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+        <li class="first-level active"><a href="#retrieving-objects">Retrieving Objects</a></li>
+            <li class="second-level"><a href="#getting-the-root-folder">Getting the Root Folder</a></li>
+            <li class="second-level"><a href="#getting-objects-by-id">Getting Objects by ID</a></li>
+            <li class="second-level"><a href="#getting-objects-by-path">Getting Objects by Path</a></li>
+            <li class="second-level"><a href="#getting-folder-children">Getting Folder Children</a></li>
+            <li class="second-level"><a href="#understanding-the-object-cache">Understanding the Object Cache</a></li>
+                <li class="third-level"><a href="#refresh-the-object-data-that-is-returned-from-getobject">Refresh the object data that is returned from getObject()</a></li>
+                <li class="third-level"><a href="#turn-off-the-session-cache-completely">Turn off the session cache completely</a></li>
+                <li class="third-level"><a href="#turn-off-caching-for-this-getobject-call">Turn off caching for this getObject() call</a></li>
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+<h1 id="retrieving-objects">Retrieving Objects</h1>
+<p><span class="cmis">CMIS 1.0</span>
+<span class="cmis">CMIS 1.1</span></p>
+<h2 id="getting-the-root-folder">Getting the Root Folder</h2>
+<p>All repositories have to provide a root folder. It&rsquo;s the entry point for <a href="#getting-folder-children">browsing</a> the repository content. The root folder might be completely empty and useless for repositories that only support <abbr title="An object is called &quot;unfiled&quot; if it doesn't reside in a folder. Folders cannot be unfiled.">unfiled</abbr> objects.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">Folder rootFolder = session.getRootFolder();
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IFolder rootFolder = Session.GetRootFolder();
+<h2 id="getting-objects-by-id">Getting Objects by ID</h2>
+<p>All objects in a repository must have a unique object ID and can be retrieved by this ID. If the user has no permissions to see the object, an <a href="../exceptions/index.html">objectNotFound</a> exception is thrown.</p>
+<p>Use an <a href="../operation-context/index.html">Operation Context</a> to define which details of the object should be returned.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">CmisObject cmisObject = session.getObject(id);
+if (cmisObject instanceof Document) {
+    Document document = (Document) cmisObject;
+} else if (cmisObject instanceof Folder) {
+    Folder folder = (Folder) cmisDocument;
+} else {
+    ...
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">ICmisObject cmisObject = Session.GetObject(id);
+if (cmisObject is IDocument) {
+    IDocument document = cmisObject as IDocument;
+} else if (cmisObject is IFolder) {
+    IFolder folder = cmisDocument as IFolder;
+} else {
+    ...
+<h2 id="getting-objects-by-path">Getting Objects by Path</h2>
+<p>A <abbr title="An object is called &quot;filed&quot; if it resides in one or more folders.">filed</abbr> object has one or more paths and can be retrieved by this path. If the user has no permissions to see the object, an <a href="../exceptions/index.html">objectNotFound</a> exception is thrown.</p>
+<p>Most repositories use the <strong>cmis:name</strong> property of the folders and the object to assemble the path. But it is possible that the path segments don’t match the names.</p>
+<p>Use an <a href="../operation-context/index.html">Operation Context</a> to define which details of the object should be returned.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">String path = &quot;/User Homes/customer1/document.odt&quot;;
+CmisObject cmisObject = session.getObjectByPath(path);
+// get the object ID
+String id = cmisObject.getId();
+// we know it is a filable object, we just retrieved it by path
+FileableCmisObject fileableCmisObject = (FileableCmisObject) cmisObject;
+// get all paths, there must be at least one
+List&lt;String&gt; paths = fileableCmisObject.getPaths();
+// get all parent folders, there must be at least one
+List&lt;Folder&gt; parents = fileableCmisObject.getParents();
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">string path = &quot;/User Homes/customer1/document.odt&quot;;
+ICmisObject cmisObject = Session.GetObjectByPath(path);
+// get the object ID
+string id = cmisObject.Id;
+// we know it is a filable object, we just retrieved it by path
+IFileableCmisObject fileableCmisObject = cmisObject as IFileableCmisObject;
+// get all paths, there must be at least one
+IList&lt;string&gt; paths = fileableCmisObject.Paths;
+// get all parent folders, there must be at least one
+IList&lt;IFolder&gt; parents = fileableCmisObject.Parents;
+<h2 id="getting-folder-children">Getting Folder Children</h2>
+<p>The page about <a href="../lists/index.html">lists</a> explains how paging works.</p>
+<p>Use an <a href="../operation-context/index.html">Operation Context</a> to define which details of the objects should be returned.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">Folder folder = ...
