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[18/20] tomee git commit: Docs old and new
diff --git a/docs/admin/file-layout.adoc b/docs/admin/file-layout.adoc
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+= Directory Structure
+:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+    {
+        label: 'apps',
+        description: 'A common but optional folder containing the applications (war, ear, jar). Note: this folder needs to be activated in tomee.xml for instance and is not there by default.',
+        children: [
+            {label:'module1.jar',description:'An ejbmodule'},
+            {label:'myapp',description:'An exploded war or ear'},
+            {label:'anotherapp.war',description:'A war'},
+            {label:'anotherapp',description:'By default TomEE will explode the war next to the .war file, this is customizable.'},
+            {label:'anotherapp2.ear',description:'An ear'},
+            {label:'anotherapp2',description:'By default TomEE will explode the ear next to the .ear file, this is customizable.'}
+        ]
+    },
+    {
+        label: 'bin',
+        description: 'The executable and boot related files',
+        children: [
+            {label:'bootstrap.jar',description:'The jar allowing Tomcat to start'},
+            {label:'catalina.bat',description:'The windows main Tomcat script'},
+            {label:'catalina.bat.original',description:'The original catalina.bat from Tomcat. TomEE customizes it.'},
+            {label:'',description:'The UNIx main Tomcat script'},
+            {label:'',description:'The original from Tomcat. TomEE customizes it.'},
+            {label:'catalina-tasks.xml',description:'Some Ant tasks Tomcat provides to work with JMX'},
+            {label:'commons-daemon.jar',description:'When setting up TomEE as a service you need this jar.'},
+            {label:'commons-daemon-native.tar.gz',description:'The native needed by commons-daemon'},
+            {label:'configtest.bat',description:'A windows script to validate the server.xml'},
+            {label:'',description:'A UNIx script to validate the server.xml'},
+            {label:'',description:'A script which can be used as init.d script'},
+            {label:'digest.bat',description:'A windows script to compute a digest'},
+            {label:'',description:'A UNIx script to compute a digest'},
+            {label:'service.bat',description:'The windows service script'},
+            {label:'',description:'Install TomEE as a service on windows'},
+            {label:'service.readme.txt',description:'The explanations on how to setup TomEE as a windows service'},
+            {label:'',description:'Uninstall TomEE service on windows'},
+            {label:'setclasspath.bat',description:'The script called by catalina.bat to initialize Tomcat classpath'},
+            {label:'',description:'The script called by catalina.bat to initialize TomEE classpath'},
+            {label:'',description:'A UNIx user script (optional) where you can specify some JVM options like CATALINA_OPTS environment variable'},
+            {label:'setenv.bat',description:'A windows user script (optional) where you can specify some JVM options like CATALINA_OPTS environment variable'},
+            {label:'shutdown.bat',description:'Stop the server on windows, it is commonly used with -force and a timeout as options'},
+            {label:'',description:'Stop the server on UNIx, it is commonly used with -force and a timeout as options'},
+            {label:'startup.bat',description:'Start (and forget) TomEE on windows'},
+            {label:'',description:'Start (and forget) TomEE on UNIx'},
+            {label:'tomcat-juli.jar',description:'The Tomcat Java Util Logging extensions which allow for instance to configure the logging per application'},
+            {label:'tomcat-native.tar.gz',description:'The Tomcat native used by some connectors'},
+            {label:'TomEE....exe',description:'TomEE windows executables when setup as a service for amd64 architectures'},
+            {label:'tomee.bat',description:'TomEE utility script for windows, allows to compute ciphers for instance'},
+            {label:'',description:'TomEE utility script for UNIx, allows to compute ciphers for instance'},
+            {label:'tool-wrapper.bat',description:'Windows script calling Tomcat Tool utility. It executes a command line with Tomcat classloader.'},
+            {label:'',description:'UNIx script calling Tomcat Tool utility. It executes a command line with Tomcat classloader.'},
+            {label:'version.bat',description:'Print Tomcat version (for windows)'},
+            {label:'',description:'Print Tomcat version (for UNIx)'}
+        ]
+    },
+    {
+        label: 'conf',
+        description: 'Folder containing the configuration of TomEE',
+        children: [
+            {label:'Catalina',description:'A folder where Tomcat can copy web application configuration (typically context.xml can be overriden from there)'},
+            {label:'catalina.policy',description:'The server security policy rules'},
+            {label:'',description:'The server boot configuration (classloader etc...)'},
+            {label:'conf.d',description:'A TomEE folder where services can pick configuration'},
+            {label:'context.xml',description:'The default context.xml configuration'},
+            {label:'',description:'The logging configuration for the server and applications (overridable)'},
+            {label:'server.xml',description:'The server configuration (Host, Context, Valves, ...)'},
+            {label:'server.xml.original',description:'The original server.xml, TomEE updates it to add its lifecycle manager.'},
+            {label:'',description:'TomEE global configuration'},
+            {label:'tomcat-users.xml',description:'The default location where tomcat stores users.'},
+            {label:'tomcat-users.xml.original',description:'The Tomcat tomcat-users.xml (TomEE add comments)'},
+            {label:'tomcat-users.xsd',description:'The XSD for tomcat-users.xml'},
+            {label:'tomee.xml',description:'The TomEE configuration file, syntax is hybrid between XML and Properties and it is fully replaceable with but users generally prefer this file.'},
+            {label:'web.xml',description:'The default web.xml'}
+        ]
+    },
+    {
+        label: 'lib',
+        description: 'Folder containing TomEE binaries',
+        children: [
+            {label:'*.jar',description:'Tomcat + TomEE libraries'}
+        ]
+    },
+    {
+        label: 'logs',
+        description: 'Default location of log files',
+        children: [
+            {label:'catalina.$day.log',description:'By default container logs go there'},
+            {label:'xxx.2016-03-16.log',description:'By default application xxx logs go there (when using servlet API)'},
+            {label:'localhost.$day.log',description:'By default host related logs go there'},
+            {label:'localhost_access_log.$day.txt',description:'By default access logs (request the container processed) go there'}
+        ]
+    },
+    {
+        label: 'temp',
+        description: 'Java temporary directory is redirected by default to this folder',
+        children: [
+            {label:'OpenEJB-dejlzdbhjzbfrzeofrh',description:'A temporary file TomEE can create (suffix depends the startup) to check the instance'}
+        ]
+    },
+    {
+        label: 'webapps',
+        description: 'Folder containing the web applications',
+        children: [
+            {label:'myapp',description:'An exploded war'},
+            {label:'anotherapp.war',description:'A war'},
+            {label:'anotherapp',description:'By default TomEE will explode the war next to the .war file, this is customizable.'}
+        ]
+    },
+    {
+        label: 'work',
+        description: 'Folder where Tomcat and TomEE can work',
+        children: [
+            {
+                label:'Catalina',description:'By default Tomcat Engine is called Catalina. This folder matches engine name.',
+                children: [
+                    {
+                        label:'localhost',description:'A folder by host by engine to seggregate data of each ones',
+                        children: [
+                            {
+                                label:'myapp',description:'An application deployed on the previous level host',
+                                children: [
+                                    { label:'',description:'The generated JSP source (index.jsp there)' },
+                                    { label:'org.apache.jsp.index_jsp.class',description:'The compiled JSP binary' }
+                                ]
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    }
+                ]
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+Click on a tree node or open a folder to see the detail there.
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+= Administrator
+:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+Click link:../docs.html[here] to find the documentation for administrators.
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/advanced/.DS_Store differ
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+= ApplicationComposer with JBatch
+:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+ApplicationComposer can be a way to run a JBatch not needing any HTTP connector.
+Here is an example making batch integration easy - note you can extract the generic part in a library very easily:
+TIP: if you didn't check yet BatchEE provides some standalone utilities for JBatch but the idea of this page can be reused for a lot of applications.
