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Posted to by on 2012/07/10 03:31:08 UTC

[16/18] [Defect / Enhancement / New Feature] CS-15281 : Removal of third party dependencies in Citrix code base
diff --git a/tools/migration/paramiko/ b/tools/migration/paramiko/
deleted file mode 100644
index a7251f6..0000000
--- a/tools/migration/paramiko/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2096 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Robey Pointer <>
-# Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the
-# Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
-# file except in compliance with the License.  Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Automatically generated by at 04/03/2012
-# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
-L{Transport} handles the core SSH2 protocol.
-import os
-import socket
-import string
-import struct
-import sys
-import threading
-import time
-import weakref
-from paramiko import util
-from paramiko.auth_handler import AuthHandler
-from import Channel
-from paramiko.common import *
-from paramiko.compress import ZlibCompressor, ZlibDecompressor
-from paramiko.dsskey import DSSKey
-from paramiko.kex_gex import KexGex
-from paramiko.kex_group1 import KexGroup1
-from paramiko.message import Message
-from paramiko.packet import Packetizer, NeedRekeyException
-from paramiko.primes import ModulusPack
-from paramiko.rsakey import RSAKey
-from paramiko.server import ServerInterface
-from paramiko.sftp_client import SFTPClient
-from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException, BadAuthenticationType, ChannelException
-# these come from PyCrypt
-# i believe this on the standards track.
-# PyCrypt compiled for Win32 can be downloaded from the HashTar homepage:
-from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish, AES, DES3, ARC4
-from Crypto.Hash import SHA, MD5
-    from Crypto.Util import Counter
-except ImportError:
-    from paramiko.util import Counter
-# for thread cleanup
-_active_threads = []
-def _join_lingering_threads():
-    for thr in _active_threads:
-        thr.stop_thread()
-import atexit
-class SecurityOptions (object):
-    """
-    Simple object containing the security preferences of an ssh transport.
-    These are tuples of acceptable ciphers, digests, key types, and key
-    exchange algorithms, listed in order of preference.
-    Changing the contents and/or order of these fields affects the underlying
-    L{Transport} (but only if you change them before starting the session).
-    If you try to add an algorithm that paramiko doesn't recognize,
-    C{ValueError} will be raised.  If you try to assign something besides a
-    tuple to one of the fields, C{TypeError} will be raised.
-    """
-    __slots__ = [ 'ciphers', 'digests', 'key_types', 'kex', 'compression', '_transport' ]
-    def __init__(self, transport):
-        self._transport = transport
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """
-        Returns a string representation of this object, for debugging.
-        @rtype: str
-        """
-        return '<paramiko.SecurityOptions for %s>' % repr(self._transport)
-    def _get_ciphers(self):
-        return self._transport._preferred_ciphers
-    def _get_digests(self):
-        return self._transport._preferred_macs
-    def _get_key_types(self):
-        return self._transport._preferred_keys
-    def _get_kex(self):
-        return self._transport._preferred_kex
-    def _get_compression(self):
-        return self._transport._preferred_compression
-    def _set(self, name, orig, x):
-        if type(x) is list:
-            x = tuple(x)
-        if type(x) is not tuple:
-            raise TypeError('expected tuple or list')
-        possible = getattr(self._transport, orig).keys()
-        forbidden = filter(lambda n: n not in possible, x)
-        if len(forbidden) > 0:
-            raise ValueError('unknown cipher')
-        setattr(self._transport, name, x)
-    def _set_ciphers(self, x):
-        self._set('_preferred_ciphers', '_cipher_info', x)
-    def _set_digests(self, x):
-        self._set('_preferred_macs', '_mac_info', x)
-    def _set_key_types(self, x):
-        self._set('_preferred_keys', '_key_info', x)
-    def _set_kex(self, x):
-        self._set('_preferred_kex', '_kex_info', x)
-    def _set_compression(self, x):
-        self._set('_preferred_compression', '_compression_info', x)
-    ciphers = property(_get_ciphers, _set_ciphers, None,
-                       "Symmetric encryption ciphers")
-    digests = property(_get_digests, _set_digests, None,
-                       "Digest (one-way hash) algorithms")
-    key_types = property(_get_key_types, _set_key_types, None,
-                         "Public-key algorithms")
-    kex = property(_get_kex, _set_kex, None, "Key exchange algorithms")
-    compression = property(_get_compression, _set_compression, None,
-                           "Compression algorithms")
-class ChannelMap (object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        # (id -> Channel)
-        self._map = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-        self._lock = threading.Lock()
-    def put(self, chanid, chan):
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self._map[chanid] = chan
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-    def get(self, chanid):
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            return self._map.get(chanid, None)
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-    def delete(self, chanid):
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            try:
-                del self._map[chanid]
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-    def values(self):
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            return self._map.values()
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-    def __len__(self):
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            return len(self._map)
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-class Transport (threading.Thread):
-    """
-    An SSH Transport attaches to a stream (usually a socket), negotiates an
-    encrypted session, authenticates, and then creates stream tunnels, called
-    L{Channel}s, across the session.  Multiple channels can be multiplexed
-    across a single session (and often are, in the case of port forwardings).
-    """
-    _PROTO_ID = '2.0'
-    _CLIENT_ID = 'paramiko_1.7.6'
-    _preferred_ciphers = ( 'aes128-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes128-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', '3des-cbc',
-        'arcfour128', 'arcfour256' )
-    _preferred_macs = ( 'hmac-sha1', 'hmac-md5', 'hmac-sha1-96', 'hmac-md5-96' )
-    _preferred_keys = ( 'ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss' )
-    _preferred_kex = ( 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' )
-    _preferred_compression = ( 'none', )
-    _cipher_info = {
-        'aes128-ctr': { 'class': AES, 'mode': AES.MODE_CTR, 'block-size': 16, 'key-size': 16 },
-        'aes256-ctr': { 'class': AES, 'mode': AES.MODE_CTR, 'block-size': 16, 'key-size': 32 },
-        'blowfish-cbc': { 'class': Blowfish, 'mode': Blowfish.MODE_CBC, 'block-size': 8, 'key-size': 16 },
-        'aes128-cbc': { 'class': AES, 'mode': AES.MODE_CBC, 'block-size': 16, 'key-size': 16 },
-        'aes256-cbc': { 'class': AES, 'mode': AES.MODE_CBC, 'block-size': 16, 'key-size': 32 },
-        '3des-cbc': { 'class': DES3, 'mode': DES3.MODE_CBC, 'block-size': 8, 'key-size': 24 },
-        'arcfour128': { 'class': ARC4, 'mode': None, 'block-size': 8, 'key-size': 16 },
-        'arcfour256': { 'class': ARC4, 'mode': None, 'block-size': 8, 'key-size': 32 },
-        }
-    _mac_info = {
-        'hmac-sha1': { 'class': SHA, 'size': 20 },
-        'hmac-sha1-96': { 'class': SHA, 'size': 12 },
-        'hmac-md5': { 'class': MD5, 'size': 16 },
-        'hmac-md5-96': { 'class': MD5, 'size': 12 },
-        }
-    _key_info = {
-        'ssh-rsa': RSAKey,
-        'ssh-dss': DSSKey,
-        }
-    _kex_info = {
-        'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1': KexGroup1,
-        'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1': KexGex,
-        }
-    _compression_info = {
-        # is just zlib, but only turned on after a successful
-        # authentication.  openssh servers may only offer this type because
-        # they've had troubles with security holes in zlib in the past.
-        '': ( ZlibCompressor, ZlibDecompressor ),
-        'zlib': ( ZlibCompressor, ZlibDecompressor ),
-        'none': ( None, None ),
-    }
-    _modulus_pack = None
-    def __init__(self, sock):
-        """
-        Create a new SSH session over an existing socket, or socket-like
-        object.  This only creates the Transport object; it doesn't begin the
-        SSH session yet.  Use L{connect} or L{start_client} to begin a client
-        session, or L{start_server} to begin a server session.
-        If the object is not actually a socket, it must have the following
-        methods:
-            - C{send(str)}: Writes from 1 to C{len(str)} bytes, and
-              returns an int representing the number of bytes written.  Returns
-              0 or raises C{EOFError} if the stream has been closed.
-            - C{recv(int)}: Reads from 1 to C{int} bytes and returns them as a
-              string.  Returns 0 or raises C{EOFError} if the stream has been
-              closed.
-            - C{close()}: Closes the socket.
-            - C{settimeout(n)}: Sets a (float) timeout on I/O operations.
-        For ease of use, you may also pass in an address (as a tuple) or a host
-        string as the C{sock} argument.  (A host string is a hostname with an
-        optional port (separated by C{":"}) which will be converted into a
-        tuple of C{(hostname, port)}.)  A socket will be connected to this
-        address and used for communication.  Exceptions from the C{socket} call
-        may be thrown in this case.
-        @param sock: a socket or socket-like object to create the session over.
-        @type sock: socket
-        """
-        if isinstance(sock, (str, unicode)):
-            # convert "host:port" into (host, port)
-            hl = sock.split(':', 1)
-            if len(hl) == 1:
-                sock = (hl[0], 22)
-            else:
-                sock = (hl[0], int(hl[1]))
-        if type(sock) is tuple:
-            # connect to the given (host, port)
-            hostname, port = sock
-            for (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) in socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
-                if socktype == socket.SOCK_STREAM:
-                    af = family
-                    addr = sockaddr
-                    break
-            else:
-                raise SSHException('No suitable address family for %s' % hostname)
-            sock = socket.socket(af, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-            sock.connect((hostname, port))
-        # okay, normal socket-ish flow here...
