this.timerNode = node;
+		},
+		setCloseControl: function(node) {
+			this.closeNode = node;
+			dojo.event.connect(node, "onclick", this, "hide");
+		},
+		setShowControl: function(node) {
+			dojo.event.connect(node, "onclick", this, "show");
+		},
+		onTick: function(){
+			if(this.timer){
+				this.timeRemaining -= 100;
+				if(this.lifetime - this.timeRemaining >= this.blockDuration){
+					dojo.event.connect(, "onclick", this, "hide");
+					if(this.closeNode){
+ = "visible";
+					}
+				}
+				if(!this.timeRemaining){
+					clearInterval(this.timer);
+					this.hide();
+				}else if(this.timerNode){
+					this.timerNode.innerHTML = Math.ceil(this.timeRemaining/1000);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		onScroll: function(){
+			this.placeDialog();
+ = "block";
+		},
+		// Called when the browser window's size is changed
+		onParentResized: function() {
+			if(this.isShowing()){
+				this.sizeBackground();
+				this.placeDialog();
+				this.onResized();
+			}
+		},
+		killEvent: function(evt){
+			evt.preventDefault();
+			evt.stopPropagation();
+		}
+	}

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DocPane.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DocPane.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DocPane.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.requireAfterIf("html", "dojo.widget.html.DocPane");

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DomWidget.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DomWidget.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DomWidget.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget._cssFiles = {};
+dojo.widget._cssStrings = {};
+dojo.widget._templateCache = {};
+dojo.widget.defaultStrings = {
+	dojoRoot: dojo.hostenv.getBaseScriptUri(),
+	baseScriptUri: dojo.hostenv.getBaseScriptUri()
+dojo.widget.buildFromTemplate = function() {
+	dojo.lang.forward("fillFromTemplateCache");
+// static method to build from a template w/ or w/o a real widget in place
+dojo.widget.fillFromTemplateCache = function(obj, templatePath, templateCssPath, templateString, avoidCache){
+	// dojo.debug("avoidCache:", avoidCache);
+	var tpath = templatePath || obj.templatePath;
+	var cpath = templateCssPath || obj.templateCssPath;
+	// DEPRECATED: use Uri objects, not strings
+	if (tpath && !(tpath instanceof dojo.uri.Uri)) {
+		tpath = dojo.uri.dojoUri(tpath);
+		dojo.deprecated("templatePath should be of type dojo.uri.Uri", null, "0.4");
+	}
+	if (cpath && !(cpath instanceof dojo.uri.Uri)) {
+		cpath = dojo.uri.dojoUri(cpath);
+		dojo.deprecated("templateCssPath should be of type dojo.uri.Uri", null, "0.4");
+	}
+	var tmplts = dojo.widget._templateCache;
+	if(!obj["widgetType"]) { // don't have a real template here
+		do {
+			var dummyName = "__dummyTemplate__" + dojo.widget._templateCache.dummyCount++;
+		} while(tmplts[dummyName]);
+		obj.widgetType = dummyName;
+	}
+	var wt = obj.widgetType;
+	if(cpath && !dojo.widget._cssFiles[cpath.toString()]){
+		if((!obj.templateCssString)&&(cpath)){
+			obj.templateCssString = dojo.hostenv.getText(cpath);
+			obj.templateCssPath = null;
+		}
+		if((obj["templateCssString"])&&(!obj.templateCssString["loaded"])){
+, null, cpath);
+			if(!obj.templateCssString){ obj.templateCssString = ""; }
+			obj.templateCssString.loaded = true;
+		}
+		dojo.widget._cssFiles[cpath.toString()] = true;
+	}
+	var ts = tmplts[wt];
+	if(!ts){
+		tmplts[wt] = { "string": null, "node": null };
+		if(avoidCache){
+			ts = {};
+		}else{
+			ts = tmplts[wt];
+		}
+	}
+	if((!obj.templateString)&&(!avoidCache)){
+		obj.templateString = templateString || ts["string"];
+	}
+	if((!obj.templateNode)&&(!avoidCache)){
+		obj.templateNode = ts["node"];
+	}
+	if((!obj.templateNode)&&(!obj.templateString)&&(tpath)){
+		// fetch a text fragment and assign it to templateString
+		// NOTE: we rely on blocking IO here!
+		var tstring = dojo.hostenv.getText(tpath);
+		if(tstring){
+			var matches = tstring.match(/<body[^>]*>\s*([\s\S]+)\s*<\/body>/im);
+			if(matches){
+				tstring = matches[1];
+			}
+		}else{
+			tstring = "";
+		}
+		obj.templateString = tstring;
+		if(!avoidCache){
+			tmplts[wt]["string"] = tstring;
+		}
+	}
+	if((!ts["string"])&&(!avoidCache)){
+		ts.string = obj.templateString;
+	}
+dojo.widget._templateCache.dummyCount = 0;
+dojo.widget.attachProperties = ["dojoAttachPoint", "id"];
+dojo.widget.eventAttachProperty = "dojoAttachEvent";
+dojo.widget.onBuildProperty = "dojoOnBuild";
+dojo.widget.waiNames  = ["waiRole", "waiState"];
+dojo.widget.wai = {
+	waiRole: { 	name: "waiRole", 
+				namespace: "", 
+				alias: "x2",
+				prefix: "wairole:",
+				nsName: "role"
+	},
+	waiState: { name: "waiState", 
+				namespace: "" , 
+				alias: "aaa",
+				prefix: "",
+				nsName: "state"
+	},
+	setAttr: function(node, attr, value){
+		if({
+			node.setAttribute(this[attr].alias+":"+this[attr].nsName, this[attr].prefix+value);
+		}else{
+			node.setAttributeNS(this[attr].namespace, this[attr].nsName, this[attr].prefix+value);
+		}
+	}
+dojo.widget.attachTemplateNodes = function(rootNode, targetObj, events){
+	// FIXME: this method is still taking WAAAY too long. We need ways of optimizing:
+	//	a.) what we are looking for on each node
+	//	b.) the nodes that are subject to interrogation (use xpath instead?)