+for (CmisObject child: folder.getChildren()) {
+    System.out.println(child.getName());
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IFolder folder = ...
+foreach (ICmisObject child in folder.GetChildren()) {
+    Console.WriteLine(child.Name);
+<h2 id="understanding-the-object-cache">Understanding the Object Cache</h2>
+<p>By default, OpenCMIS and PortCMIS cache objects. That is, the object returned by <code>getObject()</code> or <code>getObjectbyPath()</code>
+can be stale. There are multiple ways to deal with that.</p>
+<h3 id="refresh-the-object-data-that-is-returned-from-getobject">Refresh the object data that is returned from <code>getObject()</code></h3>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">CmisObject cmisObject = session.getObject(id);
+cmisObject.refresh(); // contacts the repository and refreshes the object
+cmisObject.refreshIfOld(60 * 1000); // ... or refreshes the object only if the data is older than a minute
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">ICmisObject cmisObject = Session.GetObject(id);
+cmisObject.Refresh(); // contacts the repository and refreshes the object
+cmisObject.RefreshIfOld(60 * 1000); // ... or refreshes the object only if the data is older than a minute
+<h3 id="turn-off-the-session-cache-completely">Turn off the session cache completely</h3>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">session.getDefaultContext().setCacheEnabled(false);
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">Session.DefaultContext.CacheEnabled = false;
+<h3 id="turn-off-caching-for-this-getobject-call">Turn off caching for this <code>getObject()</code> call</h3>
+<p>See also the page about the <a href="../operation-context/index.html">Operation Context</a>.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">OperationContext oc = session.createOperationContext();
+CmisObject cmisObject = session.getObject(id, oc);
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IOperationContext oc = session.CreateOperationContext();
+oc.CacheEnabled = false;
+ICmisObject cmisObject = Session.GetObject(id, oc);
+<h3 id="clear-the-session-cache">Clear the session cache</h3>
+<p>This is not recommended!</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">session.clear();
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">Session.Clear();
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+<h1 id="working-with-types">Working with Types</h1>
+<h2 id="getting-type-definitions">Getting Type Definitions</h2>
+<p><span class="cmis">CMIS 1.0</span>
+<span class="cmis">CMIS 1.1</span>
+<span class="spec">Spec 2.1.3</span></p>
+<h3 id="getting-a-specific-type-definition">Getting a Specific Type Definition</h3>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">ObjectType type = session.getTypeDefinition(&quot;cmis:document&quot;);
+if (type instanceof DocumentType) {
+    DocumentType docType = (DocumentType) type;
+    boolean isVersionable = docType.isVersionable();
+} else if (type instanceof RelationshipType) {
+    RelationshipType relType = (RelationshipType) type;
+} else {
+    ...
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IObjectType type = session.GetTypeDefinition(&quot;cmis:document&quot;);
+if (type is IDocumentType) {
+    IDocumentType docType = type as IDocumentType;
+    bool isVersionable = docType.Versionable;
+} else if (type is IRelationshipType) {
+    IRelationshipType relType = type as IRelationshipType;
+} else {
+    ...