-        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-        self.setDaemon(True)
-        self.randpool = randpool
-        self.sock = sock
-        # Python < 2.3 doesn't have the settimeout method - RogerB
-        try:
-            # we set the timeout so we can check periodically to
-            # see if we should bail.  socket.timeout exception is never
-            # propagated.
-            self.sock.settimeout(0.1)
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        # negotiated crypto parameters
-        self.packetizer = Packetizer(sock)
-        self.local_version = 'SSH-' + self._PROTO_ID + '-' + self._CLIENT_ID
-        self.remote_version = ''
-        self.local_cipher = self.remote_cipher = ''
-        self.local_kex_init = self.remote_kex_init = None
-        self.local_mac = self.remote_mac = None
-        self.local_compression = self.remote_compression = None
-        self.session_id = None
-        self.host_key_type = None
-        self.host_key = None
-        # state used during negotiation
-        self.kex_engine = None
-        self.H = None
-        self.K = None
- = False
-        self.initial_kex_done = False
-        self.in_kex = False
-        self.authenticated = False
-        self._expected_packet = tuple()
-        self.lock = threading.Lock()    # synchronization (always higher level than write_lock)
-        # tracking open channels
-        self._channels = ChannelMap()
-        self.channel_events = { }       # (id -> Event)
-        self.channels_seen = { }        # (id -> True)
-        self._channel_counter = 1
-        self.window_size = 65536
-        self.max_packet_size = 34816
-        self._x11_handler = None
-        self._tcp_handler = None
-        self.saved_exception = None
-        self.clear_to_send = threading.Event()
-        self.clear_to_send_lock = threading.Lock()
-        self.clear_to_send_timeout = 30.0
-        self.log_name = 'paramiko.transport'
-        self.logger = util.get_logger(self.log_name)
-        self.packetizer.set_log(self.logger)
-        self.auth_handler = None
-        self.global_response = None     # response Message from an arbitrary global request
-        self.completion_event = None    # user-defined event callbacks
-        self.banner_timeout = 15        # how long (seconds) to wait for the SSH banner
-        # server mode:
-        self.server_mode = False
-        self.server_object = None
-        self.server_key_dict = { }
-        self.server_accepts = [ ]
-        self.server_accept_cv = threading.Condition(self.lock)
-        self.subsystem_table = { }
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """
-        Returns a string representation of this object, for debugging.
-        @rtype: str
-        """
-        out = '<paramiko.Transport at %s' % hex(long(id(self)) & 0xffffffffL)
-        if not
-            out += ' (unconnected)'
-        else:
-            if self.local_cipher != '':
-                out += ' (cipher %s, %d bits)' % (self.local_cipher,
-                                                  self._cipher_info[self.local_cipher]['key-size'] * 8)
-            if self.is_authenticated():
-                out += ' (active; %d open channel(s))' % len(self._channels)
-            elif self.initial_kex_done:
-                out += ' (connected; awaiting auth)'
-            else:
-                out += ' (connecting)'
-        out += '>'
-        return out
-    def atfork(self):
-        """
-        Terminate this Transport without closing the session.  On posix
-        systems, if a Transport is open during process forking, both parent
-        and child will share the underlying socket, but only one process can
-        use the connection (without corrupting the session).  Use this method
-        to clean up a Transport object without disrupting the other process.
-        @since: 1.5.3
-        """
-        self.sock.close()
-        self.close()
-    def get_security_options(self):
-        """
-        Return a L{SecurityOptions} object which can be used to tweak the
-        encryption algorithms this transport will permit, and the order of
-        preference for them.
-        @return: an object that can be used to change the preferred algorithms
-            for encryption, digest (hash), public key, and key exchange.
-        @rtype: L{SecurityOptions}
-        """
-        return SecurityOptions(self)
-    def start_client(self, event=None):
-        """
-        Negotiate a new SSH2 session as a client.  This is the first step after
-        creating a new L{Transport}.  A separate thread is created for protocol
-        negotiation.
-        If an event is passed in, this method returns immediately.  When
-        negotiation is done (successful or not), the given C{Event} will
-        be triggered.  On failure, L{is_active} will return C{False}.
-        (Since 1.4) If C{event} is C{None}, this method will not return until
-        negotation is done.  On success, the method returns normally.
-        Otherwise an SSHException is raised.
-        After a successful negotiation, you will usually want to authenticate,
-        calling L{auth_password <Transport.auth_password>} or
-        L{auth_publickey <Transport.auth_publickey>}.
-        @note: L{connect} is a simpler method for connecting as a client.
-        @note: After calling this method (or L{start_server} or L{connect}),
-            you should no longer directly read from or write to the original
-            socket object.
-        @param event: an event to trigger when negotiation is complete
-            (optional)
-        @type event: threading.Event
-        @raise SSHException: if negotiation fails (and no C{event} was passed
-            in)
-        """
- = True
-        if event is not None:
-            # async, return immediately and let the app poll for completion
-            self.completion_event = event
-            self.start()
-            return
-        # synchronous, wait for a result
-        self.completion_event = event = threading.Event()
-        self.start()
-        while True:
-            event.wait(0.1)
-            if not
-                e = self.get_exception()
-                if e is not None:
-                    raise e
-                raise SSHException('Negotiation failed.')
-            if event.isSet():
-                break
-    def start_server(self, event=None, server=None):
-        """
-        Negotiate a new SSH2 session as a server.  This is the first step after
-        creating a new L{Transport} and setting up your server host key(s).  A
-        separate thread is created for protocol negotiation.
-        If an event is passed in, this method returns immediately.  When
-        negotiation is done (successful or not), the given C{Event} will
-        be triggered.  On failure, L{is_active} will return C{False}.
-        (Since 1.4) If C{event} is C{None}, this method will not return until
-        negotation is done.  On success, the method returns normally.
-        Otherwise an SSHException is raised.
-        After a successful negotiation, the client will need to authenticate.
-        Override the methods
-        L{get_allowed_auths <ServerInterface.get_allowed_auths>},
-        L{check_auth_none <ServerInterface.check_auth_none>},
-        L{check_auth_password <ServerInterface.check_auth_password>}, and
-        L{check_auth_publickey <ServerInterface.check_auth_publickey>} in the
-        given C{server} object to control the authentication process.
-        After a successful authentication, the client should request to open
-        a channel.  Override
-        L{check_channel_request <ServerInterface.check_channel_request>} in the
-        given C{server} object to allow channels to be opened.
-        @note: After calling this method (or L{start_client} or L{connect}),
-            you should no longer directly read from or write to the original
-            socket object.
-        @param event: an event to trigger when negotiation is complete.
-        @type event: threading.Event
-        @param server: an object used to perform authentication and create
-            L{Channel}s.
-        @type server: L{server.ServerInterface}
-        @raise SSHException: if negotiation fails (and no C{event} was passed
-            in)
-        """
-        if server is None:
-            server = ServerInterface()
-        self.server_mode = True
-        self.server_object = server
- = True
-        if event is not None:
-            # async, return immediately and let the app poll for completion
-            self.completion_event = event
-            self.start()
-            return
-        # synchronous, wait for a result
-        self.completion_event = event = threading.Event()
-        self.start()
-        while True:
-            event.wait(0.1)
-            if not
-                e = self.get_exception()
-                if e is not None:
-                    raise e
-                raise SSHException('Negotiation failed.')
-            if event.isSet():
-                break
-    def add_server_key(self, key):
-        """
-        Add a host key to the list of keys used for server mode.  When behaving
-        as a server, the host key is used to sign certain packets during the
-        SSH2 negotiation, so that the client can trust that we are who we say
-        we are.  Because this is used for signing, the key must contain private
-        key info, not just the public half.  Only one key of each type (RSA or
-        DSS) is kept.
-        @param key: the host key to add, usually an L{RSAKey <rsakey.RSAKey>} or
-            L{DSSKey <dsskey.DSSKey>}.
-        @type key: L{PKey <pkey.PKey>}
-        """
-        self.server_key_dict[key.get_name()] = key
-    def get_server_key(self):
-        """
-        Return the active host key, in server mode.  After negotiating with the
-        client, this method will return the negotiated host key.  If only one
-        type of host key was set with L{add_server_key}, that's the only key
-        that will ever be returned.  But in cases where you have set more than
-        one type of host key (for example, an RSA key and a DSS key), the key
-        type will be negotiated by the client, and this method will return the
-        key of the type agreed on.  If the host key has not been negotiated
-        yet, C{None} is returned.  In client mode, the behavior is undefined.
-        @return: host key of the type negotiated by the client, or C{None}.
-        @rtype: L{PKey <pkey.PKey>}
-        """
-        try:
-            return self.server_key_dict[self.host_key_type]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        return None
-    def load_server_moduli(filename=None):
-        """
-        I{(optional)}
-        Load a file of prime moduli for use in doing group-exchange key
-        negotiation in server mode.  It's a rather obscure option and can be
-        safely ignored.