+// helper class reusable for any batch
+abstract class BatchApplication {
+    private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("YYYYMMddHHmmss");
+    protected Report runBatch(final String batchName, final Properties config) {
+        final JobOperator operator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();
+        final long id = operator.start(batchName, config);
+        Batches.waitForEnd(operator, id);
+        return new Report(operator.getJobExecution(id), operator.getParameters(id));
+    }
+    @Module // we enforce BatchEE to be initialized as an EJB context to get JNDI for JTA init, needed for TomEE 1
+    public EjbModule ensureBatchEESetupIsDoneInTheRightContext() {
+        final EjbJar ejbJar = new EjbJar().enterpriseBean(new SingletonBean(BatchEEBeanManagerInitializer.class));
+        final Beans beans = new Beans();
+        beans.addManagedClass(BatchEEBeanManagerInitializer.Init.class);
+        final EjbModule ejbModule = new EjbModule(ejbJar);
+        ejbModule.setModuleId("batchee-shared-components");
+        ejbModule.setBeans(beans);
+        return ejbModule;
+    }
+    public static class Report {
+        private final JobExecution execution;
+        private final Properties properties;
+        public Report(final JobExecution execution, final Properties properties) {
+            this.execution = execution;
+   = properties;
+        }
+        public JobExecution getExecution() {
+            return execution;
+        }
+        public Properties getProperties() {
+            return properties;
+        }
+    }
+@Classes(cdi = true, value = { MyFilter.class, MoveFile.class, InputFile.class, MyReader.class, LoggingListener.class })
+public class MyBatch extends BatchApplication {
+    private final Properties config;
+    public Mybatch(final String[] args) { // main args
+        this.config = new Properties() {{ // create the batch config
+            setProperty("input-directory", args[0]);
+        }};
+    }
+    public Report execute(final String inputDirectory) {
+        return runBatch("sunstone", config);
+    }
+    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
+, args);
+    }
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+== Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
+:jbake-date: 2016-10-14
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+TomEE has several JNDI client intended for multiple usages.
+== Default one
+In a standalone instance you generally don't need (or want) to specify anything
+to do a lookup. Doing so you will inherit from the contextual environment:
+final Context ctx = new InitialContext();
+== LocalInitialContextFactory
+This is the legacy context factory used by OpenEJB. It is still useful to fallback
+on the "default" one in embedded mode where sometimes classloaders or libraries can mess
+up the automatic conextual context.
+Properties properties = new Properties();
+properties.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.apache.openejb.core.LocalInitialContextFactory");
+final Context ctx = new InitialContext(properties);
+This context factory supports few more options when *you boot the container* creating a context:
+| Name | Description
+| openejb.embedded.remotable | true/false: starts embedded services
+| Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL/Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS | the *global* security identity for the whole container
+IMPORTANT: `Context.SECURITY_*` shouldn't be used for runtime lookups with `LocalInitialContextFactory`, it would leak a security identity and make the runtime no more thread safe.
+This factory was deprecated starting with 7.0.2 in favor of `org.apache.openejb.core.OpenEJBInitialContextFactory`.
+== OpenEJBInitialContextFactory
+This factory allows you to access local EJB and container resources.
+Properties properties = new Properties();
+properties.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.apache.openejb.core.OpenEJBInitialContextFactory");
+final Context ctx = new InitialContext(properties);
+== RemoteInitialContextFactory
+Intended to be used to contact a remote server, the `org.apache.openejb.client.RemoteInitialContextFactory` relies on the provider url
+to contact a tomee instance:
+Properties p = new Properties();
+p.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.apache.openejb.client.RemoteInitialContextFactory");
+p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "failover:ejbd://,ejbd://");
+final InitialContext remoteContext = new InitialContext(p);
+Contrarly to local one, the remote factory supports `Context.SECURITY_*` options in a thread safe manner and you can do lookups at runtime using them.
+See link:../../admin/cluster/index.html[Cluster] page for more details on the options.
+=== Security
+The context configuration can take additional configuration to handle EJB security:
+p.put("openejb.authentication.realmName", "my-realm"); // optional
+p.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "alfred");
+p.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "bat");
+The realm will be used by JAAS to get the right LoginModules and principal/credentials to
+do the actual authentication.
+==== HTTP case
+Often HTTP layer is secured and in this case you need to authenticate before the EJBd (remote EJB TomEE protocol) layer.
+Thanks to TomEE/Tomcat integration login there will propagate to the EJBd context.
+This can be done passing the token you need to set as `Authorization` header in the `PROVIDER_URL`:
+// tomee/openejb principal/credentials
+p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "http://localhost:8080/tomee/ejb?authorization=Basic%20dG9tZWU6b3BlbmVqYg==");
+The token passed as `authorization` query parameter is the header value URL encoded. It can
+be any token like a basic one, a custom one, an OAuth2 one (in this case you need to renew it programmatically
+and change your client instance when renewing) etc...
+TIP: basic being very common there is a shortcut with two alternate query parameter replacing `authorization` one: `basic.password` and `basic.username`.
+Finally if you don't use `Authorization` header you can change the used header setting `authorizationHeader` query parameter.
+NOTE: `authorization`, `authorizationHeader`, `basic.username`, and `basic.password` are removed
+from the URL before opening the connection and therefore not logged in the remote server access log since version 7.0.3.
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+= Advanced
+:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+Click link:../docs.html[here] to find advanced documentation.
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+= Why is my ActiveMQ/JMS MDB not scaling as expected?
+:jbake-date: 2017-02-22
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+==== Why my ActiveMQ/JMS MDB is not scaling as expected?
+There are multiple configurations points to ensure you scale as much as you want.
+Here some common configuration to validate (note that when possible the sample value is the default):
+- The resource adapter thread pool ("worker threads" or `WorkManager`) limits the number of max work threads:
+<Resource id="my resource adapter" ....>
+  # using -1 will make the server using cached threads (unbounded)
+  # min recommanded: maxSessions + 1 (for connect())
+  threadPoolSize = 30
+- Then the MDB container itself has a upper bound through `InstanceLimit` which controls the max MDB instance count:
+<Container id="my mdb container" type="MESSAGE">
+    # -1 will disable it
+    # min recommanded = maxSessions
+    InstanceLimit = 10
+- ActiveMQ `maxSessions` controls how many sessions a MDB can use:
+@MessageDriven(activationConfig = {
+        @javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "maxSessions", propertyValue = "1"),
+        @javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destination", propertyValue = "target-queue")
+public static class MyMdb implements MessageListener {
+    @Override
+    public void onMessage(final Message message) {
+        // ...
+    }
+- The ConnectionFactory has also an instance pool through geronimo-connector logic, configuration
+ can make the behavior changing but this is controlled through pool related variables (the pool and resource properties are merged in the definition):
+<Resource id="my connection factory" type="ConnectionFactory">
+    # recommanded to be aligned on maxSessions
+    PoolMaxSize = 10
+    # for 100% MDB (no client) you can evaluate to turn it off/false, for client it can still be useful depending what you do
+    Pooling = true
+==== Slow Message Consumption
+If you find you have a slow consumption of messages there are several options to have a look (activemq website explains it very well)
+but one very impacting option can be the prefetch size.
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+= How to Setup TomEE in production
+:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+You can use TomEE as described on link:../../admin/directory-structure.html[Directory Structure] page but in production it is better to
+split TomEE and application binaries and configuration.