+<h3 id="checking-whether-a-specific-type-definition-exists">Checking whether a Specific Type Definition Exists</h3>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">boolean typeExists = true;
+try {
+    session.getTypeDefinition(&quot;my:Type&quot;);
+catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
+    typeExists = false;
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">bool typeExists = true;
+try {
+    session.GetTypeDefinition(&quot;my:Type&quot;);
+catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException) {
+    typeExists = false;
+<h3 id="browsing-type-definitions">Browsing Type Definitions</h3>
+<h2 id="creating-updating-and-deleting-types">Creating, Updating, and Deleting Types</h2>
+<p><span class="cmis">CMIS 1.1</span>
+<span class="spec">Spec 2.1.10</span></p>
+<div class="admonition note">
+<p class="admonition-title">Reading and Writing Type Definitions</p>
+<p>The class <code>TypeUtils</code> in OpenCMIS provides methods to read and write
+type defintions from XML and JSON. It also offers methods to check whether
+a type defintion is valid and complete.</p>
+<h3 id="creating-a-type">Creating a Type</h3>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">TypeDefinition typeDef = ...
+ObjectType createdType = session.createType(typeDef);
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">ITypeDefinition typeDef = ...
+IObjectType createdType = session.CreateType(typeDef);
+<h3 id="updating-a-type">Updating a Type</h3>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">TypeDefinition typeDef = ...
+ObjectType updatedType = session.updateType(typeDef);
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">ITypeDefinition typeDef = ...
+IObjectType updatedType = session.UpdateType(typeDef);
+<h3 id="deleting-a-type">Deleting a Type</h3>
+<p>A type can only be deleted if no object of that type exists in the repository.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">session.deleteType(&quot;my:uselessType&quot;);
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">session.DeleteType(&quot;my:uselessType&quot;);
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+            <li class="second-level"><a href="#updating-properties">Updating Properties</a></li>
+                <li class="third-level"><a href="#renaming-an-object">Renaming an Object</a></li>
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+<h1 id="updating-objects">Updating Objects</h1>
+<h2 id="updating-properties">Updating Properties</h2>
+<p><span class="cmis">CMIS 1.0</span>
+<span class="cmis">CMIS 1.1</span></p>
+<p>The page about <a href="../properties/index.html">properties</a> explains how Java and C# data types are map to CMIS data types.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="Java">CmisObject cmisObject = ...
+Map&lt;String, Object&gt; properties = new HashMap&lt;String, Object&gt;();
+properties.put(&quot;my:property&quot;, &quot;new value&quot;); // single-value property
+properties.put(&quot;;, 42);
+properties.put(&quot;;, new GregorianCalendar());
+properties.put(&quot;;, true);
+List&lt;String&gt; shoppingList = new ArrayList&lt;String&gt;();
+properties.put(&quot;my:shopping.list&quot;, shoppingList); // multi-value property
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">ICmisObject cmisObject = ...
+IDictonary&lt;string, object&gt; properties = new Dictonary&lt;string, object&gt;();
+properties.Add(&quot;my:property&quot;, &quot;new value&quot;); // single-value property
+properties.Add(&quot;;, 42);
+properties.Add(&quot;;, DateTime.Now);
+properties.Add(&quot;;, true);
+IList&lt;string&gt; shoppingList = new List&lt;string&gt;();
+properties.Add(&quot;my:shopping.list&quot;, shoppingList); // multi-value property
+<h3 id="renaming-an-object">Renaming an Object</h3>
+<p>If you just want to change the <strong>cmis:name</strong> property, there is a shortcut.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="Java">CmisObject cmisObject = ....
+cmisObject.rename(&quot;new name&quot;);
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">ICmisObject cmisObject = ....