+	//	c.) how expensive event assignment is (less eval(), more connect())
+	// var start = new Date();
+	var elementNodeType = dojo.dom.ELEMENT_NODE;
+	function trim(str){
+		return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
+	}
+	if(!rootNode){ 
+		rootNode = targetObj.domNode;
+	}
+	if(rootNode.nodeType != elementNodeType){
+		return;
+	}
+	// alert(events.length);
+	var nodes = rootNode.all || rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*");
+	var _this = targetObj;
+	for(var x=-1; x<nodes.length; x++){
+		var baseNode = (x == -1) ? rootNode : nodes[x];
+		// FIXME: is this going to have capitalization problems?  Could use getAttribute(name, 0); to get attributes case-insensitve
+		var attachPoint = [];
+		for(var y=0; y<this.attachProperties.length; y++){
+			var tmpAttachPoint = baseNode.getAttribute(this.attachProperties[y]);
+			if(tmpAttachPoint){
+				attachPoint = tmpAttachPoint.split(";");
+				for(var z=0; z<attachPoint.length; z++){
+					if(dojo.lang.isArray(targetObj[attachPoint[z]])){
+						targetObj[attachPoint[z]].push(baseNode);
+					}else{
+						targetObj[attachPoint[z]]=baseNode;
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		// continue;
+		// FIXME: we need to put this into some kind of lookup structure
+		// instead of direct assignment
+		var tmpltPoint = baseNode.getAttribute(this.templateProperty);
+		if(tmpltPoint){
+			targetObj[tmpltPoint]=baseNode;
+		}
+		dojo.lang.forEach(dojo.widget.waiNames, function(name){
+			var wai = dojo.widget.wai[name];
+			var val = baseNode.getAttribute(;
+			if(val){
+				dojo.widget.wai.setAttr(baseNode,, val);
+			}
+		}, this);
+		var attachEvent = baseNode.getAttribute(this.eventAttachProperty);
+		if(attachEvent){
+			// NOTE: we want to support attributes that have the form
+			// "domEvent: nativeEvent; ..."
+			var evts = attachEvent.split(";");
+			for(var y=0; y<evts.length; y++){
+				if((!evts[y])||(!evts[y].length)){ continue; }
+				var thisFunc = null;
+				var tevt = trim(evts[y]);
+				if(evts[y].indexOf(":") >= 0){
+					// oh, if only JS had tuple assignment
+					var funcNameArr = tevt.split(":");
+					tevt = trim(funcNameArr[0]);
+					thisFunc = trim(funcNameArr[1]);
+				}
+				if(!thisFunc){
+					thisFunc = tevt;
+				}
+				var tf = function(){ 
+					var ntf = new String(thisFunc);
+					return function(evt){
+						if(_this[ntf]){
+							_this[ntf](dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(evt, this));
+						}
+					};
+				}();
+				dojo.event.browser.addListener(baseNode, tevt, tf, false, true);
+				// dojo.event.browser.addListener(baseNode, tevt, dojo.lang.hitch(_this, thisFunc));
+			}
+		}
+		for(var y=0; y<events.length; y++){
+			//alert(events[x]);
+			var evtVal = baseNode.getAttribute(events[y]);
+			if((evtVal)&&(evtVal.length)){
+				var thisFunc = null;
+				var domEvt = events[y].substr(4); // clober the "dojo" prefix
+				thisFunc = trim(evtVal);
+				var funcs = [thisFunc];
+				if(thisFunc.indexOf(";")>=0){
+					funcs =";"), trim);
+				}
+				for(var z=0; z<funcs.length; z++){
+					if(!funcs[z].length){ continue; }
+					var tf = function(){ 
+						var ntf = new String(funcs[z]);
+						return function(evt){
+							if(_this[ntf]){
+								_this[ntf](dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(evt, this));
+							}
+						}
+					}();
+					dojo.event.browser.addListener(baseNode, domEvt, tf, false, true);
+					// dojo.event.browser.addListener(baseNode, domEvt, dojo.lang.hitch(_this, funcs[z]));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		var onBuild = baseNode.getAttribute(this.onBuildProperty);
+		if(onBuild){
+			eval("var node = baseNode; var widget = targetObj; "+onBuild);
+		}
+	}
+dojo.widget.getDojoEventsFromStr = function(str){
+	// var lstr = str.toLowerCase();
+	var re = /(dojoOn([a-z]+)(\s?))=/gi;
+	var evts = str ? str.match(re)||[] : [];
+	var ret = [];
+	var lem = {};
+	for(var x=0; x<evts.length; x++){
+		if(evts[x].legth < 1){ continue; }
+		var cm = evts[x].replace(/\s/, "");
+		cm = (cm.slice(0, cm.length-1));
+		if(!lem[cm]){
+			lem[cm] = true;
+			ret.push(cm);
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+dojo.widget.buildAndAttachTemplate = function(obj, templatePath, templateCssPath, templateString, targetObj) {
+	this.buildFromTemplate(obj, templatePath, templateCssPath, templateString);
+	var node = dojo.dom.createNodesFromText(obj.templateString, true)[0];
+	this.attachTemplateNodes(node, targetObj||obj, dojo.widget.getDojoEventsFromStr(templateString));
+	return node;
+dojo.declare("dojo.widget.DomWidget", dojo.widget.Widget, {
+	initializer: function() {
+		if((arguments.length>0)&&(typeof arguments[0] == "object")){
+			this.create(arguments[0]);
+		}
+	},
+	templateNode: null,
+	templateString: null,
+	templateCssString: null,
+	preventClobber: false,
+	domNode: null, // this is our visible representation of the widget!
