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cvs commit: xml-batik/sources/org/apache/batik/gvt/renderer

deweese     01/03/16 05:59:38

  Modified:    sources/org/apache/batik/ext/awt/image/rendered
  1) Rewritten TileBlock code that shouldn't ever go off in the weeds, is
     simpler, faster, and in simple cases can give better results (in complex
     cases it isn't as good).
  2) Made getOffscreen syncronized in StaticRenderer, this is the first step
     in trying to make the Renderer thread safe (needed for progressive
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +437 -334  xml-batik/sources/org/apache/batik/ext/awt/image/rendered/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-batik/sources/org/apache/batik/ext/awt/image/rendered/,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  ---	2001/03/01 15:02:29	1.4
  +++	2001/03/16 13:59:32	1.5
  @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
   import java.util.Map;
   import java.util.List;
  +import java.util.Vector;
  +import java.util.Iterator;
   import java.awt.Rectangle;
   import java.awt.image.Raster;
  @@ -26,7 +28,7 @@
    * the subclass implementation.
    * @author <a href="">Thomas DeWeese</a>
  - * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2001/03/01 15:02:29 deweese Exp $
  + * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2001/03/16 13:59:32 deweese Exp $
   public abstract class AbstractTiledRed 
       extends    AbstractRed
  @@ -273,9 +275,9 @@
        * available 
  -    public class TileBlock {
  -        int xloc, yloc;
  -        int w, h, benefit;
  +    public static class TileBlock {
  +        int occX, occY, occW, occH;
  +        int xOff, yOff, w, h, benefit;
           boolean [] occupied;
  @@ -288,30 +290,74 @@
            * @param occupied Which entries in the block are already
            *                 computed.
  -        TileBlock(int xloc, int yloc, int w, int h, boolean [] occupied) {
  -            this.xloc     = xloc;
  -            this.yloc     = yloc;
  -            this.w        = w;
  -            this.h        = h;
  +        TileBlock(int occX, int occY, int occW, int occH, boolean [] occupied,
  +                  int xOff, int yOff, int w, int h) {
  +            this.occX = occX;
  +            this.occY = occY;
  +            this.occW = occW;
  +            this.occH = occH;
  +            this.xOff = xOff;
  +            this.yOff = yOff;
  +            this.w    = w   ;
  +            this.h    = h   ;
               this.occupied = occupied;
  -            if (occupied.length != w*h)
  -                throw new IllegalArgumentException
  -                    ("Occupied array must be equal to widthxheight");
               // System.out.println("Block: [" + 
               //                    xloc + "," + yloc + ","  + 
               //                    w + "," + h + "]");
  -            for (int i=0; i<occupied.length; i++)
  -                if (!occupied[i])
  -                    benefit++;
  +            for (int y=0; y<h; y++)
  +                for (int x=0; x<w; x++)                
  +                    if (!occupied[x+xOff+occW*(y+yOff)])
  +                        benefit++;
  +        }
  +        /**
  +         * Really nice to string that outlines what tiles are filled
  +         * and what region this block covers.  Really useful for
  +         * debugging the TileBlock stuff.
  +         */
  +        public String toString() {
  +            String ret = "";
  +            for (int y=0; y<occH; y++) {
  +                for (int x=0; x<occW+1; x++) {
  +                    if ((x==xOff) || (x==xOff+w)) {
  +                        if ((y==yOff) || (y==yOff+h-1))
  +                            ret += "+";
  +                        else  if ((y>yOff) && (y<yOff+h-1))
  +                            ret += "|";
  +                        else 
  +                            ret += " ";
  +                    } 
  +                    else if ((y==yOff)     && (x> xOff) && (x < xOff+w))
  +                        ret += "-";
  +                    else if ((y==yOff+h-1) && (x> xOff) && (x < xOff+w))
  +                        ret += "_";
  +                    else
  +                        ret += " ";
  +                    if (x== occW)
  +                        continue;
  +                    if (occupied[x+y*occW]) 
  +                        ret += "*";
  +                    else
  +                        ret += ".";
  +                }
  +                ret += "\n";
  +            }
  +            return ret;
            * Return the x location of this block of tiles
  -        int getXLoc()    { return xloc; }
  +        int getXLoc()    { return occX+xOff; }
            * Return the y location of this block of tiles
  -        int getYLoc()    { return yloc; }
  +        int getYLoc()    { return occY+yOff; }
            * Return the width of this block of tiles
  @@ -335,7 +381,7 @@
            * Returns the total amount of work for the array of tile blocks
  -        int getWork(TileBlock [] blocks) { 
  +        static int getWork(TileBlock [] blocks) { 
               int ret=0;
               for (int i=0; i<blocks.length; i++) 
                   ret += blocks[i].getWork();
  @@ -348,26 +394,30 @@
            * blocks defined by this block.