-        In server mode, the remote client may request "group-exchange" key
-        negotiation, which asks the server to send a random prime number that
-        fits certain criteria.  These primes are pretty difficult to compute,
-        so they can't be generated on demand.  But many systems contain a file
-        of suitable primes (usually named something like C{/etc/ssh/moduli}).
-        If you call C{load_server_moduli} and it returns C{True}, then this
-        file of primes has been loaded and we will support "group-exchange" in
-        server mode.  Otherwise server mode will just claim that it doesn't
-        support that method of key negotiation.
-        @param filename: optional path to the moduli file, if you happen to
-            know that it's not in a standard location.
-        @type filename: str
-        @return: True if a moduli file was successfully loaded; False
-            otherwise.
-        @rtype: bool
-        @note: This has no effect when used in client mode.
-        """
-        Transport._modulus_pack = ModulusPack(randpool)
-        # places to look for the openssh "moduli" file
-        file_list = [ '/etc/ssh/moduli', '/usr/local/etc/moduli' ]
-        if filename is not None:
-            file_list.insert(0, filename)
-        for fn in file_list:
-            try:
-                Transport._modulus_pack.read_file(fn)
-                return True
-            except IOError:
-                pass
-        # none succeeded
-        Transport._modulus_pack = None
-        return False
-    load_server_moduli = staticmethod(load_server_moduli)
-    def close(self):
-        """
-        Close this session, and any open channels that are tied to it.
-        """
-        if not
-            return
- = False
-        self.packetizer.close()
-        self.join()
-        for chan in self._channels.values():
-            chan._unlink()
-    def get_remote_server_key(self):
-        """
-        Return the host key of the server (in client mode).
-        @note: Previously this call returned a tuple of (key type, key string).
-            You can get the same effect by calling
-            L{PKey.get_name <pkey.PKey.get_name>} for the key type, and
-            C{str(key)} for the key string.
-        @raise SSHException: if no session is currently active.
-        @return: public key of the remote server
-        @rtype: L{PKey <pkey.PKey>}
-        """
-        if (not or (not self.initial_kex_done):
-            raise SSHException('No existing session')
-        return self.host_key
-    def is_active(self):
-        """
-        Return true if this session is active (open).
-        @return: True if the session is still active (open); False if the
-            session is closed
-        @rtype: bool
-        """
-        return
-    def open_session(self):
-        """
-        Request a new channel to the server, of type C{"session"}.  This
-        is just an alias for C{open_channel('session')}.
-        @return: a new L{Channel}
-        @rtype: L{Channel}
-        @raise SSHException: if the request is rejected or the session ends
-            prematurely
-        """
-        return self.open_channel('session')
-    def open_x11_channel(self, src_addr=None):
-        """
-        Request a new channel to the client, of type C{"x11"}.  This
-        is just an alias for C{open_channel('x11', src_addr=src_addr)}.
-        @param src_addr: the source address of the x11 server (port is the
-            x11 port, ie. 6010)
-        @type src_addr: (str, int)
-        @return: a new L{Channel}
-        @rtype: L{Channel}
-        @raise SSHException: if the request is rejected or the session ends
-            prematurely
-        """
-        return self.open_channel('x11', src_addr=src_addr)
-    def open_forwarded_tcpip_channel(self, (src_addr, src_port), (dest_addr, dest_port)):
-        """
-        Request a new channel back to the client, of type C{"forwarded-tcpip"}.
-        This is used after a client has requested port forwarding, for sending
-        incoming connections back to the client.
-        @param src_addr: originator's address
-        @param src_port: originator's port
-        @param dest_addr: local (server) connected address
-        @param dest_port: local (server) connected port
-        """
-        return self.open_channel('forwarded-tcpip', (dest_addr, dest_port), (src_addr, src_port))
-    def open_channel(self, kind, dest_addr=None, src_addr=None):
-        """
-        Request a new channel to the server.  L{Channel}s are socket-like
-        objects used for the actual transfer of data across the session.
-        You may only request a channel after negotiating encryption (using
-        L{connect} or L{start_client}) and authenticating.
-        @param kind: the kind of channel requested (usually C{"session"},
-            C{"forwarded-tcpip"}, C{"direct-tcpip"}, or C{"x11"})
-        @type kind: str
-        @param dest_addr: the destination address of this port forwarding,
-            if C{kind} is C{"forwarded-tcpip"} or C{"direct-tcpip"} (ignored
-            for other channel types)
-        @type dest_addr: (str, int)
-        @param src_addr: the source address of this port forwarding, if
-            C{kind} is C{"forwarded-tcpip"}, C{"direct-tcpip"}, or C{"x11"}
-        @type src_addr: (str, int)
-        @return: a new L{Channel} on success
-        @rtype: L{Channel}
-        @raise SSHException: if the request is rejected or the session ends
-            prematurely
-        """
-        chan = None
-        if not
-            # don't bother trying to allocate a channel
-            return None
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            chanid = self._next_channel()
-            m = Message()
-            m.add_byte(chr(MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN))
-            m.add_string(kind)
-            m.add_int(chanid)
-            m.add_int(self.window_size)
-            m.add_int(self.max_packet_size)
-            if (kind == 'forwarded-tcpip') or (kind == 'direct-tcpip'):
-                m.add_string(dest_addr[0])
-                m.add_int(dest_addr[1])
-                m.add_string(src_addr[0])
-                m.add_int(src_addr[1])
-            elif kind == 'x11':
-                m.add_string(src_addr[0])
-                m.add_int(src_addr[1])
-            chan = Channel(chanid)
-            self._channels.put(chanid, chan)
-            self.channel_events[chanid] = event = threading.Event()
-            self.channels_seen[chanid] = True
-            chan._set_transport(self)
-            chan._set_window(self.window_size, self.max_packet_size)
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
-        self._send_user_message(m)
-        while True:
-            event.wait(0.1);
-            if not
-                e = self.get_exception()
-                if e is None:
-                    e = SSHException('Unable to open channel.')
-                raise e
-            if event.isSet():
-                break
-        chan = self._channels.get(chanid)
-        if chan is not None:
-            return chan
-        e = self.get_exception()
-        if e is None:
-            e = SSHException('Unable to open channel.')
-        raise e
-    def request_port_forward(self, address, port, handler=None):
-        """
-        Ask the server to forward TCP connections from a listening port on
-        the server, across this SSH session.
-        If a handler is given, that handler is called from a different thread
-        whenever a forwarded connection arrives.  The handler parameters are::
-            handler(channel, (origin_addr, origin_port), (server_addr, server_port))
-        where C{server_addr} and C{server_port} are the address and port that
-        the server was listening on.
-        If no handler is set, the default behavior is to send new incoming
-        forwarded connections into the accept queue, to be picked up via
-        L{accept}.
-        @param address: the address to bind when forwarding
-        @type address: str
-        @param port: the port to forward, or 0 to ask the server to allocate
-            any port
-        @type port: int
-        @param handler: optional handler for incoming forwarded connections
-        @type handler: function(Channel, (str, int), (str, int))
-        @return: the port # allocated by the server
-        @rtype: int
-        @raise SSHException: if the server refused the TCP forward request
-        """
-        if not
-            raise SSHException('SSH session not active')
-        address = str(address)
-        port = int(port)
-        response = self.global_request('tcpip-forward', (address, port), wait=True)
-        if response is None:
-            raise SSHException('TCP forwarding request denied')
-        if port == 0:
-            port = response.get_int()
-        if handler is None:
-            def default_handler(channel, (src_addr, src_port), (dest_addr, dest_port)):
-                self._queue_incoming_channel(channel)
-            handler = default_handler
-        self._tcp_handler = handler
-        return port
-    def cancel_port_forward(self, address, port):
-        """
-        Ask the server to cancel a previous port-forwarding request.  No more
-        connections to the given address & port will be forwarded across this
-        ssh connection.
-        @param address: the address to stop forwarding
-        @type address: str
-        @param port: the port to stop forwarding
-        @type port: int
-        """
-        if not
-            return
-        self._tcp_handler = None
-        self.global_request('cancel-tcpip-forward', (address, port), wait=True)
-    def open_sftp_client(self):
-        """
-        Create an SFTP client channel from an open transport.  On success,
-        an SFTP session will be opened with the remote host, and a new
-        SFTPClient object will be returned.
-        @return: a new L{SFTPClient} object, referring to an sftp session
-            (channel) across this transport
-        @rtype: L{SFTPClient}
-        """
-        return SFTPClient.from_transport(self)
-    def send_ignore(self, bytes=None):
-        """
-        Send a junk packet across the encrypted link.  This is sometimes used
-        to add "noise" to a connection to confuse would-be attackers.  It can
-        also be used as a keep-alive for long lived connections traversing
-        firewalls.
-        @param bytes: the number of random bytes to send in the payload of the
-            ignored packet -- defaults to a random number from 10 to 41.