+Idea is to have this kind of layout (the root is the one you prefer):
+    label: '/some/path',
+    description: 'any location on your file system',
+    children: [
+        {
+            label: 'tomee',
+            description: 'all tomee binaries will be there, note: you often do the same for the JVM versions you have',
+            children: [
+                {
+                    label: 'tomee-1.7.1',
+                    description: 'a particular tomee version (just unzip it there)',
+                    children: [
+                        { label: 'bin', description: 'the startup binaries/scripts' },
+                        { label: 'conf', description: 'default shared configuration for this version, can be overwritten by instance' },
+                        { label: 'lib', description: 'the binaries' }
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    label: 'tomee-1.7.2',
+                    description: 'a particular tomee version (just unzip it there)',
+                    children: [
+                        { label: 'bin', description: 'the startup binaries/scripts' },
+                        { label: 'conf', description: 'default shared configuration for this version, can be overwritten by instance' },
+                        { label: 'lib', description: 'the binaries' }
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    label: 'tomee-7.0.0-M3',
+                    description: 'a particular tomee version (just unzip it there)',
+                    children: [
+                        { label: 'bin', description: 'the startup binaries/scripts' },
+                        { label: 'conf', description: 'default shared configuration for this version, can be overwritten by instance' },
+                        { label: 'lib', description: 'the binaries' }
+                    ]
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            label: 'applications',
+            description: 'all applications',
+            children: [
+                {
+                    label: 'application1',
+                    description: 'any application instance (ie configuration + binaries)',
+                    children: [
+                        { label: 'bin', description: 'provide scripts for this instance (see under that file layout)' },
+                        { label: 'conf', description: 'the instance configuration, typically what is in tomee/conf when used in standalone' },
+                        { label: 'lib', description: 'some additional binaries like JDBC drivers' },
+                        { label: 'logs', description: 'instances logs location' },
+                        { label: 'work', description: 'dedicated work directory' },
+                        { label: 'temp', description: 'instance temporary folder' },
+                        { label: 'webapps', description: 'instance webapp folder' }
+                    ]
+                },
+                {
+                    label: 'application2',
+                    description: 'any application instance (ie configuration + binaries)',
+                    children: [
+                        { label: 'bin', description: 'provide scripts for this instance (see under that file layout)' },
+                        { label: 'conf', description: 'the instance configuration, typically what is in tomee/conf when used in standalone' },
+                        { label: 'lib', description: 'some additional binaries like JDBC drivers' },
+                        { label: 'logs', description: 'instances logs location' },
+                        { label: 'work', description: 'dedicated work directory' },
+                        { label: 'temp', description: 'instance temporary folder' },
+                        { label: 'webapps', description: 'instance webapp folder' }
+                    ]
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    ]
+Click on a tree node or open a folder to see the detail there.
+=== Instance scripts
+The idea for instances (applications) scripts is to simply delegate to tomcat ones but customizing the JVM and TomEE versions.
+Customizing the version (and locations) is done in `bin/` of instances.
+Here are an example for the common scripts (of course you can write helper version like restart etc).
+#! /bin/sh
+# which java
+export JAVA_HOME="/some/path/java/jdk-8u60"
+# which tomee
+export CATALINA_HOME="/some/path/tomee/tomee-7.0.0-M3"
+# where is the application - to let tomcat/tomee finds the configuration
+export CATALINA_BASE="/some/path/application1/"
+# to let tomee be able to kill the instance if shutdown doesn't work (see shutdown script)
+export CATALINA_PID="/some/path/application1/work/"
+==== startup
+#! /bin/bash
+proc_script_base="`cd $(dirname $0) && cd .. && pwd`"
+source "$proc_script_base/bin/"
+nohup "$CATALINA_HOME/bin/" "$@" > $proc_script_base/logs/nohup.log &
+==== shutdown
+#! /bin/bash
+proc_script_base="`cd $(dirname $0) && cd .. && pwd`"
+source "$proc_script_base/bin/"
+# we support parameters like timeout and force, typically we would call it this way: ./shutdown 1200 -force
+"$CATALINA_HOME/bin/" "$@"
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+= Fat / Uber jars - Using the Shade Plugin
+:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+Shading the container and the application has some challenges like merging correctly resources (`META-INF/services/` typically).
+Here is a maven shade plugin configuration working for most cases:
+  <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+  <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
+  <version>2.3</version>
+  <executions>
+    <execution>
+      <phase>package</phase>
+      <goals>
+        <goal>shade</goal>
+      </goals>
+      <configuration>
+        <dependencyReducedPomLocation>${}/reduced-pom.xml</dependencyReducedPomLocation>
+        <transformers>
+          <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
+            <mainClass>org.apache.tomee.embedded.FatApp</mainClass>
+          </transformer>
+          <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
+            <resource>META-INF/cxf/bus-extensions.txt</resource>
+          </transformer>
+          <transformer implementation="org.apache.openwebbeans.maven.shade.OpenWebBeansPropertiesTransformer" />
+        </transformers>
+        <filters>
+          <filter> <!-- we don't want JSF to be activated -->
+            <artifact>*:*</artifact>
+            <excludes>
+              <exclude>META-INF/faces-config.xml</exclude>
+            </excludes>
+          </filter>
+        </filters>
+      </configuration>
+    </execution>
+  </executions>
+  <dependencies>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.openwebbeans</groupId>
+      <artifactId>openwebbeans-maven</artifactId>
+      <version>1.7.0/version>
+    </dependency>
+  </dependencies>
+NOTE: see link:../tomee-embedded/index.html[TomEE Embedded] page for more information about tomee embedded options.
+IMPORTANT: this shade uses TomEE Embedded but you can do the same with an link:../applicationcomposer/index.html[Application Composer] application.
+TIP: if you have `META-INF/web-fragment.xml` in your application you will need to merge them in a single one in the shade. Note that tomcat provides one
+which can be skipped in this operation since it is there only as a marker for jasper detection.
+Then just build the jar:
+mvn clean package
+And you can run it:
+java -jar myapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
+== Fat Jars with Gradle
+With gradle you can rely on either jar plugin, fatjar plugin or shadowjar plugin. Last one is likely the closer to maven shade plugin
+so that's the one used for next sample:
+// run $ gradle clean shadowJar
+import org.apache.openwebbeans.gradle.shadow.OpenWebBeansPropertiesTransformer
+buildscript {
+    repositories {
+        mavenLocal()
+        jcenter()
+    }
+    dependencies {
+        classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:1.2.3'
+        classpath 'org.apache.openwebbeans:openwebbeans-gradle:1.7.0'
+    }
+apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow'
+group 'org.apache.tomee.demo.gradle'
+version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
+apply plugin: 'idea'
+apply plugin: 'java'
+sourceCompatibility = 1.8
+repositories {
+    mavenLocal()
+    mavenCentral()
+dependencies {
+    compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.16.10'
+    compile 'org.apache.tomee:tomee-embedded:7.0.2-SNAPSHOT'
+// customize exclusions depending your app
+// first the not used dependencies like JSF, JAXWS, JMS ones
+def excludedDependenciesGroups = [
+        // gradle is buggy with poms, scope provided and optional I think
+        '',
+        '',
+        'javax.annotation',
+        '',
+        'net.sf.ehcache',
+        'org.apache.httpcomponents',
+        'org.ow2.asm',
+        // tomee jaxws, jms, etc...
+        'commons-codec',
+        'com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj',
+        'joda-time',
+        'junit',
+        'net.shibboleth.utilities',
+        'org.apache.activemq',
+        'org.apache.activemq.protobuf',
+        'org.apache.myfaces.core',
+        'org.apache.neethi',
+        'org.apache.santuario',
+        '',
+        'org.apache.wss4j',
+        'org.bouncycastle',
+        'org.cryptacular',
+        'org.fusesource.hawtbuf',
+        'org.jasypt',
+        'org.jvnet.mimepull',
+        'org.opensaml',
+        'wsdl4j',
+        'xml-resolver'
+// then cxf+tomee specific dependencies so we need to be more precise than the group
+// to not exclude everything
+def excludedDependenciesArtifacts = [
+        'cxf-rt-bindings-soap',
+        'cxf-rt-bindings-xml',
+        'cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb',
+        'cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws',
+        'cxf-rt-frontend-simple',
+        'cxf-rt-security-saml',
+        'cxf-rt-ws-addr',
+        'cxf-rt-wsdl',
+        'cxf-rt-ws-policy',
+        'cxf-rt-ws-security',
+        'openejb-cxf',
+        'openejb-webservices',
+        'tomee-webservices',
+        'geronimo-connector',
+        'geronimo-javamail_1.4_mail'
+shadowJar {
+    classifier = 'bundle'
+    // merge SPI descriptors
+    mergeServiceFiles()
+    append 'META-INF/cxf/bus-extensions.txt'
+    transform(OpenWebBeansPropertiesTransformer.class)
+    // switch off JSF + JMS + JAXWS
+    exclude 'META-INF/faces-config.xml'
+    dependencies {
+        exclude(dependency {
+            excludedDependenciesGroups.contains(it.moduleGroup) ||
+                    excludedDependenciesArtifacts.contains(it.moduleName)
+        })
+    }
+    // ensure we define the expected Main (if you wrap tomee main use your own class)
+    manifest {
+        attributes 'Main-Class': 'org.apache.tomee.embedded.FatApp'
+    }
+Then run:
+gradle clean build shadowJar
+and you'll get `build/libs/demo-gradle-tomee-embedded-shade-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bundle.jar` ready to run with:
+java -jar build/libs/demo-gradle-tomee-embedded-shade-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bundle.jar --as-war --simple-log=true
+== Fat Wars
+Fat Wars are executable wars. Note they can be fancy for demos but they have the drawback to put the server in web resources
+at packaging time (to ensure the war is actually an executable jar) so adding a filter preventing these files to be read
+can be needed if you don't already use a web technology doing it (a servlet bound to /*).
