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Posted to by Hangu Choi <> on 2015/11/10 08:11:15 UTC

[DIH] deltaQuery has no column to resolve to declared primary key pk='id'

I stuck in DIH...

full import is fine.
and delta import was also fine before I add deltaQuery and parentDeltaQuery
in 'auth' entity.

thank you for any help..

    <dataSource driver="org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver"

                password="" />
        <entity name="article" PK="article_id"
                query="select article_id, revision_id, title, content,
utc_rev_datetime from article_revision a1 where revision_id in  (select
max(revision_id) from article_revision a2 where a1.article_id =
                deltaImportQuery="select article_id, revision_id, title,
content, utc_rev_datetime from article_revision a1 where revision_id in
 (select max(revision_id) from article_revision a2 where a1.article_id =
a2.article_id) and article_id=${}"
                deltaQuery="select article_id from article_revision a1
where revision_id in  (select max(revision_id) from article_revision a2
where a1.article_id = a2.article_id) and a1.utc_rev_datetime >
           <field column="article_id" name="id" />
           <field column="title" name="title" />
           <field column="utc_rev_datetime" name="utc_rev_datetime" />
           <field column="content" name="content" />
           <entity name="auth" PK="auth_id"
                        query="select * from article_authority where
article_id ='${article.article_id}'"
                        deltaQuery="select article_id from
article_authority where utc_last_managed_datetime >
                        parentDeltaQuery="select article_id from
article_revision a1 where revision_id in  (select max(revision_id) from
article_revision a2 where a1.article_id = a2.article_id) and
a1.article_id=${auth.article_id}" >
                <field name="auth_id" column="auth_id" />
                <field name="read_auth_level" column="read_auth_level" />
                <field name="manager_id" column="manager_id" />
                <field name="utc_last_managed_datetime"
column="utc_last_managed_datetime" />