-        @type bytes: int
-        """
-        m = Message()
-        m.add_byte(chr(MSG_IGNORE))
-        randpool.stir()
-        if bytes is None:
-            bytes = (ord(randpool.get_bytes(1)) % 32) + 10
-        m.add_bytes(randpool.get_bytes(bytes))
-        self._send_user_message(m)
-    def renegotiate_keys(self):
-        """
-        Force this session to switch to new keys.  Normally this is done
-        automatically after the session hits a certain number of packets or
-        bytes sent or received, but this method gives you the option of forcing
-        new keys whenever you want.  Negotiating new keys causes a pause in
-        traffic both ways as the two sides swap keys and do computations.  This
-        method returns when the session has switched to new keys.
-        @raise SSHException: if the key renegotiation failed (which causes the
-            session to end)
-        """
-        self.completion_event = threading.Event()
-        self._send_kex_init()
-        while True:
-            self.completion_event.wait(0.1)
-            if not
-                e = self.get_exception()
-                if e is not None:
-                    raise e
-                raise SSHException('Negotiation failed.')
-            if self.completion_event.isSet():
-                break
-        return
-    def set_keepalive(self, interval):
-        """
-        Turn on/off keepalive packets (default is off).  If this is set, after
-        C{interval} seconds without sending any data over the connection, a
-        "keepalive" packet will be sent (and ignored by the remote host).  This
-        can be useful to keep connections alive over a NAT, for example.
-        @param interval: seconds to wait before sending a keepalive packet (or
-            0 to disable keepalives).
-        @type interval: int
-        """
-        self.packetizer.set_keepalive(interval,
-            lambda x=weakref.proxy(self): x.global_request('', wait=False))
-    def global_request(self, kind, data=None, wait=True):
-        """
-        Make a global request to the remote host.  These are normally
-        extensions to the SSH2 protocol.
-        @param kind: name of the request.
-        @type kind: str
-        @param data: an optional tuple containing additional data to attach
-            to the request.
-        @type data: tuple
-        @param wait: C{True} if this method should not return until a response
-            is received; C{False} otherwise.
-        @type wait: bool
-        @return: a L{Message} containing possible additional data if the
-            request was successful (or an empty L{Message} if C{wait} was
-            C{False}); C{None} if the request was denied.
-        @rtype: L{Message}
-        """
-        if wait:
-            self.completion_event = threading.Event()
-        m = Message()
-        m.add_byte(chr(MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST))
-        m.add_string(kind)
-        m.add_boolean(wait)
-        if data is not None:
-            m.add(*data)
-        self._log(DEBUG, 'Sending global request "%s"' % kind)
-        self._send_user_message(m)
-        if not wait:
-            return None
-        while True:
-            self.completion_event.wait(0.1)
-            if not
-                return None
-            if self.completion_event.isSet():
-                break
-        return self.global_response
-    def accept(self, timeout=None):
-        """
-        Return the next channel opened by the client over this transport, in
-        server mode.  If no channel is opened before the given timeout, C{None}
-        is returned.
-        @param timeout: seconds to wait for a channel, or C{None} to wait
-            forever
-        @type timeout: int
-        @return: a new Channel opened by the client
-        @rtype: L{Channel}
-        """
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            if len(self.server_accepts) > 0:
-                chan = self.server_accepts.pop(0)
-            else:
-                self.server_accept_cv.wait(timeout)
-                if len(self.server_accepts) > 0:
-                    chan = self.server_accepts.pop(0)
-                else:
-                    # timeout
-                    chan = None
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
-        return chan
-    def connect(self, hostkey=None, username='', password=None, pkey=None):
-        """
-        Negotiate an SSH2 session, and optionally verify the server's host key
-        and authenticate using a password or private key.  This is a shortcut
-        for L{start_client}, L{get_remote_server_key}, and
-        L{Transport.auth_password} or L{Transport.auth_publickey}.  Use those
-        methods if you want more control.
-        You can use this method immediately after creating a Transport to
-        negotiate encryption with a server.  If it fails, an exception will be
-        thrown.  On success, the method will return cleanly, and an encrypted
-        session exists.  You may immediately call L{open_channel} or
-        L{open_session} to get a L{Channel} object, which is used for data
-        transfer.
-        @note: If you fail to supply a password or private key, this method may
-        succeed, but a subsequent L{open_channel} or L{open_session} call may
-        fail because you haven't authenticated yet.
-        @param hostkey: the host key expected from the server, or C{None} if
-            you don't want to do host key verification.
-        @type hostkey: L{PKey<pkey.PKey>}
-        @param username: the username to authenticate as.
-        @type username: str
-        @param password: a password to use for authentication, if you want to
-            use password authentication; otherwise C{None}.
-        @type password: str
-        @param pkey: a private key to use for authentication, if you want to
-            use private key authentication; otherwise C{None}.
-        @type pkey: L{PKey<pkey.PKey>}
-        @raise SSHException: if the SSH2 negotiation fails, the host key
-            supplied by the server is incorrect, or authentication fails.
-        """
-        if hostkey is not None:
-            self._preferred_keys = [ hostkey.get_name() ]
-        self.start_client()
-        # check host key if we were given one
-        if (hostkey is not None):
-            key = self.get_remote_server_key()
-            if (key.get_name() != hostkey.get_name()) or (str(key) != str(hostkey)):
-                self._log(DEBUG, 'Bad host key from server')
-                self._log(DEBUG, 'Expected: %s: %s' % (hostkey.get_name(), repr(str(hostkey))))
-                self._log(DEBUG, 'Got     : %s: %s' % (key.get_name(), repr(str(key))))
-                raise SSHException('Bad host key from server')
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'Host key verified (%s)' % hostkey.get_name())
-        if (pkey is not None) or (password is not None):
-            if password is not None:
-                self._log(DEBUG, 'Attempting password auth...')
-                self.auth_password(username, password)
-            else:
-                self._log(DEBUG, 'Attempting public-key auth...')
-                self.auth_publickey(username, pkey)
-        return
-    def get_exception(self):
-        """
-        Return any exception that happened during the last server request.
-        This can be used to fetch more specific error information after using
-        calls like L{start_client}.  The exception (if any) is cleared after
-        this call.
-        @return: an exception, or C{None} if there is no stored exception.
-        @rtype: Exception
-        @since: 1.1
-        """
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            e = self.saved_exception
-            self.saved_exception = None
-            return e
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
-    def set_subsystem_handler(self, name, handler, *larg, **kwarg):
-        """
-        Set the handler class for a subsystem in server mode.  If a request
-        for this subsystem is made on an open ssh channel later, this handler
-        will be constructed and called -- see L{SubsystemHandler} for more
-        detailed documentation.
-        Any extra parameters (including keyword arguments) are saved and
-        passed to the L{SubsystemHandler} constructor later.
-        @param name: name of the subsystem.
-        @type name: str
-        @param handler: subclass of L{SubsystemHandler} that handles this
-            subsystem.
-        @type handler: class
-        """
-        try:
-            self.lock.acquire()
-            self.subsystem_table[name] = (handler, larg, kwarg)
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
-    def is_authenticated(self):
-        """
-        Return true if this session is active and authenticated.
-        @return: True if the session is still open and has been authenticated
-            successfully; False if authentication failed and/or the session is
-            closed.
-        @rtype: bool
-        """
-        return and (self.auth_handler is not None) and self.auth_handler.is_authenticated()
-    def get_username(self):
-        """
-        Return the username this connection is authenticated for.  If the
-        session is not authenticated (or authentication failed), this method
-        returns C{None}.
-        @return: username that was authenticated, or C{None}.
-        @rtype: string
-        """
-        if not or (self.auth_handler is None):
-            return None
-        return self.auth_handler.get_username()
-    def auth_none(self, username):
-        """
-        Try to authenticate to the server using no authentication at all.
-        This will almost always fail.  It may be useful for determining the
-        list of authentication types supported by the server, by catching the
-        L{BadAuthenticationType} exception raised.
-        @param username: the username to authenticate as
-        @type username: string
-        @return: list of auth types permissible for the next stage of
-            authentication (normally empty)
-        @rtype: list
-        @raise BadAuthenticationType: if "none" authentication isn't allowed
-            by the server for this user
-        @raise SSHException: if the authentication failed due to a network
-            error
-        @since: 1.5
-        """
-        if (not or (not self.initial_kex_done):
-            raise SSHException('No existing session')
-        my_event = threading.Event()
-        self.auth_handler = AuthHandler(self)
-        self.auth_handler.auth_none(username, my_event)
-        return self.auth_handler.wait_for_response(my_event)
-    def auth_password(self, username, password, event=None, fallback=True):
-        """
-        Authenticate to the server using a password.  The username and password
-        are sent over an encrypted link.
-        If an C{event} is passed in, this method will return immediately, and
-        the event will be triggered once authentication succeeds or fails.  On
-        success, L{is_authenticated} will return C{True}.  On failure, you may
-        use L{get_exception} to get more detailed error information.
-        Since 1.1, if no event is passed, this method will block until the
-        authentication succeeds or fails.  On failure, an exception is raised.
-        Otherwise, the method simply returns.
-        Since 1.5, if no event is passed and C{fallback} is C{True} (the
-        default), if the server doesn't support plain password authentication
-        but does support so-called "keyboard-interactive" mode, an attempt
-        will be made to authenticate using this interactive mode.  If it fails,
-        the normal exception will be thrown as if the attempt had never been
-        made.  This is useful for some recent Gentoo and Debian distributions,
-        which turn off plain password authentication in a misguided belief
-        that interactive authentication is "more secure".  (It's not.)