           TileBlock [] getBestSplit() {
  -            TileBlock [] bestSplit = new TileBlock [] { this };
  +            if (simplify())
  +                return null;
               // Optimal split already...
               if (benefit == w*h)
  -                return bestSplit;
  +                return new TileBlock [] { this };
  +            return splitOneGo();
  +            /*
  +            TileBlock [] bestSplit = new TileBlock [] { this };
               int bestWork = getWork();
               // Otherwise go through each occupied block try splitting
               // at each and see what the best split for each is.
               for (int y=0; y<h; y++) {
  -                boolean prevOcc = false;
                   for (int x=0; x<w; x++) {
                       if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                           return null;
  -                    if (!occupied[x+y*w]) 
  +                    if (!occupied[x+xOff+occW*(y+yOff)]) 
  -                    TileBlock [] split = getBestSplitAt(x+xloc, y+yloc);
  +                    TileBlock [] split = getBestSplitAt(x+xOff, y+yOff);
                       if (split == null) continue;
                       int cWork = getWork(split);
  @@ -378,325 +428,367 @@
                               return bestSplit;
  -            }
  -            return bestSplit;
  -        }
  -        /**
  -         * Computes a good set of TileBlocks assuming a split
  -         * at location x,y in the current block.
  -         */
  -        TileBlock [] getBestSplitAt(int x, int y) {
  -            TileBlock [] split = splitAtH(x, y);
  -            TileBlock [][] bestSplits = new TileBlock[split.length][];
  -            int count=0;
  -            int workH =0;
  -            for (int i=0; i<split.length; i++) {
  -                bestSplits[i]  =     split [i].getBestSplit();
  -                if (bestSplits[i] == null)
  -                    return null;
  -                count         += bestSplits[i].length;
  -                workH         += getWork(bestSplits[i]);
  -            }
  -            if (workH > benefit+2) {
  -                // H split is not quite optimal check V split.
  -                TileBlock [] splitV = splitAtV(x, y);
  -                TileBlock [][] bestSplitsV = new TileBlock[splitV.length][];
  -                int countV=0;
  -                int workV =0;
  -                for (int i=0; i<splitV.length; i++) {
  -                    bestSplitsV[i]  =     splitV [i].getBestSplit();
  -                    if (bestSplitsV[i] == null)
  -                        return null;
  -                    countV         += bestSplitsV[i].length;
  -                    workV          += getWork(bestSplitsV[i]);
  -                }
  -                if (workV < workH) {
  -                    // System.out.println("Using VSplit");
  -                    split      = splitV;
  -                    bestSplits = bestSplitsV;
  -                    count      = countV;
  -                }
  -            }
  -            TileBlock[] ret = new TileBlock[count];
  -            count =0;
  -            for (int i=0; i<split.length; i++) {
  -                System.arraycopy(bestSplits[i], 0, 
  -                                 ret, count, bestSplits[i].length);
  -                count += bestSplits[i].length;
  -            return ret;
  +            */
  -        /**
  -         * This splits the current block at x, y
  -         * We always split above row y and below y 
  -         * the the strip to the left and right of x:
  -         *<pre>
  -         *            Split 1
  -         * __________________________________
  -         *    Split 3 | x,y | Split 4
  -         * __________________________________
  -         *            Split 2
  -         *</pre>
  -         */
  -        TileBlock [] splitAtH(int x, int y) {
  -            x-= xloc;
  -            y-= yloc;
  -            if ((x<0) || (x>=w)) 
  -                throw new IllegalArgumentException
  -                    ("X out of range: " + x+xloc);
  -            if ((y<0) || (y>=h)) 
  -                throw new IllegalArgumentException
  -                    ("Y out of range: " + y+yloc);
  -            int splits = 0;
  -            TileBlock block1 = null;
  -            if (y != 0) {
  -                int c=0, startRow=0, endRow=0;
  -                for (int j=0; j<y; j++) {
  -                    boolean rowFull = true;
  -                    for (int i=0; i< w; i++) {
  -                        rowFull = rowFull && occupied[i+j*w];
  +        public TileBlock [] splitOneGo() {
  +            boolean [] filled = (boolean [])occupied.clone();
  +            Vector items = new Vector();
  +            for (int y=yOff; y<yOff+h; y++)
  +                for (int x=xOff; x<xOff+w; x++) {
  +                    if (!filled[x+y*occW]) {
  +                        // We have an unfilled tile slot, so first we
  +                        // figure out how long the slot is in this row.