+	containerNode: null, // holds child elements
+	// Process the given child widget, inserting it's dom node as a child of our dom node
+	// FIXME: should we support addition at an index in the children arr and
+	// order the display accordingly? Right now we always append.
+	addChild: function(widget, overrideContainerNode, pos, ref, insertIndex){
+		if(!this.isContainer){ // we aren't allowed to contain other widgets, it seems
+			dojo.debug("dojo.widget.DomWidget.addChild() attempted on non-container widget");
+			return null;
+		}else{
+			this.addWidgetAsDirectChild(widget, overrideContainerNode, pos, ref, insertIndex);
+			this.registerChild(widget, insertIndex);
+		}
+		return widget;
+	},
+	addWidgetAsDirectChild: function(widget, overrideContainerNode, pos, ref, insertIndex){
+		if((!this.containerNode)&&(!overrideContainerNode)){
+			this.containerNode = this.domNode;
+		}
+		var cn = (overrideContainerNode) ? overrideContainerNode : this.containerNode;
+		if(!pos){ pos = "after"; }
+		if(!ref){ 
+			// if(!cn){ cn = document.body; }
+			if(!cn){ cn = document.body; }
+			ref = cn.lastChild; 
+		}
+		if(!insertIndex) { insertIndex = 0; }
+		widget.domNode.setAttribute("dojoinsertionindex", insertIndex);
+		// insert the child widget domNode directly underneath my domNode, in the
+		// specified position (by default, append to end)
+		if(!ref){
+			cn.appendChild(widget.domNode);
+		}else{
+			// FIXME: was this meant to be the (ugly hack) way to support insert @ index?
+			//dojo.dom[pos](widget.domNode, ref, insertIndex);
+			// CAL: this appears to be the intended way to insert a node at a given position...
+			if (pos == 'insertAtIndex'){
+				// dojo.debug("idx:", insertIndex, "isLast:", ref === cn.lastChild);
+				dojo.dom.insertAtIndex(widget.domNode, ref.parentNode, insertIndex);
+			}else{
+				// dojo.debug("pos:", pos, "isLast:", ref === cn.lastChild);
+				if((pos == "after")&&(ref === cn.lastChild)){
+					cn.appendChild(widget.domNode);
+				}else{
+					dojo.dom.insertAtPosition(widget.domNode, cn, pos);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// Record that given widget descends from me
+	registerChild: function(widget, insertionIndex){
+		// we need to insert the child at the right point in the parent's 
+		// 'children' array, based on the insertionIndex
+		widget.dojoInsertionIndex = insertionIndex;
+		var idx = -1;
+		for(var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++){
+			if (this.children[i].dojoInsertionIndex < insertionIndex){
+				idx = i;
+			}
+		}
+		this.children.splice(idx+1, 0, widget);
+		widget.parent = this;
+		widget.addedTo(this);
+		// If this widget was created programatically, then it was erroneously added
+		// to dojo.widget.manager.topWidgets.  Fix that here.
+		delete dojo.widget.manager.topWidgets[widget.widgetId];
+	},
+	removeChild: function(widget){
+		// detach child domNode from parent domNode
+		dojo.dom.removeNode(widget.domNode);
+		// remove child widget from parent widget
+		return, widget);
+	},
+	getFragNodeRef: function(frag){
+		if( !frag || !frag["dojo:"+this.widgetType.toLowerCase()] ){
+			dojo.raise("Error: no frag for widget type " + this.widgetType +
+				", id " + this.widgetId + " (maybe a widget has set it's type incorrectly)");
+		}
+		return (frag ? frag["dojo:"+this.widgetType.toLowerCase()]["nodeRef"] : null);
+	},
+	// Replace source domNode with generated dom structure, and register
+	// widget with parent.
+	postInitialize: function(args, frag, parentComp){
+		var sourceNodeRef = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
+		// Stick my generated dom into the output tree
+		//alert(this.widgetId + ": replacing " + sourceNodeRef + " with " + this.domNode.innerHTML);
+		if (parentComp && (parentComp.snarfChildDomOutput || !sourceNodeRef)){
+			// Add my generated dom as a direct child of my parent widget
+			// This is important for generated widgets, and also cases where I am generating an
+			// <li> node that can't be inserted back into the original DOM tree
+			parentComp.addWidgetAsDirectChild(this, "", "insertAtIndex", "",  args["dojoinsertionindex"], sourceNodeRef);
+		} else if (sourceNodeRef){
+			// Do in-place replacement of the my source node with my generated dom
+			if(this.domNode && (this.domNode !== sourceNodeRef)){
+				var oldNode = sourceNodeRef.parentNode.replaceChild(this.domNode, sourceNodeRef);
+			}
+		}
+		// Register myself with my parent, or with the widget manager if
+		// I have no parent
+		// TODO: the code below erroneously adds all programatically generated widgets
+		// to topWidgets (since we don't know who the parent is until after creation finishes)
+		if ( parentComp ) {
+			parentComp.registerChild(this, args.dojoinsertionindex);
+		} else {
+			dojo.widget.manager.topWidgets[this.widgetId]=this;
+		}
+		// Expand my children widgets
+		if(this.isContainer){
+			//alert("recurse from " + this.widgetId);
+			// build any sub-components with us as the parent
+			var fragParser = dojo.widget.getParser();
+			fragParser.createSubComponents(frag, this);
+		}
+	},
+	// method over-ride
+	buildRendering: function(args, frag){
+		// DOM widgets construct themselves from a template
+		var ts = dojo.widget._templateCache[this.widgetType];
+		if(	
+			(!this.preventClobber)&&(
+				(this.templatePath)||
+				(this.templateNode)||
+				(
+					(this["templateString"])&&(this.templateString.length) 
+				)||
+				(
+					(typeof ts != "undefined")&&( (ts["string"])||(ts["node"]) )
+				)
+			)
+		){
+			// if it looks like we can build the thing from a template, do it!