-        If the server requires multi-step authentication (which is very rare),
-        this method will return a list of auth types permissible for the next
-        step.  Otherwise, in the normal case, an empty list is returned.
-        @param username: the username to authenticate as
-        @type username: str
-        @param password: the password to authenticate with
-        @type password: str or unicode
-        @param event: an event to trigger when the authentication attempt is
-            complete (whether it was successful or not)
-        @type event: threading.Event
-        @param fallback: C{True} if an attempt at an automated "interactive"
-            password auth should be made if the server doesn't support normal
-            password auth
-        @type fallback: bool
-        @return: list of auth types permissible for the next stage of
-            authentication (normally empty)
-        @rtype: list
-        @raise BadAuthenticationType: if password authentication isn't
-            allowed by the server for this user (and no event was passed in)
-        @raise AuthenticationException: if the authentication failed (and no
-            event was passed in)
-        @raise SSHException: if there was a network error
-        """
-        if (not or (not self.initial_kex_done):
-            # we should never try to send the password unless we're on a secure link
-            raise SSHException('No existing session')
-        if event is None:
-            my_event = threading.Event()
-        else:
-            my_event = event
-        self.auth_handler = AuthHandler(self)
-        self.auth_handler.auth_password(username, password, my_event)
-        if event is not None:
-            # caller wants to wait for event themselves
-            return []
-        try:
-            return self.auth_handler.wait_for_response(my_event)
-        except BadAuthenticationType, x:
-            # if password auth isn't allowed, but keyboard-interactive *is*, try to fudge it
-            if not fallback or ('keyboard-interactive' not in x.allowed_types):
-                raise
-            try:
-                def handler(title, instructions, fields):
-                    if len(fields) > 1:
-                        raise SSHException('Fallback authentication failed.')
-                    if len(fields) == 0:
-                        # for some reason, at least on os x, a 2nd request will
-                        # be made with zero fields requested.  maybe it's just
-                        # to try to fake out automated scripting of the exact
-                        # type we're doing here.  *shrug* :)
-                        return []
-                    return [ password ]
-                return self.auth_interactive(username, handler)
-            except SSHException, ignored:
-                # attempt failed; just raise the original exception
-                raise x
-        return None
-    def auth_publickey(self, username, key, event=None):
-        """
-        Authenticate to the server using a private key.  The key is used to
-        sign data from the server, so it must include the private part.
-        If an C{event} is passed in, this method will return immediately, and
-        the event will be triggered once authentication succeeds or fails.  On
-        success, L{is_authenticated} will return C{True}.  On failure, you may
-        use L{get_exception} to get more detailed error information.
-        Since 1.1, if no event is passed, this method will block until the
-        authentication succeeds or fails.  On failure, an exception is raised.
-        Otherwise, the method simply returns.
-        If the server requires multi-step authentication (which is very rare),
-        this method will return a list of auth types permissible for the next
-        step.  Otherwise, in the normal case, an empty list is returned.
-        @param username: the username to authenticate as
-        @type username: string
-        @param key: the private key to authenticate with
-        @type key: L{PKey <pkey.PKey>}
-        @param event: an event to trigger when the authentication attempt is
-            complete (whether it was successful or not)
-        @type event: threading.Event
-        @return: list of auth types permissible for the next stage of
-            authentication (normally empty)
-        @rtype: list
-        @raise BadAuthenticationType: if public-key authentication isn't
-            allowed by the server for this user (and no event was passed in)
-        @raise AuthenticationException: if the authentication failed (and no
-            event was passed in)
-        @raise SSHException: if there was a network error
-        """
-        if (not or (not self.initial_kex_done):
-            # we should never try to authenticate unless we're on a secure link
-            raise SSHException('No existing session')
-        if event is None:
-            my_event = threading.Event()
-        else:
-            my_event = event
-        self.auth_handler = AuthHandler(self)
-        self.auth_handler.auth_publickey(username, key, my_event)
-        if event is not None:
-            # caller wants to wait for event themselves
-            return []
-        return self.auth_handler.wait_for_response(my_event)
-    def auth_interactive(self, username, handler, submethods=''):
-        """
-        Authenticate to the server interactively.  A handler is used to answer
-        arbitrary questions from the server.  On many servers, this is just a
-        dumb wrapper around PAM.
-        This method will block until the authentication succeeds or fails,
-        peroidically calling the handler asynchronously to get answers to
-        authentication questions.  The handler may be called more than once
-        if the server continues to ask questions.
-        The handler is expected to be a callable that will handle calls of the
-        form: C{handler(title, instructions, prompt_list)}.  The C{title} is
-        meant to be a dialog-window title, and the C{instructions} are user
-        instructions (both are strings).  C{prompt_list} will be a list of
-        prompts, each prompt being a tuple of C{(str, bool)}.  The string is
-        the prompt and the boolean indicates whether the user text should be
-        echoed.
-        A sample call would thus be:
-        C{handler('title', 'instructions', [('Password:', False)])}.
-        The handler should return a list or tuple of answers to the server's
-        questions.
-        If the server requires multi-step authentication (which is very rare),
-        this method will return a list of auth types permissible for the next
-        step.  Otherwise, in the normal case, an empty list is returned.
-        @param username: the username to authenticate as
-        @type username: string
-        @param handler: a handler for responding to server questions
-        @type handler: callable
-        @param submethods: a string list of desired submethods (optional)
-        @type submethods: str
-        @return: list of auth types permissible for the next stage of
-            authentication (normally empty).
-        @rtype: list
-        @raise BadAuthenticationType: if public-key authentication isn't
-            allowed by the server for this user
-        @raise AuthenticationException: if the authentication failed
-        @raise SSHException: if there was a network error
-        @since: 1.5
-        """
-        if (not or (not self.initial_kex_done):
-            # we should never try to authenticate unless we're on a secure link
-            raise SSHException('No existing session')
-        my_event = threading.Event()
-        self.auth_handler = AuthHandler(self)
-        self.auth_handler.auth_interactive(username, handler, my_event, submethods)
-        return self.auth_handler.wait_for_response(my_event)
-    def set_log_channel(self, name):
-        """
-        Set the channel for this transport's logging.  The default is
-        C{"paramiko.transport"} but it can be set to anything you want.
-        (See the C{logging} module for more info.)  SSH Channels will log
-        to a sub-channel of the one specified.
-        @param name: new channel name for logging
-        @type name: str
-        @since: 1.1
-        """
-        self.log_name = name
-        self.logger = util.get_logger(name)
-        self.packetizer.set_log(self.logger)
-    def get_log_channel(self):
-        """
-        Return the channel name used for this transport's logging.
-        @return: channel name.
-        @rtype: str
-        @since: 1.2
-        """
-        return self.log_name
-    def set_hexdump(self, hexdump):
-        """
-        Turn on/off logging a hex dump of protocol traffic at DEBUG level in
-        the logs.  Normally you would want this off (which is the default),
-        but if you are debugging something, it may be useful.
-        @param hexdump: C{True} to log protocol traffix (in hex) to the log;
-            C{False} otherwise.
-        @type hexdump: bool
-        """
-        self.packetizer.set_hexdump(hexdump)
-    def get_hexdump(self):
-        """
-        Return C{True} if the transport is currently logging hex dumps of
-        protocol traffic.
-        @return: C{True} if hex dumps are being logged
-        @rtype: bool
-        @since: 1.4
-        """
-        return self.packetizer.get_hexdump()
-    def use_compression(self, compress=True):
-        """
-        Turn on/off compression.  This will only have an affect before starting
-        the transport (ie before calling L{connect}, etc).  By default,
-        compression is off since it negatively affects interactive sessions.
-        @param compress: C{True} to ask the remote client/server to compress
-            traffic; C{False} to refuse compression
-        @type compress: bool
-        @since: 1.5.2
-        """
-        if compress:
-            self._preferred_compression = ( '', 'zlib', 'none' )
-        else:
-            self._preferred_compression = ( 'none', )
-    def getpeername(self):
-        """
-        Return the address of the remote side of this Transport, if possible.
-        This is effectively a wrapper around C{'getpeername'} on the underlying
-        socket.  If the socket-like object has no C{'getpeername'} method,
-        then C{("unknown", 0)} is returned.
-        @return: the address if the remote host, if known
-        @rtype: tuple(str, int)
-        """
-        gp = getattr(self.sock, 'getpeername', None)
-        if gp is None:
-            return ('unknown', 0)
-        return gp()
-    def stop_thread(self):
- = False
-        self.packetizer.close()
-    ###  internals...
-    def _log(self, level, msg, *args):
-        if issubclass(type(msg), list):
-            for m in msg:
-                self.logger.log(level, m)
-        else:
-            self.logger.log(level, msg, *args)
-    def _get_modulus_pack(self):
-        "used by KexGex to find primes for group exchange"
-        return self._modulus_pack
-    def _next_channel(self):
-        "you are holding the lock"
-        chanid = self._channel_counter
-        while self._channels.get(chanid) is not None:
-            self._channel_counter = (self._channel_counter + 1) & 0xffffff
-            chanid = self._channel_counter
-        self._channel_counter = (self._channel_counter + 1) & 0xffffff
-        return chanid
-    def _unlink_channel(self, chanid):
-        "used by a Channel to remove itself from the active channel list"
-        self._channels.delete(chanid)
-    def _send_message(self, data):
-        self.packetizer.send_message(data)
-    def _send_user_message(self, data):
-        """
-        send a message, but block if we're in key negotiation.  this is used
-        for user-initiated requests.