  +                        int cw = xOff+w-x;
  +                        for (int cx=x; cx<x+cw; cx++)
  +                            if (filled[cx+y*occW])
  +                                cw = cx-x;
  +                            else
  +                                filled[cx+y*occW] = true;  // fill as we go..
  +                        // Then we check the next rows until we hit
  +                        // a row that doesn't have this slot all free.
  +                        // at which point we stop...
  +                        int ch=1;
  +                        for (int cy=y+1; cy<yOff+h; cy++) {
  +                            int cx=x;
  +                            for (; cx<x+cw; cx++) 
  +                                if (filled[cx+cy*occW])
  +                                    break;
  +                            // Partial row so bail (we'll get it later..)
  +                            if (cx != x+cw)
  +                                break;
  +                            // Fill in the slot since we will use it...
  +                            for (cx=x; cx<x+cw; cx++) 
  +                                filled[cx+cy*occW] = true;
  +                            ch++;
  +                        }
  +                        items.add(new TileBlock(occX, occY, occW, occH, 
  +                                                occupied, x, y, cw, ch));
  +                        x+=(cw-1);
  -                    if (!rowFull)
  -                        endRow = j;
  -                    else if (startRow == j) {
  -                        // Full row at the top.
  -                        startRow++;
  -                    }
  -                }
  -                // Check if fully occupied.
  -                if (endRow>=startRow) {
  -                    int rows = endRow-startRow+1;
  -                    boolean [] occ = new boolean [w*rows];
  -                    System.arraycopy(occupied, startRow*w, occ, 0, w*rows);
  -                    block1 = new TileBlock(xloc, startRow+yloc, 
  -                                           w, rows, occ);
  -                    splits++;
  -            }
  -            TileBlock block2 = null;
  -            if (y != h-1) {
  -                int c=0, startRow=y+1, endRow=y+1;
  -                for (int j=y+1; j<h; j++) {
  -                    boolean rowFull = true;
  -                    for (int i=0; i< w; i++) {
  -                        rowFull = rowFull && occupied[i+j*w];
  -                    }
  -                    if (!rowFull)
  -                        endRow = j;
  -                    else if (startRow == j) {
  -                        // Full row at the top.
  -                        startRow++;
  -                    }
  -                }
  -                // Check if fully occupied.