+Here how to do a fat war:
+  <!-- can be uber (for all), jaxrs, jaxws for lighter ones -->
+  <tomee.flavor>uber</tomee.flavor>
+  <!-- ...your dependencies as usual... -->
+  <dependency>
+    <groupId>org.apache.tomee</groupId>
+    <artifactId>tomee-embedded</artifactId>
+    <classifier>${tomee.flavor}</classifier>
+    <version>7.0.0</version>
+    <scope>provided</scope>
+  </dependency>
+  <plugins>
+    <plugin>
+      <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+      <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId>
+      <version>2.6</version>
+      <configuration>
+        <failOnMissingWebXml>false</failOnMissingWebXml>
+        <archive>
+          <manifest>
+            <mainClass>org.apache.tomee.embedded.Main</mainClass>
+          </manifest>
+        </archive>
+        <dependentWarExcludes />
+        <overlays>
+          <overlay>
+            <groupId>org.apache.tomee</groupId>
+            <artifactId>tomee-embedded</artifactId>
+            <classifier>${tomee.flavor}</classifier>
+            <type>jar</type>
+            <excludes />
+          </overlay>
+        </overlays>
+      </configuration>
+    </plugin>
+  </plugins>
+Then just build the war:
+mvn clean package
+And you can run it:
+java -jar myapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
diff --git a/docs/advanced/tomee-embedded/index.adoc b/docs/advanced/tomee-embedded/index.adoc
new file mode 100755
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+= TomEE Embedded
+:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+TomEE Embedded is based on Tomcat embedded and starts a real TomEE in the launching JVM. It is also
+able to deploy the classpath as a webapp and to use either `META-INF/resources` or a folder as web resources.
+Here is a basic programmatic usage based on `org.apache.tomee.embedded.Container` class:
+try (final Container container = new Container(new Configuration()).deployClasspathAsWebApp()) {
+    System.out.println("Started on http://localhost:" + container.getConfiguration().getHttpPort());
+    // do something or wait until the end of the application
+All EE features are then accessible directly in the same JVM.
+== TomEE Embedded Configuration
+The default configuration allows to start tomee without issue but you can desire to customize some of them.
+| Name | Default | Description
+|httpPort | 8080| http port
+|stopPort | 8005| shutdown port
+|host |localhost| host
+|dir|-|where to create a file hierarchy for tomee (conf, temp, ...)
+|serverXml|-|which server.xml to use
+|keepServerXmlAsThis|false|don't adjust ports/host from the configuration and keep the ones in server.xml
+|properties|-|container properties
+|quickSession | true|use Random instead of SecureRandom (for dev)
+|skipHttp|false|don't use the http connector
+|httpsPort | 8443|https potr
+|ssl|false| activate https
+|withEjbRemote|false|use EJBd
+|keystoreFile|-|https keystore location
+|keystorePass|-|https keystore password
+|keystoreType |JKS|https keystore type
+|clientAuth|-|https client auth
+|keyAlias|-|https alias
+|sslProtocol|-|SSL protocol for https connector
+|webXml|-|default web.xml to use
+|loginConfig|-|which LoginConfig to use, relies on `org.apache.tomee.embedded.LoginConfigBuilder` to create it
+|securityConstraints|-|add some security constraints, use `org.apache.tomee.embedded.SecurityConstaintBuilder` to build them
+|realm|-|which realm to use (useful to switch to `JAASRealm` for instance) without modifying the application
+|deployOpenEjbApp|false|should internal openejb application be delpoyed
+|users|-|a map of user/password
+|roles|-|a map of role/users
+|tempDir|${}/tomee-embedded_${timestamp}|tomcat needs a docBase, in case you don't provide one one will be created there
+|webResourceCached |true|should web resources be cached by tomcat (set false in frontend dev)
+|configuration-location|-|location (classpath or file) to a .properties to configure the server
+[pre-task|-|Runnable or org.apache.tomee.embedded.LifecycleTask implementations to execute before the container starts
+|classes-filter|-|implementation of a custom xbean Filter to ignore not desired classes during scanning
+|basic|-|set /* under BASIC authentication for the realm "Security", authentication role being "*"
+Note: passing to `Container` constructor a `Configuration` it will start the container automatically but using `setup(Configuration)`
+to initialize the configuration you will need to call `start()`.
+You can also pass through the properties `` and `` to customize connector(s)
+configuration directly.
+== Standalone applications or TomEE Embedded provided main(String[])
+Deploying an application in a server is very nice cause the application is generally small and it allows to update the
+container without touching the application (typically insanely important in case of security issues for instance).
+However sometimes you don't have the choice so TomEE Embedded provides a built-in `main(String[])`. Here are its options:
+NOTE: this is still a TomEE so all system properties work (for instance to create a resource).
+|--path|-|location of application(s) to deploy
+|--context|-|Context name for applications (same order than paths)
+|-p or --port|8080|http port
+|-s or --shutdown|8005|shutdown port
+|-d or --directory|./.apache-tomee|tomee work directory
+|-c or --as-war|-|deploy classpath as a war
+|-b or --doc-base|-|where web resources are for classpath deployment
+|--renaming|-|for fat war only, is renaming of the context supported
+|--serverxml|-|the server.xml location
+|--tomeexml|-|the server.xml location
+|--property|-|a list of container properties (values follow the format x=y)
+Note that since 7.0.0 TomEE provides 3 flavors (qualifier) of tomee-embedded as fat jars:
+- uber (where we put all request features by users, this is likely the most complete and the biggest)
+- jaxrs: webprofile minus JSF
+- jaxws: webprofile plus JAX-WS
+These different uber jars are interesting in mainly 2 cases:
+- you do a war shade (it avoids to list a bunch of dependencies but still get a customized version)
+- you run your application using `--path` option
+NOTE: if you already do a custom shade/fatjar this is not really impacting since you can depend on `tomee-embedded` and exclude/include what you want.
+== FatApp a shortcut main
+`FatApp` main (same package as tomee embedded `Main`) just wraps the default main ensuring:
+- ̀`--as-war` is used
+- ̀`--single-classloader` is used
+- `` is set if `` is found in the classpath
+== configuration-location
+`--configuration-location` option allows to simplify the configuration of tomee embedded through properties.
+Here are the recognized entries (they match the configuration, see org.apache.tomee.embedded.Configuration for the detail):
+|properties.x (set container properties x with the associated value)|
+|users.x (for default in memory realm add the user x with its password - the value)|
+|roles.x (for default in memory realm add the role x with its comma separated users - the value)|
+|connector.x (set the property x on the connector)|
+|realm=fullyqualifiedname,realm.prop=xxx (define a custom realm with its configuration)|
+|login=,login.prop=xxx (define a org.apache.tomee.embedded.LoginConfigBuilder == define a LoginConfig)|
+|securityConstraint=,securityConstraint.prop=xxx (define a org.apache.tomee.embedded.SecurityConstaintBuilder == define webapp security)|
+|configurationCustomizer.alias=,configurationCustomizer.alias.class=class,configurationCustomizer.alias.prop=xxx (define a ConfigurationCustomizer)|
+Here is a sample to add BASIC security on `/api/*`:
+# security configuration
+securityConstraint =
+securityConstraint.authConstraint = true
+securityConstraint.authRole = **
+securityConstraint.collection = api:/api/*
+login =
+login.realmName = app
+login.authMethod = BASIC
+realm = org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm
+realm.appName = app
+ = configuration/login.jaas
+And here a configuration to exclude jackson packages from scanning and use log4j2 as main logger (needs it as dependency):
+properties.openejb.log.factory = log4j2
+properties.openejb.container.additional.include = com.fasterxml.jackson,org.apache.logging.log4j
+== Application Runner
+SInce TomEE 7.0.2, TomEE provide a light ApplicationComposer integration for TomEE Embedded (all features are not yet supported but the main ones are):
+`org.apache.tomee.embedded.TomEEEmbeddedApplicationRunner`. It relies on the definition of an `@Application`:
+@Classes(context = "app")
+@ContainerProperties(@ContainerProperties.Property(name = "t", value = "set"))
+@TomEEEmbeddedApplicationRunner.LifecycleTasks(MyTask.class) // can start a ftp/sftp/elasticsearch/mongo/... server before tomee
+public class TheApp {
+    @RandomPort("http")
+    private int port;
+    @RandomPort("http")
+    private URL base;
+    @org.apache.openejb.testing.Configuration
+    public Properties add() {
+        return new PropertiesBuilder().p("programmatic", "property").build();
+    }
+    @PostConstruct
+    public void appStarted() {
+        // ...