+			this.buildFromTemplate(args, frag);
+		}else{
+			// otherwise, assign the DOM node that was the source of the widget
+			// parsing to be the root node
+			this.domNode = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
+		}
+		this.fillInTemplate(args, frag); 	// this is where individual widgets
+											// will handle population of data
+											// from properties, remote data
+											// sets, etc.
+	},
+	buildFromTemplate: function(args, frag){
+		// var start = new Date();
+		// copy template properties if they're already set in the templates object
+		// dojo.debug("buildFromTemplate:", this);
+		var avoidCache = false;
+		if(args["templatecsspath"]){
+			args["templateCssPath"] = args["templatecsspath"];
+		}
+		if(args["templatepath"]){
+			avoidCache = true;
+			args["templatePath"] = args["templatepath"];
+		}
+		dojo.widget.fillFromTemplateCache(	this, 
+											args["templatePath"], 
+											args["templateCssPath"],
+											null,
+											avoidCache);
+		var ts = dojo.widget._templateCache[this.widgetType];
+		if((ts)&&(!avoidCache)){
+			if(!this.templateString.length){
+				this.templateString = ts["string"];
+			}
+			if(!this.templateNode){
+				this.templateNode = ts["node"];
+			}
+		}
+		var matches = false;
+		var node = null;
+		// var tstr = new String(this.templateString); 
+		var tstr = this.templateString; 
+		// attempt to clone a template node, if there is one
+		if((!this.templateNode)&&(this.templateString)){
+			matches = this.templateString.match(/\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g);
+			if(matches) {
+				// if we do property replacement, don't create a templateNode
+				// to clone from.
+				var hash = this.strings || {};
+				// FIXME: should this hash of default replacements be cached in
+				// templateString?
+				for(var key in dojo.widget.defaultStrings) {
+					if(dojo.lang.isUndefined(hash[key])) {
+						hash[key] = dojo.widget.defaultStrings[key];
+					}
+				}
+				// FIXME: this is a lot of string munging. Can we make it faster?
+				for(var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
+					var key = matches[i];
+					key = key.substring(2, key.length-1);
+					var kval = (key.substring(0, 5) == "this.") ? dojo.lang.getObjPathValue(key.substring(5), this) : hash[key];
+					var value;
+					if((kval)||(dojo.lang.isString(kval))){
+						value = (dojo.lang.isFunction(kval)) ?, key, this.templateString) : kval;
+						tstr = tstr.replace(matches[i], value);
+					}
+				}
+			}else{
+				// otherwise, we are required to instantiate a copy of the template
+				// string if one is provided.
+				// FIXME: need to be able to distinguish here what should be done
+				// or provide a generic interface across all DOM implementations
+				// FIMXE: this breaks if the template has whitespace as its first 
+				// characters
+				// node = this.createNodesFromText(this.templateString, true);
+				// this.templateNode = node[0].cloneNode(true); // we're optimistic here
+				this.templateNode = this.createNodesFromText(this.templateString, true)[0];
+				if(!avoidCache){
+					ts.node = this.templateNode;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if((!this.templateNode)&&(!matches)){ 
+			dojo.debug("weren't able to create template!");
+			return false;
+		}else if(!matches){
+			node = this.templateNode.cloneNode(true);
+			if(!node){ return false; }
+		}else{
+			node = this.createNodesFromText(tstr, true)[0];
+		}
+		// recurse through the node, looking for, and attaching to, our
+		// attachment points which should be defined on the template node.