+cmisObject.Rename(&quot;new name&quot;);
+<h2 id="bulk-update">Bulk Update</h2>
+<p><span class="cmis">CMIS 1.1</span></p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="Java">// collect all objects to be updated
+List&lt;CmisObject&gt; objectList = new ArrayList&lt;CmisObject&gt;();
+// prepare properties
+Map&lt;String, Object&gt; properties = new HashMap&lt;String, Object&gt;();
+properties.put(&quot;my:project&quot;, &quot;123456&quot;);
+properties.put(&quot;my:priority&quot;, 10);
+List&lt;BulkUpdateObjectIdAndChangeToken&gt; updatedIds = session.bulkUpdateProperties(objectList, properties, null, null);
+<h2 id="updating-content">Updating Content</h2>
+<p>See <a href="../content/index.html">Working with Content</a>.</p></div>
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+<h1 id="working-with-versions">Working with Versions</h1>
+<p><span class="cmis">CMIS 1.0</span>
+<span class="cmis">CMIS 1.1</span>
+<span class="spec">Spec 2.1.13</span></p>
+<p>Only documents can be versioned and only if the type of the document is marked as versionable.</p>
+<p>To check whether a document type is verionable or not, use the following code.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">DocumentType documentType = (DocumentType) session.getTypeDefinition(&quot;my:documentType&quot;);
+boolean isVersionable = Boolean.TRUE.equals(documentType.isVersionable());
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IDocumentType documentType = session.GetTypeDefinition(&quot;my:documentType&quot;) as IDocumentType;
+bool isVersionable = documentType.Versionable == true;
+<h2 id="retrieving-the-version-history">Retrieving the Version History</h2>
+<p>The code snippets below show how to retrieve the version history of a document.
+The returned list is ordered by creation date (<strong>cmis:creationDate</strong>). The newest version is on the top of the list, the first version on the bottom.
+If the version series is checked-out, a <abbr title="Private Working Copy">PWC</abbr> exists and the user is allowed to see the <abbr title="Private Working Copy">PWC</abbr>, then this <abbr title="Private Working Copy">PWC</abbr> is the first entry in the list.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">Document document = ...
+for (Document version: document.getAllVersions())
+    System.out.println(child.getVersionLabel());
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IDocument document = ...
+foreach (IDocument version in document.GetAllVersions())
+    Console.WriteLine(child.VersionLabel);
+<h2 id="getting-the-latest-version">Getting the Latest Version</h2>
+<p>The version that has the most recent last modification date (<strong>cmis:lastModificationDate</strong>) is called the latest version of the version series.</p>
+<p>If you already have a version document object from a version series, you can test if it is the latest version and if not, get the latest version.</p>
+<div class="admonition note">
+<p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
+<p>The test if the document is the latest verion depends on the property <strong>cmis:isLatestVersion</strong>.
+The property has to loaded with document object to make this check work. See the page about the <a href="../operation-context/index.html">Operation Context</a> to learn how to accomplish that.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">Document document = ...
+Document latest;
+if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(document.isLatestVersion())) {
+    latest = document;
+} else {
+    latest = document.getObjectOfLatestVersion(false); // major = false
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IDocument document = ...
+IDocument latest;
+if (document.LatestVersion == true) {
+    latest = document;
+} else {
+    latest = document.GetObjectOfLatestVersion(false); // major = false
+<p>If you only have a document ID, you can use the following code to get latest version.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">Document latest = session.getLatestDocumentVersion(docId);
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IDocument latest = Session.GetLatestDocumentVersion(docId);
+<h2 id="creating-versions">Creating Versions</h2>
+<p>To create a new version, the version series has to be checked out, updated and checked in.
+Many repositories allow a check out only on the latest version.</p>
+<p>The check-out creates a <abbr title="Private Working Copy">PWC</abbr> (Private Working Copy). The <abbr title="Private Working Copy">PWC</abbr> can (usually) only be seen and updated by the user who checked out the version series. There can be only one <abbr title="Private Working Copy">PWC</abbr> per version series, which means that version series is locked while it is checked out.</p>
+<p>To check if a version series is already checked out, use this snippet.</p>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">Document document = ...
+boolean isCheckedOut = Boolean.TRUE.equals(document.isVersionSeriesCheckedOut());
+String checkedOutBy = document.getVersionSeriesCheckedOutBy(); // not all repositories provide this
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IDocument document = ...
+bool isCheckedOut = document.IsVersionSeriesCheckedOut == true;
+string checkedOutBy = document.VersionSeriesCheckedOutBy; // not all repositories provide this
+<h3 id="check-out">Check-out</h3>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">Document document = ...