-        """
-        start = time.time()
-        while True:
-            self.clear_to_send.wait(0.1)
-            if not
-                self._log(DEBUG, 'Dropping user packet because connection is dead.')
-                return
-            self.clear_to_send_lock.acquire()
-            if self.clear_to_send.isSet():
-                break
-            self.clear_to_send_lock.release()
-            if time.time() > start + self.clear_to_send_timeout:
-              raise SSHException('Key-exchange timed out waiting for key negotiation')
-        try:
-            self._send_message(data)
-        finally:
-            self.clear_to_send_lock.release()
-    def _set_K_H(self, k, h):
-        "used by a kex object to set the K (root key) and H (exchange hash)"
-        self.K = k
-        self.H = h
-        if self.session_id == None:
-            self.session_id = h
-    def _expect_packet(self, *ptypes):
-        "used by a kex object to register the next packet type it expects to see"
-        self._expected_packet = tuple(ptypes)
-    def _verify_key(self, host_key, sig):
-        key = self._key_info[self.host_key_type](Message(host_key))
-        if key is None:
-            raise SSHException('Unknown host key type')
-        if not key.verify_ssh_sig(self.H, Message(sig)):
-            raise SSHException('Signature verification (%s) failed.' % self.host_key_type)
-        self.host_key = key
-    def _compute_key(self, id, nbytes):
-        "id is 'A' - 'F' for the various keys used by ssh"
-        m = Message()
-        m.add_mpint(self.K)
-        m.add_bytes(self.H)
-        m.add_byte(id)
-        m.add_bytes(self.session_id)
-        out = sofar =
-        while len(out) < nbytes:
-            m = Message()
-            m.add_mpint(self.K)
-            m.add_bytes(self.H)
-            m.add_bytes(sofar)
-            digest =
-            out += digest
-            sofar += digest
-        return out[:nbytes]
-    def _get_cipher(self, name, key, iv):
-        if name not in self._cipher_info:
-            raise SSHException('Unknown client cipher ' + name)
-        if name in ('arcfour128', 'arcfour256'):
-            # arcfour cipher
-            cipher = self._cipher_info[name]['class'].new(key)
-            # as per RFC 4345, the first 1536 bytes of keystream
-            # generated by the cipher MUST be discarded
-            cipher.encrypt(" " * 1536)
-            return cipher
-        elif name.endswith("-ctr"):
-            # CTR modes, we need a counter
-            counter =[name]['block-size'] * 8, initial_value=util.inflate_long(iv, True))
-            return self._cipher_info[name]['class'].new(key, self._cipher_info[name]['mode'], iv, counter)
-        else:
-            return self._cipher_info[name]['class'].new(key, self._cipher_info[name]['mode'], iv)
-    def _set_x11_handler(self, handler):
-        # only called if a channel has turned on x11 forwarding
-        if handler is None:
-            # by default, use the same mechanism as accept()
-            def default_handler(channel, (src_addr, src_port)):
-                self._queue_incoming_channel(channel)
-            self._x11_handler = default_handler
-        else:
-            self._x11_handler = handler
-    def _queue_incoming_channel(self, channel):
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self.server_accepts.append(channel)
-            self.server_accept_cv.notify()
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
-    def run(self):
-        # (use the exposed "run" method, because if we specify a thread target
-        # of a private method, threading.Thread will keep a reference to it
-        # indefinitely, creating a GC cycle and not letting Transport ever be
-        # GC'd. it's a bug in Thread.)
-        # active=True occurs before the thread is launched, to avoid a race
-        _active_threads.append(self)
-        if self.server_mode:
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'starting thread (server mode): %s' % hex(long(id(self)) & 0xffffffffL))
-        else:
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'starting thread (client mode): %s' % hex(long(id(self)) & 0xffffffffL))
-        try:
-            self.packetizer.write_all(self.local_version + '\r\n')
-            self._check_banner()
-            self._send_kex_init()
-            self._expect_packet(MSG_KEXINIT)
-            while
-                if self.packetizer.need_rekey() and not self.in_kex:
-                    self._send_kex_init()
-                try:
-                    ptype, m = self.packetizer.read_message()
-                except NeedRekeyException:
-                    continue
-                if ptype == MSG_IGNORE:
-                    continue
-                elif ptype == MSG_DISCONNECT:
-                    self._parse_disconnect(m)
-           = False
-                    self.packetizer.close()
-                    break
-                elif ptype == MSG_DEBUG:
-                    self._parse_debug(m)
-                    continue
-                if len(self._expected_packet) > 0:
-                    if ptype not in self._expected_packet:
-                        raise SSHException('Expecting packet from %r, got %d' % (self._expected_packet, ptype))
-                    self._expected_packet = tuple()
-                    if (ptype >= 30) and (ptype <= 39):
-                        self.kex_engine.parse_next(ptype, m)
-                        continue
-                if ptype in self._handler_table:
-                    self._handler_table[ptype](self, m)
-                elif ptype in self._channel_handler_table:
-                    chanid = m.get_int()
-                    chan = self._channels.get(chanid)
-                    if chan is not None:
-                        self._channel_handler_table[ptype](chan, m)
-                    elif chanid in self.channels_seen:
-                        self._log(DEBUG, 'Ignoring message for dead channel %d' % chanid)
-                    else:
-                        self._log(ERROR, 'Channel request for unknown channel %d' % chanid)
-               = False
-                        self.packetizer.close()
-                elif (self.auth_handler is not None) and (ptype in self.auth_handler._handler_table):
-                    self.auth_handler._handler_table[ptype](self.auth_handler, m)
-                else:
-                    self._log(WARNING, 'Oops, unhandled type %d' % ptype)
-                    msg = Message()
-                    msg.add_byte(chr(MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED))
-                    msg.add_int(m.seqno)
-                    self._send_message(msg)
-        except SSHException, e:
-            self._log(ERROR, 'Exception: ' + str(e))
-            self._log(ERROR, util.tb_strings())
-            self.saved_exception = e
-        except EOFError, e:
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'EOF in transport thread')
-            #self._log(DEBUG, util.tb_strings())
-            self.saved_exception = e
-        except socket.error, e:
-            if type(e.args) is tuple:
-                emsg = '%s (%d)' % (e.args[1], e.args[0])
-            else:
-                emsg = e.args
-            self._log(ERROR, 'Socket exception: ' + emsg)
-            self.saved_exception = e
-        except Exception, e:
-            self._log(ERROR, 'Unknown exception: ' + str(e))
-            self._log(ERROR, util.tb_strings())
-            self.saved_exception = e
-        _active_threads.remove(self)
-        for chan in self._channels.values():
-            chan._unlink()
-        if
-   = False
-            self.packetizer.close()
-            if self.completion_event != None:
-                self.completion_event.set()
-            if self.auth_handler is not None:
-                self.auth_handler.abort()
-            for event in self.channel_events.values():
-                event.set()
-            try:
-                self.lock.acquire()
-                self.server_accept_cv.notify()
-            finally:
-                self.lock.release()
-        self.sock.close()
-    ###  protocol stages
-    def _negotiate_keys(self, m):
-        # throws SSHException on anything unusual
-        self.clear_to_send_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self.clear_to_send.clear()
-        finally:
-            self.clear_to_send_lock.release()
-        if self.local_kex_init == None:
-            # remote side wants to renegotiate
-            self._send_kex_init()
-        self._parse_kex_init(m)
-        self.kex_engine.start_kex()
-    def _check_banner(self):
-        # this is slow, but we only have to do it once
-        for i in range(100):
-            # give them 15 seconds for the first line, then just 2 seconds
-            # each additional line.  (some sites have very high latency.)
-            if i == 0:
-                timeout = self.banner_timeout
-            else:
-                timeout = 2
-            try:
-                buf = self.packetizer.readline(timeout)
-            except Exception, x:
-                raise SSHException('Error reading SSH protocol banner' + str(x))
-            if buf[:4] == 'SSH-':
-                break
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'Banner: ' + buf)
-        if buf[:4] != 'SSH-':
-            raise SSHException('Indecipherable protocol version "' + buf + '"')
-        # save this server version string for later
-        self.remote_version = buf
-        # pull off any attached comment
-        comment = ''
-        i = string.find(buf, ' ')
-        if i >= 0:
-            comment = buf[i+1:]
-            buf = buf[:i]
-        # parse out version string and make sure it matches
-        segs = buf.split('-', 2)
-        if len(segs) < 3:
-            raise SSHException('Invalid SSH banner')
-        version = segs[1]
-        client = segs[2]
-        if version != '1.99' and version != '2.0':
-            raise SSHException('Incompatible version (%s instead of 2.0)' % (version,))
-        self._log(INFO, 'Connected (version %s, client %s)' % (version, client))
-    def _send_kex_init(self):
-        """
-        announce to the other side that we'd like to negotiate keys, and what
-        kind of key negotiation we support.