+		this.domNode = node;
+		// dojo.profile.start("attachTemplateNodes");
+		this.attachTemplateNodes(this.domNode, this);
+		// dojo.profile.end("attachTemplateNodes");
+		// relocate source contents to templated container node
+		// this.containerNode must be able to receive children, or exceptions will be thrown
+		if (this.isContainer && this.containerNode){
+			var src = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
+			if (src){
+				dojo.dom.moveChildren(src, this.containerNode);
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	attachTemplateNodes: function(baseNode, targetObj){
+		if(!targetObj){ targetObj = this; }
+		return dojo.widget.attachTemplateNodes(baseNode, targetObj, 
+					dojo.widget.getDojoEventsFromStr(this.templateString));
+	},
+	fillInTemplate: function(){
+		// dojo.unimplemented("dojo.widget.DomWidget.fillInTemplate");
+	},
+	// method over-ride
+	destroyRendering: function(){
+		try{
+			delete this.domNode;
+		}catch(e){ /* squelch! */ }
+	},
+	// FIXME: method over-ride
+	cleanUp: function(){},
+	getContainerHeight: function(){
+		dojo.unimplemented("dojo.widget.DomWidget.getContainerHeight");
+	},
+	getContainerWidth: function(){
+		dojo.unimplemented("dojo.widget.DomWidget.getContainerWidth");
+	},
+	createNodesFromText: function(){
+		dojo.unimplemented("dojo.widget.DomWidget.createNodesFromText");
+	}

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DropdownButton.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DropdownButton.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DropdownButton.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.deprecated("dojo.widget.DropdownButton",  "use dojo.widget.ComboButton", "0.4");
+// Draws a button with a down arrow;
+// when you press the down arrow something appears (usually a menu)
+dojo.widget.DropdownButton = function(){
+	this.widgetType = "DropdownButton";
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.DropdownButton, dojo.widget.Widget);
+dojo.requireAfterIf("html", "dojo.widget.html.DropdownButton");

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DropdownContainer.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DropdownContainer.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DropdownContainer.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+	"dojo.widget.DropdownContainer",
+	dojo.widget.HtmlWidget,
+	{
+		initializer: function(){
+		},
+		isContainer: true,
+		snarfChildDomOutput: true,
+		inputWidth: "7em",
+		inputId: "",
+		inputName: "",
+		iconURL: null,
+		iconAlt: null,
+		inputNode: null,
+		buttonNode: null,
+		containerNode: null,
+		subWidgetNode: null,
+		containerToggle: "plain",
+		containerToggleDuration: 150,
+		containerAnimInProgress: false,
+		templateString: '<div><span style="white-space:nowrap"><input type="text" value="" style="vertical-align:middle;" dojoAttachPoint="inputNode" autocomplete="off" /> <img src="" alt="" dojoAttachPoint="buttonNode" dojoAttachEvent="onclick: onIconClick;" style="vertical-align:middle; cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" /></span><br /><div dojoAttachPoint="containerNode" style="display:none;position:absolute;width:12em;background-color:#fff;"></div></div>',
+		templateCssPath: "",
+		fillInTemplate: function(args, frag){
+			var source = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
+ = "";
+ = "";
+			if(this.inputId){ = this.inputId; }
+			if(this.inputName){ = this.inputName; }
+ = this.inputWidth;
+			if(this.iconURL){ this.buttonNode.src = this.iconURL; }
+			if(this.iconAlt){ this.buttonNode.alt = this.iconAlt; }
+			dojo.event.connect(this.inputNode, "onchange", this, "onInputChange");
+			this.containerIframe = new dojo.html.BackgroundIframe(this.containerNode);
+			this.containerIframe.size([0,0,0,0]);
+		},
+		postMixInProperties: function(args, frag, parentComp){
+			// now that we know the setting for toggle, get toggle object
+			// (default to plain toggler if user specified toggler not present)
+			this.containerToggleObj =
+				dojo.lfx.toggle[this.containerToggle.toLowerCase()] || dojo.lfx.toggle.plain;
+, args, frag, parentComp);
+		},
+		onIconClick: function(evt){
+			this.toggleContainerShow();
+		},
+		toggleContainerShow: function(){
+			if(dojo.html.isShowing(this.containerNode)){
+				this.hideContainer();
+			}else{
+				this.showContainer();
+			}
+		},
+		showContainer: function(){
+			this.containerAnimInProgress=true;
+, this.containerToggleDuration, null,
+				dojo.lang.hitch(this, this.onContainerShow), this.explodeSrc);
+			dojo.lang.setTimeout(this, this.sizeBackgroundIframe, this.containerToggleDuration);
+		},
+		onContainerShow: function(){
+			this.containerAnimInProgress=false;
+		},
+		hideContainer: function(){
+			this.containerAnimInProgress=true;
+			this.containerToggleObj.hide(this.containerNode, this.containerToggleDuration, null,
+				dojo.lang.hitch(this, this.onContainerHide), this.explodeSrc);
+			dojo.lang.setTimeout(this, this.sizeBackgroundIframe, this.containerToggleDuration);
+		},
+		onContainerHide: function(){
+			this.containerAnimInProgress=false;
+		},
+		sizeBackgroundIframe: function(){
+			var w =;
+			var h =;
+			if(w==0||h==0){
+				// need more time to calculate size
+				dojo.lang.setTimeout(this, "sizeBackgroundIframe", 100);
+				return;
+			}
+			if(dojo.html.isShowing(this.containerNode)){
+				this.containerIframe.size([0,0,w,h]);
+			}
+		},
+		onInputChange: function(){}
+	},
+	"html"

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DropdownDatePicker.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DropdownDatePicker.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/DropdownDatePicker.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+	"dojo.widget.DropdownDatePicker",
+	dojo.widget.DropdownContainer,
+	{
