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[44/50] [abbrv] incubator-predictionio git commit: Prepare 0.10.0-incubating-rc5
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-		    exch			
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-		0 
-	}{
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-		{ 
-			1
-		}{ 
-			r1 r2 eq
-			{	
-				2
-			}{ 
-				3
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-						0	
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-				{	
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-				{	
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-						calcmaxs dup	
-						r1 add dx mul dx r2 r1 sub sub div	
-						exch 1 index	
-						exch sub
-						dx r2
-						shp
-					}{	
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-						0		
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-    /t_i 0 def
-    { 
-	t_c 0 3 -1 roll put
-        currentpoint
-	t_c cply sop
-        cp_proc
-    }forall
-    /t_array 0 def
-/sop/stroke ld		
-/xsp/base_charpath ld
-/ysp{/cp_proc/y_proc ld base_charpath/cp_proc/x_proc ld}bd
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-/xymp{/sop/nop ld /cp_proc/xy_proc ld base_charpath/sop/stroke ld}bd
-findfont dup length dict copy dup
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-definefont pop
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-L3? dup dup{save exch}if
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-/xmin 0 def
-    begin
-	/nRange Range length 2 idiv store
-	/mulRange   
-	[ 
-	    0 1 nRange 1 sub
-	    { 
-		    2 mul/nDim2 xd		
-		    Range nDim2 get		
-		    Range nDim2 1 add get	
-		    1 index sub			
-		    255 div			
-		    exch			
-	    }for
-	]store
-    end
-    begin
-	nRange mul /val xd	
-	0 1 nRange 1 sub
-	{
-	    dup 2 mul/nDim2 xd 
-	    val	
-	    add DataSource exch get 
-	    mulRange nDim2 get mul 	
-	    mulRange nDim2 1 add get 
-	    add 
-	}for	
-    end
-	2 copy lt
-	{exch pop}{pop}ifelse
-	/Coords load aload pop 	
-	3 index 3 index translate	
-	3 -1 roll sub	
-	3 1 roll exch 	
-	sub				
-	2 copy
-	dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt	
-	dup
-	scale  
-	atan	
-	rotate		
-	/Function load setupFunEval	
-	clippath {pathbbox}stopped {0 0 0 0}if newpath 	
-	/ymax xs
-	/xmax xs
-	/ymin xs
-	/xmin xs
-	currentdict/Extend known
-	{
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-		{	
-			0/Function load FunEval sc	
-			xmin ymin xmin abs ymax ymin sub rectfill
-		}if
-	}if
-	/Nsteps/Function load/Size get 0 get 1 sub store
-	/dx 1 Nsteps div store
-	gsave
-		/di ymax ymin sub store
-		/Function load
-		0 1 Nsteps
-		{
-			1 index FunEval sc
-			0 ymin dx di rectfill
-			dx 0 translate
-		}for
-		pop	
-	grestore	
-	currentdict/Extend known
-	{
-		/Extend load 1 get
-		{	
-			Nsteps/Function load FunEval sc	
-			1 ymin xmax 1 sub abs ymax ymin sub rectfill
-		}if
-	}if
-	4 copy
-	dup 0 gt{
-		0 exch a1 a0 arc
-	}{
-		pop 0 moveto
-	}ifelse
-	dup 0 gt{
-		0 exch a0 a1 arcn
-	}{
-		pop 0 lineto
-	}ifelse
-	fill
-	dup 0 gt{
-		0 exch a0 a1 arc
-	}{
-		pop 0 moveto
-	}ifelse
-	dup 0 gt{
-		0 exch a1 a0 arcn
-	}{
-		pop 0 lineto
-	}ifelse
-	fill
-	xmin dup mul ymin dup mul add sqrt		
-	xmax dup mul ymin dup mul add sqrt		
-	xmin dup mul ymax dup mul add sqrt		
-	xmax dup mul ymax dup mul add sqrt		
-	max max max								
-	/Coords load aload pop 	
-	5 index 5 index translate	
-	3 -1 roll 6 -1 roll sub		
-	3 -1 roll 5 -1 roll sub		
-	2 copy dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt
-	/dx xs						
-	2 copy 0 ne exch 0 ne or
-	{
-		exch atan rotate	
-	}{
-		pop pop
-	}ifelse
-	/r2 xs
-	/r1 xs
-	/Function load 
-	dup/Size get 0 get 1 sub	
-	/Nsteps xs		
-	setupFunEval		
-	dx r2 add r1 lt{
-		0 
-	}{
-		dx r1 add r2 le
-		{ 
-			1
-		}{ 
-			r1 r2 eq
-			{	
-				2
-			}{ 
-				3
-			}ifelse		
-		}ifelse
-	}ifelse
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-	clippath {pathbbox}stopped {0 0 0 0}if 
-	newpath 	
-	/ymax xs
-	/xmax xs
-	/ymin xs
-	/xmin xs
-	dx dup mul r2 r1 sub dup mul sub dup 0 gt
-	{
-		sqrt r2 r1 sub atan
-		/a0 exch 180 exch sub store 
-		/a1 a0 neg store 
-	}{
-		pop
-		/a0 0 store
-		/a1 360 store		
-	}ifelse		
-	currentdict/Extend known
-	{
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-		{	