  -                if (endRow>=startRow) {
  -                    int rows = endRow-startRow+1;
  -                    boolean [] occ = new boolean [w*rows];
  -                    System.arraycopy(occupied, startRow*w, occ, 0, w*rows);
  -                    block2 = new TileBlock(xloc, startRow+yloc, 
  -                                           w, rows, occ);
  -                    splits++;
  -                }
  -            }
  -            TileBlock block3 = null;
  -            if (x != 0) {
  -                int off = y*w;
  -                int startCol = 0, endCol=0;
  -                for (int i=0; i< x; i++) {
  -                    if (!occupied[i+off])
  -                        endCol=i;
  -                    else if (startCol == i)
  -                        startCol++;
  -                }
  -                if (endCol>=startCol) {
  -                    int cols = endCol-startCol+1;
  -                    boolean [] occ = new boolean[cols];
  -                    System.arraycopy(occupied, off+startCol, occ, 0, cols);
  -                    block3 = new TileBlock(xloc+startCol, yloc+y, 
  -                                           cols, 1, occ);
  -                    splits++;
  -                }
  -            }
  -            TileBlock block4 = null;
  -            if (x != w-1) {
  -                int off = y*w;
  -                int startCol = x+1, endCol=x+1;
  -                for (int i=x+1; i< w; i++) {
  -                    if (!occupied[i+off])
  -                        endCol=i;
  -                    else if (startCol == i)
  -                        startCol++;
  -                }
  -                if (endCol>=startCol) {
  -                    int cols = endCol-startCol+1;
  -                    boolean [] occ = new boolean[cols];
  -                    System.arraycopy(occupied, off+startCol, occ, 0, cols);
  -                    block4 = new TileBlock(xloc+startCol, yloc+y, 
  -                                           cols, 1, occ);
  -                    splits++;
  -                }
  -            }
  -            TileBlock [] ret = new TileBlock[splits];
  -            int count=0;
  -            if (block1 != null) ret[count++] = block1;
  -            if (block2 != null) ret[count++] = block2;
  -            if (block3 != null) ret[count++] = block3;
  -            if (block4 != null) ret[count++] = block4;
  +            TileBlock [] ret = new TileBlock[items.size()];
  +            Iterator iter = items.iterator();
  +            int i=0;
  +            while (iter.hasNext())
  +                ret[i++] = (TileBlock);
               return ret;
  -        /**
  -         * This splits the current block at x, y
  -         * We always split Left and right of x and
  -         * the the columns above and below y,
  -         *<pre>
  -         *            | Split 3 |
  -         *            |_________|
  -         *    Split 1 |   x,y   | Split 2
  -         *            |_________|
  -         *            | Split 4 |
  -         *</pre>
  -         */
  -        TileBlock [] splitAtV(int x, int y) {
  -            x-= xloc;
  -            y-= yloc;
  -            if ((x<0) || (x>=w)) 
  -                throw new IllegalArgumentException
  -                    ("X out of range: " + x+xloc);
  -            if ((y<0) || (y>=h)) 
  -                throw new IllegalArgumentException
  -                    ("Y out of range: " + y+yloc);
  -            int splits = 0;
  -            TileBlock block1 = null;
  -            if (x > 0) {
  -                int r=0, startCol=0, endCol=0;
  -                for (int i=0; i< x; i++) {
  -                    boolean colFull = true;
  -                    for (int j=0; j<h; j++) {
  -                        colFull = colFull && occupied[i+j*w];
  -                    }
  -                    if (!colFull)
  -                        endCol = i;
  -                    else if (startCol == i) {
  -                        // Full Col at the first nonfull Col.
  -                        startCol++;
  -                    }
  -                }
  -                // Check if fully occupied.
  -                if (endCol>=startCol) {
  -                    int cols = endCol-startCol+1;
  -                    boolean [] occ = new boolean [h*cols];
  -                    int idx=0;
  -                    for (int j=0; j<h; j++)
  -                        for (int i=startCol; i<=endCol; i++)
  -                            occ[idx++] = occupied[j*w+i];
  -                    block1 = new TileBlock(startCol+xloc, yloc, 
  -                                           cols, h, occ);
  -                    splits++;
  -                }
  -            }
  +         public boolean simplify() {
  +             for (int y=0; y<h; y++) {
  +                 int x;
  +                 for (x=0; x<w; x++)                
  +                     if (!occupied[x+xOff+occW*(y+yOff)])
  +                         break;
  +                 if (x!=w) break;
  +                 // Fully occupied row so remove it.
  +                 yOff++;
  +                 y--;
  +                 h--;
  +             }
  +             // return true if we were simplified out of existance.
  +             if (h==0) return true;
  +             // If we make it past here we must have at least one good block.
  +             for (int y=h-1; y>=0; y--) {
  +                 int x;
  +                 for (x=0; x<w; x++)                
  +                     if (!occupied[x+xOff+occW*(y+yOff)])
  +                         break;
  +                 if (x!=w) break;
  +                 // Fully occupied row so remove it.
  +                 h--;
  +             }
  +             for (int x=0; x<w; x++) {
  +                 int y;
  +                 for (y=0; y<h; y++)
  +                     if (!occupied[x+xOff+occW*(y+yOff)])
  +                         break;
  +                 if (y!=h) break;
  +                 // Fully occupied Col so remove it. 