+		iconURL: dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/images/dateIcon.gif"),
+		iconAlt: "Select a Date",
+		iconTitle: "Select a Date",
+		datePicker: null,
+		dateFormat: "%m/%d/%Y",
+		date: null,
+		fillInTemplate: function(args, frag){
+, args, frag);
+			var source = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
+			if({ = new Date(; }
+			var dpNode = document.createElement("div");
+			this.containerNode.appendChild(dpNode);
+			var dateProps = { widgetContainerId: this.widgetId };
+			if({
+				dateProps["date"] =;
+				dateProps["storedDate"] = dojo.widget.DatePicker.util.toRfcDate(;
+				this.inputNode.value =, this.dateFormat);
+			}
+			this.datePicker = dojo.widget.createWidget("DatePicker", dateProps, dpNode);
+			dojo.event.connect(this.datePicker, "onSetDate", this, "onSetDate");
+		},
+		onSetDate: function(){
+			this.inputNode.value =, this.dateFormat);
+			this.hideContainer();
+		},
+		onInputChange: function(){
+			var tmp = new Date(this.inputNode.value);
+ = tmp;
+			this.datePicker.setDate(dojo.widget.DatePicker.util.toRfcDate(tmp));
+			this.datePicker.initData();
+			this.datePicker.initUI();
+		}
+	},
+	"html"

Added: tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Editor.js
--- tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Editor.js (added)
+++ tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/framework/src/js/dojo/src/widget/Editor.js Mon May 22 16:10:12 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+/* TODO:
+ * - font selector
+ * - test, bug fix, more features :)
+dojo.widget.html.Editor = function() {
+	this.contentFilters = [];
+	this._toolbars = [];
+dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.html.Editor, dojo.widget.HtmlWidget);
+dojo.widget.html.Editor.itemGroups = {
+	textGroup: ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"],
+	blockGroup: ["formatBlock", "fontName", "fontSize"],
+	justifyGroup: ["justifyleft", "justifycenter", "justifyright"],
+	commandGroup: ["save", "cancel"],
+	colorGroup: ["forecolor", "hilitecolor"],
+	listGroup: ["insertorderedlist", "insertunorderedlist"],
+	indentGroup: ["outdent", "indent"],
+	linkGroup: ["createlink", "insertimage", "inserthorizontalrule"]
+dojo.widget.html.Editor.formatBlockValues = {
+	"Normal": "p",
+	"Main heading": "h2",
+	"Sub heading": "h3",
+	"Sub sub heading": "h4",
+	"Preformatted": "pre"
+dojo.widget.html.Editor.fontNameValues = {
+	"Arial": "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",
+	"Verdana": "Verdana, sans-serif",
+	"Times New Roman": "Times New Roman, serif",
+	"Courier": "Courier New, monospace"
+dojo.widget.html.Editor.fontSizeValues = {
+	"1 (8 pt)" : "1",
+	"2 (10 pt)": "2",
+	"3 (12 pt)": "3",
+	"4 (14 pt)": "4",
+	"5 (18 pt)": "5",
+	"6 (24 pt)": "6",
+	"7 (36 pt)": "7"
+dojo.widget.html.Editor.defaultItems = [
+	"commandGroup", "|", "blockGroup", "|", "textGroup", "|", "colorGroup", "|", "justifyGroup", "|", "listGroup", "indentGroup", "|", "linkGroup"
+// ones we support by default without asking the RichText component
+// NOTE: you shouldn't put buttons like bold, italic, etc in here
+dojo.widget.html.Editor.supportedCommands = ["save", "cancel", "|", "-", "/", " "];
+dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.html.Editor, {
+	widgetType: "Editor",
+	saveUrl: "",
+	saveMethod: "post",
+	saveArgName: "editorContent",
+	closeOnSave: false,
+	items: dojo.widget.html.Editor.defaultItems,
+	formatBlockItems: dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.widget.html.Editor.formatBlockValues),
+	fontNameItems: dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.widget.html.Editor.fontNameValues),
+	fontSizeItems: dojo.lang.shallowCopy(dojo.widget.html.Editor.fontSizeValues),
+	// used to get the properties of an item if it is given as a string
+	getItemProperties: function(name) {
+		var props = {};
+		switch(name.toLowerCase()) {
+			case "bold":
+			case "italic":
+			case "underline":
+			case "strikethrough":
+				props.toggleItem = true;
+				break;
+			case "justifygroup":
+				props.defaultButton = "justifyleft";
+				props.preventDeselect = true;
+				props.buttonGroup = true;
+				break;
+			case "listgroup":
+				props.buttonGroup = true;
+				break;
+			case "save":
+			case "cancel":
+				props.label = dojo.string.capitalize(name);
+				break;
+			case "forecolor":
+			case "hilitecolor":
+ = name;
+				props.toggleItem = true; // FIXME: they aren't exactly toggle items
+				props.icon = this.getCommandImage(name);
+				break;
+			case "formatblock":
+ = "formatBlock";
+				props.values = this.formatBlockItems;
+				break;
+			case "fontname":
+ = "fontName";
+				props.values = this.fontNameItems;
+			case "fontsize":
+ = "fontSize";
+				props.values = this.fontSizeItems;
+		}
+		return props;
+	},
+	validateItems: true, // set to false to add items, regardless of support
+	focusOnLoad: true,
+	minHeight: "1em",
+	_richText: null, // RichText widget
+	_richTextType: "RichText",
+	_toolbarContainer: null, // ToolbarContainer widget
+	_toolbarContainerType: "ToolbarContainer",
+	_toolbars: [],
+	_toolbarType: "Toolbar",
+	_toolbarItemType: "ToolbarItem",
+	buildRendering: function(args, frag) {
+		// get the node from args/frag
+		var node = frag["dojo:"+this.widgetType.toLowerCase()]["nodeRef"];
+		var trt = dojo.widget.createWidget(this._richTextType, {
+			focusOnLoad: this.focusOnLoad,
+			minHeight: this.minHeight
+		}, node)
+		var _this = this;
+		// this appears to fix a weird timing bug on Safari
+		setTimeout(function(){
+			_this.setRichText(trt);
+			_this.initToolbar();
+			_this.fillInTemplate(args, frag);
+		}, 0);
+	},
+	setRichText: function(richText) {
+		if(this._richText && this._richText == richText) {
+			dojo.debug("Already set the richText to this richText!");
+			return;
+		}