-			0/Function load FunEval sc	
-			{ 
-				{	
-					dx 0 r1 360 0 arcn
-					xmin ymin moveto
-					xmax ymin lineto
-					xmax ymax lineto
-					xmin ymax lineto
-					xmin ymin lineto
-					eofill		
-				}
-				{	
-					r1 0 gt{0 0 r1 0 360 arc fill}if
-				}
-				{	
-					0 r1 xmin abs r1 add neg r1 shp
-				}
-				{	
-					r2 r1 gt{	
-						0 r1
-						r1 neg r2 r1 sub div dx mul	
-						0	
-						shp	
-					}{	
-						0 r1 calcmaxs	
-						dup
-						r2 add dx mul dx r1 r2 sub sub div
-						neg				
-						exch 1 index	
-						abs exch sub
-						shp
-					}ifelse
-				} 
-			}sh3tp get exec	
-		}if
-	}if
-	/d0 0 store
-	/r0 r1 store
-	/di dx Nsteps div store
-	/ri r2 r1 sub Nsteps div store 
-	/Function load 
-	0 1 Nsteps
-	{	
-		1 index FunEval sc
-		d0 di add r0 ri add d0 r0 shp
-		{
-		d0 0 r0 a1 a0 arc
-		d0 di add 0 r0 ri add a0 a1 arcn
-		fill
-		d0 0 r0 a0 a1 arc
-		d0 di add 0 r0 ri add a1 a0 arcn
-		fill
-		}pop
-		/d0 d0 di add store
-		/r0 r0 ri add store
-	}for
-	pop	
-	currentdict/Extend known
-	{
-		/Extend load 1 get r2 0 gt and	
-		{	
-			Nsteps/Function load FunEval sc	
-			{ 
-				{
-					dx 0 r2 0 360 arc fill
-				} 
-				{
-					dx 0 r2 360 0 arcn
-					xmin ymin moveto
-					xmax ymin lineto
-					xmax ymax lineto
-					xmin ymax lineto
-					xmin ymin lineto
-					eofill		
-				} 
-				{	
-					xmax abs r1 add r1 dx r1 shp
-				}	
-				{	
-					r2 r1 gt{
-						calcmaxs dup	
-						r1 add dx mul dx r2 r1 sub sub div	
-						exch 1 index	
-						exch sub
-						dx r2
-						shp
-					}{	
-						r1 neg r2 r1 sub div dx mul	
-						0		
-						dx 		
-						r2		
-						shp
-					}ifelse
-				}
-			}			
-			sh3tp get exec	
-		}if
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-		{	
-			gsave
-				newpath
-				/ColorSpace load scs
-				currentdict/BBox known
-				{
-					/BBox load aload pop	
-					2 index sub				
-					3 index					
-					3 -1 roll exch sub 
-					exch rectclip
-				}if
-				2 eq
-				{sh2}{sh3}ifelse
-			grestore
-		}{
-			pop 
-			(DEBUG: shading type unimplemented\n)print flush
-		}ifelse
-	end
-{restore}if not dup{save exch}if
-	L3?{	
-		/sh/shfill ld
-		/csq/clipsave ld
-		/csQ/cliprestore ld
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- 1 index 1 index ge { exch pop } { pop } ifelse < 
->  dup length 1 sub 3 -1 roll mul dup dup floor cvi exch ceiling 
- cvi 3 index exch get 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll get
- dup 3 1 roll sub 3 -1 roll dup floor cvi sub mul add 255 div } bind 
-{ 1.0 0.0 3 -1 roll 1 index 1 index le { exch pop} { pop } ifelse 
- 1 index 1 index ge { exch pop } { pop } ifelse < 
->  dup length 1 sub 3 -1 roll mul dup dup floor cvi exch ceiling 
- cvi 3 index exch get 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll get
- dup 3 1 roll sub 3 -1 roll dup floor cvi sub mul add 255 div } bind 
-{ 1.0 0.0 3 -1 roll 1 index 1 index le { exch pop} { pop } ifelse 
- 1 index 1 index ge { exch pop } { pop } ifelse < 
->  dup length 1 sub 3 -1 roll mul dup dup floor cvi exch ceiling 
- cvi 3 index exch get 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll get
- dup 3 1 roll sub 3 -1 roll dup floor cvi sub mul add 255 div } bind 
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+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+// contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+// the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
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@@ -10,7 +25,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
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+  // header menu toggler
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+  // prevent image in place of table of content getting squeezed to next row
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\ No newline at end of file
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+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+// contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
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@@ -45,8 +60,8 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
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+  $('#tryit-start').on('click', function() {
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\ No newline at end of file