+    }
+Then just start it with:
+----, "some arg1", "other arg");
+TIP: `@Classes(values)` and `@Jars` are supported too which can avoid a huge scanning if you run with a lot of not CDI dependencies which would boost the startup of your application.
diff --git a/docs/alternate-descriptors.mdtext b/docs/alternate-descriptors.mdtext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f55dfc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/alternate-descriptors.mdtext
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+Title: Alternate Descriptors
+As of OpenEJB 3.1.1, you have the ability to specify an alternate set of
+deployment descriptors to use for a given environment.	This is focused
+mostly on testing where it is often desirable to use a slightly different
+configuration for a set of tests or even a specific test.
+# When nothing else does the trick
+Note that this approach was added as a catch-all for when one of the
+simpler overriding techniques will not work.  For the common case of
+needing to tweak your persistence.xml, see the [Configuring PersistenceUnits in Tests](configuring-persistenceunits-in-tests.html)
+ page for a simpler approach.
+For many reasons it is very inconvenient to have to maintain two sets of
+descriptors, one for production and one for testing.  We aggressively add
+features based on user feedback and questions.	If you are looking for a
+way to solve a problem without duplicating entire descriptors, please let
+us know.  You should never have to go the long way to do something simple.
+<a name="AlternateDescriptors-openejb.altdd.prefix"></a>
+# openejb.altdd.prefix
+To use this functionality, just set the new "openejb.altdd.prefix" system
+property or `InitialContext` property to something like "_test_", then any
+descriptors in your META-INF/ directory that start with "_test._" will
+override the regular descriptor.  So for example with an app like this:
+ - META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
+ - META-INF/*test*.ejb-jar.xml
+ - META-INF/persistence.xml
+ - META-INF/*test*
+Just initialize your test case like so:
+     Properties properties = new Properties();
+     properties.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
+          "org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory");
+     properties.setProperty("openejb.altdd.prefix", "test");
+     InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext(properties);
+The logical result will be the prefixed file replacing the non-prefixed
+file as the active descriptor:
+ - META-INF/ejb-jar.xml -> *test*.ejb-jar.xml
+ - META-INF/persistence.xml
+ - META-INF/ -> *test*
+This will work in any environment in which OpenEJB works (embedded,
+standalone, tomcat, geronimo, etc.).
+Note that there does *not* have to be an equivalent non-prefixed version of
+the file.  In the example above, only a "" file
+exists and there is no equivalent plain "" file.  This
+prefixing works for any deployment descriptor in the META-INF/ directory or
+WEB-INF/ directory.  The prefix does not have to be "test" and could be
+anything you choose.  You can also have as many prefixed files as you need
+and could even go as far as to have one prefix per individual test.
+<a name="AlternateDescriptors-Morethanoneprefix"></a>
+# More than one prefix
+It is possible to have several prefixes, specified in order of preference,
+so that it is possible to avoid duplicating descriptors that are used in
+more than one "profile".  For example, the "foo" test case uses the same
+"" file as the "bar" test case, but both have their
+own ejb-jar.xml files:
+ - META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
+ - META-INF/test.ejb-jar.xml
+ - META-INF/footest.ejb-jar.xml
+ - META-INF/bartest.ejb-jar.xml
+ - META-INF/persistence.xml
+The "foo" test case could set the _openejb.altdd.prefix_ as follows:
+     //...
+     properties.setProperty("openejb.altdd.prefix", "footest, test");
+     InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext(properties);
+Resulting the following logical view of the app:
+ - META-INF/ejb-jar.xml -> *footest*.ejb-jar.xml
+ - META-INF/persistence.xml
+ - META-INF/ ->
+And the "bar" test case could set the  _openejb.altdd.prefix_ as follows:
+     //...
+     properties.setProperty("openejb.altdd.prefix", "footest, test");
+     InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext(properties);
+Resulting the following logical view of the app:
+ - META-INF/ejb-jar.xml -> *bartest*.ejb-jar.xml
+ - META-INF/persistence.xml
+ - META-INF/ ->
+In both scenarios the same file
+( is shared.
+Note that there is a "test.ejb-jar.xml" file that is present, however in
+both cases it is not used as the order of preference in the list is "left
+to right" meaning most preferred first.
diff --git a/docs/annotations,-xml-and-defaults.mdtext b/docs/annotations,-xml-and-defaults.mdtext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d1fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/annotations,-xml-and-defaults.mdtext
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+Title: Annotations, XML and Defaults
+<div id="PageContent">
+              <p>The following is a list of all annotations and their attributes, the xml tags that correspond to them (for overriding), and what the default values are when left unspecified.</p>
+<div >
+<table ><tbody>
+<th > Annotation </th>
+<th > xml element(s) </th>
+<th > default value </th>
+<td "> @Stateless </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;session&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;ejb-class&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;session-type&gt;Stateless&lt;/session-type&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>name</li>
+<td "> &lt;ejb-name&gt; </td>
+<td "> The simple name of the bean class. For <em>org.acme.superfun.WidgetBean</em> the ejb-name will be <b>WidgetBean</b> </td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>description</li>
+<td "> &lt;description&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>mappedName</li>
+<td "> &lt;mapped-name&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @Stateful </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;session&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;ejb-class&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;session-type&gt;Stateful&lt;/session-type&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>name</li>
+<td "> &lt;ejb-name&gt; </td>
+<td "> The simple name of the bean class. For <em>org.acme.superfun.WidgetBean</em> the ejb-name will be <b>WidgetBean</b> </td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>description</li>
+<td "> &lt;description&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>mappedName</li>
+<td "> &lt;mapped-name&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @MessageDriven </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;message-driven&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;ejb-class&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;session-type&gt;Stateful&lt;/session-type&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>name</li>
+<td "> &lt;ejb-name&gt; </td>
+<td "> The simple name of the bean class. For <em>org.acme.superfun.WidgetBean</em> the ejb-name will be <b>WidgetBean</b> </td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>description</li>
+<td "> &lt;description&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>mappedName</li>
+<td "> &lt;mapped-name&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>messageListenerInterface</li>
+<td "> &lt;messaging-type&gt; </td>
+<td "> The interface the bean class implements.  When relying upon the default is illegal for the bean to implement more than one interface </td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>activationConfig[]</li>
+<td "> &lt;activation-config&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @ActivationConfigProperty </td>
+<td "> &lt;activation-config-property&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>propertyName</li>
+<td "> &lt;activation-config-property-name&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>propertyValue</li>
+<td "> &lt;activation-config-property-value&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @RemoteHome </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;home&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;remote&gt;</li>
+<td "> The home is inspected to determine the value of &lt;remote&gt;</td>
+<td "> @LocalHome </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;local-home&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;local&gt;</li>
+<td "> The local-home is inspected to determine the value of &lt;local&gt; </td>
+<td "> @TransactionManagement </td>
+<td "> &lt;transaction-type&gt; </td>
+<td "> TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER (xml value "Container") </td>
+<td "> @TransactionAttribute </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;container-transaction&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;transaction-attribute&gt;</li>
+<td "> All method default to TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED (xml value "Required") </td>
+<td "> @RolesAllowed </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;method-permission&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;role-name&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @PermitAll </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;method-permission&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;unchecked&gt;</li>
+<td "> All methods default to unchecked </td>
+<td "> @DenyAll </td>
+<td "> &lt;exclude-list&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @RunAs </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;security-identity&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;run-as&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;role-name&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @DeclareRoles </td>
+<td "> &lt;security-role-ref&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @Interceptors </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;interceptor&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;interceptor-binding&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;interceptor-class&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @ExcludeDefaultInterceptors </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;interceptor-binding&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;exclude-default-interceptors&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @ExcludeClassInterceptors </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;interceptor-binding&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;exclude-class-interceptors&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @AroundInvoke </td>
