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Posted to by Mark Phippard <> on 2007/05/01 19:15:14 UTC

Improvements to diff API and path names

dlr was working on the above issue back in March and hit a snag.
Basically, when JavaHL runs the diff API it tends to lead to absolute
path names being put in the diff output.  This is because the "current
working directory" is rarely set to the working copy when JavaHL is
involved.  The path was to allow the API to accept a base path
argument that it used to construct relative path names.

dlr hacked up a POC that used that path to run chdir() but this would
not be threadsafe.  Does anyone feel like looking at the issue and the
attached patch and trying to get it resolved prior to 1.5.  This would
be a nice usability improvement for Subclipse as absolute path names
complicate the apply patch process.

dlr is obviously busy getting merge tracking wrapped up so we can roll 1.5.


Mark Phippard

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