  +                 xOff++;
  +                 x--;
  +                 w--;
  +             }
  +             for (int x=w-1; x>=0; x--) {
  +                 int y;
  +                 for (y=0; y<h; y++)
  +                     if (!occupied[x+xOff+occW*(y+yOff)])
  +                         break;
  +                 if (y!=h) break;
  +                 // Fully occupied Col so remove it. 
  +                 w--;
  +             }
  +             return false;
  +         }
  +        /** What follows in residual code that tries to take a more
  +         * global and sophisticated approach balancing block size
  +         * vs. regeneration of tiles.  I have deprecated this in favor
  +         * of the splitOneGo code that is very straight forward,
  +         * but may not give quiet as good a set of splits (although
  +         * in practice I think it's results are similar if not better
  +         * in some important common cases).
  +         */
  +//          public static TileBlock merge(TileBlock tb1, TileBlock tb2) {
  +//              if ((tb1.occX     != tb2.occX) ||
  +//                  (tb1.occY     != tb2.occY) ||
  +//                  (tb1.occW     != tb2.occW) ||
  +//                  (tb1.occH     != tb2.occH) ||
  +//                  (tb1.occupied != tb2.occupied))
  +//                  throw new IllegalArgumentException
  +//                      ("To merge blocks they must be from the same grid");
  +//              if (tb1.xOff == tb2.xOff) {
  +//                  // Left edges aligned...
  +//                  if (tb1.w != tb2.w) 
  +//                      throw new IllegalArgumentException
  +//                          ("Blocks must match on a side");
  +//                  if (tb1.yOff+tb1.h == tb2.yOff) 
  +//                      return new TileBlock
  +//                          (tb1.occX, tb1.occY, tb1.occW, tb1.occH, tb1.occupied,
  +//                           tb1.xOff, tb1.yOff, tb1.w, tb1.h+tb2.h);
  +//                  else if (tb2.yOff+tb2.h == tb1.yOff) 
  +//                      return new TileBlock
  +//                          (tb1.occX, tb1.occY, tb1.occW, tb1.occH, tb1.occupied,
  +//                           tb2.xOff, tb2.yOff, tb2.w, tb2.h+tb1.h);
  +//                  else
  +//                      throw new IllegalArgumentException
  +//                          ("Blocks top and bottom don't meet");
  +//              }
  +//              if (tb1.yOff == tb2.yOff) {
  +//                  // top edges aligned...
  +//                  if (tb1.h != tb2.h) 
  +//                      throw new IllegalArgumentException
  +//                          ("Blocks must match on a side");
  +//                  if (tb1.xOff+tb1.w == tb2.xOff) 
  +//                      return new TileBlock
  +//                          (tb1.occX, tb1.occY, tb1.occW, tb1.occH, tb1.occupied,
  +//                           tb1.xOff, tb1.yOff, tb1.w+tb2.w, tb1.h);
  +//                  else if (tb2.xOff+tb2.w == tb1.xOff) 
  +//                      return new TileBlock
  +//                          (tb1.occX, tb1.occY, tb1.occW, tb1.occH, tb1.occupied,
  +//                           tb2.xOff, tb2.yOff, tb2.w+tb1.w, tb2.h);
  +//                  else
  +//                      throw new IllegalArgumentException
  +//                          ("Blocks left and right don't meet");
  +//              }
  +//              throw new IllegalArgumentException
  +//                  ("Blocks don't align in the grid");
  +//          }
  +//          /**
  +//           * Computes a good set of TileBlocks assuming a split
  +//           * at location x,y in the current block.  */
  +//          TileBlock [] getBestSplitAt(int x, int y) {
  +//              TileBlock [] split = splitAtH(x, y);
  +//              TileBlock [][] bestSplits = new TileBlock[split.length][];
  +//              int count=0;
  +//              int workH =0;
  +//              for (int i=0; i<split.length; i++) {
  +//                  bestSplits[i]  =     split [i].getBestSplit();
  +//                  if (bestSplits[i] == null)
  +//                      return null;
  +//                  count         += bestSplits[i].length;
  +//                  workH         += getWork(bestSplits[i]);
  +//              }
  +//              if (workH > benefit+2) {
  +//                  // H split is not quite optimal check V split.