+		if(this._richText && !this._richText.isClosed) {
+			dojo.debug("You are switching richTexts yet you haven't closed the current one. Losing reference!");
+		}
+		this._richText = richText;
+		dojo.event.connect(this._richText, "close", this, "onClose");
+		dojo.event.connect(this._richText, "onLoad", this, "onLoad");
+		dojo.event.connect(this._richText, "onDisplayChanged", this, "updateToolbar");
+		if(this._toolbarContainer) {
+			this._toolbarContainer.enable();
+			this.updateToolbar(true);
+		}
+	},
+	initToolbar: function() {
+		// var tic = new Date();
+		if(this._toolbarContainer) { return; } // only create it once
+		this._toolbarContainer = dojo.widget.createWidget(this._toolbarContainerType);
+		var tb = this.addToolbar();
+		var last = true;
+		for(var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
+			if(this.items[i] == "\n") { // new row
+				tb = this.addToolbar();
+			} else {
+				if((this.items[i] == "|")&&(!last)){
+					last = true;
+				}else{
+					last = this.addItem(this.items[i], tb);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		this.insertToolbar(this._toolbarContainer.domNode, this._richText.domNode);
+		// alert(new Date - tic);
+	},
+	// allow people to override this so they can make their own placement logic
+	insertToolbar: function(tbNode, richTextNode) {
+		dojo.html.insertBefore(tbNode, richTextNode);
+		//dojo.html.insertBefore(this._toolbarContainer.domNode, this._richText.domNode);
+	},
+	addToolbar: function(toolbar) {
+		this.initToolbar();
+		if(!(toolbar instanceof dojo.widget.html.Toolbar)) {
+			toolbar = dojo.widget.createWidget(this._toolbarType);
+		}
+		this._toolbarContainer.addChild(toolbar);
+		this._toolbars.push(toolbar);
+		return toolbar;
+	},
+	addItem: function(item, tb, dontValidate) {
+		if(!tb) { tb = this._toolbars[0]; }
+		var cmd = ((item)&&(!dojo.lang.isUndefined(item["getValue"]))) ?  cmd = item["getValue"](): item;
+		var groups = dojo.widget.html.Editor.itemGroups;
+		if(item instanceof dojo.widget.ToolbarItem) {
+			tb.addChild(item);
+		} else if(groups[cmd]) {
+			var group = groups[cmd];
+			var worked = true;
+			if(cmd == "justifyGroup" || cmd == "listGroup") {
+				var btnGroup = [cmd];
+				for(var i = 0 ; i < group.length; i++) {
+					if(dontValidate || this.isSupportedCommand(group[i])) {
+						btnGroup.push(this.getCommandImage(group[i]));
+					}else{
+						worked = false;
+					}
+				}
+				if(btnGroup.length){
+					/*
+					// the addChild interface is assinine. Work around it.
+					var tprops = this.getItemProperties(cmd);
+					var tmpGroup = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarButtonGroup", tprops);
+					dojo.debug(btnGroup);
+					dojo.event.connect(tmpGroup, "onClick", this, "_action");
+					dojo.event.connect(tmpGroup, "onChangeSelect", this, "_action");
+					*/
+					var btn = tb.addChild(btnGroup, null, this.getItemProperties(cmd));
+					dojo.event.connect(btn, "onClick", this, "_action");
+					dojo.event.connect(btn, "onChangeSelect", this, "_action");
+				}
+				return worked;
+			} else {
+				for(var i = 0; i < group.length; i++) {
+					if(!this.addItem(group[i], tb)){
+						worked = false;
+					}
+				}
+				return worked;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if((!dontValidate)&&(!this.isSupportedCommand(cmd))){
+				return false;
+			}
+			if(dontValidate || this.isSupportedCommand(cmd)) {
+				cmd = cmd.toLowerCase();
+				if(cmd == "formatblock") {
+					var select = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarSelect", {
+						name: "formatBlock",
+						values: this.formatBlockItems
+					});
+					tb.addChild(select);
+					var _this = this;
+					dojo.event.connect(select, "onSetValue", function(item, value) {
+						_this.onAction("formatBlock", value);
+					});
+				} else if(cmd == "fontname") {
+					var select = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarSelect", {
+						name: "fontName",
+						values: this.fontNameItems
+					});
+					tb.addChild(select);
+					dojo.event.connect(select, "onSetValue", dojo.lang.hitch(this, function(item, value) {
+						this.onAction("fontName", value);
+					}));
+				} else if(cmd == "fontsize") {
+					var select = dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarSelect", {
+						name: "fontSize",
+						values: this.fontSizeItems
+					});
+					tb.addChild(select);
+					dojo.event.connect(select, "onSetValue", dojo.lang.hitch(this, function(item, value) {
+						this.onAction("fontSize", value);
+					}));
+				} else if(dojo.lang.inArray(cmd, ["forecolor", "hilitecolor"])) {
+					var btn = tb.addChild(dojo.widget.createWidget("ToolbarColorDialog", this.getItemProperties(cmd)));
+					dojo.event.connect(btn, "onSetValue", this, "_setValue");
+				} else {
+					var btn = tb.addChild(this.getCommandImage(cmd), null, this.getItemProperties(cmd));
+					if(cmd == "save"){
+						dojo.event.connect(btn, "onClick", this, "_save");
+					}else if(cmd == "cancel"){
+						dojo.event.connect(btn, "onClick", this, "_close");
+					} else {
+						dojo.event.connect(btn, "onClick", this, "_action");
+						dojo.event.connect(btn, "onChangeSelect", this, "_action");
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	enableToolbar: function() {
+		if(this._toolbarContainer) {
+ = "";
+			this._toolbarContainer.enable();
+		}
+	},
+	disableToolbar: function(hide){
+		if(hide){
+			if(this._toolbarContainer){
+ = "none";
+			}
+		}else{
+			if(this._toolbarContainer){
+				this._toolbarContainer.disable();
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	_updateToolbarLastRan: null,
+	_updateToolbarTimer: null,
+	_updateToolbarFrequency: 500,
+	updateToolbar: function(force) {
+		if(!this._toolbarContainer) { return; }
+		// keeps the toolbar from updating too frequently
+		// TODO: generalize this functionality?