+ObjectId pwcId = document.checkOut();
+Document pwc = session.getObject(pwcId); // get PWC document
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IDocument document = ...
+IObjectId pwcId = document.CheckOut();
+IDocument pwc = session.GetObject(pwcId); // get PWC document
+<h3 id="cancel-check-out">Cancel Check-out</h3>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">Document pwc = ...
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IDocument pwc = ...
+<h3 id="check-in">Check-in</h3>
+<p class="opencmis">OpenCMIS (Java)</p>
+<pre><code class="java">Document pwc = ...
+ObjectId newVersionId = pwc.checkIn(true, null, null, &quot;new version&quot;);
+<p class="portcmis">PortCMIS (C#)</p>
+<pre><code class="csharp">IDocument pwc = ...
+IObjectId newVersionId = pwc.CheckIn(true, null, null, &quot;new version&quot;);
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--- chemistry/site/trunk/content/dotnet/dotcmis.mdtext (original)
+++ chemistry/site/trunk/content/dotnet/dotcmis.mdtext Fri Jun 24 10:03:33 2016
@@ -34,12 +34,9 @@ While downloading the packages, make you
 <a name="DotCMIS-Documentation"></a>
 ## Documentation
-There are starter code snippets on the [Getting started with DotCMIS](getting-started-with-dotcmis.html) page and the [PowerShell Example](powershell-example.html) page.
+There are starter code snippets on the [Getting started with DotCMIS](getting-started-with-dotcmis.html) page, the [Apache Chemistry Code Samples page](/docs/cmis-samples), and the [PowerShell Example](powershell-example.html) page.
 The API documentation is available as a CHM Help file in the binary release package. A session parameter overview is available on the [Session Parameters](session-parameters.html) page.
-The interfaces are very similar to the [OpenCMIS](/java/opencmis.html) client API. Please see the
-OpenCMIS documentation for more insights.
 <a name="DotCMIS-Sourcecodeanddependencies"></a>
 ## Source code, dependencies and development binaries

Modified: chemistry/site/trunk/content/dotnet/portcmis.mdtext
--- chemistry/site/trunk/content/dotnet/portcmis.mdtext (original)
+++ chemistry/site/trunk/content/dotnet/portcmis.mdtext Fri Jun 24 10:03:33 2016
@@ -49,9 +49,7 @@ While downloading the packages, make you
 <a name="DotCMIS-Documentation"></a>
 ## Documentation
-Please refer to the [DotCMIS documentation](/dotnet/dotcmis.html) for now. The APIs are very similar.
+See the [Apache Chemistry Code Samples page](/docs/cmis-samples).
 <a name="PortCMIS-Sourcecodeanddependencies"></a>

Modified: chemistry/site/trunk/templates/navigation_bar.html
--- chemistry/site/trunk/templates/navigation_bar.html (original)
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@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@
 <UL class="alternate" type="square">
   <LI><A href="/java/opencmis.html" title="OpenCMIS Overview and Index">Overview</A></LI>
   <LI><A href="/java/download.html" title="Downloads">Downloads</A></LI>
-  <LI><A href="/java/developing/index.html" title="Developing">Developing with OpenCMIS</A></LI>
-  <LI><A href="/java/examples/index.html" title="Example Code">Example Code</A></LI>
-  <LI><A href="/java/how-to/index.html" title="OpenCMIS HowTos">OpenCMIS HowTos</A></LI>
+  <LI><A href="/docs/cmis-samples/" title="Downloads">Code Samples</A></LI>
   <LI><A href="/java/0.14.0/maven/apidocs/" rel="nofollow">JavaDoc</A></LI>
   <LI><A href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">Source Code</A></LI>
@@ -61,6 +59,7 @@
   <LI><A href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">DotCMIS Source Code</A></LI>
   <LI><A href="/dotnet/portcmis.html" title="PortCMIS">PortCMIS</A></LI>
   <LI><A href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">PortCMIS Source Code</A></LI>
+  <LI><A href="/docs/cmis-samples/" title="Downloads">Code Samples</A></LI>

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