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Posted to by Tim Anderson <> on 2003/06/01 15:33:53 UTC

[attributes] support for multiple tags with the same name?


I'm tinkering with annotating my test cases with attributes
for reporting purposes. In particular, I want to associate
test cases with their corresponding requirements, where
each test case can be associated with one or more requirements,

  * @requirement foo.req1
  * @requirement foo.req2
 public void testFoo() {

Unfortunately, commons-attributes doesn't support multiple values
for a given tag. Now I could change the above to:

  * @requirement foo.req1, foo.req2
 public void testFoo() {

and parse the tag value, but thats getting a little ugly.

Is there any reason for multiple tag values not being supported?
If not, could AttributeFinder be expanded to add methods like:

	Attribute[] getAttributes(Class aClass, String attribute);
	Attribute[] getAttributes(Field field, String attribute);

I'm happy to submit a proposal, but thought I'd get some
feedback first.




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