+		var diff = new Date() - this._updateToolbarLastRan;
+		if(!force && this._updateToolbarLastRan && (diff < this._updateToolbarFrequency)) {
+			clearTimeout(this._updateToolbarTimer);
+			var _this = this;
+			this._updateToolbarTimer = setTimeout(function() {
+				_this.updateToolbar();
+			}, this._updateToolbarFrequency/2);
+			return;
+		} else {
+			this._updateToolbarLastRan = new Date();
+		}
+		// end frequency checker
+		var items = this._toolbarContainer.getItems();
+		for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+			var item = items[i];
+			if(item instanceof dojo.widget.html.ToolbarSeparator) { continue; }
+			var cmd = item._name;
+			if (cmd == "save" || cmd == "cancel") { continue; }
+			else if(cmd == "justifyGroup") {
+				try {
+					if(!this._richText.queryCommandEnabled("justifyleft")) {
+						item.disable(false, true);
+					} else {
+						item.enable(false, true);
+						var jitems = item.getItems();
+						for(var j = 0; j < jitems.length; j++) {
+							var name = jitems[j]._name;
+							var value = this._richText.queryCommandValue(name);
+							if(typeof value == "boolean" && value) {
+								value = name;
+								break;
+							} else if(typeof value == "string") {
+								value = "justify"+value;
+							} else {
+								value = null;
+							}
+						}
+						if(!value) { value = "justifyleft"; } // TODO: query actual style
+						item.setValue(value, false, true);
+					}
+				} catch(err) {}
+			} else if(cmd == "listGroup") {
+				var litems = item.getItems();
+				for(var j = 0; j < litems.length; j++) {
+					this.updateItem(litems[j]);
+				}
+			} else {
+				this.updateItem(item);
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	updateItem: function(item) {
+		try {
+			var cmd = item._name;
+			var enabled = this._richText.queryCommandEnabled(cmd);
+			item.setEnabled(enabled, false, true);
+			var active = this._richText.queryCommandState(cmd);
+			if(active && cmd == "underline") {
+				// don't activate underlining if we are on a link
+				active = !this._richText.queryCommandEnabled("unlink");
+			}
+			item.setSelected(active, false, true);
+			return true;
+		} catch(err) {
+			return false;
+		}
+	},
+	supportedCommands: dojo.widget.html.Editor.supportedCommands.concat(),
+	isSupportedCommand: function(cmd) {
+		// FIXME: how do we check for ActiveX?
+		var yes = dojo.lang.inArray(cmd, this.supportedCommands);
+		if(!yes) {
+			try {
+				var richText = this._richText || dojo.widget.HtmlRichText.prototype;
+				yes = richText.queryCommandAvailable(cmd);
+			} catch(E) {}
+		}
+		return yes;
+	},
+	getCommandImage: function(cmd) {
+		if(cmd == "|") {
+			return cmd;
+		} else {
+			return dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/buttons/" + cmd + ".gif");
+		}
+	},
+	_action: function(e) {
+		this._fire("onAction", e.getValue());
+	},
+	_setValue: function(a, b) {
+		this._fire("onAction", a.getValue(), b);
+	},
+	_save: function(e){
+		// FIXME: how should this behave when there's a larger form in play?
+		if(!this._richText.isClosed){
+			if(this.saveUrl.length){
+				var content = {};
+				content[this.saveArgName] = this.getHtml();
+					method: this.saveMethod,
+					url: this.saveUrl,
+					content: content
+				});
+			}else{
+				dojo.debug("please set a saveUrl for the editor");
+			}
+			if(this.closeOnSave){
+				this._richText.close(e.getName().toLowerCase() == "save");
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	_close: function(e) {
+		if(!this._richText.isClosed) {
+			this._richText.close(e.getName().toLowerCase() == "save");
+		}
+	},
+	onAction: function(cmd, value) {
+		switch(cmd) {
+			case "createlink":
+				if(!(value = prompt("Please enter the URL of the link:", "http://"))) {
+					return;
+				}
+				break;
+			case "insertimage":
+				if(!(value = prompt("Please enter the URL of the image:", "http://"))) {
+					return;
+				}
+				break;
+		}
+		this._richText.execCommand(cmd, value);
+	},
+	fillInTemplate: function(args, frag) {
+		// dojo.event.connect(this, "onResized", this._richText, "onResized");
+	},
+	_fire: function(eventName) {
+		if(dojo.lang.isFunction(this[eventName])) {
+			var args = [];
+			if(arguments.length == 1) {
+				args.push(this);
+			} else {
+				for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+					args.push(arguments[i]);
+				}
+			}
+			this[eventName].apply(this, args);
+		}
+	},
+	getHtml: function(){
+		this._richText.contentFilters = this._richText.contentFilters.concat(this.contentFilters);
+		return this._richText.getEditorContent();
+	},
+	getEditorContent: function(){
+		return this.getHtml();
+	},
+	onClose: function(save, hide){
+		this.disableToolbar(hide);
+		if(save) {
+			this._fire("onSave");
+		} else {
+			this._fire("onCancel");
+		}
+	},
+	// events baby!
+	onLoad: function(){},
+	onSave: function(){},
+	onCancel: function(){}