  +//                  TileBlock [] splitV = splitAtV(x, y);
  +//                  TileBlock [][] bestSplitsV = new TileBlock[splitV.length][];
  +//                  int countV=0;
  +//                  int workV =0;
  +//                  for (int i=0; i<splitV.length; i++) {
  +//                      bestSplitsV[i]  =     splitV [i].getBestSplit();
  +//                      if (bestSplitsV[i] == null)
  +//                          return null;
  +//                      countV         += bestSplitsV[i].length;
  +//                      workV          += getWork(bestSplitsV[i]);
  +//                  }
  +//                  if (workV < workH) {
  +//                      // System.out.println("Using VSplit");
  +//                      split      = splitV;
  +//                      bestSplits = bestSplitsV;
  +//                      count      = countV;
  +//                  }
  +//              }
  +//              TileBlock[] ret = new TileBlock[count];
  +//              count =0;
  +//              for (int i=0; i<split.length; i++) {
  +//                  System.arraycopy(bestSplits[i], 0, 
  +//                                   ret, count, bestSplits[i].length);
  +//                  count += bestSplits[i].length;
  +//              }
  +//              return ret;
  +//          }
  +//          /**
  +//           * This splits the current block at x, y
  +//           * We always split above row y and below y 
  +//           * the the strip to the left and right of x:
  +//           *<pre>
  +//           *            Split 1
  +//           * __________________________________
  +//           *    Split 3 | x,y | Split 4
  +//           * __________________________________
  +//           *            Split 2
  +//           *</pre>
  +//           */
  +//          TileBlock [] splitAtH(int x, int y) {
  +//              if ((x<-1) || (x>occW)) 
  +//                  throw new IllegalArgumentException
  +//                      ("X out of range: " + x);
  +//              if ((y<-1) || (y>occH)) 
  +//                  throw new IllegalArgumentException
  +//                      ("Y out of range: " + y);
  +//              int splits = 0;
  +//              TileBlock block1 = null;
  +//              if (y > yOff) {
  +//                  block1 = new TileBlock(occX, occY, occW, occH, occupied,
  +//                                         xOff, yOff, w, y-yOff);
  +//                  if (block1.simplify())
  +//                      block1=null;
  +//                  else
  +//                      splits++;
  +//              }
  +//              TileBlock block2 = null;
  +//              if (y<yOff+h-1) {
  +//                  block2 = new TileBlock(occX, occY, occW, occH, occupied,
  +//                                         xOff, y+1, w, (yOff+h)-(y+1));
  +//                  if (block2.simplify())
  +//                      block2=null;
  +//                  else
  +//                      splits++;
  +//              }
  +//              TileBlock block3 = null;
  +//              if (x > xOff) {
  +//                  block3 = new TileBlock(occX, occY, occW, occH, occupied,
  +//                                         xOff, y, x-xOff, 1);
  +//                  if (block3.simplify())
  +//                      block3=null;
  +//                  else
  +//                      splits++;
  +//              }
  +//              TileBlock block4 = null;
  +//              if (x < xOff+w-1) {
  +//                  block4 = new TileBlock(occX, occY, occW, occH, occupied,
  +//                                         x+1, y, (xOff+w)-(x+1), 1);
  +//                  if (block4.simplify())
  +//                      block4=null;
  +//                  else
  +//                      splits++;
  +//              }
  +//              TileBlock [] ret = new TileBlock[splits];
  +//              int count=0;
  +//              if (block1 != null) ret[count++] = block1;
  +//              if (block2 != null) ret[count++] = block2;
  +//              if (block3 != null) ret[count++] = block3;
  +//              if (block4 != null) ret[count++] = block4;
  +//              return ret;
  +//          }
  +//          /**
  +//           * This splits the current block at x, y
  +//           * We always split Left and right of x and
  +//           * the the columns above and below y,
  +//           *<pre>
  +//           *            | Split 3 |
  +//           *            |_________|
  +//           *    Split 1 |   x,y   | Split 2
  +//           *            |_________|
  +//           *            | Split 4 |
  +//           *</pre>
  +//           */
  +//          TileBlock [] splitAtV(int x, int y) {
  +//              if ((x<-1) || (x>occW)) 
  +//                  throw new IllegalArgumentException
  +//                      ("X out of range: " + x);
  +//              if ((y<-1) || (y>occH)) 
  +//                  throw new IllegalArgumentException
  +//                      ("Y out of range: " + y);
  +//              int splits = 0;
  +//              TileBlock block1 = null;
  +//              if ((x > xOff)) {
  +//                  block1 = new TileBlock(occX, occY, occW, occH, occupied,
  +//                                         xOff, yOff, x-xOff, h);