-        """
-        self.clear_to_send_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self.clear_to_send.clear()
-        finally:
-            self.clear_to_send_lock.release()
-        self.in_kex = True
-        if self.server_mode:
-            if (self._modulus_pack is None) and ('diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' in self._preferred_kex):
-                # can't do group-exchange if we don't have a pack of potential primes
-                pkex = list(self.get_security_options().kex)
-                pkex.remove('diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1')
-                self.get_security_options().kex = pkex
-            available_server_keys = filter(self.server_key_dict.keys().__contains__,
-                                           self._preferred_keys)
-        else:
-            available_server_keys = self._preferred_keys
-        randpool.stir()
-        m = Message()
-        m.add_byte(chr(MSG_KEXINIT))
-        m.add_bytes(randpool.get_bytes(16))
-        m.add_list(self._preferred_kex)
-        m.add_list(available_server_keys)
-        m.add_list(self._preferred_ciphers)
-        m.add_list(self._preferred_ciphers)
-        m.add_list(self._preferred_macs)
-        m.add_list(self._preferred_macs)
-        m.add_list(self._preferred_compression)
-        m.add_list(self._preferred_compression)
-        m.add_string('')
-        m.add_string('')
-        m.add_boolean(False)
-        m.add_int(0)
-        # save a copy for later (needed to compute a hash)
-        self.local_kex_init = str(m)
-        self._send_message(m)
-    def _parse_kex_init(self, m):
-        cookie = m.get_bytes(16)
-        kex_algo_list = m.get_list()
-        server_key_algo_list = m.get_list()
-        client_encrypt_algo_list = m.get_list()
-        server_encrypt_algo_list = m.get_list()
-        client_mac_algo_list = m.get_list()
-        server_mac_algo_list = m.get_list()
-        client_compress_algo_list = m.get_list()
-        server_compress_algo_list = m.get_list()
-        client_lang_list = m.get_list()
-        server_lang_list = m.get_list()
-        kex_follows = m.get_boolean()
-        unused = m.get_int()
-        self._log(DEBUG, 'kex algos:' + str(kex_algo_list) + ' server key:' + str(server_key_algo_list) + \
-                  ' client encrypt:' + str(client_encrypt_algo_list) + \
-                  ' server encrypt:' + str(server_encrypt_algo_list) + \
-                  ' client mac:' + str(client_mac_algo_list) + \
-                  ' server mac:' + str(server_mac_algo_list) + \
-                  ' client compress:' + str(client_compress_algo_list) + \
-                  ' server compress:' + str(server_compress_algo_list) + \
-                  ' client lang:' + str(client_lang_list) + \
-                  ' server lang:' + str(server_lang_list) + \
-                  ' kex follows?' + str(kex_follows))
-        # as a server, we pick the first item in the client's list that we support.
-        # as a client, we pick the first item in our list that the server supports.
-        if self.server_mode:
-            agreed_kex = filter(self._preferred_kex.__contains__, kex_algo_list)
-        else:
-            agreed_kex = filter(kex_algo_list.__contains__, self._preferred_kex)
-        if len(agreed_kex) == 0:
-            raise SSHException('Incompatible ssh peer (no acceptable kex algorithm)')
-        self.kex_engine = self._kex_info[agreed_kex[0]](self)
-        if self.server_mode:
-            available_server_keys = filter(self.server_key_dict.keys().__contains__,
-                                           self._preferred_keys)
-            agreed_keys = filter(available_server_keys.__contains__, server_key_algo_list)
-        else:
-            agreed_keys = filter(server_key_algo_list.__contains__, self._preferred_keys)
-        if len(agreed_keys) == 0:
-            raise SSHException('Incompatible ssh peer (no acceptable host key)')
-        self.host_key_type = agreed_keys[0]
-        if self.server_mode and (self.get_server_key() is None):
-            raise SSHException('Incompatible ssh peer (can\'t match requested host key type)')
-        if self.server_mode:
-            agreed_local_ciphers = filter(self._preferred_ciphers.__contains__,
-                                           server_encrypt_algo_list)
-            agreed_remote_ciphers = filter(self._preferred_ciphers.__contains__,
-                                          client_encrypt_algo_list)
-        else:
-            agreed_local_ciphers = filter(client_encrypt_algo_list.__contains__,
-                                          self._preferred_ciphers)
-            agreed_remote_ciphers = filter(server_encrypt_algo_list.__contains__,
-                                           self._preferred_ciphers)
-        if (len(agreed_local_ciphers) == 0) or (len(agreed_remote_ciphers) == 0):
-            raise SSHException('Incompatible ssh server (no acceptable ciphers)')
-        self.local_cipher = agreed_local_ciphers[0]
-        self.remote_cipher = agreed_remote_ciphers[0]
-        self._log(DEBUG, 'Ciphers agreed: local=%s, remote=%s' % (self.local_cipher, self.remote_cipher))
-        if self.server_mode:
-            agreed_remote_macs = filter(self._preferred_macs.__contains__, client_mac_algo_list)
-            agreed_local_macs = filter(self._preferred_macs.__contains__, server_mac_algo_list)
-        else:
-            agreed_local_macs = filter(client_mac_algo_list.__contains__, self._preferred_macs)
-            agreed_remote_macs = filter(server_mac_algo_list.__contains__, self._preferred_macs)
-        if (len(agreed_local_macs) == 0) or (len(agreed_remote_macs) == 0):
-            raise SSHException('Incompatible ssh server (no acceptable macs)')
-        self.local_mac = agreed_local_macs[0]
-        self.remote_mac = agreed_remote_macs[0]
-        if self.server_mode:
-            agreed_remote_compression = filter(self._preferred_compression.__contains__, client_compress_algo_list)
-            agreed_local_compression = filter(self._preferred_compression.__contains__, server_compress_algo_list)
-        else:
-            agreed_local_compression = filter(client_compress_algo_list.__contains__, self._preferred_compression)
-            agreed_remote_compression = filter(server_compress_algo_list.__contains__, self._preferred_compression)
-        if (len(agreed_local_compression) == 0) or (len(agreed_remote_compression) == 0):
-            raise SSHException('Incompatible ssh server (no acceptable compression) %r %r %r' % (agreed_local_compression, agreed_remote_compression, self._preferred_compression))
-        self.local_compression = agreed_local_compression[0]
-        self.remote_compression = agreed_remote_compression[0]
-        self._log(DEBUG, 'using kex %s; server key type %s; cipher: local %s, remote %s; mac: local %s, remote %s; compression: local %s, remote %s' %
-                  (agreed_kex[0], self.host_key_type, self.local_cipher, self.remote_cipher, self.local_mac,
-                   self.remote_mac, self.local_compression, self.remote_compression))
-        # save for computing hash later...
-        # now wait!  openssh has a bug (and others might too) where there are
-        # actually some extra bytes (one NUL byte in openssh's case) added to
-        # the end of the packet but not parsed.  turns out we need to throw
-        # away those bytes because they aren't part of the hash.
-        self.remote_kex_init = chr(MSG_KEXINIT) + m.get_so_far()
-    def _activate_inbound(self):
-        "switch on newly negotiated encryption parameters for inbound traffic"
-        block_size = self._cipher_info[self.remote_cipher]['block-size']
-        if self.server_mode:
-            IV_in = self._compute_key('A', block_size)
-            key_in = self._compute_key('C', self._cipher_info[self.remote_cipher]['key-size'])
-        else:
-            IV_in = self._compute_key('B', block_size)
-            key_in = self._compute_key('D', self._cipher_info[self.remote_cipher]['key-size'])
-        engine = self._get_cipher(self.remote_cipher, key_in, IV_in)
-        mac_size = self._mac_info[self.remote_mac]['size']
-        mac_engine = self._mac_info[self.remote_mac]['class']
-        # initial mac keys are done in the hash's natural size (not the potentially truncated
-        # transmission size)
-        if self.server_mode:
-            mac_key = self._compute_key('E', mac_engine.digest_size)
-        else:
-            mac_key = self._compute_key('F', mac_engine.digest_size)
-        self.packetizer.set_inbound_cipher(engine, block_size, mac_engine, mac_size, mac_key)
-        compress_in = self._compression_info[self.remote_compression][1]
-        if (compress_in is not None) and ((self.remote_compression != '') or self.authenticated):
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'Switching on inbound compression ...')
-            self.packetizer.set_inbound_compressor(compress_in())
-    def _activate_outbound(self):
-        "switch on newly negotiated encryption parameters for outbound traffic"
-        m = Message()
-        m.add_byte(chr(MSG_NEWKEYS))
-        self._send_message(m)
-        block_size = self._cipher_info[self.local_cipher]['block-size']
-        if self.server_mode:
-            IV_out = self._compute_key('B', block_size)
-            key_out = self._compute_key('D', self._cipher_info[self.local_cipher]['key-size'])
-        else:
-            IV_out = self._compute_key('A', block_size)
-            key_out = self._compute_key('C', self._cipher_info[self.local_cipher]['key-size'])
-        engine = self._get_cipher(self.local_cipher, key_out, IV_out)
-        mac_size = self._mac_info[self.local_mac]['size']
-        mac_engine = self._mac_info[self.local_mac]['class']
-        # initial mac keys are done in the hash's natural size (not the potentially truncated
-        # transmission size)
-        if self.server_mode:
-            mac_key = self._compute_key('F', mac_engine.digest_size)
-        else:
-            mac_key = self._compute_key('E', mac_engine.digest_size)
-        self.packetizer.set_outbound_cipher(engine, block_size, mac_engine, mac_size, mac_key)
-        compress_out = self._compression_info[self.local_compression][0]
-        if (compress_out is not None) and ((self.local_compression != '') or self.authenticated):
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'Switching on outbound compression ...')
