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Posted to by Keith Wiley <> on 2012/04/30 22:46:44 UTC

reducer not "seeing" external jars

I'm trying to use -libjars to load an external jar along with the job jar, but the reducer still fails with a ClassNotFoundException against a class from the external jar (JFreeChart).  I'm not really sure how to approach this.  It either works or it doesn't...and so far it doesn't.

Can I make the mapper or reducer dump the class path so I can see what it thinks it has access to?

Aside from exploring the issue, like investigating the classpath, etc., why might -libjars not work as expected in the first place?


Keith Wiley

"What I primarily learned in grad school is how much I *don't* know.
Consequently, I left grad school with a higher ignorance to knowledge ratio than
when I entered."
                                           --  Keith Wiley