  +//                  if (block1.simplify())
  +//                      block1=null;
  +//                  else
  +//                      splits++;
  +//              }
  +//              TileBlock block2 = null;
  +//              if (x<xOff+w-1) {
  +//                  block2 = new TileBlock(occX, occY, occW, occH, occupied,
  +//                                         x+1, yOff, (xOff+w)-(x+1), h);
  +//                  if (block2.simplify())
  +//                      block2=null;
  +//                  else
  +//                      splits++;
  +//              }
  +//              TileBlock block3 = null;
  +//              if (y > yOff) {
  +//                  block3 = new TileBlock(occX, occY, occW, occH, occupied,
  +//                                         x, yOff, 1, y-yOff);
  +//                  if (block3.simplify())
  +//                      block3=null;
  +//                  else
  +//                      splits++;
  +//              }
  +//              TileBlock block4 = null;
  +//              if (y < yOff+h-1) {
  +//                  block4 = new TileBlock(occX, occY, occW, occH, occupied,
  +//                                         x, y+1, 1, (yOff+h)-(y+1));
  +//                  if (block4.simplify())
  +//                      block4=null;
  +//                  else
  +//                      splits++;
  +//              }
  +//              TileBlock [] ret = new TileBlock[splits];
  +//              int count=0;
  +//              if (block1 != null) ret[count++] = block1;
  +//              if (block2 != null) ret[count++] = block2;
  +//              if (block3 != null) ret[count++] = block3;
  +//              if (block4 != null) ret[count++] = block4;
  -            TileBlock block2 = null;
  -            if (x < w-1) {
  -                int r=0, startCol=x+1, endCol=x+1;
  -                for (int i=x+1; i<w; i++) {
  -                    boolean colFull = true;
  -                    for (int j=0; j<h; j++) {
  -                        colFull = colFull && occupied[i+j*w];
  -                    }
  -                    if (!colFull)
  -                        endCol = i;
  -                    else if (startCol == i) {
  -                        // Full Col at the first nonfull Col.
  -                        startCol++;
  -                    }
  -                }
  -                // Check if fully occupied.
  -                if (endCol>=startCol) {
  -                    int cols = endCol-startCol+1;
  -                    boolean [] occ = new boolean [h*cols];
  -                    int idx=0;
  -                    for (int j=0; j<h; j++)
  -                        for (int i=startCol; i<=endCol; i++)
  -                            occ[idx++] = occupied[j*w+i];
  -                    block2 = new TileBlock(startCol+xloc, yloc, 
  -                                           cols, h, occ);
  -                    splits++;
  -                }
  -            }
  +//              return ret;
  +//          }
  -            TileBlock block3 = null;
  -            if (y > 0) {
  -                int startRow = 0, endRow=0;
  -                for (int j=0; j< y; j++) {
  -                    if (!occupied[j*w+x])
  -                        endRow=j;
  -                    else if (startRow == j)
  -                        startRow++;
  -                }
  -                if (endRow>=startRow) {
  -                    int rows = endRow-startRow+1;
  -                    boolean [] occ = new boolean[rows];
  -                    int idx=0;
  -                    for (int j=startRow; j<= endRow; j++)
  -                        occ[idx++] = occupied[j*w+x];
  -                    block3 = new TileBlock(x+xloc, yloc+startRow, 
  -                                           1, rows, occ);
  -                    splits++;
  -                }
  -            }
  -            TileBlock block4 = null;
  -            if (y < h-1) {
  -                int startRow = y+1, endRow=y+1;
  -                for (int j=y+1; j< h; j++) {
  -                    if (!occupied[j*w+x])
  -                        endRow=j;
  -                    else if (startRow == j)
  -                        startRow++;
  -                }
  -                if (endRow>=startRow) {
  -                    int rows = endRow-startRow+1;
  -                    boolean [] occ = new boolean[rows];
  -                    int idx=0;
  -                    for (int j=startRow; j<= endRow; j++)
  -                        occ[idx++] = occupied[j*w+x];
  -                    block4 = new TileBlock(x+xloc, yloc+startRow, 
  -                                           1, rows, occ);
  -                    splits++;
  -                }
  -            }
  -            TileBlock [] ret = new TileBlock[splits];
  -            int count=0;
  -            if (block1 != null) ret[count++] = block1;
  -            if (block2 != null) ret[count++] = block2;
  -            if (block3 != null) ret[count++] = block3;
  -            if (block4 != null) ret[count++] = block4;
  -            return ret;
  -        }
  @@ -759,6 +851,7 @@
           boolean [] got = new boolean[2*(tx1-tx0+1) + 2*(ty1-ty0+1)];
           int idx = 0;
  +        int numFound = 0;
           // Collect all the tiles that we currently have in cache...