+<td "> &lt;around-invoke&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @PostConstruct </td>
+<td "> &lt;post-construct&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @PreDestroy </td>
+<td "> &lt;pre-destroy&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @PrePassivate </td>
+<td "> &lt;pre-passivate&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @PostActivate </td>
+<td "> &lt;post-activate&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @Init </td>
+<td "> &lt;init-method&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @Remove </td>
+<td "> &lt;remove-method&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>retainIfException</li>
+<td "> &lt;retain-if-exception&gt; </td>
+<td "> false </td>
+<td "> @Timeout </td>
+<td "> &lt;timeout-method&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @ApplicationException </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;application-exception&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;exception-class&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>rollback</li>
+<td "> &lt;rollback&gt; </td>
+<td "> false </td>
+<td "> @EJB </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;ejb-ref&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;ejb-local-ref&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;injection-target&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>name</li>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;ejb-ref-name&gt;</li>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>on class: illegal to leave undefined</li>
+	<li>on field: {className}/{fieldName} as in <b>org.superbiz.Widget/myEjb</b></li>
+	<li>on setter: {className}/{propertyName} as in setMyEjb() defaults to <b>org.superbiz.Widget/myEjb</b></li>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>beanInterface</li>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;home&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;local-home&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;remote&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;local&gt;</li>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>on class: illegal to leave undefined</li>
+	<li>on field: the data type of the field</li>
+	<li>on setter: the data type of the first method param</li>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>beanName</li>
+<td "> &lt;ejb-link&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>description</li>
+<td "> &lt;description&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>mappedName</li>
+<td "> &lt;mapped-name&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @Resource </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;env-entry&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;resource-ref&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;resource-env-ref&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;injection-target&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>name</li>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;env-entry-name&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;res-ref-name&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;resource-env-ref-name&gt;</li>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>on class: illegal to leave undefined</li>
+	<li>on field: {className}/{fieldName} as in <b>org.superbiz.Widget/myDataSource</b></li>
+	<li>on setter: {className}/{propertyName} as in setMyDataSource() defaults to <b>org.superbiz.Widget/myDataSource</b></li>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>type</li>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;env-entry-type&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;res-type&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;resource-env-ref-type&gt;</li>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>on class: illegal to leave undefined</li>
+	<li>on field: the data type of the field</li>
+	<li>on setter: the data type of the first method param</li>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>description</li>
+<td "> &lt;description&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>mappedName</li>
+<td "> &lt;mapped-name&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>shareable</li>
+<td "> &lt;res-sharing-scope&gt; </td>
+<td "> true (xml value "Shareable") </td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>authenticationType</li>
+<td "> &lt;res-auth&gt; </td>
+<td "> AuthenticationType.CONTAINER (xml value "Container") </td>
+<td "> @PersistenceUnit </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;persistence-unit-ref&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;injection-target&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>name</li>
+<td "> &lt;persistence-unit-ref-name&gt; </td>
+<td ">on class: illegal to leave undefined
+	<li>on field: {className}/{fieldName} as in <b>org.superbiz.Widget/myUnit</b></li>
+	<li>on setter: {className}/{propertyName} as in setMyUnit() defaults to <b>org.superbiz.Widget/myUnit</b></li>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>unitName</li>
+<td "> &lt;persistence-unit-name&gt; </td>
+<td "> vendor specific </td>
+<td "> @PersistenceContext </td>
+<td "><ul>
+	<li>&lt;persistence-context-ref&gt;</li>
+	<li>&lt;injection-target&gt;</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>name</li>
+<td "> &lt;persistence-context-ref-name&gt; </td>
+<td ">on class: illegal to leave undefined
+	<li>on field: {className}/{fieldName} as in <b>org.superbiz.Widget/myContext</b></li>
+	<li>on setter: {className}/{propertyName} as in setMyContext() defaults to <b>org.superbiz.Widget/myContext</b></li>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>unitName</li>
+<td "> &lt;persistence-unit-name&gt; </td>
+<td "> vendor specific </td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>type</li>
+<td "> &lt;persistence-context-type&gt; </td>
+<td "> PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION (xml value "Transaction") </td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>properties[]</li>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "> @PersistenceProperty </td>
+<td "> &lt;persistence-property&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>name</li>
+<td "> &lt;name&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+<td "><ul type="square" class="alternate">
+	<li>value</li>
+<td "> &lt;value&gt; </td>
+<td ">&nbsp;</td>
+            </div>
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+Title: App Clients and JNDI
+There are some slight differences between the way OpenEJB does app clients
+and the way Geronimo does app clients
+Neither uses the names created via the openejb.jndiname.format. &nbsp;So
+changing that will (should) have no affect. &nbsp;The idea is that users
+should be able to set it to be whatever they want it to be and that should
+not break the App Client code. &nbsp;The openejb.jndiname.format is
+specifically for "plain" clients and allows them to get the names as they
+want them.
+Internally, we bind each EJB proxy under essentially a hardcoded and
+predictable format and then again using the user supplied format. &nbsp;So
+there are at minimum two JNDI trees with every EJB proxy. &nbsp;It used to
+be two at least. &nbsp;Now we have quite a few because of Java EE 6 global
+JNDI and the support we added for @LocalClient and allowing the same
+interface to be used as both @Local and @Remote.
+Basically we have:
+* openejb/Deployment/&lt;hardcoded internal format&gt;
+* openejb/local/&lt;strategy format&gt;
+* openejb/remote/&lt;strategy format&gt;
+The 'openejb/Deployment' section is the non-changing fully qualified name
+for use internally and by app clients.
+The 'openejb/remote' section is for "pretty" names looked up via plain
+clients using the RemoteInitialContextFactory. &nbsp;The protocol can tell
+the difference between app clients and plain clients and knows which area
+to look in.
+The 'openejb/local' section is for "pretty" names looked up via the
+The "pretty" names are defined by the openejb.jndiname.format and since the
+user has control of that formatting it's possible that not all proxies can
+be bound. &nbsp;Say the bean has both a local and remote interface and the
+user has just "\{deploymentId\}" or "\{ejbName\}" as the format.
+&nbsp;Hence those bind calls use the "optional" set of binding methods.
+The format of the internal names bound into openejb/Deployment is
+guaranteed to be unique. &nbsp;It's not pretty to look at obviously, but
+every possible proxy will be bound there guaranteed. &nbsp;For binding into
+'openejb/Deployment' we don't use the "optional" set of binding methods.
+&nbsp;If something can't be bound it's a deployment issue.
+The home interface is bound, but with the name of the corresponding
+business interface rather than the home interface. &nbsp;
+To be a little bit more clear - &nbsp;Both OpenEJB and Geronimo build their
+own JNDI trees for the App Client. &nbsp;Geronimo prefers to have its own
+JNDI tree for the App Client as there are other things in it that are not
+EJB related. &nbsp;Either way the OpenEJB EJBd protocol can carry the "id"
+of the App Client and both Geronimo and OpenEJB rely on that.
+In Geronimo App Clients the id is set to "Deployments" and that tells
+OpenEJB not to look in the "openejb/remote" section of JNDI as it normally
+would. &nbsp;It will instead use the "openejb/Deployments" section of JNDI
+were the names follow a predictable and unchanging format.
+In OpenEJB App Clients the id is set to the name of the App Client and we
+instead look in "openejb/client/<id>/" where names are formatted by the
+user via the application-client.xml.
+When calls are made from client to server and the App Client module id is
+not present, we look in openejb/remote/ where names are formatted using the
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+# Application Composer Advanced
+[Getting Started](getting-started.html) page gives you already a lot of inputs but you caneven go further.