-            self.packetizer.set_outbound_compressor(compress_out())
-        if not self.packetizer.need_rekey():
-            self.in_kex = False
-        # we always expect to receive NEWKEYS now
-        self._expect_packet(MSG_NEWKEYS)
-    def _auth_trigger(self):
-        self.authenticated = True
-        # delayed initiation of compression
-        if self.local_compression == '':
-            compress_out = self._compression_info[self.local_compression][0]
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'Switching on outbound compression ...')
-            self.packetizer.set_outbound_compressor(compress_out())
-        if self.remote_compression == '':
-            compress_in = self._compression_info[self.remote_compression][1]
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'Switching on inbound compression ...')
-            self.packetizer.set_inbound_compressor(compress_in())
-    def _parse_newkeys(self, m):
-        self._log(DEBUG, 'Switch to new keys ...')
-        self._activate_inbound()
-        # can also free a bunch of stuff here
-        self.local_kex_init = self.remote_kex_init = None
-        self.K = None
-        self.kex_engine = None
-        if self.server_mode and (self.auth_handler is None):
-            # create auth handler for server mode
-            self.auth_handler = AuthHandler(self)
-        if not self.initial_kex_done:
-            # this was the first key exchange
-            self.initial_kex_done = True
-        # send an event?
-        if self.completion_event != None:
-            self.completion_event.set()
-        # it's now okay to send data again (if this was a re-key)
-        if not self.packetizer.need_rekey():
-            self.in_kex = False
-        self.clear_to_send_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self.clear_to_send.set()
-        finally:
-            self.clear_to_send_lock.release()
-        return
-    def _parse_disconnect(self, m):
-        code = m.get_int()
-        desc = m.get_string()
-        self._log(INFO, 'Disconnect (code %d): %s' % (code, desc))
-    def _parse_global_request(self, m):
-        kind = m.get_string()
-        self._log(DEBUG, 'Received global request "%s"' % kind)
-        want_reply = m.get_boolean()
-        if not self.server_mode:
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'Rejecting "%s" global request from server.' % kind)
-            ok = False
-        elif kind == 'tcpip-forward':
-            address = m.get_string()
-            port = m.get_int()
-            ok = self.server_object.check_port_forward_request(address, port)
-            if ok != False:
-                ok = (ok,)
-        elif kind == 'cancel-tcpip-forward':
-            address = m.get_string()
-            port = m.get_int()
-            self.server_object.cancel_port_forward_request(address, port)
-            ok = True
-        else:
-            ok = self.server_object.check_global_request(kind, m)
-        extra = ()
-        if type(ok) is tuple:
-            extra = ok
-            ok = True
-        if want_reply:
-            msg = Message()
-            if ok:
-                msg.add_byte(chr(MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS))
-                msg.add(*extra)
-            else:
-                msg.add_byte(chr(MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE))
-            self._send_message(msg)
-    def _parse_request_success(self, m):
-        self._log(DEBUG, 'Global request successful.')
-        self.global_response = m
-        if self.completion_event is not None:
-            self.completion_event.set()
-    def _parse_request_failure(self, m):
-        self._log(DEBUG, 'Global request denied.')
-        self.global_response = None
-        if self.completion_event is not None:
-            self.completion_event.set()
-    def _parse_channel_open_success(self, m):
-        chanid = m.get_int()
-        server_chanid = m.get_int()
-        server_window_size = m.get_int()
-        server_max_packet_size = m.get_int()
-        chan = self._channels.get(chanid)
-        if chan is None:
-            self._log(WARNING, 'Success for unrequested channel! [??]')
-            return
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            chan._set_remote_channel(server_chanid, server_window_size, server_max_packet_size)
-            self._log(INFO, 'Secsh channel %d opened.' % chanid)
-            if chanid in self.channel_events:
-                self.channel_events[chanid].set()
-                del self.channel_events[chanid]
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
-        return
-    def _parse_channel_open_failure(self, m):
-        chanid = m.get_int()
-        reason = m.get_int()
-        reason_str = m.get_string()
-        lang = m.get_string()
-        reason_text = CONNECTION_FAILED_CODE.get(reason, '(unknown code)')
-        self._log(INFO, 'Secsh channel %d open FAILED: %s: %s' % (chanid, reason_str, reason_text))
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self.saved_exception = ChannelException(reason, reason_text)
-            if chanid in self.channel_events:
-                self._channels.delete(chanid)
-                if chanid in self.channel_events:
-                    self.channel_events[chanid].set()
-                    del self.channel_events[chanid]
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
-        return
-    def _parse_channel_open(self, m):
-        kind = m.get_string()
-        chanid = m.get_int()
-        initial_window_size = m.get_int()
-        max_packet_size = m.get_int()
-        reject = False
-        if (kind == 'x11') and (self._x11_handler is not None):
-            origin_addr = m.get_string()
-            origin_port = m.get_int()
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'Incoming x11 connection from %s:%d' % (origin_addr, origin_port))
-            self.lock.acquire()
-            try:
-                my_chanid = self._next_channel()
-            finally:
-                self.lock.release()
-        elif (kind == 'forwarded-tcpip') and (self._tcp_handler is not None):
-            server_addr = m.get_string()
-            server_port = m.get_int()
-            origin_addr = m.get_string()
-            origin_port = m.get_int()
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'Incoming tcp forwarded connection from %s:%d' % (origin_addr, origin_port))
-            self.lock.acquire()
-            try:
-                my_chanid = self._next_channel()
-            finally:
-                self.lock.release()
-        elif not self.server_mode:
-            self._log(DEBUG, 'Rejecting "%s" channel request from server.' % kind)
-            reject = True
-        else:
-            self.lock.acquire()
-            try:
-                my_chanid = self._next_channel()
-            finally:
-                self.lock.release()
-            if kind == 'direct-tcpip':
-                # handle direct-tcpip requests comming from the client
-                dest_addr = m.get_string()
-                dest_port = m.get_int()
-                origin_addr = m.get_string()
-                origin_port = m.get_int()
-                reason = self.server_object.check_channel_direct_tcpip_request(
-                                my_chanid, (origin_addr, origin_port),
-                                           (dest_addr, dest_port))
-            else:
-                reason = self.server_object.check_channel_request(kind, my_chanid)
-            if reason != OPEN_SUCCEEDED:
-                self._log(DEBUG, 'Rejecting "%s" channel request from client.' % kind)
-                reject = True
-        if reject:
-            msg = Message()
-            msg.add_byte(chr(MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE))
-            msg.add_int(chanid)
-            msg.add_int(reason)
-            msg.add_string('')
-            msg.add_string('en')
-            self._send_message(msg)
-            return
-        chan = Channel(my_chanid)
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self._channels.put(my_chanid, chan)
-            self.channels_seen[my_chanid] = True
-            chan._set_transport(self)
-            chan._set_window(self.window_size, self.max_packet_size)
-            chan._set_remote_channel(chanid, initial_window_size, max_packet_size)
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
-        m = Message()
-        m.add_byte(chr(MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_SUCCESS))
-        m.add_int(chanid)
-        m.add_int(my_chanid)
-        m.add_int(self.window_size)
-        m.add_int(self.max_packet_size)
-        self._send_message(m)
-        self._log(INFO, 'Secsh channel %d (%s) opened.', my_chanid, kind)
-        if kind == 'x11':
-            self._x11_handler(chan, (origin_addr, origin_port))
-        elif kind == 'forwarded-tcpip':
-            chan.origin_addr = (origin_addr, origin_port)
-            self._tcp_handler(chan, (origin_addr, origin_port), (server_addr, server_port))
-        else:
-            self._queue_incoming_channel(chan)
-    def _parse_debug(self, m):
-        always_display = m.get_boolean()
-        msg = m.get_string()
-        lang = m.get_string()
-        self._log(DEBUG, 'Debug msg: ' + util.safe_string(msg))
-    def _get_subsystem_handler(self, name):
-        try:
-            self.lock.acquire()
-            if name not in self.subsystem_table:
-                return (None, [], {})
-            return self.subsystem_table[name]
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
-    _handler_table = {
-        MSG_NEWKEYS: _parse_newkeys,
-        MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST: _parse_global_request,
-        MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS: _parse_request_success,
-        MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE: _parse_request_failure,
-        MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_SUCCESS: _parse_channel_open_success,
-        MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE: _parse_channel_open_failure,
-        MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN: _parse_channel_open,
-        MSG_KEXINIT: _negotiate_keys,
-        }
-    _channel_handler_table = {
-        MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS: Channel._request_success,
-        MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE: Channel._request_failed,
-        MSG_CHANNEL_DATA: Channel._feed,
-        MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA: Channel._feed_extended,
-        MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST: Channel._window_adjust,
-        MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: Channel._handle_request,
-        MSG_CHANNEL_EOF: Channel._handle_eof,
-        MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE: Channel._handle_close,
-        }