           for (int y=ty0; y<=ty1; y++) {
               for (int x=tx0; x<=tx1; x++) {
  @@ -772,6 +865,8 @@
                   if (!found) continue;
  +                numFound++;
                   if (is_INT_PACK)
                       GraphicsUtil.copyData_INT_PACK(ras, wr);
  @@ -779,18 +874,26 @@
  +        // System.out.println("Found: " + numFound + " out of " + 
  +        //                    ((tx1-tx0+1)*(ty1-ty0+1)));
           // Compute the stuff from the middle in the largest possible Chunks.
           if ((xtiles > 0) && (ytiles > 0)) {
  -            TileBlock block = new TileBlock(insideTx0, insideTy0,
  -                                            xtiles, ytiles, occupied);
  +            TileBlock block = new TileBlock
  +                (insideTx0, insideTy0, xtiles, ytiles, occupied,
  +                 0, 0, xtiles, ytiles);
               // System.out.println("Starting Splits");
               TileBlock [] blocks = block.getBestSplit();
  -            // System.out.println("Ending Splits: " + blocks.length);
               // System.out.println("Starting Computation: " + this);
               if (blocks != null)
  +                // System.out.println("Ending Splits: " + blocks.length);
                   for (int i=0; i<blocks.length; i++) {
                       TileBlock curr = blocks[i];
  +                    // System.out.println("Block " + i + ":\n" + curr);
                       int xloc = curr.getXLoc()*tileWidth +tileGridXOff;
                       int yloc = curr.getYLoc()*tileHeight+tileGridYOff;
                       Rectangle tb = new Rectangle(xloc, yloc,
  1.9       +3 -1      xml-batik/sources/org/apache/batik/gvt/filter/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-batik/sources/org/apache/batik/gvt/filter/,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
  ---	2001/03/05 22:07:08	1.8
  +++	2001/03/16 13:59:35	1.9
  @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
    * createRendering methods.
    * @author <a href="">Vincent Hardy</a>
  - * @version $Id:,v 1.8 2001/03/05 22:07:08 vhardy Exp $
  + * @version $Id:,v 1.9 2001/03/16 13:59:35 deweese Exp $
   public class GraphicsNodeRable8Bit 
       extends    AbstractRable 
  @@ -250,6 +250,8 @@
               if ((deltaX ==0) && (deltaY == 0))
                   // Actually no translation
                   return cachedRed;
  +            // System.out.println("Delta: [" + deltaX + ", " + deltaY + "]");
               // Integer translation in device space..
               if ((deltaX == (int)deltaX) &&
  1.9       +3 -3      xml-batik/sources/org/apache/batik/gvt/renderer/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-batik/sources/org/apache/batik/gvt/renderer/,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
  ---	2001/03/05 22:37:15	1.8
  +++	2001/03/16 13:59:37	1.9
  @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
    * rendering in an offscreen buffer image.
    * @author <a href=">Vincent Hardy</a>
  - * @version $Id:,v 1.8 2001/03/05 22:37:15 vhardy Exp $
  + * @version $Id:,v 1.9 2001/03/16 13:59:37 deweese Exp $
   public class StaticRenderer implements ImageRenderer {
  @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
           offScreenHeight = height;
  -    public BufferedImage getOffScreen() {
  +    public synchronized BufferedImage getOffScreen() {
           if (treeRoot == null)
               return null;
  @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
           // Render tree
   /*        long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();*/
  -        if(treeRoot != null) {
  +        if (treeRoot != null) {
               Rectangle srcR = rootCR.getBounds();
               Rectangle dstR = raster.getBounds();

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