+## @Descriptors
+You can reuse existing file descriptors using `@Descriptors`. The name is the file name
+and the path either a classpath path or a file path:
+    // runner if needed etc...
+    @Descriptors(@Descriptor(name = "persistence.xml", path = "META-INF/persistence.xml"))
+    public class MyTest {
+       //...
+    }
+Note: this can be put in a `@Module` method as well.
+## Services
+If you want to test a JAXRS or JAXWS service you need to activate these services.
+To do so just add the needed dependency and use `@EnableServices`:
+    // runner if needed etc...
+    @EnableService("jaxrs") // jaxws supported as well
+    public class MyTest {
+       //...
+    }
+## Random port
+Services like JAXRS and JAXWS relies on HTTP. Often it is nice to have a random port
+to be able to deploy multiple tests/projects on the same CI platform at the same time.
+To shortcut all the needed logic you can use `@RandomPort`. It is simply an injection giving
+you either the port (`int`) or the root context (`URL`):
+    // runner, services if needed etc...
+    public class MyTest {
+       @RandomPort("http")
+       private int port;
+    }
+Note: you can generate this way multiple ports. The value is the name of the service it will apply on (being said http
+is an alias for httpejbd which is our embedded http layer).
+## Nice logs
+`@SimpleLog` annotation allows you to have one liner logs
+## @JaxrsProvider
+`@JaxrsProvider` allows you to specify on a `@Module` method the list of JAXRS provider you want to use.
+## Dependencies without hacky code
+`@Jars` allows you to add dependencies (scanned) to your application automatically (like CDI libraries):
+    @Module
+    @Classes(cdi = true, value = { C1.class, C2.class, E1.class })
+    @Jars("deltaspike-")
+    public WebApp app() {
+        return new WebApp();
+    }
+## @Default
+`@Default` automatically adds in the application `target/classes` as binaries and `src/main/webapp` as resources for maven projects.
+## @CdiExtensions
+This annotation allows you to control which extensions are activated during the test.
+## @AppResource
+This annotation allows injection of few particular test resources like:
+* the test `AppModule` (application meta)
+* the test `Context` (JNDI)
+* the test `ApplicationComposers` (underlying runner)
+* `ContextProvider`: allow to mock JAXRS contexts
+## @MockInjector
+Allows to mock EJB injections. It decorates a dedicated method returning an instance (or Class) implementing `FallbackPropertyInjector`.
+## @WebResource
+Allow for web application to add folders containing web resources.
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+# Application Composer Getting Started
+ApplicationComposer API is mainly contained in `org.apache.openejb.testing` package
+(historically, today we would have called the package `org.apache.tomee.applicationcomposer`).
+## Dependencies
+To start using ApplicationComposer you need to add some dependencies.
+The minimum required one is `openejb-core`:
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.openejb</groupId>
+      <artifactId>openejb-core</artifactId>
+      <version>${openejb.version></version>
+    </dependency>
+If you need JAXRS services you'll add (or replace thanks to transitivity of maven) `openejb-cxf-rs`:
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.openejb</groupId>
+      <artifactId>openejb-cxf-rs</artifactId>
+      <version>${openejb.version></version>
+    </dependency>
+If you need JAXWS services you'll add (or replace thanks to transitivity of maven) `openejb-cxf`:
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.openejb</groupId>
+      <artifactId>openejb-cxf</artifactId>
+      <version>${openejb.version></version>
+    </dependency>
+## ApplicationComposer Components
+### @Module
+An ApplicationComposer needs at minimum a module (the application you need to deploy).
+To do so you have two cases:
+* before TomEE 2.x: you can only write method(s) decorated with `@Module`
+* since TomEE 2.x: you can skip it and use `@Classes` directly on the ApplicationComposer class as a shortcut for:
+    @Module
+    public WebApp app() {
+        return new WebApp();
+    }
+The expected returned type of these methods are in `org.apache.openejb.jee` package:
+* `Application`: entry point to create an ear
+* `WebApp`: a web application
+* `EjbJar`: an ejb module
+* `EnterpriseBean` children: a simple EJB
+* `Persistence`: a persistence module with multiple units
+* `PersistenceUnit`: a simple unit (automatically wrapped in a `Persistence`)
+* `Connector`: a JCA connector module
+* `Beans`: a CDI module,
+* `Class[]` or `Class`: a set of classes scanned to discover annotations
+Note that for easiness `@Classes` was added to be able to describe a module and some scanned classes. For instance the
+following snippet will create a web application with classes C1, C2 as CDI beans and E1 as an EJB automatically:
+    @Module
+    @Classes(cdi = true, value = { C1.class, C2.class, E1.class })
+    public WebApp app() {
+        return new WebApp();
+    }
+### @Configuration
+Often you need to customize a bit the container or at least create some resources like test databases.
+To do so you can create a method returning `Properties` which will be the container properties.
+Note: to simplify writing properties you can use `PropertiesBuilder` util class which is just a fluent API
+to write properties.
+In these properties you can reuse OpenEJB/TomEE property syntax for resources.
+Here is a sample:
+    @Configuration
+    public Properties configuration() {
+        return new PropertiesBuilder()
+            .p("db", "new://Resource?type=DataSource")
+            .p("db.JdbcUrld", "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:test")
+            .build();
+    }
+Since TomEE 2.x you can also put properties on ApplicationComposer class using `@ContainerProperties` API:
+    @ContainerProperties({
+      @ContainerProperties.Property(name = "db", value = "new://Resource?type=DataSource"),
+      @ContainerProperties.Property(name = "db.JdbcUrl", value = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:test")
+    })
+    public class MyAppComposer() {
+      // ...
+    }
+### @Component
+Sometimes you need to customize a container component. The most common use case is the security service
+to mock a little bit authorization if you don't care in your test.
+To do so just write a method decorated with `@Component` returning the instance you desire.
+Components in TomEE are stored in a container Map and the key needs to be a `Class`. This one is deduced from the returned
+type of the `@Component` method:
+    @Component
+    public SecurityService mockSecurity() {
+        return new MySecurityService();
+    }
+## How to run it?
+### JUnit
+If you use JUnit you have mainly 2 solutions to run you "model" using the ApplicationComposer:
+* using `ApplicationComposer` runner:
+    @RunWith(ApplicationComposer.class)
+    public class MyTest {
+        // ...
+    }
+* using `ApplicationComposerRule` rule:
+    public class MyTest {
+        @Rule // or @ClassRule if you want the container/application lifecycle be bound to the class and not test methods
+        public final ApplicationComposerRule rule = new ApplicationComposerRule(this);
+    }
+Tip: since TomEE 2.x ApplicationComposerRule is decomposed in 2 rules if you need: `ContainerRule` and `DeployApplication`.
+Using JUnit `RuleChain` you can chain them to get the samebehavior as `ApplicationComposerRule` or better deploy
+multiple ApplicationComposer models and controlling their deployment ordering (to mock a remote service for instance).
+Finally just write `@Test` method using test class injections as if the test class was a managed bean!
+### TestNG
+TestNG integration is quite simple today and mainly `ApplicationComposerListener` class you can configure
+as a listener to get ApplicationComposer features.
+Finally just write TestNG `@Test` method using test class injections as if the test class was a managed bean!
+### Standalone
+Since TomEE 2.x you can also use `ApplicationComposers` to directly run you ApplicationComposer model
+as a standalone application:
+    public class MyApp {
+        public static void main(String[] args) {
+  , args);
+        }
+        // @Module, @Configuration etc...
+    }
+Tip: if `MyApp` has `@PostConstruct` methods they will be respected and if `MyApp` has a constructor taking an array
+of String it will be instantiated getting the second parameter as argument (ie you can propagate your main parameter
+to your model to modify your application depending it!)
+## JUnit Sample
+    @Classes(cdi = true, value = { MyService.class, MyOtherService.class })
+    @ContainerProperties(@ContainerProperties.Property(name = "myDb", value = "new://Resource?type=DataSource"))
+    @RunWith(ApplicationComposer.class)
+    public class MyTest {
+        @Resource(name = "myDb")
+        private DataSource ds;
+        @Inject
+        private MyService service;
+        @Test
+        public void myTest() {
+            // do test using injections
+        }
+    }
+## Going further
+If you want to learn more about ApplicationComposer see [Advanced](advanced.html) page.
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+# Application Composer History
+ApplicationComposer can look like a long story but following it you'll realize it is finally quite natural.
+## Internal tool
+TomEE (former OpenEJB) is an Application Server. One of the most important task writing an Application Server
+is to ensure the implemented features do what is expected. However it is hard to write N test applications, in N modules
+to ensure it works smoothly. In particular when you want to test a small part of the whole server.
+So you immediately think to mocking what is not needed. It works but has a big pitfall: test is often a noop or hide 
+a lot of issues.
+So the idea came to be able to shortcut the part we don't care much about runtime: the application packaging.
+Here what is the ApplicationComposer: an (originally test) API to create a EE application programmatically.
+## Designs
+ApplicationComposer design was aligned on this simple need. An ApplicationComposer "test" (browsing other pages you'll see
+it is much more than test today) is composed of mainly 2 parts:
+* modules: methods describing a module of an application. It can be a persistence.xml, an ejb-jar.xml, a web.xml...but all programmatically.
+* configuration: container configuration allowing to interact with container (creating resources for instance)
+## Test but not only
+ApplicationComposer was originally a JUnit only runner but was pretty quickly extended to TestNG too and
+today you can even use it to write `main(String[])` - even in a shade!
+API was greatly simplified and it allows you pretty easily to deploy with a simple shade a JAXRS/JAXWS/JMS service!
+## Going further
+If you want to go further you can browse:
+* [Getting Started](getting-started.html)
+* [Advanced](advanced.html)
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+# Application Composer
+Here is the subdomain dedicated to the Application Composer.
+If you don't know at all what ApplicationComposer means, [History](history.html) page
+will explain you where does it come from and what it can be used to today.
+If you are already familiar with ApplicationComposer concept and are just looking for a sample,
+[Getting Started](getting-started.html) is designed for you.
+Finally if you already use ApplicationComposer and just desire to go further, [Advanced](advanced.html)
+page is the one you need to look!
+* [History](history.html)
+* [Getting Started](getting-started.html)
+* [Advanced](advanced.html)
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+Title: Deploying An Application To TomEE Or OpenEJB
+# Deploying An Application To TomEE Or OpenEJB
+## How to deploy my application under TomEE
+### Description
+This aims to be more dynamic in the way you deploy your applications.
+It is clearly cloud oriented.
+### Webapp and TomEE deployment
+Webapp can be deployed as Tomcat does. Simply put it in webapps folder
+(or the one you configured) and start TomEE.
+### TomEE specific deployment
+By default TomEE deploys applications (ear, war, jar) contained in $CATALINA_BASE/apps
+directory at start up.
+### Deployer
+OpenEJB provides a Deployer EJB to do this task. It can be used
+in your own software looking up remotely the "openejb/DeployerBusinessRemote" EJB.
+Its interface is "org.apache.openejb.assembler.Deployer".
+The needed dependency is org.apache.openejb:openejb-core.
+Once you got your deployer simply invoke the "deploy" method. Give it the location
+of your application (can be a file, http, https, maven location depending on
+the way you configured your container, for more information
+have a look to TomEE provisionning).
+Note: the "undeploy" method exists too and take the same path.
+The Deployer is the base of all other solutions
+### Maven plugin
+[org.apache.openejb:tomee-maven-plugin](maven/index.html) can be used to deploy/undeploy your application. Once this plugin is added to your pom you have access to the following configuration:
+* tomeeHttpPort
+* tomeeHost
+Then simply run
+    mvn tomee:deploy <path>
+    mvn tomee:undeploy <path>
+#### The Deployer through TomEE Webapp
+When you start TomEE you can locally access the TomEE webapps (http://host:ip/tomee/).
+Then simply go to JNDI tree, select the deployer in the tree, then click on "invoke this ejb",
+select the deploy (or undeploy) method, fill the path and click on "invoke".
+#### Cloud idea
+If you want to cloudify your application, you'll get a configuration database (or any
+other storage system ;)).
+So it means it is easy for you to get a host and a it is easy
+to deploy on all your server using the deployer: simply use the maven provisioning
+then run the deployer on all your nodes and that's all!
+### Doing it with camel?
+If you are using a route to deploy/undeploy your applications
+you can have a look to the proposed camel-openejb component:
+* base code:
+* proposed to be added to camel:
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+Title: Application discovery via the classpath
+This document details the various ways to get OpenEJB to detect
+applications you would like deployed while in an embedded mode.
+<a name="Applicationdiscoveryviatheclasspath-Emptyejb-jar.xmlapproach(recommended)"></a>
+# Empty ejb-jar.xml approach (recommended)
+Simplify the issue of searching for annotated applications by adding an
+ejb-jar.xml like this to your app:
+    <ejb-jar/>
+OpenEJB will find the app in the classpath and deploy it along with any
+annotated beans it may contain.
+The ejb-jar.xml can contain more than just "<ejb-jar/>" as usual.
+This is the recommended approach for people using OpenEJB for unit testing
+as it allows OpenEJB to find your application in the classpath without the
+need for you to specify any path information which tends to complicate
+# Including/Excluding paths (advanced)
+If you do not like the idea of having the ejb-jar.xml in your app or an
+openejb.xml, we can search the classpath for annotated beans (@Stateless,
+@Stateful, @MessageDriven) and load them automatically just as if they
+contained an ejb-jar.xml.
+This form of searching, however, is very expensive as it involves iterating
+over every path in the classpath and reading in each class definition
+contained thereunder and checking it for annotations.
+This approach can only be made faster by helping us trim down or pinpoint
+the paths we should search via the *openejb.deployments.classpath.include*
+property which can be specified as a _system property_ or a property passed
+into the _InitialContext_.  
+The value of this property is a regular expression and therefore can be
+absolute or relative.  For example the path
+"/Users/dblevins/work/swizzle/swizzle-stream/target/classes" which contains
+the class files of an application you wish to test could be included in any
+of the following values to the "openejb.deployments.classpath.include"
+* "file:///Users/dblevins/work/swizzle/swizzle-stream/target/classes/" _(an absolute path)_
+* "file:///Users/dblevins/work/swizzle/.*" _(relative)_
+* ".\*swizzle-stream.\*" _(very relative)_
+* ".\*(swizzle-stream|swizzle-jira|acme-rocket-app).\*" _(including several paths)_
+* ".\*(swizzle-stream^|swizzle-jira^|acme-rocket-app).\*" _(including several paths with Win specific escapes)_
+Note the filtering is done on URLs in the classpath, so forward slashes
+should always be used even on OSs using backslash ("\").
+There are also the *openejb.deployments.classpath.exclude* and *openejb.exclude-include.order*
+properties if you wish to work in the opposite direction or change the processing order.
+The default values for the properties are as follows:
+      openejb.exclude-include.order=include-exclude //Defines the processing order
+	   openejb.deployments.classpath.include=""      //Include nothing
+       openejb.deployments.classpath.exclude=".*"    //Exclude everything
+The exclude and the include are applied separately and the results of each
+are combined together to create the list of paths OpenEJB will scrape for
+    *Note:* by default these settings will only affect which jars OpenEJB will
+	 scan for annotated components when no descriptor is found.  If you would
+	 like to use these settings to also filter out jars that do contain
+	 descriptors, set the *openejb.deployments.classpath.filter.descriptors*
+	 property to _true_.  The default is _false_.
+# Troubleshooting
+If the include/exclude is not being processed as you expect first try
+reversing the order to *openejb.exclude-include.order*=exclude-include
+There are a number internal filters that may result in an unexpected exclusion.
+If you're having trouble determining if the META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file for
+your ejb module is in the classpath, a little debug code like this in your
+test setup will help you see what OpenEJB sees (which may be nothing):
+    Enumeration<URL> ejbJars =
+    this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResources("META-INF/ejb-jar.xml");
+    while (ejbJars.hasMoreElements()) {
+        URL url = ejbJars.nextElement();
+        System.out.println("app = " + url);
+    }